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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 209121041





Hamidah, Siti. The Effect of Jumble Letters Strategy on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement. A Thesis: English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2014.



First of all, the writer would like to thank the Almighty, Allah Subhanahu

Wata’ala for His blessings so the writer is able to accomplish her thesis as a

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at the

English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), State

University of Medan (UNIMED).

During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she cannot

accomplish without support from many people. The writer would like to express

her sincere gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M. Si as the Rector of State University of Medan

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M. Pd as the Head of English Department as well as the Writer’s Thesis Reviewer for the precious time on giving advices and correcting this thesis.

Rika, S. Pd, M. Hum as the Secretary of English Department

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M. Ed as the Head of Educational Program of English Department as well as the Writer’s Thesis Reviewer for her advices.

Dra. Sortha Silitonga, M. Pd as the Writer’s Thesis Advisor who has consciously guided her in the entire process of the thesis writing with all of the constructive comments, which helped the writer made the thesis well.


Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum and Drs. Bachtiar, M. Pd as the Writer’s Thesis Reviewers who have guided and have given contructive comments so the writer knew how to revise her thesis well.

Beloved father, (Alm) Sugiri and lovely mother, Armilati, the deepest gratitude for their greatest supports, caring and loves to the writer. Thanks and love to the writer’s sister and brother, Sri Lestari and Ardiansyah, for they are the reason why the writer keeps on struggling.

 Writer’s beloved friend Guntar cs, Christian and Rini , and the amazing class B – Reg Dik’09 (especially for Rahma, Ika, Efri, Eryca Ona, Orli , Ellis, Yani, Manja, Nila de Vamp-pie, Dayfreeri and Bernard) for every single help, support and love that mean a lot to the writer.

 Writer’s beloved friend, Abi Ichan and Mas Andre for his supports. Sri Wardhani Rambe, S. Pd as the Writer’s Mentor in her Teaching

Experience Program and the Students of SDN 104214 Delitua at the year of 2012/2013

Siti Yohani, S.Pd as the Headmaster of SDN 104214 Delitua, for the responsibility in supporting the writer while doing her research in the school.

Last but not least, the writer extends gratitude for those who cannot be mentioned here, that give contribution on the writer’s life. The writer realizes that the content of this thesis is still far from perfect, but she warmly accept any

constructive suggestions that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes it

would be useful for those who are interested in this field of study.

Medan, January 2014

The Writer

Siti Hamidah



e. The Principles of Teaching Vocabulary... ... 17

f. The Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary Learning... .... 19



D. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 26

1. Pre-test ... 27

2. Treatment ... 27

a. Treatment in Experimental Group ... 27

b. Treatment in Control Group ... 29

G. The Technique of Analyzing Data... 33


A. The Data ... 34

B. Data Analysis ... 35

1.Testing the Reliability of the Test ... 35

2.Pre-test and Post-test Score Analysis ... . 35

3.Analyzing the Data Using T- test Formula ... 37

C. Testing the Hypothesis ... 38

D. Research Findings ... 38


A. Conclusions ... 40

B. Suggestions ... 40





Table 1.1 Fifth Grade (V) Students’ Score of Vocabulary. ... 2

Table 3.1 Research Design ... 24

Table 3.2 The Population ... 25

Table 3.3 Treatment in Experimental Group ... 27

Table 3.4 Treatment in Control Group ... 29

Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Pre-test ... 35

Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics of Post-test ... 36




APPENDIX A. The Score of the Pre-Test and Post-Test of

the Experimental Group ... 43

APPENDIX B. The Score of the Pre-Test and Post-Test of the Control Group ... 44

APPENDIX C. The Reliability of the Test ... 45

APPENDIX D. The Calculation of the T-Test ... 48

APPENDIX E. Table of Distribution T ... 51

APPENDIX F. Lesson Plan ... 52

APPENDIX G. Pre- test and Post- test ... 76

APPENDIX H. Answer Key ... 78



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A. The Background of the Study

Language is a system of communication in written and spoken form. It has

essential function in human life to express the idea, feeling and desire even

spoken and written individually, normally and universally. The basic function of

language is to communicate between people in the world. One of world language

is English.

As a Foreign Language in Indonesia, English is not only taught from

elementary up to university level but also introduced in kindergarten. The purpose

of Learning English in Indonesia curriculum is to make the students master

communication. The last curriculum in national curriculum is the educational unit

curriculum (KTSP) states that students must be able to communicate well in

English. It means they have to have communication ability. Kitao says that

communication ability is ability to use language appropriately, both receptively

and productively, in real situations (Djiwandono, 2011:28).

To realize that situation, students have to master a number of vocabularies.

It is about 2000 words; this is around the number of words that most native


Vocabulary is one of the basic elements in achieving language skills beside

grammar, pronunciation and spelling. A linguist, David Wilkins says that

vocabulary learning is very important. ‘Without grammar very little can be

conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed’ (Thornburry, 2002:13)

But, based on the observation in SDN 104214 Delitua it is indicated that

many students failed in reading, writing and the others skill because they are weak

in mastering vocabulary. Most of the students get the score below Minimal

Completeness Criteria (KKM) of English lesson for Elementary School. The score

of vocabulary test from the students can be seen in table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Fifth Grade (V) Students’ Score of Vocabulary Test

Semesters Score Students Percentage

1st Semester 2012/2013 <65 10 33.33

≥65 20 66.67

2nd Semester 2012/2013 <65 7 23.33

≥65 23 76.67

The Minimal Completeness Criteria (KKM) applied for the fifth grade (V)

by school is 65. From the data above, it can be fulfilled that the students’ ability in

vocabulary in that class is still low. It can be seen from the mean of the students’

score where the mean is still under the Minimal Completeness Criteria.

Similarly, based on the observation during gave free course for elementary

students there, it is found that many students especially for grade IV and V can’t

write and read a lot of words well. They can’t pronounce and spelling the words


English as a foreign language in classroom brings some problems include

mastering vocabulary. Many students fail in mastery vocabulary. This condition

can be caused the method that use in the teaching process. Actually, the teacher

gives them new words that are frequently used in their reading text, such as

“book”, and then the teacher translates the word in Bahasa “buku”. In fact, it is

not effective way in teaching vocabulary because students still deal with many

difficulties when they use their vocabulary in their communication.

In other hand, most of Indonesian teachers teach vocabulary by ordering the

students to open their dictionary when they face new words that they don’t know

the meaning of its. Sometimes the teacher gives the meaning of the words without

explanation what are the functions and how to use the words in communication. It

makes them boring.

Teachers must do more effort to improve their students’ vocabulary through

many methods and activities. But, this effort sometimes is not really satisfied.

Teacher should use the appropriate strategies in the classroom considering the

objectives of teaching, the students’ level acquisition, and the time allocation.

Nowadays, teachers try to apply attractive ways in teaching process to get

students’ attention to learn. One of them is game; a game can stimulate and

entertain the students. Game also helps the teacher to create the situation in which

language is useful and meaningful. Silberman (2010: 21) says that use fun activity


There are several games can be used in teaching vocabulary for students,

such as jumble letters, missing letter games, and vocabulary jeopardy. But this

study tries to find out the effect one part of games, that is jumble letters in

teaching vocabulary. Anderson (2013:1) says that jumble is the type of word play

where rearrange the letters of the word to be new word. Students can practice to

from another word the given clues, match words, with definition, provide spelling

practice, show the students how the letters of many words can be manipulated to

other words, and emphasize the importance of letter position in relation to word

meaning. This study hope that creating activities by using jumble letters can help

students to improve their vocabulary achievement.

B. The Problem of the Study

Related to the background of the study, the problem of the study is

formulated as follows:

“Is students’ vocabulary achievement significantly effected through jumble


C. The Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem, the objective of the study is to find out the


D. The Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is focused on the effect of applying of jumble letters

on students’ vocabulary achievement for grade five in reading a text which is

taken from English Elementary School Textbook.

E. The Significance of the Study

There are some significances from the results of this study which are

expected to be useful and relevant to the theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, the results of this study are expected to be useful for:

a. To enrich the literature of teaching vocabulary by applying Jumble

Letters Strategy.

b. To give a better understanding and alternative strategy in teaching

vocabulary by applying Jumble Letters Strategy.

c. Give some valuable contribution to other researchers.

2. Practically, the results of this study are expected to be useful for teachers,

students, and other researches. It is expected that it would give the

contribution to:

a. English teacher, to improve the quality of English teaching in

learning process.

b. The students, to improve their knowledge on vocabulary and to

interest make them more active.

c. The readers, to apply jumble letters game strategy to improve




A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings, the researcher concludes that there is a

significant effect of applying Jumble Letters Strategy on elementary students’

vocabulary achievement since the students’ achievement in vocabulary by

applying Jumble Letters Strategy is higher than taught without applying Jumble

Letters Strategy. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is accepted and null

hypothesis is rejected. It was proven statistically with t- observed > t-table 2.548 >

2.002; df = 58, α = 0.05)

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, the results of the findings contribute

some valuable suggestions for those who are interested in teaching vocabulary as


1. The English teachers should improve their strategies in teaching

vocabulary by applying Jumble Letters Strategy so that the students can

improve their vocabulary and comprehend on what they had read.

2. Students should apply Jumble letters Strategy when they encounter reading

activity so that they can increase their vocabulary achievement and

comprehend a text easily.

3. Other researchers should try to apply Jumble Letters Strategy on the

different level students to prove the effectiveness of Jumble Letters


Table 1.1               Pages  Fifth Grade (V) Students’ Score of Vocabulary. ............................
Table 1.1 Fifth Grade (V) Students’ Score of Vocabulary Test


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