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The perception on the use of Self-Access Language Learning (SALL) among students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman Yogyakarta - USD Repository


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I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, March 8, 2011 The Writer

Rina Candrawati 041214085
















Candrawati, Rina. 2011. The Perception on the Use of Self-Access Language Learning among Students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Autonomy in language learning has been a topic of widespread discussion over the last 20 years. The implementation of this approach requires that students be autonomous learners as shown by their learning behaviors, knowledge about learning and the attitudes that enable them to use these learning skills confidently, flexibly, appropriately and independently.

SALL is one of the learning media to support the autonomous learning and has been implemented in some schools in Indonesia. One of the schools is SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Since every student is a uniquely different, they have different perception in the way they learn things including learning English using SALL. The students’ perception is truly useful to pay attention to as it will be used to help teachers whether or not to continue and maximize the use of SALL in teaching English to their students.

This research investigated the students’ perception on the use of SALL in learning English. It addressed questions, (1) What are the students’ perceptions on the use of Self-Access Language Learning (SALL) in learning English at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta? (2) What are the suggestions given by students to improve and maximize the use of SALL in English learning at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta? The research was also to acquire preliminary description and interpretation about students lived experience of their motivation and learning behavior.

The researcher employed a survey research by observing the students’ behavior, distributing questionnaire and interviewing the students. The research participants were the second year students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta in the Academic Year of 2009/2010. The population of this study consisted of 288 students. The sampling technique of this research was a random sampling. The result of the tossing was the class of Teknik Perbaikan Body Otomotif.




Candrawati, Rina. 2011. The Perception on the Use of Self-Access Language Learning among Students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Otonomi dalam pembelajaran bahasa telah menjadi topik diskusi yang berkembang luas selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Penerapan pendekatan ini mengharuskan siswa menjadi pembelajar yang otonom seperti yang ditunjukkan melalui tingkah laku belajar, pengetahuan tentang belajar dan sikap yang memungkinkan siswa untuk menggunakan keterampilan belajar mereka dengan percaya diri, fleksibel, tepat dan mandiri.

SALL merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk mendukung pembelajaran otonom dan telah diterapkan di beberapa sekolah di Indonesia. Salah satu sekolah tersebut yakni SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Karena setiap siswa adalah pribadi yang unik dan berbeda, mereka tentu memiliki persepsi dan cara belajar yang berbeda, termasuk juga dalam belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan SALL.

Penelitian ini menyelidiki persepsi siswa pada penggunaan SALL dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Ada dua permasalahan yang dipecahkan: (1) Bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan SALL dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMKN 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta? (2) Apa saran-saran untuk mengembang dan memaksimalkan penggunaan SALL dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMKN 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta? Penelitian ini juga diharapkan untuk mendapatkan gambaran awal serta interpretasi pengalaman siswa terhadap motivasi dan perilaku belajar mereka.

Peneliti menggunakan metode survei; yaitu dengan mengamati perilaku siswa, menyebar kuisioner dan mewawancarai siswa. Peserta dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Populasi pada penelitian ini terdiri 288 siswa. Sedangkan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling acak. Kelas Teknik Otomotif terpilih sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, siswa memiliki persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan SALL dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris mereka. Selain itu, hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa siswa mempunyai respon positif terhadap penggunaan SALL. Mereka menyukai belajar dengan SALL, meskipun ada beberapa siswa tidak menyukainya. Mereka juga berusaha mengatasi kesulitan jika mereka mengalaminya. Selain itu, siswa juga memberikan respon positif pada setiap kegiatan dalam belajar menggunakan SALL. Siswa juga mendapat banyak keuntungan dengan belajar menggunakan SALL; seperti keterampilan berbicara dan mendengarkan mereka mengalami kemajuan. Para siswa memberi saran: penambahan koleksi soal serta variasi kegiatan; penambahan waktu dalam belajar baik di dalam maupun di luar jam pelajaran.





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Rina Candrawati

Nomor Mahasiswa : 041214085

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


ON THE USE OF SELF-ACCESS LANGUAGE LEARNING (SALL) AMONG STUDENTS OF SMK NEGERI 2 DEPOK, SLEMAN, YOGYAKARTA beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 8 Maret 2011

Yang menyatakan




Many people had contributed to the completion of this thesis. My very first eternal gratitude is conveyed to Jesus Christ for everything He had given to me, His great blessings, graces, love and mercy. Without Him, I am but nothing.

From the very sincerest bottom of my heart, I am thankful to ibu Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd., my advisor, for her enormous guidance, advice, suggestions, corrections and patience so that the thesis finally could be finished.

With all my grateful heart, I thank my dearest husband, Fero Kurniawan, for his patience and prayers, for giving me endless love, support, affection, encouragement, happiness and for helping me passed all these processes. My gratitude also flows to my dearest parents Tri Suko Bambang Wiyono and Suprihati for their unconditional and undying love, care, kindness, support, sacrifices and prayers. My gratitude is also extended to my brother Mas Wawan and his wife, MbakArin, for their supports and prayers. They all are very loving and wonderful persons and always by my side especially when I am in need of help. They are the ones who always lift me up when I am down. I am also thankful to my parents-in-law for their prayers and encouragement. Again, I heartily thank them for everything they have done for me.

Another deep gratitude of mine flies to the second year of students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok in the academic year of 2009/2010, especially Andika, Ardi, Ari, Bayu, Doffy and Faisal for helping me answer the given questionnaire and participate in the interviews so that the required data could be collected.

My gratitude also flies to my good friends, Eveline, Ani (Nobita), cik Aline, Festy and pakdhe Nugroho, who always brighten my life. We like to share ideas, life experiences and we strengthen one another; also Tika, a friend who shared the same “fight” in finishing the thesis. My gratitude also flies to my classmates of English Education Study Program whom I do not mention here one by one for their support, prayers and making the world a better place for me during my study, with their personalities, smiling faces, helpful minds and loving hearts. May you all be happy, friends.

Finally, I would like to thank them all my benefactors whose names could not be mentioned here, seen and unseen, and known and unknown for their prayers and encouragement. May God bless them all.




TITLE PAGE ………... i




ABSTRAK ……….. vi




LIST OF TABLES ………... xii

LIST OF FIGURES ……….. xiii


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ……….. 1

B. Problem Formulation ………... 5

C. Problem Limitation ……….. 6

D. Research Objectives ………. 6

E. Research Benefits ………. 7

F. Definition of Terms ……….. 8

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ………... 10

1. Theory of Perception ……… 10

a. Definition of Perception ……….. 10

b. Perception in Learning ……… 12

2. Theory of Learning English ……… 13

a. Learning ……….. 13

b. Language Learning ……….. 15 3. Motivation ………



b. Importance of Motivation ………... 17

4. Theory of Self-Access Language Learning ………. 19

5. Vocational School ……… 21

B. Theoretical Framework ……… 23

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ………. 26

B. Research Participant ………. 27

C. Research Instruments ………... 29

1. The Observation Checklist ………... 29

2. The Questionnaire ……… 31

3. The Interview ……...……… 32

D. Data Gathering Technique ………... 34

E. Data Analysis Technique ………. 34

F. Research Procedures ………. 37

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Students’ Perception on the Use of SALL in Learning English at SMKN 2 Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta …………. 40

1. Students’ Perception Based on the Observations of Students’ Behavior in the Teaching-Learning Process Using SALL ……… 40

2. Students’ Perception on the Use of SALL in Learning English Based on The Questionnaire………... 46

3. Students’ Perception on the Motivation, Activities and Implication on the Use of SALL in Learning English Based on the Interview ……… 57

a. Students’ Perception on Motivation in Their English Learning using SALL ………. 58

b. Students’ Perception on the Activities Using SALL ... 60

c. Students’ Perception on the Implication after Learning Using SALL ……… 63

B. Students’ Recommendation to Improve and to Maximize the use of SALL in English Learning ………... 65



B. Suggestions ……….. 69










1.1 The relation between students’ perception, motivation, and behavior… 5 4.1. Students’ response to self-confidence in facing achievement related

task ……….. 47

4.2. Students’ response to their persistence in case of failure ………... 50

4.3. Students’ response to preference of level of difficulties ………. 51

4.4. Students’ response to time perspective ………... 53

4.5. Students’ response to competition with others ………... 54

4.6. Students’ response to implication ………... 55





A. Observation Checklist ………. 74

B. Questionnaire of Students’ Perception ………... 78

C. Angket Persepsi Siswa ……… 80

D. Interview Question ……….. 82

E. Data of Student’s Perception Score ………... 84

F. Frequency of the Students’ Responses to Each Statement of the Questionnaire ……….. 85

G. Percentage of the Students’ Responses to Each Statement of the Questionnaire ……….. 87





This research investigates the students’ perception on the use of Self Access

Language Learning (SALL) in an English class at

SMK Negeri

2 Depok, Sleman,

Yogyakarta. This introductory chapter contains six major sections, namely (1)

research background, (2) problem formulation, (3) problem limitation, (4) research

objectives, (5) research benefits, and (6) definition of terms.

A. Research Background

There are many ways in order that people can learn English effectively and

joyfully. Some are trying to find the appropriate ways to learn it, either through

formal or non-formal settings. Since English is known as an international language,

Indonesian government has made English as a compulsory subject at schools as the

first foreign language. Beyond its importance in human life, students are expected to

be able to learn English in order to pass exams and graduate. Teachers are responsible

to help their students in learning English so they try to find suitable activities in their

teaching and learning processes. In addition, they also have to choose selective media

in order to vary the learning practices. One of them is using Self Access Language

Learning (SALL).


and South East Asia (Gremmo and Riley, 1995, p.157). Gardner & Miller’s (1997)

defined SALL as the learning in which students take more responsibility for their

learning than in teacher directed settings.

Ideally SALL offers varying degrees of guidance that encourages students to

move towards autonomy. According to Holec, “autonomy” is defined as the ability to

take charge of one’s own learning. Furthermore, Dickinson illustrated autonomy as a

situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of the decisions concerned

with his or her learning and implementation of those decisions. From these two

definitions, we can conclude that the learners must be independent thinkers and

should have a clear view of the whole learning process, including the purpose of

learning, the aim of learning, the way of learning, the choice of materials in learning,

etc. In another words, it includes everything concerned with their learning activities.

As for autonomous learning, both the teacher and learners have larger role in

structuring the learning regarding time and pace, content, sequence, and evaluation

which contributes to various degrees of learner autonomy (Ning et all, 2008).


would have to change their attitudes and approaches whereby learners could take a

more active role in determining their own learning objectives and processes. In

accordance to Reinders (2000), SAC is a means of promoting learner autonomy and it

is a place where SALL is done by students.

SALL has been implemented in some schools in Indonesia. One of the

schools is

SMK Negeri 2

Depok, Sleman


The school is the only vocational school in

Yogyakarta province that has a SAC. In 2005, the school was appointed by the

Director of Vocational Education (letter No: 0543/C5./MN/2005 dated March 23,

2005) as the English Testing Center (ETC) for Sleman District. One of the duties of

the school is to facilitate the regional and international TOEIC test for third graders of

SMK schools students and their English teachers. ETC requires that the school

should have a SAC facility.


As the class starts, the students enter the SAC. They start learning English by

self-choosing the learning materials available in the shelves and doing the tasks.

Before doing them, they have to read the topic, and objectives. When they finish they

check and score their works. Their marks are recorded in their own progress report

sheet which they have to submit to their teacher at least two weeks before final

grading is done. In mark recording it is required that they have to write the code, date

of learning, material classification, and marks. In this setting, the students actually

carry out two things, namely exploring their knowledge of English and at the same

time acquiring some new learning experiences.

As every human is pedagogically different in their leaning manner they may

have genuine dissimilar perception in the practice of SALL. The personal perception

of the students on the use of SALL as a learning model is, therefore, interesting and

challenging to observe for many English teachers in Indonesia are not yet familiar



obtaining their goal. It is able to make them possess high motivation to learn which

can be seen through their interest in the learning processes. On the other hand, when

the students’ perception is negative and they have negative behavior in the learning

process and it may cause failure accordingly.

Figure 1.1 The relation between students’ perception, motivation, and behavior

Teachers’ and students’ perception cannot be separated from teaching and

learning process. When a teacher decides to use one method in teaching English, the

teacher also needs to consider the students’ perception. As Ames said (1988:260)

students’ perception has to be known by teachers because it can influence further

teaching learning strategies. Knowing that the students’ perception is important, the

researcher carried out a research to investigate of the students’ perception in learning

English using SALL.

B. Problem Formulation

The study, therefore, aims to address the following research questions:

1. What are the students’ perceptions on the use of Self-Access Language Learning

(SALL) in learning English at

SMK Negeri

2 Depok,

Sleman, Yogyakarta?



2. What are the suggestions given by students to improve and to maximize the use

of SALL in English learning at

SMK Negeri

2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta?

C. Problem Limitation

The research focused on revealing students’ perception on the use of SALL in

English learning which can be seen through the students’ behavior and motivation. It

also focused on SALL’s benefits in teaching and learning environment at



2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta and finding suggestions to improve and

maximize the use of SALL in English learning at school. The research was conducted

at a vocational school,

SMK Negeri

2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The school was

chosen because there is no other vocational school having a Self-Access Center

(SAC) in Yogyakarta. In addition, the school is highly accessible to acquire the data

needed both from the students and teachers.

D. Research Objectives

Based on the problem limitation, this research has several objectives as



To know the students’ perception on the use of SALL in English learning at



2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta which can be seen through the students’

behavior and motivation.


E. Research Benefits

It is hoped that the findings of the

study will be beneficial to the followings:


For English Teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta

The study will help the teachers to understand the importance of students’

perception on the use of SALL in English learning so that the teachers can make

decisions to use SALL or not in their teaching-learning activities. If the teachers

know that students have positive perception, they are able to consider the use of

SALL in teaching their students. Otherwise, if the teachers know that students have

negative perception, they have to find what makes the students have negative

perception on the use of SALL. The teachers can improve the activities or the

methods or the self-access materials in order to fulfill students’ needs in English

learning. The study may also encourage the teachers, educational managers and other

professionals to take into account in promoting their students in autonomous learning

through SALL.

2. For University Students


the development of education in general, language teaching, and how autonomous

learning can be fostered.

F. Definition of Terms

Below are the terminologies which need to be defined in order to avoid

misunderstanding. :


Students’ Perception

Perception is a psychological term which is defined as a process by which

organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the

world (Foley, 2007). Perception, in this research, refers to the second grade of

vocational school of

SMK Negeri

2 Depok students’ opinion on learning English

through SALL which can be seen through the students’ behavior and motivation.

What is meant by students’ perception is how students see and think during their

experience in learning English through SALL, whether the teaching learning process

using SALL can fulfill students’ needs or not, whether the activities are interesting or

not, whether students’ English skill improve or not, also whether the

teaching-learning is successful or not.


Self-Access Language Learning (SALL)


defined SALL as a learning in which students take more responsibility for their

learning than in teacher directed settings. Ideally, SALL offers varying degrees of

guidance and encourages students to move towards autonomy.’

SALL can be regarded as a manifestation of learner autonomy in the way that

SALL provides materials and organizational systems that accommodate

individualization and the promotion of independent learning (Sheerin, 1997). It

allows learners with different learning needs and styles to outline their learning

objectives, decide what to do, find materials that suit their needs, use the material

assess their learning, attain their goals, and learn on their own (Dickinson, 1987;

Sheerin, 1997). In this study, SALL refers to the language learning activities that take

place in a SAC which involves the development of learner autonomy.


SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta




This chapter attempts to contextualize some related theories to address the research problems. It consists of two major sections, namely (1) theoretical description, and (2) theoretical framework.

A.Theoretical Description

There are four major areas discussed; they are theory of perception, theory of learning English, theory of motivation, and theory of Self-Access Language Learning (SALL).

1. Theory of Perception

This part presents the theory of perception including the definition of perception and perception in learning.

a. Definition of Perception


definition, according to Sternberg (1988: 8), perception is defined as the way a person gives meaning to the world.

Perception, then, is defined as a process of understanding and interpreting sensations and messages that come from the surrounding so that it can be meaningfully interpreted. The forming of perception is influenced by experience and human sensory senses. Even though some people are given the same stimuli, they will see, think and give response to the stimuli differently. It is because the forming of perception is subjective. However, perception does not solely involve sensory processes but also a mental process.

Hardy and Heyes as cited in Kurniyati (2006: 9) state that “the basic form of perception is people’s born talent; meanwhile perceptional ability is the result of learning, which is determined by the environment.”

Perception on something can affect one’s behavior toward it. When someone understands the stimuli that he receives, he will give response to the stimuli. If someone believes that the stimuli fulfill his needs and expectation, it will make him have positive perception on the stimuli. Every person has different perception based on his needs and expectation.

Expectation and previous experience constantly interact with one another to influence our perception of sensory events...Perception is also substantially influenced by our motivation and needs.…Our expectation, past experiences, and psychological states combine, setting us to perceive the world in certain ways. (Bootzin, 1983: 119-120)


form of behavior that allows individuals to interact with or adjust to the varying demands of environment.

b. Perception in Learning

Related to the theory of perception, perception on learning has relation to belief and concept. It has connection with belief about knowledge that is able to influence students’ behavior toward the learning. It means that perception on learning has a big role in the process of obtaining the knowledge.

In obtaining the knowledge, there is a system which relates the concept with the environment. The concept is formed by the stimuli which come from the environment. It is called interactive system. Interactive system has three elements; those are presage, process and product or learning outcome (Biggs, 1992: 3-6). 1) Presage

Presage is an indicator of future occurrence. It includes learning conception and learning context such as teachers and school attributes, and also students’ understanding about knowledge. The examples of presage are educational practices, students’ preparation, and the procedures of assessment. 2) Process


3) Product

Product or learning outcome is influenced by the learning strategies used. Students can have good learning outcome when the learning strategies that are used are suitable for them, and can make them have positive perception on the learning. Students’ perception on English learning is influenced by the implementation of English teaching-learning activities.

Champbell (2001: 173-186) mentioned those three elements are also mentioned in the five elements of language teaching-learning activities that build students’ perception. Those five elements cover 1) the way the teacher teaches the students, 2) the kind of material that the teacher wants the students to learn, 3) the students behavior in class during the process of learning, 4) the material that the students learn, and 5) the the goals of learning the language.

In perception on learning, the students’ behavior can be changed through the process of learning. For example, at first, a student experiences that listening activity is difficult. However, since listening activities are adjusted to the students’ condition and interest, and also he can choose his own topic, he, then, considers the listening activities interesting. This theory helps the researcher analyzes parts of perception on learning using SALL from the students’ point of view that need to be observed.

2. Theory of Learning English a. Learning


complex process of learning. There are three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively observable aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. And constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki).

Bower and Hilgrad (1987: 12) state that learning is the process by which an activity originates or is changed through reacting to an encountered situation, provided that the characteristics of the change in activity cannot be explained on the basis of native response tendencies, maturation, or temporary states of the organism.

Meanwhile, Kimble and Garmezy (1963: 133) define learning as a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency that occurs as a result of reinforced practice. In line with the above statements, as cited from Wiyono (2008: 18) Gary and Kingsley stated that learning is a process by which behavior is originated or changed though practice or training.

According to Winkel (1991: 36), learning is a mental activity which happens in active interaction with the environment that results changes in understanding of knowledge, skill, and attitudes. The changes are relatively constant and they can be traced. It means that learning can only happen if there is an active interaction between the learner and his environment. More clearly, Brown (2000: 6) breaks down the definition of learning as follows:


3) Retention implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization.

4) Learning involves active, conscious focus on and active upon events outside or inside the organism.

5) Learning is relatively permanent, but subject to forgetting.

6) Learning involves some forms of practice, perhaps reinforced practice. 7) Learning is a change in behavior.

In line with Brown’s statement, Mahmud (1989: 121-122) clarifies that learning is behavioral change, which can be or cannot be traced directly and it happens in someone’s life through experience.

From all definitions of learning above, it can be conclude that learning is a process which is experienced by an individual to get behavioral changes which are the results of training or experience from the interaction with environment. In fact, nearly all the definitions of learning include the concepts of change, behavioral, and experience.

b. Language Learning


Brown (2000: 56) stated that learning a new language involves the mastery of the sound system to understand and to approximate their production, the mastery of the features of arrangement that constitute the structure of the language, and the mastery of sufficient to operate the structures and represent the sound system in actual use.

Learning a new language, according to Nunan (2004: 62) means learning the expression, the content, and their association for rapid use both in speaking and listening to the target language. Beside these aspects, there is another aspect that should be taken account that is the cultural items of the new language.

3. Motivation

a. Definition of Motivation

According to Kleinginna as cited in Huitt (2001), motivation defined as an internal condition that activates behavior and gives it ways, desire that strengthens and leads to goal-oriented behavior. Motivation also strengthens the influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behavior.


b. Importance of Motivation

Motivation is very important in the learning process because according to cognitive approach called attribution theory, motivation influences individual’s behavior in the learning process (Christina, 2008). Cognitive approach has stressed the importance of motivation in language learning. Motivation is a tricky concept as there are different kinds.

Deci & Ryan (1985) distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is motivation external to a person as, for example, provided by an examination one needs to pass in order to graduate from school. Intrinsic motivation is internal, that comes from within a person. For example a desire to be part of certain group can be a motivation to learn a language. However, the distinction is not so clear-cut (Van Lier, 1996) because one can have to pass an examination to graduate from school, but at the same wish to learn from it for one’s own benefit. Intrinsic motivation is not necessarily better than extrinsic motivation. An active participation in the learning process relates learning content to students’ personal goals and is therefore a way to increase intrinsic motivation. It brings the individual to the success or failure.


followed by a success and an incentive value after achieving success. Thus, whether or not a person will strive to reach goal depends on:

1) basic need for achieving a degree of excellence 2) how certain (or probable) that they will be successful 3) how attractive reaching the goal is

In line with Deci & Ryan, Gardner and Lambert (1972) also distinguished two types of motivation: integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. Integrative motivation is motivation that comes from the students themselves to learn the target language without any outside factors that influence them. On the other hand, instrumental motivation is motivation that comes because there are factors from outside that force the students to learn the target language, for instance, they learn English because they have to pass the English exam, or because they want to obtain a job.


Wiyono (2008: 16) summarized that students’ motivation is the tendency to increase or keep as high as possible students’ capabilities in all their learning activities that lead to success. The following aspects will be used as the basis for the constructing of the motivation measurement. Students’ motivation contains the following aspects:

1) Self-confidence in facing achievement related task, 2) Persistence is case of failure,

3) Preference for levels of difficulties, 4) Preference for partners in doing tasks, 5) Competition with others.

Those aspects will be used as the basis for the construction of the questionnaire measurement.

4. Theory of the Self-Access Language Learning (SALL)

SALL can be regarded as a manifestation of learner autonomy in the way that SALL provides materials and organizational systems that cater for individualization and the promotion of independent learning (Sheerin, 1997). SALL allows learners with different learning needs and styles to outline their learning objectives, to decide what to do, to find materials that suit their needs, and to use the material to assess their learning, to attain their goals, and to learn on their own (Dickinson, 1987; Sheerin, 1997).


quasi-independent unit which engages learners in studying outside the classroom. This style of instruction is most often done in the setting of a self-contained learning environment or self-access center (SAC).

In accordance to Rodden (2007), SAC can be as simple as a classroom set aside with dictionaries and shelves of paper-based exercises to state-of-the-art digital centers with various types of computer- and Internet-based resources. What resources are available and how students are guided to use them depend on the financial resources available and how much learner autonomy an institution decides to give students.

As cited from Reinders (2000), Benson (1998) summarizes that SALL does not have to be directed by saying that if autonomy is the aim, then self-direction is a means to this end, and self-access is an environment within which it can be achieved. So learners need to be equipped with a number of skills before they can benefit from working in a SAC. As cited by Dickinson (1987: 116), Cousin (1985) summarizes some of these necessary skills:

“They must be accustomed to finding their way around a resource, which may require familiarity with the use of a public library, for instance. They must obviously be sufficiently fluent readers to be able to make use of a considerable amount of written instructions and must have the self discipline and habits of study to be able to concentrate on an academic task without outside supervision. It seems unlikely that this is to be achieved without experience of formal education.”


In other words, SALL can be said to be the learning that takes place in a SAC. It involves the development of learner autonomy and it caters for learners with different needs. In line with the previous definitions of SALL, Reinders (2000) proposed the definition of SALL as follows:

“Access Language Learning is learning that takes place in a Self-Access Centre. A Self-Self-Access Centre consists of a number of resources (in the form of materials, activities and help), usually in one place, that accommodates learners of different levels, styles, and with different goals and interests. It aims at developing learner autonomy among its users.” Moreover, Gardner & Miller (1997) defined that ‘Self-access language learning (SALL) is learning in which students take more responsibility for their learning than in teacher directed setting. Ideally SALL offers varying degrees of guidance but encourages students to move towards autonomy. According to the definition above, SALL in SMK 2 Depok is meant to make students experience learning English autonomously and individually, so that they can take responsibilities to make their own learning. Of course, group work is perfectly possible in a SAC and can be a good example of autonomous learning.

5. Vocational School

Vocational school is a formal secondary education of education system in Indonesia. The aims of the vocational school in Indonesia are:

a. to prepare students in the field of work and to develop a professional attitude. b. to prepare students in order to be able to choose their carrier, to compete, and

to develop them-selves.

c. to prepare middle level labors for business world and industries at the present time and the future.


According to the aims above, it means that a vocational school has a special characteristic which differentiates between other educational institutions. A vocational school has a characteristic of vocation that organizes an educational program appropriated with various fields of work.

Moreover, a vocational school is a vocational secondary education which also gives opportunities to students to continue their education to the higher level. Such a thing differentiated from a non-formal vocational education. So that, the subjects in vocational school also differentiate from those that are in high school or in a non-formal vocational education. The subjects in a vocational school are general subjects and vocational subjects (Depdiknas, 2003: 8).

Then, a vocational school organizes educational program that agrees with various fields of work. According to that, educational programs in vocational school are grouped into six groups, such as agriculture and forestry group, technology and industry group, business and management group, public prosperity group, tourism group, and last art and craft group.

With regard to English as a foreign language for Vocational School in Indonesia, before admitting to the school some students have been learning English at least three years at Junior High School. Some others, however, may have been learning five or six years, three years at junior high school and two or three years at elementary school.


The role for their future is to help them prepared to take parts in the global era community. With adequate competence in English, vocational school graduates can get better job and lives by working for business sectors in foreign countries.

B. Theoretical Framework

As what the previous research revealed, perception is an important factor that influences successful learning since it influences someone’s motivation to learn and behaviors or attitudes. In order to answer the first research question, that is students’ perception on the use of SALL in learning English, the researcher employed four theories. They are first, the theory of perception (Bootzin, 1983, and Biggs, 1992), second, the theory of language learning (Brown, 2000), third, the theory of motivation (Gardner and Lambert, 1972), and last, the theory of learning English using SALL in line with the case that happened in vocational schools.


theory of learning English using SALL in order to identify the activities that were used in learning using SALL. It also discovered the advantages and disadvantages of using SALL in English learning. In the theory of learning English using SALL, the researcher drew the relationship between good language learners and SALL. One of the characteristics in a good language learner is that he/she is an active and autonomous learner. And being active-autonomous learners, the student may conduct SALL in SAC.

The research also analyzed the relation between students’ strategies to learn English and the SALL in vocational schools. It also helped the researcher to discover whether the use of SALL can fulfill students’ needs or not.

The result of students’ perception on the use of SALL in learning English could be positive or negative. Based on the theories above, if most of students’ needs in learning English can be fulfilled by the use of SALL in their English learning, it can lead them to have positive behavior toward the learning, which showed that the students have positive perception. Conversely, if only few of students’ needs in learning are fulfilled by the use of SALL in their English learning, it can lead them to have negative behavior toward the learning, which showed they have negative perception.


negative behavior toward the learning, they will have negative perception. Based on that theory, the researcher analyzed the students’ behavior toward the use of SALL in learning English.

This research addresses two research questions. The first research question is the perception of the students on the use of SALL in their English learning activities. In order to find out the answer, the researcher employed a class observation, a questionnaire, and an interview. Then, the data results are analyzed, interpreted and written in paragraphs.





The research methodology and procedures that will be employed in the

research are presented in this chapter. This chapter is organized into six major

sections, namely (1) the research method, (2) research participants, (3) research

instruments, (4) data gathering technique, (5) data analysis technique, and (6)

research procedure.


Research Method

This research was considered as a survey since the research was aimed to find

out the students’ perception on the use of Self-Access Language Learning (SALL)

and students’ recommendation to improve and maximize the use of Self-Access

Center (SAC) in English learning. Survey studies are usually used to find the facts by

collecting the data directly from population or sample. It is the most commonly used

in educational researches. The researcher, therefore, collected the data to describe the

nature of the existing condition as to determine the relationships of the specific

existing events.

As cited from Creswell (2003:14), a survey research includes cross-sectional

and longitudinal studies using questionnaires or structured interviews for data

collection, with the intent of generalizing from a sample to a population (Babbie,


According to Groves, Fowler, Couper, Lepkowski, Singer, and Tourangean

(2004a: 2), a survey is one of the most methods that is commonly used in the social

sciences. Its aim is to understand the social phenomena, the society work and also to

test theories of behavior. It means that a survey research is one that is used to

understand the human behavior and the characteristics of the targeted people.

According to Trochim (2006), in a survey research, the researcher can also distribute

questionnaire to gather the data.

This study is a survey research since this research was aimed to discover and

understand the social phenomena of the students’ perception on the use of SALL in

English learning. This study also uses questionnaires and structural interviews for the

data collection. Since survey research uses human experience to be observed, the

results obtained in this research are in the form of statements, sentences, and words

rather than numbers.


Research Participants

A population is defined as total number of people in a particular group who

inhabit an area (Encarta Dictionaries, 2008). The target population of this research

was the second year students of

SMK Negeri 2 Depok Sleman

in the Academic Year


Table 3.1 Research Respondents by Class and Number




Teknik Kimia Analis


Teknik Kimia Industri


Teknik Audio Video


Teknik Elektronika Industri


Teknik Geologi Pertambangan


Teknik Perbaikan Body Otomotif


Teknik Gambar Bangunan


Teknik Komputer Jaringan


Teknik Permesinan










Total 288

However, since the population was large in number, it would not be possible

to survey the entire population of the students. The stratified random sampling

technique was then used. Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling, which

involves the division of a population into smaller groups, known as strata. In

stratified random sampling, the strata are formed based on their members sharing a

specific attribute or characteristic (Investopedia, 2010). It was done by writing the

names of the classes in pieces of paper, rolling them and putting each roll into a glass

separately and taking the rolled paper from the glass. The result of the tossing was the

class of

Teknik Perbaikan Body Otomotif

. The total number of students in the


was thirty two students. Those students were required to fill in questionnaire. From

thirty-two students, the researcher took six students to be interviewed. Those six

students were meant to represent the students who had high scores, middle scores and



Research Instruments

The research used three instruments to gather data. In line with Gardner &

Miller (1997) the instruments in the study were an observation checklist, a

questionnaire, and an interview. The instruments were used to gather the data in order

to answer the research questions in the problem formulation.


Observation Checklist

The first instrument was the observation checklist. As cited from

teachingenglish.org.uk (2009) “an observation checklist is a list of things that an

observer is going to look at when observation is done in a class”. The observation

checklist was used twice. The first observation was done on January 27, 2010 and the

second observation was done on February 03, 2010. It was used to answer the first

research question. The list was prepared by the researcher before the observation was


The preliminary research was done before the first observation was held.

According to Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2000: 293), “Observational data are

attractive as they afford the researcher the opportunity to gather “live” data from

“live” situation”. In other words, by carrying out observation, the researcher would be

able to look at the real condition of the participants being observed. The researcher

used observation since it gave data on every action taking place in the classroom.

Morrison (2000: 293) stated that observation will enable the researcher to gather data


There are two types of observation; participant observation and nonparticipant

observation. In doing the research, the researcher used nonparticipant observation. In

nonparticipant observation, the observer did not really involve in the teaching and

learning process or activities of the group (Razavieh. 2002: 430). The researcher

purely observed the students in the classroom. It was done in order to minimize the

missing data on the students’ progress and provide truthful data. Therefore, a

nonparticipant observer would be very helpful in this research.

The instrument on class observation was constructed by considering the

indicators shown in following Table 3.2. The indicators were made by considering

the interactive system (Biggs, 1992: 3-6) that has three elements: presage, process

and product or learning outcome.

Table 3.2 Observation Blueprint of Students Behavior in SALL


A. Students’ behavior before learning English using SALL 1. time perspective

2. self-confidence 3. preparation

B. Students’ behavior while learning English using SALL 1. self-confidence in facing achievement related task 2. preference of levels of difficulties

3. persistence in case of failure 4. competition with others 5. time perspective

C. Students’ behavior after learning English using SALL 1. time-perspective

2. self-confidence in facing problems related task

2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2

2 2




The second instrument was a questionnaire. The researcher distributed the

questionnaire on February 24


, 2010. According to Seliger and Shohamy (1989: 172)

“a questionnaire is printed forms for data collection which includes questions or

statements to which the subject of the research is expected to answer.” The

questionnaire was used to obtain information about the students’ perception on the

activities, motivation and implication of using SALL. Afterwards, the questionnaire

was also used to determine the six students that would be interviewed. This research

used closed form questionnaire. According to Ary et al. (2002) a questionnaire is

practical because the answers can be returned at the same time as when the

questionnaire is distributed.

The questionnaire blueprint was made by considering the interactive system

(Biggs, 1992: 3-6), the elements of language teaching-learning activities (Champbell,

2001: 173-186), the definition of learning (Brown, 2006: 6), and the aspects that were

used as the basis for the constructing of the motivation measurement as cited from

Wiyono’s (2008: 16).

This closed form of a questionnaire consisted of twenty-five statements,

covering six categories: 1) self-confidence in facing achievement related tasks, 2)

persistence in case of failure, 3) preference of level of difficulties, 4) time

perspective, 5) competition with others, and 6) implication. Table 3.5 presents some


Table 3.3 Questionnaire Blueprint of Students’ Perception toward SALL


1. Self-confidence in facing achievement related tasks. - being optimistic to accomplish tasks

- feeling satisfactory of the result of self-work

1, 2, 3, 4 4

2. Persistence in case of failure

- being encouraged to gain better result - being willing to overcome constraints

- having a spirit to keep participating in unpleasant activities - being fearless to experience failure

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 7

3. Preference of level of difficulties

- choosing moderate difficulties 12, 13 2

4. Time perspective

- using extra time to check the accomplished task

- substituting cancelled activities with other useful activities - coming on time in any activities

14, 15, 16, 17, 18 5

5. Competition with others

- being encouraged to engage in a competitive situations - having a desire to outperform others

- having curiosity to know the position on oneself achievement among others

19, 20 2

6. Implication

- having better skill and understanding 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 5





Bahasa Indonesia

because the mother tongue of the

participants was

Bahasa Indonesia

. Therefore,

Bahasa Indonesia

was used to make

them easier in understanding the statements in the questionnaire.

3. Interview

The third instrument was an interview. According to Kvale, as cited in Cohen,

Manion, and Morrison (2000: 267),”the use of interview in research marks a move


external to individuals, and towards regarding knowledge as generated between

humans, often through conversations.”

The interview was conducted to the research participants in order to answer

the research questions. Further, the interview also strengthened the data to answer the

research questions. The interview used in the research was a structured interview.

Structured interview, which was used as one of the instruments of the research means

that the questions for interviewee were already prepared before the interview was

done. There were twenty five questions prepared and asked by the researcher.

Meanwhile, the interview was constructed by considering the indicators shown

bellow. The interview questions used

Bahasa Indonesia

in order to make the students

easier in understanding the questions.

The interview items were made by considering the second research instrument

(questionnaire items) that had been modified in order to make sure about the students’

responses. The interview questions were divided into four parts: motivation (1),

activities (2), implications (3), and critics and suggestions (4) that would be used to

answer the second research problem.

Table 3.4 Framework of the Interview Questions in using SALL

Interview Questions Number of Statements Total Items

1. Motivation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 9

2. Activities 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 9

3. Implications 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 5

4. Critics and suggestions 24, 25 2



Data Gathering Technique

As stated before that the researcher used three instruments in order to gather

the data to answer the questions of the research. This sub-chapter explained how the

instruments worked and also how the data were gathered.

In the first step of data gathering from the participants, the researcher

maximized the use of observation form. The researcher observed the students’

behavior before learning, while learning, and after learning.

For obtaining deep findings from the students, the researcher interviewed six

students who were chosen from the scores they obtained ion the questionnaire. Based

on the scores of the questionnaire, the researcher took two students representing

highest scorers, two middle scorers, and two the lowest scorers. The researcher

interviewed them one by one in order to obtain more reliable data.


Data Analysis Techniques

The first step was observing the phenomenon happening in the SALL class. In

order to answer the first and the second formulated problems, the researcher analyzed

the observation data collection of the students’ behavior in learning English using


According to Bootzin (1983:120), if students have positive behavior toward

the learning, they will have positive perception on the learning. On the other hand, if

students have negative behavior toward the learning, they will have negative


toward the use of SALL in learning English. The data would be presented in


The second part was analyzing the questionnaire data. The questionnaire used

Likert Scale, a scale with a number of points that provides ordinal scale measurement

(Wiersma, 1995: 183). The questionnaire consisted of 25 items which had a five point

Likert type scale ranging from Always








and Never (

tidak pernah).

“Always” was assigned a score

of 5, “Often” got a score of 4, “Sometimes” got 3, “Rarely” got 2, and “Never” got 1;

this is due to the more accurately and efficiently handling of the scoring to avoid

haphazard answers which were given by the students without reading and

understanding the statements. The scoring technique for the questionnaire will be

shown in the following table.

Table 3.5 Scoring grades for questionnaire on Students’ Perception

Option Score Always

Often Sometimes

Rarely Never

5 4 3 2 1

To find out what choices of the respondents, they were asked to put a tick on

the column based on their choices. For the total items in the questionnaire, the scoring

was done by counting the scores that each subject got in the questionnaire. To

evaluate the students’ perception on the use of SALL in English learning, the ideal



In where:


= the sum of all the members of a set

= the number of members of the set

Then, after getting the categories of the students’ scores, the researcher chose

six students to be interviewed. The two students represented the highest scorers; two

other students represented the medium scorers and the others represented the low


The third part was interviewing. From those data, the researcher was able to

determine the students who would be interviewed. The students’ responses on the

interviews were recorded, so that the researcher could analyze every single word of

their answers. Afterward, the recorded responses were transferred into text so that it

could be further analyzed. After that, the researcher analyzed the results of the

interview. The topic of the interview questions was quite similar to the questionnaire.

In the interview, however, there were questions to ask the reasons or background the

students gave in certain answers. The researcher did the interview twice in order to



Research Procedures

There were some steps used in the research. Before conducting the research,

the researcher first designed the blueprint of the research, such as choosing the

problem to be solved, deciding the school and participants of the research. Next, the

researcher did the preparation steps. In these steps, the researcher asked a legal letter

from the English Language Education Study Program of

Sanata Dharma


Afterwards, the researcher gave the letter to the secretariat of

SMK Negeri 2 Depok,

Sleman to conduct a research at the school. Then, the researcher had a meeting with

the English teacher of

SMK Negeri

2 Depok, Sleman in order to arrange the

appropriate schedule to conduct the research. Afterwards, the researcher did

preliminary research that was the library research in order to gain knowledge and find

appropriate theories for the research.

The researcher additionally did pre-observation and observations on the

participants. After the researcher observed twice, she gathered necessary information

she could get from the learning activities in classroom. After that, the researcher

constructed questionnaire and interview materials. Then, she distributed the

questionnaire to the participants. After getting the questionnaire feedback, the

researcher analyzed the questionnaire in order to choose the participants who would

be interviewed. The researcher then, conducted an interview with the participants in

order to obtain more information needed to answer the research questions. The

researcher interviewed the participants twice using the same questions in order to


the data gathered from the observations, and the interview. The first research question

was answered through the observations, the questionnaire and the interview and. the

second research question was answered through the interview. Afterward, the data

gathered were synthesized and interpreted. After the data were interpreted, the

researcher made conclusion based on the interpretation. As the last step, the

researcher reported the results of the research. In the following page shows briefly



(The Students’ Perception on the Use of SALL in

Learning English at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman)

BLUEPRINT (Library Research)




Observation Data

(Learning Activities and Students’






Questionnaire and Interview Questions



Raw Questionnaire Data



Students’ Perception in General and

Interviewee Candidates






Students’ Perception and Suggestion





Confirmed Interview Data

from the First Interview



Data Transcript of Students’

Perception and Suggestion



Recorded Interview Data





This chapter presents the findings of the research. The research was conducted to find out the students’ perception on the use of on the use of self-access learning in learning English and students’ suggestions to improve and to maximize the use of self-access language learning in learning English. The findings were divided into two parts. They are part A that explained the students’ perception and part B that explained the students’ suggestions.

A.Students’ Perception on the Use of SALL in Learning English at SMKN 2 Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta

The data were obtained through three instruments; they were an observation, a questionnaire, and an interview. Each instrument would be separately analyzed. These instruments were used to answer the students’ perception on the use of SALL in learning English and also to answer the students’ suggestions to improve and to maximize the use of SALL.

1. Students’ Perception Based on the Observations of Students’ Behavior in the Teaching-Learning Process Using Self-Access Language Learning (SALL).



from “live” situation”. In other words, by carrying out observation, the researcher would be able to look at the real condition of the participants being observed. The observations were divided into three parts: students’ behavior before learning with SALL (1), students’ behavior while learning with SALL (2) and after learning with SALL (3).

The first observation was done on January 20, 2010. The total number of present students was 32. The teaching and learning process took place in a classroom equipped with SAC. The classroom condition was unusual. It was a special room for teaching English which was not shared with the room for teaching other subject. The classroom was about 8 x 10 meters with two ACs, good ventilation and sufficient light. The room was big enough for 32 students to move their chairs because the setting arrangement was not fixed: there were no tables. Each student had their own chair with a small board attached to it, made it possible for students to write and put their books on it. There was some electronic equipment such as a 29 inch television set, fans, overhead projector, tape recorders, and VCD player available in the classroom, and also a shelf—located in the corner of the classroom—full of printed and recorded SAC materials.



teacher seriously. Few of them were talking softly while the teacher explaining for about five minutes. The teacher also gave several questions to the students. The students were quite active in answering the teacher’s questions. Before SALL began, the students were divided into six groups. It was meant to organize the students so that they could experience all kinds of self access materials — listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar. Group A; number 1-6, did the listening part, group B; number 7-13, did the speaking part, group C; number 14-20, did the reading part and group D; number 21-27, did the vocabulary part, and Group E; number 28-32, did grammar. When every student finished with the first part, they could take and do other self-access material.


Table 3.1. Research Respondents by Class and Number ……………………….
Figure 1.1 The relation between students’ perception, motivation, and behavior…
Figure 1.1  The relation between students’ perception, motivation, and behavior
Table 3.1 Research Respondents by Class and Number


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