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Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2020 Diunduh dari DAFTAR PUSTAKA


Academic year: 2022

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Abadi,N., Suparno, 2019, Parents perspective on children’s Dental Health, Jurnal Obsesi:Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, vol.3(1):


Abdat,M., 2017, Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu mengenai Gigi Sulung Anaknya serta Kemauan Melakukan Perawatan Gigi, Cakradonya Dent J;10(1)

Aida,J., Kondo,K., Watt,R., Seiham,A.,Tsakos,G., 2011, Income Inequality, social capital and self-rated health and dental status in older Japanese, Social sciene and medicine 73:1561-1568

Aktan,A.M., dkk. 2012, An evaluation of factors associated with persistent primary teeth, European Journal of Orthodontics, 34:208-212

AlBatayneh,O.B., Shaweesh,A., 2018, Clinical Duration of Eruption of Deciduous Teeth in Jordanian Children:A cross Sectional Study, Archievnes of Biology;90

Alfaqeeh,G., Cook,E., Randhawa,G., Ali,N., 2017, Access and utilisation of primary health care services comparing urban and rural areas of Riyadh providence,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, BMC health services research, 17:106

Alkhtib,A., Morawala,A., 2018, Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of mothers of Preschool Children about Oral Health in Qatar: a Cross sectional Survey, Dentistry Journal, 6:51

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Avenetti,D., Fonseca,M.A., 2017, Social determinant of Pediatric Oral Health, Dent Clin N Am; 61

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Azwar, S., 2018, Penyusunan skala Psikologi, Yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar


Basarkadoss,J.K., 2018, Relationship between oral health literacy and oral health status, BMC oral health, 18:172

Bashirian,S., Shabnam,S., Samane,S., Ali-Reza, 2018, Socio-demographic determinants as predictors of oral hygiene status and gingivitis in schoolchildren aged 7-12 years old: a cross-sectional study, PloS One, vol 13 (12)

Basuni, Cholil, dan Putri,D.K., 2014, Gambaran indeks kebersihan mulut berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat di desa Guntung Ujung kabupaten Banjar, Dentino jurnal kedokteran gigi, vol II(1)

Bath-Balogh,M.,Fehrenbach,M.J.,2006, Dental Embryology,Histology,and Anatomy, 2nded.USA,Elsevier Saunders

Beatty,C.,F., dan de la Torre,M., 2012, Cultural competence, dalam Community oral health practice for the dental hygienist, 4th ed.


Berg,J.H., Slayton,R.L, 2009, Early Childhood Oral Health, Iowa:Wiley- Blackwell

Cahyaningrum,A.N., 2017, Hubungan Perilaku Ibu Terhadap Kejadian Karies Gigi pada Balita di PAUD Putra Sentosa, Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, Vol.5, No.2

Chhabra,N., 2012, Parental knowledge, attitudes and cultural beliefs regarding oral health and dental care of preschool children in an Indian population : a quantitative study, European archives of paediatric Dentistry, vol 13 (2)

Dapodik Dikdasmen kemendikbud, 2019, Data Sekolah Dasar Kota Parepare

Dawson,B., dan Trapp,R.,G., 2004, Basic and Clinical Biostatistics 4thed.

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Dean,J.A., Turner,E.G., 2016, Eruption of the Teeth: Local,Systemic and Congenital Factors that Influence the Process, dalam McDonald and Avery’s Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, 10thed, Elsevier

Dinas Kesehatan Kota Parepare, 2018, Laporan tahunan UKGS


Dinas Perhubungan Kota Parepare, 2019, Data angkutan umum Kota Parepare

ElBur,A.I., Yousif,M.A., Albarraq,A.A., Abdallah,M.A., 2015, Parental Konowledge and practices on Infant Teething ,Taif,Saudi Arabia, BMC Res Notes; 8:699

Fikri, Damirah, dan Tenripadang,A., 2013, Esensi budaya Bugis terhadap produk peraturan daerah di Kota Parepare, Kuriositas,ed.IV, vol.a.

Folayan,M. dkk. 2014, Association between knowledge of caries preventive practices,preventive oral habits of parents and children and caries experience in children resident in sub urban Nigeria, BMC Oral health,14:156

Germbowski,D., Spiekerman,C., dan Milgrom,P., 2012, Social gradients in dental health among Low-income mothers and their young children, Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, vol 23(2)

Goud,S., Fernandes, S., dan Potdar,S., 2015, A Survey on myths related to disposal of deciduous teeth after shedding among rural population of central India, Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research, Vol.3 (1)

Guedes,R.S., Piovesan,C., Antunes,J., Mendes,F., Ardenghi,T., 2014, Assessing individual and neighborhood social factors in child oral health-related quality of life : a multilevel analysis, Quality of Life Research

Hallas,D.,Fernandes,J., Lim,L.,Carobene,M., 2011, Nursing Strategies to reduce the incidence of early childhood caries in culturally diverse populations, Journal of Paediatric Nursing (26) : 248-256

Hamadi,D.A., Guanawan,P.N., dan Mariati,N.W., 2015, Gambaran Pengetahuan Orang tua tentang Pencegahan Karies dan Status Karies murid SD kelurahan Mendono Keacamatan Kintom Kabupaten Banggai, Jurnal e-Gigi, Vol.3, No.1

Handwerker dan Stanton,W., 2010, Where bad teeth come from:Culture and causal force, Human Organization, vol.69 (4)


Indriyanti,R., Pertiwi,A.S., dan Sasmita. I.S., 2006, Pola erupsi gigi permanen ditinjau dari usia kronologis pada anak usia 6 sampai 12 tahun di Kabupaten Sumedang, Pustaka Unpad

Julihn,A., Soares,F.C., Hjern,A., Dahloff,G., 2018, Socioeconomic determinants, maternal health and caries in young children, International and American associations for dental research, vol.3 (4)

Kaleem,M., dan Marya,J., 2016, Association between Socio-demographic features, oral hygiene practices and oral health utilization service among patients seen at Afid, Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal, vol.


Kelesidis,N., 2014, A racial comparison of sociocultural factors and oral health perceptions, Journal of dental Hygiene, vol.88 (3):173-82

Khodadadi,E. dkk, 2016, Parent’s oral health literacy and its impact on their children’s dental health status, Electronic Physician, vol 8(12): 3421-3425

Kumar,G.S., 2015, Oral Histology and Embryology.4thed. India:Elsevier

Kumar,S., Kroon,J., dan Lallo,R., 2014, A systematic review of the impact of parental socio-economic status and home environment characteristics on children’s oral health related quality of life, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes,12:41

Kuswandari, S., 2014, Maturasi dan erupsi Gigi permanen pada anak periode gigi pergantian, Dental Journal, Majalah Kedokteran Gigi, vol 47(2)

Kutesa,A.,Nkamba,E., Muwazi,L., Buwembo,W., Rwenyoni,C., 2013, Weight, height and eruption times of permanent teeth of children aged 4-15 years in Kampala,Uganda, BMC Oral health, 13:15

Lam,C.U., dkk, 2016, Influence of metabolic-linked early life factors on the eruption timing of the first primary tooth, Clin Oral Invest, 20:1871-1879

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Mirajkar, Chaitali, 2018, Beliefs related to oral health in Indian population in Maharashtra, Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, vol.8 (1)

Mohammed,D.R., Hashim,R.S., dan Al-Essa,H., 2018, Retention of Primary Second Molars Without a Permanent Successor:A Review Article, International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences;7(7)

Nanayakkara,V., dkk, 2013, Ethnic and sosio-economic disparities in oral health outcomes and quality of life among Sri Lankan preschoolers : a cross sectional study. International Journal for Equality in Health, 12:89

Ngantung, R., Pangemanan,D., dan Gunawan,P., 2015, Pengaruh tingkat sosial ekonomi orang tua terhadap karies anak di TK Hang tuah Bitung, Jurnal e-GIGI, vol 3(2)

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Noviana,N.A., 2014, Jenjang pendidikan formal di Indonesia menurut Undan-undang sistem pendidikan nasional tahun 2003, Artikel ilmu pendidikan

Pratita,R., Sembiring,L.S., dan Monica,G., 2019, Hubungan indeks dmf-t dengan status sosiodemografi orang tua pada anak usia 4 – 5 tahun di TKN Kota Bandung, Sound of dentistry, vol 4 (1).

Pratiwi,A., Sulastri,S., dan Hidayati,S., 2014, Hubungan tingkat pengetahuan orangtua tentang jadwal pertumbuhan gigi dengan kejadian persistensi gigi anak 6-10 tahun di SDN Wojo Bantul, Jurnal Gigi dan Mulut, vol.1 (1)

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Rahman,R.T., 2015, Analisis Statistik Penelitian Kesehatan, Bogor:InMedia

Razdan,M., dan Marya,C.M., 2011, Sociology as applied to dental public health dalam A textbook of public health dentistry, India : Jaypee brothers medical publisher

Savage,M.W.,Scott,A.,Aalboe,J.,Burch,S.,VanArsdal,p., Mullins,R., 2018, Oral health beliefs and behavior among young adults in Appalachian Kentucky, Journal of Applied Communication Research, vol 46 (1)

Sherlyta,M., Wardani,R., dan Susilawati,S., 2017, Tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa sekolah dasar negeri di desa tertinggal kabupaten Bandung, Jurnal Ked.Gigi Unpad, vol 29 (1):69-76

Simaremare,S.A., 2017, Gambaran tingkat pengetahuan orang tua siswa kelas IV SDN 030329 tentang masa pergantian gigi susu dengan gigi permanen terhadap gigi berjejal di desa Tiga baru kecamatan Pegagan hilir Kabupaten Dairi, Jurnal ilmiah PANNMED, vol.12(2)

Sitorus,H., 2011, Gambaran aksesibilitas sarana pelayanan kesehatan di Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung (analisis data Riskesdas 2007), Spirakel:sarana penyebaran informasi hasil kegiatan Litbang.

Souza,N.D., Manju,R., dan Hedge,A.M., 2018, Accuracy of Clinical Methods of Age Estimation Based on Permanent Teeth Present as Erupted:A Study on the Coastal Population of India, Forensic Science International

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Sumanti,V., Widiarsa,T., Duarsa,D.P., 2013, Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Partisipasi Orang tua Dalam Perawatan Kesehatan Gigi Anak di Puskesmas Tegallalang, Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archieve, Vo.1, No.1

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Tiwari,T., Albino,J., 2017, Acculturation and pediatric minority oral health interventions, Dent Clin N Am, 61:549-563

Wong,H.M., Pengg,M.S.,Yang, Y., King,M.N., McGrath,C.P.J., 2017, Tooth Eruption and Obesity in 12-year-Old Children, Journal of Dental Science;12

Yang,A., Gromoske,A., Olson,M., dan Chaffin,J., 2016, Single and Cumulative Relations of Social Risk Factors with Children’s Dental Health and Care-Utilization Within Regions of the United States, Matern Child Health J, 20:495-506

Yani,R.W.E.,2016, Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingginya Kejadian Persistensi Gigi pada pasien Anak, Tunas-Tun as Riset Kesehatan, Vol.VI, No.1

Zaror,C. dkk, 2018, Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the early childhood oral health impact scale in Chilean population, Health and quality of life outcomes,16:232


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