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Perihal : Edaran 24th World Scout Jamboree 2019

Jakarta, 3() April 2018

Kepada Yth.

1. Para Ketua Kwartir Daerah Gerakan Pramuka

2. Para Ketua Gugus Depan Pramuka di Perwakilan RI 3. Para Pimpinan Satuan Karya Pramuka Tingkat Nasional 4. Para Pimpinan Satuan Komunitas (SAKO) Gerakan Pramuka

Salam Pramuka,

Berdasarkan undangan yang kami terima dari World Scout Bureau), kami beritabukan dengan hormat bahwa kegiatan 24th World Scout Jamboree 2019 akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal22 Juli - 2 Agustus 2019 The Summit Bechtel Reserve's, West Virginia, Amerika Serikat. Kwartir Nasional Gerakan Prarnuka memberikan kesempatan kepada Pramuka Penggalang, Penegak, Pandega dan Pembina Pramuka untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:

A. Persyaratan peserta :

I. Pramuka Penggalang/Penegak PutralPutri

2. Berusia antara 12-17 tahun, (lahir antara 22 Juli 2001 sampai dengan 21 Juli 2005) 3. Memiliki Kartu Tanda Anggota Gerakan Pramuka

4. Berbadan sehat, dinyatakan dengan Surat Keterangan Dokter

5. Paspor yang masih berlaku (habis 6 bulan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan 21 Juli 20 J 9) 6. Surat ijin dari Kepala Sekolah, asli

7. Surat ijin dari Orangtua bennaterai 6000, asli. Disertai dengan fotocopy KTP ayah dan ibu (bagi umur dibawah 17 Tabun)

8. Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga 9. Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga (KK) 10. Fotocopy KTP

11. Fotocopy SuratNikah orang tua

12. Pas foto berwarna terbaru diambil paling lambat 3 bulan terakhir dengan latar belakang putih ukuran 4,5 x 4,5 cm (berseragam pramuka tanpa tutup kepala dan kaca mata, bukan hasil editan, bukan foto dari hp, tidak buram dan tidak berbayang), spesifikasi foto terlampir.

13. Mendapat rekomendasi tertulis dari Ka Kwardanya 14. Dapat berbabasa Inggris dengan baik

15. Sanggup membayar biaya yang diperlukan (terlampir). B. Persyaratan pembina pendamping:

1. Pembina Pramuka


Pemab menjadi pembina pendamping pada kegiatan Intemasional atau minimal memiliki ijazah KMD

3. Berusia 27 s.d. 55 tahun

Telp. :(021) 3507645 Fax.: (021) 3507647

▸ Baca selengkapnya: program kerja semester pramuka penggalang


4. No. 3 s.d. 15 sama dengan di atas,

C. Persyaratan International Sevice Team (1ST):

1. PenegakJPandega dan Pembina Pramuka PuteraIPuteri

2. Pemah menjadi pembina pendamping pada kegiatan Intemasional atau minimal memiliki ijazah


3. Berusia 19 s.d. 55 tahun

4. No. 3 s.d. 15 sama denzan di atas.


Rincian biaya meliputi biaya tiket Jakarta - Charlotte Douglas Internasional Airport, Charlotte North Carolina, Amerika Serikat (PP), camp fee, tour, visa dan perlengkapan kontingen, terlampir.

Kami mengharapkan pemberitahuan keikutsertaan peserta dengan membayar fee Jamboree dan fotocopy paspor dapat diterima Kwarnas selambat-lambatnya tanggal 25 Mei 2018. Apabila ada perranyaan menyangkut kegiatan ini dapat menghubungi Deden Syefrudin Kepala Bagian Hubungan Luar Negeri di 08179020317 atau d svefrudin.d vahoo.com.

Pelunasan paling lambat pada tanggal 1 Januari 2019.

Pembayaran biaya dapat dikirimkan melalui rekening Kwamas : Kwamas Gerakan Pramuka



KCK Jakarta

Nomor rekening :0206-01-000056-30.8

Mohon edaran ini dapat diteruskan kepada para Ka Kwarcab di jajaran Kwarda Kakak, Demikian, atas perhatian dan kerja sama Kakak, kami ucapkan terima kasih.


Kw ir Nasional Gerakan Pramuka Sekr taris Jenderal.


-Tembusan Kepada


1. Menteri Luar Negeri


2. Ketua Kwarnas Gerakan Pramuka

▸ Baca selengkapnya: 5 kegiatan pramuka penegak


REN"CA] ~ABL4-.YA (1)












22 JlJLI - 2 AGUSTUS 2019





1 Biaya tiket pesawat Jakarta -Charlotte 37.000.000 Dengan pesawat Etihad (PP)

-Douglas International Airport. Charlotte, Kelas Ekonomi NC, Amerika Serikat

Akomodasi dan Tour (3 Hari clan 2


Visa Amerika Serikat

Makan sesuai ladwal Tour

2 Fee peserta clan Pembina Pendamping 638

" Fee IST 588


4 Perlengkapan dan biaya pemantapan 2.000.000

Catatan :

1. Jumlah biaya keseluruhan yang diperlukan per peserta :

a. Peserta dan Pembina Pendamping

1) Tiket pesawat, Tour, Makan selama tour

2) Fee peserta: USD 638 xRp. 13.950,

-3) Perlengkapan dan biaya pemantapan Jnmlah = Rp. Rp. Rp.


Rp, 37.000.000, -8.900.100, -2.000. 000,-47.900.100~ -h. 1ST

1) Tiket pesawat, Tour, Makan selama tour 2) Fee peserta: USD 588 xRp. 13.950,

-3) Perlengkapan dan biaya pemantapan

Jumlah Rp. Rp. Rp. = Rp, 37.000.000, -8.202.600, -2.000.000, -47.202.600,

-2. Harga tiket diperoleh perkiraan awal pada 25 April 2018 dan sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah.

3. Informasi harga dollar diperoleh dari www.klikbca.com per tangga125 April 2018

4. ilai tukar dollar akan disesuaikan pada saat pengiriman camp fee ke AS_











April 2018


Kwarlir Nasional Gerakan Pramuka


25/4/2018 24th World Scout Jamboree» Travel Documents - Visa's» Print

- 24th World Scout Jamboree - https:/ /www.2019wsj.org


avel Docu

ments - Visa



Posted By 24th WSJAdmin On December 21,2017 @ 5:45 pm In Administration,IST


Comments Disabled

Travel documents will be part of every contingent's preparation for the 24th World Scout

Jamboree, The information below should assist in those preparations.

The location of the 24th World Scout Jamboree, the Boy Scouts of America's Summit Bechtel Reserve near Glen Jean, West Virginia, USA, will require that every contingent be prepared to

enter the United States of America. The Jamboree Management Team will be working closely

with the US Department of State and the US Department of Homeland Security to support the visa applications (where required) of participants of the 24th World Scout Jamboree.

The United States provides detailed information on visa requirements online at httRs:/Itravel.state.gov/content/visas/en.html [1]

Some contingent members planning to attend the 24th World Scout Jamboree are citizens of

those countries that are part of the Visa Waiver Programs in place for the United States. In the event that participants are not citizens of the Visa Waiver Program of the United States, then a

Letter of Invitation may be needed as part of the visa application process.

The Jamboree Management Team, upon request, will provide assistance to National Scout

Organizations in the form of Letters of Invitation.

Because the 24th World Scout Jamboree is eo-hosted by Scouts Canada, Scouts Mexico and Boy

Scouts of America, some National Scout Organizations may choose to tour in Mexico or Canada

prior to arriving at the Jamboree site. Please note that those contingents that travel to, or

transit through, Canada or Mexico before entering the USA will also be required to clear US Customs prior to traveling to the Jamboree site.

Pleasenote that the countries included in the Visa Waiver Programs for Canada, Mexico and the United States are not consistent.

The Government of Canada provides detailed information on visa requirements online at

httR:!/WWw.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/ [2] or httR:!lwww.cic.gc.ca/francais/visiter/index.asR. [3].

Letters of Invitation for groups requesting visas to enter Canada must request those letters from

Scouts Canada.


25/4/2018 24th World Scout Jamboree» Travel Documents - Visa's» Print

The Government of Mexico provides detailed information on Visa requirement online at

httQ: I/www.gob.mx/sre/acciones-y..:.Qrog ramas/visas-Qa ra-extranjeros-8036 [4].

Letters of Invitation for groups wanting visas to enter Mexico must request those letters from

Asociacion de Scouts de Mexico.

For those groups needing a Transit Visa to travel through Canada or Mexico (no stops, just

changing planes), no Letter of Invitation is required from the NSO of those countries. Groups

may simply apply as part of their travel arrangements, and typically must provide proof of a US

visa for their final destination as part of their Transit Visa application.

Questions on visa protocols may be addressed to registration@2019wsj....Qrg [5]. More information

will follow in coming months.

This page is also available in: ESQanol[6] Franc;ais[7]





---Article printed from 24th World Scout Jamboree: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org

URL to article: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/travel-documents-visas!

URLs in this post:

[lJ https:j/travel.state.gov/content/visas/en.html:

https:/ /travel.state.gov / content/visas/ en.html

[2J http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/: http:/ /www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/

[3J http:j /www.cic.gc.ca/francais/visiter/index.asp :


[4 Jhttp://www.gob.mx/sre/ acclones-v-proq ra rnas/visas-pa




[5J registration@2019wsj.org: mailto:registration@2019wsj.org

[6J Espafiol: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/travel-documents-visas/?lang=es

[7J Francais: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/travel-documents-visas/?lang=fr

Copyright © 2017 World Scouting Jamboree 2019. All rights reserved.


25/4/2018 24th World Scout Jamboree» Jamboree Fee» Print

- 24th World Scout Jamboree - https:/ /www.2019wsj.org


oree Fee

Posted By WSJ Admin On November 30, 2016 @ 5:00 pm In Administration




The 24th World Scout Jamboree will utilize what we are referring to as the "Summit Model" for participants, unit leaders, CMT,and 1ST. In simplified form, the Summit Model requires attendees

to bring to the jamboree only their clothing, sleeping bag, and other personal or exhibit items.

The remaining items needed for subcamp living will be provided. We believe that this will significantly reduce overall expense for each participant and 1ST.

Many contingents should experience a material reduction in overall logistics requirements and

shipping costs. We are hopeful that this approach will greatly simplify travel' arrangements for

the contingents. Participants, unit leaders, and contingent leadership in participant subcamps will


Tents with ground covers (two youth participants per tent)

All cookware and cooking supplies, except for personal mess kits

All dining areas/facilities in each unit site

All tools to set up tents, etc.

Tables for food preparation and eating by patrol


Campsites have existing permanent shower houses and latrines. The grocery store methodology

will be used for unit food needs, with shelf-stable meals for lunch.

1ST will receive four-person wall tents and cots. Staff will eat in the staff dining hall and have

lunches that are portable and do not require cooking.

Participant fee: The 24th World Scout Jamboree Executive Committee proposed and the World Scout Committee has officially approved the fee for youth, adult leaders, and CMTmembers as


WOSM "D" NSOs $1,275

WOSM "C" NSOs $957 WOSM "B" NSOs $638

WOSM "A" NSOs $319

1ST fee: The 24th World Scout Jamboree Executive Committee proposed and the World Scout

Committee has officially approved the fee for 1STas follows:

WOSM "D" NSOs $1,175

WOSM"C" NSOs $882

WOSM"B" NSOs $588


25/11/7018 24th World Scout Jamboree» Jamboree Fee» Print WOSM"A" NSOs $294

Discount:A 5 percent discount is available to NSOs that pay a reservation fee to the 24th World

Scout Jamboree at the following level per participant, adult leader, CMT member, or 1ST by December 31, 2017:

WOSM "D" NSOs $150

WOSM"C" NSOs $110 WOSM "B" NSOs $75

WOSM"A" NSOs $55

By meeting the 5 percent discount fee requirement as stated above, the total discounted fee for

youth participants, adult leaders, and CMT would be:

WOSM"D" NSOs $1,212 WOSM"C" NSOs $909 WOSM "B" NSOs $606 WOSM"A" NSOs $304

For 1ST, the discounted fee would be:

WOSM "D" NSOs $1,116 WOSM "C" NSOs $840 WOSM "B" NSOs $559 WOSM"A" NSOs $280

This page is also available in: Esp-anol[1] Franc;;ais[2]

Article printed from 24th World Scout Jamboree: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org

URLto article: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/jamboree-fee/

URLs in this post:

[1] Espafiol: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/jamboree-fee/?lang=es

[2] Franc;;ais:https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/jamboree-fee/?lang=fr



2017 World Scouting Jamboree 2019. All rights reserved.


25/4/2018 24th World Scout Jamboree» Eligibility to Attend the Jamboree» Print

- 24th World Scout Jamboree - https:/ /www.2019wsj.org


ligibility to Attend the Jambore


Posted By WSJ Admin On November 30,2016 @ 2:00 pm In Administration







icipant and Leader Eligibility

To be eligible to be a youth participant at the 24th World Scout Jamboree, you must be born

between July 22, 2001, and July 21, 2005. If you are older on the given date, you may be able

to apply to become a member of the International Service Team or contingent team, or a unit

leader. The exact age requirements have been approved by the World Scout Committee.

Members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) may take part in the

24th World Scout Jamboree under the conditions agreed to between WOSM and WAGGGS as


For Scout and Guide national organizations (i.e., members of both WOSM and WAGGGS-known

as"SAGNOs"), invitations to World Scout Jamborees are addressed not only to WOSMregistered

youth and adults but also to those members registered with WAGGGS.

Youth and adults of national Girl Guide/Girl Scout associations (i.e., those who are members of

WAGGGS only) may attend the event with the agreement of the WOSM organization in their

country. Girl Guides/Girl Scouts attending such events will be part of the respective national

Scout contingent. There will therefore be no WAGGGS contingent.

Each NSO (with the exception of the three eo-hosts) must not exceed 10 percent of the total

expected number of 45,000 participants (youth, unit leaders, and 1ST/staff) agreed to by the

World Scout Committee; therefore, the expected maximum size of anyone contingent is 3,600




tingent Management Team (CMT)

Organizing and running a successful jamboree contingent is a big job. It is recommended that

each NSOorganize a Contingent Management Team, which is a team of adult leaders to support their participants. Each CMTwill have a headquarters on the jamboree site and will camp in the

adult camp area.

The CMT is a group of leaders with knowledge and experience in financial management,

international travel, care of young people, and international Scouting. The CMTis also an ideal environment for developing skills in the next generation of leaders. The number of CMT members

is limited based on the number of participants in the contingent, as shown in the following chart.

CMT members pay the participant fee to attend the 24th World Scout Jamboree.


25/412018 24th World Scout Jamboree» Eligibility toAttend the Jamboree» Print




national Service Team (1ST)

In order to make a jamboree happen, about 9,000 people are needed to serve on the

International Service Team. Scouts who are at least 18 years of age at the start of the jamboree are welcome to join the 1ST. 1ST members should be able to communicate in English and/or French, and be ready to perform any tasks necessary for the jamboree. In addition, they must attend the jamboree as part of a national contingent. Subsequent bulletins will include more information about the 1ST.

This page is also available in: ESRanol[1] Fran<;ais[2]

Article printed from 24th World Scout Jamboree: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org URL to article: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/eligibility-to-attend-the-jamboree/

URLs in this post:

[1] Espafiol: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/eligibility-to-attend-the-jamboree/?lang=es

[2] Francals: https:/ /www.2019wsj.org/eligibility-to-attend-the-jamboree/?lang=fr



2017 World Scouting Jamboree 2019. All rights reserved.

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Dokumen terkait

25 tahun, maka Gerakan Pramuka, mulai dari Kwartir Nasional hingga Gugus Depan mengadakan kegiatan besar bagi golongan Pramuka Penegak dan Pramuka Pandega dengan nama Raimuna,

25 tahun, maka Gerakan Pramuka, mulai dari Kwartir Nasional hingga Gugus Depan mengadakan kegiatan besar bagi golongan Pramuka Penegak dan Pramuka Pandega dengan nama Raimuna,

Pertama : Mengukuhkan Susunan Pengurus Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Gerakan Pramuka Tingkat Cabang Kwartir Cabang 0314 Gerakan Pramuka Kota Payakumbuh masa

Surat Keputusan Kwartir Nasional Nomor 224 Tahun 2007 Tentang Petunjuk Penyelenggaraan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kwartir Ranting Gerakan Pramuka;2. Memperhatikan : Keputusan

Pada halaman tentang kami, menampilkan alamat dari kwartir nasional gerakan pramuka dan kwartir daerah gerakan pramuka, hal ini ditampilkan dengan tujuan

a) Tim Pelatih pendidikan dan pelatihan terdiri dari para pelatih Pembina Pramuka yang disyahkan dengan surat keputusan Kwartir atas usul Lembaga Pendidikan Kader Gerakan Pramuka.

Pt. Peserta PW tingkat Nasional adalah para Pramuka Penegak dan Pandega dari daerah-daerah dan mereka yang diundang. Peserta PW Daerah adalah para Penegak dan Pandega dari Daerah

2. Syarat Kecakapan Khusus Pencak Silat a. Untuk golongan Penggalang, Penegak dan Pandega 1) Untuk mencapai Tingkat Purwa seorang Pramuka harus: a) dapat melakukan salah satu tipe