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56 Lampiran 1. Surat Izin Penelitian


57 Lampiran 2. Sertifikat Ethical clearance


58 Lampiran 3. Lembar Hasil Penelitian

No Inisi al


Usi a

Riwayat penyaki

t lain

Riwayat penggunaan obat (bulan sebelumnya)

Tgl Periksa TD Nama obat R/ pill


Penyebab DRPS

Nama obat dosis


n Indikas

i tanpa obat

Obat tanpa indikas


Obat salah

Dosis obat kurang

Reaksi obat merugika


Dosis obat lebih

kepatuha n

1 M

L 64 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 10/04/21 160/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 21/4/2021 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 25/5/2021 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 03/06/21 160/190 Amlodipin 10

mg X X X X X

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 03/08/21 230/130 Amlodipin 10

mg Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 31/08/21 136/84 Amlodipin 5 mg OK6

2 DB

P Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 04/05/21 160/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 04/06/21 150/80

Amlodipin 5 mg, Allopurinol,

Vitamin B6 Asam


Amlodipin 5 mg, Allopurinol, Vitamin B6

1x1 02/07/21 160/80 Amlodipin 5

mg, Allopurinol 100 X X X X X

Asam urat

Amlodipin 5

mg, Allopurinol 1x1 03/08/21 160/80 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 30/8/2021 154/86

Amlodipin 5 mg, Allopurinol,



3 HS

P Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 07/05/21 150/100

Amlodipin 5 mg, Ibuprofen,

Vitamin B1

31/08/21 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5 mg, Omeprazole,

100 X X X X X X



Antasida, Na.

Diclofenac, GG Amlodipin 5

mg, Omeprazol,


4 ML

L 45 01/03/19 190/130 Amlodipin 10

mg, Amlodipin 10

mg, 1x1 15/3/2021 180/120 Amlodipin 10

mg, Furosemid Amlodipin 10

mg, Furosemid 1x1 31/8/2021 280/130 Amlodipin 10

mg OK7

5 MS P 61 20/01/2017 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 12/05/18 180/80 Amlodipin 5 mg X X X X X X

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 09/01/21 190/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 75 KP1

6 TT

P 68 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 16/3/2020 140/80 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 25/07/20 140/70 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 01/07/21 160/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100 X X X X X X

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 31/7/2021 Amlodipin 10


7 HP P 52 09/04/17 160/110 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 23/05/17 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 06/06/17 150/100 Amlodipin 5 mg OK6

8 S L 55 20/2/2017 140/100 Nifedipin

Nifedipin 1x1 23/5/2017 150/100 Nifedipin 100

Nifedipin 1x1 04/08/20 200/120 Nifedipin 10 mg OS2

9 AL

P 71 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 31/8/2020 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 02/10/20 130/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 75

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 22/12/2020 120/80 Amlodipin 5 mg



Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 29/2/2021 130/90 Amlodipin 5 mg KP1

10 ML L 61 Amlodipin 5

mg 13/9/2021 160/80 Amlodipin 5 mg 100 X X X X X X

11 PB L 25/1/2019 160/100 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 06/02/19 140/100 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 19/2/2019 130/90

12 E

P 70 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 07/03/20 180/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 09/06/21 170/80 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 02/07/21 180/80 Amlodipin 5 mg OK6

13 TS

P Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 31/1/2020 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 26/3/2020 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 80

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 08/04/21 160/90 Amlodipin 5 mg KP1

14 M P 08/02/21 160/100 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

15 HS

P 54 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 02/05/21 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 03/05/21 110/60 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 04/05/21 200/100 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 28/5/2021 140/80 Amlodipin 10

mg 100

Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 08/06/21 130/80 Amlodipin 5 mg OK7

16 JS

L 66 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 31/1/2019 120/20 Amlodipin 5 mg

17 MR

P Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 04/04/20 180/100 Amlodipin 5 mg OK6

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 03/07/21 200/100 Amlodipin 10

mg 100

Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 31/7/2021 160/100 Amlodipin 5 mg



Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 20/8/2021 170/100 Amlodipin 5 mg

18 JTL L 57 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 21/12/2020 140/80 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 23/6/21 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 28/8/2021 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

19 YRL

P 68 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 08/10/17 140/100 Nifedipin

Nifedipin 1x1 13/11/2017 140/100 Amlodipin

20 YRT

P 51 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 08/06/21 170/110 Amlodipin 5 mg 75 KP1

21 AR L 51 Amlodipin 1x1 08/09/21 140/77 Livron 100

22 AK P 67 08/06/21 200/100 Amlodipin 5 mg 100 OS2

23 L

L 72

Amlodipin 5 mg, ciprofloxacin

1x1 15/7/2020 130/70 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

24 PP P 78 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 26/08/21 170/70 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 28/08/21 160/80 Amlodipin 5 mg

25 AK P 59 Nifedipin 1x1 04/04/20 150/80 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 19/7/2021 140/80 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 18/8/2021 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg OK6

26 YL L 52 Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 23/06/21 160/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 17/5/2021 160/100 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 08/02/21 130/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

27 LM

L 63 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 08/06/21 180/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 08/12/21 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

28 WS

L 75 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 13/1/2021 160/90 Amlodipin 5 mg



Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 22/6/2021 180/110 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 21/7/2021 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 20/8/2021 130/80 Amlodipin 5 mg

29 PS

L 76 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 23/5/2018 130/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

30 P

L Amlodipin 100

mg 1x1 18/8/2020 170/70 Amlodipin 10

mg Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 21/1/2021 203/83 Amlodipin 10

mg 100

Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 11/02/21 180/90 Amlodipin 10

mg Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 15/7/2021 160/70 Amlodipin 10


31 JP L 79 Captopril 1x1 29/11/2014 150/100 Captopril

Captopril 1x1 10/12/14 150/100 Amlodipin 100

Amlodipin 1x1 19/12/2014 120/110 Amlodipin

32 PP

L 42 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 26/11/2020 138/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

33 R L 31 Nifedipin 1x1 15/5/2021 150/90 Nifedipin

Nifedipin 1x1 14/6/2021 150/100 Nifedipin 100

Nifedipin 1x1 14/7/2021 150/100 Nifedipin OK1

34 MPP

P 53 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 28/5/2021 120/80 amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 16/7/2021 120/80 amlodipin 5 mg 100

35 AD

P 44 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 08/10/21 190/130 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

36 HR L 65 Amlodipin 1x1 25/3/2021 170/90 Amlodipin

Amlodipin 1x1 24/4/2021 139/95 Amlodipin 100

37 BL

L 78 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 20/8/2021 140/83 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

38 S P 58 08/06/21 190/110 Amlodipin 5 mg 100 OK1

39 L P 61 Nifedipin 1x1 12/03/21 140/60 Nifedipin



Nifedipin 1x1 27/4/2021 160/90 Amlodipin 100 OK7

40 BL

L 68 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 28/12/2020 136/87 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 25/2/2021 130/80 Amlodipin 10

mg 100

41 DL P 56 08/07/21 200/110 Amlodipin 5 mg 100 OK6

42 MB

P 73 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 03/11/21 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 31/5/2021 160/100 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 26/6/2021 120/70 Amlodipin 5 mg

43 DT

L 51 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 17/6/2021 130/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

44 PP

P 51 Asam


Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 20/8/2021 120/90 Amlodipin 10

mg, Allopurinol 100

45 AP

L Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 06/11/21 180/110 Amlodipin 10

mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 Amlodipin 5 mg

46 DP

L 62 Amlodipin 1o

mg 1x1 17/5/2021 200/110 Amlodipin 10

mg Amlodipin 10

mg 1x1 12/06/21 170/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 02/07/21 110/100 Amlodipin 5 mg

47 BL

P 53 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 22/4/2021 180/100 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 09/06/21 170/90 Amlodipin 10


48 S L 81 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 19/6/2021 160/70 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 Amlodipin 5 mg

49 L

L Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 30/6/2021 120/70 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 05/08/21 110/70 Amlodipin 5 mg

50 LL P 47 Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 13/12/2019 130/80 Amlodipin



Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 15/06/20 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 05/10/20 150/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 06/11/20 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg

51 YT

L 69 Amlodipin 5

mg, Furosemid 1x1 (1-0- 0)

24/6/2021 160/100 Amlodipin,

Furosemid 100

03/07/21 160/90 Amlodipin,


52 YT L 71 Amlodipin 5

mg 24/6/2021 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg 100

Amlodipin 5

mg 1x1 25/8/2021 140/90 Amlodipin 5 mg


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