(Experimental Research of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs N Susukan in
the Academic Year of 2017/2018 )
Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Educational Department of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga
KURNIA DEWI 113 13 017
“ Do not approach someone w
hose words even destroy your
ectations “
Mark Twin
“Hidup ini seperti sepeda.
Agar tetap seimbang, kau harus
terus bergerak”
This graduating paper is especially dedicated : My beloved parents (Fadlilah and
Sumiar Budiastuti) thank you very much for everything.
My sisters and may brothers (Eko Muhammad Widodo, Danang Kusuma Aji, Mely
Rosa Nila, and Mia Faradila) thank you for your support.
My closest friends (Mas Naen, Tafikah, Mita, Afid, Nurina, and Mbk Inun) thank you
MOTTO……….. v
LIST OF TABLES………... xii
ABSTRACT……… xiii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………... 1 A. Background of the Research………...………... 1
B. Problem of Research……….………... 4
C. Purposes of Research...……… 4
D. Benefits of Research………... 5
F. Review of Previous Researches………... 7
G. Paper Outline ………... 8
CHAPTER II: THEORIES....………... 9 A. Writing ...………... 9
1. Definition of Writing……….………... 9
2. Importance of Writing………... 10
3. The Stages of Writing Production ……….... 11
4. The Principle of Teaching Writing………... 13
5. Teaching Writing………... 15
6. Notion of Good Writing ... 17
B. Genres………... 19
1. Definition of Procedure Text……...………....………... 19
2. Communicative Purpose of Procedure Text... 19
3. Generic Structure of Procedure Text ... 20
4. Language Features ... 20
C. Project- Based Learning…………...…... 21
E. School Benchmark (KKM)... 34
F. Theoritical Hypothesis (Ha)... 34
A. Research Setting …………...………... B. Population and sample... 35 42 C. Research Approach ... D. Research Method……...………...….. 44 44 E. Method of Collecting Data…………...………... 45
F. Evaluation Rubric and Passing Grade……….……….... 46
G. Data Analysis………... 47
H. Statistical hypothesis ... 49
CHAPTER IV: DISCUSSION………... 50 A. Data Presentation and Analysis ...…………..……... 50
B. Discussion... ………...……… 55
B. SUGGESTION………... 58
xii List of Tables
Table 2.1 Component of Scoring ... ...……...……. 29
Table 2.2 Criteria of Scoring ...………...……... 33
Table 3.1 The List of Facilities of MTs N Susukan………... 35
Table 3.2 Organization Structure of MTs N Susukan………... 38
Table 3.3 The List of Teacher of MTs N Susukan …………...………... 39
Table 3.4 The List of the Samples Name 9B ………... 42
Table 3.5 Passing Grade Writing skills ………... 46
Table 4.1 The Score of Pre test ...
Table 4.2 The Score of Post test ... 50
Dewi, Kurnia. 2017. “ THE USE OF PROJECT- BASED LEARNING METHOD TO IMPROVE WRITING SKILLS (Experimental research of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs N Susukan in the Academic Year of 2017/2018). Graduating Paper, English Education Department State Institut for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga Counselor : Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A.
The aims of this research are (1) To find out profile before the students’ use project
-based learning method to improve students’ witing skills of procedure text to the Ninth
grade students’ of MTs N Susukan in the academic year of 2017/2018. (2) To find out
the profile after the students’ use project-based learning method to improve students’ witing skills of procedure text to the Ninthgrade students’ of MTs N Susukan in the academic year of 2017/2018 (3) To find out of the effectiveness of the use project-based learning method to improve students’ writing skills of procedure text in the ninth
grade students’ of MTs N Susukan in the academic year of 2017/2018.The methodology
of research is Experimental Research. To improve writing skills in procedure text, the researcher take one group pre-test and post test or one sample. The number of students’ in this research was 28 students. In completing the research, the researcher used documentation and written text as the instrument of collecting the data. The findings of the research say that: (1)The profile of class IX B of MTs N Susukan before the students using project-based learning method in writing skills of procedure text has average 62.96 (pre-test). (2)The profile of class IX B of MTs N Susukan after the students using project-based learning method in writing skills of procedure text has 78 (post-test). (3)There is the effectiveness of the use project-based learning method to improve
students’ writing skills of procedure text in the ninthgrade students’ of MTs N susukan in the academic year of 2017/2018. The researcher conclud that project-based learning
method can improve the students’ writing skills of procedure text. It proved by the score
of pre-test and post-test calculation. The average of post-test is higher than the pre-test. The average score of pre-test is 62.96 and the average of post-test is 78. After using
project based learning method of the students’ writing skills of procedure text becomes
better.The result of the calculation on the significant level 5% (8.01) is higher than t-table (2.05).
This chapter presents the background of the research, problems of the
research, opurposes of the research, benefit of the research, definition of key
terms, review of previous researches, and paper outline.
A. Background of Research
Writing is part of important skills in English beside listening,
reading, and speaking. Writing is the skill that students creat from their
mind in real life feeling. It is one of the important of everyday for
students to access, evaluation, and to develop their opinion to each
other. The student must be honest about how much ownership he or
she can claim over the ideas formed, find the answer, and to opinion
expressed (Bristol Business School, 2006, p.3). From the statement, we
know that writing is required in many context throughtout life.
Therefore, writing is a process of expressing ideas by adding word into
good arrangement from the written form. Writing is how to produce
the language naturally when anyone speak (Meyers, 2005) .
According to Caroline (2006:98) states that writing is not a simple
process, it is not the act of picking up a pencil and forming letters. We
know if the mastery of writing skills of elementary school until senior
high school graduates is commonly not enough good. Although the
to express their ideas, opinions, feelings and organize in the simple
sentences or in short paragraphs well.
Writing is part of the productive skill for learners to achieve in
order in their communicative competence. It is part of the four
language skill besides listening, speaking, and reading. It is an activity
in arranging words, phrase, and sentences that is grammatically correct
and appropriate with the purposes. According to Oxford University
Press ( 2003: 502) writing can be defined as the activity to make letters
or number on a surface, especially pen or pencil. This is part of
difficult skill because some reason. First, using strategies in teaching
unsatisfactory and make student bored. Second, the facilities in
teaching learning writing is not interest for student. Third, sometime
the method in the process of learning is not relevant.
Students skills in writing is still not reach yet the school enchmark
(KKM) . In the research field, in MTs N Susukan the average of the
score is only 50-70. This must be improved to get the satisfactory
result. There many ways to make good in the writing skill. Teacher
must given attention in spelling, mechanics of the sentences,
mechanics of the paragraph, written communication and symbolic
systems, giving project work for students. This is several of teacher job
for students understanding in the process of learning.
According to Ruswinarsih (2015) there are some reasons that
communication ways to communicate with other people in the world.
Second, writing is required in almost in part jobs. The last, writing can
be assumed, as one of the characteristics of educated people. For the
reason we know that writing is part important skills, and to make
understanding for students in the process of learning, teacher has to
make good conditions such as using a method in the process of
learning in relevant.
Based on the phenomena above, the researcher tries to find the
effective teaching to improve writing skill through project based
learning. MTs N Susukan is a school for the researcher to conduct an
experimental teaching procedure text by project based learning.
Anderson and Kathy (1998:2) explain that procedure is a piece of text
which explain to the reader about how doing something.
Teaching by project based learning students can more active in the
class in writing, teacher only as the fasilitator, and students will try
step by step how to write by using project based learning. It will help
students effective to communication with their friends or other people.
According to Sylvia Chard (2000: 18), Project-Based Learning
approach is an in-depth investigation of a real-world topic worthy of
children’s attention and effort.
By doing research, the researcher will find the result of pre test as
an example of the problem. Since the researcher will be teaching in the
to writes in English well, then the researcher will be knowing their
progress in learning. Make sure that every students can participates.
The researcher thinks that students are need to their mastery writing
skill to apply in their learning. For that the researcher will conduct an
experimental teaching with the title ” THE USE OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING METHOD TO IMPROVE WRITING SKILLS OF PROCEDURE TEXT“ (Experimental Research of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs N Susukan in the academic year of
B. Problems of Research
In this research, the researcher would like to focus on :
1. How is the profile before the students’ use project-based
learning method to improve students’ witing skills of
procedure text to the Ninthgrade students’ of MTs N Susukan
in the academic year of 2017/2018?
2. How is the profile after the students’ use project-based learning method to improve students’ witing skills of procedure text to
the Ninthgrade students’ of MTs N Susukan in the academic
year of 2017/2018?
3. How far is the effectiveness of the use of project-based learning
method to improve students’ writing skills of procedure text in
the ninth grade students’ of MTs N Susukan in the academic
5 C. Purposes of Research
related from problems of the research above, the specific purposes
of this research are :
1. To find out the profile before the students’ use project-based learning method to improve students’ witing skills of procedure
text to the Ninth grade students’ of MTs N Susukan in the
academic year of 2017/2018.
2. To find out the profile after the students’ use project-based learning method to improve students’ witing skills of procedure text to the
Ninthgrade students’ of MTs N Susukan in the academic year of
3. To find out the effectiveness of the use project-based learning
method to improve students’ writing skills of procedure text in the
ninth grade students’ of MTs N Susukan in the academic year of
D. Benefits of Research
There are some benefits of the research some of them as follow :
1. Theoretically
The English language teaching method especially Project Based
Learning method will inspire to other reseacher to conduct further
6 2. Practically
a. For the Researcher
The research finding will improve to teaching ability in
teachung English using project based learning method and
develop this.
b. For the students
The research finding will improve students to improve writing
skills in procedure text.
c. For the English Teacher
Give the real description to use Project based Learning method
to improve writing skills the students in writing procedure text.
E. Definition of Key Terms a. Project Based Learning
Project Based Learning (PjBL) is an instructional approach
that contextualizes learning by presenting learners with problems
to solve or products to develop. Project Based Learning aims to
engaged students in the investigation of real life phenomena and
develop students’ creativity (Beckett & Miller, 2006).
b. Improve
Improve is develop or increase in mental capacity by
education or experience. Improve is to become or make somebody
7 c. Writing Skills
Writing skill is an important part of communication. Good
writing skill allow us to communicate our message with clarity and
easier to a far larger audience than through face to face or
telephone or telephone conversation.
d. Procedure Text
Procedure text is a kind of which aims to give guidance
about steps to do something. Basically, this consists of tips or
squence of steps in making something or in doing such as activity
(Djuharie, 2007:38).
F. Review of Previous Researches
There was a previous research from Bayu Pratomo with title The
Use of Project-Based Learning to improve The Students’ Writing Skill
at Class VII F of SMP Negeri 7 Magelang In The Acadmic Year of
2013/2014. The research from Bayu Pratomo focused on the students’
writing skill by using Project-Based Learning. .
The second review from Aprilia Dewi with title Improving The
Writing Skill of Narrative Text Through Project-Based Learning for
Grade VIII Students of SMPN II Magelang In The Academic Year of
2014/2015. The research focused on Writing and Project
Based-Learning to develop students writing ability.
The both of researches above inspired the researcher to conduct
Master Writing Skill (An Experimental Study in the eleventh Grade of
MAN Tengaran in the Academic Year 2017/2018). The focus of this
research is writing. However it has same, the research has purpose to
master the students writing skill in writing procedure text after
applying Project-Based Learning.
G. Paper Outline
This part of the study consists of five chapters,
Chapter I, consists of background of the research, problems of the
research, purposes of the research, benefit of the research,
definitions of key term, reviev of previous research, and
paper outline.
Chapter II, consists of describes about theories which discuss about
definition of writing, the definition and some theories of
project based learning, and procedure text.
Chapter III, consists of research methodology such as research setting,
population and sampple, research approach, research
method, method of data collection, research instrument,
evaluation rubric and passing grade, data analysis and
statistical hypothesis.
Chapter IV, consists of discuss about data presentation and analysis,
Chapter V, consists of conclusion and suggestions. The last part is
This chapter consists of theories about writing, procedure text, and project-based learning.
A. Writing
1. Definition of Writing
There are some definitions of writing presented by the expert. The
first definition is given by Meyers (2005). According to Meyers writing is
the process of expressing ideas by taking words into good sentences in the
writing form. It’s mean that writing is must attention the pattern and
arrangement words.
According to Harmer ( 2004:31) writing is a way to produce
language and express idea, feeling and opinion. Furthmore he states that
writing is a process that what is the people write is often heavily influnced
by the constrait of genres, and then these elements have to be presented in
learning activities. Byme (2002:1) expalain that writing can be said act of
forming symbolsthat have to be arranged, need, agreement to use a words
form sentences. It means that writing is capability to produce the sequence
of sentences arranges in a particular order of linking them in certain ways.
Writing is seen not only as a standardized system of
communication, however also as an essential tool for learning (Weigle
2002:5). It means that students must know about how they write in
thei grammatical to arranged in a good sentence. The other side, they have
to give attention for instrument. According to (Brummer and Clark,
2008:5) writing is an instrument of thinking that allows students to
express about their toughts. It means that students also have to good idea
to share or express what they want to write.
From the conclusion of the definitions above, it conclude that writing
is part of four skill that should be learned by students. In fact, writing
skill on text is sometimes difficult to train by the writer. The writer need
more for their critical thinking to share their idea by writing. Especially
to write in a text.
2. Importance of writing
Writing is part important for the people or students in daily life.
When the students get examination in their foreign language or other
skills, the students always writing proficiency in order to know their
knowledge. In the all aspects of life, writing is need to attention the
form, it can make efective way to communication. Writing is one of
the skill that very important for the people in their work. There are
many activities we can read every day, then we can conclude by
writing by our think. There some importance of writing activities
which in our society ae follows.
a. Recently, in addition writing skill that very important for college grade
b. The most of examinations the students always using writing skill for
the educational. Students can doing success at examination by their
writing skill.
3. The Stages of Writing Production
Writing was tradiionally viewed as a linier and somewhat simplistic
activity, contemporary models now recognize it as cognitive, linguistic,
affective, behavioral, physical in nature, and set within a lager
socio-cultural context. According to William James (2003: 107) writing process
is recursive in nature eight stages can be distinguished, thats as follow :
a. Prewriting
Generating ideas, strategies, and information for a given writing
task. Prewriting activities take place before starting on the first draft of
a paper. They include discussion, outlining, freewriting, journals,
tlak-write, and metaphor.
b. Planning
Reflecting on the material produced during prewriting to develop a
plan to achieve the aim of the paper. Planning involves considering the
rhetorical stance, rhetorical purpose, the aim of the text, how these
factors are interralated, and how they are connected to the information
generated during prewriting. Planning also involves selecting support
12 c. Drafting
Producing words on a computer or on paper that match (more or
less) the initial plan for the work. Writing occurs over time. Good
writers seldom try to produce an entire text in one sitting or even in
one day.
d. Pausing
Moments when writing does not occur. Instead, writers are
reflecting on what they have produced and how well it matches their
plans. Usually include reading. Pausing occurs among good and poor
writers, but they use it in different ways. Good writers consider global
factors-how well the text matches the plan, how well it is meeting
audience need, and overall organization.
e. Reading
Moments during pausing when writers read what they have writing
and compare it to their plans. Reading and writing are interrelated
activities. Good readers are good writers and vise versa. The reading
that takes place during writing is crucial to the reflectin process during
13 f. Revising
Literally “re-seeing” the text with the goal of making large-scale
canges so that text and plan match. Revising occurs after the first draft
in finished. It involves making changes taht enhance the match
between plan and text. Factors to consider usually are the same as
those considered during planning: rhetorical stance, rhetorical purpose,
and so on. Serious revising almost always includes getting suggestions
from friends or colleagues on how to improve the writing.
g. Editing
Focusing on sentence-level concerns, such as punctuation, sentence
lenght, spelling, agreement between subjects and verb and style.
Editing occurs after revising. The goal is to give the apper a
profesional appeareance.
h. Publishing
Sharing the finished text with its intended audience. Publishing is
not limited to getting a text printed in a journal. It included turning a
paper in to a teacher, a boss, or an agency.
4. The Principle of Teaching Writing
There is nothing inherently wrong with attention to any of the above
criteria. They are still concern of writing teachers. But in due course of
they were seen as creators of language, when they were allowed to focus
on content and ,message, and when their own individual intrinsic motives
were put at the center of learning. We began to develop what is now
termed the process approach to writing instruction. Process approaches do
most of the following (H. Douglas Brown, 1994:335-336)
a. Focus on the process f writing that leads to the final written product.
b. Help students writers to understand their own composing process.
c. Help them to build reportoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting,
and rewriting.
d. Give students time to write and rewrite.
e. Place central importance on the process of revision.
f. Lets students discover what they want to say as they write.
g. Give students feedback throughtout the composing process (not just on
the final product) as they attemp to bring their expression closer and
choser to intention.
h. Encourage feedback from both the instructor and peers.
i. Include indiviual conferences between teacher and student during the
15 5. Teaching Writing
There four skills for students in learning english language, they are
listening, writing, reading and speaking. Writing is the most complicated
for the learning english language. Richard and Renandya (2002) said that
the difficulty is due not only to the need to generate and organize ideas
using an appropriate choice of vocabulary, sentence, and paragraph
organization but also to turn such ideas into redeable text.
To solve this problems, the researcher can apply and choose some
approaches which are suitable with the purpose of writing it self.
According to Thanatkun Tangpermpoon (2008:2) says that there are three
characteristics of writing approach as follows :
a. Product –Based Approach
Product –Based Approach have been called by several
names: the controlled-to-free approach, the text based approach,
and the guided composition (Raimes, 1983; Silva, 1990). Writing
in product-based-approaches has to attention in grammatical and
syntactical forms.
b. Process-based Approach
Process-based approach writing is actually do on their tests
from the beginning stage until the end of written product.
According to O’Brien (2004) defines the concept of this approach
as an activity in which teachers encourage learners to see writing
ideas. In the process of learning, teachers can explore student
toughts and develop their idea writing by using 5 step writing
process model of Herwins:
1) Pre-writing.
2) First draft composing.
3) Feedback.
4) Secomd draft writing.
5) Proofreading.
6) Genre-based approach
Genre-based approach as the way to language and literacy
education that combines an understanding of genre and genre teaching
together in the writing class (Hammond and Derewianka, 2001). It means
that students is need to more understanding in genres, especially for junior
high school. According to Badger and White (2000), witing in the
Genre-Based approach is regarded as an extention of the product-oriented
approach since learers have an opportunity to study a wide variety of
writing patterns.
From the theories above, the researcher can conclude that teachers
can apply to teach or students to do in group. Through working in groups,
learners will improve their writing with their partners and instructors
comment and develop their critical tkinking skills. The eacher can help
attention to help students writing development, start beginning until the
6. Notion of Good Writing
According to Boardman and Frydenberg (2008:31-47) explains there
are four characteristics of a good writing are follows :
a. Coherence
Pargraph has coherence when supporting sentences are
based on the principle. The sentences are put in order to the reader
can understand what the writers’ ideas easily (Boardman and
Fryndenberg, 2008:31).
b. Cohesion
Paragraph cohesion is when all supporting sentences
connect with other in their supporting sentnce (Boardman and
Frydenberg, 2008:36).
c. Unity
Paragraph unity is all the supporting sentences is relate to
the topic sentence. Unity in writing only focus in one single idea.
(Boardman and Frydenberg, 2008:44). According to Oshima and
Hogue (2006:18) state that every good has unity, it means each
paragraph only has one idea to discuss. If the researcher statrs to
discuss new idea, he or she must start a new paragraph. In short,
each supporting sentence in paragraph must related to the main
d. Completness
Paragraph completness is when all the major supporting
sentences is full explain the topic sentence and all the minor
supporting sentences it needs to explain each major supporting
sentence (Boardman and Frydenberg, 2008:47).
B. Genres
Procedure text is part of genre, based on Standar Isi (BSNP, 2010)
there are thirteen genres they are narrative text, recount text, descriptive
text, procedure text, report text, analytical exposition, discussion, hortatory
exposition, explanation, anecdote text, spoof, news item, and review.
However there are five genres for teaching junior high school, they are
a. Narrative Text
Narrative text is a kind of text which tell past story or event which
shows complication and resolution. The purpose of narrative is to
amuse the reader or listeners.
b. Recount Text
According to (Pardiyono, 2007: 94) state that recount text is a text
which retell past event chronologically and has no conflict or
complication. The function of recount text is to inform or to give the
19 c. Descriptive Text
According to (Depdiknas, 2004:39) tme main purposes of descriptive
text is to give information, mainly about person, place, or certain
d. Report Text
Report text has purpose to describe something in general, it can be
thing, place or person. Agustien state that report text has function to
give information about something or fact in reality as a result of
research or analysis.
e. Procedure Text.
Procedure text is the main of subject that will the researcher choose
to be experiment.
1) Definition of Procedure Text
Procedure text is a kind of text which aims to give guidance
about steps to do something. Basically, this text consists of tips or
sequence of steps in making something or in doing such activity
(Djuharie, 2007:38). Moreover, it is also a kind of text which we
can find in daily life, such as in manual and recipes (Emalia,
Knapp and Watkins (2005) state that procedure isorder of doing
something through a sequence of action or steps. Pardiyono (2007)
states that procedure is a text that show a process in order contain
the sequence of action or step something. Pratama.F.Y (2013) states
that procedure text has the main function to explain how to do or to
make something in a sequence of actions.
For the theories above the researcher can conlude that Procedure
is part of genre text that in doing or making something by using
steps and it has a function .
a) Communicative Purpose
According to Siahaan and Shinoda (2008), the
communicative purpose of procedure text is to describe how
something is complished through a sequence of action or
b) Generic Structure
According to Knapp (2005:159), the stucture of procedural text is :
1) Goal which usually stated as heading.
2) A set of ingredient or the materials required.
3) A sequence of steps specifying how to goal is to be achieved.
c) Language Features
According to Knapp and Watkins (2005:156-157), the
1) The addressee (subject) may be referred to either directly.
2) Action verbs are used in instructions to represent the
processes involved completing a task.
3) Verbs are in the simple present tense to create a sense of
timelessness. They are placed in the correct order of
4) Adverbs are often used to qualify verbs and provide extra
information about how a task should be completed.
5) Temporal connective are used in procedural instructions
to ensure processes are placed in the correct order of
6) Conditional connectives sometime used to provide upon
which a command or statement is based.
7) Modality is used in instructions to lesson or heighten the
degree of obligation in completing a task.
C. Project-Based Learning
1. Definition of Project-Based Learning
According to (Harris and Katz, 2001), project-based
learning is an instructional method centered on the learner. Instead
of using a rigid lesson plan that directs a learner down a specific
path of learning outcomes or objectvies, project-based learning
Project-Based Learning is a model focus on students to
raise their critical thinking by bear question, to collaborate idea in a
small, and to find a solution on a subject then communicates what
have been figured out from the project that are applicable to real
aspect gaced in reality. Accross all the various implementations of
project based learning, there are common features. These inclu
(Grant, 2002:156-157). For the other definition, Project-Based
Learning is an instructional approach that contextualize by
presenting learners with problems to solve or products to develop.
Project-Based Learning aims to engage students in the
investigation of real life phenomena and develop students’
creativity (Beckett and Miller, 2006).
Project-based Learning is the instructional strategy of
empowering learners to persue content knowledge on own and
demonstrate their new understandings through a variety of
presentation modes ( Department in education, 2000:8). Project
based learning is a model for classroom activity that shifty that
shifts away from the usual classroom practices of short, isolated,
teacher-centred lessons (Alberta : 2006:3)
From the dome definition above, the researcher conclud
that Project Based Learning is the process of to critical thinking
and share their idea to make a something in writing skill, and to
procedure text. Project based learning alson can do in a group work
in the teaching learning. It is make students creative for their
2. The Function of Project-Based Learning
Each method has function, the function of project based learning
are follow :
1) To increase the students to solve the problems.
2) Get knowledge and in the process of learning.
3) To make student more active in the process of learning.
4) To develop and increasing to finish their work.
5) To increase collaboration, especially project based learning in
3. The Characteristics of Project Based Learning
Project based learning has characteristics, they are :
1) Centrality
Project based learning (PJBL) become centred in the process
2) Driving Question
Project based learning focus in the question for student to
looking for solution by the concept.
3) Constructive Investigation
Project based learning, student develop their knowledge by
doing investigation by itself or teacher as facilitaor.
4) Autonomy
Project based learning is demanding students centered, student
as problem solver from the prblem will be discuss.
5) Realisme
Activity student focus on their work, this activity atudent can
produce the profesional work (Thomas, 2000)
4. Steps in Project Based Learning
There are six steps to project based learning acording to
(Educational Techonology Division, 2006 :22-25)
a. Essential question
The question that will launch a projet absed learning lesson
must be one that will engage students. It is greater than the task
that students can tackle knowing that there is no one answer or
To start off,
1) Take a real-world topic and begin an in-depth investigation.
2) Questions is based on situations or topics that are authentic.
3) Make students fel that they are making an impact by
answering the question or solving the problem.
4) Make the question relevant for students. The queation
should have meaning in their lives at the moment of time.
b. Design a Plan for the Project
when designing the project, it is essential to select content
standars to be addressed. Involve students in the planning
process. students feel ownership of the project when they have
an active role in deciding activities. Based on the curriculum,
select activities that support the question. Know that materials
and resource to be made accesible to students. Be prepared to
delve deeper into new topics and issues as students become
more involved in pursuit of answer.
c. Create a schedule
Desiging a timeline for project components. Realise that
changes to the schedule will happen. Be flexible, but help
students realise that a time will come when they need to
studnets to go on mew directions. Guide them they appear to
be going in a direction that has no connection to the project.
Help students to stay on course but don’t accidentally set
d. Monitor Students and Project Progress
Facilitate the process and inculcate love for learning. Teach
studnets how to work collaboratively. Designate fluid roles for
group members. Let students choose their primary roles but
assume responsibility and interactivity for other group roles.
Remind students that every part of the process belongs to them
and needs their total involvement. Provide resource, guidance
and assess the process through creating team rubrics and
project rubrics. Team rubrics state expectations of each team
member while project rubrics refer to evaluation requirements
of the projects. As such, these requirements msut be made
clear to studnets to ensure sucess in their projects.
e. Assess the Outcome
Assessment provides diagnostic feedback and helps
educators set standars. It allows one to evaluate progress and to
relate that progress to others. It gives studnets feedback on
how well they need to improve on. Assessment also helps
teachers design instruction to teach more effectively.
If studnet’s and teacher’s assessment contradicts, a studnets
-teacher conference to justify learning outcomes should be held.
f. Evaluate the Experience
In the busy schedule of a school day, there is often little
time for reflection. Yet, reflection is a very important part of
the learning process. set a time for reflectin of daily activities.
Allow individual reflection, such as jpurnaling. As well as
group reflection and discussion. Share feelings and
experiences, discuss what worked well and what need cahnge.
Share ideas that will lead to new questions, thus new project.
5. The Advantages of Project-Based Learning
Project Based Learning has some advantages, there are :
a) To increase students’ learning motivation.
b) To increase students; academic achievment
c) To increases cooperative or collaboration ability.
d) To increase the ability to communicate.
e) To increase students’ skill in managing learning resource
(improve libary research skill).
f) To creats fun learning.
g) Increase students’ attitudes toward learning.
h) To increase students’ creativity.
i) For lowers students’ anxiety level in the learning process.
6. The disadvantages of Project-Based Learning
Besides project based learning has advantages, also has
disadvantages there are :
a) PBL requires a lot of time that must be provided to solve
coplex plroblems (Grant, 2002)
b) Many parents of students who feel aggrieved, because it adds
to the costs of entering the new system.
c) Applying project based learning in the classroom may be
intimidating for some experienced teachers and will be even worse
for beginners (Grant, 2002).
d) When the topic given to each group is different, it is feared that
students cannot understand the topic entirely (Grant, 2002; Kurzel
and Rath, 2007).
D. Evaluation
Evaluation is a process of giving the assesment or choosing quality
of measurment by compare the result of score with using criteria (Endang
Purwanti, 2008:6). Measurement, assessment and evaluation they are very
related. The test collect measurement data that are part of the assessment
process used to evaluate students’ performance. Good test strength the
assessment process. then, well planned assessment procedure increase the
likelihood of valid and growth the process. formative evaluation is used
before and as long as learning process, so it can said that formative
according to (Willy, 2008:6) summative evaluation is used to evaluate
student achievement and for all quality of the instructional process. Brown
stated that summative evaluation is to measure or summarize what student
has grasped and typically occurs at the end of course or unit instruction.
Summative evaluation is takes places after learning process. in short,
summative evaluation is every single unit or course there is test to measure
and evaluate student. According to Reid (1993: 235) evaluation using
analytic method elaborate writing into five part. They are : content,
form/organization, vocabulary/style, language use/grammar, and
Table 2.1
Component of scoring
Component Score Criteria
Content 30-27 excellent to
very good
Good to Average
21-17 fair to poor
Knowledge, substantive,
development of thesis,
relevant to assigned topic.
Sure knowledge of subject,
edquate range, limited
development of thesis,
mostly relevant to topic but
lack detail.
Limited knowledge of,
30 16-13 very poor
development of thesis,
mostly relevant to topic but
lack detail.
Does not show knowledge of
subject, non-subjunctive, not
pertinent, or not enough to
Form/organization 20-18 excelent to
very good
17-14 Good to
13-10 Fair to
Fluent expression ideas,
clearly stated/ supported,
succiner, well organized,
logical sequencing, cohesive.
Somewhat choppy, loosely
organized but main ideas
stand out, limited support,
logical but incomplete
Non-fluent, ideas confused or
disconnected, lack logical
sequencing and development.
Vocabulary/ style 20-18 excellent to
very Good
17-14 Good to
Shoptisticated range,
effective word/idiom choice
and usage, word form
31 Average
13-10 Fair to
9-7 Very Poor
Adequate range, occasional
errors of word/idiom form,
choice, usage but meaning
not obscurred.
Limited range, frequent
errors of work/idiom form,
choice usage, meaning
confused or obscured.
Essentially translation, little
knowledge of English
vocabulary, idiom, word
form, or not enough to
Grammar 25-22 excellent to
very good
agreement, tense, number,
word, order/function, articles,
pronouns, preposition.
Effective but simple
construction, minor problem
complex construction,
several errors
32 10-5 very poor
constructions, frequent errors
of negation, agreement,
tense, number, word,
order/function, articles,
pronouns, preposition and/or
fragments, delections,
meaning confused or
Virtually no mastery of
sentence construction rules,
dominated by errors, does not
communicated, or not enough
to evaluate.
Mechanics 5 excellent to
Very Good
4 Good to
Demonstrated mastery of
conventions, few errors of
spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paraphrasing.
Occasional errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization,
paraphrasing, but meaning
not obscured.
33 3 Fair to Poor
2 Very Poor
punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing, poor
handwriting, meaning
confused or obscured.
No mastery of conventions,
dominated by errors of
spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paragraphing,
handwriting ilible, or not
enough to evaluate.
From the explanation above, the researcher conclude that criteria of
scoring are :
Criteria of scoring According to Heaton (1975:146) the criteria of
scoring are :
Table 2.2
No Score Criteria
1 81-100 Excellent
2 71-80 Good
3 60-70 Good enough
34 E. School Benchmark (KKM)
In the process of learning for school is need evaluating as standar
minimum score. According to (DEPDIKNAS :51) basic of competency is
used criteria, it is using criteria to establish the students’ for their passing
examination. The lowest to certain students for passing examination is
called school benchmark or KKM. It is important part of school that
should be have school benchmark to make standar minimum score.
Although, each school has different school benchmark (KKM) that depend
of their students background.
F. Theoritical Hypothesis (Ha)
Hypothesis is the part of problem to perhaps or find the answer of
the problem for statement. According to (Arikunto, 2010; 43-44) states
that hypothesis is as a interim to find the answer for the research problems,
until it is get by founding the data. In this research, the researcher has to
find of problem solution by collecting the information. The researcher
focuses to research problem and organize the answer and explaining for
the problems. So, the researcher look for the information by reserach
strengthen and finding the proofs. Hypothesis (Ha) : There is effectiveness
of the use project-based learning method in writing skills of procedure
In this chapter III concludes about research setting about general
description of MTs N Susukan, and research methodology such as
population and sample, technique of sampling, research approach, research
method, method of collecting data, research instrument, evaluation rubric
and passing grade, data analysis and stastistical hypothesis
A.Research Setting
1. The History of MTs N Susukan
MTs N Susukan is a formal education institution that ideal
education it is teaching-learning curriculum consists of personality,
journalized, computer, Bussiness, and art. This school is located in
Tengaran village.
2. Infrasturcture
The School of MTs N Susukan has a permanent building used for
the process of teaching learning. It is begins at 07.00 a.m until 14.10
p.m every monday-Tuesday, 07.00 a.m until 11.00 a.m every Friday,
and 07.00 until 11.45 every saturday. Each lesson takes 40 minutes.
The facilities of MTs N Susukan as follows :
Table 3.1
The list of Facilities of MTs N Susukan
1 Class 28 rooms
2 Teacher office 1 room
3 Headmaster office 1 room
4 Administration office 1 room
5 Physics’ laboratory 1 room
6 Counseling’s room 1 room
7 Computer’s Laboratory 1 room
8 Language laboratory 1 room
9 Laboratory of PAI 1 room
10 Libraries 1 room
11 UKS 1 room
12 Art’s room 1 room
13 Teacher toilet 5 rooms
14 Student toilet 20 rooms
15 Meeting hall 1 room
16 Scots room/ OSIS 1 room
17 Security guard 1 room
18 Mosque 1 room
19 Canteen 7 rooms
3. Extra curricular activities of MTs N Susukan
Besides intraculicular activities started at 06. 45 a. m in the
N Susukan also have some extra curricular activities recommanded in
order to improve their skill and achievement.
The extra curricular activities are as follow:
a. Sport ( football, basketball, badmintoon,)
b. Martial sport (karate, silat, etc)
c. PMR
d. Scout
e. Basic training student leadership
g. KIR
h. Marching band
i. Robotics
j. Mathematics
k. Chess
l. Pool
m. Group band
n. Vocal group
o. Music art
p. Traditional dance
q. Modern dance
r. Teater
s. Journalistic
38 u. Calligraphy
v. Nature lovers
Each of extra curricular is held once a week. Besides
improving the students skill and achievement, the activities are also
aimed at training the students discipline, abilities, and growing up
their talent.
4. Organization structure of MTs N Susukan
Table 3.2
Organization structure of MTs N Susukan
No Name Duties
Dr. Hj. Hidayatun,S.Ag. M.Pd.
Nur Kholis, S.Pd
Drs. Masykur
H. Muhammad Amin Mustofa,
39 5. Teacher and staff
In the process of teaching learning, teachers have an importantce
role. Their existence is needed in each scholl or educational institut.
The number of the teachers of MTs N Susukan are follow :
Table 3.3
The list of Teachers of MTs N Susukan
No. Name Profession Subject
1 Dr. Hj. Hidayatun, S.Ag. M.Pd. Headmaster
-2 Jumadi Administrator
-3 H. Slamet Buchori, S.Pd. Teacher Sport & healt
4 H. Nurkholis, M.Pd. Teacher Indonesian
5 Sukrini, S. Pd. Teacher Mathemathics
6 Ahmad Hasan Mafatih, S.H.I Teacher Arabic
7 Noor Farida Y., S.Ag. Teacher Islamic
8 Masno, S.Si. Teacher Natural
9 Nurul Mustaqim Teacher
-10 Agus Santosa S.Pd. I Teacher English
11 Murodi Sabikin, S.Ag Teacher Art
12 Sutrisna, S.Pd Teacher Java use
14. Arina Lutfiyah, SE Teacher Social
15 Aan Muanah, S.Ps. I Teacher
-16 Atina Husniyati, S.Pd.I Teacher
-17 Umiyatun, S. Pd. Teacher Indonesian
18 Mastur, S.Pd Teacher
-19 Muhammad Amin Mustofa, M.Pd Teacher Natural
20 H. Fahrudin Rois, S.Ag. Teacher English
21 Dra. Nurul Hidayati Teacher Civic
22 Muto’in, S.Ag. Teacher Arabic
23 Hj. Nur Hidayah, S,.Pd Teacher
-24 Dra Siti Wasilah Teacher Aqidah
25 Lies Farida, S.Psi Teacher
26 Sri wahyuni, S.Pd Teacher Indonesian
27 Sulastri , S.Pd. Teacher Natural
28 Syahrul Munir, A.Md Administrator
-29 Wildan Setyadi, SE. Administrator
31 Mau’idzotul H., S. Pd. Teacher Social
32 Zayyinul Istiqomah, S.Pd. Teacher
-33 Endang Sulistyawati, S.S Teacher Indonesian
34 Aliq Diroyah, S.Pd Teacher English
35 Umi Fajriyah, S.Ag Teacher Al-qur’an
36 Nurul Aini, S.Ag Teacher
-37 Hj. Jumiati, S.Pd Teacher Mathematics
38 Miladiyawati, S.Ag Teacher Skill
39 Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd Teacher Indonesian
40 Isti Kadariyah, S.Pd Teacher Mathematics
41 Anima Ubbadah, S.Pd Teacher English
42 Umiyatun, S.Pd Teacher Indonesian
43 Rifatul Wifkiyah, S.Ag Teacher
-44 Sri Haryati, S.Pd. Teacher Natural
45 Burhanudin, S.Ag. Teacher Aqidah
46 Agus Sofyan H., S.Pd Teacher Indonesian
42 B. Population and Sample
1. Population
Suharsini Arikunto says that population is all respondents of the
research subject (Arikunto, 1989:102). In this study the population
includes is the nineth year students of MTs N Susukan in the school year
2017/2018. They are nine classrooms and each class consists of 307
2. Sample
According to (Arikunto, 1989:104) Sample is part of population
which wants to observe. A chosen must really represent the population,
because the result of the research will be generalized toward the entire
population. The sample of study is the nine grade students of MTs N
Susukan. The researcher takes 28 students of MTs N Susukan as the
sampling. The sampling of this research is students of nine B consists
of 28 students.
Table 3.4
The list of the samples name (9 B)
No. Names
1 Alfi Hilyati
2 Alfian Alfannur Wahid
3 Alfina Maulida
5 Amelia Ardi Arta
6 Dilla Praditya Hutomo Putro
7 Dwi Widi Hartati
8 Em Fauqy Majdy Arghaprima
9 Eni Ustaviya
10 Febri Darania
11 Fidyah Sari Rohmah
12 Henny Nur Istiyani
13 Junita Sri Darmayanty
14 Kareena Devianayu Maharani
15 Kharisma Amalia
16 Khotimatul Ulya
17 Lina Indah Puspitasari
18 Muhammadh Kun Mafaza
19 Muhammad Lutfi Choirul Ummam
20 Nihayatul Khusna
21 Nurul Latifah
22 Setyo Dwi Meiliawati
23 Shakira Salsabila
24 Shofia Chafi Azka Haq
25 Siti Alfiana Saadah
27 Siti Marfuah
28 Yuli Fatkhiyaturrohmah
C. Research Approach
In this research, the researcher used quantitative approach to know
more about the contribution of the influence of a treatment for students
behaviour or to examine the hypothesis that it is. Research is looking for,
finding the purpose by repeatedly (Sudarwan Danim, and Darwis,
2003:29). In this research, the researcher teaches a writing by using
project-based learning as a method. It can help the teacher to make
students interest and motivation. Besides, project-based learning can make
students active and interest to study in the process of learning, especially
in writing.
D. Research Method
The type of the research used in graduating paper is experiment.
Sturisno Hadi says that the function of experimental study in education is
to know what is the influence of a treatment for students’ behaviour or to
examines hypothesis weather or there is nothing influence of the treatment
(Hadi, 1993: 428). For this experiment, the researcher taught writing by
using project based learning as teaching aids.
In this research the researcher will applying this method into one
sample or one group pre-test and post-test. According to (Kasiram, 2010:
group. The steps as follow, first the researcher gives pre test of writing
about procedure text. It is to know the student ability of writing. Second,
the researcher give post test. Third, the researcher collecting and analysing
the data from the result of one methods to know the significant of using
project based learning.
E. Method of Collecting Data
In experimental research, the researcher used two kinds of
instruments in collect data, they are test and documentation.
1. Test
a. Pre-test
The test can be called at the pre-test before the
treatmet of this research. Pre-test is used to find out how far
are students’ abilities to write before using project based
learning method. By the pre-test the differences between
before and after the treatment is known.
b. Post test
Post-test is done after the students get the treatment.
From the score of this test, the researcher is intended to find
out the effectiveness of using project-based learning
method to improve students writing skills. The function of
the post test is used to know how far are students’ abilities
2. Documentation
Documentation used is in the forms of notes, transcript,
books, and the book of history of MTs N Susukan, Semarang.
This method is to know the profile teachers, students, structure
of organizations’ and location school. For the documentation
the researcher use a file from the school of MTs N Susukan.
The other side by using photo for the process of observation.
F. Evaluation Rubric and Passing Grade
To evaluate students there is need a rubric to help the researcher to
examination students during reserach. Based on the researcher observation
school MTs N Susukan, their standar school is 71. So, the passing grade
writing skill as follow :
According to Heaton (1975:146) the criteria of scoring are :
Table 3.5
Table criteria of scoring
Classification Score Rating Category
A If the students answer almost
Good 71-80 B If the students answer the question
with less error.
Good Enough 60-70 C If the students answer the questions
Bad <59 D If the students answer almost the
questions wrongly.
G. Data Analysis
In this research, the researcher applies cooperative descriptive
analysis. The researcher compares both methods of one group.
To analyze the data from the test, the researcher conducts some
steps, are follow :
a. Mean Calculation
Mx= Note :
M : mean
Ʃx : the total of score pre-test
N : Number of student
Note :
M : Mean
Ʃy : the total score of post test
b. Standar Deviation Calculation
√ ( )
Note :
SD : Derivation Standard for one simple t-test
D : Different between pre-test and post-test
N : Number of observation in sample
c. The Calculation of t-test
After calculating the Standar Deviation, the researcher
calculated t-test to know was there any effectiveness or not
between pre-test and post test. The last, the researcher is could
to give conclusion whether the project based learning method
to improve student’s or not. The formula is :
: T-test for the differences of pre-test and pos-test
SD : Deviation Standart for one sample t-test
D : Different between pre-test and post-test
49 H. Statistical Hypothesis
The researcher states the hypothesis as follows :
Ha (Alternative hypotheis) : there is significance difference of
writing skills of students after they are taught using project based learning.
The hypothesis criteria that : if t0>tt = Ha is accepted. Ha is the
alternative hypothesis, t0 is t0 observation, and tt is t0 test.
A. Data Presentation and Analysis
This chapter, the researcher uses two kinds of tests. There are pre-test
and post test.
1. Pre-test
Pre-test is used to find out how far is the students’ writing
skill before they are taught by using a project based
learning score. The score of the pre-test is as follows :
The calculation of pre-test is :
Mx= Mx=
52 2. Post-test
Post test is used to find out how far the students are writing
skill after they are taught by using project based learning method.
The score of post-test is as follows :
Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test
3. The Calculation of Standar Deviation
By using the following formula :
score the students is increased before and after they used project based
learning. Before the students’ used project based learning the average
is 62,96 and after the students’ used project based learning the average
is 78. Based on this result, it means that to improve writing skills the
project based learning method was significant in writing skills of
procedure text for the students in procedure text.
The T-calculation also showed that there was significant
difference to improve students’of procedure text. The t-table with 5%
significance of degree freedom is 2.05. the result of t-test was 8.01, it
means there was significance beacuse t-test was bigger than t-table.
So, the researcher can conclude that project based learning can to
master writing skills in procedure text.
B. Discussion
This research was entitle : The Use of Project-Based Learning Method
to Improve Writing Skills of Procedure Text ( Experimental Research of
the Ninth Grade Students of MTs N Susukan in the Academic Year of
master writing skills of procedure text of the nineth grade students of MTs
N Susukan.
Based upon the findings of the research it could be known that the
mean of pre-test before the research conduct was 62.96. After the research,
the mean of post test increase and better by 78. This means that there is
different of project-based learning method to improve writing skills of
procedure text after the students were taught by project-based learning.
In addition, there was diffferent effectiveness of project based learning
method of writing skills of procedure text because the t-calsulation (t0) is
A. Conclusion
Based on the data presentation analysis and discussion, the researcher
concludes of this research findings as follows:
1. The profile of class IX B of MTs N Susukan before the students using
project-based learning method in writing skills of procedure text has
average 62.96 (pre-test).
2. The profile of class IX B of MTs N Susukan after the students using
project-based learning method in writing skills of procedure text has
78 (post-test).
3. There is the effectiveness of the use project-based learning method to
improve students’ writing skil of procedure text in the ninth grade
students’ of MTs N susukan in the academic year of 2017/2018. The
researcher conclud that project-based learning method can improve the
students’ writing skills of procedure text. It proved by the score of
pre-test and post-pre-test calculation. The average of post-pre-test is higher than
the pre-test. The average score of pre-test is 62.96 and the average of
post-test is 78. After using project based learning method of the
students’ writing skills of procedure text becomes better.The result of
the calculation on the significant level 5% (8.01) is higher than