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Tips For Finding Professionals Who Understand Adult ADD


Academic year: 2017

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Tips For Finding Professionals Who Understand Adult ADD Word Count:

309 Summary:

One of the biggest concerns that I hear from adults with ADD is that they can’t find a professional who really understands adult ADD. Many people begin with their primary care physician or go through their insurance company to try to get evaluated and/or treated for adult ADD. Some very lucky people do find great professionals on their first try but the majority of people sadly do not. Instead they become even more frustrated which often leads to them not getting any help for...


ADD, ADHD, AD/HD, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD Coaching, ADD Coach , non-ADD, Spouses, Partners

Article Body:

One of the biggest concerns that I hear from adults with ADD is that they can’t find a professional who really understands adult ADD. Many people begin with their primary care physician or go through their insurance company to try to get evaluated and/or treated for adult ADD. Some very lucky people do find great professionals on their first try but the majority of people sadly do not. Instead they become even more frustrated which often leads to them not getting any help for their ADD. There are some ways to find professionals who actually "get adult ADD":

Online Listings: There are some websites with listings of professionals who treat adults with ADD. ADDA, the World’s Leading Adult AD/HD Organization has a growing Professional Directory of people who treat adults with ADD. ADD Consults, the First And Only Virtual Online AD/HD Clinic also has a professional directory. In addition to the professional directory, Terry Matlen, MSW, ACSW also offers consultations in which she can help people find professionals. ADD Coaches: In addition to all of the other benefits people can get from working with an ADD Coach they can also get help locating professionals who can diagnose and help treat them. Many ADD Coaches network with other ADD Professionals around the country and the world.

Word of Mouth: Try to locate other Adults with ADD who live locally. Many ADD Professionals who do understand adult ADD don’t advertise their services. Many don’t need to because they get plenty of referrals by word of mouth. Joining local ADD Support Groups is a great ways to not only get support but get recommendations for professionals who can diagnose and treat Adults with ADD. Adult ADD Meetups are similar to support groups and their Adult ADD Meetup Website allow for people to communicate with other local adults with ADD.

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