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A SHORT NOTE ON BANDS OF GROUPS | Davvaz | Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 151 518 1 PB


Academic year: 2017

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Vol. 21, No. 1 (2015), pp. 19–23.


B. Davvaze


, and F. Sepahi


11Department of Mathematics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


2Department of Mathematics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

Abstract.In this paper, we give necessary and sufficient conditions on a semigroup Sto be a semilattice of groups, a normal band of groups and a rectangular band of groups.

Key words and Phrases: Semigroup, band, semilattice, band of semigroup.

Abstrak. Pada paper ini, kami menyatakan syarat perlu dan cukup dari suatu semigrup S untuk menjadi semilatis dari grup, pita normal dari grup, dan pita persegipanjang dari grup.

Kata kunci: Semigrup, pita, semilatis, pita dari semigrup.

1. Introduction and Preliminaries

Before we present the basic definitions we give a short history of the subject. In [4], Clifford introduced bands of semigroups and determined their structure. In [3], Ciric and S. Bogdanovic studied sturdy bands of semigroups. Then, this concept is studied by many authors, for example see [6, 11]. In [7, 8, 9, 10], Lajos studied semilattices of groups. In [1], Bogdanovic presented a characterization of semilattices of groups using the notion of weakly commutative semigroup. The purpose of this paper is as stated in the abstract.

A semigroupS is agroup, if for everya, b∈S,a∈bS∩Sb. A semigroupS is a band, if for every a∈S,a2=a. A commutative band is called a semilattice.

LetSbe a semigroup. If there exists a band{Sα|α∈ C}of mutually disjoint

subsemigroupsSα such that

(1) S= S

α∈C Sα,

(2) for everyα, β∈ C,SαSβ⊆Sαβ,

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20M10.


then we sayS is a band of semigroups of typeC.

A congruenceρof a semigroupS is asemilattice congruenceofS if the factor S/ρ is a semilattice. If there exists a congruence relationρon a semigroupS such thatS/ρis a semilattice and everyρ-class is a group, then we saySis asemilattice of groups.

2. Main Results

LetSbe a semigroup. Then,S1is “Swith an identity adjoined if necessary”;

ifSis not already a monoid, a new element is adjoined and defined to be an identity. For an elementaofS, the relevant ideals are: (1) Theprincipal left ideal generated bya: S1a={sa|sS1}, this is the same as{sa|sS} ∪ {a}; (2) Theprincipal right ideal generated bya: aS1={as|sS1}, this is the same as{as|sS}∪{a}.

Leta, b∈S. We use the following well known notations:

a|rb ⇔ b∈aS1 and a|lb ⇔ b∈S1a,

a|tb ⇔ a|rb, a|lb.

For elementsa, b∈S, Green’s relationsL,Rand Hare defined by aLb ⇔ a|lb, b|la,

aRb ⇔ a|rb, b|ra,

aHb ⇔ a|tb, b|ta.

Indeed,H=L ∩ R.

Lemma 2.1. Ris a left congruence relation andL is a right congruence relation on S.

Proof. It is well-known in algebraic semigroup theory [4].

An elementx of a semigroup S is said to be left (right)regular ifx =yx2

(x =x2y) for some y S, or equivalently, xLx2 (xRx2). The second condition

in the following theorem is equivalent to a semigroup being left regular and right regular.

Theorem 2.2. A semigroup S is a semilattice of groups if and only if

(∀a, b∈S)ba|tab, a2|ta. (1)

Proof. Suppose that a semigroupS is a semilattice of groups andS= S

α∈C Sα. If

a∈Sα andb∈Sβ, thenab, ba∈Sαβ. SinceSαβ is a group,ba∈abS∩Sab. Since

a, a2S

α, we conclude thata2|ta.

Conversely, we define the relationη onS as follows:

a η b⇔a|tb, b|ta. (2)


c ∈S. Then, ac∈ bSc. Thus, there existst ∈ S such that ac =btc. By (1), we have


Similarly, bc ∈ acS. Hence, acRbc and so R is a right congruence relation. By Lemma 2.1, we conclude thatRis a congruence relation. Sincea∈Sb, there exists m∈S such thata=mb. By (1), we obtain


So, L is a left congruence relation. By Lemma 2.1, we conclude that L is a con-gruence relation. Therefore, H=R ∩ Lis a congruence relation. For everya∈S, we have a2 aSSa. Then, by (1), a a2SSa2 which implies that aHa2.

Also, by (1), we obtainabHba. Therefore,His a congruence semilattice. Now, let S= S

Therefore,S is a semilattice of groupsSα.

Definition 2.3. A bandB is called normal if for everya, b, c∈ B,cabc=cbac.

Theorem 2.4. A semigroup S is a normal band of groups if and only if

(∀a, b, c, d∈S) abcd|tacbd, a|ta2. (3)

Proof. Suppose that a semigroupS is a normal band of groups andS= S

α∈C Sα.

Ifa∈Sα,b∈Sβ,c∈Sγ andd∈Sδ, thenabcd∈Sαβγδ. SinceCis a normal band,

acbdbacd,abdcacbd∈Sαβγδ. So, we have

(∀a, b, c, d∈S)abcd∈acbdbacdS⊆acbdS andabcd∈Sabdcacbd⊆Sacbd.


such that a=xb2. If α, β ∈ C, a, bS

α and x∈Sβ, then α=βα. By (3), for

every a∈S there existsy ∈S such that a=ya2. Ify S

γ, thenα=γα. Thus,

we have


Similarly, we can prove that b ∈Sαa. Since aRb, we conclude that a∈bSα and

b∈aSα. Therefore,Sα is a group andS is a normal band of groups.

Definition 2.5. A semigroup S is called a rectangular band if for everya, b∈S, aba=a.

Theorem 2.6. A semigroup S is a rectangular band of groups if and only if

(∀a, b∈S)a|taba. (4)

Proof.S Suppose that a semigroup S is a rectangular band of groups and S =


Sα. Then, for everya, b∈S,aba∈S. Therefore,

a∈abaS anda∈Saba.

Conversely, suppose that (4) holds. If aHb, then for every c ∈ S we have ac ∈bSc ⊆bcbSc⊆bcS. Similarly, bc∈ acS and so acRbc. On the other hand, ca ∈ cSb ⊆ cSbcb ⊆ Scb and cb ∈ Sca. Thus, caLcb. Therefore, R is a right congruence relation and Lis a left congruence relation, and so His a congruence relation. Since for every a, b ∈ S, a ∈ Saba and a ∈ abaS, S is a congruence rectangular band.

Now, suppose that aHb. Then, aHb2 and there exists α ∈ C such that a, b ∈ Sα. So, there exist m, n ∈ S such that a= mb2 and b =na. If β, γ ∈ C,

m∈Sγ andn∈Sβ, thenα=γαandα=βα. So, we have


Similarly, we can prove thata∈bSαandb∈aSα∩Sαa. Therefore,Sαis a group.

Corollary 2.7. S is a left zero band of groups if and only if for every a, b ∈ S, a|tab.

3. Concluding Remarks

In this article, we studied some aspects of band of semigroups and groups. Let H be a non-empty set and let P∗(H) be the family of all non-empty subsets ofH. Ahyperoperation onH is a map⋆:H×H → P∗(H) and the couple (H, ⋆) is called ahypergroupoid. IfAandB are non-empty subsets ofH, then we denote A ⋆ B =Sa∈A, b∈Ba ⋆ b. A hypergroupoid (H, ⋆) is called asemihypergroupif for


Acknowledgement. The authors are highly grateful to the referees for their valuable comments and suggestions for improving the paper.


[1] Bogdanovic, S. ”Qr-semigroups”,Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N.S.),29(43)(1981), 15–21.

[2] Bogdanovic,S., Popovic, Z. and Ciric, M., ”Bands ofλ-simple semigroups”,Filomat, 24(4) (2010), 77–85.

[3] Ciric, M. and Bogdanovic, S., ”Sturdy bands of semigroups”, Collect. Math., 41 (1990), 189–195.

[4] Clifford, A.H., ”Bands of semigroups”,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,5(1954), 499–504. [5] Davvaz, B.,Polygroup Theory and Related Systems, World Scientific, 2013.

[6] Juhasz, Z. and Vernitski, A., ”Using filters to describe congruences and band congruences of semigroups”,Semigroup Forum,83(2) (2011), 320–334.

[7] Lajos, S., ”Semigroups that are semilattices of groups. II”,Math. Japon.,18(1973), 23–31. [8] Lajos, S., ”A characterization of semigroups that are semilattices of groups”,Nanta Math.,

6(1)(1973), 1–2.

[9] Lajos, S., ”Notes on semilattices of groups”,Proc. Japan Acad.,46(1970), 151–152. [10] Lajos, S., ”A characterization of semigroups which are semilattices of groups”,Colloq. Math.,

21(1970), 187–189.


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