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Academic year: 2017



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Siti Rafiah Rangkuti ID. Number 408 611 008

Mathematics Education Study Program


Submitted to fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Praise be to Allah SWT, most gracious, most merciful and master of the

judgment. Thanks to Allah who gave the strength and ability to the writer, so that

this thesis can be finished. An innovation and greeting to Rasulullah SAW, who

brought people from the darkness into lightness. The tittle of this research was “The Difference of Students’ Problem Solving Ability Using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Direct Instruction (DI) in IX grade at SMP Negeri 1 Medan.” is aimed to fulfill of the requirements for the degree Sarjana Pendidikan of the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and

Natural Science State University of Medan

The writer comes upon many difficulties during the writing of this study,

due to his limited knowledge and experiences. However, many people have

contributed and helped him directly during completing of this thesis. For this

chance the writer would like to express his gratitude and special thanks to: Prof.

Dian Armanto, M.Pd.,M.A,M.Sc,.Ph.D as his thesis supervisor, for his valuable

guidance, advices, corrections, comment, suggestion, and his precious time that he

spent on supervising the draft of writing this thesis. Prof. Dr. Mukhtar, M.Pd., Dr

Edi Syahputra,M.Pd., Dr.W.Rajagukguk,M.Pd., as his advisory lectures, for their

advices, corrections, comments and suggestion for this thesis and Drs.

Syafari,M.Pd as his academic supervisor, Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Sc as his

coordinator of bilingual program, and also Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si as his

Rector in State University of Medan, Prof. Drs. Motlan,M.Sc.,Ph.D as the Dean of

faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science State University of Medan, Prof. Dr.

Mukhtar, M.Pd as the head of Mathematics Department, Drs. Yasifati Hia,M.Si as

secretary of the Mathematics Department, Drs. Syafari, M.Pd as the head of

Mathematics Education study program and all lecturer and employees of

Mathematics Department who have taught, advised, and guided his throughout his

academic years at the university.

Drs. H. Ahmad Siregar, M.M, the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Medan,


Locke, for their support, suggestion, and administrative assistance to the writer

during this research.

The writer also would like to express her deepest love gratitude to her

father Mahmud Rangkuti,S.Pd,MM and mother named Dermina Sitompul,S.Pd,

and her sister Nurul Jamiah Rangkuti and also finishing her thesis and

affectionately which gave birth and enlarge to writer, gave morale support,

material and pray and so all her family. To her lovely friends Misna Fitryani, Hot

Tiarma, Farah Diba, Eva, Emil, Yanti, Efrida, Siti Rahmadani, Fatimah, Togu and

all friends in mathematics bilingual program 2008 thank you very much for your

support, helping to finish this thesis.

The writer has effort as maximal as she can in doing this thesis. But with

her humble heart, the writer hopes construct suggestion and critics from the reader

for perfection this thesis. The writer hopes this thesis can be useful and give many

function to the reader specifically about subject matter which was researched in





Siti Rafiah Rangkuti (NIM 408 611 008)


Tujuan penilitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa menggunakan pembelajaran kontekstual dan pembelajaran langsung kelas IX di SMP Negeri 1 Medan.

Penilitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 1 Medan merupakan penilitian eksperimen kuasi di semester I kelas IX di SMP Negeri 1 Medan tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Sampel penilitian ini terdiri dari dua kelas eksperimen. Kelas eksperimen pertama yakni IX – Phytagoras diajarkan dengan Pembelajaran Kontekstual, dan kelas eksperimen kedua adalah IX - John Locke dengan pembelajaran langsung. Instrumen penilitian dalam pengambilan data menggunakan tes dan lembar observasi. Tes yang digunakan yakni esai yang terdiri dari 4 butir soal mengenai luas permukaan dan volum tabung. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis perbedaan dengan uji – t.

Dari hasil penilitian diperoleh nilai rata – rata post test di kelas eksperimen pertama 81.54 dan kelas eksperimen kedua sebesar 68.09. Standar deviasi di kelas eksperimen pertama 13.84 dan kelas eksperimen kedua sebesar 13.59. Setelah dilakukan uji – t dari data diperoleh t hitung = 3.177 dan diperoleh dengan

taraf significan α = 0.05 maka ttabel = 1.684. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian dimana thitung > ttabel maka Ha diterima dengan data hasil post tes 3.177 > 1.684. Yang berarti ada perbedaan signifikan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa menggunakan pembelajaran kontesktual dan pembelajaran langsung.

Berbagai kesalahan siswa yang dilakukan setelah diajarkan mengunakan pembelajaran kontekstual yakni: tidak lengkap menuliskan informasi yang diperoleh dari soal, salah menuliskan rumus luas permukaan dan volume tabung, tidak melengkapi strategi untuk penyelesaian masalah, kesalahan dalam perhitungan dan operasi aljabar.

Jenis kesalahan siswa yang telah melakukan pembelajaran langsung yakni sama dengn pembelajaran kontekstual, dan tambahannya pada kelas ini siswa banyak yang tidak melakukan evaluasi/analisis kembali dengan benar.

Kata – kata kunci: Pembelajaran Kontekstual, Pembelajaran Langsung,





Siti Rafiah Rangkuti (ID. Number 408 611 008) ABSTRACT

The purpose of this research is to know whether the difference of students’ problem solving ability using contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and direct instruction (DI) IX Grade at SMP Negeri 1 Medan.

The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Medan using a quasi experiment research on the first semester of IX grade SMP Negeri 1 Medan academic year 2012/2013. Sample was taken by using random sampling; it means that each class had the same chance to be sampled. The sample in this study consisted of two the classes. The first experiment class in IX - Phytagoras was taught by applies Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the second class experiment in IX - John Locke was taught by applies Direct Instruction (DI). Research instrument in collecting data in this study were a test and an observation sheet. This test was an essay that related to the problem solving essay which was contain of 4 items about surface area and volume of cylinder. Data analysis technique that used was the analysis of difference by using T- test.

Form result of this research gotten the post test average in first experiment class 81.54 and average in second experiment class 68.09. Deviation standard in first experiment class 13.84 and deviation standard in second experiment class is 13.59. After done t-test we get data for tcalculate = 3.177 and t gotten significant

taraf α = 0.05 so ttable = 1.684. According to testing criteria which tcalculate > ttable Ha is accepted means that for post test data 3.177 > 1.684 so Ha is accepted and

also means there is significant difference of problem solving ability of students’

between taught Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Direct Instruction (DI).

The kinds of mistake that student made after being taught using contextual teaching and learning approach are : wrote not complete information from the problem, wrote wrong formula of surface area and volume of cylinder, wrote not complete strategy to solve the problem, errors in calculation and algebra operation.

The kinds of mistake that student made after being taught using direct instruction are same with contextual teaching and learning, but they did not make re-evaluation correctly.



CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Essence of Learning

2.1.2 Definition of the achievement of learning

2.1.3 Definition problem in mathematics

2.1.4 The ability mathematics problem solving

2.1.5 Approach learning in mathematics

2.1.6 Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning ( CTL)



2.1.8 The component of contextual approach

2.1.9 Direct instruction

2.1.10 Difference between Of CTL approach and direct instruction

2.2Curved Surfaced Solid

2.2.1 Cylinder 3.1Research Time and Place

3.2Population and Sample

3.6Instrument of Data Collecting

3.6.1Ability Test

3.6.2Instrument Analysis Technique Validation of Instrument Reliability of Instrument

3.6.3 Observation sheet sheet for teacher learning activities Observation sheet for students’ learning activities

3.7Data Analysis Technique

3.7.1Determine the average and standard deviation for Post Test



3.8Level of Problem Solving Skill of Student in Mathematic Problem 35

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 The Result of Problem Solving ability

4.1.1 Post Test of First and Second Experment Classes

4.1.2 Data Normality Test

4.1.3 Data Homogeniety Test

4.1.4 Hypothesis Testing

4.1.5 Level of Problem Solving Ability of students in Mathematics







4.2 Observation result 39

4.2.1 Student observation sheet 39

4.2.2 Teacher observation sheet 40

4.3 Discussion of research result 41

4.3.1 Discussion of Students Mistake for problem solving For the first Experiment Class Using Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) Approach For the second Experiment Class Using direct instruction





5.1 Conclusion 46

5.2 Suggestion 47





Page Figure 2.1 Interaction between element and contextual learning 19

Figure 2.2 Instructional outcomes for direct instruction 19

Figure 2.3 Example of Cylinder 22

Figure 2.4 Net of Cylinder 22

Figure 4.1 Level of Problem Solving 39

Figure 4.2 Student Mistake for arranging Strategy using CTL Approach 42

Figure 4.3 Student’s Mistake in Implementing the Planning 43

Figure 4.4 Mistakes for reevaluating all steps have done 44

Figure 4.6 Mistakes in Arranging Planing problem solving 44

Figure 4.7 Mistakes in Implementing the Planning 45




Table 2.1 Difference between direct instruction and CTL approach



Table 3.1 Research Design 26

Table 3.2 Blue print post test of volume and surface area cylinder 28

Table 3.3 Scoring of problem solving 29

Table 3.4 Ideal score for teacher activities 31

Table 3.5 Ideal score for students’ activities 32

Table 3.6 Criteria of Students Mastering Level 35

Table 4.1 Post test result of the first and second experiment classes 36

Table 4.2 Result of Normality Testing 37

Table 4.3 Result of Homogeneity Testing 37

Table 4.4 Result of Hypothesis Testing 38

Table 4.5 Level of problem solving ability of two classes 38 Table 4.6 Summary students’ observation sheet 40




Appendix 1 First Lesson Plan for Experiment Class I



Appendix 2 Second Lesson Plan for Experiment Class I 60

Appendix 3 First Lesson Plan for Experiment Class II 66

Appendix 4 Second Lesson Plan for Experiment Class II 69

Appendix 5 Student Activity sheet (Surface area of Cylinder) 72

Appendix 6 Student Activity sheet ( Volume of Cylinder) 76

Appendix 7 Hint of scoring problem solving ability 79

Appendix 8 Blue Print of Post-test 80

Appendix 9 Post Test Question 81

Appendix 10 Alternative Solution of Post-test 83

Appendix 11 Validator Evaluation Sheet 87

Appendix 12 Observer Evaluation Sheet 88

Appendix 13 Observation Sheet of Teacher Activities (CTL) 90

Appendix 14 Observation Sheet of Teacher Activities (DI) 92

Appendix 15 Observation Sheet of Students Activities (CTL) 94

Appendix 16 Observation Sheet of Students Activities (DI) 95

Appendix 17 Validator Names 96

Appendix 18 Validation Analysis of Validator Agreement for Post test 97

Appendix 19 Realibity Analysis of Post Test 99

Appendix 20 Post Test For First Experiment Class (CTL) 101

Appendix 21 Post Test For Second Experiment Class (DI) 102

Appendix 22 Post Test Mark for 1st and 2nd experiment classes 103

Appendix 23 Data Experiment Class I (CTL) 104

Appendix 24 Data Experiment Class II (DI) 105

Appendix 25 The Calculation procedure average, Variance and Standard

Deviation of 1st and 2nd experiment classes


Appendix 26 Calculation of Normality Testing 108

Appendix 27 Calculation of HomogenietyTesting 111




1.1 Background

Education is one way to realize quality of society, especially preparing

the excellent society for their competence. However, there are a lot of opinions

the quality of education in Indonesia still low. As Irham Nasution (Waspada

newspaper, February, 2nd 2012) from survey show that our education is far from

the expectation, such as Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011,

which had been launched by UNESCO, was in 65. Then, decreases to the 69 of

127 countries surveyed.

Nowdays, Mathematics is means the unity of knowledge, understanding,

and human skill that are needed effectivelly in modren life. The expectation of

graduate school that was critical, sistematical, reasonable, creative and


There are some reasons concerning learning importance and mathematics

mastery that is important for students. Mathematics belongs to development of

other sciences. It also is relates to the problem solving in daily life. The

mathematics usefulness in daily life such as counting of contents and weight,

collecting, processing, presenting and interpreting data use calculators and

computers. In addition, in order to be able to follow further mathematics, to help

the understanding of other subjects such as physics, chemistry, architecture,

pharmacy, geography, economics, and others. And no expectation to the students

to think logical, critical, and practical, positive attitude and creative spirit.

A lot of articels in newspaper, internet and seminars. The opinion

regarding efforts to improve quality of mathematics education today also there is

no improvement. As the one told by Bahrul and Suhendra (2010:42) that :



Related with condition above that our mathematics education in primary

till junior/senior level just think about numbers. Next, Bahrul dan Suhendra

(2010:42) that:

“Persepsi bahwa matematika adalah kumpulan bilangan yang harus dioperasikan menyebabkan munculnya ketakwajaran dalam konteks matematika yang dibawa ke dalam kelas. Akibatnya, sering kita dengar soal matematika yang terlalu “dipaksakan”, contohnya soal tentang meminta anak menjumlahkan umur suatu planet dengan umur planet lain. Kemudian, keterampilan berhitung ( mental, yaitu tanpa pensil dan kertas) menjadi segala – segalanya dalam pendidikan matematika kita dahulu. Kecepatan berhitung menjadi indicator utama kepiawaian seorang dalam matematika.”

Teaching and learning are two concepts that cannot be separated from

others. Learning show what should be done as a lesson recipient (students), while

teaching shows what should be done by teacher. So, learning is a process of

interaction between teachers and students during teaching process. The successful

of teaching process will be influenced by the ability of teacher to determine

methods and tools is used teaching and also determined by interest of students.

The problem solving ability is low. It is caused some factors between

students, teacher, learning method, or enviroment as related to another. That thing

is as according to statement of Marjohan (2009:13) that : “ The characteristics

conventional teaching is very evident the interaction teacher - students in the

classroom. One of them is oauthoritatian apporoach. Therefore, the students must

have received what teacher saying.”

In addition, mathematics achievement of students also is influenced by

less participation students in classroom. That makes bloced students to solve this

situation. The difficulties of most problem application in mathematics are not lies

calculation, but rather than knowledge how to make clarify problem and can be


Nowdays, mathematics expectation is facilities students can rediscover

the formula by guide re-inventon. As mathematician discoverer, to find formula

and theory in learning mathematics is problem solving very important. As stated

Tran Vui (in Depdiknas: 2004: 9) Problem Solving is put forth as a major method



Mathematics content standard 2006 for all level education is stated that

aims mathematics (in P4TK 2010:10) that the students should be able to:

a. Understanding mathematics concepts

b. Using reasoning

c. Problem solving

d. Communication of idea

e. Respectful of using mathematics daily life

Furthermore, the importance of problem solving can also be seen in its

role in learning. Stanic & Kilpatrick told McIntosh, R. & Jarret, D. (2000:8), share

the role of problem solving as a context to a few things:

1. To justify the teaching of mathematics.

2. To attract students of the value of mathematics-related contents with real

life issues.

3. To motivate students, arouse students' attention on the topic or procedure

specialized in mathematics by providing contextual usability (inreal life).

4. For recreation, as a fun activity that breaks the atmosphere learning


5. As an exercise, ability reinforcement concepts that have been taught

directly (perhaps this role most often committed by us during this).

From content standard above, problem solving ability is the important

role in learning mathematics and other subjects. The problem solving ability is

needed everyone formaking decision. Therefore, mathematics teacher expected to

teach prolem solving ability and mastery the concept, and include to reason

critical, sistematical and creative. Indicators of problem solving ability divided


1. Understanding the problem

2. Arrange planning to solve problem

3. Implement the planning



Problem solving process is not about calculation, but rather than on the

knowledge to solve it. Another reason about the low of problem solving in

mathematics of students and commonly for applicable for applied in process of

learning is structural.

Thus, to teach mathematically is mediated problem solving, the teacher

as instructional designer will need to arrange a series of problems that require

mathematics modified responding. Then, the students develop fluency in the

component mathematics skill whom he should be introduced to the next and more

complex math mediated responding.

By existence is expected by structural practice approach is problem

solving be better, one of subject at curved surfaced solids. Students less attention

to the material that is explained by the teacher.It is also found in students’ on SMP

Negeri 1 Medan. Then, the students less understand how to solve it. This

statement also supported by researcher direct interview result with mathematics

teacher in SMP Negeri 1 Medan (Mom Elliati Nasution) April, 3rd 2012 in SMP Negeri 1 Medan stated that : “The students just memorizing the formula . By memorize the formula without understanding well and less practice is difficult to

try the problem related in daily life”.Teacher stated that the students have

problems in learning the cylinder on subtopic which are already entered on a

higher level, namely its application in daily life. The material is a continuation of

the material they have learned at primary school level. However, as mentioned

earlier, because the understanding of concepts in elementary school is still lack, so

the students will into this subtopic in their junior high school back in trouble.

Mom Elliati also teach mathematics in SMP Negeri 1 Medan express that about

problem solving ability of students is less , it is caused only the students with high

thinking level can using problem solving and another students cannot be done to

solve it.

An approach can be done the teachers in learning process is contextual

teaching and learning approach. The base philosophy of contextual teaching and

learning as new alternative strategy is contructivism. Learning process in not only



contructivism their knowledge. The teacher something to do a assist the students

to get aimed or giving information by teacher.

The contextual is learning approach which learning in the school is related

real situation. Then, the result learning easier is accepted and benefit if the

students leave it the school. By Contextual teaching is related in real situation as

learning source or material application.

According to statement above , a writer as researcher interested to write a


1.2 Problem Identification

Based on brackground of problem, researcher identify various problems as


1. Problem solving ability in mathematics of students is low. This situation is

caused due to a lack of willingness of teacher to implement it.

2. Learning is not meaningful, means that the students can’t related a

material into daily life

3. Less precisely learning approaches that used by teacher to deliver teaching


4. The students have difficulty in problem solving mathematical because the

understanding concept of the material is still lack.

5. The students have problems in learning the cylinder on sub topic which are

already entered on a higher level, namely its application in daily life.

1.3 Limitation Problem

Making clearly and have mentioned identifying problem hence in this

research is limited about the difference of students problem solving ability

between Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and direct instruction (DI) in



1.4 Research Question

Based on the background of the issues, problems identification and

limitation problem that has been stated above, then the problem in this study is

formulated as follows:

1. Is there any difference problem solving ability between Contextual Teaching

and Learning (CTL) approach and Direct Instruction(DI) in IX grade in at

SMP Negeri 1 Medan.

2. What is the difference students activity in Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) and Direct Instruction (DI) about cylinder on subtopic IX

grade at SMP Negeri 1 Medan Academic Year 2012/2013?

3. What is the difference teacher activity in Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL) and Direct Instruction (DI) about cylinder on subtopic IX grade at

SMP Negeri 1 Medan Academic Year 2012/2013?

4. What is students weakness of problem solving in cylinder subtopic after

using contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and Direct Instruction (DI) IX

grade at SMP Negeri 1 Medan Academic Year 2012/2013?

1.5 Research Objective

As for this purpose of research :

1. To know improve problem solving ability of students with using

contextual teaching and learning (CTL) is better than Direct Instruction

(DI) in IX grade at SMP Negeri 1 Medan.

2. To describe the students activity of mathematics learning by apply

problem solving using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and

Direct Instruction (DI) in IX grade at SMP Negeri 1 Medan Academic

Year 2012/2013

3. To describe the teacher activity mathematics learning thoroughly

applying problem solving using Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL) and Direct Instruction (DI) on cylinder subtopic in IX grade at



4. To improve the students weakness of applying problem solving using

contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and Direct Instruction (DI) on

cylinder subtopic in IX grade at SMP Negeri 1 Medan Academic Year


1.6 Research Benefits

After do the research. The benefit which expected from this research is:

1. As component of information or input for teacher/ candidate teacher to be

able to consider usage Contextual Learning is better study approach in

process of study of mathematics

2. Learning became meaningful and fun for students

3. Input and information for the other researcher of the relationship with this

problem of research

1.7 Operational Definition

1. Problem solving ability is ability of student how to solve the problem in

mathematics with observe the process to find the solution based on the

steps of problem solving as follows:

- Understanding the problem

- Arranging planning of problem solving

- Implementing planning of problem solving

- Evaluating problem solving that have done

2. Learning by Contextual teaching and learning (CTL) Approach is learning

concept which helping a teacher make relation of learning material in real

life situation and motivation to make relation between has belonging knowledge in daily life.”

3. Direct instruction is the learning process which teacher – oriented, less






From the result of research that has been done, it can be conclude that

as follows:

1. The students’ problem solving ability that taught by Contextual Teaching

and Learning (CTL) is better than taught by Direct Instruction (DI) in IX

grade at SMP Negeri 1 Medan Academic Year 2012/2013. It can shown

from post test data is the average is CTL class is 81.54 and DI class is 68.09.

And after calculation use t – test we gotten tcalculate 3.177 and t table 1.684.

2. From the observation by the observer, it can be concluded that the learning CTL approach is better than the learning DI when viewed from the students’ activity. Students were taught through learning model of CTL is more

flexible and the student active by discussion. Students are more active in

doing the questions in student sheet activity. Then, by randomly the students

presenting the result discussion in front of class. Contrast to the student who

were taught through learning model of DI was occur more emphasize in

listening activity to the teacher explanation in front of class.

3. Based on the teachers’ observation that observed it can be concluding that

the teacher who implement the learning CTL approach more attractive

rather than who implement the learning model of DI.

4. The kinds of mistake that student made after being taught using contextual

teaching and learning approach and direct instruction are: wrote not

complete information from the problem, wrote wrong formula of surface

area and volume of cylinder, wrote not complete strategy to solve the

problem, errors in calculation and algebra operation.The kinds of mistake

that student made after being taught using direct instruction are same with



contextual teaching and learning, but they did not make re-evaluation



Based on research result, then the suggestions that can be given by writer are:

1. For mathematic teacher, learning taught Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL) can be used as alternative learning approach because it can be increase

problem solving skills of student.

2. For mathematics teacher given problem related in daily life then students

should be solve using mathematics problem solving steps.

3. For the next researcher, to make deeper analysis about the mistakes that




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Dokumen terkait

Kemudian diperoleh grafik hubungan antara massa dan transmitansi pada serat optik yang telah dilapisi karet dengan nilai gradien yang didapatkan sebesar 0,990.. Dari hasil

”Studi yang biasanya memusatkan pada in school factor biasanya menguji hubungan antara kualitas dan kuantitas faktor utama, seperti misalnya guru, administrasi sekolah, sarana

Bagi Kepala Sekolah, hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi informasi mengenai gambaran kenakalan siswa serta peran guru bimbingan dan konseling dalam menangani kenakalan

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Terhadap Senjangan Anggaran dengan Komitmen Organisasi sebagai Variabel Moderating pada RSU di Wilayah Surakarta”.

Puji syukur Alhamdulillah bagi Allah SWT yang selalu memberikan berkat dan rahmat-Nya, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan skripsi dengan judul: “UPAYA

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