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Pemanfaatan Aplikasi ASPIRASI Oleh Karyawan dan Pimpinan di Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia.


Academic year: 2017

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Femienov Hagia Rahimadinda, 210110100342, Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2014. Penelitian berjudul “Pemanfaatan Aplikasi ASPIRASI oleh Karyawan dan Pimpinan di Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia”. Di bawah bimbingan Dr. Agus Rahmat, M.Pd., selaku pembimbing utama dan Dra. Kokom Komariah, M.Si., selaku pembimbing pendamping.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan aplikasi ASPIRASI oleh karyawan dan pimpinan di Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data: wawancara mendalam dan observasi partisipatif.

Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah (1) Alasan karyawan dan pimpinan memanfaatkan aplikasi ASPIRASI, alasan karyawan: (a) Untuk menyampaikan keluhan, pendapat dan saran secara langsung; alasan pimpinan: (a) Memudahkan pengerjaan job desc dan tanggung jawab, (b) Memperbaiki proses komunikasi internal di Birokrasi Kemlu dan Penciptaan Good Governance. (2) Pengalaman karyawan dan pimpinan dalam memanfaatkan aplikasi ASPIRASI, pengalaman karyawan: (a) Proses mengkomunikasikan pesan kepada pimpinan (b) Penerimaan tanggapan dari pimpinan; pengalaman pimpinan: (a) Proses penyampaian tanggapan kepada karyawan, (b) Pembuatan Isi Tanggapan. Kemudian hambatan karyawan dan pimpinan dalam memanfaatkan aplikasi ASPIRASI: (a) Psikologis, (b) Teknis, (c) Penelusuran Informasi, (d) Struktural. (3) Makna aplikasi ASPIRASI bagi karyawan dan pimpinan, bagi karyawan: (a) Sebagai media komunikasi dan penyelesaian masalah,(b) Sebagai Pemangkas Birokrasi, (c) Program yang sudah mati suri, makna bagi pimpinan: (a) Sebagai sarana kontrol dalam meperbaiki layanan, (b) Sebagai media untuk menumbuhkan sense of belonging dan responsibility.



Femienov Hagia Rahimadinda, 210110100342. Departement of Public Relations, Faculty of Communications Sciences, University of Padjadjaran. The titled of the research is “The Usage of ASPIRASI application by The Employees and The Leaders in Foreign Ministry Republic of Indonesia”. Dr. Agus Rahmat , M. Pd as the main supervisor, and Dra. Kokom Komariah as an assistant.

The purposes of this research are to know the usage of ASPIRASI application by the employees and the leaders in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia. The method of the research is qualitative with case study approach. The technical aggregate of data are in-depth interview and participative observation.

The conclusion of the research are (1) The the employees’ and leaders’s reason in the usage of ASPIRASI application, the employees’ reason: (a) to tell the grievance, opinion, and suggestion, and the leaders’s reasons (a) to make job description easier, (b) to maintain the internal communication in ministry of foreign affairs RI and good governance creating. (2) the experiences of employees and leaders in the usage of ASPIRASI application, the employees’ experiences: (a) communicating process of message to the leaders, (b)accepted the answer from the leaders, the leaders’s experiences: (a) The process of delivering a message to the employees (b) making the response. Then, the obstacle the employees and leaders are, (a) pshycological, (b) technical, (c) information investigation,and (d) structural. (3) The meaning of ASPIRASI application by the employees and leaders, meaning by the employees: (a) As communication media and problem solving,(b) As a trimmer of bureaucracy,(c) As a program that have been dormant; meaning by the leaders; (a) As a tool of control to improve services, (b) As a media to fast a sense of belonging and responsibility

Suggestions of the research are (1) Secretariat general and management team of ASPIRASI application should make a complimentary media for this application, (2) make a unit of operational or standardization for the use of this application, (3) Secretariat general make a letter of decision that contains assigning leaders who served in certain position in order to answer some questions that goes to this application, (4) The Secretariat general should make a unit of work that


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