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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Gain an Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in English Education


Academic year: 2022

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Gain an Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in English Education






















باَتِك ِناَمَّزلا ىِف ٍسْيِلَج ُرْيَخ

Khairu jaliisin fizzamaani kitaabun

The best friend to accompany any time is a book (Mahfuzat)




Thanks to Allah SWT, The most Gracious, The most Merciful for the blessing and leading me.

I could finally finish writing this thesis.

Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

His coming really changed the world This Thesis I dedicate special to:

My adored father M.GUNTUR and my adored mother EMRAWATI and also my and my beloved brother M.EMIRZA HAJRIN, RIZKI AKBAR SYAH and M.HATAMI IHSAN who always love

and encourage me and never stop praying for my success now and in the future with endless love, always being with and guiding me, your prayers are really powerful.

My lovely friends Titis Eka Rahayu Dena Nur Nisa, Amrina, Sumiati and Ulimta Rusda who always stand by me no matter what you guys are always there beside me, support me, help me and won’t let

my tears down.

My best advisores ever Miss Amalia Nurhasanah, M.Hum and Miss Reni Andriani, M.Pd who always guide me to finish this thesis with all your kindness of your knowledge. I dont know how to

thank to you both miss, I will not waste all the knowledge that you have given to me.

Thanks a lot to all of my classmate (PBI C 2014), my Kukerta’s friends, and my PPL’s friends, Youth Red Cross Friends who cannot say your name one by one, thank you for being my best friends

in giving support every day, thanks for help, suggestions and spirit in arranging this thesis, without all of you I don’t mean.

May Allah SWT always bless us.

Aamiin .




Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, thank to Allah SWT because the writer could complete this research as one of the requirements for getting undergraduate degree (S1) in English Department of Tarbiyah faculty of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi by presenting a thesis entitled: “Content Analysis of English Textbook “Pathway to English” Based on Curriculum 2013 Used by Second Grade Students of Islamic Senior High School Al Falah Jambi”

The writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance, advice and special recognition for their invaluable help in accomplishing this thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as a rector of the state Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

2. Dr. Su’aidi, M.A.Phd, Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd, and Dr. Hj. Fadila Husen, M.Pd as the vice rectors I, II, III of The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

3. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd.I as the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty and Teacher Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

4. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd, Dr. Zawaqi Afdal Jamil, M.Pd.I, Dr. Kemas Imran, M.Pd.I as the vice dean I, II, and III Tarbiyah Faculty and Teacher Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

5. Amalia Nurhasanah,S.Pd, M.Hum as the chief of English Study Program in Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi and as the first advisor who has given a lot of input such as correction, suggestion, idea, and contribution of thought and beneficial idea toward the progress of this thesis



6. Reni Andriani, M.Pd as the second advisor who has given a lot of input such as correction, suggestion, idea, and contribution of thought and beneficial idea toward the progress of this thesis

7. All of lectures in Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who have given knowledge to the writer.

8. H.A.Syihabuddin, M.Pd as the Principle of SMA Islam Al Falah Jambi and his staff and teachers who have given their kindness as long as the researcher took the data

9. Mercy Zulbaini, S.Pd, and Destriana, S.Pd the English teacher of Islamic Senior High School Al Falah Jambi who has given the researcher guide and advice in conducting the research.

Finally, the writer expect this thesis will give contribution to be teaching of English especially. The writer hopes critics and suggestions of the readers for the perfection of this thesis.

May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing for me and readers. Aamiin ya rabbal alamin.


ix Name : Suci Kurniati

Major : English Educational Program

Tittle : Content Analysis of English Textbook “Pathway to English” Based on Curriculum 2013 Used by Second Grade Students of Islamic Senior High School Al Falah Jambi


This study aimed to describe the content of English textbook based on curriculum 2013 used by senior high school for second grade, this research was qualitative approach and it was conducted by using content analysis design. The researcher used the assessment rubric provided by BSNP The rubric was chosen because the rubric is commonly used as a standardized textbook used in the 2013 curriculum. In order for the rubric to be used in accordance with this study, researchers integrated it with Likert scale. The data is taken from the textbook used by SMA Islam Al Falah is "Pathway to English" itself which is a publication from Erlangga. The textbook contains 9 chapters. The researcher uses all available chapters. And the results of his research show that only 57 of the 73 chapters that have met the criteria required in the 2013 curriculum. Which means that only 78.08% of the teaching materials in the textbook "Pathway to English" are accepted and are good but require more consideration in various aspects needed before using it. The consideration that needs more attention is the development of diversity insight criteria in this book.

Keyword : English Textbook, Content Analysis, Curriculum 2013, BSNP


x Nama : Suci Kurniati

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Content Analysis of English Textbook “Pathway to English” Based on Curriculum 2013 Used by Second Grade Students of Islamic Senior High School Al Falah Jambi


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan isi buku teks bahasa Inggris berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 yang digunakan oleh sekolah menengah atas untuk kelas dua, penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain analisis isi. Peneliti meggunakan rubrik penilaian yang disediakan oleh BSNP. Rubrik itu dipilih karena rubrik ini umumnya digunakan sebagai buku teks standar yang digunakan dalam kurikulum 2013.

Agar rubrik yang akan digunakan sesuai dengan penelitian ini, peneliti mengintegrasikannya dengan skala Likert Data yang diambil dari buku teks yang digunakan oleh SMA Islam Al Falah adalah "Pathway to English" sendiri yang merupakan publikasi dari Erlangga. Buku teks berisi 9 bab. Dan hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa hanya 57 dari 73 bab yang telah memenuhi kriteria yang dibutuhkan dalam kurikulum 2013. Yang berarti bahwa hanya 78,08% bahan ajar dalam buku teks "Pathway to English" diterima dan bagus tetapi membutuhkan lebih banyak pertimbangan dalam berbagai aspek yang dibutuhkan sebelum menggunakannya. Pertimbangan yang perlu lebih banyak perhatian adalah pengembangan kriteria wawasan keanekaragaman dalam buku ini.

Kata Kunci : English Textbook, Content Analysis, Curriculum 2013, BSNP




Page of Tittle ... i

Official Note ... ii

Thesis Approval ... iii

Originality Statement ... iv

Motto ...v

Dedication ... vi

Acknowledgement ... vii

Abstract ... viii

Abstrak ... ix

Table of Content ...x

List of Table and Figure ... xi

List of Appendices ... xii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Research ...1

B. Focus of The Research ...4

C. Formulation of The Research...4

D. Objective of The Research ...5

E. Significance of The Research ...5


1.Definition of Textbook ...6

2.The Function of Textbook ...7

3.English in Indonesia ...7

B. Analyzing a textbook ...8

1.The Criteria of Textbook by Cunningsworth (1995) ...8

2.The Criteria of Textbook by Jahangard (2007)...11

3.The Criteria of textbook evaluation by Grethen (2003) ...11

C. Feasibility of Content based on BSNP...12

1.The compatibility of materials with core competency (CC) and basic competency (BC) 13 2.The Accuracy of Material ...13

3.Supporting Materials ...14

D. Curriculum ...15

1. Definition of Curriculum ...15

2. Curriculum 2013 ...16

E. Language Skills in Curriculum 2013 ...17

F. Previous Related Study ...18



A. Research Design...20

B. Research Data and Source of the Research ...20

C. Instruments of Research ...21

D. Procedure of Analysis ...21

E. The Technique of Data Analysis...22

F. Trustworthiness ...24


B. Discussion ...58


B. Suggestion ...62 REFERENCES






Table 4.1 Recapitulation of Frequency Table ...57 Figure 3.1 Miles and Huberman Model ...22




Appendix 1: Kompetensi Dasar SMA Mata Pelajaranbahasa Inggris Wajib .... 67

Appendix 2: Deskripsi Butir Instrumen I Penilaian Buku Teks Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah ... 70

Appendix 3: Rubric Assessment of Feasibility of Content ... 77

Appendix 4: Feasibility of Content All Chapters ... 81

Appendix 5: Pathway to English Textbook ... 90



This chapter introduces the problem of the research. It starts with background of the research, focus of the research, formulation of the problem, objective of research and significant of the research

A. Background of the Research

In the process learning and teaching, there are many factors can influence. One of the factors is learning aid. There are many aids that can be used like textbooks, tape, diagrams, chart, magazines, newspapers and more. However, textbook is one popular aid than other materials. Textbook consist of instructional materials, they provide much information and knowledge. Seniwegiasari et.al (2018, p.64) stated that things that can facilitate the teaching and learning process of language are instructional materials. It is considered an important part of most ELT programs. Usually, this teaching material can be divided into two types, the printed and not printed. The first type of material includes textbooks, workbooks, and teacher guides. And second of the instructional material is mostly related to technology including audiotape, videotape and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) -based materials. Textbook as important things for teacher and students because it as a source for a teacher to explain more the materials and also help students to learn easier.

Tomlinson (2003, p.39) mentioned that “the role of textbook is guidance for teacher and students in teaching learning process.

An existence of textbook, it gives important role in the process learning and teaching. With the textbook, teaching material can be arranged much better, because textbook provides goals that have to be achieved in the learning process. The availability of the textbook will help the teachers for preparing and developing learning materials and class activities effectively. So, the time will not be spent a lot only in preparing the material because the textbook as a media will aid the teacher in arranging the preparation. Mickley (2005) stated that choosing an appropriate textbook is important because classroom teachers spend much time using textbooks in class. According to Bojanic and Topalov (2016, p. 141) stated that almost of teachers use textbook as a basis for their lesson plans.

The teachers feel confident that make textbook as a learning tool because the teachers know what they should do in the class. Similarly, Mohamed (2015) in Trisha stated that, for school children, textbooks play a very powerful role that it can manipulate the students’s way of thinking.

The textbook has to appropriate with the current curriculum, school syllabus along with student’s needs and also the aims and goals of teaching. Teachers should be more selective to choose a textbook for their students. According to Seguin (1989, p.23) textbooks are an instructional aid in the teaching-learning process and must correspond to curricula so far as objectives, content and methodology of instruction of each subject are concerned. An inappropriate textbook can make the



class boring with uninteresting material and exercise or too expensive for students or even does not match with the learner’s rights in achieving their needs in learning.

In Indonesia, English become a Foreign Language. It makes English as one of the subject matter of textbooks that taught at school. English is taught at school because of its importance as a compulsory subject. The researcher agrees that the textbook is very useful in supporting teaching English learning process. In line with it Azizifar et.al (2011, p.88) stated that textbooks are an important source for teachers which is useful to help students in studying each subject including English. They are a major source of teacher information and as a basis for school instruction.

Nowadays, the government of Indonesia has arranged the 2013 Curriculum. The 2013 curriculum is different from the previous curriculum, namely the School Based School Curriculum.

The differences can be seen obviously from the part of learning methods, all the activities in teaching process should encourage students to study active. The curriculum puts students active to ask, to observe, to try, to understand and to communicate the lesson to the others. So, the learning method changes comprehensively from the teacher-centered into student-centered. In curriculum 2013 the aims are divided into 2 premier categories. Those are based on KI (Kompetensi Inti) / Core Competency and KD (Kompetensi Dasar)/Basic Competency. Then from these categories, the scoring is added in the category during learning process as character building which becomes the main differences from the previous curriculum.

Based on the core competency and basic competency for the second grade that the researcher has read from curriculum 2013, the researcher argues that the use of language skills in communication is the main priority and more emphasis in learning English. These skills include the ability of students to understand and express a thing orally and written. And being an independent English learner should be promoted by the teacher indeed. That explains why teaching English in curriculum 2013 teacher should more creatively to build an atmosphere where students feel encouraged to analyze, observe and generate what they learn. And speaking of learning English which means the students learn another language, it is important to view language learning as student-centered because students are individuals who differ from each other in significant ways. It shows using student-centered approach that’s used in curriculum 2013 is a better way in learning English.

The researcher tries to analyze an English textbook. The textbook that the researcher chooses is “Pathway to English” textbook. The researcher chooses the textbook because there are three reasons, the first is this textbook is the first time to use in SMA Islam Al Falah Jambi, previously the school used School Based Curriculum or KTSP. Because of the transition curriculum, in order that the students and the English teacher have a handbook that will support them in the learning process, the school provides them with “Pathway to English” textbook that related to curriculum 2013.

Therefore, the needs of analyzing a textbook is described as first, the existence if the textbook as essential part in teaching-learning activity, Second the quality of the textbooks are different from one


and another. So, the researcher wants to know quality of this textbook adopted standardization by BSNP. Third, SMA Islam Al Falah is one of Islamic private school in Jambi accredited “A”.

Therefore, to conduct the further research about analysis, and to support the findings of the previous studies, the researcher wants to know how to analyze and describe, whether other the English textbook based on Curriculum 2013 fulfills the standardized requirement of BSNP an takes the title for the research is “Content Analysis of English Textbook “Pathway to English” Based on Curriculum 2013 used by Second Grade Students of Islamic Senior High School Al Falah Jambi”.

B. Focus of the Research

In this study, the researcher focuses on the content in “Pathway to English” textbook published by Erlangga which is analyzed based on curriculum 2013. The researcher analyzes how the content or the material has fulfilled the feasibility of content requirement specified in curriculum 2013. And BSNP rubric assessment will be adopted. In this research, there are 4 categories provided by BSNP for analyzing textbook these are feasibility of content, feasibility of language, feasibility of presentation and graphic. But the researcher only uses one out of four categories which BSNP provides as textbook assessment. That is feasibility of content. The feasibility of presentation, feasibility of language and feasibility of graphic are exclude, due to the purpose of this study is find out the suitability the material in textbook curriculum 2013 based on the content only.

C. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanation at the research background, the problem of this research was formulated into the following questions: How is description of the content in the “Pathway to English” textbook based on curriculum fulfill the feasibility of content requirements specified in BSNP?

D. Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of the research above, the objectives of this research are: to describe how “Pathway to English” textbook based on curriculum 2013 fulfills the requirement standardized by BSNP.

E. Significance of the Research

The result of this study is expected to be helpful and give contribution for teachers who use Pathway English textbook can know content from this textbook and can improve their knowledge in selecting appropriate English textbook for the students. For the book publisher the result of the study could be a consideration for publishing a book will be better for future. For other researcher the result of this research study can be used as a source for those who wish to conduct similar research related,


to get some insights of what aspects they should be concerned with and can be reference for their research.



This part reviewed the related literature that supported the research about the feasibility of content analysis of second grades English textbook based on curriculum 2013. In order to have the clear picture the parts such as textbook, curriculum, Language skills and previous related study were explained as a follow.

A. Textbook


1. Definition of Textbook

Textbook is a book giving instruction in a subject, it used especially in schools. Textbook is a media for teacher explain more the material, and help students to know the materials. According Gunantar (2017, p.173) mentioned that It is not only contains all aspects needed in the teaching and learning process, textbooks are a very important source of teaching. Quality of textbook can determined success or not students in the learning process.

However, the use of textbook in teaching has both advantages and disadvantages, depending on how are used and the contexts for their use. The advantages of use textbook Richard (2001, p.254-255):

The first advantage is provide structure and a syllabus for a program, without textbook a program may have no central core and learners may not receive a syllabus that has been systematically planned and developed, they help standardize instruction. The second, the use of textbook in a program can ensure that the students in different classes receive similar content and therefore can be tested in the same way. The third, maintain quality. If the textbook is well developed, students are exposed to materials that are based on sound learning principles. Then, they provide a variety of learning resources. The good textbook are provide with workbook CDs or cassettes that provide a rich and varied resource for teachers and learners. And then, they are efficient. The teachers should not product materials. The fifth advantage, they can provide effective language models and input. Textbook can guide newly English Teachers. The last, they are visually appealing. Textbook usually have high standards of design and production and hence are appealing to learners and teachers.

2. The Function of Textbook

A textbook has many functions. According to Thomson in Siti the textbook has many functions as follows:

(a) Individualization of instruction

A textbook helps students to individualize instruction by enabling them to proceed at their own rate and to a limited extent, according to what they are interested in studying.

(b) Organization of instruction

A textbook helps students to organize instruction by providing experiences, suggested activities, recommended reading and question. Written textbook give unity to classroom interaction and are graded to introduce new concepts or contents they build upon what has preceded.

(c) Tutorial Contribution

A teacher often uses the textbook to help students learn how to read better, to study, to weigh evidence, and to solve problems.

(d) Improvement of Teaching

Textbook is also regarded as a helpful utility which is used by teachers to improve their skills in teaching.


From the explanation above, textbook is a useful thing for a teacher and students in the learning process.

3. English Textbook in Indonesia In

Indonesia, the implementation of textbook and classroom teaching of English language are controlled with several considerations. As we know English as a foreign for Indonesia. Broughton, et.al (2003, p.6) states that it is taught in schools, often widely, but it does not play an essential role in national or social life. Besides that, the English textbook also must have gone through several considerations as security procedure before it is implemented at school or any instance as Supriadi cited in Jazadi that the eligibility of a textbook for use at school has to be examined and pass the political evaluation process that based on certain criteria as security which means that:

The content of books should be in line with and not contradictory to Pancasila (The state Philosophy), UUD 1945 (The 1945 Constitution), Government policies, national unity and security, laws, regulations, ethics, and that the content not exploits the sensitive issue of SARA (ethnics, religions, race, and intergroup relations). Judgement of this aspect is made by evaluators coming from Mabes ABRI (Armed Forces Headquarter), Kejaksaan agung (Office of Attorney General), Lemhanas (National Defence Institute) and Inspectorate General of MOEC (Ministry of Education and Culture).

As the criteria above, the government established BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) to supervise that all the textbooks that are going to published already examined properly based on the eligibility of textbook in certain criteria. So the published books are still in line with the content that should be in Indonesia.

B. Analyzing a Textbook

Analyzing the textbook to be used is very important to measure the fit textbook used by students and teachers in class. The problem whether the text book is suitable to use or not always appear. Cited from what Cunningsworth stated that selecting the textbook should match the material with the context where the textbook to be used. Although none of the books are really ideal with certain groups of students. It would be better to choose a book based on the criteria that best suited or complemented inadequate or inappropriate material.

1. The criteria of textbook by Cunningsworth (1995)

Analyzing the specified criteria from the textbook is one of the ways to determine and evaluate text textbook to be specific whether the book is suitable for use or not in a teaching and learning activity. Cunningsworth in Kinasih proposed eight criteria in analyzing and evaluating textbooks.

The criteria of aims and approaches seek to answer the questions on whether the aims of the textbook correspond closely with the aims of the teaching program and with the needs of the learners, whether the textbook is suited to the learning/teaching situation, how comprehensive the textbook is, whether it covers most or all of what is needed, whether it is a good resource for students and teachers, and whether the textbook is flexible and allows different teaching and learning styles.


The criteria of design and organization seek to answer the questions on what components make up the total course package (e.g., students’ books, teachers’ books, workbooks, cassettes), how the content is organized (e.g., according to structures, functions, topics, skills, etc.), how the content is sequenced (e.g., on the basis of complexity, learnability, usefulness, etc.), whether the grading and progression are suitable for the learners, and whether it allows them to complete the work needed to meet any external syllabus requirements.

The criterion of language content seeks to answer the questions on whether the textbook covers the main grammar items appropriate to each level and takes learners’ need into account, whether the material for vocabulary teaching is adequate in terms of quantity and range of vocabulary, emphasis placed on vocabulary development and strategies for individual learning, whether the textbook includes material for pronunciation work and if so, what is covered: (individual sounds, word stress, sentence, stress, intonation, and so on), whether the textbook deals with the structuring and conventions of language use above sentence level, for example, how to take part in conversations, how to structure a piece of extended writing, how to identify the main points in a reading passage, and whether style and appropriacy are dealt with. So, it should be questioned whether language style is matched to social situation.

The criterion of skills seek to answer the questions on whether all four skills are adequately covered, bearing in mind the lesson objectives and syllabus requirements, whether there is material for integrated skills work, whether reading passages and associated activities are suitable for the students’ levels, interests, etc., whether there is there sufficient reading material, whether the listening material is well-recorded, as authentic as possible, accompanied by background information, questions, and activities which help comprehension, whether the material is for spoken English (dialogues, role plays, etc.) and well-designed to equip learners for real-life interactions, and whether writing activities are suitable in terms of amount of guidance/control, degree of accuracy, organization of longer pieces of writing (e.g., paragraphing) and use of appropriate styles.

The criterion of topic seeks to answer the questions of whether there is sufficient material of genuine interest to learners, whether there is enough variety and range of topic, whether the topic will help expand students’ awareness and enrich their experience, whether the topics are sophisticated enough in content, yet within the learners’ language level, whether the students will be able to relate to the social and cultural contexts presented in the textbook, whether women pot rayed and represented equally with men, and whether other groups are represented, with reference to ethnic origin, occupation, disability, etc.

The criterion of methodology seeks to answer the questions of what approach/approaches to language learning are taken by the textbook and whether it is appropriate to the learning/teaching situation, what level of active learner involvement can be expected and whether this matches the students’ learning styles and expectations, what techniques are used for presenting/practicing new


language items and whether they are suitable for the learners, how the different skills are taught, how communicative abilities are developed, whether the material includes any advice/help to students on study skills and learning strategies, whether students are expected to take a degree of responsibility for their own learning (e.g., by setting their own individual learning targets).

The criterion of teachers’ book seeks to answer the questions of whether there is adequate guidance for the teachers who will be using the course book and its supporting materials, whether the teachers’ books are comprehensive and supportive, whether they adequately cover teaching techniques, language items such as grammar rules and culture-specific information, whether the writers set out and justify the basic premises and principles underlying the material, and whether keys to exercises are given.

The criterion of political considerations seeks to answer the questions of what the whole package costs and whether this represents good value for money, whether the books are strong and long-lasting, whether they are attractive in appearance, whether they are easy to obtain and whether further supplies can be obtained at short notice, and whether any parts of the package require particular equipment, such as a language laboratory, listening center, or video player and whether it is reliable. If so, schools must have the equipment available for use.

2. The criteria of textbook evaluation by Jahangard (2007).

Janghad in Madjid (2017) interprets and adopts the other experts‟ ideas in order to make suitable evaluation checklist criteria. He developed the criteria of textbook evaluation by comparing standard from 10 different sources then compiling those criteria into thirteen criteria to evaluate the textbook. Those are as a follows:

(a) Objectives are explicitly laid out in an introduction, and implemented in the material.

(b) Having good vocabulary, explanation, and practice.

(c) Approaches are educationally and socially acceptable to target community.

(d) Having periodic review and test sections.

(e) Appropriate visual materials available.

(f) Having interesting topics and tasks.

(j) Clear instructions.

(h) Clear attractive layout, print easy to read.

(i) Content clearly organized and graded.

(j) Plenty of authentic language.

(k) Good grammar, presentation and practice.

(l) Fluency practiced in all four skills.

(m) Encourage learners to develop own learning strategies and to become independent in their learning.

3. The criteria of textbook evaluation by Grethen (2003).


According to Gretchen in Cheng (2010) research, the textbook has a process for developing curriculum that is based on a needs assessment of learners and includes participation and input from other stakeholders. The curriculum and instructional materials are easily accessible, up to date, appropriate for learners, culturally sensitive, oriented to the language and literacy needs of the learners, and suitable for a variety of learning styles. Sample Measures for Instructional Materials:

a) They are up to date (e.g. published within the past 10 years).

b) They contain relevant content.

c) They take into account the linguistic and cultural diversity of the student population.

d) The layout and formatting (including font size) is appropriate for the student population.

e) Visuals and graphics are clear, appropriate for adults and culturally sensitive.

f) Voice and sound in audiovisual materials are clear, authentic, and appropriate.

g) The materials address a variety of learning styles.

h) The materials are conducive to being used with a variety of grouping strategies.

i) The materials contain exercises in which learners share previous experience with prior knowledge of the content.

C. Feasibility of Content based on BSNP

The importance of textbook in learning process has been stated in Permendiknas no. 11 in 2005 that textbooks play an important and strategic role in improving the quality of education, so there needs to be government policy on textbooks for students. Because of in assessing and evaluating the textbooks, BSNP has released a rubric that compatible with the latest curriculum. The rubric is designed through coding and qualitatively describing by BSNP. The assessment is divided into 3 main components that become the instrument of assessing which is feasibility of content, feasibility of presentation, and feasibility of language. The description of instruments used in evaluating the English textbook for SMA 2013 in terms feasibility of content will cover 1) the compatible of materials with KI and KD, 2) the accuracy of materials and 3) supporting materials.

The feasibility of content is one of instruments that assess the content of the textbook. It covers three sub components which are compatibility material with Core competency (CC) and Basic Competency (BC), accuracy of materials, and supporting materials in learning. The researcher translated and interpreted from Badan Stadar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) for the further explanation, as follows:

1. The compatibility of materials with core competency (CC) and basic competency (BC).

a) Completeness of material (Kelengkapan Materi)

In this part, A Textbook must contain and require students to explore at least the texts commonly used in English communication (interpersonal, transactional and functional text). The texts must suitable the students grade to provide students with the opportunity to understand and produce


spoken and written phrase in interpersonal or instructional communication, and also functional elements to interact contextually along with other characteristic, religious and aesthetic values included.

b) In-Depth of material (Kedalaman Materi)

Basically in-depth of material, the eligibility of textbook is to fulfill several specific requirements. The first one is exposure (Pajanan) which means the textbook must be explorative content that requires many kind of relevant text to the daily life conditions of the students, especially in terms of the message delivered. The messages can be either good social attitudes or spritual attitudes that are also relevant to the text presented.

The second is retention of text formation or (Retensi pembentukan teks) which means the textbook has to contain guidance for students to gain understanding about the explicit meaning from the element of text formation as social function, structure of the text and linguistic features.

The last one is production (produksi). Taking into account the text formation, social, and relevant spiritual elements, textbook has to be able to encourage the student and guide them to produce spoken or written text that relevant with the context.

2. The accuracy of materials

a) Social function (Fungsi sosial)

This criterion has to do by the students as the manifestation of the students’ exploration to the textbook that students learned. Therefore the textbook content must be able to guide the students towards the achievement of social functions as interpersonal, transactional and also functional communication according to short functional text relevant as recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, discussion, report, etc.

b) Generic Structure

This criterion shows that textbook must have systematical ideas in presenting the material. Therefore, it is expected to emerge the students with the systematically thought in daily life.

Such as in interpersonal and transactional texts, the activity can cover the interactive activities in initiative communication for asking and giving information.

c) Linguistic Feature

In this linguistic feature, textbook is expected can provide and guide the student with the appropriate and relevant linguistic elements. So the student can actively communicate in good quality of language feature in relevant context in order to achieve every part of social function.

3. Supporting materials

In the next English textbook assessment, the other instrument is a learning support material, which the content must contain 3 elements that become the standard that the book is compatible to use among others. These are the up-to-datedness and relevance sources, the development of life skill and the development of diversity insight.

a) Up-to-Datedness and Relevance sources


Each of teaching materials in textbooks such as text, tables, attachments, drawings and more must contain relevant and renewable text with the topics covered.

b) Development of Life Skills

The learning materials in the textbook must contain things that encourage students to develop skills in life. Such as personal skills, the ability to better recognize more deeply about oneself such as weaknesses and strengths. Social skills are where students are able to interact with their environment properly and correctly. Academic skills, these are such as utilizing information well, making decisions and solving problems wisely. As well as vocational skills which are able to encourage students to develop their abilities in the future development of their profession.

c) Diversity Insight

The other instrument that must exist in a good text book is a text book should contain things that can encourage students to develop their diversity insights. Such as, appreciate cultural diversity, local wisdom, awareness in advancing culture, and foster a sense of love for the culture with a good understanding of culture and nation. It can be seen in appendices 1 and 2.


1. Definition of Curriculum

The word curriculum can be interpreted in many ways. There are many different interpretations and definitions among people and experts in education toward this concept. It depends on their background knowledge and point of view they have. According to Feez in Siti stated that curriculum is a general statement of goals and outcomes, learning arrangement, evaluation, and documentation relating to the management of program within an education institution.

Menurut Undang-Undang Sisdiknas No. 20 tahun 2003, kurikulum diartikan sebagai seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelengaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan tertentu.

Curriculum can be defined as all plans activities that are provided for students. Curriculum is a planned and organized series of learning experiences and activities to be made available to the students to achieve defined educational objectives.

2. Curriculum 2013

The curriculum in Indonesia has been increasingly developed to be more advanced nowadays. From the last ten years, teachers in Indonesia already adapt three kinds of curriculums from KBK (Competency based curriculum), KTSP (School based-level Curriculum) and the latest curriculum 2013 which is finally released in July 2013. Through the development into curriculum 2013, learning process will generate the productive, creative and innovative students through strengthening attitudes, skills and integrated knowledge. In this case the development of the curriculum is more focused on the formation of competence and student characteristic.


The development and improvement of curriculum 2013 are differentiated in a few sector of teaching learning from the previous curriculum. For senior high school level, the changing can be seen in reducing the subjects and learning material and also in adding learning hours, because in senior high school level the class specialization has already been started since the tenth grades.

Therefore there are reducing the subjects that are taught in the class. And the other hand, the duration of student learning is added becoming 45 minutes per hour for senior high school level. For the tenth grade the learning hours changed from 38 hours onto 42 hours and for eleventh and twelve grades the learning hours changed from 44 hours onto 45 hours. The period is added because the curriculum 2013 tends to be active student learning. Therefore, active student learning takes a longer period because it is required the involvement of students either physically, psychologically, social or emotional involvement. Considering that some of the expected competencies are the competence of attitudes and skills which require longer observation from the teacher, so that it will take relatively longer than the measurement of knowledge competence only.

Accomplishment in learning is not only mastering knowledge competence but also on student comprehension in applying some values as honesty, discipline, independence, responsibility, tolerance, and politeness. In curriculum 2013 there are two main competencies introduced. First is core competency and the other is basic competency. Core competency is competency that states the needs of students in learning. It is formulated into four categories. That is spiritual competency, social competency, cognitive competence and implementation skill. Those four competencies are interconnected group in every single lesson. Whilst, the Basic competency is as student indicators that students have to achieve through several learning stages which lead them to points in core competencies.

Generally, Curriculum 2013 can be figured out as a curriculum that tends to provide teaching learning with KI (Kompetensi Inti) or Core competency and KD (Kompetensi Dasar) or Basic competency to produce student equipped with the values of good characters and it is also understood as a good treatment for achieving the passing grade of competency standards.

E. Language Skills in Curriculum 2013

Language as a tool for human used to get information and to share something to each other.

In learning language especially English, the skills are divided into two general skills. Language one is the receptive and another is the productive skill. In receptive skills, it includes two skills listening and reading skills and in productive skills are speaking and writing.

The ability to use the language skills for communication also becomes one of priority purposes in language learning in curriculum 2013. Beside, mastery the language skills, students also are expected to embed some good characteristic as discipline, polite, honest, responsible, responsive, corporative, proactive and religious values. By integrating the purposes of learning, language learning tends to focus on students‟ needs in order to accomplish the goals both in language skills and the characteristics embedded.


Not only exercising the students to learn using language skill as real and as active as possible, the CC and BC in Curriculum 2013 also emphasizes the process of learning for a students. It can be started with their beliefs about gratefulness of their chances in learning English language in order to enhance their mental foundation about how important of studying a foreign language nowadays, then appreciating all those beliefs into study. This BC manages students to analyze their materials when they study, leave them to observe their materials, analyze and then derive their own comprehension on the speaking materials. In the last process, they construct their materials and then produce their speaking from their understanding during their analysis of the materials. The class session in Curriculum 2013 is also longer compared to class session in KBK and KTSP. It is given in reconsideration of Curriculum 2013 process of analyzing and student centered session during the class consume lots of time so that students are given longer session in classroom.

F. Previous Related Study

There are three studies that related to my recent study. The first study is the study from Arif Prasojo (2014). He conducted his research on the title “The Analysis of English Textbook “Pathway to English‟ Used in the First Grade of Senior High School Based on Curriculum 2013” in 2016 From UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The idea of his research was to evaluate and analyze the English textbook in its feasibility of content and its feasibility of presentation. Whether the content and the presentation of the textbook had complied the requirement of curriculum 2013, then described it. The researcher used rubric assessment from BSNP as the guild line to analyze the data and takes 6 out of 11 chapters as the samples. With the result of this analysis, the criteria required by BSNP had been fulfilled as a good textbook with the percentage shown 91.30 % for its feasibility of content and 77.77% for its feasibility of presentation. It means the textbook has fulfilled the feasibility of the content.

The second, study is study from Dharra Suryana Indri Sulistiyani (2017). The title of this research is An Analysis of The English Textbook “Learning More English 2” for The Eighth Grade of MTs N Surakarta 1. This research evaluate and analyze textbook Learning More English 2 with the core and basic competence of by the Curriculum 2013 suggested by Permendikbud No 68 Tahun 2013 and the content of English textbook “Learning More English 2” with the criteria of good textbook suggested by Pusat Perbukuan (Pusbuk), The researcher comparing the materials provided within the textbook with the core and basic competence of by the Curriculum 2013 suggested by Permendikbud No 68 Tahun 2013, comparing the content of English textbook “Learning More English 2” with the criteria of good textbook suggested by Pusat Perbukuan (Pusbuk), evaluating the materials presented in the textbook “Learning More English 2”, interpreting the data gained from process of evaluation of the textbook “Learning More English 2”, and summing up the compatibility of the textbook content in quantitative output to show result in percentage. With the result of this analysis, The English textbook “Learning More English 2” covers around 82.23% materials which were relevant with Core and Basic Competence of 2013 Curriculum for the eighth grade students of


Junior High School and covers around 86.94% materials which fulfilled the categories of good textbook by Pusbuk (Pusat Perbukuan).

The third study is the study from Ratih Heriati (2017). The title of this research is “The Analysis of Think Globally Act Locally’s Book and Its Relevance to 2013 English Curriculum”. The idea of her research was to analyze the relevance of the materials with the cognitive aspects which are contained in the 2013 English Curriculum competence and to analyze the relevance of the materials with the psychomotor aspects which are contained in the 2013 English Curriculum competence. The result of this study showed that in term of the relevancy of the materials in the textbook with the cognitive domain, there are 25 materials in the book which are relevant or about 72%, 3 materials which are partly relevant or about 12 %, and 4 materials which are irrelevant or about 16 %. While the relevancy of the materials in the textbook with the psychomotor domain, there are 33 materials in the book which are relevant or about 72%, 3 materials which are partly relevant or about 9.0%, and 4 materials which are irrelevant or about 12%.

In the current study, the researcher also conducted the study about An Analysis English Textbook and the researcher just focuses on feasibility content from BSNP.




This chapter covers 5 main points, such as research design, the data and sources of data, instruments of the research, procedure of analysis and the technique of the data analysis.

A. Research Design

According to Schreiber and Asner (2011, p.13), content analysis is a detailed examination of the content of a particular material body. The aim is to identify patterns or themes in the material Based on the objectives of the study, the design used in this study was descriptive qualitative. As stated by Moleong (2012, p.11), “The data collected are in the form of words, images and not numbers. It is due to the application of qualitative methods.

Additionally the researcher also adapted Likert’s scale to integrate with BSNP’s rubric assessment as the instrument use in this research. Likert scale is a set of several items, not a single item, where you can the participants’ responses are added and/or averaged to create an overall score (Schreiber and Asner, 2011, p.132). The researcher took all chapters is 9 chapters from the textbook as the samples of the research.

B. Research Data and Source of the Research

In this research, the resources data for this research was textbook of “Pathway to English”

written by Sudarwati and Eudia Grace published by Erlangga that is being used in SMA Islam Al- Falah Jambi, for the first year as the first book used for the second grade students in curriculum 2013.

The content quality of the textbook such as its characteristic or material presented in the textbook was processed according to the list of standardization by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). BSNP standardization was use because the credibility of the standardization had been recommended by the minister of education in Indonesia. Textbook that was going to use for each subject would be based on BSNP.

C. Instruments of the Research

The main instrument in this research was the researcher herself. In qualitative research, the researcher interpreted the phenomenon was based on personal views, comparisons with the past study or both. The instrument in this research was not only the researcher, but the researcher also used a rubric assessment that BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). Created to analyze and evaluate a textbook as another instrument to measure the feasibility of content to detain an accurate data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation, the writer used documentation in collecting data which derives from curriculum 2013 for second grade of senior high school. The data was collected from the textbook which takes whole chapter is 9. The researcher also used books and papers about content analysis of textbook as a guideline in analyzing and interpreting data. The researcher adopted the instrument from BSNP in order to obtain an accurate data collection and



present a trustworthy finding that fairly closed to the real situation where the textbook used. Besides that, the rubric was commonly used in analyzing and evaluating the textbooks in Indonesia.

D. Procedure of Analysis

In the procedure of analysis the writer did the following steps of study;

In the beginning procedure, the researcher identified the research question then made the guidelines appropriated with the data that the researcher had been looked for. Before the researcher took the data, the researcher adopted the rubric provided by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) to assess a textbook about how the textbook fulfilled standardization adopted by BSNP. Then, firstly the researcher read and comprehended all 4 categories presented in the rubric. Those were feasibility of content, feasibility of presentation, feasibility of language and feasibility of graphic. Then, feasibility of content was chosen because it was the closest one in knowing how the textbook curriculum fulfilled standardization adopted by BSNP through the content of the textbook. After the researcher chosen feasibility of content as the main criteria, then the researcher read and comprehended the elements that contained in the criterion. In the following steps, the researcher also integrated Likert’s scale with the rubric in order to suit aspect in the criteria required. Then, it would be further criteria to be analyzed as the instrument to gain the data that researcher looks for. After the rubric adjusted was finished and ready to use, the researcher took whole chapters from the textbook as the samples being studied.

E. The Technique of the Data Analysis

In analyzing qualitative data, the technique used requires understanding how to form the data credibly so that the data can answer the research questions. Therefore the researcher used Miles and Huberman’s model to analyze the data. The model was used in qualitative research because the model was recommended in Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi and also suited with this research that’s equipped with four main steps as data collection, data reduction, data display, and drawing and verifying conclusion.

Figure 3.1

Miles and Huberman Model


In this research, the complete data collected were analyzed by the researcher as following steps.

1. Using the rubric assessment that had adjusted to collect the data required.

After the instrument to assess was ready soon the data were collected from the samples. The data collected by comparing them to the characteristics provided by the rubric. The rubric assessment was adopted from BSNP and also integrated with Likert’s Scale, and only one out of four categories which BSNP provided are used. This is feasibility of content.

2. Analyzing the data and presenting numerically in a table and descriptively in a paragraph.

In this step, after the data required was collected, the researcher presented the data into the table of feasibility of content for each chapter (see appendix). And then the data was evaluated by giving the score to the list of focused category in the rubric assessment as 1(poor), 2(enough), 3(good), 4(very good). The rubric scoring is adopted from Likert Scale.

3. Reducing the data based on the purpose of the research.

Reducing the data in this research had been hold during the process of the research.

The researcher followed the criteria listed in the rubric. The researcher selected and focused on the data that criteria required in the rubric. Then the data reduced based on the needs the researcher to answer the research question how is description the textbook “Pathway to English” fulfills the feasibility of content in curriculum 2013.

4. Interpreting the data gained after scoring from the evaluation.

Interpreting was done after the data had been reduced and presented. The data was interpreted to show the result of compatibility of the textbook towards curriculum 2013. The interpretation was drawn from the data collection, data reduction and data presentation. Then the researcher interpreted the data in quantitative output with the formulation help in percentage and number. Then, the researcher presented the data interpreted descriptively. The writer used the


following formula to help presenting the data in forms of numbers formula by Sudjiono Anas in Madjid:

P = f x 100 % N

Note: P: Percentage F: Frequency

N: The sum of frequency F. Trustworthiness

The researcher used the triangulation technique to gain the validity of the data.

(Moleong,2012,p.330) states that Triangulation is a technique of checking the validity of data that utilizes something else. There are four types of triangulation; they are by source, by method, by observers, and by theories. The researcher used theory triangulation and observer triangulation in this research. Besides the triangulation by theory, the researcher also triangulated the data observer. The data from textbook were re-typed. They were used to triangulate the data. This research was also consulted to the consultant in order to confirm the data. The researcher confirmed the research to his thesis validator.

The result of final calculation was classified into one of four criteria proposed by Pusat Perbukuan cited in akbar (2016) as follows.

Range of Fulfillment Score Category

80%-100% Good

60%-79% Pair

50%-59% Sufficient

0%-50% Poor




In this chapter, the researcher describes the research findings based on the data collected. The presentation will be in line with the research question in the first chapter that is how the content of “Pathway to English” textbook fulfills the feasibility of content requirements specified in curriculum 2013. The researcher will present and interpret the data as research findings which are whole chapters is 9 from the textbooks analyzed and evaluated. In the other words, the findings presented covers for 1 and 2 semester from the textbook taught. The researcher uses a range of scoring that BSNP provided. Additionally, the researcher also uses percentage as the representation for the conclusion in feasibility of content.

A. Findings in “Pathway to English” textbook

1. Chapter 1 “ You Should Keep Your Environment clean”

Table 4.1

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 1

“You Should Keep Your Environment clean”

Sub-Component Items

Scoring Frequency 1 2 3 4

The Compatibility Materials With CC And



 

In depth

 

The Accuracy Of Materials

Social Functions

Element and structure of meaning.

Linguistic feature

Supporting Materials Relevance

Development of life skills



Development of diversity insight


1 1 6

In this chapter, you should keep your environment taken as a topic that is mostly taught in this chapter. Therefore, the creation of text tends to focus on the surrounding environment, such as topics in the factual report and in the exercises provided. In this chapter how to give recommendations and offers expression are taught. The exercises developed based on the topic that is use expressions of recommendation and offers. This exercise is also formulated towards active student learning.

a. Compatibility materials with CC and BC 1) Completeness

In chapter 1, completeness that requires several texts to be taught as transactional text, interpersonal text, and functional text, is in accordance with CC and BC in the 2013 curriculum. The first, it could be seen on page 7 as interpersonal text that students discuss with their friends or teacher to talk about expression of recommendation and offer. The second, it could be seen on page 11 exercise 11 as transactional text that is packaged in daily conversation. And then it could be seen on page 14 exercise 15 as functional text which told about garbage and flooding in Jakarta. Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for completeness in this chapter.

2) In depth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for In-Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of chapter 1 that this book has developed more than 2 texts and exercises that expose students to express expressions of recommendations and offers. In terms exposure (Pajanan), this chapter used other source to find more information to develop their understanding about the topic discussed. In terms retention of formation text, it could be seen on page 12 for language element and grammars. And also in terms production, the exercises that develop oral produce on page 11 and written produce could be seen on page 16.

Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for in depth this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials 1) Social functions


The implementation of social function in this chapter has already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The interpersonal communication is taught on page 7 and 8 equipped with some exercises that stimulate students to interact to the other students. For transactional communication can be seen on page 13. It taught students to giving recommendations about daily activities of students. And also fulfill the requirements functional communication on page 14. Therefore, the researcher gives very good score is 4 for this criteria.

2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully developed. As on page 9, the students are taught on how to ask and respond a recommendation and offer expressions. On page 12 the grammar taught are “should”, “ought to”, “had better”. Therefore, this consideration makes the element and structure of meaning get 4 or very good for its implementation.

3) Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 1 is acceptable and polite. The topic taken also make students more easily understand the lesson and make it easier for students to use expression recommendations and offers. It is clear from the 15 page 14 text which uses polite and easy to understand. In the text talk about garbage and flooding in Jakarta. Almost of students know the place and the disaster. So, the explanation above gives the linguistic feature 4 score or very good for its fulfillment in this chapter. In chapter 4 has used polite and communicative language.

c. Supporting materials 1) Relevance

This chapter deals with the surrounding environment. In this chapter ask for opinions and offers to others about how to keep the environment clean. On page 10 and13 illustrate with clear images. So students can understand more about the surrounding environment.

Guidelines from the tables on pages 9 and 12 also make it easier for students to understand the lesson. In addition, a table that explains how to making asks, and responds to expressions of recommendations and offer. The data is taken around 2012, which mean quite up to date with the recent information. Therefore, the researcher gives score 3 or good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully implemented. It can be seen an exercise on page 11 the students will analyze expressions of recommendation and offer. By activity on page 10 students also required how to communicate with the other students and solve the problem from exercise. This chapter also provides the students to know


more about their own ability after the lesson finished by answering a few of reflection question on page 17. So, based on this consideration, score 4 or very good for its development of life skills.

3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of diversity insights have not been successfully implemented. In text 15 on page 14 the awareness of the nation's love own homeland and in practice 9 on page 10 the existence of global cultural diversity. Therefore, the researcher gives score 2 or enough for the development of diversity insight in this chapter.

2. Chapter 2 “ I Think So, Too”

Table 4.2

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 2

“I Think So, Too”

Sub-Component Items

Scoring Frequency 1 2 3 4

The Compatibility Materials With CC And



In depth

The Accuracy Of Materials

Social Functions

Element and structure of Meaning

Linguistic feature

Supporting Materials


Development of life skills

Development of diversity insight


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