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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8116111010








Lestari, Ika. Metacognitive Process in English iriting.English Applied

Linguistics Study Program.Postgraduate School.State University of Medan.





Ika, Lestari. NIM. 8116111010


Metacognitive Process in English iriting. Tesis,

Program Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana,

Universitas Negeri Medan, 2013.


iii Moreover, she would like to express gratitude to her prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, and companions for being the role model in her life.

This research could not be completed without a great deal of help of many people. So in the process of writing this thesis, the writer would like to extend her sincere and special thanks. Her gratitude is intended for her beloved parents, Bapak (Panji Sutrisno) and Mamak (Mariana) for their endless love, prays, motivations, and financial supports. She is nothing without you.

Her enormous gratitude and best appreciation are expressed to Prof. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd and Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd, her brilliant advisers, who has spent precious time in giving suggestions, encouragement, guidance, advices until this thesis comes to its due time.

She also would like to thanks to all lecturers who have given her the valuable knowledge and science during her study at the English Applied Linguistics Study Program of Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. In particular, she addresses her gratitude also to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurninn, M.Pd, the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, the secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program.



She is also deeply grateful to her young sister (Sri Rahayu, AMd), her young brother (Wahrianto) and family.

She also owes appreciation and gratitude to her husband, Budianto, SST who never gave up supporting her to be focus in accomplishing this thesis on time.

Furthermore, she would like to express her gratitude to her best friends’ intake XX (Masriani Hutasuhut, S.Pd, Khairun Niswa, S.Pd.I, M.Hum, Vidya Dwi Amalia Zati, S.S, S.E, M.Hum) and Khairun Nasir, S.Pd.I, M.Hum, who always help her to finish this thesis. She also thanks to Farid Alma’aruf, who has helped her in providing the academic administration. Then, especially thanks to Kos Ceria for their love, share and support in sadness or happiness. Also all friends that can not mention for sharing ideas and developing friendship.

The writer realizes that this paper is far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer expects some suggestions and critics for this research. At last, the writer hopes that this research paper will be useful for all.

Medan, 14 Desember 2013

The Writer,

Ika Lestari



2.3 Metacognitive Process in English Writing ………. 26

CHAPTER IIIRESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design ………. 29

3.2 The Subject of the research ……… 29

3.3 Data & Data Source ……… 30

3.4 Techniques of Collecting Data ……… 30

3.5 Research Procedure ……… 31

3.6 Techniques of Analyzing Data ……… 32




4.1 The Research Findings ………... 36

4.1.1 Metacognitive Processes Occuring During the Students’ English Writing Process ………... 37

4.1.2 Ways in Which Metacognitve Processes Occur ………. 55

4.1.3 The Reasons Why Metacognitive Processes Occur ……… 64

4.2 Discussions ……….. 72


5.2 Implications ………... 77

5.3 Suggestions ……… 78






2.1 Differences between Metacognition and Cognition

(Based on O’Malley and Chamot 1990) ………... 15

2.2 Description How the Metacognitive Process









A The Transcription and Observation of the Data

Think Aloud Protocol ………... 81

B The Trancription of the Data

Retrospective Interview ………. 93

C Students’ Writing Texts ………. 113





1.1 The Background of the Study

One of the most important missions of learners is how to learn on their own

throughout their lifetime. How we learn how to learn, how we know what we have

learned and how to direct our own future learning are all questions addressed by

the concept of metacognition. Metacognition is knowledge about cognition and

control of cognition. It means that metacognition is one’s knowing about his

knowledge of himself, other persons, and the world and also his knowing about

his experience of putting the knowledge into cognitive actions.

Flavell (1979: 907) covers two types of metacognition, namely (1) knowing

that one knows about something that is called metacognitive knowledge and (2)

knowing that one is using what he knows (his knowledge) into actions that is

called metacognitive experience. Metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive

experiences have differences only in their content and function, not in their form

or quality. As a matter of fact, both metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive

experience are knowing that one knows.

The use of “knowing” here is the awareness of him that applying his

knowledge in the form of behavioral action, what he is aware of something that he

does and others. If metacognitive knowledge is entering consciousness



strategies used in achieving our aim and also we really know and understand how

to do the best in achieving our aim.

Metacognition often occurs in situations when learners become aware of the

fact that their cognition, their ability to comprehend something has failed them,

for example, not being able to understand some information or a formula, and that

they have work to do to make sense of it.

Metacognition enables and helps us to become successful learners because

by applying metacognition in learning, one knows and aware the lack of him and

want to use his knowledge for active control in everything for his life. For

example, one knows that he lack of English writing, then he know the lesson like

text structure will help him to understand how to make a good English writing.

And then he practice to write in English such as, narrative, procedure or so on. So

that, everyone will activate his knowledge for real life or situation.

In this case, the researcher would like to see metacognitive process in

English writing. Writing is a critical component of humanity’s story that can

appear by writing in stone, wood, paper and nowadays in digital technology.

Writing can foster a sense of heritage and purpose among members of

communities or nations, help to maintain connections for each others which is

important to us as the reader, enhance self-exploration, psychological benefits,

experience and so on (Graham: 2006 in Hacker & Graesser: 2009). Writing is to

communicate and learn something that we need then we explore in writing, so

people as the reader will be able to understand the writer’s means. But now, so



often occurs to the university students of the third semester in STIP-AP. So that,

the researcher want to see the causes why they don’t want to write in English in

the classroom and in the daily life. In this research, the researcher focuses on

metacognition. The reason for using metacognition is giving more opportunities to

students to make turns in writing during the times allocated. They can express

their ideas freely because they do activities by think aloud how to plan, monitor

and evaluate their writing.

In the real situation, the students who have learned the foreign language

for years are not successful as government’s expectation in every curriculum,

especially in writing skills. Most of them lack in English writing. They always

confuse to understand how to write a good writing in English, not confident to

practice their writing, and poor of the vocabulary. It shows that there are

something wrong in their mind especially awareness, it means that in the

metacognition. In other words, there are many students are not aware in English

writing. Awareness is always of something that is present; even if we are aware of

remembering an experience we had years ago, we are remembering it now, in the

present. If we are not aware we may lose my self in the memory in the emotions it

engendered then. If we are aware we may not lose my self; our awareness give us

a sense of distance from the memory and an opportunity to reframe it in line with

what is emerging for us in our present internal and external circumstances.

There are many things that show every students are not aware in English



to write “komputer itu sedang bekerja” then, she/he write in English text “the

computer is working” actually the correct sentence is “the computer is running”.

Students also make mistakes in grammar, for instance: he want to write in English

text “kami tidak mengerti pelajaran itu” then he write “we not understand the

study” the correct sentence is “we don’t understand the lesson”. And then they

also often make mistakes in diction, for example: they would like to write “harga

itu naik” then they write “the price is climbing” actually the correct word is used

is “increasing” because the word “climbing” is for somebody that want to go to

the top of mountain. And the last is culture, so many students do not aware about

the way of writing based cultural context. In addition, when writing possessive

students still make mistakes, such as to write in plural they write like this

“student’s books” it should be “students’ books”. And then, students still make

mistakes in writing a paragraph, they do not know and aware how to write a main

idea and supported idea in a paragraph (cohesion). That’s all the weaknesses of

students in English writing. It means that they are not aware their learning. They

are learning writing involves vocabulary, grammar, culture and cohesion but they

do not aware in all terms in writing and do not want to know about text structural.

So that, by metacognition, students can plan, monitor and evaluate theirselves in

English writing.

With reference to the findings the writer would like to see metacognitive

process that occur in English writing. The writer chooses the topic about

metacognitive process because almost students who could not write in English



means that their metacognition doesn’t aware too. Beside that the writer thinks to

see what happen in the their metacognitive process in English writing is very

interesting and useful to make the students would like to think aloud first before

write a text grammatically and effectively without feel afraid to make mistakes.

And also to see students’ awareness in English writing, why the metacognition

occur in students, how it is occur and what kind of metacognition occur to the

students’ English writing. All of that to help students to aware the lack of English

writing and the students want to study and write in English very well.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

The problems of this study are formulated as the following.

1. What metacognitive processes occur in the students’ English writing?

2. How does students’ metacognitive process occur in English writing to the

third semester students of STIP-AP?

3. Why does the metacognitive process occur in the way it does?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are to find out:

1. to find out what metacognitive processes occur to the students’ English


2. to describe how does the metacognitive process occur in English writing

of STIP-AP students.



1.4 The Scope of the Study

There are two elements of English writing from cognitive (knowledge) and

metacognitive (mental process how to use the knowledge). This study only

focuses to see metacognitive process that occur in English writing for the third

semester in STIP-AP Agribusiness Development field and take three models of

metacognition, they are planning, monitoring and evaluating.

1.5 The Significances of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful and give benefit

significantly relevant theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the research findings are expected to enrich the theories and

references of metacognition.

Practically, it is useful and to be the input for the students, lecturers,

educational institutions and to other researchers of psycholinguistics to apply

metacognition or to see the metacognitive process in English writing. That makes

students can write in good English and uses in good grammar. And also we can

aware to explore ideas and express understanding (fact and opinion) and also share





5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the data, conclusions are drawn as the following:

1. Based on the data analysis of all types data, it was found that the students’

English writing using their metacognition into some aspects of metacognition. They are (1) knowing about himself, (2) knowing about the world, (3) knowing about strategy and (4) experience of monitoring. All of that appeared when the students did the writing of “how to plant palm oil three” naturally.

2. The four types of metacognition as described in point one took place in

ways which all the aspects properly used are different from the ways the related theory state.



most of the students were aware about writing “how to plant palm oil three” in four types of metacognition as described in point one.

5.2 Implications

Concerning with the theoretical review and the result of this study, some implications are presented as below:

1) The results of this study showed that the students generally didn’t aware

about their lack of English, the students didn’t increase their skill about English. So, for students who want to study and practice English about plantation for more aware and increase the knowledge either in writing or other skills.

2) The result of this study also imply that the English students or teachers have to know their metacognition in doing something. It makes them do planning first, control their activities and evaluating what they do now and in the future. So that, everything we want to do, we can do with our expectation and we can reach it in the real life. The better we are aware about something, the greater our ability in doing something especially in English.

5.3 Suggestions

1. Based on the findings that not all aspects of metacognition are used by the



to apply all the aspects of metacognition and provide enough practices of using these aspects in reaching their goals especially in English writing.

2. In order to encourage the students to use the metacognition aspects in

correct ways as required by the theory, the teachers or lecturers should also show of how to use all the aspects correctly by being a model first and by having the students practicing it and by directing the students to focus on the ways in which all the aspects properly used.

3. It is suggested to ESP lecturer to always update, revise and suit the teaching materials to movement of world and find out the best strategy and media to develop teaching ESP for plantation students. So it makes students aware in studying and practice it well in English. Then, there is no reason for students to say that they had lack of English because they were never go to English course.




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