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Academic year: 2023



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Volume VI Nomor 2 (Maret, 2023)

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa: Volume VI Nomor 2 (Maret, 2023) | 1


Prince Charles Heston Runtunuwu1, Lev Horodyskyj2

1Khairun University, Indonesia

2Campinas University, Brazil Email : 1*princecharles@unkhair.ac.id


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of partially and simultaneously variables of work discipline, leadership style and work experience on the performance of employees of the Tidore District Office, Tidore Islands City. The total target population is 108 respondents. The questionnaires returned were 104 respondents which were used as research data analysis. The analysis model used to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression analysis and uses SPSS as a statistical test tool. The results of the study found that: (1) Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that higher / better work discipline causes an increase in the performance of Tidore District Office employees, (2) Leadership Style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the higher / better the leadership style causes an increase in the performance of Tidore District Office employees, (3) Work experience has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the higher / better the experience, and (4) Work Discipline, Leadership Style and Work Experience together have a positive and significant effect on the performance of the Tidore District Office employees, Tidore Islands City.

Keyword s: Work Discipline; Leadership Style, Work Experience INTRODUCTION

Human resources are often referred to as human resources , human power or strength (energy or power ). Resources are also called sources of energy, ability, strength, expertise possessed by humans. Along with technological developments and changes in the world that are increasingly complex, it requires someone to always refresh the ability to return is in accordance with the capacity for change, basically humans have basic potential and abilities that ideally will continue to develop if honed continuously and sustainably. There is no static organizational environment, because everything will definitely experience change . Changes caused by the dynamic and competitive environmental conditions will have an impact on even greater changes so that the organization will need reliable human resources who have competence.

Without competence, the organization will have difficulty competing with other organizations. other. Quality Source Power Man (HR) is Wrong One factor for increase productivity performance something organization or agency. Therefore, human resources who have high competence are needed because expertise or competence will be able to support increased achievement performance employee.

Performance is a condition that must be known and confirmed to party certain For know level the achievement of the results of an agency is related to the vision carried out by an organization or company as well as knowing the positive and negative impacts of an operational policy. Mink (1993) expressed his opinion that individuals who have high performance have several characteristics, namely including: (a) oriented on performance, (b) own believe self, (c) self-control, (d) competence. Performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him.


Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa: Volume VI Nomor 2 (Maret, 2023) | 2 Employee performance is very important in an organization's efforts to achieve its goals. Higher performance implies an increase in efficiency, effectiveness, or higher quality of completing a series of tasks assigned to an employee in an organization.

Employee performance is the extent to which the employee can carry out the task properly in the sense that the implementation is in accordance with the plan so that satisfactory results are obtained for achieving good employee performance.

As is well known, the formation of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), which aims to realize the state civil apparatus as part of bureaucratic reform, needs to be established as a profession that has the obligation to manage and develop itself and is obliged to account for its performance in the implementation of management. state civil apparatus. With this Law, employee performance appraisal will not be based on the Job Implementation Evaluation List (DP3), but will place more emphasis on Employee Performance Targets. (SKP), the Law on the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) was made in order to further improve employee performance. The evaluation method in this way is considered to be able to put more emphasis on the performance of civil servants, because it is a combination of the assessment of Employee Performance Targets and work behavior. Referring to the service function of the Tidore District Office is The Regional Work Unit (SKPD) which performs administrative services for the sub-district area and public services under the auspices of the Regional Government of the City of Tidore Islands, North Maluku province with a total of 148 human resources spread across 13 existing Villages, and is required to be able to improve services that are of a higher quality and are affordable by the community in order to realize a better degree of public administration service, although with many limitations. Better service improvement requires high- performance human resources (HR). Employees who have an attitude of dedication, discipline and professional ability are very likely to have work performance in carrying out their duties so that they are more efficient and effective. Professional employees can be interpreted as a view that always thinks, works hard, works full time, is honest, disciplined, has high loyalty and is full of dedication for the success of his work. To achieve high service results, it is the responsibility of the leadership to pay attention to employee work discipline so that employee performance can be optimized.

The sub-district leadership style shown at the Tidore District office also shows discrimination in the division of tasks and the delegation of authority that does not follow procedures so that it appears that only a few employees are appointed to carry out tasks and some others are not given tasks so there is jealousy between existing employees, according to the informant X (Tidore District employee) that employees who are usually appointed to carry out tasks are employees who have work experience in the Tidore District or senior employees in the District because according to their leaders they understand more about the task because they have worked for a long time at the Tidore District office and have skills in completing The problem is especially the conflict that is directly related to the community.

A person's tenure is related to work experience, the longer a person works in a field, the more experienced that person is. Tenure is the length of time an employee works continuously in an organization (Ranupandojo, 2002). If an employee already has work experience in a field, then they will increase their abilities and skills, unconsciously they will learn, so that they have practical skills at work.

Some of the explanations above are that the researcher basically wants to try and is very interested in researching and measuring the influence of the variables that the researcher describes and knows the most influential variables so that in this study


Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa: Volume VI Nomor 2 (Maret, 2023) | 3 the theme of employee performance will be raised. Work discipline, leadership style, and work experience at the Tidore District Office are factors that are thought to have an influence on employee performance. So it needs to be investigated in order to know the level of significance on the performance of employees at the Tidore District Office.

Based on the description of the background, what is the problem here is whether the factors of work discipline, leadership style and work experience affect the performance of employees in Tidore District, Tidore City Islands. Therefore, in this study, it aims to analyze the effect of work discipline, leadership style and work experience on the performance of employees in the Tidore District Office.


The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach. Where the quantitative method is used to test the hypotheses taken through the research variables in numbers then data analysis is carried out with statistical procedures. This research explains the causal relationship between variables through hypothesis testing.

This research was conducted at the Tidore District Office, Tidore City Islands, which is located at Jl. Sultan Mansyur, Tomagoba Village, Tidore District, Tidore City Islands, North Maluku Province. In addition, this research was also conducted in sub- district offices in Tidore District. This research was carried out for 4 (four) months, from November 2018 to February 2019.

The population in the study were all employees at the Tidore District Office, totaling 149 employees with the status of Civil Servants (PNS). The target population in this study was 148 employees because 1 employee was not used as the target population, namely the author himself.

The research sampling technique uses the Krecjie table, namely by using the Krecjie table, the sample can be determined by looking at the number of existing populations so that it makes it easier for researchers to determine the sample.

The type of data used in this study is ordinal data type using a Likert scale. Sources of data used in this study consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary data is research data obtained directly from original sources (not through intermediaries) from interviews or questionnaires. This data was obtained from a questionnaire that had been prepared by the researcher and answered by the respondents. Secondary data obtained from other parties indirectly related to research, data in the form of organizational history, scope, organizational structure, books, literature, articles, and sites on the internet.

In this study there are four variables that will be examined so there are four instruments, namely: Instruments for measuring work discipline, Instruments for measuring leadership style, Instruments for measuring work experience and Instruments for measuring employee performance. With a Likert scale, the measurement variables to be measured and translated into variable indicators. The answers to each instrument item using a Likert scale have a gradation from very positive to very negative. The Likert scale measurements in this study can be seen in the table below:

Likert scale

No Criteria Score

1 2 3 4

SS : Totally Agree S : Agreed

N : Neutral TS : Disagree

5 4 3 2


Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa: Volume VI Nomor 2 (Maret, 2023) | 4

5 STS : Strongly Disagree 1

In this study there are four variables to be examined, namely work discipline (X1), leadership style (X2), work experience (X3) and employee performance (Y).

These variables are as follows:

1. Independent Variables ( Independent ), (X)

In this study the independent variables used were work discipline (X1) and leadership style (X2) and work experience (X3).

2. Dependent Variable (Dependent) , (Y)

The dependent variable in this study is employee performance (Y).

This study uses data analysis methods using SPSS software that runs on computer media. The regression test used in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis.

The analysis technique that will be used is a partial test with a T test to find out how far each independent variable influences the dependent variable. Through the SPSS 22 software, the regression coefficient of each independent variable will be known.

Furthermore, the multiple regression equation can be arranged: Y= a+b 1 x 1 +b 2 x 2

+b 3 x 3 +e a) t test

The t statistical test shows how far the influence of one independent variable individually explains the variation of the dependent variable by: Compiling the Ho and Ha formulas. Null hypothesis. There is no effect of the variables of Work Discipline, leadership style, work experience on the performance of sub-district office employees partially. H 0 β 1 = 0; H 0 β 2 = 0; H 0 β 3 = 0. Alternative hypothesis.

There is a partial influence of work discipline, leadership style, and work experience on the performance of district office employees. H a β 1 ≠ 0; H a β 2 ≠ 0; H a β 3 ≠ 0 b) Standardized Beta coefficient

The Standardized Beta coefficient is used to determine which factor is the most dominant among the three independent variables of work discipline, leadership style and work experience. The variable that has the largest standardized beta coefficient is the most dominant variable in the regression model.

Data was taken based on questionnaires that had been distributed to 108 employees at the Tidore District Office, but only 104 questionnaires returned. The population in this study were employees at the Tidore District Office. In addition, this research was also carried out at sub-district offices throughout Tidore Subdistrict, which are work units of the Tidore District Office office.


Effect of Work Discipline on Performance

Based on the distribution of respondents' responses to the work discipline variable, all items included in this variable are included in the good or high category, this can be seen from the average score obtained, which is equal to 4.67. Discipline is the key to the success of a company in achieving its goals. Discipline is an important function in an organization because the better the employee discipline, the higher the work performance that can be achieved. Conversely, without discipline it is difficult for organizations to achieve optimal results (Hasibuan, 2017). Work discipline is an important factor in increasing productivity. However, the high level of education and ability of an employee, the amount of motivation given by the leadership, and the


Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa: Volume VI Nomor 2 (Maret, 2023) | 5 amount of compensation given does not mean much if the employee is not disciplined in carrying out his duties. Therefore, this disciplinary factor needs to get great attention, both for the leaders of the employees concerned. According to Sutrisno (2016) performance is a person's success in carrying out tasks, work results that can be achieved by a person or group of people in the organization in accordance with their respective authorities and responsibilities or about how a person is expected to function and behave in accordance with the tasks assigned to him as well as the quantity, quality and time used in carrying out the task. So, the function of work discipline in relation to employee performance is how an employee is able to complete his responsibilities on time so that the goals of the organization are achieved. To answer the theory that has been presented, it can be proven from the results of data analysis and testing the first hypothesis in this study. The first hypothesis in this study states that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This is based on the provisions in the test criteria, namely: if t count > t table and the significance value is less than α = 5% (0.05), then H1 which states that work discipline has a positive and partially significant effect on employee performance is accepted/proven . Based on the descriptions above, it can be concluded that work discipline partially has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This can be proven in this study both in theory and in the facts found and analyzed. The results of this study show that work discipline has a positive effect and significant to performance. In addition, the results of this study are in line with Hafid's research (2018) which concluded that work discipline variables have a positive effect on employee performance at the Poliwali Mandar Samsat. Supporting this research, research from Nana Wariati (2015) states that work discipline has a positive effect on employee performance at the North Barito Finance Service . Based on the description above, it shows that this study explains and proves that work discipline can improve employee performance at the Tidore District Office, Tidore City, Islands, North Maluku Province.

The Effect of Leadership Style on Performance

Based on the distribution of respondents' responses to the leadership style variable, all items included in this variable fall into the good or high category, this can be seen from the average score obtained, which is equal to 3.90. According to Suranta, 2002 the superior's leadership style can affect the success of employees in achievement, and will lead to the success of the organization in achieving its goals. Individual performance will not necessarily be produced without direction from a leader.

However, the direction of the leadership is not just directing, but requires a strategy or way to manage employees. For this reason, leaders need styles or ways that are relevant to organizational needs, meaning that employee performance requires the support of leaders who have the ability and competence.

According to Rivai (2005) employee performance is the result of a person's work as a whole during a certain period in carrying out tasks, such as work standards, targets or goals or criteria that have been determined in advance and have been mutually agreed upon. So, the role of the leader in relation to employee performance is the main motivator because it is the leader who is comprehensively responsible for various employee activities within the organization. In other words, a leader must have the ability, namely the science and art or leadership style in directing his employees at work so that they are able to produce performance that is in accordance with mutually agreed targets. To answer the theory that has been presented, it can be proven from the results of data analysis and testing the second hypothesis in this study. The second hypothesis


Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa: Volume VI Nomor 2 (Maret, 2023) | 6 in this study states that leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This is based on the provisions in the test criteria, namely: if t

count > t table and the significance value is less than α = 5% (0.05), then H2 which states that leadership style has a positive and partially significant effect on employee performance is accepted/proven .

Based on the descriptions above, it can be concluded that leadership style partially has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This can be proven in this study both in theory and in the facts found and analyzed. The results of this study indicate that leadership style has a positive effect and significant to performance. In addition, the results of this study are in line with the research of Annisa Coriyani, et al (2018) which concluded that the leadership style variable has a positive effect on employee performance at Panin Dubai Syariah Bank KCU Asia-Africa, Bandung City.

Supporting this research, research from an international journal by researchers Cedwyn Fernandes and Awamleh (2004) states that leadership style has a positive effect on employee performance with the journal title The Impact Of Transformational And Transactional Leadership Styles On Employee's Satisfaction And Performance: An Empirical Test In A Multicultural Environment . Based on the description above, it shows that this study explains and proves that leadership style can improve employee performance at the Tidore District Office, Tidore City, Islands, North Maluku Province.

Effect of Work Experience on Performance

Based on the distribution of respondents' responses to the work experience variable, all items included in this variable fall into the good or high category, this can be seen from the average score obtained, which is equal to 4.29. Even so, there are a number of things that need to be considered by the Tidore District Office, Tidore City Islands, because there are still employees who are still undecided or neutral. Work experience is knowledge or skills that are known and mastered by someone as a result of actions or work that has been done for a certain time. Work experience in relation to the profession as an apparatus that handles public service matters must be interpreted as an employee's experience in acting as a good service provider and prioritizing comfort to the community.

According to Rivai (2005) employee performance is the result of a person's work as a whole during a certain period in carrying out tasks, such as work standards, targets or goals or criteria that have been determined in advance and have been mutually agreed upon. So, the role of work experience with employee performance is Experience in service to the community is an accumulation of the length of time the employee has carried out his profession in the service sector and what an employee experiences and does in carrying out his duties, so that what is experienced and done while carrying out his duties will be become something that is very useful for him in carrying out his duties in the future so that it will have an impact on his performance in that field because he already has the experience he has. The experience in providing services referred to in this research is the length of time working and what is experienced and what is done by a District or Kelurahan employee in carrying out his work, meaning that since he chose the profession as a civil servant which in this case has an agency located in the District or Kelurahan until the time this research took place. To answer the theory previously presented, it can be proven from the results of data analysis and testing of the third hypothesis in this study. The third hypothesis in this study states that work experience has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This is based on the provisions in the test criteria, namely: if t count > t table and the significance value is less than α = 5% (0.05), then H3 which states that work experience has a positive and


Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa: Volume VI Nomor 2 (Maret, 2023) | 7 partially significant effect on employee performance is accepted/proven . Based on the descriptions above, it can be concluded that work experience partially has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This can be proven in this study both in theory and in the facts found and analyzed. The results of this study show that work experience has a positive effect and significant to performance. In addition, the results of this study are in line with the research of Karina Octavia Muaja, et al (2017) which concluded that the work experience variable has a positive effect on employee performance at PT. Bank Sulutgo Manado Main Branch Office.


Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the higher the work discipline, the higher the performance of employees at the Tidore District Office, Tidore City Islands. Leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the higher the leadership style can lead to increased employee performance in Tidore District, Tidore City Islands.

Work experience has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the higher the work experience, the higher the performance of employees in Tidore District, Tidore City Islands. Work discipline, leadership style and work experience together have a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Based on the conclusions, the writer needs to recommend suggestions, namely work discipline has a positive and significant influence on performance, therefore work discipline needs attention. This can be done with the following efforts: a) giving rewards to employees who have achievements in terms of discipline and giving punishment or punishment to employees who are indisciplined so that there is a deterrent effect for employees who always violate disciplinary rules in order to improve performance within the organization, b ) carry out work layouts in accordance with the wishes of employees so that a new work atmosphere is created for the convenience of employees at work, and c) always evaluate employee work programs to see work goals that have been achieved or not by employees who are given responsibility so that organizational goals can be achieved . Leadership style influences performance, therefore there are several things that need to be considered by leadership style, namely: a) the involvement of superiors in responding to employee work results, in solving work problems, being actively involved in achieving work unit goals, and communicating as well as giving full responsibility for the main tasks and functions of employees, b) willing to take full responsibility for whatever is experienced by employees, and c) Concern from the leadership is needed in seeing the weaknesses and strengths possessed by the organization being led so that they can collaborate by forming a team strong team work for the organization being led so that it can support the achievement of organizational goals. Work experience has a positive effect on performance, therefore it is necessary to pay more attention to : a) provide training and development related to the duties and functions of employees to increase knowledge related to the use of technology to improve employee performance, b) rotate internal positions within the office so that there is rejuvenation for the sake of increasing employee capabilities . For researchers to come g those who wish to develop this research need to conduct research by expanding the research object, variables and indicators as well as assumptions that are more relevant so as to have results that can be generated on employee performance


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