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Academic year: 2017



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This research study aims at discovering the use of cohesion in students’ argumentative writings in terms of its frequency and function. The participants of the study are seventeen students of English Language and Literature study program UPI who have learned how to compose argumentative writing as well as cohesion. To answer all research questions, this study employs a qualitative method research design embracing the characteristics of a case study approach. The data are obtained from students’ argumentative writings. This research study is grounded by the framework of Cohesion Taxonomy proposed by Halliday and

Hasan (1976), which is also a tool for analyzing students’ texts. Results reveal that

grammatical cohesive devices—by the use of reference and conjunction as the dominant devices—are slightly more preferable to be used as cohesive resources than the lexical ones. Moreover, it is also found that cohesive devices generally have two major functions which are to remind the readers of the points under discussion and to clarify and affirm semantic relationship between clauses so that the position of the author is clear. Furthermore, this research study recommends students should expands their repertoire both in vocabulary and sentence structure since analysis finds indication of their heavy reliance on repetition device.





PREFACE ... iii







A. Background ... 1

B. Research Questions ... 5

C. Purposes of the Study ... 5

D. Scope of the Study ... 5

E. Significance of the Study ... 5

F. Clarification of Terms ... 6

G. Organization of the Paper ... 8


A. Cohesion ... 10

1. Cohesion, Texture, and Coherence ... 10

2 Cohesion and Text ... 14

3. Taxonomy of Cohesive Devices ... 14


1) Reference ... 15

2) Substitution ... 20

3) Ellipsis ... 21

4) Conjunction ... 24

b. Lexical Cohesion ... 27

1) Reiteration ... 27

2) Collocation ... 30

B. Genre and Writing ... 32

1. Definition of Genre ... 32

2. Genre and Grammar ... 33

3. Argumentative Writing as a Genre ... 34

4. Writing in Indonesian Context ... 36

5. Features in Argumentative Writing ... 37

C. Previous Related Studies ... 41

D. Concluding Remarks ... 44


A. Research Design ... 45

B. Research Site and Object ... 46

1. Research Site ... 46

2. Object ... 47

C Data Collection ... 48

D. Data Analysis ... 48

1. Identification of Cohesive Devices ... 48

2. Examination of Functions of Cohesive Devices ... 49



A. Identification of Cohesive Devices ... 50

1. Grammatical Cohesion Use ... 52

a. Reference Devices Use ... 52

b. Substitution Devices Use ... 57

c. Ellipsis Devices Use ... 59

d. Conjunction Devices Use ... 59

2. Lexical Devices Use ... 62

a. Reiteration Devices Use ... 62

b. Collocation Devices Use ... 65

B. Function of Cohesive Devices to Argumentative Writings ... 66

1. Function of Grammatical Cohesion ... 66

a. Function of Reference ... 66

b. Function of Substitution ... 70

c. Function of Ellipsis ... 71

d. Function of Conjunction ... 72

2. Function of Lexical ... 75

a. Function of Reiteration ... 75

b. Function of Collocation ... 78

C. Concluding Remarks ... 79


A. Conclusion ... 80

B. Limitation ... 81

C. Recommendation ... 82








The previous chapter has elaborated the theories relevant to this research study:

Cohesion, Coherence, and Texture as well as the relationship between those three

concepts; and Genre, especially genres in writing, including genres taught in

Indonesian setting. This chapter focuses on the methodological aspects of this

research study. It covers four main aspects: Research design, elaborates the method

employed in this study includes its principles and characteristics. Research site and

objects that emphasize on the place where this research study takes place, and the

discussion on the object of this study. The data collection section presents the

instrument and data collection technique. The data analysis elaborates the procedure

of analyzing the data. This chapter is closed by concluding remarks at the end of this


A. Research Design

In an attempt to answer the research questions, this research study employed a

descriptive-qualitative method. Descriptive-qualitative method was used as the

method since it provided holistic description of complex phenomena (Fraenkel, et al,

2012). Moreover, as stated by Hancock (1998), qualitative research aims at helping

researcher understand the social phenomena. It naturally describes social phenomena

as it is; besides, it concerned with the opinions and experiences of people to produce

subjective data. This research study also used quantification to identify the frequency

of occurrences of the cohesive devices in the form of percentage. Since this research


the type of cohesive devices used and how these cohesive devices function to the

argumentative writings; a qualitative method was considered as the ideal method.

The application of qualitative method with case study approach was chosen

because its characteristics (Hancock, 1998: 1-2; Creswell, 2007: 36-38; Patton &

Cochran, 2007) fit into this research study. The characteristics were: firstly, this

research study was conducted in natural setting which was English class in which the

students learn to write; secondly, writing was a social phenomena; thirdly, this

research study analyzed how cohesive devices were used and utilized; lastly, this

research study investigated, analyzed, described, categorized, and interpreted the data

that were writing products—argumentative writings—composed by students; and

after conducting the text analysis, the data were presented and interpreted

qualitatively as general findings and conclusions.

This research study also applied Discourse Analysis as the approach because as

stated by Hancock, Ockleford, and Windridge (2007: 13), it focuses on text as social

practices, besides, it is interested in “how discourses are organized to present

particular word view and how the words are used and utilized”. Furthermore, since

this research study used text analysis that was limited to a specific environment, the

design applied in this study could be considered a case study approach, which is an

in-depth exploration of a bounded system (Hancock, 1998; Creswell, 2012; Patton &

Cochran, 2007). The text analyzed in this research study was argumentative writing

composed by English Language and Literature Study program students of Indonesia

University of Education (UPI).

B. Research Site and Object

1. Research Site

The study was conducted at English Language and Literature Study Program


were familiar with the researcher since he was one of students in that department;

besides, this familiarity provided the researcher mutual trust with both the

lecturers and the students, so that the researcher had the access to conduct the

research study.

Moreover, the students in English Language and Literature Study Program

were selected because they were third semester students who have learnt how to

compose argumentative writing, a genre investigated in this research. Besides, it

has been taught since High School (See Chapter II). Although the concept and

taxonomy of cohesion have not explicitly and specifically been taught in early

semester, some of the features have been taught implicitly. Therefore, the students

were believed to be able to apply them in their writing.

2. Object

The object of this study was seventeen argumentative writings composed by

third-semester students of English Language and Literature study program in

Department of English Education, UPI. The participants were all from one class.

The selection was based on the assumption that the third-semester students were

most likely capable of composing argumentative writings since it had been taught

in High School, moreover, they were taught to write argumentative writing in

classroom sessions before asked to write argumentative writings. Moreover, as

stated earlier in this chapter, the students have developed understanding related to

cohesion and could apply what they have learned in their writing.

The rationale of selecting seventeen argumentative writings was because as

stated earlier, this study applied qualitative method with case study as a design so


approach includes richness of data and deeper insight into phenomena under study

(Creswell, 2012; Patton & Cochran, 2007). Therefore, this study analyzed only

seventeen argumentative writings due to the reason of manageability—the

researcher was limited in terms of time and energy—and it was because the

analysis was intended to be deep, so that the data were not too many.

C. Data Collection

As stated before, the nature of data collection in qualitative research was intensive

and time consuming; moreover, in order to provide a deep analysis, the data should

be relatively in small numbers. Therefore, it was necessary to use small samples that

demonstrated representativeness of findings through random selection technique. The

data were obtained from one out of two Writing-in-Professional-context classes in

English Language and Literature study program year 2014/2015, which meant the

sample was 50 percent of the total population.

The instrument in this study was documentation—the argumentative texts

composed by the English Language and Literature study program students. In

collecting the data, the researcher took several steps, namely: 1) asked permission

from third-semester-writing lecturer in English Language and Literature study program to use the students’ argumentative writings as well as the score as the data in this study; 2) asked permission from all the students to use their argumentative

writings as the data in this study; and 3) collected the text from the students.

D. Data Analysis

1. Identification of Cohesive Devices

In analyzing students' argumentative writing documents, this study applied

taxonomy of cohesion (see Chapter II). In the analysis, firstly, the researcher read

the entire text to understand the context; then, based on taxonomy of cohesion,


reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, reiteration, and collocation as well as

their subclasses.

The purpose of this procedure was to know what type of cohesion used mostly

in each argumentative writings as well as the distribution of all cohesive devices

mentioned in Chapter II. Furthermore, the types of cohesion were counted into

percentages by dividing the frequency of occurrences by the total occurrences,

then multiplying it with a hundred percent.

Results of the cohesion analysis were interpreted based on the realization of

cohesive devices in each text as well as the number of ties in every type of

grammatical and lexical cohesion. The dominant kind of cohesive devices used in

the reading text emerged after they were identified and counted.

2. Examination of Functions of Cohesive Devices

After finishing the process of analysis and identification; the next step in this

study was to examine the function of using cohesive devices to the argumentative

writing. In the analysis, the researcher reread the entire text to examine the

relationship between the tied elements. The researcher, then, examined the pattern

or structure in argumentative writing to find the general tendency to which parts

certain cohesive devices were used as well as the effect.

E. Concluding Remarks

This chapter has presented the methodological aspects applied in this study

covering the research design, research site and participants, data collection and data

analysis that is based on the research questions mentioned in Chapter I as well as the

theories informed in Chapter II. In the next chapter, Chapter IV, the data of students'


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