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Academic year: 2022



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Study Programs

Sarjana (B.A.) in

 English Language Education (ELE)

 English Language and Literature (ELL)

Magister (M.A.) in English Language Education

Doktor (Ph.D.) in English Language Education





Catalogue, Department of English, 2020

Published by Fakultas Sastra (Faculty of Letters), Universitas Negeri Malang (State University of Malang)


Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) Jl. Semarang No. 5 Malang, 65145, Gedung E-7 Tel (0341) 551-312 Ext. 235, 237

Tel/Fax. (0341) 567-475 (direct) Email : info@sastra.um.ac.id

sastrainggris.fs@um.ac.id Website : http://sastra.um.ac.id/


Instagram : @english.fsum

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/englishfsum1

Twitter : @englishfsum (https://twitter.com/englishfsum) Youtube : Department of English, Universitas Negeri Malang (https://youtube.com/channel/UCKUCKIl1PmDYjLYOg6pS0Cen0w)


Professor Utami Widiati (Patron); Dr. Primardiana H. Wijayati (Coordinator of Academic Affairs); Dr. Moch. Syahri (Coordinator of Administrative Affairs);

Dr. Yusuf Hanafi (Coordinator of Student Affairs); Waji, S.Sos. (Secretary);

Dr. Suharyadi (Team Leader); Dr. Anik Nunuk Wulyani (Associate Team Leader);

Professor Nur Mukminatien (Curriculum Coordinator); Professor Yazid Basthomi, Dr. (Cand.) Nur Hayati, Dr. (Cand.) Maria Hidayati, Dr. Nurenzia Yannuar, Ira Maria F. Lumbanbatu, M.Hum., Elvira Rosyida M.R., M.Pd, Herditya Wahyu Widodo, M.A.

(Members); Mashuri, S.Pd. (Coordinator, Secretariat); Vira Setia Ningrum, S.Pd., M. Luqman H.R., M.Pd, Linda Yulia Fatma, S.E. (Staff, Secretariat); Yon Ade Lose, M.Sn, Robby Yunia Irawan, S.Pd, M.Pd (Cover Designers, Layouters, and Settlers).



The present catalogue of the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang (2020 edition) is a revision of the 2019 edition. The production of this catalogue is aimed at providing relevant information about the Department of English for (prospective) students, faculty members, managing personnel, administration staff, and the public.

In view of the function, this catalogue presents some information on the history, organization, staffing, and educational facilities. Other pieces of information include explanations about the types and activities of study programs, curricula, and course descriptions.

Attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in the catalogue. Should there be remaining faults, feedback from readers are greatly appreciated.

Our gratitude goes to all parties who have provided assistance for the completion of this catalogue.

August 25, 2020

Professor Utami Widiati Dr. Suharyadi

Dean of Faculty of Letters Head of Department of English




PREFACE... iii







Library ... 9

Language Laboratory ... 9

English Self Access Center (ESAC) ... 9

Conference Room ... 10

Cultural Gallery ... 10

Media Production Unit (MPU) ... 10

Studio ... 10

Teacher Resources Unit (TRU) ... 11

Teaching Development Unit (TDU) ... 11

Micro-teaching Laboratory ... 11


A. 1. Sarjana (B.A.) in English Language Education ... 12

Accreditation Status ... 12

Scientific Vision ... 12

Missions ... 12

Objectives ... 13

Graduate Profile ... 13

Program Learning Outcomes ... 13

Structure of the Curriculum ... 15

2. Sarjana (B.A.) in English Language and Literature ... 22

Accreditation Status ... 22

Scientific Vision ... 22

Missions ... 22

Objectives ... 22

Graduate Profile ... 22

Program Learning Outcomes ... 23

Structure of the Curriculum ... 24



Scientific Vision ... 29

Missions ... 29

Objectives ... 29

Graduate Profile ... 29

Program Learning Outcomes ... 30

Structure of the Curriculum ... 31

C. Doktor (Ph.D.) in English Language Education ... 32

Accreditation Status ... 32

Scientific Vision ... 33

Missions ... 33

Objectives ... 33

Graduate Profile ... 33

Program (Standard) Learning Outcomes ... 33

Structure of the Curriculum ... 34

VII. COURSE DESCRIPTION A. Sarjana (B.A.) in English Language Education ... 35

B. Sarjana (B.A.) in English Language and Literature ... 57

C. Magister (M.A.) in English Language Education ... 78

C. Doktor (Ph.D.) in English Language Education ... 83

ANNEXES A. Departmental Award to Outstanding Graduates... 88

B. Avoidance of Redundant or Duplicate Work (Paper/Assignment) ... 88

C. Appeal Procedure and Form ……… ... 89

D. Particulars about Faculty Members……… ... 90

E. Research Clusters ... 107

F. External Partnerships ... 108




The Department of English has undergone several changes, both in terms of the curriculum and its identity. In 1954 the Department was founded as the Department of English Language and Literature (together with the establishment of a Teacher Training College). In 1959 the Department was given a mandate to provide an education for lecturers of English, under the name English Language Teacher Training Program (ELTTP), which was an additional one-semester program for a full degree (or Doktorandus), under the sponsorship of the Ford Foundation.

In 1961 the full degree program was divided into two major streams, Linguistics and Literature, under the sponsorship of the Ford Foundation and the British Council, respectively. In early 1960s, due to the policy of the Government, ELTTP was temporarily terminated, but it resumed in 1971 with sponsorship from the Ford Foundation. In 1971 the funding for the program was gradually taken over by P3T (The Higher Education Development Project) due to decreased funding from the sponsor.

From 1967 to 1971 the Extension Course was opened for the Bachelor’s Degree program, and in 1977 the Junior High School and Senior High School Teacher Training Programs were opened. In 1979 the new curriculum of P2LPTK (Teacher Training Institution Development Project) was implemented, which brought significant effects on the Department. First, the Bachelor’s Degree and Full Degree programs, including the ELTTP, were closed and instead the D1, D2 and D3 and S1 programs were opened. Second, minor and major programs for D2, D3 and S1 were put into effect, each with a minor teaching qualification and a major/primary qualification. Third, the Department’s identity was changed from The Department of English Language and Literature to the Department of English Language Education (1980).

Subsequently, in 1983, 1985, and 1988, the D1, D2 and D3 programs were closed. In the year 1987 all minor programs were closed except for the students of the Faculty of Education. With the implementation of the PTKSM (Teacher Training and Education for Secondary Schools) curriculum in 1992, all minor and Diploma programs were closed, leaving only S1 programs.

The Department of English today is the manifestation and continuation of the Department of English Language Education, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Institute for Teacher Training and Education, Malang. This change of name was necessary due to the amendment of the Institute for Teacher Training and Education, Malang in accordance with the Presidential Regulation no.93, dated August 4, 1999, on “the Conversion of Institutes for Teacher Training and Education into Universities”.

The wider mandate applied to a number of departments, including the Department of English, Institute for Teacher Training and Education, Malang which fulfilled certain requirements such as the availability of lecturers in terms of number and qualifications. The wider duty of the Department is to produce Sarjanas (First Degree Holders) in English Language Teaching and English Language and


2 Literature. This duty has been carried out by offering two programs for Strata 1 or 4-year B.A. since 1997.

To ensure the quality of the graduates of both programs, the Department developed its own specific curriculum for each program, including the development of a curriculum which gives the opportunity for students to take a double-degree program (1999). This development was aimed at accommodating the needs of the students who want to expand their horizons as well as adding to their academic qualifications.

Another effort to ensure the quality of the graduates is through the Intensive Course (IC) program, which is compulsory for all freshmen. The IC is run in the first semester, and is a compulsory prerequisite for subsequent courses and academic activities which are carried out in English.

Based on the regulation of the Minister of Higher Education and Science no.19, dated July 20, 1962, as of 1968 the Institute for Teacher Training and Education, Malang (at present Universitas Negeri Malang) initiated higher education for Doktorandus to obtain doctoral degrees through the Doctoral Program (Strata 3 or Ph.D.), Institute for Teacher Training and Education, Malang.

As the realization of the government’s commitment to improving the quality of the faculty members of Higher Education Insitutions in Indonesia, the Directorate General of Higher Education established the TMPD (Tim Manajemen Pendidikan Doktor) or the Management Team for Doctoral Education (1975), which was a team responsible for doctoral education held both in Indonesia and abroad. In the attempt to improve the quality of the academics in the Teacher Training Institutions, IKIP Malang with IKIP Bandung and IKIP Jakarta were selected to assume the responsibility to establish Doctoral Programs with scholarship.

In line with this effort, Universitas Negeri Malang commissioned a Committee to draft the concept of the establishment of a Graduate Program (at the beginning of 1976). The drafts prepared by the Committee were reported in the Report of the Preparation for the Doctoral Studies, State University of Malang. This report was the basis for the University to offer Doctoral Studies commencing on February 1, 1976. The study programs offered were Education (1976), English Language Education (1976), Biology Education (1976), and Economics Education (1979), respectively.

In 1980, the concept of graduate education underwent further development, with the split of the graduate program into Doctoral Degree (S3 or Ph.D.) Programs and Master’s Degree (S2 or M.A.) Programs. Accordingly, the State University of Malang opened Master’s Degree Programs in Education (1980), Language Education (1980), and Biology Education (1981). In 1981, a program in Mathematics Education was opened in Surabaya as a credit accumulation activity, followed by the opening of the Chemistry Education program. In 1985, the Mathematics Education Program in Surabaya was established independently of the Graduate Program of State University of Malang.

Based on the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No.60/1982, dated September 7, 1982, the Doctoral Study Program was officially changed to the Graduate and Doctoral Program (PDP). One year later, with the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture No.0146/0/1983, dated March 5, 1983, the PDP




was changed to the Graduate Faculty. Then with the Government Regulation N0.30, 1990, the Graduate Faculty was changed from Faculty to Program, with the name Graduate Program.

From the establishment of the Doctoral Program of the State University of Malang in 1968 until the present, five faculty members of the Department of English have assumed the directorship: 1) Prof. Samsuri, 2) Dr. Zaini Machmoed, 3) Prof.

E. Sadtono, 4) Prof. Soeseno Kartomihardjo, and 5) Prof. H. Ali Saukah.

As the Rector’s Decree No.0682/KEP/H32/AK/2007 on the Management Guidelines for Academic Programs of the Graduate Programs at the Faculty/

Department was put into effect, the Department of English has conducted a revamping and rearrangement of its curricula encompassing those for B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., to guarantee and improve the quality of academic activities in all of the programs in the Department of English.





As mentioned in the previous section, since its establishment in 1954 the Department of English has undergone several changes, both in its curriculum and institutional identity. Apart from its name and identity, the Department has had a positive influence on Indonesian society and development. A brief overview of the extensive contributions of this Department follows.

This Department has participated in the development of the country through the acts of its graduates all over Indonesia as teachers and lecturers of English. It has also colored the governmental domain through the contributions of its alumni, for instance Prof. Asim Gunarwan, who was the interpreter for the late President Soeharto and a Professor of Linguistics in The University of Indonesia, and Dr.

Syamsul Arifin who is active as the International Director of the Bank of Indonesia.

The curriculum of English instruction throughout Indonesia has also been influenced by other prominent alumni such as Prof. Ali Saukah (for the 2004 Curriculum), who is also still active as one of the Professors in the Department, and Dr. Helena I.R. Agustien (for the 2004 Curriculum) who once was active in the Regional English Language Centre (RELC), Singapore, and who is a reviewer for the Journal of Asia TEFL.

The alumni of this Department contribute both domestically and also internationally. Domestically, examples include Prof. H. Retmono (ex Rector of State University of Semarang/ IKIP Semarang), Agus Kafiar (ex Rector of Cendrawasih University, Papua), Bambang Mujiono (ex Human Resource Manager, Chevron), Wisnu Prasedyoko (Human Resource Manager, Chevron Pakanbaru), Dra. Hj. Hasnah Gasim (National Coordinator of ASP-net/iEARN, Indonesian National Commision for UNESCO), Dra. Itje Chodidjah, M.Ed (Consultant for the British Council), Professor Mudjia Rahardjo (Rector of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang State Islamic University). Among the alumni of the Department who have been active internationally, Prof. Ignatius Suharno (ex Cultural Attache of Indonesia for France and England), Prof. Abbas A. Badib (ex Cultural Attache for Papua New Guinea), Dr. Rochayah Machali (University of New South Wales, Australia), Dr. Ismet Fanani (Deakin University, Australia), and Dr.

Erlin Susanti (University of Wisconsin- Madison, USA) are outstanding examples.

This country has also seen the phenomenal performance of another alumnus of the Department of English, State University of Malang, Drs. Sis Maryono Teguh, M.B.A., who is a prominent consultant and motivator, and is famous as Mario Teguh, the host of the program "The Golden Ways" on Metro TV, as well a columnist for the Garuda Magazine. The social realm of this country has also been colored by the act of prominent figures such as Dr. Dede Oetomo and Dra. Wardah Hafidz, M.A.

Achievements have also been obtained by groups of alumni and students in other activities, such as through the ENCOMPASS Journey of Understanding (Scotland and England), and through student debates at local, national, regional, and international levels (e.g. Prima Wikaningtyas, S.S. and Aprilia Surya Kusuma Dewi, S.Pd). In 2013, Uyun Nishar and Afidatul Husniyah successfully won first




place in the English Debate on the contents of the Qur’an as part of the 13th National University Students Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ MN). In 2020, Roza became the Top 15 in the National Speech Competition held by UKM Bahasa Universitas Sriwijaya, Nurul Faiza won Bronze Medal ASEAN Innovative Science and Entrepreneurship Fair, Alif Hanifatur R. won Gold Medal AISEF (ASEAN Innovative Science and Entrepreneurship Fair) and Special Award IYSA AISEF, Rahadian Dimas won Gold Medal Sabah International Virtual Innovation and Invention Competition, Imro’atul, Sofia, and Umniyah got funding of 5 PKM Projects, Salma became the third winner of Call for Research Competition and Nur Zila was selected as the representative of Jawa Timur in Indonesia Students Debate Competition. From 2015 to 2019, English department students have been regularly selected by the Regional English Language Office (RELO), the U.S.

Embassy, to participate in the RELO Pre-service Teacher Camp (Camp EPIC), a 2- week program attended by 22 students from various universities in Indonesia and East Timor. The names include Uyun Nishar, Nurlaila Hidayah, Nur Deby, Rahmad Adi Wijaya, and Salsabila Imananda. Some of the students of the Department (e.g.

Rosalin Gusdian and Amalia Wardhany) have also received a scholarship from the U.S. government to study for one semester in the U.S. through the Global Undergraduate program. A number of alumni, among others, are Alfima Azmi Izminanda and Maya Rizki Fauziya, have completed the one-year Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program sponsored by Fulbright. Some other alumni, e.g. Sonny Elfiyanto, Ziadatul Hikmiah, Prima Beauty, Bramy Biantoro, and Dianita Kusuma Pertiwi, have received scholarships from Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan – LPDP) to undertake their Master’s degree overseas. Our students have also been very active in creative writing. Dwi Ratih Ramadhany, for example, had been chosen to join the Gramedia Writing Project in which she co-wrote a novel published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama entitled “Badut Oyen”. Ratih was also invited to attend Ubud Writers &

Readers Festival as new emerging writers. Other alumni, Wahyuningsih Usadiati has been a professior in Universitas Palangka Raya, Indawan has been a professor in Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang, Yaya Sutarya has since November 2018 been assuming the position of Education Attache, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beijing, Yudho Sasongko and Aswidya Indri Riski are Senior Diplomats serving in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

Bondan (Bonny) Rambatan, has established himself as a CEO of PT Semeste Rambatan Saddhadhika, an Inttelectual Property management that represents numerous artists and writers in Indonesia and abroad. He is also a co-founder of Naobun project, a creative enterprise which is a subsidiary of PT Semesta Rambatan Saddadhika.

Apart from the achievements of the alumni, lecturers in the Department have also made significant contributions and achievements, such as being invited as speakers at international academic forums (e.g. Prof. E. Sadtono, the late Prof.

Samsuri, the late Prof. Suseno Kartomihardjo, the late Prof. Abdul Wahab, the late Prof. Nuril Huda, Prof. Soenardi Djiwandono, Prof. Ali Saukah, the late Prof.

Kasihani K.E. Suyanto, Prof. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Prof. A. Effendi Kadarisman, Prof. Utami Widiati, Prof. Yazid Basthomi), as Professorship Promotion External


6 Reviewers (Prof. E. Sadtono, Prof. Bambang Yudi Cahyono), as PhD Thesis External Examiners (Prof. Ali Saukah, Prof. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Prof. A.

Effendi Kadarisman), as facilitators for the national translation training (Dr. Monica D.D. Oka, Drs. Setyadi Setyapranata, M.Pd, Prof. Utami Widiati), and as reviewers for international journals, such as Prof. E. Sadtono (World Englishes), and Prof.

Yazid Basthomi (The Journal of Asia TEFL and Educational Research).

The Department has also been actively involved in acting as a catalyst for academic communication through its contributions in managing the TEFLIN Journal (a Scopus-indexed journal), a publication of the TEFLIN Publication Division under the coordination of Drs. Setyadi Setyapranata, M.Pd. This was later continued by Dr. Suharmanto Ruslan who was succeeded by Prof. Yazid Basthomi and Dr. Arwijati Murdibjono as Chief Editor, who was then succeeded by Prof.

Utami Widiati.

As proof of society's trust in the strength and achievements of the Department, it is often asked to provide academic services to various parties in various forms: consultancy (such as for prospective International Standard Schools); teacher certification (portfolio and training); teacher professional education (Pendidikan Profesi Guru or PPG); the preparatory program for lecturers from state and private universities who want to pursue further studies abroad (Pre- Departure English Course) in cooperation with the Directorate of Educators and Education Administration Staff, the Directorate General of Higher Education; the preparatory program for scholarship awardees in collaboration with Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP); teacher preparation program in cooperation with local governments (The Kutai Barat Regency, The Nunukan Regency, The Aru Regency, and The Bintuni Regency) through the Sarjana degree (S1) in English Language Teaching; the improvement of English teacher and lecturer abilities under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs through the S1 (B.A.), S2 (M.A.) and S3 (Ph.D.) programs; and the improvement of Vocational High School English Teachers of Kudus regency in cooperation with Djarum Foundation.





The Department of English is managed by the Department Head with the assistance of the Department Secretary. In their daily activities the Head and Secretary are assisted by the Head of the Study Program of the Graduate Program, the Departmental Taskforce Coordinators and the Taskforce members whose responsibility is to accommodate all internal and external academic and non- academic activities.

The effort to maintain and guarantee the quality of the Department’s performance is carried out by the Quality Assurance Task Force. The Task Force is commissioned at the faculty level in each department to carry out periodical internal monitoring and evaluation.

Below is the organizational diagram of the Department for the period of 2019- 2023:




The Department of English is fully supported by 44 faculty members who are well versed and professional in their disciplines. The composition of the faculty members in the Department is presented as follows:

Faculty Members (44 in Total)

Qualification Designation

Ph.Ds Masters Prof Senior

Lecturer Lecturer Assistant

Lecturer Tutor

Number 24 20 9 4 12 12 7

Percentage 54.5 45.4 20.5 9.2 27.2 27.2 15.9

Note: At the time this catalogue went to print, 4 faculty members were pursuing their Doctoral studies abroad.





The quality of the teaching and learning activities and access to services in the Department are supported with the following facilities:


The Departmental Library is home to: reference books, course books, textbooks on language teaching theories and methodology, linguistics and literature, and multimedia (CDs, DVDs, and e-books). For the enrichment and fulfillment of the (co)curricular needs of the Department, the library collection also includes international and national journals and periodicals, popular references, and other popular science materials. The Departmental Library is also supported with and connected to the Faculty Library and the University Library which provide various primary references such as Undergraduate Theses, Master’s Theses, Doctoral Dissertations, international and national journals and periodicals, and textbooks, as well as secondary references (scientific and recreational).

Language Laboratory

For teaching and learning activities, the Department has access to three language laboratories under the management of the Faculty of Letters. These laboratories are equipped with facilities such as computers, LCD projectors, TV monitors, etc. The language laboratories are located in the building complexes D (D7.104), E (E6.107) and building G.

English Self Access Center (ESAC)

The facilities for ESAC were developed through the scheme of SEMI-QUE grants which the Department won in 2003-2004 for the purposes of instilling reflective independent learning habits in students without being dependent on the presence of course facilitators and classroom routine activities. ESAC is equipped with an audio-computer room, reading room, TV/Media room, Speaking Corner, and toilets. To maximize learning, ESAC is artistically designed, providing comfort with a carpeted floor and air-conditioned rooms.

ESAC provides learning resources and facilities, both electronic and non- electronic, such as textbooks, modules on language skills training, literary works of various genres, learning CDs/VCDs/DVDs, e-books, foreign movies of various genres, international TV channels, internet, computers, VCD/DVD players, and a photocopy machine. These resources and facilities are aimed at providing various, continuous, and appropriate learning exposure to cater for the students’ individual needs.

ESAC has also started to provide programs on increased quality services for the purposes of independent learning for students of the University. Among the services are (1) the development of electronic and non-electronic learning materials for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, tests, Grammar, Vocabulary, and EAP (English for Academic Purposes) for students of the Department of English and other departments, and (2) competitions for English competences such as


10 debating, news reporting, speech, script writing, creative writing, and subtitling for students.

The Department of English (through the English Language Teaching Program) won a three year PHK-I grant for the years 2008 to 2010. One of the sub- activities of PHK-I was the development and expansion of ESAC with three main foci: (1) upgrade of facilities in the form of building a gallery, conference room, recording/film studio, Multimedia Production Unit (MPU), and Teacher Resource Unit (TRU); (2) developing a database of services and an independent learning system; and (3) the development of independent learning materials. The development of these units is aimed at increasing the quality and varieties of services that ESAC offers to the community, both internal and external to the University.

Conference Room

This facility was developed with the support of the PHK-I grant (2009), and is aimed at improving the quality of teaching-learning processes, with a particular focus on speaking skills, especially those within the setting of formal/work situations. This room is equipped with a language laboratory and computer facilities to record/replay the teaching-learning situations as data for further analysis, and/or feedback for the improvement of the teaching-learning processes. This facility is accessible to ESAC users for independent learning.

Cultural Gallery

The gallery is a facility developed by the Department with the PHK-I grant (2009). This facility was designed with multiple functions: as an exhibition room for English background products/cultural icons; as a room for discussion or independent learning (individual and group learning); as an ESAC competition venue; as an information source for academic/job vacancies; and as a reference expo conducted by ESAC and/or in conjuction with other parties (such as other institutions’ SACs, publishers, or book stores).

Media Production Unit (MPU)

The MPU is also an outcome of the PHK-I grant. It was completed in 2008 and since then it has been used for the practice of producing various kinds of media: audio, visual, and audio visual. This facility was designed to fulfill two main functions: as a support facility of the Department for the production of ICT-based instructional media, and as a public service unit, especially for English teachers who aspire to improve their competence in producing various kinds of instructional media.


The recording and film studio is one of the facilities of the MPU supported with ICT such as an AppleMac computer, editing software, camera, lighting set, picture and sound mixer, and other software/hardware used for the production of audio-visual media encompassing role-play, (short) film/drama, news report, editing, subtitling, and/or distance learning. This unit can be utilized in conjunction




with other units in the Department/Faculty such as the TRU, micro-teaching laboratory, and Drama Laboratory for different kinds of media production.

Teacher Resources Unit (TRU)

The TRU was built with the PHK-I grant for the second year (2009). This unit was designed as an independent learning venue (similar to SAC) for teachers, and is equipped with computers and reference works. Apart from being a support facility for the teaching-learning activities in the Department, this facility was also designed as a public service unit, with the primary function being to quench English teachers’

thirst for knowledge.

Teaching Development Unit (TDU)

The TDU facility was developed with the PHK-I grant for the year 2009. This unit is furnished with a micro-teaching observation room. Services in this unit are integrated with the TRU and MPU. Its main function is to develop research and educational networks through various activities such as workshops, training, facilitation and guidance (in the form of training packages developed by the Department), as well as non-formal discussions among teachers, between teachers and students, and between teachers and faculty members. The mutual networking atmosphere is aimed at exposing students to information, needs, and the first- hand experiences of employed teachers; improving the pedagogical competences of the teachers; and direct data/information from the agents/consumers to the Department as a source/basis for needs analysis for the purposes of curriculum review/revision, the development of programs, and the like.

Micro-teaching Laboratory

This unit is a complement to TDU, with the function of developing pedagogical competences, particularly, the teaching competence. Besides ICT and multimedia facilities such as computers, printers, TV monitors, and DVD players, this unit is also equipped with CCTV to record the classroom/teaching-learning activities so as to enable the users to access and re-access the data at any time as the need arises.

All of the educational facilities in the Department are centered around one point of development: building the synergy of all units as a holistic ICT-based service to improve the quality, competitiveness, and relevance of the Department at the national and international markets. The synergy is worked about through the integration of services into the curriculum and teaching-learning activities at the Department, as well as through added varieties and improved quality of public access, which is based on the development of income generating units to ascertain the sustainability of the Department as an excellent educational unit.




To ensure the quality of the graduates, the Department of English reviews and revises the curriculum of each of the two Study Programs at least every three years. This is undertaken by professional faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. This continuous development and revision is crucial in order to harmonize and synchronize the content and components of the curriculum with the demand of the progressive global market.

The students' theses are expected to be completed in not more than two semesters, although they can be completed within one semester. Thesis writing can be programmed in the seventh semester; in this way, it is possible for the students to complete their study in less than eight semesters.


The 2020 curriculum of the Sarjana (B.A.) Program in English Language Education (ELE) is based on the Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (Indonesia National Qualification Framework) of 2012, the Rencana Strategis/RENSTRA (Strategic Plan) of the University, Faculty and the Program for 2019-2023, and the current national policy of Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka launched in early 2020 by the Ministry of National Education.

The description of the program curriculum comprises (1) Accreditation Status, (2) the Scientific Vision, Missions, and Objectives of the program, (3) Graduate Profile, (4) Program Learning Outcomes, (5) the Structure of the Curriculum, including course classification and distribution, and (6) Course Descriptions that detail the content of each course.

Accreditation Status

Based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, No. 2288/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/IV/2020, the Sarjana (B.A.) Degree Program in English Language Education has been accredited A (effective until April 2025). It has also received recognition from the ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) in 2019, No. AP421UMMAY19, effective until 2024.

Scientific Vision

It is the vision of the Sarjana (B.A.) Program in ELE that it becomes an ICT- and research-based study program responsive and adaptive to global advancements in the fields of education and English language education (ELE) by the year 2030.


In line with the aforementioned vision and the threefold missions of higher education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi), the Sarjana (B.A.) Program in ELE has the following goals in the areas of education, research, community services and inter-institution partnership.




1. Provide effective student-centered and ICT-based higher education in the field of ELE;

2. Promote research in the field of ELE for the development of knowledge and the welfare of the community;

3. Conduct community services in the field of ELE toward the empowerment of the community;

4. Establish reputable management, accountability, and image nationally and internationally.


The vision and missions of the Sarjana (B.A.) Program in ELE are detailed in the following objectives.

1. Produce intelligent, virtuous, and independent professionals in the field of ELE;

2. Produce outstanding scientific and creative works in the field of ELE;

3. Facilitate community services in the field of ELE to promote an independent, productive, and prosperous community;

4. Ensure the effective, efficient, and accountable implementation of education, research, and community services.

Graduate Profile

In reference to the Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) 2012, the curriculum of the ELE program is oriented to preparing prospective English teachers for formal and non-formal institutions with an English proficiency equal to B2 level of CEFR (Common European Framework of Languages), or a minimum of ITP TOEFL score of 525 / iBT TOEFL 69-70 / IELTS 5.5. At this level of proficiency, graduates of the program could demonstrate the following English language competences, which are required of them to become competent English teachers.

Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. (Council of Europe, 2018)

For graduates of the program who become English teachers at formal schools, they are eligible to enroll in the one-year PPG for English teachers in order to get certified and receive professional incentives. In addition, although the curriculum is oriented toward preparing prospective teachers, the knowledge and skills developed throughout the program also enable the graduates to embrace non- teaching professions, such as, translators, entrepreneurs, company staff, journalists, and many others.

Program Learning Outcomes

By the end of their study, the graduates of a Sarjana (B.A.) Degree Program in English Language Education have the following knowledge and skills:


14 1. Subject Matter Knowledge and Skills

a. Analyze and evaluate ideas in various types of spoken and written English texts.

b. Communicate ideas effectively and appropriately in spoken and written forms both in formal and informal situations.

c. Apply the knowledge of the basic concepts of linguistics and literature in the teaching of English.

2. Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills

a. Select and adapt instructional materials and media appropriate and relevant to the learners’ characteristics (physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, and socio-cultural background) in various teaching contexts.

b. Apply the principled learning strategies and classroom management by considering learner factors.

c. Develop and apply principled assessment procedures.

d. Use Information and Communication Technology effectively and creatively in designing and implementing lesson plans.

e. Identify problems in ELE and provide solutions through reflective practice and research.

3. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Knowledge and Skills

a. Demonstrate attitudes reflecting inclusivism, objectivity, and non- discriminating practices.

b. Realize the principles of work ethics covering discipline, responsibility, self- esteem and self-confidence, and teamwork.

c. Demonstrate creative thinking and innovation in social and academic lives.

d. Demonstrate independent and continuous learning habits to develop knowledge and skills in ELE responsive to global advancement.




Structure of the Curriculum

a. Classification of Courses in the Sarjana (B.A.) Program in ELE




University-Level Courses on Character Development 12 8.22 II REQUIRED COURSES ON SUBJECT MATTER AND PEDAGOGY

{98} {67.12}

A. University-Level Basic Pedagogical Courses

8 5.48

B. Faculty-Level Courses 4 2.74

C. English Language Skills Courses 44 30.13

D. English Language and Literature Courses 12 8.22

E. English Language Education Courses 10 6.85

F. Research Courses 12 8.22

G. Internship Courses 8 5.48



A. Elective Courses for Students of ELE program of UM

36 24.66

B. Transdisciplinary Courses for Students outside the ELE Program of UM


T O T A L 146 100

b. Group-based Course Distribution in the Sarjana (B.A.)’s Program in ELE




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Core Institu


University-Level Courses on Character Development (12 credits) 1 UNIVUM6001 Pendidikan Agama

Islam (Islam

Education) 3 3 X (X) (X) (X) V 2 1 --

2 UNIVUM6002

Pendidikan Agama Protestan (Protestant Education)

3 3 X (X) (X) (X) V 2 1


3 UNIVUM6003

Pendidikan Agama Katholik (Catholic

Education) 3 3 X (X) (X) (X) V 2 1 --

4 UNIVUM6004

Pendidikan Agama Hindu (Hindu Education)

3 3 X (X) (X) (X) V 2 1 --

5 UNIVUM6005 Pendidikan Agama Budha (Buddhist Education)

3 3 X (X) (X) (X) V 2 1 --

6 UNIVUM6006

Pendidikan Agama Khong Hu Cu (Khong Hu Cu Education)

3 3 X (X) (X) (X) V 2 1 --

7 UNIVUM6014 Pendidikan Kepercayaan (Faith Education

3 3 X (X) (X) (X) V 2 1 --





Semester Status


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Core Institu

tional 8 UNIVUM6007

Pendidikan Pancasila (Pancasila Education)

2 2 X (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 --

9 UNIVUM6008

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

(Civics Education) 2 2 (X) X (X) (X) V 1 1 --

10 UNIVUM6009

Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian for Academic Purposes)

2 2 (X) X (X) (X) V 1 1 --

11 UNIVUM6010

Manajemen Inovasi (Innovation Management)

3 3 (X) X V 1 2 --

II REQUIRED COURSES ON SUBJECT MATTER AND PEDAGOGY (96 Credits) A University-Level Basic Pedagogical Courses (8 credits)

1 UNIVUM6011

Pengantar Ilmu Kependidikan (Introduction to Educational Science)

2 2 X (X) (X) (X) V 2.5 0.5 --

2 UNIVUM6012

Perkembangan Peserta Didik (Learner Development)

3 3 X (X) (X) (X) V 2.5 0.5 --

3 UNIVUM6013

Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Learning and Instruction)

3 3 X (X) (X) V 2 2 UNIVUM

6012 B Faculty-Level Courses (4 credits)

1 FSASUM6001 Apresiasi Bahasa

dan Seni 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) X (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 --

2 FSASUM6002 Kewirausahaan

Bahasa dan Seni 2 2 X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 --

C English Language Skills Courses (44 Credits) 1 PINGUM6001 Intensive Course

(IC) 12 18 X V 4 8 --

2 PINGUM6002 Intermediate

Listening 2 2 X V 0.2 1.8 PINGUM


3 PINGUM6003 Advanced Listening 2 2 X V 0.2 1.8 PINGUM


4 PINGUM6004

Speaking for General Purposes (Speaking for Informal

Interactions, 2017)

2 2 X V 0.2 1.8 PINGUM


5 PINGUM6005 Speaking for Academic Purposes

2 2 X V 0.2 1.8 PINGUM

6004 6 PINGUM6006 Intermediate

Reading 4 4 X V 0.5 3.5 PINGUM


7 PINGUM6007 Advanced Reading 4 4 X V 0.5 3.5 PINGUM


8 PINGUM6008 Essay Writing 4 4 X V 1 3 PINGUM

6001 9 PINGUM6009 Argumentative

Writing 4 4 X V 1 3 PINGUM

6008 10 PINGUM6010 Intermediate

English Grammar 4 4 X V 1 3 PINGUM

6001 11 PINGUM6011 Advanced English

Grammar 2 2 X V 0.2 1.8 PINGUM







Semester Status


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Core Institu


12 PINGUM6012 Extensive Reading 2 2 X V 0.5 1.5 --

D English Language and Literature Courses (12 Credits) 1 PINGUM6013 Introduction to

Linguistics 2 2 X V 1.2 0.8 PINGUM


2 PINGUM6014 English Phonology 2 2 X V 1 1 PINGUM


3 PINGUM6015 English Syntax 2 2 X V 1 1 PINGUM

6013 4 PINGUM6016 Introduction to

Literature 2 2 X V 1.2 0.8 PINGUM


5 PINGUM6017

Reading English Poetry (Basic Analysis of Poetry, 2017)

2 2 X V 1 1 PINGUM


6 PINGUM6018

Reading English Fiction (Basic Analysis of Prose, 2017)

2 2 X V 1 1 PINGUM

6016 E English Language Education Courses (10 Credits)

1 PINGUM6019 English Curriculum 2 2 X V 1 1 PINGUM

6006 2 PINGUM6020

Teaching English as a Foreign

Language (TEFL) 4 4 X V 1.5 1.5 PINGUM


3 PINGUM6021

Instructional Materials

Evaluation 2 2 X V 1 1 PINGUM

6019 4 PINGUM6022 Language Learning

Assessment 2 2 X V 1 1 PINGUM

6019 E Research Courses (12 Credits)

1 PINGUM6023 Research Methods

in ELT 2 2 X V 1.4 0.6 PINGUM

6007 2 PINGUM6024 Thesis Writing in

ELT 2 2 X V 0.8 1.2 PINGUM


3 PINGUM6025

Thesis Proposal in ELT (Thesis Proposal Seminar in ELT, 2017)

2 2 X V 0.4 1.6 PINGUM


4 PINGUM6100 Sarjana’s Thesis in

ELT 6 6 X (X) V 0 6 PINGUM

6025 F Internship Courses (8 Credits)

1 UPLPUM6090

Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (Internship in ELT

4 4 X V 0.0

3 3.97 ELT courses

2 UKKNUM6090 Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Community Service Program)

4 4 X (X) V 0 4

UNIVUM 6007/



Elective (including Transdisciplinary Courses) for Students of ELE Program of UM (36 credits) Notes:

1. Students should take a total of 36 credits of elective courses during their undergraduate study based on their interests and with the guidance and approval of their academic advisors.

2. Students can take the elective courses inside and/or outside the ELE study program of UM, i.e. transdisciplinary.

1 PINGUM6026

Instructional Media

& Activities in Language Teaching (IMALT)

2 2 X V 0.6 1.4 PINGUM


2 PINGUM6027 Language

Assessment 2 2 (X) (X) (X) V 0.6 1.4 PINGUM






Semester Status


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Core Institu

tional Development

3 PINGUM6028 English for Specific

Purposes (ESP) 4 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1.5 2.5 PINGUM

6019 4 PINGUM6029 English for Young

Learners (EYL) 4 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1.5 2.5 PINGUM


5 PINGUM6030 Microteaching 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 0.8 1.2 PINGUM


6 PINGUM6031

An Introduction to Computed Assisted Language Learning (ICALL)

2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 0.8 1.2 PINGUM


7 PINGUM6032 Classroom

Management 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 0.6 1.4 PINGUM


8 PINGUM6033 Gender and ELT 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 0.8 1.2 PINGUM

6019 9 PINGUM6034 Instructional


Development 4 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1.5 2.5 PINGUM

6019 10 PINGUM6035 CLIL and Bilingual

Education 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


11 PINGUM6036 Literacies in ELT 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM

6019 12 PINGUM6037 Inclusive Education

in ELT 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM

6019 13 PINGUM6038 Article Writing for

Presentation and Publication

2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 0.6 1.4 PINGUM

6023 14 PINGUM6039 Second Language

Acquisition (SLA) 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM

6013 15 PINGUM6040 English

Morphology 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


16 PINGUM6041

Introduction to Tragedy and Comedy (Basic Analysis of Drama, 2017)

2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


17 PINGUM6042

Introduction to Translation (Translation I, 2017)

2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 0.2 1.8 PINGUM


18 PINGUM6043

Translation in Practice (Translation II, 2017)

2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 0.2 1.8 PINGUM


19 PINGUM6044 Research Statistics 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM

6023 20 PINGUM6045

Intercultural Communication

and Competence 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


21 PINGUM6046 British Studies 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


22 PINGUM6047 American Studies 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


23 PINGUM6048 Australian Studies 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


24 PINGUM6049 Asian Studies 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


25 PINGUM6050 European Studies 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


26 PINGUM6051 Discourse Analysis 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM


27 PINGUM6052 Applied Linguistics 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) V 1 1 PINGUM



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