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THE USE OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR ¬¬TEST OF ANDROID GAME TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ GRAMMAR COMPETENCE ON PHRASAL VERBS (An Experimental Research of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2015/2016) -


Academic year: 2019

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An Experimental Research of the Fourth Semester Students of

English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in the Academic

Year of 2015/2016)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education


State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Faisal Abi Yusuf








Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”.

(Benjamin Franklin)

“Whatever you are, be a good one”.

(Abraham Lincoln)

“Don’t FEAR about what may happen, because FEAR is Face Everything And

Rise (FEAR)”.




I dedicate this graduating paper to:

1. My God, Allah S.W.T who always besides me, listens to me, takes care of me, and gives me the best thing ever.

2. My big family and my beloved parents, my mother and father, and my little brother, thanks for everything.

3. All of my friends of TBI 2012, good luck for you guys. 4. All of my best friends of THE UNBREAKABLE.




Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, thanks to Allah because the researcher could complete this research as one of the requirements for getting degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in the English Education Department of State Institute

for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2016.

Peace and solution always be given to our last prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness. However, this success would not be achieved without support from individual, people, and institution. For all guidance, the researcher would like to thank to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty 3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as the Head of Englsih Education Department 4. Prof. Dr. Muh. Zuhri, M.A. as my academic counselor

5. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, S.S., M.Pd., as the counselor who has educated, supported, directed, and given the researcher advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this graduating paper from beginning until the end 6. Dra. Widyastuti, M.Pd., as the lecturer of Structure IV classes who has

allowed me to conduct the research in her class 7. All of the lecturers in English Education Department




Yusuf, Faisal Abi. 2016. “The Use of English Grammar Test of Android Game to Improve the Students’ Grammar Competence on Phrasal Verbs (An Experimental Research of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)”. A Graduating Paper. English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, S.S., M.Pd.

Key words: English Grammar Test, Android Game, Grammar Competence, Phrasal Verbs

This research was focused on the implementation of English Grammar Test of Android Game towards the students’ grammar competence on phrasal verbs of the fourth English Education Department students of IAIN Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016. The objectives of the research were to find out the profile of the students before and after having English Grammar Test of Android Game and to measure how far is the effectiveness of the game. This research was an experimental research. The subject of the research were two classes of Structure IV. It consisted of 50 students. The data was collected through test; pre-test and post-pre-test. The data was pre-tested using t-pre-test formula by comparing the mean score of pre- and post-test from both groups. The significance level was set 5%. The result of the research showed that, first, the students’ profile were different before and after having English Grammar Test of Android Game. The mean of pre-test was 6.23 while the mean of post-test was 8.03. The difference between pre- and post-test mean was 1.8. Second, the result showed that t-observation (to)

6.67 was higher than t-table (tt) 2.01 with the degree of freedom (df) of 48.








MOTTO………. ... v

DEDICATION……… ... vi




LIST OF TABLES……….. xiii



CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Problems of the Research ... 5

C. Objectives of the Research ... 5

D. Limitations of the Research ... 6

E. Significances of the Research ... 6

F. Definition of the Key Terms ... 7

G. Hypothesis ... 9



A. Previous Researches ... 11

B. Information and Communication of Technology (ICT) ... 13

C. Grammar ... 15

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Location of The Research ... 32

1. General Situation of IAIN Salatiga ... 32



CHAPTER IV: Research Findings and Discussions

A. Profile of the Students’ Grammar Competence on Phrasal Verbs Before and After Having English Grammar Test of Android Game

... 44

1. Pre-test Analysis ... 44

2. Treatments ... 56

3. Post-test Analysis ... 57

B. Effectiveness of English Grammar Test of Android Game to Improve the Students’ Grammar Competence opn Phrasal Verbs ... 65

1. Experimental Group ... 65

2. Control Group ... 69

CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusion ... 74

1. Profile of the Students’ Grammar Competence on Phrasal Verbs Before and After Having English Grammar Test of Android Game ... 74

2. Effectiveness of English Grammar Test of Android Game to Improve the Students’ Grammar Competence on Phrasal Verbs ... 75

B. Suggestions ... 76





Table 2.1 Example of Phrasal Verbs ... 18

Table 2.2 Difference Phrasal Verbs in Use ... 19

Table 2.3 Other Examples of Concrete and Abstract Meaning of Phrasal Verbs ... 20

Table 2.4 Phrasal Verbs and Its Probable Meaning ... 24

Table 2.5 Example of Noun Made Phrasal Verbs ... 25

Table 2.6 Example of New Phrasal Verbs ... 27

Table 3.1 Time Schedule of the Research ... 33

Table 3.2 Evaluation Criteria ... 41

Table 4.1 Result of Pre-test of Experimental Group ... 45

Table 4.2 Result of Pre-test of Control Group ... 46

Table 4.3 Interpretation to Pre-test Score of Experimental Group ... 48

Table 4.4 Interpretation to Pre-test Score of Control Group ... 50

Table 4.5 Distribution Score for Both Experimental and Control Group ... 52

Table 4.6 Result of Post-test of Experimental Group ... 58

Table 4.7 Result of Post-test of Control Group... 59

Table 4.8 Interpretation to Post-test Score of Experimental Group ... 61

Table 4.9 Interpretation to Post-test Score of Control Group ... 62

Table 4.10 Result of Pre- and Post-test of Experimental Group ... 65











A. Background of the Research

Started from a technology, everything appears in sophisticated way. However, it can give affect in every scope of life. In every factors are overwhelmed by the name of technology. As the example is in the field of education. Nowadays, technology can play an important role in education. As modern teachers, they are asked to be able optimally to operate technology in the case of assisting their teaching-learning process. They can use it for their methods of teaching.

Teaching english is not easy as it seems. Since teaching language is divided into four aspects, they are listening, reading, speaking, and writing, it needs different method to teach in each aspect. By the raising of technology, many teachers can use it to help them accomplish their task as a teacher. There are many types of difficulties faced by the teachers and the students regarding with learning language, especially English. It can be the one of solution to solve that problem.



people have conversation, they have to notice their grammar. It is fine when some people do not focus on grammar while they speak. However, they need grammar for the reason that it can deliver their message clearly and in proper manner. The result is they do not hinder the communication. The risks of being misunderstood are ruled out. Therefore, teaching grammar is also important. There are numerous techniques concerning with grammar teaching. One of the techniques is by using games to develop students’ grammar competence. Moreover, learning grammar is often perceived as a boring and hard process. By applying this technique, it can change the way of learning grammar to be more effective.



class. However, it still needs additional technique since they learn many different topics.

Here, the researcher highlights phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs represents a typical feature of English. Riguel (2014: 111) outlines that multiword expressions, and especially phrasal verbs, can assess the level of English language proficiency. It can be said that phrasal verbs are essential part of spoken and written English at all levels. It is good to learn phrasal verbs through presentation and discussion. However, it is not enough to use such technique like presentation and discussion. It needs additional technique to develop the students’ competence on phrasal verbs. It is because the students

cannot just memorize so many phrasal verbs at once. In fact, there are still many students do not master them well. It seems that phrasal verbs are difficult to both understand and remember, especially for non-English speaker.



does not help the students to know that call off means cancel or that run out means use all of something.

Looking at the problem, instead of using presentation and discussion technique to learn phrasal verbs, additional technique like a game activity is recommended by the researcher. As Metom, Tom, and Joe (2013: 402) state that by applying games in learning activity can motivate the students. It can be said that learning through games is learning the more fun and effective way. It can also increase the students’ enthusiasm and reduce their anxiety. The researcher supports their idea so that the researcher wants to apply a game activity in learning grammar especially phrasal verbs. The researcher have seen at glance a gaming application on Android called “English Grammar Test Game”. The game contains many exercises about grammar. It also provides many phrasal verbs quizzes. Hence, the researcher has a big question in mind that can this game take influences on developing students’ grammar competences especially on phrasal verbs.



B. Problems of the Research

To clarify the problems, the researcher draws some problem statements as follows:

1. How is the profile of the students’ grammar competence on phrasal verbs before and after having English Grammar Test of Android Game?

2. To what extent is the effectiveness of English Grammar Test of Android Game to improve the students’ grammar competence on phrasal verbs?

C. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of the research can be stated based on the problems as follows:

1. To find out the profile of the students’ grammar competence on phrasal verbs before and after having English Grammar Test of Android Game. 2. To measure how far is the effectiveness of English Grammar Test of

Android Game to improve the students’ grammar competence on phrasal



D. Limitations of the Research

In order to come into focus on this research, the researcher limits the research to be concerned as follows:

1. The research is limited in the using of English Grammar Test of Android Game.

2. The research is limited in the students’ grammar competence on phrasal verbs.

3. The research is carried out at the fourth semester students of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016.

E. Significance of the Research

The researcher hopes that this research can offer some contributions for academic and practical fields as follows:

1. Theoretically

a. This research can be helpful to learn a lot about teaching and learning activity using grammar games.

b. The results of the research can be used to foster the techniques or strategies in teaching-learning process.

2. Practically

a. For the students


7 b. For the teacher

This research can build up the teacher’s ability to be more creative in teaching-learning process using modern technology.

c. For the institution

The result of the research can contribute the institution to fulfill the demand of English curriculum like inserting Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as tool in teaching-learning process. Thus, the students are able to get satisfactory achievement.

F. Definiton of Key Terms

Based on the title, some key terms need to be explained, they are:

1. Phrasal Verbs

Riguel (2014: 111) states that phrasal verbs are typical of English language. They always represents an important part of English. Phrasal verbs make up one-third of the English verb vocabulary. She thinks that there is no universal definition of phrasal verb as emphasized by Gardner and Davies (2007) (as quoted in Riguel, 2014: 112) that phrasal verbs are difficult to be defined by linguists and grammarians.



phrasal verbs have traditionally been understood by way of containing a verb and adverbial particle.

2. English Grammar Test Game

English Grammar Test Games is one of gaming applications on Play store. As cited from SevenLynx (2016: para. 1), it is a proper game to improve English grammar knowledge. It has stunning minimalist design and clear user interface that make easy to test English language skill. It has been managed by putting twenty English grammar units for each level. It is set in each test in a way that each question is a part of certain unit. It also explains which aspects we good at or require more practice after we played it.

3. Grammar Competence

This term consists of two words, they are grammar and competence. Each word has each different meaning. According to Richards and Schmidt (2010: 260-261), grammar is the way of how words and phrases are conjoined together to create sentences in a language.

Meanwhile, Richards and Schmidt (2010: 103) explain competence in scope of generative grammar as implicit system of rules that establish someone’s knowledge of a language. It consists of someone’s ability to



Based on those definitions, the term ‘grammar competence’ can be defined as the ability of someone to establish their knowledge in the study of how words and phrases conjoined together to create sentences in a language.

G. Hypothesis

According to Black and Champion (as quoted by Kumar, 2011: 87) define a hypothesis as a tentative statement about something, the validity of which is usually unknown.

In this research, the researcher formulates two hypotheses. First is null hypothesis (Ho). It states that there is no improvement of using English

Grammar Test of Android Game towards the students’ grammar competence on phrasal verbs. The symbolic expression as illustrated by Schreiber and Asner-Self (2011: 244) looks like:

The second hypothesis is alternate hypothesis (Ha). It states that



H. Paper Outline

This research is divided into five chapters. Each chapter is discussed as follows:

The first chapter exposes about introduction. It consists of background of the research, problems of the research, objectives of the research, limitations of the research, significances of the research, definition of key terms, hypothesis, and paper outline.

The second chapter describes about literature review. It consists of previous researches review. The researcher takes out some books and journals related to the research especially about grammar, concept of grammar, games, phrasal verbs, Android games, and English Grammar Test game.

The third chapter extends the research methodology. It explains location of the research, research approach, research method, research design, population and sample, method of data collection, research instrument, evaluation criteria, and method of data analysis.

The fourth chapter presents research findings and discussions. It presents the data analysis that has been collected. It includes pre- and post-test analysis, calculation, and discussions.





A. Previous Researches

The researcher is inspired by other researches dealing with games to teach grammar. There are several researches taken from some relevant sources related to this research exactly. However, the researcher pick four of them. The first previous research was done by Sultanova (2011: 35) entitled “The Use of Games in Learning English Grammar”. His goal was to examine some traditional techniques of teaching grammar and compared them with the use of language games for grammar presentation and revision, in order to determine whether the students were succesful in presenting and revising grammar than other methods. From his research, he found that the students were enthusiastic about practicing language by means of games. He stated that the grammar games were not only fun but also helped students learned without conscious analysis or understanding of learning process while they acquired communicative competence as second language users.



claimed that games were an important and necessary part of language teaching and learning because it promoted many advantages.

The next previous research was done by Wang, Shang, and Briody (2011: 217) in “Investigating the Impact of Using Games in Teaching Children English”. This research examined the overall effects of using games

on the improvement of young children’s English proficiency. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the usage of games and students’ English proficiency. To collect the data, they used questionnaire, interviews, and document collection. The major findings showed that students got significant improvements in their learning motivation and vocabulary acquisition, and their anxiety levels due to peer pressure were reduced when learning included games.

Then, the last previous research was done by Metom, Tom, and Joe (2013: 402) in “Mind Your Grammar! – Learning English Grammar the Fun Way”. The main objectives of this research was to offer a creative and fun tool for teaching grammar to the beginner-level of English language learners, both in schools and higher learning institutions. They used a board game called “Mind Your Grammar!”. Based on the survey, a huge majority of the

participants responded that it was a useful, practical and fun tool learning English Grammar.

By considering those four previous researches, the researcher conducts research entitled “The Influence of English Grammar Test Games towards



spesific than the previous researches. First, the researcher deliberatly specifies the games that he uses, called English Grammar Test Game. The game is just can be installed on Android or Smartphone. Secondly, the researcher specifies the part of grammar that he observes, it is phrasal verbs. The method is also different from the previous researches. The researcher uses test to collect the data. It consists of pre- and post-test to measure the students’ competence on phrasal verbs. At last, the researcher tries to analyze the influence of English Grammar Test Game. The researcher applies it in hope to help the students to learn grammar in a fun and enjoyable environment.

B. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)



In this sophisticated era, it is almost impossible for many people do not use ICT as a tool to gain information. The technologies are everywhere. The technology itself can be computers, tablets, or smartphones. People can use them to gather information by connected to internet. However, they have to filter which contents are good and bad for them.

Currently, many people get smartphones on their hand. The one of smartphone products comes from Android. People can manage it to help them learning English language in a fun way. Many applications deal with English learning are available. As the example is the raising of Android games in education-based genre. It means that Android games, as one of technology, can be media or tools to support English language learning.



C. Grammar

1. Concept of Grammar

a. Definition of Grammar

Phrases and sentences are linked with grammar. Yule (2006: 74) explaines that one way of defining grammar is by excluding all the ungrammatical sequence and explaining all the grammatical sequence in language in case of describing the structure of phrases and sentences process. Moreover, Richards and Schmidt (2010: 260-261) define that grammar is the way of how words and phrases are conjoined together to create sentences in a language. It describes structure in the language into meanings and functions in a whole system. From two previous theories, the definitions of grammar have the same idea. The idea is that grammar deals with sentences and part of sentences they are words and phrases. The second theory is more detail than the first one. It highlights on what process are words and phrases dealing with. They deal with sentence construction.



(2005: 2) confirms that grammar is formal study of the language formation and explains how the language works together in meaningful formations.

According to some experts’ definition above, it seems that the term ‘grammar’ means many different things. We can say that grammar is a branch of linguistics, which concerns on language patterns. We can also say that grammar are mostly used in writing or teaching writing. We may even say that grammar is the name of part of speech. However, we have to straight our mind on one decision to define grammar. Therefore, after knowing many theories from some experts, the term grammar conclude as the study of structure of language that rules how words fit together to produce meaningful constructions.

b. Importance of Grammar



speakers then feel harder to convey the messages clearly and concisely.

The learners’ goal of studying English language is to achieve

communicative goals. To achieve that goal, Debata (2013: 483) explains that learning grammar cannot be ignored. It means that when people learn a new language like English, they have to study the grammar in hope to speak more clearly and using appropriate manner. Therefore, grammar is essential for English language learner to construct meaningful forms in communication.

2. Phrasal Verbs

a. Definition of Phrasal Verbs

McCarthy and O’Dell (2004: 6) explain phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a particle matched together creating one meaning. It means that phrasal verbs are the combination between two words which producing new meanings. The first word is usually a verb. Then the second word is usually a particle. Particle are small words that already known as prepositions or adverbs. There are some of the most common phrasal verbs particles, they are; about, around, at, away, back, down, for, in, into, off, on, out, over, through, to, up.



meaning of phrasal verbs word by word. As an example the word ‘look down’, it can have several different meaning. It is distinctly different if we try to define it word by word. The word ‘look’ means to use your eyes, and the word ‘down’ means the opposite of up. To define this phrasal verb should be in a unit or as one part. The word ‘look down’ means underestimate someone or think that you are superior to the others. If we interpret word by word, the meaning will be seeing things underneath. The other examples of phrasal verbs can be seen in the table below:

Table 2.1

Example of Phrasal Verbs

Verb Particle Example Meaning

Count On You can count on

me that I will be here soon.

You can rely to that person that he will be there soon. Break Down She was panic

when her car was

broken down.



after the puppies that she found at the backyard.

of the puppies that she found at the

A phrasal verb can often be replaced by a synonym. The single-verb synonyms are often, but not always more formal. Here are the examples as illustrated by McCarthy and O’Dell (2004: 8):

Table 2.2

Difference of Phrasal Verbs in Use

Less Formal More Formal

Let’s put off the meeting until Friday.

Let’s postpone the meeting until Friday.

Please take off your shoes when you enter the temple.

Please remove your shoes when you enter the temple.

Everyone turned up on time for the meeting.

Everyone arrived on time for the meeting.

b. Phrasal Verbs and Abstract Meaning



As the example the verb ‘break’, the basic meaning of the verb ‘break’

shows concrete actions that means ‘separate into pieces’. However, when that verb is part of phrasal verbs, it often has abstract meanings too. It could be ‘break up’ that means ‘to divorce’, ‘break down’ means ‘to stop working or functioning’, and ‘break away’ means ‘escape’. Sometimes the concrete meaning can help to infer the abstract meaning, for example:

‘The thieves looked out the window to ensure they were saved’. (concrete meaning – look outside the window), or

Look out! He’s trying to rob your jewels’. (abstract meaning – be careful)

Other examples can be seen in this table below as illustrated by McCarthy and O’Dell (2004: 8):

Table 2.3

Other Examples of Concrete and Abstract Meaning of Phrasal Verbs

Verb Concrete Meaning Abstract Meaning

Give I give my essay in

yesterday. (handed it to the teacher)

Her parents finally give in

and let her go to the party. (agreed to something they had refused before) Get She got on the bus.


Jim and Mary don’t get on. (don’t like each other and are


21 Come Would you like to come

round this evening? (come to my home)

He was unconscious for three hours but came round in hospital. (became conscious again)

c. Separable and Non-separable Phrasal Verbs

Hart (2009: 1) states that phrasal verbs can be separable and non-separable. However, there is no rule to define whether the phrasal verbs belong to separable or non-separable. It means that it just need a habit to know whether it separable or non-separable. It can be done by taking conversation with native speakers, watching movies, reading English newspapers or articles, and listening to music. Here are the differences of separable and non-separable phrasal verbs:

1) Separable Phrasal Verbs

Hart (2009: 1) explains that separable phrasal verbs can be separated by their object. It can be said that the object is inserted between the phrasal verbs. When the object is noun, however, it is usually optional to place the object whether between the verb and particle, or placed after the particle. Both sentences below are correct:



However, when a pronoun is used, the pronoun must be placed between the verb and particle. It means that it must be separable, for example:

I put them on. (correct) I put on them. (incorrect)

Hart (2009: 1) adds that the phrasal verb with two objects, it must be separated, for example:

She put the cat out the house. (correct) She putout the cat the house. (incorrect)

2) Non-separable Phrasal Verbs

As Hart (2009: 1) defines if separable phrasal verbs can be separated by their object, non-separable phrasal verbs are the opposite. They are different because they cannot be separated by their object. It means that the object of phrasal verbs must be placed after the phrasal verbs, for example:

He looked forward to his old friend. (correct) He looked his old friends forward. (incorrect)

d. Particles in Phrasal Verbs



with) or an adverb (e.g. out, up, about). We can even put different particles into a basic verb. McCarthy and O’Dell (2004: 10) illustrate the examples below:

Table 2.4

Phrasal Verbs and Its Probable Meaning

Phrasal Verbs Probable Meaning

Jack invited me out. Let’s go out together. Rosie invited me in. Please come in! Jill invited me over. Come to our place.

Paul invited me round. Come to my house for dinner or drink.

Mark invited me up. Come upstairs to my flat. Bill invited me back. Come back home with me.

e. Nouns and Adjectives Based on Phrasal Verbs

1) Nouns Made from Verb + Particle

A noun can be created from a verb, for example, the verb ‘to refuse’ can creates a noun ‘a refusal’. McCarthy and O’Dell (2004 : 12) comment that the phrasal verbs can do so although there are rare but still possible. They illustrate the examples below:

Figure 2.1

Short Conversation Using Phrasal Verbs



call cost five pounds a minute! (Informal: was charge too much)

Lily : Yes, that number is a big rip-off.

Mona : Her son dropped out of college last year. (gave up his course)

Ed : Mm. There were a lot dropouts that year. I wonder why?

Mick : Somebody broke in last night and stole a computer from the school. (entered by force to steal something)

Pat : Really? That’s the second break-in this year.

There are some rules for using verb + particle to form nouns as McCarthy and O’Dell (2004: 12) mentioned. It consists of how to create nouns formed from phrasal verbs, they are:

a) The plural form should add –s to the particle, not the verb, for example; break-ins, droupouts, rip-offs. However, there is an exception for the word ‘goings-on’ that means strange or amusing events. It is always plural, for example ‘There was a

lot of gossip about goings-onat the office party’.



lookout, checkout, handout, leftovers. Nouns with –in, -up, and less common particles usually have a hyphen, for example; lie-in, mix-up, put-down, run-through.

c) In pronunciation, the stress is on the verb, not the particle, for example: a BREAK-in at the office, college DROPouts.

2) Nouns Made from Particle + Verb

McCarthy and O’Dell (2004: 12) add one type of phrasal

verbs that can make nouns. It is called nouns made from particle + verb. It is the reverse form from the first type. It means that the particle come first, later the verb. The stress in pronunciation is usually on the particle. They illustrate the examples below:

Table 2.5

Example of Noun Made Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal would be problems. (beginning) Fall down Downfall The economic crisis caused by the

downfall of the government. (sudden failure or end)



who watches an event but doesn’t

take part)

3) Adjectives

McCarthy and O’Dell (2004: 12) also state that there are also adjcetives, which are based on phrasal verbs. However, it is also rare, for example; a broken-down vehicle (vehicle whose engine had stopped working), a breakdown truck (truck which helps drivers who have broken down), blocked-up drains (drains where the water cannot flow properly).

f. New Phrasal Verbs

McCarthy and O’Dell (2004: 144) comment that English phrasal verbs develop every year. It is caused by social change and the need to develop words to describe new phenomena. It can be said that, as long as human is exists, new phrasal verbs are still possible to be found.



Table 2.6

Example of New Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs Meaning Example

Be partied out Have had enough of parties because you have been to so many

After a whole week of birthday celebrations, I feel totally partied out.

Big up Praise something very highly

He bigged up that new film but when I went to see it I was really disappointed. Blissed out Become or make

someone become totally happy and relaxed

They blissed out on music.

Buy into Completely believe in a set of ideas

I don’t really buy into



not allow things to upset you

short to get so stressed! Text back Send a text message

in reply

I’ll text you back

when my meeting finishes.

D. Games

1. Definition of Games



Later, Salen and Zimmerman (2004: ch.7, p.11) comment that a game is a scheme that set by rules in which players are mixed up within to gain scores for defining them either win or lose. It can be said that gaining scores as many as possible can make the players become the winner. It must be noted that gaining those scores should notice the rules of the game.

On the other hand, Richards and Schmidt (2010: 248) explains a game in scope of language teaching as well-formed activity of competition between players, issued by rules, to accomplish a particular task or objective. It can be seen that game can establish communication between players by spoken or written language. In this case, games are often used as a fluency activity in communicative language teaching.

Based on the experts’ ideas above, it can be concluded that a game



2. Android Games

Lately in 2010, the new mobile gaming platforms ‘Smartphones’

are booming in the era. They even compete with other sophisticated handheld systems such as Nintendo DS and Playstation Portable. Their development environment works on all the major platforms (Zechner, 2012: 1). It was started in 2005 when Google obtained a small startup called Android, Inc. The first version of Android was released in 2008. Since then, Android became rival for other platforms such as iPhone OS (iOS) and BlackBerry.



3. English Grammar Test Game

English Grammar Test Game is the one of many Android games. Officially cited from SevenLynx (2016: para.1), the game is about grammar testing. It serves many grammar unit testing. Hence, it can help the students to learn many grammar unit autonomously also in a fun way.

At last, the game is very popular in people’s eye. It is proven by the number of millions people did the installation. It is because of the simplicity and clear explanation. Thousands users have rated 5 stars reviews for the game. It commits with English grammar so that it becomes the first position on Google Play based on its genre.







A. Location of the Research

1. General Situation of IAIN Salatiga

State Institute for Islamic Studies or IAIN Salatiga is the only one State Islamic University in Salatiga, Central Java province, Indonesia, based on the Regulation of the President of Republic Indonesia of State Islamic Institute transform into State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Since its establishment until now, IAIN Salatiga has gone through a long history, and has undergone several institutional changes. The establishment was pioneered by the ideals of Salatiga Islamic community to have Islamic Universities. Hence, there was established the Faculty of Education Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers’ Training College) “NU” in Salatiga. It was located at Diponegoro Street No. 64




2. Time Schedule of the Research

The researcher planned the time schedule in hope for the research was conducted smoothly. The research was done on August 2016. The table is shown below:

Table 3.1

Time Schedule of the Research

Step Date Activity

1 April 18-30th, 2016 Observation

2 May 3rd, 2016 Pre-test for experimental group

Pre-test for control group 3 May 10th, 2016 Treatment

4 May 24th, 2016 Treatment

5 May 31st, 2016 Post-test for experimental group Post-test for control group 6 June 1st – August 15th,


Writing research report

B. Research Approach



holds a positivist view of the world by mean that the researcher believed that there were truth out there. Moreover, Schreiber and Asner-Self (2011: 13) add that this approach focuses on objectivity and quantifying the phenomenon under investigation, assigning numbers to ideas or constructs of interest.

Epistemologically, quantitative research accepted an idea or paradigm that the primary source of knowledge is factual proofs, especially for things that was exposed to sensory experience. Furthermore, it indicated ontologically that object study of a quantitative research is phenomenon and general relations between those phenomena (Darmawan, 2013: 128). The term ‘phenomena’ meant sensory experience limited to external appearance given

in sense perception.



C. Research Method

A method was needed to accomplish this research so that the researcher gained the scientific knowledge to solve the problems of study. Darmawan (2013: 127) explains the term ‘method’ is derived from Greek



(individuals who did not experience the idea). It means that there were two groups observed, namely experimental group and control group.

D. Research Design

There are many research designs offered in experimental design. One of them is two groups pre-test and post-test design. The researcher decided to use the design for the reason that the design was the most widely used in experimental research.

In this design, there was an experimental group consisted of individuals who received experimental treatment, whereas those who did not, were in control group (Creswell, 2012: 310). Later, the researcher managed pre-test for both control and experimental group. After that, the experimental group was treated by English Grammar Test Games while the control group was not. As the ethic of research, however, the researcher gave lecture to the control group about the same materials with the experimental group. The common design can be seen in this figure below as illustrated by Ary,et al (2010 :316):

Figure 3.1

Design of Experimental Research

Group Pre-test Independent



E Y1 X Y2


38 It means:

X : Treatment

Y1 : Dependent variable before the manipulation of

the independent variable X

Y2 : Dependent variable after the manipulation of the

independent variable X E : Experimental group C : Control group

Yet the researcher took a little extension on the design of figure 3.1. The researcher administered the treatment twice. It aimed to ensure the effect of using English Grammar Test of Android Game. Thus, the figure could be:

Figure 3.2

Extension Design of Experimental Design Group Pre-test Independent


Independent Variable


E Y1 X1 X2 Y2



Instead of giving the treatment for the experimental group, the researcher gave materials about grammar, especially phrasal verbs for both groups. The researcher then managed post-test for both groups, compared the two groups’ score post-test. Then finally, the researcher looked at the average change between pre- and post-test scores for each group to determine the significance of the difference in that average.

E. Population and Sample

As Kothari (2004: 55) states that population is all pieces in any field of research. All potential respondents of research subject also called as population as Schreiber and Asner-Self describe (2011: 83). They add that population is a collection of all component linked to the process of point of interest. The population of this research was the fourth semester of English Education Department students of IAIN Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016 consisted of 198 students.



calculation result showed 25% of 198 is 49,5. Therefore, the researcher decided the sample size was at least 50 subjects or participants. Instead of using standard formula from Arikunto, the sample was also considered by some purposes. Since the research was about phrasal verbs, the sample was the students of English Education Department who joined in Structure IV class and have learned about phrasal verbs taught by the same lecturer.

Later, the researcher chose 50 students from two of six classes of Structure IV class. The first class consisted of 22 students while the second class was 28 students. All of them were the fourth semester students of English Department of IAIN Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016. The first class was the experimental group while the second class was the control group.

F. Method of Data Collection

The researcher had two methods of collecting data to carry out the research. Kothari (2004: 96) states that the data can be collected through observation method, questionnaire, interview, documentation, test, etc. In this research, the researcher used test as the primary method. Then, documentation was the secondary method.

1. Test



The researcher conducted pre-test. It aimed to know how far the students’ grammar competence especially on phrasal verbs as English

Grammar Test Games has not been applied beforehand.

b. Post-Test

After received the intervention of English Grammar Test of Android Game. The students were asked for doing the post-test.

2. Documentation

The researcher used documentation as the secondary method to collect the data. In this research, the researcher documented the students’ attendance list, test sheet, photos report.

G. Research Instrument



H. Evaluation Criteria

In addition, the researcher ranged the criteria of students’ grammar competence on both group classified into six categories as follows:

Table 3.2 Evaluation Criteria

No Score Classification Category

1 8.5-10 Excellent The students’ answers are mostly correct, 85% of correct answers 2 7.5-8.4 Very good The students answer 75% of correct


3 6.5-7.4 Good The students answer 65% of correct answer

4 5.5-6.4 Fair The students answer 55% of correct answer



6 < 4.5 Poor The students’ answers are mostly

incorrect, less of 45% of correct answers

I. Method of Data Analysis

The researcher did some steps to analyze the data, they were: 1. Scored the students’ test

The researcher scored the result of pre- and post-test from both experimental and control group. The researcher used point scale of 0-10 to measure the students answer.

2. Calculated the result of the test

After the students’ test were scored, the researcher calculated the data using t-test to determine whether there was significant difference before and after the treatment for both experimental and control group. The researcher took the following steps as Sudijono (2010: 305) explains: a. Calculated the mean (M) from each group using the following formula:

M = Mean

∑x = Total score



b. Calculated the standard deviation difference (SDD)

SDD= Standard deviation

N = Number of students

D = Difference between pre- and post-test

c. Calculated mean of difference (MD)

MD = Mean of difference

∑D= Total of difference between pre- and post-test d. Calculated the standard error of mean difference (SEMD)

SEMD= Standard error of mean difference

SDD= Standard deviation

N = Number of students

e. Calculated t-value (to)

to = t-value of observation

MD = Mean of difference

SEMD= Standard error of mean difference



Criteria of hypothesis accepted describes as follows:

to tt = Reject null hypothesis (ho) and accept alternate hypothesis





A. Profile of the Students Before and After the Treatments for Both

Experimental and Control Group

1. Pre-test Analysis

The researcher administered two kinds of test. They were pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was conducted before the treatment. It aimed to measure the students’ grammar competence before having English

Grammar Test Game. The researcher set the procedure of pre-test as follows:

a. The researcher as the teacher gave the test sheet to the students b. The teacher made rules for the students when they did the test c. The students submitted their test sheet as soon as they finished it d. The teacher gave scoring to the pre-test

Each correct answer was scored 1; if the students were able to answer all correctly would get 30 points. Thus, the researcher arranged the formula:

S = Score



After the pre-test was done, the researcher checked and gave score for the test. Then, the researcher could display the result of pre-test for experimental control group as follows:

Table 4.1

Result of Pre-test of Experimental Group

No. Student’s Number Name Score

1. 113-14-014 Uswatun Hasanah 6.7

2. 113-14-015 Nisa’ Azza’roh Mustofa 8.3

3. 113-14-017 Dian Amalia 8.2

4. 113-14-021 Irma Innayati Fauziyyah 8.0

5. 113-14-048 Laela Ulyaningrum 5.2

6. 113-14-045 Dwi Purwasih 5.3

7. 113-14-047 Hanik Saida Magviroh 5.0

8. 113-14-065 Ira Kusumawati 6.0

9. 113-14-068 Wahyu Tri Lestari 5.7

10. 113-14-081 Tri Agustina 6.3

11. 113-14-094 Ainur Rohmah 6.0

12. 113-14-098 Siti Afidah 4.7

13. 113-14-105 Mega Aji Pangarso 5.0

14. 113-14-106 Aulia Sakti R. 4.7

15. 113-14-118 Zalsa Febriana S. 8.3



17. 113-14-132 Irma Handayani 8.0

18. 113-14-153 Krisfinoy Anggiras 6.7

19. 113-14-160 M. Tanzilurrokhman 6.7

20. 113-14-170 Ayu Apriliyani Putri 4.3

21. 113-14-174 Wachid Imam Udin 6.3

22. 113-14-184 Yulfita Nurmayawati 7.0

Total (∑x1) 137.1

N = 22

Mean (M) 6.23

Based on the table above, there were 22 students had done the pre-test. The highest score of experimental group was 8.3 while the lowest was 4.3. The mean of experimental group’s pre-test score was 6.23.

Then, the researcher did the same step by displaying the pre-test result of control group. The distribution table are as follows:

Table 4.2

Result of Pre-test of Control Group

No. Student’s Number Name Score

1. 113-14-001 Yuniar Dewi Damayanti 6.2

2. 113-14-002 Fatia Putri Hasna 6.0

3. 113-14-003 Nurul Imamah 6.2

4. 113-12-006 Miftakhur Roziqin 7.3



6. 113-14-020 Nur Kayati 9.0

7. 113-14-025 Dewi Mariam 5.8

8. 113-14-026 Dian Indra Rukmana 5.8

9. 113-14-028 Utami Rahayu 5.8

10. 113-14-029 Yeni Suci Wulandari 6.5

11. 113-14-032 Tasfiatun Niswati 9.0

12. 113-14-034 Hidayatul Khoiroh 6.0

13. 113-14-039 I’anatunnisa 7.3

14. 113-14-041 Siti Mubarillah Sari 8.0

15. 113-14-046 Alfin Rizqi Aulia 6.5

16. 113-14-071 Muhammad Arif 6.7

17. 113-14-074 Isnaini Nailil Farih 7.1

18. 113-14-085 M. Misbakhul Munir 6.8

19. 113-14-086 Nila Arum Damayanti 3.3

20. 113-14-087 Anglila W. Ahayu 5.0

21. 113-14-103 Yuliyanto Nur Pratama 2.3

22. 113-14-120 Kristina Mayasari 5.0

23. 113-14-152 Kunti Badriatul Muna 6.7

24. 113-14-154 Leila Khairani 4.7

25. 113-14-157 Jauharin Insiyah 6.2

26. 113-14-168 Umuliman Yusuf 3.0



28. 113-14-197 Mulyono 7.0

Total (∑x2) 173.5

N = 28

Mean (M) 6.20

Based on the table above, there were 28 students had done the pre-test. The highest score of control group was 9.0 while the lowest was 2.3. The mean of control group’s pre-test score was 6.20.

By knowing the students’ score, the researcher could evaluate the students’ performance based on the evaluation criteria as explained in the previous chapter. Here are the interpretations:

a. Interpretation to Pre-Test Score

The researcher then could interpret the pre-test score for both experimental and control group as follows:

Table 4.3

Interpretation to Pre-test Score of Experimental Group

Number of



Performance Category

- Excellent The students’ answers are mostly correct, 85% of correct answers 5 Very Good The students answer 75% of correct





5 Fair The students answer 55% of correct answer

7 Enough The students answer 45% of correct answer

1 Poor The students’ answers are mostly incorrect, less of 45% of correct answers

Total = 22



Later, the researcher did the same steps for control group. The interpretation of the students’ performance for control group could be seen in this table below:

Table 4.4

Interpretation to Pre-test Score of Control Group

Number of



Performance Category

2 Excellent The students’ answers are mostly correct, 85% of correct answers 2 Very Good The students answer 75% of correct


9 Good The students answer 65% of correct answer

9 Fair The students answer 55% of correct answer

3 Enough The students answer 45% of correct answer

3 Poor The students’ answers are mostly incorrect, less of 45% of correct answers



The table showed that from 28 students most of got fair and good category of their performance. Nine students obtained fair and good category. Then 6 students got enough and poor category, 3 students for each. The rest of them reach very good and excellent category by the students 2 for each.

However, before the researcher conducted the treatments, he tried to find out the significance difference of pre-test score between experimental and control group. It aimed to know whether the students’ grammar competence on phrasal verbs were equal. Thus, the researcher used Fisher’s formula as cited in Sudijono (2010: 317) as follows:

a. Calculated Standard Deviation (SD) for both groups using formula:

b. Calculated Standard Error of Mean (SEM) for both groups using


c. Calculated Standard Error of Mean (SEM) difference between the



d. Calculated T-observation (to) using formula:

e. Determined Degrees of Freedom Value using formula: df = (Nx + Ny) – 2

To start the calculation, the researcher showed the distribution table of score for both experimental and control group as follows:

Table 4.5

Distribution Score for Both Experimental and Control Group



4.7 6.0 -1.53 -0.2 2.34 0.04

5.0 7.3 -1.23 1.1 1.51 1.21

4.7 8.0 -1.53 1.8 2.34 3.24

8.3 6.5 2.07 0.3 4.28 0.09

4.7 6.7 -1.53 0.5 2.34 0.25

8.0 7.1 1.77 0.9 3.13 0.81

6.7 6.8 0.47 0.6 0.22 0.36

6.7 3.3 0.47 -2.9 0.22 8.41

4.3 5.0 -1.93 -1.2 3.72 1.44

6.3 2.3 0.07 -3.9 0 15.21

7.0 5.0 0.77 -1.2 0.59 1.44

6.7 0.5 0.25

4.7 -1.5 2.25

6.2 0 0

3.0 -3.2 10.24

8.0 1.8 3.24

7.0 0.8 0.64

Mean (Mx)

= 6.23

Mean (My)

= 6.2 ∑x = 0 ∑y = 0






After that, the researcher could apply the formula as follows: a. Standard Deviation for Experimental Group (SDx) and Standard

Deviation for Control Group (SDy)

b. Standard Error of Mean for Experimental Group (SEMx) and

Standard Error of Mean for Control Group (SEMy)

c. Standard Error of Mean (SEMx - My) Difference between


57 d. T-observation (to)

e. Determined Degrees of Freedom (df) df = (Nx + Ny) – 1

= (22 + 28) – 2 = 48

From the calculation above, T-observation (to) was 0.07. The

researcher then consulted to t-table (tt) of significance level of 5% with

df value was 48, t-table (tt) showed 2.01. Later, the researcher

compared t-observation (to) with t-table (tt). The result showed 0.07 <

2.01. T-observation (to) was lower than t-table (tt). It means that there



control group had the same ability on grammar competence especially phrasal verbs. Finally, because both groups had the same ability, the researcher could administer the treatments.

2. Treatments

Treatment was a set of activities held by the researcher for the students by applying such method in the teaching-learning activity. In this research, the researcher administered the treatment twice. He used English Grammar Test of Android Game to teach about grammar especially on phrasal verbs for experimental group. This method was a kind of way that could develop students’ grammar competence.



As the ethic of the research, however, the researcher applied a method for the students in control group. It aimed to help the students learned phrasal verbs. The researcher used Minesweeper game. The game basically was like Minesweeper in computer game. It contained of 64 empty grids. The students were asked to match phrasal verbs that seemed familiar for them. After that, they should give ‘X’ mark for the unfamiliar phrasal verbs. When they had finished the game, they were directed to do some exercises dealing with the game. The game were played twice, once in each meeting. However, the researcher used different phrasal verbs in each meeting. When they had done all the activities, they were also asked to have peer review as in experimental group. At last, the researcher gave reinforcement for what they had done.

The students were enthusiastic and curious about the meaning of phrasal verbs. It could be seen from the activeness to play the game and to respond the teacher’s instructions.

3. Post-test Analysis

After the students had finished the treatment, the researcher handed the post-test. The distribution table of the post-test result for experimental group could be seen as follows:

Table 4.6

Result of Post-test of Experimental Group



1. 113-14-014 Uswatun Hasanah 8.7

2. 113-14-015 Nisa’ Azza’roh Mustofa 8.0

3. 113-14-017 Dian Amalia 8.7

4. 113-14-021 Irma Innayati Fauziyyah 9.0

5. 113-14-048 Laela Ulyaningrum 7.7

6. 113-14-045 Dwi Purwasih 8.7

7. 113-14-047 Hanik Saida Magviroh 8.0

8. 113-14-065 Ira Kusumawati 7.3

9. 113-14-068 Wahyu Tri Lestari 6.0

10. 113-14-081 Tri Agustina 7.7

11. 113-14-094 Ainur Rohmah 7.7

12. 113-14-098 Siti Afidah 8.0

13. 113-14-105 Mega Aji Pangarso 8.7

14. 113-14-106 Aulia Sakti R. 6.7

15. 113-14-118 Zalsa Febriana S. 7.7

16. 113-14-124 Erlina Hidayanti 8.7

17. 113-14-132 Irma Handayani 8.7

18. 113-14-153 Krisfinoy Anggiras 8.7

19. 113-14-160 M. Tanzilurrokhman 8.3

20. 113-14-170 Ayu Apriliyani Putri 7.0

21. 113-14-174 Wachid Imam Udin 7.7



Total (∑y1) 176.7

N = 22

Mean (M) 8.03

Based on the table above, there were 22 students had done the post-test. The highest score of experimental group was 9.0, while the lowest was 6.0. The mean of experimental group’s post-test score was 8.03.

Meanwhile, the distribution table of the post-test result for control group as follows:

Table 4.7

Result of Post-test of Control Group

No. Student’s Number Name Score

1. 113-14-001 Yuniar Dewi Damayanti 8.7

2. 113-14-002 Fatia Putri Hasna 8.7

3. 113-14-003 Nurul Imamah 8.0

4. 113-12-006 Miftakhur Roziqin 9.0

5. 113-14-013 Queenadya Dayanarra 9.0

6. 113-14-020 Nur Kayati 9.3

7. 113-14-025 Dewi Mariam 8.3



9. 113-14-028 Utami Rahayu 9.0

10. 113-14-029 Yeni Suci Wulandari 9.0

11. 113-14-032 Tasfiatun Niswati 9.3

12. 113-14-034 Hidayatul Khoiroh 8.0

13. 113-14-039 I’anatunnisa 8.7

14. 113-14-041 Siti Mubarillah Sari 8.3

15. 113-14-046 Alfin Rizqi Aulia 8.7

16. 113-14-071 Muhammad Arif 7.3

17. 113-14-074 Isnaini Nailil Farih 8.3

18. 113-14-085 N. Misbakhul Munir 7.3

19. 113-14-086 Nila Arum Damayanti 8.7

20. 113-14-087 Anglila W. Ahayu 8.3

21. 113-14-103 Yuliyanto Nur Pratama 1.7

22. 113-14-120 Kristina Mayasari 8.3

23. 113-14-152 Kunti Badriatul Muna 7.7

24. 113-14-154 Leila Khairani 8.7

25. 113-14-157 Jauharin Insiyah 3.7

26. 113-14-168 Umuliman Yusuf 5.2

27. 113-14-183 Lia Anggraeni 7.0

28. 113-14-197 Mulyono 4.2

Total (∑y2) 217.4

N = 28



Based on the table above, there were 28 students had done the post-test. The highest score of control group was 9.3, while the lowest was 1.7. The mean of control group’s post-test score was 7.76.

After the post-test was conducted, the researcher also did the evaluation to the students’ score based on the evaluation criteria. It aimed

to know on what level the students’ performance after having the

treatment. Here are the interpretations:

a. Interpretation to Post-Test Score

After having done the post-test, the researcher then could interpret the pro-test score for both experimental and control group as follows:

Table 4.8

Interpretation to Post-test Score of Experimental Group

Number of



Performance Category

9 Excellent The students’ answers are mostly correct, 85% of correct answers 6 Very Good The students answer 75% of correct


6 Good The students answer 65% of correct answer



- Enough The students answer 45% of correct answer

- Poor The students’ answers are mostly incorrect, less of 45% of correct answers

Total = 22

Based on the table above, it showed that from 22 students most of the them were at excellent level of their performance by the number of 9. The second level was very good and good level, 6 students were at each. Then, 1 respondents at fair level. At last, there was no student who was at enough and poor level of their performance dealing with phrasal verb competences.

Meanwhile, the interpretation of post-test score of control group could be seen as follows:

Table 4.9

Interpretation to Post-test Score of Control Group

Number of



Performance Category

13 Excellent The students’ answers are mostly correct, 85% of correct answers 8 Very Good The students answer 75% of correct





- Fair The students answer 55% of correct answer

1 Enough The students answer 45% of correct answer

3 Poor The students’ answers are mostly incorrect, less of 45% of correct answers

Total = 28

The table showed that from 28 students most of them were at excellent level of their performance, 13 students were. The most second of them were at very good level by the number of 8. Then 3 students were at good level. The rest of them were at enough and poor level, 1 student was at enough level and 3 students were at poor level.

To sum up, the interpretation of the students’ performance on phrasal verbs for both experimental and control group could be seen in the chart below:

Poor Enough Fair Good Very Good Excellent

Chart 4.1

Students' Performance on Phrasal Verbs Competence for Experimental Group



Based on the chart above, the number of students’ performance

result on post-test increased at good, very good, and excellent category. The students who occupied poor, enough, and fair category decreased on the post-test result. There was no student occupied poor and enough level anymore.

Meanwhile, here is the chart of the students’ performance on

phrasal verb for control group:

Based on the chart, the students’ performance result on post-test increased at very good and excellent category. The rest of the

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Poor Enough Fair Good Very Good Excellent

Chart 4.2

Students' Performance on Phrasal Verbs Competence for Control Group



category decreased on the post-test result. However, there were still several students occupied poor and enough category.

B. Effectiveness of English Grammar Test of Android Game to Improve the

Students’ Grammar Competence on Phrasal Verbs

In this research, the researcher used t-test to analyze, to calculate, and to compare score result for both experimental and control group. The researcher displayed the result for both experimental and control group. He used formula as follows:

1. Experimental Group

Before the researcher applied the formula to calculate the value of t-observation (to), he displayed the result of pre- and post-test to see the

difference between pre-test score and post-test score. It could be seen in this table below:

Table 4.10

Result of Pre- and Post-test of Experimental Group



a. Standard Deviation (SD)


69 Calculation:

b. Mean of Difference


Table 2.1 Example of Phrasal Verbs
Table 2.2 Difference of Phrasal Verbs in Use
Table 2.3
Table 2.4 Phrasal Verbs and Its Probable Meaning


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