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The use of drills of tenses as supplementary activities to improve students` grammar fluency in the class X KA SMKN 2 Depok Yogyakarta


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Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education  



Bernadeta Fitri Anita Student Number: 061214128











Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education  



Bernadeta Fitri Anita Student Number: 061214128











Bernadeta Fitri Anita Student Number: 061214128

Approved by




If you think you are beaten, you are If you think you dare not, you don’t If you like to win, but think you can’t It’s almost like a cinch you won’t

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost For out in the world we find

Success begins with a fellow’s will, it’s all in state of mind

If you think you’re outclassed, you are, You’ve got to think high to rise

You’ve got to be sure of yourself Before you can win the prize

Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger or fasten man,

But sooner or later the man who wins is the man who think he can

Author Unknown

Submitted by Wrar Duncan

• No matter what people say just do the best and be consistent to finish.

This thesis I dedicated for :

My beloved parents My brothers and sisters My dearest love


I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 25 October 2010 The Writer



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Bernadeta Fitri Anita

Nomor Mahasiswa : 061214128

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Pada tanggal: 1 November 2010

Yang menyatakan


Anita, Bernadeta Fitri. 2010. The Use of Drills of Tenses as Supplementary Activities to Improve Students’ Grammar Fluency in the Class X/KA SMKN 2 Depok Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted in SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. The purpose of this CAR is to improve the learning performance of tenth grade students of Chemical Analysis in understanding the use of tenses more intensively with the learning model drills of tenses. The subjects of the research were thirty two students of Chemical Analysis class grade tenth of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. The research focused on students’ grammar fluency, interest and achievement in learning English.

The reason of conducting this CAR is about the lack of the students’ grammar fluency when learning tenses. From thirty two students being asked, all had same problem about understanding grammar and tenses. This CAR also motivated the students to be more interested in learning English, and improved the students’ achievement more than the standard score that has been set based on the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (≥ 76).

To overcome the existing problems, the researcher implemented two cycles of CAR, cycle I and cycle II. There were 4 steps which are conducted for each cycle which are planning, action, observation and reflection. In the planning the researcher made materials of drills of tenses, prepared observation and assignment sheets, assessments, tests, questionnaires and interviews. In the action the researcher implemented the drills of tenses materials. In the observation the researcher made form of checklist for checking the students’ activities, applied students’ grammar fluency record and gave additional points, and also observed the documents and files of the students. In the reflection the researcher analyzed all the data and the assessment results. For the assessment result the researcher used the data of the students’ learning mastery to know students’ achievement. To reach goal there was achievement target for the students with the average score ± 76 for the cycle I and ± 80 for the cycle II.


Anita, Bernadeta Fitri. 2010. The Use of Drills of Tenses as Supplementary Activities to improve Students’ Grammar Fluency in the Class X/KA SMKN 2 Depok Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini dilaksanakan di SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. Tujuan dari PTK ini untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas sepuluh Kimia Analisis dalam memahami penggunaan tenses secara intensif dengan model pembelajaran drills of tenses. Subjek penelitian yang terlibat adalah tiga puluh dua siswa Kimia Analisis kelas sepuluh SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. Fokus penelitian ini adalah tentang kelancaran tata bahasa, minat dan prestasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.

Alasan melaksanakan PTK ini adalah tentang kurang lancarnya tata bahasa siswa saat belajar tenses. Dari tiga puluh dua siswa yang ditanyai, semua memiliki permasalahan yang sama tentang memahami tata bahasa dan tenses. PTK ini juga memotivasi siswa untuk lebih tertarik belajar bahasa Inggris, dan meningkatkan prestasi siswa lebih dari nilai standar yang telah ditetapkan didasarkan pada Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (≥ 76).

Untuk mengatasi permasalah yang ada, peneliti menerapkan dua siklus PTK, siklus I dan siklus II. Ada 4 langkah yang dilakukan untuk setiap siklus yakni perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Dalam perencanaan peneliti membuat materi drills of tenses, mempersiapkan lembar observasi dan tugas, penilaian, tes, kuesioner dan wawancara. Dalam tindakan peneliti menerapkan materi drills of tenses. Dalam melakukan observasi peneliti membuat daftar pengecekan aktivitas siswa, menerapkan penilaian kelancaran tata bahasa bagi siswa, memberikan poin tambahan dan juga observasi dokumen dan file siswa. Di dalam merefleksi peneliti menganalisis semua data dan hasil penilaian. Untuk hasil penilaian peneliti menggunakan data penguasaan belajar untuk mengetahui prestasi siswa. Untuk mencapai tujuan ada pencapaian target untuk siswa dengan skor rata-rata ± 76 dalam siklus I dan ± 80 dalam siklus II.


I would like to thank to my Lord Jesus Christ for guiding me in every single step to finish this thesis. He gives me strength when I am weak and gives me ways when I get stuck to face many problems. Although I often forget Him and put Him away, He never leaves me alone until this time. His grace is really precious. I want to dedicate this thesis as my special gratitude for Him.

I would like also to express my sincere gratitude for those who have helped and supported me to complete this thesis. They have great contribution for me. They are:

1. Ms. Carla Sih Prabandari, my sponsor, who always gives me many corrections and suggestions from the beginning of making this thesis. Her valuable criticisms, encouragements and comments motivate me to fix many revisions for improving my thesis better.

2. Mr. Aragani Mizan Zakaria, Mr. Sriyana, Ms. Yuliana Sri Wahyundari and other teachers of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. I would like to address my deep gratitude for them for permitting and supporting me to conduct classroom action research in that school.

3. My beloved students of Chemical Analysis grade X period 2009/2010 in SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta, especially for Adnan, Herlina, Nita,

Putri, Annisa, Febrian, Aji, Alfrida, Asih, Ino, Dana, Anindya, Asti,

Anies, Euis, Anisa, Fatikha, Yoga, Mujiyanto, Ranita, Wahyu, Eni,


Saputri, for their guidance, support, caring, prayers and sincere love.

5. My beloved brothers and sisters, Mas Moko, Mbak Heni, Mas Unggul, Mbak Ayuk, for their support also to finish my study. Special thank fly to Mbak Heni for helping me to give me some notes and advices to improve my thesis. 6. My dearest love, Denny, for his supports, jokes, suggestions, personal

sharings and cares.

7. My dearest friends, especially for Adria, Zita, Ika, Yuli, Puput, Mbak Chika, Mbak Jojo, Mas Yebe, Mas Andre and others PBI students.

8. My friends, especially for Mie-mie,Cie-Cie, Oneng and others.



TITLE PAGE ... ... i


DEDICATION PAGE . ... ... iv



ABSTRACT . ... vii

ABSTRAK ... ... viii






A. Research Background ... ... 1

B. Problem Formulation .... ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... ... 5

D. Research Objectives .. ... 5

E. Research Benefits .... ... 5

F. Definition of Terms .. ... 6



2. Drills ... ... 14

3. Basic Tenses ... 17

4. Supplementary Material and Activity in English Learning ... 21

5. Curriculum of SMKN 2 Depok ... 21

B. Theoretical Framework ... 22


A. Research Method ... 25

1. Classroom Action Research (CAR) ... 25

2. Carr and Kemmis Model ... 26

3. The researcher’s Descriptive Model ... 28

B. Research Participants ... 29

C. Research Instruments ... 29

1. Checklist ... 30

2. Questionnaire ... 30

3. Interview ... 31

4. Test ... 32

D. Data Gathering Techniques ... 32

1. Planning ... 32

2. Action ... 34

3. Observation ... 34

4. Reflection ... 36



A. The result of the Research ... 44

1. Cycle I ... 44

2. Cycle II ... 50

B. Discussion ... 55


A. Conclusions ... ... 61

B. Suggestions ... 62



Appendix A CAR Permits ... 67

Appendix B Questionnaires and Interviews ... 71

Appendix C Syllabus ... 85

Appendix D Lesson Plan ... 103

Appendix E Cycle I ... 124


Table Page

Table 2.1. The Pattern of Simple Present Tense ... 18

Table 2.2. The Pattern of Simple Past Tense ... 19

Table 2.3. The Pattern of Present Continuous Tense ... 19

Table 2.4. The Pattern of Present Perfect Tense ... 20

Table 2.5. The Pattern of Present Future Tense ... 21

Table 3.1. Questionnaire Lattice Students’ Learning Interest ... 37

Table 4.1. The Goals Achievement in Cycle I ... 48



This chapter provides information regarding to the activity of the students

of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta in the novice level specifically for the

students of Kimia Analisis (Chemical Analysis) in grade X. It is also included the

background of the problems for the action research in class activity, the

identification of the problems, problem limitations, problem formulations,

research objectives, and research benefits and also definition of the terms based on

the subjects being focused.

A. Research Background

SMKN 2 Depok Sleman has been set as one of the schools that have

“International Based Standard from International Organization for

Standardization” (ISO) 9001: 2008. This standard is in accordance with the

mission of the school which is based on the Curriculum of SMKN 2 Depok to

improve the quality and credibility of the school, every teacher is obligated to

develop the students’ potential and abilities under the consideration of educational


The goals of National Education are to develop and build the character and culture of dignity in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation, which aims to develop learners’ potential to become a man of faith and duty to God Almighty, noble, good, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. (National Education Ministry, 2010)

Those are the school quality guidelines that must be obeyed and adhered by the


The school implements curriculum of 2008 as usually known as

‘Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) which is called KTSP Spektrum

edisi 2008’. This curriculum is combination of ‘Kurikulum edisi 2004 and

Kurikulum SMKN 2 Depok Sleman’. Related to this Curriculum of SMKN 2

Depok Sleman, in particularly about English Adaptive Syllabus for novice,

intermediate and advance levels are adapted from the English materials New

Interchange Book 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 for class X, XI and XII. This book is the main

reference for the teacher when doing teaching-learning activity in class.

The researcher chooses to conduct the research for the sudents of chemical

analysis class X. Because the students learn more intensively about analysis of

numerical, forms of chemical and arithmetical, their skills are about how to

stimulate and sharp their mind. That is why the students are less-motivated to be

able to practice their speaking skills.

The tenth grade students in the second semester, in particularly, class of

Chemical Analysis (X/KA) also implemented the material which used New

Interchange Book 2. When students study the subject of the book materials, they

are more focused on the activities of each subtopic from the book. The students

are directed to have communicative speaking and active reading from dialogue or

passage rather than to learn the grammar and tenses. Whereas, tenses fluency is

important for the students to:

1. improve and balance four basic skills ( not only writing and reading but also

speaking and listening);


Based on observations that had been carried out on Wednesday, February

3, 2010, during the activities in the class of KA the teacher trained the students

using the media textbooks, New Interchange 2: English for International

Communication and Work Book II. Those books are as the main source of

learning. All learning activities have been determined in accordance with the

textbook. Variations of learning as additional materials or even authentic material

is rarely used because considering the time allocation for learning the new

material will not reach the target on time.

The time allocation of teaching in Chemical Analysis class is just 2x45

minutes or 90 minutes. When the observation of the class was done, the students

learnt the material lesson from the book focuses on each activity of each unit. The

students worked each exercise of each unit on the students’ work book. To short

the time and to handle the loosing materials from each meeting, one unit of each

chapter was divided into two meetings per week. This is an example of the case

that is faced in the classroom. The basic tenses were learned in scanty

explanation. The causes were the less time allocation of teaching and the material

presented insufficient to make the students do not understand or do not know

about what tenses were in general formula.

A few students said that some of the materials presented were difficult and

some were confusing. Because teaching models were monotonous and less

variety, the students were less-motivated and lower enthusiasm for learning.

These problems need to solve because this would affect the decrease in scoring of


remedial test based on Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM) with the standard

score approximately 76 points as the lower one. This scoring standard (± 76

points) is made related to the curriculum being set.

To overcome the problems, the researcher does a “Classroom Action

Research (CAR) to have the learning management through a new approach to the

learning methods”. A form of manifestation of this CAR is necessary to hold the

implementation of new learning methods for the students in the Chemical

Analysis class.

Using method of drills when learning tenses is called drills of tenses. This

is as an additional activity conducted after finishing learning a subject per unit.

The students will be able to be better on grammar usage and tenses fluency. Drills

of tenses is able to encourage students to become more active in the class. It is

also to increase students’ learning interest for self-learning and to be as a

supplementary material other than the book package. The drills of tenses can

improve the students’ vocabulary and grammar and train the students to be

fluently in speaking and listening (major skills) and also writing and reading


B. Problem Formulation

From the explanation above, so that the formulation of the problem is as


1. How does the researcher conduct the method drills of tenses in the teaching


2. How effective are these drills of tenses to improve grammar fluency of the

students of chemical analysis class?

C. Problem Limitation

Based on the research background and the identification of the problem

above, the limitiation of this CAR is about the difficulties of the students to

understand the basic tenses such as Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense,

Simple Future Tense, Present Continuous Tense and Present Perfect Tense, and

combined with their uses, especially about the formula or form, the verb that is

combined whether it is present or past participles form ( VI, VII, and VIII ) the

sentences that are arranged, and specific of the time reference that are suggested

for each tenses. This research is implemented only in Chemical Analysis class

grade X SMKN 2 Depok and held in the periode of March to May 2009/2010.

D. Research Objective

The purpose of this CAR is to improve tenses and grammar fluency,

interest and learning achievement of tenth grade students of Chemical Analysis

when learning the use of tenses more intensively with the learning model drills of


E. Research Benefits

The results of this study will be useful especially for the teachers who have

difficulty for teaching English tenses and grammar, for the students who need to

improve grammar fluency, and for the future researcher who wants to conduct the

research on grammar and tenses. The specific benefits of this research for them


1. For the English Teachers

The research helps the English teachers to identify existing problems in

the classroom, as well as to find solutions of problems. This research

also can be used as a supplementary learning method for the following semester.

The teacher can also train new innovative of teaching learning method by using

drills of tenses.

2. For the Students

By conducting this research the students get more additional learning

activities. It can increase the interest of learning English, improve self-learning of

the material, raise the participation in the class and improve grammar fluency on

basic tenses. This research helps the students to add the reference of the English

material other than the main source of learning, New Interchange Book.

3. For the Future Researcher

The future researcher plays a part when training self-experience of teaching

learning activity in the class by implementing this research as a reference.

Besides, by using this thesis as the reference the researcher can also fulfil the

requirement of Thesis to obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English

Language Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Drills

Drill is one of the English learning methods that train agility and high skills


pronunciation and memorization of words or sentences or even a specific formula

time after time.

Drilling is a technique that has been used in foreign language classrooms for many years. It was a key feature of audio lingual approaches to language teaching which placed emphasis on repeating structural patterns through oral practice ( BBC for English Teacher, 2004).

The period of drill can be done in the long term or short term depending on

students’ skills in understanding the basic notions when the drill took place. The

principle underlying these drills is that provided a students repeats correct

language forms often enough he will tend to drop his faulty linguistic habits

(Palmer & Mendelssohn, 1973: v).

2. Tenses

Tense is a grammatical structure in English in the form of time differences

for the base of the pronunciation and writing in daily life. According to the Oxford

Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000: 1393), tense is any of the form of a verb

that may be used to show the time of the action or state expressed by the verb: the

past/present/future tense. Tenses are divided into three parts: past, present (now),

and the future. Each section has a formula and time references differently. Each

section also requires intensive memorization to distinguish events related to the



The priority of the research is about five basic tenses: simple past tense,

present: simple present tense, present perfect tense and present continuous tense,

and future: present future tense.

3. Drills of Tenses

Tenses Drill is a combination method of teaching using drill as the training

and the tenses as the sources of learning. ‘All drills are so drawn up that the

students must repeat sentences in their entirety. This insistence on the repetition of

a sentences as a whole is designed to train the students to use correct sentences

form’ (Palmer & Mendelssohn 1973: v). The main target of agility and skill to

train students in understanding both the formula of tenses, verbs, sentences, and

even its use in specific time.

It will also be noticed that different drills aim to practice different aspect of a tense. For some of the tenses there are initial drills consisting of questions and answers relating to actions performed in the classroom; the purpose of these is to demonstrate more clearly the fundamental use and meaning of particular tense.Other drills aim to practice the forms of a tense (e.g. Question and Negative forms) or the pronunciation of particular forms (e.g. the 3rd Person singular –s, -es, or the –d, -ed of the Past Tense) (Shoebridge & Giggins 1979: xiv).

Drills of tenses focus on training students’ skills in accurately, accuracy and

fluency to construct words and grammar used correctly. The teacher should insist

on accuracy in the students’ responses, but at the same time these must be as

fluent and natural as possible (Shoebridge & Giggins 1979: xiv).

4. Supplementary Activities

Supplementary activities refer to the additional learning activities provided

to students in a certain time as when one unit subject completed, one additional


Dictionary (2000: 1359 & 13) , supplementary means ‘ provided in addition to

something else in order to improve or complete it’ and activity means ‘ a thing

that you do for interest or pleasure, or in order to achieve a particular aim’. This

activity is intended to increase students’ enthusiasm and interest in learning,

especially about the elusive material for students. This additional activity is as a

complement to enhance and improve students’ skills and ability to gain more

detailed information and direction.

5. Grammar Fluency

Grammar is the basic form of the acquisition and compilation of English.

Grammar is the starting point of formation and meaning of language which is

intended to train memorization and language fluency. Based on the article An

English Grammar (Baskervill & Sewell: 1896), grammar is eminently a means of

mental training; and while it will train the student in subtle and acute reasoning, it

will at the same time, if rightly presented, lay the foundation of a keen observation

and a correct literary taste. The continued contact with the highest thoughts of the

best minds will create a thirst for the "well of English undefiled".

Based on book Fluent English, fluent English is the ideal course for

developing native-like fluency in English. It focuses on the essentials—idiomatic

expressions, phrasal verbs, practical vocabulary expansion, and grammar usage in

context—and builds listening comprehension as well as pronunciation and

intonation skills. The conclusion of grammar fluency is about the developing of

grammar usage to build the skills of listening comprehension and voluble


6. SMKN 2 Depok Sleman

SMKN 2 Depok Sleman is a vocational high school that has been built in

June 29, 1972. The location of this school is in Jl. Pembangunan, Mrican,

Caturtunggal, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. The school has

8 major techniques and skills, such as building, electronic, electricity, engine,

automotive, chemical, geological mine, and IT (Informatics Technology). This

school has divided into two sub skills classes, theoretical and practical. The

theoretical class is class for learning theories to improve basic skills meanwhile

the practical class is the class for having practical work in lab. The school also has

cooperated with some local and national industries and being pioneered by

international industry to support International Standardized School. This school is

the object of the research because the school has requirement of implementing the



This chapter discusses about the specific theories related to the research

about the Classroom Action Research (CAR). Assumptions, ideas and opinions

from some experts support the compilation theories of the action research in the

form of theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section describes the specific theories which are relevant with the

research. The research study is not only about the theories of grammar fluency

and material designed but also about the theories of the research model.

1. Drills of Tenses

a. Definition of Drills of Tenses

Drills of tenses is a combination method of teaching using drills as the

training and the tenses as the sources which is the major focus of the material and

skill to train students in understanding both the formula of tenses, verbs, sentences

and even its usage in specific time references. This drills of tenses is as additional

learning in which the students practice tenses grammar spontaneously with the


Drill is a method of teaching technique used for practicing sound or sentence partners concerned with the fixation of specific association for automatic recall. The final goal is a more or less effortless exchange of ideas in real – life conversation. The “Drill” is here refers to the “Response drill” in teaching grammar. ( Silampari, 2009)

b. The roles of Drills of Tenses


definitions, and time references. It also classifies the tenses into certain major

points and categorizes the patterns into each table of tenses. The drills of tenses

are used when the students have already learned the general forms of basic tenses

based on the material syllabus.

The teacher is also as an instructor of these drills of tenses when the

students need the instruction for the drills, the teacher gives some examples and

practices the grammar tenses.

We should like to emphasise that our purpose in preparing these drills is not primarily to teach English to foreign students, but rather to correct the mistakes that are apt to be made irrespective of the particular method of

teaching used (Mendelssohn & Palmer 1973: vii).

1) Drills of tenses as additional activities

This drill of tenses is also as additional activities for the students to review

all the basic tenses that they have studied. According to the Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary (2000: 14 & 12), additional means added or extra and

activity means a specific thing or things done; an action or occupation. It means

that additional activities support the main learning activities by giving authentic

material lesson.

The drills of tenses are as an additional activity related to the tenses and

usually conducted after one subject or topic of the lesson per unit. This drills of

tenses is appropriate fixed with the time allocation of the class.


According to Julie Tice on BBC British Council for Teaching English

2004, the drills of tenses can be useful for the students. The drills can:

a) Provide for a focus on accuracy. The increase in accuracy (along with the

increase in fluency and complexity) is one of the ways in which a learner's

language improves so there is a need to focus on accuracy at certain stages of

the lesson or during certain task types.

b) Provide the students with intensive practice in hearing and saying particular

words or phrases. The drills can help the students to make tongues around

difficult sounds or help them imitate intonation that may be rather different

from that of their first language.

c) Provide a safe environment for the students to experiment with producing the

language. This will help build confidence particularly among learners who are

not risk-takers. Besides, it helps students notice the correct form or

pronunciation of a word or phrase. Noticing or consciousness rising of

language is an important stage in developing language competence.

d) Provide an opportunity for learners to get immediate feedback on their

accuracy in terms of teacher or pair correction. Many learners want to be


e) Meet student expectations i.e. they may think drilling is an essential feature of

language classrooms.

For the teacher these drills of tenses can help ‘in terms of classroom


of form or pronunciation’ (Julie BBC, 2004).

2. Drills

a. Drilling in Teaching

Drilling is a technique that was introduced based on Audio-lingual Method

This drill emphasizes on repetition practices of certain language. This drill is kind

of technique that is used for getting closer to the students responses. ‘It is a key

feature of audio-lingual approaches to language teaching which placed emphasis

on repeating structural patterns through oral practice’ (TE Editor BBC, 2004). It is

employed especially in learning grammar fluency in class performance and


Drill is a method of teaching technique used for practicing sound or sentence partners concerned with the fixation of specific association for automatic recall. The final goal is a more or less effortless exchange of ideas in real life conversation. Drill here refers to Response Drill in teaching grammar. (Cendrawasih Silampari, 2009)

The main purpose of this drilling is about memorization. The students are

tried to be focused into certain subject lesson repeated regularly to give stimulus

to the brain power and adding capacity. It will change the drilling result from

short-term memory into long-term memory.


foreign language in the class. Drilling has relation with the models, such as

teacher, video tape or recorder, and audio visual or pictures. The model is also as

the main component for helping the students to practice frequently and regularly

through the lesson. This drill helps the students to learn new vocabulary by

repeating phrases, words, sentences, or even tenses forms.

b. Types of Drills

There are many kinds of drills that the teacher usually conducts for the

class activity, such as ‘repetition drill, substitution drill, chain drill, choral drill,

question and answer drill, transformation drill and translation drill’ (T.C. Baruah,

1991). In the classroom activity there are three common drills that is usually

conducted .i.e. repetition drill, substitution drill and transformation drill. Each

drill has different approaches and has different objects being focused. The explicit

information is made clear in several points below.

a) Repetition Drill

‘Repetition drill is simplest drill used in learning language patterns. It is

used as the beginning of the class. This may be used for the presentation of new

vocabulary and will be useful for pronunciation class’ (Silampari, 2009).

Repetition drill is common-used by the teacher for introducing new vocabulary

and meaning. It can be in phrases, words and sentences for example:

Teacher : I study in the morning.

Students : I study in the morning.

Teacher : I study in the afternoon.

Students : I study in the afternoon.


three times. The point of this drilling is about spelling the word correctly.

b) Substitution Drill

This drill has same role as repetition drill, but it can be used to practice

different structures or vocabularies and substitute or change some words. This

drill is called substitution drill. This drill trains the students to recognize new

structure from the sentences that is given by the teacher.

A substitution drill is a classroom technique used to practice new language. It involves the teacher first modelling a word or a sentence and the learners repeating it. The teacher then substitutes one or more key words, or changes the prompt, and the learners say the new structure. (Julie BBC, 2010).

The drill focuses on the students self-learning by identifying and adding

appropriate words into correct structure. The following sequences are example

sentences of substitution drill by T.C. Baruah :

T : (showing picture of cat.) This is a cat.

P : That is a cat.

T : (showing picture of dog. )

P : That is a dog, etc.

T : His father is a doctor.

P : His father is a doctor.

T : uncle, teacher

P : His uncle is a teacher.

T : sister, doctor

P : His sister is a doctor,etc.

c) Transformation Drill

Transformation drill is a drill that usually used by the teacher to

single substitution


sentences from negative to positive, from positive to interrogative, or from simple

present tense to simple past tense depending on the instruction from the teacher’

(Silampari,2009). The example of this drill is:

Teacher : The book is new. (Positive sentence)

Students : Is the book new? (Interrogative sentence)

Teacher : We are in the class.

Students : Are we in the class ?

Each drill can be conducted chorally or in whole of the class, in groups, or

even individuals. The role of the teacher is selecting the appropriate drilling for

teaching the grammar and improving the students’ grammar. By combining the

strategy of teaching the teacher applies the appropriate type of drilling to hit the

target of the subject material. The use of this drills depend on the learning

materials that is implemented.

3. Basic Tenses

Tenses are grammatical structures in English in the form of time

differences for the base of the pronunciation and writing in daily life. These tenses

are as the base term for learning English for students in the school as second

language. The timing references that should be known are about three specific

timing such as present tense ( now), past tense( last event), and future tense ( next



they can still talk about time, using different methods. (English Club,1997)

a. Simple Present Tense

The first basic tense is simple present tense. This tense is a basic

grammatical pattern that usually and always happens now or in the present

situation. It can be an event or action. Based on the book Understanding and

Using English Grammar, time references that are often used are such as usually,

always, everyday, and seldom . This tense has special formation for affirmative

(positive), negative and interrogative statements and also uses basic form of the

verbs. The specific pattern is as following:

Table 2.1 The Pattern of Simple Present Tense


Simple past tense focuses on event that happened in the past or action


table for irregular verbs. Past tense also has specific time reference to recognize

likes in..., yesterday, last..., and ...ago. The pattern usually used is:

Table 2.2. The Pattern of Simple Past Tense


c. Present Continuous Tense

This tense is also part of present tense, but it indicates an action doing now

and continuously still in progress. Continuous tense also has several time

references to mark the formation, such as now, right now, at present, at the

moment, etc. The special form of this tense is about the use of Ving in every

sentence. The complete form of this tense is:

Table 2.3. The Pattern of Present Continuous Tense


right now ?

d. Present Perfect Tense

This tense also happens in the present situation, but the time more

specifically indicates the action that begins in the past and continues into the

present. The patter of this tense is helped by word have or has + past participle

form of the verbs. The time references that usually used are for, since, once,

before, after, etc. There is the form of the sentences of this tense as following:

Table 2.4. The Pattern of Present Perfect Tense


e. Present Future Tense

Future tense is about prediction or planning that focuses on the activity or

action will happen in the future event. This tense combines word will and basic

form of the verbs. The time references that usually indicate this tense are

tomorrow, next..., and ...later. For the complete information of combining the



Positive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)

She, He, It ,They, We, I , You + Will + V1 ...

e.g. We will spend our vacation in Bali next semester.[regular]

The boy will be here next Monday .[irregular]

She, He, It ,They, We, I ,You + Will + V1 ...

e.g. We will not spend our vacation in Bali next semester. vacation in Bali next semester ?

Will the boy be here next Monday?

4. Supplementary Material and Activity in English Learning

When conducting teory of English learning in the class, the teacher should

add many references,such as dictionaries, books, articles and newspapers. This is

the core of the teacher’s strategy when conducting the English materials to the

students. It is also when the teacher makes a supplementary activity for supporting

supplementary material, the teacher must be:

- Managing the time allocation for learning the additional activity (when);

- Creating appropriate activity to explain clearly about the specific materials

(how) and

- Knowing the purposes,the uses and the functions of the additional activities

for showing the students’ progression (why).

5. Curriculum of SMKN 2 Depok

‘Curriculum is the number of subjects at school or in collage course that

must be taken to become a diploma’ (Nasution, 2003). Curriculum can also be

viewed as things that are expected to learn by the students, in the forms of


curriculum KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) Spektrum for

vocational high school. It has been enacted since 2008. SMKN 2 Depok

programmed this standard based curriculum as reference and guidance for the

implementation of education system to develop the various aspects of education.

Related to the quality of the educational school, SMKN 2 Depok has been using

this system until now.

This standard based curriculum is different from the other of the high

school level, because the learning materials and the lessons are more focused on

skills for working. The implementation of KTSP Spektrum of SMKN 2 Depok is

combined with Curriculum edition 2004 and Curriculum of SMKN 2 Depok

Sleman,with model approaches:

1. BBC (Broad-Based Curriculum)

2. CBT (Competency Based Training)

3. Mastery Learning

4. Life Skills ( Doc. ISO 9001:2008, SMKN 2 Depok Sleman)

B. Theoretical Framework

English subject is theoretical learning that most of the materials are related

to the tenses and its forms. In the study that conducted by the teacher in class

X/KA SMKN 2 Depok, the teacher puts a summary of material from New

Interchange Book as a medium of learning and not using other media.

Because of the lack of grammar use makes the students low interest and


quiz and test in the second semester.

Therefore, the teacher is required to consider how to find a way of solving

problems related to the students’ problems. One of the solution is that the teacher

needs to add additional activities which concern about difficult material such as

tenses. It means that the teacher also makes supplementary materials that are more

easily to learn. If the teacher in the class learning activities increase the additional

of relevant materials in accordance with the students’ problems, the students will

not get bored and the materials presented will help to improve their academic


One way to overcome the problems the researcher makes the method drills

of tenses. This drills of tenses compile five tenses as the materials and three drills.

The benefit of this method is that the form of table and list can be easily to

memorize. In addition, the use of drills of tenses can stimulate students’ fluency in

English grammar, students’ interest, and students’ achievement in the classroom


In this research there are two cycles of action research will be conducted

which are cycle I and cycle II. The reason of implementing this cycles is to see the

development of research weather it is helpful or not. It can be seen from the

progression of the students whether they are more understanding or not. It is also

to complete the validity of the data whether it is successful or not.

The indicators for improving the grammar fluency of the students in this


quesstionnaire sheets and interviewing the students. The expection of the everage

score of the class is more than the standard KKM 76 points in the cycle I and

more than 80 points in the cycle II.

Based on the explanation above, the purpose of doing classroom action

research in the class X/ Chemical Analysis students of SMKN 2 Depok is about

improving grammar fluency of the students by using drills of tenses as a new

method of learning.



This chapter presents the method and the analysis of the research. The

method uses classroom action research (CAR) and the analysis of CAR compiles

with the response of the students in the instruments. All the components of the

research comprises into research method, research participants, research

instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique and research


A. Research Method

1. Classroom Action Research ( CAR)

The researcher which is also as the teacher involves in the teaching

learning activity in the class. The researcher chooses this classroom action

reserach (CAR) based on the teaching-learning experience in that class for almost

one semester. The researcher also as the teacher conducts this CAR for solving

students’ problems related to the material of learning. The researcher researches

all of the students in the class to make a better treatment.

CAR is a kind of research that is done by the teacher for improving the

quality of learning process in the class. This action research helps the teachers to

solve some problems related to the scope in area of the class. This research

focuses on the activity, performance, methodology, media and improvement.

The purpose of CAR is to fix and to upgrade the quality of profession



outcome. Beside, CAR is also to develop and train the teacher competent, to raise

the relevancy, to improve instructional management efficiency and to grow the

research practice for the teacher communities. ‘Classroom Action Research is a

study that is done for self-improvement, self-experience, that is conduced

systematically, planned, and self-correction through introspection’ (Kemmis and

Mc. Taggart,1988).

Classroom action research is about how to make a treatment for the

respondents or the students and feel the result of that treatment. This treatment

should be useful for the focused subjects and really brings to the change

continuously to be better. ‘Action research is the way groups of people can

organize the conditions under which they can learn from their own experiences

and make their experience accessible to others’ (Kemmis and Mc. Taggart, 1982).

Noffke and Zeichner (1987) make several claims for action research with a

teacher, which are: bring about changes in their definitions of their professional

skills and roles; increases their feelings of self-worth and confidence; increases

their awareness of classroom issues; improves their dispositions toward reflection;

changes their values and beliefs; improves the congruence between practical

theories and practices; broadens their views on teaching, schooling and society.

2. Carr and Kemmis Model

The model being used in this classroom action research is Carr and

Kemmis model. Carr and Kemmis (1986:162), regard ‘it as a form of

‘self-reflective inquiry’ by participants undertaken in order to improve understanding



model is actually appropriate to be used because the model provides simple cycle.

The teacher will be easier to follow the steps of each cycle. In other word, this

research has specific cycles as below:

Figure 3.1. Cycle of research, Kolb (1984) adapted Carr & Kemmis (1986), Fig1

The preferred model of this research is expected to help students develop their

ability to be better in the process of teaching learning activities in class.

Classroom Action Research (CAR) draws as a dynamical process which includes 4 basic aspects: planning, action, observation, and reflection. These aspects are serially steps in one cycle or the next cycle. The root of the CAR implementation is described into spiral action (Hopkins,1993).

This model describes the same aspects and steps as following:

A. Step 1 : Planning, drafting an outline of action that explain about what, why,

when, who and how the action research can be implemented.

B. Step 2 : Acting, is about applying the plan into the target using action research.



D. Step 4 : Reflecting, or reflection that is an activity to restate the research action

that has been done.

3. The Researcher’s Descriptive Model

There are some steps that are usually being conducted for classroom action

research such as planning, action, observation and reflection. These steps are also

under the head of Carr and Kemmis model. In order to make the explanation

clearer, the researcher also made a descriptive model of CAR based on Carr and

Kemmis model. The researcher created description of each step simpler by

making clear arrows from first step to the next one. The major difference of this

descriptive model rather than the other is about every new revised plan will

become the next cycle.

Figure 3.2. Cycle of Researcher’s Descriptive Model

Cycle I :

Cycle II :

B. Research Participants

There are some participants that participate in this action research, they


1st PLAN





1. The main participants of this action research were the 10th grade students of

Chemical Analysis SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. The members of the

Chemical Analysis class were 32 students, 28 students were girls and 4

students were boys. The general topic was English. The subtopics were about

tenses and grammar focused on drills of tenses for students of Semester II in

the year 2009/2010.

2. The second was English teacher of class X/KA of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman

Yogyakarta. By interviewing the teacher, the researcher wanted to collect

some information related to the activities of the students in the class, the

situation of the class performance, the materials and the students’


C. Research Instruments

The research instruments being used were checklists, questionnaires,

interviews and tests. For checklist, the researcher checked the students’ activities

in the class when classroom action research conducted. For the questionnaire, the

researcher distributed the questionnaires for thirty two students. The researcher

conducted interview for the English teacher related the characteristics of the

students of X/KA. The researcher also interviewed eight students about the

conducting materials. For the tests of drills of tenses they conducted after the

material being learned to see the progress and achievement of all of the students.

1. Checklists

These checklists are the researcher’s data instrument that was made for



research. These checklists contained about lists of goals and also the specific

activities that had been done by the students in the class. The researcher

developed the checklist into table form based on the observation result. The table

contained of list of goals, the list of goals weather conducted or not by the

students and the specific explanation of each goal.

The aims of the checklist are about checking the activities of the students

when learning the drills of tenses and the supplementary materials and reporting

the implementation. The expectations from these checklists were to see the

improvement of the implemented research along the process from beginning till

the end.

2. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is one kind of ‘data instruments in the form of written

questions used to obtain information from respondents in terms of personal

reports, or the other things’ view’ (Arikunto, 2002:131). The questionnaire being

used is model of likert scale. Because the respondents are the students, more than

once the questionnaires were copied and distributed.

The researcher developed the questionnaires into semi-structured one. The

types of the questionnaires used were combination of rating scales as model of

likert scale which is close-ended questions and open-ended questions. There were

25 questions of rating scales and 2 open-ended questions. Questionnaire

techniques carried out with a list of written questions. The reasons of distributed



respondents, the benefits of learning drills of tenses for the students, and to find

out the students’ interest in learning drills of tenses.

3. Interviews

An interview is “a model of gathering information in the form of written

or recorded to know the specific situation in the classroom from the perspective of

others” (Wiriatmojo 2005: 117). Interviews were conducted to supplement the

data that were not accessible by observation and questionnaire. The first

interviewer was the teacher and the second interviewers were the students. The

teacher was asked 8 questions related to the students. Besides, the students were

asked 5 questions related to the research being conducted .

a. The teacher

The first purpose is for completing the supporting data e.g. the teacher’s

documents about the specific class, the teacher’s strategies and methods, the class

management, the materials, the facilities, the media, the teacher’s opinions about

the students’ characteristics, the students’ achievements, the students’

participation, the students’ needs and interests. The second purpose is for digging

the information concerning about the facing problem in the class.

b. The students

The interview gathered the information about students’ opinions, interests,

and wants related to English learning. It is also to find out how students’



4. Tests

There were two kind of tests conducted related to the classroom research,

that were written and oral test. The written test focused on the students’ grammar

fluency in reading and writing skills. The oral test focused on oral activity, such as

pronunciation and spelling the words which means for improving the students’

grammar fluency in speaking and listening skills. The form of the test is supported

in the appendix E, page 116-120 and the appendix F, page 126-132. The uses of

these tests are to:

- know level of understanding about drills of tenses

- measure the students’ progressions and level of achievements

D. Data Gathering Technique

Based on the research that has been done, the specific data classified into

four steps of the classroom action research as follow:

1. Planning

This step the researcher prepared all the supporting data, such as the

material of drills of tenses for the meetings, lesson plan for the material and

activities, contents of the observation checklist, interviews’ questions and forms,

the statements of questionnaire and its forms and also the forms and the type of

the tests. All of this data had been planned on February 23, 2010. There were

some specific data being completed which are:

a. Primary data

Primary data were data obtained directly from the participants, which



direct observation in the classrooms, the classroom management, the interview

with the students, the questionnaires and observation documents (student book).

a) Questionnaires

These questionnaires conducted when the first and second cycles of CAR

implemented. It was held on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 and the second cycle was on

Tuesday, 27 April 2010. The questionnaires distributed to the students in the form

of Indonesian language, because many of the students could not understand the

whole statement in English. The questionnaires made in the form of Indonesian

version because it was to gain more understanding for important points and to

save the time allocation. The forms of the questionnaires are attached in the

appendix B, page 68-72.

b) Interviews

The other instrument being used was interview with the teacher. The type of

this instrument was informal conversation interview. The first interview was done

in the first day when coming to the school held on February 3, 2010. The

researcher asked the teacher about characteristic of the students and class

management to the teacher. The researcher collected some information about the

students’ attendance, the students’ achievement, the materials, the syllabus and all

related to the teacher’s task and duty.

The purpose of this interview was to compile the report of the students, to

identify the major problem of the class and to evaluate of teachers’ strategy. Some

questions being prepared in direct situation still noted in the document of the



the progress of the students, the researcher also interviewed 8 students after

conducting the first and the second cycle on Tuesday, 4May 2010. The specific

questions of the interview were attached in the appendix B, page 77- 79.

b. Secondary data

Secondary data is data that can be collected from the other side. The data

obtained by copying the data from the teacher such as numbers of the students,

curriculum, daily students’ results, participation or attendance lists, and the

students’ completion of tasks or achievement.

2. Action

The action of this research was the implementation of the planning about the

technique of drills of tenses. The action also conducted the materials about five

basic tenses. The teacher implemented the materials by using the technique to

deliver the focusing activities. The specific explanation of the action expained in

the data analysis technique in cycle I and cycle II.

3. Observation

The first step was to collect data about the students and the teacher in the

situation of the class. The first observation was held on Wednesday, February 3,

2010.This observation was conducted to know the major characteristic of the

students and their problems. The researcher used some checklist for the

observation form made in table.

The second and the third observation conducted when the first and the

second cycle implemented on Tuesday, 30 March 2010 and 20 April 2010. There



the class. The researcher compiled some elements of statements for the teacher,

such as the preparation, strategy, method, approach, task, and last performance.

Meanwhile, the observed statements for the students were the readiness,

cooperation, response, note-taking, and students’ assignment. The specific

elements are explained in the table of the appendix E, page 114-115 and appendix

F, page 124-125.

a. Test

These tests conducted twice when the first and the second of CAR

implemented. For written test, the type of the test used was multiple choice

questions and dichotomous questions. The first written test held on Tuesday, 6

April 2010. There were 25 questions multiple choices and 10 questions were

dichotomous questions.

The result of the test was compared to see the improving result with the

second written test which held on Tuesday, 27 April 2010. The second written test

was consisted of 30 questions with 10 filling the blank in the sentences, 5

questions multiple choices, 10 questions filling the blank dialogue, and 5

questions random sentences.

The oral test also conducted twice when the implementation of two cycles

on Tuesday, 30 March 2010 and 20 April 2010. The second oral test was

conducted by giving additional points to the students to reach the target of

achievement. The questions for the first and second oral test related with speaking

the regular/irregular verbs, tenses sentences and structures spontaneously with 15



4. Reflection

In this step, the researcher reflected all the data supported to see the

effectiveness of drills of tenses for students of Chemical Analysis Class X. This

was the last step of the cycle as reflection of the result. The result of the research

would be completed with supporting data being compiled.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The data of student grammar fluency in the use of drills of tenses was

measured by using grammar fluency record. In this record the students would be

asked 15 oral questions. It was to see their progress or development for the use of

drills of tenses in the class activities. There were two records would be conducted

after the cycle I and cycle II.

The learning interest of the students was measured by collecting the

perception of the 32 respondents using questionnaires with 25 questions and with

5 responses. The questionnaire used to use open-ended questions, where the

respondents chose from the available answers and the last wrote down the

personal statements. The answers that were obtained from the questionnaire were

numerical. This was the model of Likert scale using close-ended questions.

While to know the effectiveness of the method was measured by using 2

written questions for the open questions. It is added in the last part. The

questionnaire is given twice after first and second cycle conducted.

Another way to know the students’ interest was by doing interview

personally. There were 8 students being interviewed. They were interviewed after



response during the use of drills using the tenses and suggestion for the next


Variable of the students’ interest for learning drills of tenses in the

questionnaire was measured using a 5 categories to questions where a positive

(supportive) response score to the category of strongly agree = 5, agree = 4,

neither agree or disagree= 3, disagree = 2, and strongly disagree = 1. Otherwise,

for a negative question (not supported) had some answers to the categories scores

strongly agree = 1, disagree = 2, neither agree or disagree=3, disagree=4, and

strongly disagree = 5.

Regarding to the indicators and item number of questions on the

questionnaire could be seen in the table below:

Table 3.1. Questionnaire Lattice of the Students’ Learning Activities


Activity of students in the class

/ student participation 5, 9,11 16

4. Students’ motivation 3, 19,24,25 22

5. Self-potential development 2, 6, 23 12


Improved students’



The students also had written tests related to the tenses to measure the

achievement of the class. The written test was conducted twice. In cycle I the

students were tested 25 questions, 15 questions multiple choices and 10 questions

filling the blank spaces. Meanwhile, in the cycle II the students were tested 30

questions with 10 questions filling the blank spaces, 5 questions multiple choices,

10 questions completing the dialogue and 5 questions arranging jumbled words

into sentences.

F. Research Procedure

Based on the hypothesis above, can be planned series of actions taken by

teachers in the teaching learning process in the class, in particularly on English

subjects by using methods drills of tenses. Therefore the Class Action Research

(CAR), the design of the research is a cycle that includes an outline of the

following 4 activities:

1. Planning, this is drafting a plan of action to be taken.

2. Action, namely the implementation of action plans to improve the quality of


3. Observations, i.e. observations made during the implementation of action.

4. Reflection, i.e. the analysis, interpretation, and conclusion.

Associated with the problems in this research, it was designed two cycles of


Cycle I :

Activities in the cycle I discussed the subject of the subtopic on the use of



future tense and past tense. To understand the learning methods of drills of tenses,

students were given regular and irregular verbs and table of tenses as material

resources for the additional activities in the class. The activities in this cycle


1. Planning stage

The action plan of this stage was based on the observation of the researcher

when facing the main problems that are emerging in the class. The researcher

made Drills of Tenses by using regular and irregular verbs. The table of tenses

was based on the learning materials which was difficult for the students. It was

also taken from the kind of tasks that are given by the teacher. The researcher

compiled the data collection and the instruments. It included the grammar fluency

record, the instrument observations checklist of the teacher’s and the students’

activities in the classroom, daily assessments and tests and the last questionnaire.

2. Implementation stage of action

At this stage carried out the planned actions to address such issues as

expressed in the formulation of the problem. At this stage the research acted as

teacher and also observer. The activities on the stage of action were the teacher

explained the supplementary materials by using the method drills of tenses. Then,

the teacher distributed the paper of the verb and tenses table for the students. The

teacher asked students to discuss with friends in pair to understand the concept of

verb and tenses table that had been distributed. Teacher monitored these activities.

The teacher provided an explanation of the first subject as an example


Table 2.2. The Pattern of Simple Past Tense ......................................................
Figure 3.2. Cycle of Researcher’s Descriptive Model .................................
Table 2.1 The Pattern of Simple Present Tense
Table 2.2. The Pattern of Simple Past Tense


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