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Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Meeting 16-18 September, 2014 - Bangkok, Thailand


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Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum M eeting 16-18 September, 2014 - Bangkok, Thailand



1. Preamble

2. M eet ing st ruct ure

3. M ajors discussions and recommendat ions- 4. Conclusions

5. List of annexes

6. Ret rieve sit e t o dow nload all present at ions of t hree days meet ing: ht t ps:/ / fednet .ifrc.org/ en/ communit ies/ communit

ies-of-pract ice/ Home/ ?clubId=226& c=& q= 7. Annex:

1(a)- Agenda; 1(b)- Part icipant list ,



The joint meet ing w as held w it h part icipat ion of 44 represent at ives from 11 Nat ional Societ ies in t he Sout h East Asia Region – Brunei Darussalam , Cambodia, Timor-Lest e, Indonesia, Laos PDR, M alaysia, M yanm ar, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam from 11 -13, June 2013 in Yangon, M yanm ar. The Yangon meet ing w as a unique in a w ay t hat t he part icipant s (Direct ors/ M anagers) from bot h Healt h and Disast er M anagement (DM ) Depart ment s of t he Nat ional Societ ies in Sout heast Asia Region came t oget her t o discuss about how t o w ork bet t er in an int egrat ed m anner, discussed about current sit uat ion, achievement s and challenges. In addit ion, Yangon m eet ing ident ified t he need t o have one forum t o m aximize t he opport unit ies of int egrat ed planning and opt imize NS resources in order t o provide bet t er service t o t he people in line w it h t he leadership m eet ing recom mendat ions.

The Yangon meet ing discussed and agreed t o m eet in Bangkok during July in order t o finalize t he nam e of t he new “ forum” , relat ed ToR and fine t uning of t he Road M ap1 w it h Healt h component s. Considering t he nat ure and m ain purpose of the Road M ap and long-t erm import ance of such forum, it w as joint ly decided t o invit e t he chair of SEA Organizat ional Development forum t o join t he proposed meet ing. M eet ing w as planned in July 2013 involving key represent at ives of DM , Healt h and Organizat ion Development from Nat ional Societ ies w it h members of SEARD.

Follow ing t he agreem ent of Yangon m eet ing, t he above ment ioned t echnical r epresent at ives of Nat ional Societ ies met in Bangkok on 24-25 July, 2013 and w orked on name of t he new forum and relat ed ToR. The nam e of new forum has been proposed as Regional Community Safety Resilience Forum (RCSRF) by t hat meet ing and validat ed by rest of t he t echnical m embers of Nat ional Societ ies from SEA. The meet ing agreed t o propose t he perspect ive of RCSRF w it h ToR in SEA RCRC Leadership m eet ing in M arch, 2014 for t heir endorsement . The represent at ive of t echnical t eam meet ing on July, 2013 in Bangkok also concept ualized t he “Resilience House M odel2” and agreed t o proceed for approval from M arch, 2014 SEA RCRC Leadership meet ing aft er validat ed by rest of t echnical colleagues of SEA RCRC Nat ional Societ ies.

Regional Com munit y Safet y and Resilience Forum (RCSRF) has been const it ut ed by t hree t echnical group nam ed DM TWG( Disast er M anagem ent Technical Working Group- t hen exist ing as Regional Disast er M anagem ent Commit t ee), Healt h TW F( Healt h Technical Working Group- t hen exist ing as Regional Healt h Working Group) and OD Technical w orking Group( t hen exist ing as OD Forum).

This RCSRF meet ing has been organized in Bangkok from 16-18, Sept ember, 2014 aft er present ing t he perspect ive of RCSRF, ToR, Road M ap and Resilience House M odel by t echnical represent at ives of SEA RCRC Nat ional Societ ies t o SEA RCRC leadership meet ing in M arch, 2014, Singapore. This RCSRF meet ing it self high profile meet ing because- it m anaged t o bring all key t echnical people of t he nat ional societ ies along w it h t heir IFRC t echnical count erpart w here applicable. Tot al 52 represent at ives from t en NSs (DM and Healt h) part icipat ed in t his annual event t oget her w it h SEA OD st eering commit t ee, IFRC colleagues from count ry delegat ions of SEA Region, SEARD as w ell as t he AP Zone office. Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent could not manage t o at t end t he meet ing. How ever represent at ive from ASEAN Coordinat ing Cent re for Humanit arian Assist ance on Disast er M anagem ent (AHA Centre) also joined t he t echnical discussion and shared t he fut ure areas of collaborat ion bet w een AHA and IFRC/ NSs, w hich has opened t he furt her opport unit ies t o st rengt hen t echnical collaborat ion w it h AHA Cent re, Nat ional Societ ies and IFRC at different level. The m ain purpose of t he RCSRF is t o enhance int egrat ion approach for communit y resilience and st rengt hen t he regional cooperat ion among and bet w een SEA RCRC members-and t his m eet ing also focused around. The forum facilit at ed and offered t he opport unit ies t o t ranslat e t he result s of t he st rat egic policy and direct ion decisions


Road M ap w as int roduced by SEA RCRC Societies in 2012 only w it h DM component s. Healt h component s have been included from 2013. It has been agreed t hat Nat ional Society development components w ill be included as w ell.




of t he Leaders int o t he operat ional act ion t o promot e t he est ablishment of safer and more resilient communit ies. This Forum , in gener al, is responsible for escort ing t he global Communit y Safet y and Resilience agenda as per IFRC st rat egy 2020, IFRC CSR fram ew ork and ot her agendas including Hyogo Fr am ew ork for act ion and M illennium Development Goals.


The Regional Communit y Safet y and Resilience Forum is comprised of three Regional Technical W orking Groups (RTW G), namelyDisast er M anagement Technical Working Group, Healt h Technical Working Group, and Organizat ional Development and Yout h Technical Working Group.

Each RTWG elect s a chair and - t oget her w it h t he overall RCSRF Chair – t hey form t he St eering Commit t ee for t he Forum. IFRC/ SEARD provides technical and administ rat ive support t o t he Chair in preparing as w ell as conduct ing t he meet ing, based on t he agreed flow below :

Every year, t he NS Leaders at t heir annual meet ing provide st rat egic direct ions for t he RCSRF. Likew ise, t he RCSF prepares t echnical recommendat ions for NS Leaders.

Follow ing t he ToR of RCSRF, t his forum meet ing w as also designed for t hree days. Healt h, OD and DM w ere t he int egral part of t hree days meet ing. This meet ing w as a cont inuat ion of t he last year joint healt h and DM meeting. How ever t his year, t he forum managed t o include SEA OD steering com mit t ee as agreed earlier. This meet ing mainly focused on:

Last leadership meet ing briefings/ recommendat ions

Nat ional Societ ies’ updat es on progress and fut ure plan

Updat e on disast er law act ivit ies in t he region

Global and Zonal updat es on healt h, DM and OD



Sharing innovat ive init iat ives of NS

Gender and Diversit y

Advocacy and Humanit arian Diplomacy

Communit y Resilience Int egrat ed Planning and Priorit ies: Technical Working Groups


and Health) – development of an integrated Road Map

The det ail agenda of t his meet ing w as finalized by t he forum chair along w it h chair of t echnical w orking group. The det ails agenda and part icipant s list are at t ached in Annex-1.


3.1 Day 1 - Plenary sessions

Feedback from the Leaders M eeting / M arch 2014 in Singapore: The main t opic of t he meet ing w as Humanit arian Diplomacy, in part icular around misuse of emblem, reput at ional risk, social media risks, et c. The resilience agenda w as also high, including t he endorsement of t he Resilience Init iat ive funded by CRC / DFADT. The TOR for t he CSRF w as discussed, not formally endorsed, but t his is an ongoing process. The main reservat ion w as around not creat ing a new silo but rat her see t his as an umbrella for DM , Healt h and OD/ Yout h t o come t oget her once a year t o share pract ices. There is no idea of merging t he different t eam s wit hin NSs… t his is about w orking t oget her (in an

int egrat ed w ay) for communit ies… t hat is how w e can really build resilience and measure

our joint impact .

Presentation from AHA Centre: AHA Cent re provided a general int roduct ion t o t his new emerging act or for Disast er M anagement in t he region, st art ing from AADM ER w hich is t he legally-binding framew ork approved by ASEAN M ember St at es. AHA Cent re w as launched 3 years ago and it s current focus is on disast er risk managem ent (not yet covering DRR as a whole), especially looking at disast er m onit oring and preparedness for response. Finally, 5 areas for

collaborat ion wit h RCRC were proposed: inform at ion sharing, coordinat ion and response,

learning from each ot her, part nership agreem ent s w it h volunt eers and simulat ions

Update from National Societies: NS focused their presentation on operat ionalizat ion of t he resilience approach. Present at ions included t opics such as t he achievement s against t he CSR regional roadmap, new init iat ives (innovat ions) and part ners, challenges, opport unit ies, relat ions w it h nat ional aut horit ies as w ell as expect at ions from IFRC.

IFRC provided t he global, zonal and regional updat es like RDRT, out comes of 6t h AM CDRR, preparat ion of AP Conference and OD framew ork.




Page6 3.2 Day 2 - Thematic discussions (Technical w orking groups)

Thematic areas Key discussions Key Recommendations

National Society Development

Progress since 2013 OD and Yout h Forum.

OCAC: Sharing of t he OCAC exercise held in M yanmar.

Resource M anagement Syst ems (RM S):

Addressing Gender & Diversit y issues:

Governance and management : Yout h empow erment and engagement :

Coordinat ion and cooperat ion: OD and Yout h representat ion and involvement in t he CSR Forum:

Regularly revisit t he decisions of t he OD and Yout h Forum and make Sure t hat t he OD and Yout h act ions are guided by t he decisions of t he

Forum and are aligned w it h t he recommendat ions of t he Leaders’ meet ing 2014.

promot ing it in t he Nat ional Societ ies. Orient at ions first are equally necessary.

M yanmar Red Cross t o draft a Bot h OCAC and BOCA are import ant Nat ional Societ y Development t ools and need furt her one page concept not e on t heir experience t o advocat e for and creat e aw areness on t he process.

Put cont inued effort t o promot e RM S in t he NSs. One w ay t o creat e such promot ion is t o illust rat e t he benefit of RM S t o Comm unit y Safet y and Resilience, specifically t hrough int egrat ed planning and resources mapping.

Re-act ivat e SEA Regional Gender and Diversit y Forum w it h represent at ives of each SEA RCRC NS as t his may serve as a good w ay forw ard t o promot e underst anding and act ion on Gender and Diversit y.

As it w as recognized t hat one of t he main challenges t o t his w ork is a lack of aw areness from NS on t he complexit y of Gender and Diversit y. Therefore, it w as recommended t hat an “ underst anding Gender and Diversit y” aw areness brochure t o be creat ed and dist ribut ed t o increase know ledge around t his subject area.

OCAC may also serve as a valuable t ool t o assess and plan.



Promot e YABC and ident ify w ays how t his can be w ell linked w it h programmes and best ut ilized for resilience building purposes.

OD and Yout h Development needs t o be promot ed in all programmes / project s. and increased invest ment on yout h is needed t o furt her promot e yout h engagement .

Health and Care Overview of Regional CSR House and


Pandemic and Public healt h emergency preparedness

Foreign M edical t eam(FM T)

ART net w ork and rat ionalit y t o pay 1000 by members NS is very hard t o just ify as ART membership fee

Resilience house should be simplified w it h minim um pillars. Regional Road map should include more healt h component . Support Capacit y st rengt hening of t he NSs on CSR approach and it s implement at ion

A clear idea has t o be finalized w it h focus on Pandemic and emerging infect ious disease preparedness.

M echanism of informat ion sharing for FM T w it hin SEA NSs should be explored. FM T could be a t ool of regional cooperat ion. Opport unit ies need t o be explored t o t hose NSs w ho have pot ent ialit y t o send FM T.

ART operat ional plan should also be verified by healt h direct ors. ART should expand t he area of w ork beyond HIV/ AIDS. ART fut ure should be discussed w it h leaders aft er receiving report from annual ART meet ing lat er in November, 2014.

Disaster M anagement

Group discussion on t he “ react ivat e” of RDRT f or regional cooperat ion.

Group discussion on t he t echnical cooperat ion w it h AHA Cent re

A plan of act ion w as agreed upon for t he next 6 mont hs, including t he organizat ion of a t echnical meet ing t o review RDRT before end 2014. A follow up meet ing need t o be planned t o w ork out in det ails for NDRT t raining, RDRT Rost er and opt imizat ion of RDRT for bet t er regional cooperat ion.



Resilience House and Road M ap

Present at ion of init ial finding of t he consult ancy on School Safet y

Direct or in Jakart a in Oct ober 2014 in order t o st rengt hen w orking collaborat ion at different level and t he out comes of t he meet ing w ill be present ed as recommendat ions in next leadership meet ing.

Vulnerabilit y and risks are changing in regular basis. Would be good t o review t he Resilience House and updat e Road M ap in order t o int egrat e t he planning process for opt im izat ion of resources and capacit y of NS in order t o minimize im pact and probabilit y of risks.

School based init iat ive and st udent s are very common init iat ive and t arget groups of each NSs of t he region. SEARD has hired a consult ant t o develop t he com mon model of school based init iat ive in t he region. This model w ill be in line w it h global t o region level and hope t o give a good plat form t o t he mem bers in order t o profile t hem bet t er in count ry cont ext . A regional w orkshop has been recom mended w it h part icipat ion of ot her st akeholders including

government represent at ive from select ed count ries.


3.3 Day 3 – Plenary discussions

In t he first morning session, reports from each of the thematic groups w ere provided t o t he plenary, including proposed recom mendat ions t o t he NS Leaders and proposed revisions t o t he Road M ap. Follow ing t he report s, t w o Nat ional Societ ies (PM I and PRC) w ere given an opportunity to present innovative approaches and tools. PM I present ed it s M obile Rapid Assessment (M RA) Android applicat ion w hich should be soon launched in t he count ry and w ill allow any communit y member t o direct ly report an incident t o t he Nat ional Societ y. The PRC present ed it s w ork on Non-Communicable Diseases, promot ing healt hy lifest yle in communit ies t hrough yout hs and children. The plenary session revised t he Resilience House and Road M ap as discussed in t echnical sessions in order t o simplify t he House as w ell as provide adequat e space t o all t hree different t hemat ic w orking groups. The new Resilience House and t echnical areas of each t hemat ic w orking group along w it h

Road M ap is at t ached in Annex-2(a) and 2(b).

A brief session on gender and diversity w as also conduct ed in order t o present t he main st rat egies and programmes w it hin IFRC and t he region.

Similarly, a session on Advocacy and Humanitarian Diplomacy provided examples of t he w ork done in t he region, w hich sparked discussions among part icipant s around ongoing effort s (in part icular from Viet nam , Timor Lest e and Lao PDR) and challenges faced.


The t hree days meet ing discussed different agendas. Agendas w ere mainly focused t o st rengt hen t he regional cooperat ion among NSs, w orking collaborat ion w it h AHA Cent re, Operat ionalizat ion of Resilience Init iat ive along w it h innovat ion and cross cut t ing agenda like Gender, Yout h, Humanit arian Diplomacy, IDRL et c. The t hree days meet ing ended w it h recommendat ions and furt her act ions as below conclusions:

- Regional Cooperation: The forum meet ing has out lined t he plan of act ion t o st rengt hen response t ools. They have also highlight ed t he need of peer-t o-peer learning t hrough exchange visit , st aff-on-loan, lesson learnt w orkshop, conference and t rainings/ w orkshop. The forum meet ing has agreed t o organize one meet ing w it hin Oct ober, 2014 t o discuss in order t o st andardize t he agenda for NDRT t raining, RDRT rost er and process t o maximize t he RDRT in emergency as w ell as non-emergency t ime. The out comes of proposed t echnical meet ing w ill be present ed as recommendat ions t o next leadership meet ing in February, 2015. Part icipant s and venue of meet ing w ill be confirmed by chair of DM WG and SEARD w ill coordinat e for logist ics and t echnical issues.


- Resilience house and Road M ap: Resilience House has been review ed in order t o simplify and inclusive. Road map has been updat ed by DM and Healt h Technical meet ing. Forum meet ing has request ed OD t echnical t eam t o updat e t he road map and have agreed t o present t he revised version of Resilience House and updat e Road M ap t o obt ain t heir approval and support for implement at ion.

- Pandemic Preparedness: Ent ire region is vulnerable as w ell as high at risks of epidemic. A regular capacit y mapping exercise as w ell as st akeholders mapping have been agreed and recommended for next leadership meet ing. Int erest s on pandemic preparedness have been show n by leaders and t echnical managers. The agenda for upcoming regional Pandemic Preparedness w orkshop have been out lined and have agreed t o share t he recommendat ions of t his w orkshop t o next leadership meet ing in order t o enhance our pandemic preparedness measures.

- Youth involvement: OD and Yout h Development needs t o be promot ed in all programmes / project s. Increased invest ment on yout h is needed t o furt her promot e yout h engagement - ART Netw ork: M embers of ART is paying USD 1000 annually. M embers are expect ing t o receive

annual report in November, 2014. It is recommended by forum meet ing t o bring up t his agenda in leadership meet ing f or t heir feedback and decisions.

- Capacity building: Resilience house and t ranslat ion of road map int o count ry plan requires different t ools and t raining package t o st rengt hen int egrat ed planning pract ices. CSR Forum has recommended for t rainings and t ools t hat develop t he underst anding of NS on int egrat ed planning and help t o implement different resilience init iat ive in count ry level and request support from leaders.

- National Society Development is t he foundat ional w ork and needs t o be w ell addressed and incorporat ed int o policies, plans and programmes and more holist ic approaches are needed. Therefore, inclusion of Branch Development , Volunt eer M anagement , Yout h Development and engagement , Capacit y Building (gender and diversit y; finance development ; resource


Annex 1:

Agenda and participants list

Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum M eeting 16-18 September, 2014

Bangkok, Thailand

Day-1 (16 September, 2014)

Time Agenda Facilitators/ Presenter Chaired by

8.30 am -9.00am Welcome Speaker- HoRD/ IFRC

and Chair of Forum

9.00 am -9.15 am Self-int roduct ion All Chair of CSR Forum

9.15 am -10.00 am Briefing about leadership meet ing

HoRD/ IFRC and chair of forum and t echnical t eam

Chair of CSR Forum

Tea Break- 15 min

10.15 am – 11.15 am Present at ion from AHA Cent er (30mn) follow ed by Q& A (30mn)

AHA Cent er Senior Emergency Preparedness and Response Officer

Chair of CSR Forum

11.15 am – 11.25 am Updat e from t he regional OD/ Yout h net w ork

Chair of CSR Forum

Lunch 12.30 pm-1.30 pm

1.30 pm -3.30 pm Updat e (Healt h and

IFRC DL programme Chair of CSR Forum

5.15 pm -5.30 pm Day-1 w rap up Chair of CSR Forum


Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum M eeting 16-18 September, 2014

Bangkok, Thailand

Day-2 (17 September, 2014)

Technical sessions chaired by Chairperson of t hemat ic w orking group

Time Health OD DM

8.30 am -9.30 am Global and Zonal updat e: DM U, Healt h, and GDPC

Tea Break and thematic group division - 15mn

9: 45 am – 10: 30 am Healt h Review - Coordinat ion and

cooperat ion


10.30 am -11.30 am Pandemic Preparedness 11.30 am -12.30 pm ERU and Foreign M edical

t eam/ PHiE

Disast er law

Lunch 12.30 pm-1.30 pm

1.30 pm-2.30 pm St rengt hening Regional Cooperat ion Steering Commit t ee

School safet y – present at ion of t he mapping of experience and t ools from NSs.

2.30 pm -3.30 pm Develop count ry level plan aft er review ing and updat ing road map and model of Resilience house

Develop plan aft er review ing and updat ing road map and model of Resilience house

Develop count ry level plan aft er review ing and updat ing road map and model of Resilience house



meet ing

4.30 pm -4.45 pm Day-2 w rap up Day-2 wrap up Day-2 w rap up

4.45 pm-5.30 pm Preparat ions for plenary group

- Draft ing com mit t ee (chair, deput y chair and

IFRC-Secret ariat )

Preparat ions for plenary group

- Draft ing com mit t ee (chair, deput y chair and IFRC-Secret ariat ))

Preparat ions for plenary group

- Draft ing com mit t ee (chair, deput y chair and



Community Safety and Resilience Forum M eeting 16-18 September, 2014

Bangkok, Thailand

Day-3 (18 September, 2014)

Time Agenda Facilitators/ Presenter Chaired by

8.30 am-9.45am Report from t echnical w orking group t o CSR forum (25 min each)

Chairperson of respect ive t hemat ic w orking group: DM , Healt h and OD

Chair of CSR Forum

Tea Break (15 mins)

10.00 pm -11.15 pm Count ry specific major plan for 2015:

How you report back t o leaders

about t he discussion and

recommendat ions of t his meet ing?

What and how you w ant t o

operat ionalize t he resilience in line w it h Road map and M odel of Resilience house during 2015?

What kind of support you are

looking from IFRC for

operat ionalizat ion of resilience?

All nat ional Societ ies Chair of CSR Forum

Respect ive Nat ional Societ ies

Chair of CSR Forum

Tea Break- 15 min

3.30 am-4.30 am Advocacy and Humanit arian Diplomacy Communicat ion manager/ SEARD

Annex-1 (a)

Participant list

Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum (RCSRF) meeting 16 - 18 September 2014, Bangkok


Participants (DM & Health)

1 Mr. Uy Sam Ath Director of DM


CRC Cambodia uysamath@redcross.


2 Dr. Sok Long Director of Health


CRC Cambodia sok.long@redcross.o


3 Mr. Arifin Muhammad


Head of DM Division PMI Indonesia arifin_mhadi@pmi.or.


4 Dr. Muhammad Arfan Head of Health


PMI Indonesia arfan_dr@yahoo.co.i


LRC Laos yong_phom@yahoo.


6 Dr. Soulany Chansy Deputy Director of

Health Department

LRC Laos csoulany@yahoo.co


7 Mr. Rozalla Iskandar

Mohamad Rosni

Disaster Response Officer

MyRC Malaysia forceoverride@linux


8 Mr. Maung Maung


Director of DM Department

MRCS Myanmar dm1@myanmarredcr


9 Dr. Aung Kyaw Htut Deputy Secretary

Secretary General

MRCS Myanmar

cc-mrcs@myanmarredcr oss.org.mm

10 Mr. Roderic Salve Manager of DMS PRC Philippines roderic.salve@redcro


11 Ms. Carla Dadulla National Field

Representative - Health

SRC Singapore sahari.ani@redcross.


13 Mr. Chew Lip Heng Head of Operations

Control &

International Services

SRC Singapore lipheng.chew@redcro


14 Dr. Amnat Barlee Director of Relief and

Community Health Bureau

TRC Thailand abarlee@redcross.or.


15 Ms. Pavinee


Head of Thai Red Cross Relief Division

TRC Thailand ypavin@yahoo.com

16 Dr. Sirima


Physician of Medical Services Section

TRC Thailand doctor_print@hotmail


17 Mr. Hermenegildo C.


DM Coordinator CVTL Timor Leste hermenegildo_cvtl@r


18 Mr. Joao Pinto Health Coordinator CVTL Timor Leste jpinto68@yahoo.com

19 Dr. Tran Quoc Hung Director of DM


VNRC Vietnam tranquochung187@g


20 Mr. Vu Huu Tuyen Program Officer of

Healthcare Department

VNRC Vietnam vuhuutuyen@gmail.c


Participants (OD)

21 Dr. Selvadurai Jothi Board Member and

Chairman of National OD & Social Committee

MyRC Malaysia drjoti@gmail.com

22 Ms. Khin Myo Myat


Head of OD MRCS Myanmar

od-mrcs@myanmarredcr oss.org.mm

23 Mr. Kaviphone Southy Youth Volunteers LRC Laos

24 Ms. Hang Pisey Youth Volunteers CRC Cambodia kosal.sam@redcross.


IFRC CD Cambodia lak.monyrasmey@ifrc


26 Mr. Surendra Regmi DRR Flood

Resilience Delegate

IFRC CD Indonesia Surendrakumar.regmi


27 Mr. Pascal Bourcher CSR Coordinator IFRC CD Indonesia pascal.bourcher@ifrc


28 Ms. Florensia Malau OD Officer IFRC CD Indonesia florensia.malau@ifrc.


29 Jelma Cumpio Dela


Programme Coordinator

IFRC CD Myanmar jelma.delapena@ifrc.


30 Ms. Araceli Lloret


DM Delegate IFRC CD Myanmar Araceli.lloret@ifrc.org

31 Ms. Krista Brandt CSR Delegate IFRC CD Timor Leste brandt.kristam@gmai


IFRC CD Vietnam susan.fenton@ifrc.or


ANNEX 2(a)

CSR Resilience House – revised during the 2014 CSR Forum

Technical areas of t hree t hemat ic w orking groups:

DM Health OD

DP/ Response and Recovery CBHFA and WATSAN Advocacy, Part nerships, Net w orking

CCA/ EWEA Emergency Healt h and PSP Volunt eer and Yout h DM IS/ Know ledge Sharing Blood Services and HIV/ AIDS Resource M obilizat ion RFL/ M igrat ion Healt h Care Services Int egrat ed Assessment and



Annex 2b:

Integrated Roadmap – revised during the 2014 CSR Forum (Bangkok)

W hy W hat 2012 2013 2014 2015 W ho is

Building Capacit y of Red Cross and Red Crescent volunt eers + Trainers/ facilit at ors + dat abase + financial + •Int ernships and exchange •Peer t o peer learning

Int egrat ion (planning + services)

Healt h/ DM / OD

•St andardizat ion Planning/ t r aining t ool


3 St ill few NSs have

•Developing CP and SOP

•Tsunami CPs and SOP development for Indian ocean

•M ekong river CPs + SOPS and EWS

•Epidem ic CP (H7N9, corona, ot her)


•Implement at ion/ re view + am endm ent s

Regional net w orking and ASEAN + relevant INGOs

M apping different t echnical net w orks at open session ASEAN and APG

•WHO et c healt h net w orks

•Part icipat ion coordinat ion + com municat ions

•Part icipat ion coordinat ion + communicat ions and follow up •Address disast er

law w it h support

professionals in leadership meet ing (AHA, NCD…) •CSRU visit t o respect ive



•humanit arian diplom acy in overall sit uat ion of NS response capacit y .

Group did not have info on t he yearly plans!

• St andardize NDRT curriculum maint ain st andard across region. st andardizat ion and relevant SoP. • Secret ariat t o consolidat e t he resources for disast er response, recovery and disast er risk reduct ion.

•Adapt at ion of RDRT t o NDRT t raining curriculum (responsibilit y lies w it h: sub group 2 member)* •NDRT t raining

(responsibilit y lies w it h: CSRU and sub group member)*

•Ident ify t rainer(s) for NDRT (responsibilit y lies w it h: CSRU and RDM C)* •Draft of SOP for cross

border for 18t h (responsibilit y lies w it h: RDM C – Sub Group 4)* •Submit draft SOP t o

leadership meet ing (responsibilit y lies w it h: chairperson of RDM C)*

•Disseminat ion and applicat ion of SOP by RDM C*

em ergency healt h t raining curriculum for RDRT

•Inclusion of healt h component in NDRT t raining



•Finalize SOP on 19 RDM C (responsibilit y lies w it h: RDM C members)* 6 Lack of informat ion

on overall sit uat ion of NS long t erm programm ing

•Priorit y areas in long t erm program ming t o be highlight ed for cross-NS sharing and int egrat ion

•Balance bet w een count ry needs and leadership w ishes resources e.g. RDRT NRDT t rained volunt eers, CBHFA facilit at ors

M aximize t he use of social media, for example Facebook, Tw it t er dat abase for RDRT


SEARD t o support as administ rat or

7 The current RDM C ToR needs t o be revised t o include ot her t echnical endorse t he revise RDM C-ToR.

•M eet ing, Trainings, •Common nam e?

Cent re enhanced (include part icipat ion t o planning meet ings for simulat ion exercises, TTX and ot her simulat ion exercises such as ARDEX)

•Collect ion of informat ion

•Draft ing of case st udy

•Finalizat ion of case st udy for sharing


Comments from the OD/ Youth steering committee:

Inclusion of branch development , volunt eer development , yout h development and engagement , capacit y building (gender & diversit y, finance development , resource mobilizat ion), should be reflect ed in t he road map.

Gender & Diversit y t o be included in an int egrat ed planning

Promot e yout h int egrat ion at all levels / Great er invest ment in yout h / Promot e OD & Yout h engagement in all programs/ project s

Develop st rong online com municat ions / sharing of informat ion, learning experience, success st ories.

Ensure allocat ion of funding in all programs for OD and Yout h (exist ing model from Cambodia and M yanmar RC can be replicat ed). CSR forum should have represent at ives of DM , Healt h, OD and Yout h, from 11 NSs

Recommend yout h represent at ive in t he chair group.

3 days f orum :

1st day, plenary session (joint present at ions from all NSs) 2nd day, TWG meet ing, 4 TWGs

3rd day, plenary session

document informat ion

10 To be disc uss ed

Lack of funds and resource mobilizat ion

Joint t echnical proposals •Use appropriat e

t echnical area as an ent ry point

• •Educat e donors on

int egrat ed approaches, dem and not donor driven


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