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From Publishers Weekly



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There's a secret organization somewhere in England created to defend the Queen and country from monsters of all sorts. Yes, it's hard to believe in this day and age... but really, isn't this the true age of monsters? Enter Hellsing, an agency, long in tooth, with the experience, know-how, and... er... equipment to handle the problems that arise when vampires, ghouls, and the like take on these dark forces. "What equipment?" you may say. How about another vampire, and a big pistol loaded with special silver bullets? That oughta do the trick. But what really knocks 'em dead is the sharp wit, awesome artwork, and crazy, bloody action that make up the manga. Hellsing the long-awaited manga is finally in America, thanks to Dark Horse Comics and the folks at Digital Manga, and you're gonna love it. Come get some smart-ass gore and action as only Japan seems to produce, in that crazy "non-Western" format the kids seem to love. And nice and thick at a full 200 pages! The night is dark, but at least those wacky anti-heroes from Hellsing can make light of it.

Sales Rank: #264514 in Books

Dimensions: 7.30" h x .70" w x 5.20" l, .25 pounds

Another in a long line of manga featuring an off-kilter hero, this lively tale about vampire hunters features the eponymous top-secret organization based in England that's called on for only the toughest jobs. Hellsing's top vampire hunter is Alucard, a lanky figure in an oversized hat and a duster that swirls dashingly as he blows bad guys to smithereens with his arsenal of enormous firearms. Alucard, it turns out, is actually a vampire himself, and just why he's tearing up his own kind is open to question, but then, Hellsing doesn't lend itself to much deep contemplation. It's mostly a fun, violent romp. In the first story readers meet a young policewoman who joins the undead after becoming an innocent victim in a battle. Police Girl, as she's known, comes to the organization via Integra, Hellsing's leader, and her adaptation to her new life affords some amusing moments. In a flashback, readers learn how Integra took over Hellsing and how she first met Alucard when he rescued her from her own murderous relatives. Later, the heroes nearly meet their match in Father Alexander Anderson, a superhuman priest who works for Section XIII, the Vatican's own vampire division. The bloody battle is accompanied by some rather awkward religious sparring between the Catholic Church and Hellsing, which is sworn to protect, believe it or not, the Protestant Church. It's goofy details like this that give the book some charm and energy. Hirano's storytelling is easy to follow, as stylish close-ups of the "we're-groovy-and-we-know-it" characters explode into violent full-page illustrations of all-out mayhem. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


The art is wonderful, and the action scenes are highly detailed. Each bullet wound, each hand slice, every single piece of flesh that flies off of disembodied corpses is captured with loving detail you can tell!

Since this is the first volume, don't expect pacing that will blow you away or hint at what will happen in the later volumes, this volume mostly covers introductions and back stories. This may seem boring, but it is anything but! Also, the extras in this manga are surprisingly good! Usually in mangas, after the chapters are over, you get a little tid-bit of goodness, such as little character bios or some information, but Hirano added the original hand drawn mini-story that inspired him to create Hellsing.

Be sure the check out the page count and product rating, this manga is directed toward a more mature audience, there is quite a bit of profanity and one of the enemies talks about plans of raping. Nothing sexually graphic is depicted, but just a heads up. Compared to most other mangas, such as ones from Yen Press and Viz Media, Hellsing is much longer and contains animated panels that you can visually see have a lot of heart in them. I highly highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to embark on a bloody good time full of vampires and silver bullets!

(Oh yea, and try to buy new, since the manga is older the cover isn't as sturdy and the page quality is a little lower)

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Fantastic Gothic Manga!

By Rebecca

Hellsing is even better than I hoped it would be! I've heard great things about this series, and I decided to try it myself. It didn't disappoint. The storyline is off to a good start, and the art is sublime. I recommend this series to any vampire fan who loves a tough, sarcastic, and badass vampire plus gore, good dialogue, and a love of big guns. If any of what I mentioned sounds good to you, then Hellsing is for you!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Bloody Brilliant Horror Story

By Antonio D. Paolucci

As a fan who saw the incomplete Hellsing series first, I knew what to expect from the manga. But I didn't expect everything I got. The Hellsing manga, while as visually violent as the anime, has a lot more style than the anime had. The artistic sense of Kohta Hirano, who wrote the story and drew the panels, is excellent and a little different than the common manga style, a little mutated, to better explain. The characters are exaggerated, of course, but instead of the head it's more the limbs of the characters; long arms and large hands are common, and goes well with the atmosphere of this manga. And, while Alucard looks like every other manga vampire around, there's somehow a duffiness (yes, I made that word up, but you know what it means) to his appearance when he's all decked out in trench and wide-brimmed hat. It hides the monster underneath quite well. Another common artistic feature is the glasses worn by 3/4ths of the cast, which Kohta Hirano actually comments on.


vampire hunters, Integra Hellsing. Their primary job is to exterminate all vampire threats across England. Yet their primary weapon is a vampire named Alucard, who has powers beyond those of the young vampires who roam the land and murder innocents. Following close behind Alucard is his unwilling servant and fellow vampire known simply (to Alucard at least) as Police Girl.

Here is a breakdown of each chapter without spoilers:

Chapter 1 -- Vampire Hunter: The basic introductory manga story, which brings in the two primary characters of Integra and Alucard. It presents what can be expected from this manga in the future. In this Alucard battles a rather controversial vampire-figure.

Chapter 2 -- Master of Monster: Explains Integra's dark past and how she came to meet Alucard. It also shows how she became the leader of the Hellsing Organization.

Chapter 3 -- Murder Club: This chapter follows Alucard and Police Girl in their fight against two vicious vampires on a murder spree. It also shows Police Girl coming into her own as a vampire.

Chapters 4 - 6 -- Sword Dancer 1, 2, & 3: A new vampire hunting organization based out of the Vatican is introduced in this series of chapters, one that doesn't believe in the Hellsing Organizations methods for exterminating vampires. Alucard and Police Girl hunt vampires but do not realize that they are being hunted by the Vatican's best killer, the knife-wielding Father Anderson.

Bonus Chapter -- Crossfire: Follows the tale of two of the Vatican's greatest killers as they travel to the Middle East to rescue hostages from a group of extremist Muslims. (Has no actually bearing on the Hellsing story that I know of).

The first volume in this series was excellent, and I'm hoping that the remaining six can keep up with the intense pacing that Kohta Hirano set for this manga. If he can, then this series promises to be one of the best. If you were a fan of the Hellsing anime and want to see the real story, or if you want to know what's happening before the upcoming Hellsing Ultimate hits American shelves, then I recommend picking this volume up. It has somewhat of a Trigun feel to it, but is as cool as Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo.


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From Publishers Weekly

Another in a long line of manga featuring an off-kilter hero, this lively tale about vampire hunters features the eponymous top-secret organization based in England that's called on for only the toughest jobs. Hellsing's top vampire hunter is Alucard, a lanky figure in an oversized hat and a duster that swirls dashingly as he blows bad guys to smithereens with his arsenal of enormous firearms. Alucard, it turns out, is actually a vampire himself, and just why he's tearing up his own kind is open to question, but then, Hellsing doesn't lend itself to much deep contemplation. It's mostly a fun, violent romp. In the first story readers meet a young policewoman who joins the undead after becoming an innocent victim in a battle. Police Girl, as she's known, comes to the organization via Integra, Hellsing's leader, and her adaptation to her new life affords some amusing moments. In a flashback, readers learn how Integra took over Hellsing and how she first met Alucard when he rescued her from her own murderous relatives. Later, the heroes nearly meet their match in Father Alexander Anderson, a superhuman priest who works for Section XIII, the Vatican's own vampire division. The bloody battle is accompanied by some rather awkward religious sparring between the Catholic Church and Hellsing, which is sworn to protect, believe it or not, the Protestant Church. It's goofy details like this that give the book some charm and energy. Hirano's storytelling is easy to follow, as stylish close-ups of the "we're-groovy-and-we-know-it" characters explode into violent full-page illustrations of all-out mayhem. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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