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Lampiran 1. Struktur Organisasi


Academic year: 2021

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(2) Lampiran 1. Struktur Organisasi.   


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(78) !"#!$%$!&#'$!$(#'&)*+&,!*(-).#-)/$)01-& +234356#/2728293 +2343524:#,93;<9:#/6=4<;>63; <9=6<;?#,93;<9:#165;293. @&A-/&!-).#&110!#'& #B##+-)/-).#!C0#($$!#,&*101# /* A-,&!-$)#$+#&110!. Approved. Checked. Prepared. Warnoto. Feriyal S. Bayu Eko P. V. ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS. I. BACKGROUND. Toare Tackle> There are<Problem activities that inconsistent with the SOP on the process of tagging (Compare Data). Each year the asset was held checks, called Physical Check Asset (PCA). This activity aims to controlling assets. Material that used for PCA activity is worksheet. Worksheet is compare results between SAP data and asset map. Asset map as one of the tools in PCA to control the asset management. There are several problems in asset map, one of them is duplicated asset number as a result from PCA. This case was happened every year (in this study it has limited at 2006-2009) and it is still uncovered. Duplicated number of these assets will have an impact on checking the next PCA, and result in less accurate in asset management, and decrease performance of management handling.. Man. II. CLARIFY THE PROBLEM. Compilation PCA FY 2006 Inhouse Area. ULTIMATE GOAL. Machine. People are less concerned about 1. Prefer in other job 2. Not respect in this activity. Compilation PCA FY 2007 Inhouse Area. Method. Material. Creating an asset number to Retagging Process. Asset map has duplicated number. <Root Cause 1>. Coordination between related divisions in creating asset number 14%. Supports companies in managing the assets owned by reducing some of the problems. 16% Asset Clear. 86%. Clear. 84%. Asset Not Clear. There are no controls on the process tagging. Not Clear. <Root Cause 2>. VI. DEVELOP COUNTERMEASURE IDEAL CONDITION. Idea improvement. 100% Data PCA No Duplicate. GAP. Compilation PCA FY 2008 Inhouse Area PROBLEM 14.62% PCA FY 2009 have duplicated <asset. No.. Compilation PCA FY 2009 Inhouse Area. Problem. Impact Current. Status. Idea Do GENBA and coordination meeting to validate the data (eliminate duplicating asset. (+) Redundancy number can be solved. number in PCA 2009 data result. (+) Data compilation would be validated and can be used for database master asset map (+) User can update asset map too from as an impact from this activity. 15% 21%. (+) User and related division can learning more on map maintenance Clear. 79%. Data Clear. 85%. Not Clear. 1. Asset map has duplicated number. In preparation process, there is no duplication checking numbers. Data Not Clear. (-) Involve people in another division to do coordination meeting & Genba activity. CURRENT CONDITION 85,38% Data PCA No Duplicate. III. BREAK DOWN THE PROBLEM. SUPPORTING DATA :. > Determine the processes in tagging & retagging process that allow the source of the problem > SOP review and socializing of tagging & retagging. Data Compilation PCA FY 2009 (Class) . Quantity. Machinery 9%. Special Tool Common 2% . Furniture Fixture 1 3%. Furniture Fixture 2 71 %. 1435. 40. Class 4. 181. Class 5. 105. 69. Class 7. Class 8. 2. 4. Class 9. (+) Socialize SOP of management asset to related division. Conduct an analysis of It was not immediately known what the processes carried the tagging & retagging process that on tagging & retagging resulted in duplication of asset activity numbers. Class 0. (-) Must be socialized with related division (-) Need long time period to know the problem. . > Should be analyzed for any possible problems. GAD 78 %. Additional 11 %. KRW 23 %. PAD 22 %. Non Add. 89 %. STR I 26 %. > Solve all possible problems. Data Compilation PCA FY 2009 (Area Coord.). STR II 33 %. Transportation 5%. 1246. 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0. 771 Area Coord.. VII. ACTIVITY PLAN. ACTIVITY PLAN. No.. 2010. Activity. March I. GAD. PAD. II. III. April IV. I. II. III. May IV. I. II. III. Due Date. June IV. I. II. III. IV. General Schedule I. Preparation for mid review. Management's Car 1%. II. Mid Review (Presentation #1). #. 10 & 12 May. III. Preparation for final review. Input data. PCA Action. Creation Form for Asset. 

(79)  . Quantity. Data Compilation PCA FY 2009 (Area). Tagging. (+) Related division can jointly know & solve the problem. > Solve problems that occur for each process of tagging & retagging activity. Class. 183. Class 3. HO 18 %. . Quantity. Special Tool Exclusive 9%. 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0. (+) Know the problems that led to duplication of assets (+) Anticipate the possibility of similar problems reoccur. process that it's done correctly or not by related division. 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0. 1. 378 255. 292. 205 Area. HO. KRW. STR I. STR II. There are activities that are inconsistent with the SOP on the process of tagging (Compare Data). Data Compilation PCA FY 2009 (Status). Clear the duplicated asset, non additional class 8 asset in GAD area STR II & find out the root cause of problem. Quantity. IV. SET A TARGET 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0.    . IV. Final Review (Presentation #2) Improvement Project. 337. Status Asset.       ! "# $#$% . >. Learning Department Business Process. >. Discuss with people in main division to gather more information. >. Learning ideal condition in division. >. Collect and analyze data to find the problem. >. Clarify the problem (step 1). >. Find out the gap between current situation and ideal situation. >. Break drown the problem (step 2). >. Run down problems occuring. >. Set a target to solve the problem (step 3). >. Determine the root cause based on Man, Material, Machine, Method (step 4). >. Interview with related division to collect information for root cause analysis. >. Determine countermeasure. >. Make proposal for mid review. >. Submiting proposal. >. Presentation for mid review. VIII. NEXT ACTIVITY No. 41. 1 Additional. Non Additional. 24 - 27 May. Preparation for Mid. Activities. Due date. Scheduling coordination meeting with related division to clarify & solving the problem. 17 - 21 May 2010. 2. Scheduling coordination meeting with related division to know progress report problem solving. 24 - 27 May 2010. 3. Do Genba (sampling) based on problem solving report. 1 - 2 June 2010. 4. Validate data as a next process after report. 2 - 4 June 2010. Remarks.

(80) Lampiran 3. A3. Report Final Review. !"#!$%$!&#'$!$(#'&)*+&,!*(-).#-)/$)01-& +234356#/2728293 +2343523:#;#&886<#,93<=9>#/6?4=<@63< =9?6=<A#,93<=9>#165<293. B&C-/&!-).#&110!#'& #;##+-)/-).#!D0#($$!#,&*101#/* C-,&!-$)#$+#&110!. 1, Background Each year the asset was held checks, called Physical Check Asset (PCA). This activity aims to controlling assets. Material that used for PCA activity is worksheet. Worksheet is compare results between SAP data and asset map. Asset map as one of the tools in PCA to control the asset management. There are several problems in asset map, one of duplicated asset number as a result from PCA. This case was happened every year (in this study it has limited at 2006-2009) and it is still uncovered. Duplicated number of these assets will have an impact on checking the next PCA, and result in less accurate in asset management, and decrease performance of management handling. 2, Clarify the Problem. them is. 3, Break Down the Problem. ULTIMATE GOAL. Supports companies in managing the 4, Target Setting.  . IDEAL CONDITION 100% Data PCA Result Have No Duplicate Asset Number. Double Aset with Other Division (527 Case).  . All Data Description Same (585 Case). 14.62% Data PCA Result FY 2009 have duplicated asset number. CURRENT CONDITION 85,38% Data PCA Result Have No Duplicate. Double Number in 1 Division (1490 Case). Different Data Description (905 Case). Request Replacement Label. . Approvement & Creating Label. Label Send to Coord.. Label Send to User. Label Tagged. Label Exist (645 Case). Asset Moving/Transfer (877 Case). PROBLEM GAP. Office (178 Case). . 


(82) . Plant (699 Case) Label Not Exist (54 Case). New Procurement (28 Case).  . There are not fully controlled in approving & creating asset label, so it happen duplicate sending barcode label that will be tagged to asset. Create and implement tools to controling, recording, and approving request barcode label, so there is no double asset tagged with same number. 9, Next Action 1. Implementation Control Check Tools and Socialize SOP 2. Finishing data validation 3. Socialize and discuss with coordinator about the possibility problem that can cause the double asset number (based. Man. Machine. Method. Material. Lack of knowledge about creating asset number. Machine to create asset number (label) have an error. There is no supporting document to recreate asset label. Evidence form to order creating asset label doesn't work continously. Problem. Impact Current. PIC. Idea Do GENBA and coordination meeting to validate the data (eliminate duplicating asset number in PCA 2009 data result). (+) Redundancy number can be solved. No record data in recreating label, so asset label could be printed & sent twice even more. (+) Data PCA FY 2009 Result would be validated 1. Asset map has duplicated number. There are Double Asset Number in Asset Map User (Based on PCA FY 2009). (+) User can update asset map as an impact from this activity. FD, PAD, GAD, USER. (+) User and related division can more. # After implementation of Control Check Tools in mid of June 2010 : End of June : 14 of 14 request recorded in paper & file (100 %) July : 40 of 40 request recorded in paper & file (100 %) August : 107 of 107 request recorded in paper & file (100 %) From total request 100 % recorded & can be tracked. learning about map maintenance.  . (-) Involve people in another division to do coordination meeting & Genba activity > Create control check tools. (+) Can be used to tracking printing and. > Create standard operational procedure (SOP) to use Control Check Tools. As a temporary measure, 2017 Data PCA Result Double Asset Number will be validated to standardize and ensure one asset number just only to one asset. Current Condition : One asset number owned by more than one asset. Schedule to validate data will be done in July August 2010 (Attached). sending barcode to user (+) Minimize recurrent sending barcode. Controlled (-) Depend on other data. Request (-) Should always be updated to ensure. Based on the order of barcode data in January to June 2010 : January : 20 of 22 request recorded in paper (90.9%) February : 11 of 43 request recorded in paper (25.5 %) March : 33 of 58 request recorded in paper (56.9 %) April : 0 of 2 request recorded in paper (0 %) May : 0 of 6 request recorded in paper (0 %) Mid June : 0 of 36 request recorded in paper (0 %) From total request only 38.3 % recorded. 2. Creating an asset number to tagging & retagging process. There is no control to tracking request barcode and sending barcode to user. data validity. Bayu (FD). No. Method Validating data in each area by Genba. Status. PAD STR I PAD STR II PAD KRW GAD. 1. : 197 : 216 : 358 : 1246. Controlled PAD STR I & PAD STR II (based on internal PCA schedule) GAD & PAD KRW based on general schedule (See Attached). Request Note :. 7, See Through Countermeasure. 5,, Root Cause Analysis. 8,, See Both Result & Process. No..  

(83) . No refference to approving request asset label. Idea improvement. In Progress. 6, Develop Countermeasure. 66.

(84) Lampiran 4. Action Plan Double Asset Number PT. TOYOTA MOTOR MANUFACTURING INDONESIA FINANCE DIVISION - Financial Control Department Property Control. ACTION PLAN DOUBLE ASSET NUMBER Activity Schedule No. Activity. PIC. March 1-5. April. 8 - 12 15 - 19 22 - 26 29 - 31. 1. 5-9. May. 12 - 16 19 - 23 26 - 30. 3-7. 31. 1-4. July. 7 - 11 14 - 18 21 - 25 28 - 30. 1-2. 5-9. 12 - 16 19 - 23 26 - 30. August 2-6. 9 - 13 16 - 20 23 - 27 30 - 31. Meeting with related Div. Meeting with related Div. Start Planning. GENERAL SCHEDULE. June. 10 - 14 17 - 21 24 - 27. Final. GENBA ACTIVITY. 10. Plan. 1. Making a compilation of data PCA Result FY 2009 all areas. FD. 2. Creating data of Double Number Asset compilation based on the PCA data FY 2009 Result. FD. 3. Checking results of compilation (data) with the PCA FY 2009 worksheet. FD. 4. Checking the results of the compilation (data) to the Asset user folder (File server). FD. 5. Perform Asset Numbers Double data sorting based on location and Area Coordinator. FD. 6. Collect relevant information about Double Asset Numbers problems. FD. 7. Conduct coordination meetings regarding Double Number Asset problems with related division (PAD, FD, GAD). 8. Make a Activity Schedule for Double Asset Number Clarification. (Area Coordinator Level). FD. 9. Socializing detail activities to the related Area Coordiantor & User. FD/PAD/GAD. 11. Doing GENBA / PCA for double asset & decide real Asset Map origin. PAD/GAD/USER. 7 June - 30 July. 12. GENBA sampling check. FD/PAD/GAD. 7 June - 30 July. 13. Making a compilation of GENBA result. 14. Perform reconciliation between data SAP and GENBA result. 10 - 23 23 March 1 April. 5 - 16. 19 - 30. 3 - 14. 10 - 20 21. FD/PAD/GAD. Meeting With PAD & GAD. 26&27. 2. Do. 2&3. PAD/GAD. FD/PAD/GAD. 4 - 10. Check 15. Conducting a meeting with related divisions to discuss GENBA result, follow up & finalization. FD/PAD/GAD. 16. Perform Validation Genba Results with related divisions & Area Coordinator.. FD/PAD/GAD. 18 Meeting With PAD & GAD. 19 - 25. Action. 25 - 30. 17. Revises asset map & SAP Data of each area based on GENBA and reconciliation result. FD/PAD/GAD. 18. Check Updating Asset Map and SAP Data. FD/PAD/GAD. 31 Final. 67.

(85) Lampiran 5. Jadwal kegiatan magang di PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia. Internship Program for University Student (IPUS) 2010 Deskripsi Kegiatan. Regular Job. 1-5. 8 - 12. March 15 - 19. 22 - 26. 29 - 31. 1. 5-9. April 12 - 16. 19 - 23. 26 - 30. 3-7. 10 - 14. May 17 - 21. Jadwal Kegiatan 24 - 27. 31. 1-4. 7 - 11. June 14 - 18. 21 - 25. 28 - 30. 1-2. 5-9. July 12 - 16. 19 - 23. 26 - 30. 2-6. 9 - 13. August 16 - 20. 23 - 27. 30 - 31. Mengurus label missed asset Mengurus asset retirement outhouse area Mengurus additional found asset Mengurus latest good receipt new asset Mengurus difference between SAP and asset inhouse area Preparation double asset number. Validasi data double asset number Counter check asset map GENBA double asset number Summarize validating data double asset number. Improvement Briefing dan penjelasan program Internship for University Student (IPUS) Penempatan dan perkenalan dengan staf Divisi Finance Mempelajari Company Profile melalui penjelasan oleh Department Head Pelatihan Toyota Business Practice dalam kelas. 2 Maret 10 Maret 11 Maret 18 Maret. Mempelajari Business Process Department Penjelasan dari Section Head mengenai aktifitas departemen Melakukan analisa mengenai kemungkinan terjadinya permasalahan Melakukan klarifikasi ultimate goal , current situation dan ideal situation serta memvisualisasikan gap Melakukan breakdown problem , memilih problem berdasarkan prioritas dan melihat proses untuk menemukan point of occurrence Menentukan target dari project berdasarkan breakdown problem. 19 April. Melakukan analisa sebab akibat dari aspek man, method, machine, material dan environment dengan GENBA Membuat rencana penanggulangan (countermeasure ) dengan analisa 5W 1H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, dan How ) Mengimplementasikan rencana penanggulangan berupa pemakaian control check tools pengorderan label aset pada property control section Melakukan evaluasi terhadap proses yang dilakukan dan hasil yang diperoleh Membuat Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dari proses yang berhasil Mid review, mempresentasikan perkembangan dari improvement yang dilakukan Final review, mempresentasikan hasil dari improvement yang dilakukan Mengembalikan seluruh perlengkapan magang Melakukan evaluasi hasil magang , memberikan feedback dari peserta dengan HRD maupun sebaliknya. Tugas Akhir. Mempelajari bisnis proses perusahaan untuk dijadikan topik tugas akhir Menentukan topik tugas akhir Membuat proposal tugas akhir Melakukan konsultasi proposal tugas akhir pada pembimbing Mengumpulkan informasi dengan wawancara langsung pada pengguna, sebagai tahapan investigasi sistem, disertai dengan pengisian user requirement Melakukan analisis sistem dan menyatukan antara kebutuhan pengguna dengan kebutuhan sistem Melakukan desain sistem, desain basis data, desain proses, dan desain interface Mengajukan sistem tahap awal. 31 Agustus. 68.

(86) Lampiran 6. Kuisioner Pengujian Sistem. KUISIONER PENGUJIAN SISTEM RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN PENGELOLAAN ASSET RETIREMENT PT TOYOTA MOTOR MANUFACTURING INDONESIA 1. Penilaian responden terhadap tampilan antarmuka awal sistem informasi a. Sangat Bagus b. Bagus c. Sedang d. Tidak Menarik e. Sangat Tidak menarik 2. Penilaian responden terhadap kecepatan pengaksesan informasi dalam sistem a. Sangat Cepat b. Cepat c. Sedang d. Lambat e. Sangat Lambat 3. Penilaian responden terhadap kemudahan dalam penggunaan sistem informasi a. Sangat Mudah b. Mudah c. Sedang d. Sulit e. Sangat Sulit 4. Penilaian responden akan performansi sistem terhadap kebutuhan pengguna a. Sangat Membantu b. Membantu c. Cukup d. Tidak Membantu e. Sangat Tidak Membantu 5. Penilaian responden terhadap kelengkapan isi sistem informasi a. Sangat Lengkap b. Lengkap c. Cukup d. Kurang e. Sangat kurang 6. Penilaian responden terhadap kesesuaian sistem yang dibuat dengan proses bisnis perusahaan a. Sangat Sesuai b. Sesuai c. Cukup d. Kurang Sesuai e. Sangat Kurang 7. Penilaian terhadap menu-menu dan fitur-fitur yang terdapat pada sistem a. Sangat Lengkap b. Lengkap c. Cukup d. Kurang e. Sangat Kurang  .

(87) 8. Penggunaan fasilitas output berupa a. Sangat Perlu b. Perlu c. Tidak Perlu d. Sangat Tidak Perlu. print out. laporan. 9. Peranan sistem dalam pengambilan keputusan manajerial a. Sangat Membantu b. Membantu c. Cukup d. Kurang Membantu e. Sangat Tidak Membantu 10. Kemungkinan implementasi sistem pada perusahaan a. Bisa tanpa ada modifikasi sistem b. Bisa namun dengan modifikasi sistem c. Belum bisa.  .



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