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Academic year: 2021



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Passive Voice

Apabila pada Chapter 1 kita mempelajari tenses yang berbentuk kalimat aktif, pada chapter 2 kita akan mempelajari bentuk kalimat pasif (passive voice). Pada bahasa Indonesia, kalimat pasif diawali dengan kata depan di- atau ter- (contoh: dimakan, termakan, dll). Umumnya soal pasif menggunakan subjek yang bukan manusia.

Soal passive voice merupakan soal emas yang dapat menghasilkan point apabila kalian menguasainya. Untuk mempermudah pengerjaan, kami akan memberikan cara ganteng di bawah ini.

Cara Ganteng

1. Simple Present : Subject + is/am/are + Verb 3

2. Present Continuous : Subject + is/am/are + beeing + Verb 3 3. Present Future : Subject + shall/will + Be + Verb 3 4. Present Perfect : Subject + Has/Have + Been +Verb 3 5. Simple Past : Subject + was/were + Verb 3

6. Past Continuous : Subject + was/were + Beeing + Verb 3 7. Past Future : Subject + should/would + Be + Verb 3 8. Past Perfect : Subject + had + Been + Verb 3

9. Future Perfect : Subject + Will + Have + Been + Verb 3 10. Modals : Subject + Modals + Be + Verb 3 Soal USM STAN

The recent progress report ... to the Branch Manager

A. Submits C. Will be submitted

B. Will Submit D. Will be submitting

Jawaban: C (Will be submitted). Untuk menentukan kalimat tersebut aktif atau pasif, tentukan lebih dahulu kalimat tersebut aktif atau pasif. Apabila subject-nya bukan manusia (the recent progress report), maka kalimat tersebut berbentuk pasif. Setelah itu, tentukan tensesnya. Tenses diatas berbentuk present future. Untuk rumusnya liat cara ganteng yah.



Derivative adalah pembentukan kata baru dengan pelekatan/penambahan imbuhan. Soal Derivative

sering muncul pada Soal USM STAN. Untuk mempermudah pengerjaan soal, Tim Bimbel STAN Giving akan memberikan cara ganteng di bawah ini.

Pada Cara Ganteng-1, kami akan memberikan tips bagaimana menentukan kata itu termasuk kata benda, kata sifat, kata keterangan, atau kata kerja yang dilihat dari imbuhannya.

Cara Ganteng - 1 Noun Suffixes (Imbuhan Kata Benda-Akhiran) -ment, -ion, -ness, -ity, -ence, -hood, -ship, er

Ex: Statement, discussion, foolishness, unity, offence, brotherhood,friendship,


Adjective Suffixes (Imbuhan Kata Sifat-Akhiran) -full, -less, -y, -ic, -ous, -ical, -ish, -ive, -ent, -able, -ial

Ex: Carefull, careless, sandy, economic, generous, historical, childish, passive, indifferent, playable, financial

Adverb Suffix (Imbuhan Kata Keterangan-Akhiran)


Ex: Carefully, slowly

Verb Suffixes (Imbuhan Kata Kerja-Akhiran)

-en, -ize, -ify

Ex: Strengthen, maximize, magnify

Verb Prefixes (Imbuhan Kata Kerja-Awalan)

-En Ex: Enrich


Bastino has made an important ... in science

A. Discover C. Discovering

B. Discovered D. Discovery

Jawaban: D (Discovery). Discovery itu noun (Penemuan)


Phrase/Kelompok kata merupakan satuan linguistik yang lebih besar dari kata dan lebih kecil dari klausa dan kalimat. Soal phrase ini hampir setiap tahun muncul pada USM STAN. Jadi, perhatikan penjelasan ini dengan seksama yah.


Cara Ganteng - 1 Adjective + Noun (Handsome man)

Verb + Adverb (Drive carefully)

Adverb + Verb (Automatically shut down)


We made the pie with .... Cherries

A. Pie C. Pitting

B. Pitted D. Pitting of

Jawaban: B (Pitted). Lihat Cara Ganteng - 2


A financial ... evaluates and interprets public company financial statements

A. Anaysis C. Analyze

B. Analyses D. Analyst

Jawaban: D (Analyst). Financial merupakan kata sifat dan setelah kata sifat diletakkan noun. Pilihan yang merupakan noun adalah Analysis (analisis) dan Analyst (pekerjaan analis). Dari konteks diatas, yang paling sesuai adalah pekerjaan analis.


We made the juice from freshly .... orange

A. Squeeze C. Squeeze

B. Squeezed D. Squeezing of

Jawaban: B (Squeezed). Liat Cara Ganteng - 2


Nurman’s twelve year old daughter knows so many difficult ... that she became the champion of vocabulary contest.

A. Terminologist C. Terminologies

B. Terminologically D. Terminological

Jawaban: C (Terminologies). Difficult merupakan Adjective sehingga harus dilekatin noun. Lihat Cara Ganteng - 2

Cara Ganteng - 3 Linking Verb -> Kata kerja yang menghubungkan Subject dengan informasi (Appear, become, grow, turn, taste, seem, smell, sound, stay, remain) + Adjective


The building seems ... since the owner let it a few years ago.


B. abandon D. abandoning

Jawaban: A (abandoned). Pada soal disebutkan seems dan setelah seems diikuti dengan adjective. Yang merupakan adjective adalah abandoned

Cara Ganteng - 4 Hyphenated phrase

Contoh: a handsome - ten - year - old boy

1. Digunakan untuk memotong kata guna mencegah ambiguitas makna

2. Yang digaris hanya kata sifat yang menjelaskan sifat benda, tetapi kata benda tidak ikut digaris

3. Pada hyphenated phrase, kata sifat yang menjelaskan kata benda tidak boleh plural atau penambahan -s/-es

4. Kata benda disesuaikan dengan kondisi kalimat (plural/singular) Soal USM STAN

The Whitney Boomerang is the first ... which exceeds all crash testing requirements A. Two seater aircraft C. Two-seaters aircraft

B. Two-seater aircraft D. Two-seaters aircraft Jawaban: B (Two-seater aircraft). Liat Cara Ganteng-4


Because of the remarkable lyrics, sound and compositions, Pink Floyd’s the Dark Side of the Moon has become one of the ... albums in the world

A. Best Selling C. Selling best

B. Best-selling D. Selling-best

Jawaban: B (Best-selling). Liat Cara Ganteng-4

Cara Ganteng - 5 Susunan letak Noun Phrase (DOSAT SaCOM PuN) 1. Determiner (The, very, a/an, some, etc) 2. Opinion (Beatiful, ugly, etc)

3. Size (Large, small, etc) 4. Age (Young, old, etc) 5. Temprature (Cold, hot, etc)

6. Shape (Square, circle, rectangular, etc) 7. Color (Black, white, green, etc)

8. Original Country (Indonesian, Chinese, etc) 9. Original Material (wooden, etc)


11. Noun (Table, chair, etc) Soal USM STAN

The ... dedicated to soup recipes was written in 1882, by Emma Ewing. A. American first cooking pamphlet

B. first American cooking pamphlet C. Cooking first American pamphlet D. first cooking American pamphlet

Jawaban: B (first American cooking pamphlet). Lihat Cara Ganteng-5


Mr Owen received ... tie as a gift from his wife A. a burgundy elegant silk

B. a burgundy silk elegant C. an elegant silk burgundy D. an elegant burgundy silk




Conditional Sentence

Conditional sentence ini adalah kalimat pengandaian (tidak benar terjadi). Untuk menentukan apakah kalimat tersebut adalah conditional sentences atau tidak adalah penggunaan kata “If”. Ini salah satu topik favorit/sering muncul di USM STAN. Soal-soal conditional sentences ini tidak susah kok apalagi kamu akan kami bimbing dengan menggunakan cara ganteng.

Cara Ganteng - 1 Present Future (Will, Shall, Can, May) + If + Simple Present Soal USM STAN

If you put a wet towel directly under the sun, it ... memortarily.

A. Will dry C. Dry

B. Will dries D. Dried

Jawaban: A (Will dry). Lihat cara ganteng - 1

Cara Ganteng - 2 Past Future + If + Simple Past Soal USM STAN

The students ... from the school if they were proven to use narcotics

A. would be expelled C. were expelled

B. was expelled D. had been expelled

Jawaban: A (would be expelled). Lihat cara ganteng - 2

Cara Ganteng - 3 Past Future Perfect + If + Simple Past Perfect Soal USM STAN

If the team ... a better strike, they would have won the game

A. has C. had had

B. had D. has had

Jawaban: C (had had). Lihat cara ganteng - 3


... last week, Nurman would have finished building the tree house.


B. If it had not rain D. If it would not rain Jawaban: B (If it had not rain). Lihat cara ganteng - 3

Cara Ganteng - 4 inverted conditional -> Penghilangan If dan peletakan auxilary ke depan kalimat Had + Subject + Verb 3, Past Future Perfect (Cara Ganteng - 3)

Were/Was + S + to Verb 1, Past Future (Cara Ganteng - 2) Soal USM STAN

... her shyness, she would have become a great teacher. A. She had overcome

B. Had she overcome C. If she overcome D. If she would overcome

Jawaban: B (Had she overcome). Lihat Cara Ganteng - 4


... the announcement, he would have participated in the Balinese painting workshop. A. Had he known

B. He had known C. If he has known D. If he knew

Jawaban: A (Had he known). Lihat Cara Ganteng - 4


... to understand the materials, Nurman would have obtained better grade at the final examination. A. If the professor helps him

B. Had the professor helped him C. If the professor helped him D. Had the professor would help him

Jawaban: B (Had the professor helped him). Lihat Cara Ganteng - 4

Soal Ganteng

..., we would get high score A. Was there enough time

B. Because there was enough time C. There was enough time

D. Although there was enough time



Preposition adalah kata yang bersama objeknya menerangkan verb, adjective, atau noun. Kata yang diikuti prepositian merupakan materi yang sering muncul di soal USM STAN. Berikut kami akan memberikan cara ganteng untuk membantu pemahaman adik-adik tentang preposition ini.

Cara Ganteng - 1 Untuk menerangkan waktu (Time) - At, On, In a. At untuk menerangkan

- Jam : at 7 o’clock - Bagian Hari : at noon, at night b. On untuk menerangkan - Hari : On Saturday - Tanggal : On August 6, 1990 b. In untuk menerangkan - Bulan : In August - Tahun : In 1990

Cara Ganteng - 2 Untuk menerangkan posisi (place) - At, On, In a. On untuk menerangkan

- Jalan : on Pelita street - Posisi Diatas : on the floor b. In untuk menerangkan

- Posisi Didalam : In a box - Bangunan : in a hotel - Kota/Desa : In Birmingham

b. at untuk menerangkan

- Bangunan : At home, at school - Event : at a football match Cara Ganteng - 3 Noun + Preposition

Equivalent of = Setara dengan Sample of = Sampel dari Quality of = Kualitas dari Reason for = Alasan untuk

Pair of = Sepasang Example of = Contoh dari Number of = Jumlah Possibility of = Kwmungkinan dari

Cara Ganteng - 4 Verb + Preposition

Look out = Berhati-hati Suspect on = Menduga pada Participate in = Ikut dalam Depend on = Bergantung pada

Make out = Memahami Mingle with = Berbaur dengan Escape from = Kabur dari Rely on = Mengandalkan


Cara Ganteng - 5 Adjective + Preposition

Satisfied With = Puas dengan Afraid of = Takut akan Guilty of = Bersalah Accustomed to = Terbiasa

Interested in = Berminat Similar to = Mirip dengan Fond of = Menyukai Different from = Berbeda dari Soal USM STAN

The most difficult things to do after a hot fight or argument is to ...

A. Make up C. Make for

B. Make out D. Make Over

Jawaban: B (Make out). Lihat Cara Ganteng-4


The outbond participants should ... for the footbridge on the river

A. Look Over C. Look out

B. Look into D. Look up

Jawaban: C (Look out). Lihat Cara Ganteng-4


The committee suspected him ... bribery after some amount of money had been found in his account

A. for C. about

B. of D. on

Jawaban: D (Suspect on). Lihat Cara Ganteng-4


The lod music from his neighbor’s house distract him ... completing his thesis.

A. For C. Of

B. From D. In

Jawaban: B (Distract from). Distract from = Mengalihkan perhatian dari

Soal Ganteng

I am ... weights but not rollercoasters.

A. Afraid to C. Afraid in

B. Afraid of D. Afraid at

Jawaban: B (Afraid of). Lihat Cara Ganteng-5


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