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Index of /intel-research/exploratory


Academic year: 2017

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The Meaning of Place

technological imagination and human experience

http:/ / www. intel. com/ research/ exploratory/ papr/ meaning_of_place-forum. htm

forum and workshops September 9 and 10, 2003

organized by

People and Practices Research Lab (PAPR) Intel Research


Forum Agenda

John Sherry, PAPR, moder at or

Gaetano Boriello, IR Seat t le & U Washingt on

Paul Dourish, UC Irvine

Mimi Ito, USC

Jamy Sheridan, Maryland Inst it ut e College of Art

Nina Wakeford, U Surrey

Barry Wellman, U Toront o

Roundtable Discussion 2:30

Joe McCarthy, Int el Research Seat t le

Sit uat ed Comput ing: Technol ogy in Pl ace(s)

Opening Keynote 1:00

Scott Mainwaring, PAPR


About Your Hosts

People and Practices Research

• Holist ic st udies of t echnology use (and non-use) in real-world

set t ings t o inf orm and inspire f ut ure designs and st rat egies • Mult i-disciplinary t eam of

ant hropologist s, psychologist s, int eract ion designers, and


Intel Research

• Long-t erm research int o emerging and disrupt ive t echnologies,

cent ered on a vision of ubiquit ous, proact ive comput ing


Studying People, Practices, and Places

Product ion Environment s Shared Comput ing Cent ers




A place is a space which is i nvest ed wi t h

under st andings of behavioural appropriat eness, cult ural expect at ions, and so f ort h. We are

l ocat ed in “ space, ” but we act in “ place. ”

Har r i son & Dour i sh, 1996

• Place is a spat ial/ social concept – a point of cont act bet ween physics and cult ure

• Root ed in everyday experience, of t en t aken f or grant ed


Technology and Place?

• Should t echnologist s care about place?

Why? How?

– Conversely, should makers, caret akers, and users of place care about t echnology?

• How t o t hink about place wit h respect t o

t echnology?

– Place as inf rast ruct ure – Place as habit at


Place as Infrastructure

• Places of f er pre-exist ing collect ions of

resources t hat t echnologies can use

– To f ind users and t arget services

– To embed devices and ground augment at ions – To serve as met aphors


Place as Habitat

• Places are living syst ems whose

healt h is impact ed by t echnologies

– Nat ural habit at monit oring and management – Sust ainabilit y – economic and ecological

– E-government and communit y net working – Many crit iques, regarding surveillance,


Place as Creation

• Places are expressions of design or

cult ure, made wit h t echnologies as

mat erials or t ools

– Places as cult ural st at ement s, vessels f or emot ion and meaning

– Prof essional and vernacular place-makers – Act s of creat ion, and re-creat ion


Place as Overhead

• Places impose barriers and const raint s on

f lows of people, t hings, and inf ormat ion

f or t echnology t o overcome

– Dist ance and ot her physical barriers


Goals for the Forum and Workshops

• To bet t er underst and “ place” and it s relat ions t o t echnology f rom a variet y of dif f erent disciplines and perspect ives

• To begin a process of cross-pollinat ion t hrough int erdisciplinary discussion


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