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Academic year: 2019



Teks penuh


( AThesis)

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for S1- Degree

By RAFSANJANI NPM.0911040085

Study Program : English Education

Advisor : Iwan Kurniawan,M.Pd

Co-Advisor : Dewi Kurniawati,M.Pd.




English as a tool to get science and technology for national development. Further in learning language, vocabulary is very important for learners. learning a language can not be separated from learning vocabulary because the language itself consists of many vocabularies which makes up a language.The objective of the reseach is to know whether there is a significant influence of using Picture Identity Card Gametowards students’ vocabulary mastery. The subject of this research was the students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 12 Bandar Lampung. The research used two classes as the sample of the in SMP Negeri 12 Bandar Lampung.

The research used experimental method. The researcher chose VIII.C as Experimental Class who were taught by using Picture Identity Card Gameand VIII.F as Control Class who were taught by using Translation.The research was conducted by using pre test and post test consisted of 40test items of vocabulary. The researcher used two classes as the sample. The sample is taken by using Cluster Random Sampling. In data collecting technique it is used test, the test was objective with multiple choice with five options; a, b, c, and d. The reseacher used quantitative analysis with the formula t-test.



I hereby certify that this thesis entitled “The Influence of Picture Identity Card Game

toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of the First Semester of the Eighth Grade at

SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year of 2017/2018” is completely my own work. I am fully aware that I have qouted some statements and theories from various sources and they are properly acknowledged in the text.

Bandar lampung, January, 2018 Declared by,




“ There is nothing by prays”



This thesis is dedicated to:

1. My Beloved Parents Mr.Husrin and Mrs Ardiatun



The researcher was born in Pugung Malaya, on July11th, 1990. He is the second child of the four children of a happy couple Mr. Husrin and Mrs. Ardiatun.



In the name of Allah the Beneficent and the Merciful. All praise is merely to Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the world who has bestowed upon the researcher in completingthis thesis. Peace and blessing upon our prophet Muhammad. Peace be upon him, hisfamilies, his companions and his followers. This thesis is submitted as compulsoryfulfillment of the requirements for S1 degree of English Education study program atTarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

It is important to know that the thesis would never come into existence without anysupports, encouragements and assistances by several gorgeous persons. It is the greathonor for the researcher to make acknowledgement of indebtedness to convey hersincere gratitude to:

1. Meisuri,M.Pd., the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty.

2. Iwan Kurniawan,M.Pd, the Advisor for giving guidance and help to finish the thesis.

3. Dewi Kurniawati,M.Pd., the Co-Advisor for her patience in improving her thesis for its finalization.


5. Etika S.Pd., the English teacher at SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung and also eighth grade students, especially to VIII C and VIII F of SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung 6. My beloved friends who helped the researcher in finishing this thesis and who

always cheerresearcher up sincerely; Meri Herlina, Heri Hermawan, Fery Yansyah, Eko Prayetno, Sukron Detia, Ahmad Hafiz, Apan,

7. All my friends in UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

Finally, none or nothing is perfect and neither is this thesis. Any suggestions,comments, and criticisms for the improvement of this thesis are always openheartedly welcome.

May Allah, the Almighty, bless them all aamiin.

Bandar Lampung, January, 2018 The Researcher




TITLE... i





MOTTO ... vi







CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ………… ……… ... 5

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 5

D. Formulation ofthe Problem ... 6

E. Objective of the Research ... 6

F. Use of the Research ... 6

G. Scope of the Research ... 7

CHAPTER II. FRAME OF THEORIES A. Teaching English as a Foreign Language ... 8

B. Concept of Vocabulary ... 10

C. Concept of Teaching Learning Vocabulary ... 12

D. Concept of Vocabulary Mastery ... 13

E. Concept of Game ... 17

F. Concept of Picture Identity Cards Game ... 19

G. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary through Picture Identity Cards Game ... 21

H. Advantages of Teaching Vocabulary through Picture Identity Cards Game ... 22

I. Disadvantages of Teaching Vocabulary through Picture Identity Cards Game ... 22


K. Concept of Translation ... 24

L. The Procedures of Using Translation Technique ... 26

M. Advantages of Teaching Vocabulary through Translation ... 26

N. Disadvantages of Teaching Vocabulary through Translation ... 27

O. Frame of Thinking ... 28

P. Hypothesis ... 29


B. Variable of the Research ... 32

C. Operational Definition of Variable ... 32

D. Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique ... 32

1. Population ... 32

2. Sample ... 33

3. Sampling Technique ... 34

E. Research Procedure ... 35

F. Data Collecting Technique ... 37

G. Research Instrument ... 37

H. Credibility of the Data Research Instrument ... 42

1. Validity of the Test Instrument ... 42

2. Reliability of the Test Instrument ... 45

I. Data Analysis ... 47

1. Normality Test ... 47

2. Homogeneity Test ... 49

3. HypotheticalTest ... 50

CHAPTER IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Research Procedure ... 52

B. Analysis of Data ... 54

1. The Result of Try Out Test ... 54

2. The Result of Experimental Class ... 55

a. The ResultPre-Test of Experimental Class ... 55

b. The Result Post-Test of Experimental Class ... 55

3. The Result of Control Class ... 55

a. The Result Pre-Test of Control Class ... 55

b. The Result Post-Test of Control Class ... 56

4. Normality Test ... 56

a. Normality Test of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Class ... 56

b. Normality Test of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Control Class ... 56

5. Homogeneity Test of Variance ... 57


b. Homogeneity Test of Variance in Post-Test of

Experimental and Control Class ... 57 6. Hypothesis Test ... 58

a. Hypothesis Test between Experimental Class and Control Class in Post Test Score ... 58 C. Discussion ... 59 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion... 60 B. Suggestion ... 62



1. The Students’ Score for Vocabulary Mastery at the Eighth Grade of

SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018Academic Year………...3

2. Population of The Research ………....………33

3. The Specification of Pre – Test before Validity Test ...38

4. The Specification of Pre – Test after Validity Test ...39

5. The Specification of Post – Test before Validity Test ...40

6. The Specification of Post – Test after Validity Test ...41

7. First Step of Pre - Test Validity ...66

8. Second Step of Pre - Test Validity ...67

9. Third Step of Pre - Test Validity ...68

10.First Step of Post - Test Validity ...69

11.Second Step of Post - Test Validity ...70

12.Third Step of Post - Test Validity ...71

13.Analysis of Try Out of Odd Items in Pre-Test ...72

14.Analysis of Try Out of Even Items in Pre-Test ...73

15.The Reliability of Try Out of Pre-Test ...74

16.Analysis of Try Out of Odd Items in Post-Test ...76

17.Analysis of Try Out of Even Items in Post-Test ...77

18.The Reliability of Try Out of Post-Test ...78

19.Score of Pre-Test of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Experimental Class ...80

20.Score of Post-Test of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Experimental Class ...82


22.Score of Post-Test of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Control Class ...86

23.List of the Distribution Frequency of Pre - Test Result of ExperimentaClass………..……88

24.List of the Distribution of Expected and Observed Frequency in Pre-Test of ExperimentalClass………….……….89

25.List of Distribution Frequency of Post - Test Result of ControlClass…...90

26.List of Distribution of Expected and Observed Frequency of iin Post – Test Of Experimental Class ...91

27.List of Distribution Frequency of Pre-Test Result of Control Class ...92

28.List of the Distribution of Expected and Observed Frequency in Pre-Test of Control Class ...93

29.List of Distribution Frequency of Post-Test Result of Control Class ...94

30.List of the Distribution of Expected and Observed Frequency in Post-Test of Control Class ...95

31.Daftar F ...147

32.Daftar G ...148

33.Daftar H ...149

34.Daftar I ...150



Appendix 1. Validity of Pre-Test ... 66

Appendix 2. Validity of Post-Test ... 69

Appendix 3. Reliability Test of Pre – Test Try Out ... 72

Appendix 4. Reliability Test of Post – Test Try Out ... 76

Appendix 5 Score of Pre-Test of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Experimental Class ... 80

Appendix 6. Score of Post-Test of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Experimental Class ... 82

Appendix 7. Score of Pre-Test of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Control Class ... 84

Appendix 8. Score of Post-Test of the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Control Class ... 86

Appendix 9. List of the Distribution Frequency of Pre -Test Result of Experimental Class ... 88

Appendix 10. List of the Distribution of Expected and Observed Frequency of Pre -Test of ExperimentalClass ... 89

Appendix 11. List of Distribution Frequency of Post-Test Result of Experimental Class ... 90

Appendix 12. List of Distribution of Expected and Observed Frequency of Post – Test Experimental Class ... 91

Appendix 13. List of Distribution Frequency of Pre-Test Result of Control Class... 92

Appendix 14. List of the Distribution of Expected and Observed Frequency in Pre-Test of Control Class ... 93

Appendix 15. List of Distribution Frequency of Post-Test Result of Control Class... 94

Appendix 16. List of the Distribution of Expected and Observed Frequency in PostTest of Control Class ... 95

Appendix 17. Calculation of Normallity Test, Homogenity Test and Hypothesis Test ... 96

Appendix 18. Vocabulary Pre - Test ... 120


Appendix 20. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kelas Experimental 1 ...131

Appendix 21. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kelas Experimental2 ...134

Appendix 22. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kelas Experimental 3 ...137

Appendix 23. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kelas Kontrol 1 ...140

Appendix 24. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kelas Kontrol 2 ...143

Appendix 25. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kelas Kontrol3 ...146

Appendix 26. Daftar F ...147

Appendix 27. Daftar G ...148

Appendix 28. Daftar H ...149

Appendix 29. Daftar I ...150

Appendix 30. Daftar R ...154

Appendix 31. Students’ Answer Sheet ...155

Appendix 32. Surat Keterangan Penelitian ...156

Appendix 33. Surat Permohonan Penelitian ...157



A.Background of the Problem

English is one of international language, which is used throughout the world and also English is used in many fields of life such as : in Politics, Economics, Social and Education. Therefore, English as a language in international communication is clearly needed by many learners to deliver thought and interact in a variety of situation.

English is one of the foreign languages for Indonesian students, that must be learnt in school since kindergarten level until University level. English is considered as a difficult subject for the Indonesian students, because English is completely different from Indonesian language being look at from the system of structure, pronunciation and vocabulary.


Mc Crostie, it is believed that having a large and varied vocabulary is the indicator of communicative competence and it is one of the important aspects of language learning1.

Based on the statement above, vocabulary is the indicator of communicative competence and the important aspects of laguage learning, the problem of the research here is that the students are still lack of vocabulary that makes them unable to communicate. From the problems above, as an English teacher, we should teach vocabulary in a meaningful context rather than teaching vocabulary by giving them a list of word to be remembered. Stated by Klipple that learning a foreign language is not just matter of memorizing a different set of names for the things, around us; it is also an educational experience2. We do not often direct the students to memorize list of words, it seems to be limited educational value. Certainly, this way of vocabulary instruction enlarges the students’ passive vocabulary. It means that in learning

vocabulary the students are not only given set of words to memorize but also the students have to give the appropriate technique in order the students can memorize it easily. It means that the students have set of activities in learning vocabulary, in order they can get much vocabulary in their mind and keep it long.

In learning a language, the students automatically learn vocabulary. It means that by knowing a language automatically the students know its vocabulary. It is impossible


Mc Crostie, J. Examining learner vocabulary notebooks. ELT Journal: English Language Teachers Journal, 2007. 61(3), 246-255.


to learn a language without vocabulary. We know that learning language without knowing its vocabulary is unattainable. In other words, learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary. Thornbury states that words or vocabulary is the element that has much close relationship with the other elements and skills3.

Based on the preliminary research at SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung, the writer got that there were more students who got lower scores or got scores below the criteria of minimum mastery (KKM) of the school 70, as 189 out of 326 students or 58% than those who got scores above the criteria of minimum mastery, as 137 students or 42%. In other words, the number of students who got scores above the criteria is small. It can be seen at the following table :


The Students’ Score for Vocabulary Mastery at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 12 Bandar Lampung in 2016/2017 Academic Year

No. Score Number Of Students Percentage

1 ≥70 137 42%

2 <70 189 58%

326 100%

Source: Document of Students’ score for vocabulary at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 12 Bandarlampung in 2016/2017 academic year

Furthermore, the researcher interviewed the students to know the teacher’s technique to teach vocabulary. It was informed that the teacher usually used translation tehnique only, so that the students got bored of the lesson and did not feel enthusiastic with the lesson. And the teacher used the same technique in teaching English in English class, it makes the situation of class is bored, it makes students falling a sleep.


There are so many techniques in teaching vocabulary in the classroom. The technique is used because vocabulary is the complex component of language. There are so many elements on a word to study. So, teaching vocabulary was successful if it is suitable with the activities to create enjoyable situation on the lesson. It needs teacher role to find it. Relevant with the statement above, the reseacher realizes that vocabulary is very important component of language, so it needs full attention to teach it in the classroom mainly the technique in teaching it. One of the technique in teaching vocabulary that took the students’ attention in lesson is Game, especially

Picture Identity Card game. This game made lively situations and make the students enthusiastic in learning. So the reseacher used Picture Identity Card game as the technique in teaching vocabulary in the classroom. Picture Identity Card game is a game of identifying where the players should identify the picture from the cards4. The game is one of good and appropriate technique to teach vocabulary5. The reseacher used Picture Identifying Card game because besides the students enjoy the lesson, they can master vocabulary.

This research conducted in the first semester of the eighth grade, because the researcher thought that this technique appropriated with the current curriculum. The research was done in SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung since it had not been conducted yet. Therefore, the researcher was interested to do the research about the influence of Picture Identity Card Game towards students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher


Gordon Lewis and Guther Bedson, Games for Children, New York, Oxford University Press, p. 32


chose Picture Identity Card Game as one of technique in teaching vocabulary because he assumed that it takes the students’ attention.

Based on the background of problem, the researcher is interested to solve the problem by implementing Picture Identity Card Game in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher conducted a research entitled: ” The Influence of Picture Identity Card Game toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of the First Semester of the Eighth Grade at SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year of 2017/2018”.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the description above, some problems arise:

1. Most of students still have low score on vocabulary, the students got difficulties in vocabulary testing.

2. The students felt bored of the technique used by the teacher in teaching vocabulary.

C.Limitation of Problem


D.Formulation of the Problem

Based on the problem above, the researcher formulated the research problem as follows:

“Is there any significant influence of using Picture Identity Card Game towards students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade of the first semester at SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2017/2018?”

E.Objective of the Research

Based on the previous explanation, the objective of the research was to know whether there is a significant influence of Picture Identity Card Game towards students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade of the first semester at SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2017/2018.

F.Use of the Research

The uses of the research were :

1. To inform English teachers about the influence of Picture Identity Card Game towards students’ vocabulary mastery.


G.Scope of the Research

1. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was the students of the eighth grade. 2. Object of the Research

The object of the research was the use of Picture Identity Card Game and students’ vocabulary mastery.

3. Time of the Research

The research was conducted at the first semester in the academic year of 2017/2018.

4. Place of the Research



A. Teaching English as a Foreign Language

English is regarded as the first foreign language in our country. The teaching of English has been extended to the elementary school level, as local content. Realizing the importance of English, it is equally important to prepare the teacher who teach it. The teaching and learning process involves three factors, namely teacher, learner, and method or material1.

There are so many ways, methods and techniques in order to make the learners able to use English based on the objectives or curriculum. The objectives can be achieved if the students are exercised intensively and communicately by using English gradually. In relation to that, the teacher needs suitable teaching learning technique for supporting the purpose, so students can master the standard competence based on curriculum. This opinion is supported by Fachrurrazy that technique is the specific activity manifested in the classroom that is consistent with a method and therefore is also in harmony with an approach2.


Jack C Richards and Theodore S Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, p.21



Anthony in Richards and Rodgers says that a technique is implementation – that which actually takes places in a classroom. It is a particular trick, state gem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. Techniques must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as well3.

But the problem here, the technique that teacher used in the classroom maybe

inappropriate with the students’ conditions and needs, so that students are only passive on this process. Because of that the teaching learning process students must involve in the lesson. The teacher is only as the guide in learning the language, students are not only as object of teaching, they have to active in the lesson and give more participate in the teaching learning process.

Fachrurrazy says that the difference between a second and a foreign language is that a second language is used as a national language, whereas a foreign language is not. A foreign language is only found in a classroom where the language is being learned4.

Based on the statement above, English in Indonesia is foreign language for that it is equally important to prepare the teachers who will teach it, moreover English is introduced from junior high school, the teachers should prepare kinds of appropriate technique to teach English in the classroom.


Jack C Richards and Theodore S Rodgers, Op.Cit, p.15



Like learning other subject, English has to be the same in teaching learning process. The teaching learning process should involve three factors, namely teacher, learner, and method5. The technique is very important because English is the first foreign language for students to learn and students’ ability is different. It also means that in teaching learning process the students should be involved actively in the lesson. They not only received the instruction from the teacher but they should be active in the lesson with the guiding of the teacher and active in the technique given by the teacher.

From the statements above, it can be concluded that in teaching English as foreign language, there are many ways to reach the goal as stated in the curriculum. The teacher of English has a responsibility to create conductive circumstance in teaching learning activity, in order the students are motivated to follow the lesson.

B.Concept of Vocabulary

Words are entirely important for human in order they can express their minds, make sentences, interact and also catch the meaning from context. They do nothing for interaction if they do not know words or vocabulary. In short, it is impossible for them to put a language into practice without any words or vocabulary. Bolton defines vocabulary as the body of words used in a particular language or in a particular sphere of activity. It is the body of words known to an individual person. Then, when



a person does not have equal knowledge of words with his interlocutor, he would make a communication breakdown6.

The following are the definitions of vocabulary stated by different language experts; According to Hornby, vocabulary is a total number of words that makes up the language7. While Scott and Ytreberg stated that vocabulary can also be built up by collecting related words. This suggested that all people who learn a language are absolutely claimed to learn vocabulary. And it would be impossible to learn a language without words or vocabulary supports it. This shows that people will do

nothing in communicating if they don’t know the words or vocabulary8 .

Without vocabulary, we can say nothing because vocabulary is the basic element of a language in which it will make language meaningful. We can say that the quality of the language performance of students may depend on the quality and quantity of their vocabulary.

It is based on Gairns and Redman stated that vocabulary is language items which can only be recognized and comprehended in the context of reading and listening material (receptive) and which the learner can recall and use appropriately in speech and


Bolton, Vocabulary, 1994, Definevocabulary-Google search files.June 12, 2006, available at http://www.bolton.ac.uk./learning/bissto/glossary/, [10 August 2014]


AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985, p.595



writing (productive)9. Dealing with the ideas above, the researcher assumes that vocabulary is entirely important for the learners to learn so they can express their minds, make sentences, interact and also catch the meaning from the written symbols or readings.

Therefore, the learners should be equipped which adequate words or vocabularies that may have a chance to share or express the messages as clearly. It is important to think about teaching vocabulary nowadays in order to make it more interesting and fully

covers lot of vocabularies to be stored in the learners’ minds.

Considering the statement above, the researcher assumes that vocabulary is important. One can communicate with others if she/he masters adequate vocabulary. One who will learn language means he/she is trying to learn vocabulary. By using vocabulary we can make a language.

C.Concept of Teaching Learning Vocabulary

Wallace states that learning vocabulary is something more than memorizing a list of words. It implies that learning vocabulary is to make the students understand the meaning of words10. The students do not only try to memorize but also use words in any sentences in different situation. It is suggested by Klipple who says that learning


Raid Gairns and Scott Redman, Games for Second Language Learning, New York, MC.Graw-Hill Inc, 1986, p.64



a foreign language is not just matter of memorizing a different set of names for the things, around us; it is also an educational experience11.

Thornbury states that before giving new vocabulary, the teachers can use these factors:

1. The level of the learners. 2. The difficulty of the items.

3. The learner’s likely familiarity with words. 4. It teach ability.

5. Whether items are being learned for production or for recognition.12

The factors above is the task of teachers, and the other task is to find and select technique, because one of the role of teacher is as the motivator to arouse the students successful on the lesson especially on the vocabulary. From statement above, the researcher concluded that teaching vocabulary can be meaningful if the teacher can verify the teaching process by combining the available techniques of teaching. Also the students as the participants in learning process will understand the words taught easily.


Friederike Klipple, Keep Talking, Sydney, Cambridge University Press, 1984, p.5 12


D.Concept of Vocabulary Mastery

Generally, when we are learning vocabulary we have to memorize the words. We try to learn it by using kind of techniques, for example by translation, cards of word, pictures, etc.

Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. As Stahl in Diamond and Gutlohn, puts it, "Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of a word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world." Vocabulary knowledge is not something that can ever be fully mastered; it is something that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime. Instruction in vocabulary involves far more than looking up words in a dictionary and using the words in a sentence. Vocabulary is acquired incidentally through indirect exposure to words and intentionally through explicit instruction in specific words and word-learning strategies13. In traditionally, translation has been the most widely used of presenting the meaning of words in monolingual classes. But, this method make boredom situation.

In order to create the live situation, the teacher can use the technique where the students as the centre of lesson, they have to creative and try to break the problem together and try to win the competition. It is the enjoyable situation off lesson. So,



they can gain their vocabulary and can be store on their mind longer than use the monotonous technique.

Based on the statement above, the researcher has conclusion that learning vocabulary can be success if teacher makes students enthusiasm in learning vocabulary, catch the words and the meaning easily, and understand every word. And they can fullfill the indicators of vocabulary mastery such as:

- Mastery on meaning - Mastery on spelling. - Mastery on pronunciation. - Can make sentences

The following is the relationship or aspects vocabulary that are: 1. Words have different function.

2. The same word can have a variety of forms.

3. Words can be added to, or combined, to form new words.

4. Words can group together to form units that behave as if they were single words.

5. Many words commonly co-occur with other words.


9. Words can have the same or similar meanings but be used in different situation or for different effects14.

Learning vocabulary is something more than memorizing and knowing the meaning of a list of words. Learning vocabulary needs a good rationale, perseverance, and creativity of the learner.

According to Graves in Diamond and Gutlohn, there are four components of an effective vocabulary program:

1. Wide or extensive independent reading to expand word knowledge

2. Instruction in specific words to enhance comprehension of texts containing those words

3. Instruction in independent word-learning strategies, and

4. Word consciousness and word-play activities to motivate and enhance learning15

It is the task of teachers to find and select those techniques, because one of the role of teacher is as the motivator to arouse the students successful on the lesson especially on the vocabulary. English words have been traditionally classified into eight lexical categories, or parts of speech (and are still done so in most dictionaries):


Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, London, Pearson Education Limited, 2002, p.12



1. Noun: any abstract or concrete entity; a person (police officer, Michael), place (coastline, London), thing (necktie, television), idea (happiness), or quality (bravery)

2. Pronoun: any substitute for a noun or noun phrase

3. Adjective: any qualifier of a noun

4. Verb: any action (walk), occurrence (happen), or state of being (be)

5. Adverb: any qualifier of an adjective, verb, or other adverb

6. Preposition: any establisher of relation and syntactic context

7. Conjunction: any syntactic connector

8. Interjection: any emotional greeting (or "exclamation")16

So from the explanation above, the researcher concludes that vocabulary mastery is the ability to comprehend and use the proper of word in English.

Students’ vocabulary mastery in this research this research, the researcher focuses on

three themes, they are: Flora and Fauna, Travel, and Health, in the form of noun, verb, adjective and adverb. These words are used because it is in line with the learning material for the eighth grade students of the first semester in the academic year of 2017/2018.

E.Concept of Game

In order to create the lively situation, the teacher can use the technique where the students are as the centre of lesson, they have to be creative and try to break the problems together and try to win the competition. It is the enjoyable situation of lesson. So, they can gain their vocabulary and can be stored on their mind longer than use the monotonous technique, such as only focus on coursebook or translation. Scott



and Ytreberg state that playing with the language in this way is very common in first language development and is a very natural stage in the first stages of foreign learning too17.

Games can perform a useful function in the teaching English as a foreign language classroom. They allow students to relax and enjoy themselves absolutely reinforcing the target language teachers are attempting to teach. If the students know teachers are intending to play a game as part of the lesson, they are more likely to pay attention throughout the class so they are able to perform well in the game.

Harmer states that games are a vital part of teachers’ equipment, not only for the language practice but also for the therapeutic effect they have18. The statement points out two important functions of using games in teaching and learning process. First, games as a tool of teaching make teacher easier in presenting the materials. Second, by engaging the students in a game given them pleasure and kill the students’ boredom and laziness. This created a good atmosphere in the classroom, where the students paid more attention to the lesson. Therefore, this might motivate the students to sustain their interest and work in learning a language.

Wallace states that in game there will be additional aim to adding an element of fun, relaxation and enjoyment to the lesson. And there are two main reasons about


Wendy A Scott and Lisbeth H Ytreberg, Op.Cit, p.5



language games have become more widely used recently, first, an increasing emphasis on the important of motivation and of the appropriate kind of positive affective atmosphere in the classroom. Secondly, increasing emphasis on the important of ‘real’ communication19.

From the statements above, it can be concluded that the teaching learning process by using game would seem to be easier, because game can be applied to all students of any levels. It creates interesting situation on the lesson, because everybody likes game; it is challenging, creates cooperation and competition.

F.Concept of Picture Identity Cards Game

Picture Identity Cards Game is a game of identifying where the players should identify the picture from the cards and they can go competition in snake track to get finish. Lewis and Bedson said that the game of Picture Identity Cards, which is normally played by two players, but also it can be played in groups. Players try to get picture and identify the picture in a snake track20.

The following is the example of Snake – Track of the game :


Malo Wallace, Op.Cit, p.104



Figure 1.

Snake – Track of Picture Identity Cards Game

Everybody knows identify games. It is not only children that like identifying, adults like identifying too, as showed by many popular TV programmes. The basic rule of identifying games is eminently simple: one person knows something that another one wants to find out. How this is done is determined by an additional set of rulers, for example in Picture Identity Cards Game. It can be something, one player is thinking of, an object, a word, an activity – or lots of other things.


and excitement. This game can be played both in pairs or groups. It depends on the teacher who will teach in that class. In this research, Picture Identity Cards Game is a kind of technique for teaching vocabulary by allowing the students to work in groups to identifying a picture from the card to get finnish line by tracking in snake track.

G.Concept of Teaching Vocabulary through Picture Identity Cards Game

The procedures of Picture Identity Cards Game based on Lewis and Bedson21, as follows:

1. Put the children into groups of 4 – 8. In turn, the students roll the dice and move their counters along the track.

2. If a student lands on a red dot, he or she takes a card and turns it face up for everyone to see. The student then describes the person on the card, giving as many details as possible, for example, he is a boy, he is handsome, he has round face, he has pointed nose, etc. Students’ vocabulary mastery in this research this research, the researcher focuses on three themes, they are: Flora and Fauna, Travel, and Health, in the form of noun, verb, adjective and adverb. These words are used because it is in line with the learning material for the eighth grade students of the first semester in the academic year of 2017/2018.



3. The student may move his or her counter one dot forward for every correct words. Allow a maximum of five words per person. If the student make a mistake, he or she must move his or her counter one dot back.

4. The game is over when a player has reached the finish or when all the cards has been decribed.

H.Advantages of Teaching Vocabulary through Picture Identity Cards Game

There are many advantages of teaching Picture Identity Cards Game :

1. It is set as a competition.

2. It has only a few possible starting variations. 3. It increases the students’ vocabulary mastery. 4. It is interesting and live situation of class. 5. It creates cooperation.

Therefore, from the advantages above, the researcher concludes that Picture Identity Cards Game gives positive influence and the students’ vocabulary mastery will be increased because in this game there are so many vocabularies appear. The students exchanged words, they might stay long and created some other ability.

I. Disadvantages of Teaching Vocabulary through Picture Identity Cards Game

1. Although there are many advantages of game in language learning, game has disadvantages. They are:

2. It can present disturbance if teacher cannot control and organize the class to be conducive.

3. It takes a bit long time to prepare.


6. The passive students give their responsibility to the active students because this game is played in the group. For that the teacher will give the reward for the passive students.

Therefore, from the disadvantages above, the researcher concludes that the noisy situation maybe happened because this game all students are busy in this activity, the teacher should be wise in handling the teaching learning process, to make less students in crowded. To solve the problem of noisy class, the teacher should be wise to manage the class and give pay attention for the passive students.

J. Concept of Translation Technique

Generally, translation is a process of rendering meaning, ideas, or messages of a text from one language to other language. There are some considerations which follow this process, which mainly related to the accuracy, clarity and naturalness of the meaning, ideas, or messages of the translation. It means that it is an important thing to consider whether the readers of the target text accept equivalent information as the readers of the source text do.

One of the most prominent definitions of translation is stated by Newmark who defines translation as rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. This definition stresses on rendering meaning of the source language text into the target language text22.



Hatim and Munday define translation as the process of transferring a written text from source language (SL) to target language (TL)23. In this definition they do not explicitly express that the object being transferred is meaning or message. They emphasis on translation as a process.

Nida and Taber, on the other hand, state that translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message24. This definition is more comprehensive than the previous ones. Nida and Taber explicitly state that translation is closely related to the problems of languages, meaning, and equivalence.

From the definitions mentioned above, it is found that translation is a process which is intended to find meaning equivalence in the target text. So the students can get the meanings of texts or communication that they learn. And they can do communication effectivelly if they know the meanings of words.

K.Concept of Translation

Translation into the student's native or first language is unnecessary in many cases when teaching English vocabulary to speakers of other languages. For many years traditional linguists have advocated translating all new vocabulary into the student's


Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday, Translation, An Advanced Resource Book. London: Routledge, 2004, p.6



native language before he is ready to read or speak an unfamiliar passage. It is also a widely held view that translation is not a suitable exercise in the initial stages of learning25. It is argued that, before learners can tackle translation productively, they need to have acquired a significant level of proficiency in the L2 language. They need to have moved beyond beginner's level.

When the student begins a lesson, his teacher will first have the student say the new words once, and then pay attention to the meaning of the words in his native language. Following this, the student will go through the conversation or reading article while his teacher points out in the student's native language the meaning of the passage as well as grammatical patterns that the student must know. Generally, there are three characteristics for EST, namely, accuracy, objectivity and brevity, which are specifically embodied in the aspects of wording, sentence pattern and presentation: Use of large number of very professional words accompanied with lots of formulas, data, graphs and etc; use of long sentence and comparatively complicated sentence; impersonal; formal in mode of speech; objective and accurate in statement; standard in language; unadorned in stylistics; strict in logic and concentrated in technical terms26.


Marsh M, The Value of L1/L2 Translation on Undergraduate Courses in Modern Languages, in H. Keith and I. Mason (Eds.), Translation in the Modern Languages Degree , London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, 1987, p. 22-30



Based on the explanation above, it concludes that in translation students only really need the student's native teacher who has a knowledge of the grammar of the foreign language being taught. The teacher is not using the foreign language for communication, because all explanations about the foreign language are in the student's native language.

L.The Procedures of Using Translation Technique

There is also a translation technique that is still used by the English teacher to teach the students in learning vocabulary. Here is the procedure of teaching vocabulary through translation technique:

1. Firstly, the teacher explains about description material and introduces about the translation technique.

2. Secondly, the students was given the handout about kind of vocabularies in English.

3. Thirdly, work in pair or in group to find the meaning of words from kind of resources.

4. The last, the students in group try to use these words put in the sentences.


M.Advantages of Teaching Vocabulary through Translation Liao summarizes the positive aspects of using translation27:

1. It can help students comprehend L2;

2. It can help students to check whether their comprehension is correct;

3. It eases memory constraints in memorizing more words, idioms, grammar, and sentence structures;

4. It can help students develop and express ideas in another language; and 5. It can help reduce learning anxiety and enhance motivation to learn L2.

Vanilla assumes that there are some advantages teaching by using translation28:

1. The target text readers can easily understand the target text.

2. The target text sounds natural and communicative.

3. Cultural assimilation may happen.

Therefore, from the advantages above, the reseacher concludes that translation helps students comprehend target language and the students knows much vocabularies because it can help students develop and express ideas in another language.


Pang Liao, 2006, EFL Learners' Beliefs about and Strategy Use of Translation in English Learning, RELC Journal


Vanilla, Orientation: Domestication or Foreignization?, available at http://transvanilla.blogspot.com/ ,


N.Disadvantages of Teaching Vocabulary through Translation

Newson argued that using translation as a teaching and testing tool has four disadvantages, Translation29:

1. Encourages thinking in one language and transferring to another, with accompanying interference;

2. Deprives teacher and learner of the benefit of working within a single language; 3. gives false belief of the idea that there is a perfect one-to-one correspondence

between languages; and

4. does not facilitate achievement of generally accepted aims such as emphasis on the spoken language.

Vanilla assumes that there are some disadvantages teaching by using translation30: 1. The aspects in the Source Language are often faded.

2. The target text readers cannot interpret the text because the interpretation has been done by the translator.

3. The target text readers do not get knowledge of the source language.

Therefore, from the disadvantages above, the researcher concludes that the students in translation only translate a single language and also they only thinking how to


Newson D, 1988, April Making the Best of a Bad Job: The Teaching and Testing of Translation, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Edinburgh, Scotland



transferring a language. So, the readers of their translation do not get knowledge of the source language.

O. Frame of Thinking

Picture Identity Cards Game may refresh the students’ routine vocabulary activity shows any revision. It motivates students to study especially in vocabulary. In this technique the students try to find solution of their snake track. It may do in group, so it creates cooperation and competitive situation in the class. In this game there is a set of competition. The advantage of beginning with a game like this is that it has only a few possible starting variations.

Based on the theories used in this chapter the researcher assumed that there is a positive implementation of using Picture Identity Cards Game towards students’ vocabulary mastery because this technique is interesting and live situation of class. The researcher also assumed in this game there are some disadvantages that the noisy situation maybe happened because this game all students are busy in this activity, the teacher should be wise in handling the teaching learning process, to make less students in crowded.


also they only thinking how to transferring a language. So, the readers of their translation do not get knowledge of the source language.


Based on the explanation above, the researcher proposed hypotheses as follows: Ho = There is no significant influence of using Picture Identity Cards Game towards

students’ vocabulary mastery of the first semester of the eighth grade at SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018.

Ha = There is a significant influence of using Picture Identity Cards Game towards

students’ vocabulary mastery of the first semester of the eighth grade at




A. Research Design

The researcher uses experimental method in this research. It means that the researcher gives the technique on the sample to know the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery after giving the treatments. This research uses two classes as the sample of the research; both of classes was given different technique, the experimental class was given Picture Identity Cards Game and the control class was given translation as the technique in teaching vocabulary. Both of classes was given the vocabulary test. The design is :

E O1 X O2 C O3 X O4

Note :

E : Experimental class using Picture Identity Cards Game C : Control Class using translation

O1 and O3 : Pretest O2 and O4 : Posttest1


B.Variable of the Research

In this research, there were two variables investigated, they were as follows:

- The independent variable of research was Picture Identity Cards Game (X).

- The dependent variable of research was the students’ vocabulary mastery (Y).

C.Operational Definition of Variable

The operational definition variable described the characteristics of the variable that investigated, they were:

1. Picture Identity Cards Game was a kind of technique for teaching vocabulary by allowing the students to work in groups to identify the picture from the cards by tracking the snake line to get the finnish.

2. The students’ vocabulary mastery was the students’ ability to comprehend and use the proper of word in English.

D.Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique 1. Population

Population is known as a census inquiry. It can be presumed that in such an inquiry, when all items are covered2.The population of this research is the whole of subject of



the students at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2017/2018.

Table. 2

Population of the Research


1 8A 13 17 30

2 8B 14 16 30

3 8C 14 16 30

4 8D 12 17 29

5 8E 13 16 29

6 8F 15 15 30

7 8G 14 15 29

8 8H 11 18 29

9 8I 12 18 30

10 8J 14 16 30

11 8K 12 18 30

TOTAL 144 182 326

Source: Document of the Total of Student of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 12 Bandarlampung in 2017/2018 academic year

2. Sample

The researcher overcame this problem by choosing a smaller, more manageable number of people to take part in their research this is called sampling3. In this research, the researcher took two of eleven classes as the sample classes. He took the two classes, one class as control and the other one as experimental class.


3. Sampling Technique

To determine the experimental class and the control class, the researcher applied cluster random sampling technique. If the total area of interest happens to be a big one, a convenient way in which a sample can be taken is to divide the area into a number of smaller non-overlapping areas and then to randomly select a number of these smaller areas (usually called clusters), with the ultimate sample consisting of all (or samples of) units in these small areas or clusters.4

To get the sample of the research, the researcher uses Cluster Random Sampling. In that case each class had the similar chance to be chosen as the sample, because the population have the same ability or homogenous.

Here are the steps in determining the experimental and control classes:

1. First, the researcher provided 11 pieces of paper consisting of the classes,8A, 8B 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8I, 8J, and 8K.

2. Next, the researcher rolled those pieces of paper and puts them into a box.

3. Then, he shakes the box until the first rolled paper comes out of it and then this rolled paper was taken as the experimental class (8C) and, the second rolled paper was as the control class (8F).


E.Research Procedure

There were three steps was done in research procedure, they were:

1. Planning

Before applying the research, the researcher made planning to run the application well. There were some steps that should be planned by the researcher, there were as follows:

a. Determining subject

The researcher determined subject; in this phase the reseacher chose the students at the eighth grade of SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung as subject of research, that one class was as the experimental class and the other one was as the control class

b. Preparing try out

The researcher prepared try out to test the instruments that the researcher prepared for pre-test and post-test, the number of test were 40 items for pre-test and 40 items for post-test. Then it is evaluated to get good items that was given to pre-test and post-test. it was done after the test items were valid. Before that the test items there were 40.

c. Preparing pre-test


d. Determining material to be taught

The researcher determined material that taught to the students with vocabulary with verb, noun, adjective and adverb words that correlated to the material.

e. Preparing post-test

The researcher prepared a kind of test (called post-test) that was given to the students. It uses the test instrument that already has treatment before.

2. Applying

After planning, the next step is applying the research procedure that has been already planned. The steps are as follows:

a. In first meeting, the researcher gave try out test

b. In second meeting, the researcher gave pre-test with the test items after determined by validity and reliability analysis of try out. It means that only valid and reliable test items was used in pre-test.

c. After giving pre-test to students, the researcher conducted treatment in the control class with translation technique and picture identity cards game in the experimental class.


3. Reporting

The last step that should be done in the research procedure was reporting. There were three steps which done in reporting. The steps were as follows:

a. Analyzed data that received from try out test.

b. Analyzed data that received from pre-test and post – test.

c. Made the report on the finding

F.Data Collecting Technique

To find out the research, the researcher used data collecting technique. To know

students’ vocabulary mastery, the researcher gave the tests (try out, pre-test, and post-test) to the sample.

G.Research Instrument

Instrument is a tool to get data used by the reseacher. In this research, the reseacher used test to get data about vocabulary mastery with nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs words that appropriate to the materials.


themes, they were; flora and fauna, travel, and health. The test items were made based on the indicators of syllabus of English curriculum and they was gotten from course book of school.

The specifications of pre-test and post-test items before validity test are as follows :

Table 3

The Specification of Pre – Test before Validity Test

No Theme Subject Even Odd Distribution Total

Even Odd


Flora and Fauna

Noun 2 3 25,47 12,48,50 5

Verb 3 2 11,45,49 24,46 5

Adjective 2 2 23,43 10,44 4

Adverb 2 2 9,41 22,42 4

2 Travel

Noun 2 2 21,39 8,40 4

Verb 2 2 7,37 20,38 4

Adjective 2 2 19,35 6,36 4

Adverb 2 2 5,33 18,34 4

3 Health

Noun 2 2 17,31 4,32 4

Verb 2 2 3,29 16,30 4

Adjective 2 2 15,27 2,28 4

Adverb 2 2 1,13 14,26 4

Total 25 25 25 25 50


Table 4

The Specification of Pre – Test after Validity Test

No Theme Subject Even Odd Distribution Total

Even Odd


Flora and Fauna

Noun 2 2 25,47 12,50 4

Verb 3 1 11,45,49 46 4

Adjective 2 2 23,43 10,44 4

Adverb 1 2 9 22,42 3

2 Travel

Noun 2 1 21,39 40 3

Verb 1 2 37 20,38 3

Adjective 1 2 35 6,36 3

Adverb 1 2 5 18,34 3

3 Health

Noun 2 1 17,31 32 3

Verb 2 1 3,29 30 3

Adjective 1 2 15 2,28 3

Adverb 2 2 1,13 14,26 4

Total 20 20 20 20 40


Table 5

The Specification of Post – Test before Validity Test

No Theme Subject Even Odd Distribution Total

Even Odd


Flora and Fauna

Noun 2 3 25,47 12,48,50 5

Verb 3 2 11,45,49 24,46 5

Adjective 2 2 23,43 10,44 4

Adverb 2 2 9,41 22,42 4

2 Travel

Noun 2 2 21,39 8,40 4

Verb 2 2 7,37 20,38 4

Adjective 2 2 19,35 6,36 4

Adverb 2 2 5,33 18,34 4

3 Health

Noun 2 2 17,31 4,32 4

Verb 2 2 3,29 16,30 4

Adjective 2 2 15,27 2,28 4

Adverb 2 2 1,13 14,26 4

Total 25 25 25 25 50


Table 6

The Specification of Post – Test after Validity Test

No Theme Subject Even Odd Distribution Total

Even Odd


Flora and Fauna

Noun 2 2 25,47 48,50 4

Verb 3 2 11,45,49 24,46 5

Adjective 1 2 23 10,44 3

Adverb 1 2 9 22,42 3

2 Travel

Noun 2 2 21,39 8,40 4

Verb 1 1 37 20 2

Adjective 2 2 19,35 6,36 4

Adverb 2 1 5,33 34 3

3 Health

Noun 1 2 17 4,32 3

Verb 2 1 3,29 16 3

Adjective 1 2 15 2,28 3

Adverb 1 2 13 14,26 3

Total 19 21 19 21 40


H.Credibility of the Data Research Instrument 1. Validity of the Test Instrument

Validity is concerned chiefly with the content of the sample. An instrument is valid if it is able to measure what it wants and able to open the data of variable with clearly and exactly5.

Fraenkel and Wallen said that “validity refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness,

correctness, and usefulness of the inferences a writer makes6. Based on the statement validity is the most important idea to consider when preparing or selecting an instrument for use. A test can be said valid if the test measures the object to be measured and suitable with the criteria. There is some criterion of good validity as follows:

a. Content Validity

Content validity is the extent to which the items on the data collection instrument are sampling the content area or domain of interest in a representative. A data collection instrument has high content validity when it reflects the content of interest7. To get the content validity, the test adapted with the students, book, that is the test is suitable with the material that taught to the students. It means the test have content validity since the test is good


Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, Yogyakarta, Rineka Cipta, 2002, p.245


Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (Sixth Edition), New York, McGraw Hill Inc, 2003, p.150



representative of material studied in classroom. To know whether the test have a good validity, the items of the test consult to the expert. In this case, the tests are consulted to the English teacher of SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung. The test items was objective test or multiple choice with four options: a, b,c, and d. (See Appendixes 16 and 17).

b. Construct Validity

Construct validity is the extent to which the data collection instrument provides scores that can be used to make inferences about a construct8. It means contruct validity concerns with whether the test is actually in line with the theory or not. Thus the items should really show whether they have vocabulary mastery that has been taught or not, and should really measure the

student’s vocabulary mastery. To know whether the test have a good construct validity, the items of the test consulted to the English teacher of SMPN 12 Bandar Lampung. The test items was objective test or multiple choice with four options: a, b,c, and d. (See Appendixes 16 and 17)

c. Internal Validity

The point biserial correlation is one of analysis technique is used to test the validity of the items that proposed in this test. Which scores the test result of each tems correlated with the score about the totality of the test result. To found the correlation indicates biserial point by using following formula :


q p SDt

Mp rp b i


Rpbi = The amount of point biserial correlation index Mp = Mean of average score

Mt = Mean of total score

SDt = Standard of total deviation

p = Proportion of test participatory with right answer q = Proportion of test participatory with wrong answer9

The try out result in the first step re-test, there were 8 items considered invalid. They were items number 4, 8, 16, 19, 27, 33, 41, and 48. After dropping those invalid items, the reseacher did the second step pre - test try out. Then the reseacher found 2 invalid items. They were 6 and 20. Then the reseacher found no single item which was considered invalid in Third step pre-test try out. Finally the total valid in pre-test try out were 40 items (see appendix 1).

The try out result in the first step post-test, there were 8 items considered invalid. They were items number 1, 7, 12, 27, 30, 38, 41, and 43. After dropping those invalid items, the reseacher did the second step post - test try out. Then the reseacher found 2 invalid items. They were 18 and 26. Then the reseacher found no single item which was considered invalid in Third step test try out. Finally the total valid in post-test try out were 40 items (see appendix 2).


2. Reliability of the Test Instrument

The administration of the test is the same test administered different groups under different conditions or at different time. The result from reliability measurement shows the constancy that is the same result got by repetition measurement with the same instrument or homogeny. Therefore, to find out the reliability of the test items, the researcher took the steps as follows:

1. Formed the instrument test items to the students out of the sample of research. 2. Divided the result to odd items and even items.

3. Analyzed the result by using “Product Moment” formula to know the coefficient correlation:

  

 

 

  2 2 2 2 y y n x x n y x xy n rxy Notes :

N = The number of student.

Rxy = The correlation between X and Y.

x = The number of X score (odd items).

y = The number of Y score (even score).

x2 = The number of squares of X scores.

y2 = The number of squares of Y scores.

xy = The total of X and Y

4. After determining the result of r-xy to find out the reliability of the test is used

“Spearman Brown’s Formula” as follows:


Notes :

Rgg = The reliability of the test. Rxy = The reliability of half the test 1 & 2 = The constant number

5. Next step, the researcher consulted the result to the criteria of reliability as follow:

Between 0.800 until 1.000 (High) Between 0.600 until 0.800 (enough) Between 0.400 until 0.600 (rather low) Between 0.200 until 0.400 (low) Between 0000 until 0.200 (very low) 10

Based on the calculation of the formula, it indicated that pre-test items were 0.720

and it is consulted by Arikunto’s criteria that between 0.600 – 0.800 got enough

reliability. It means that the pre-test items of vocabulary test can be used in this research (see appendix 3)

And the result of reliability test of post-test, it indicated that pos-test items were 0.695

and it is consulted by Arikunto’s criteria that between 0.600 – 0.800 got enough reliability. It means that the post-test items of vocabulary test can be used in this research (see appendix 4).



I. Data Analysis 1. Normality Test

Before executing the hypothesis, the researcher tried to know whether the data normal or not. The researcher used Chi-Square ratio (²observed )

Ho : The sample come from the population that have normal distribution

Ha :The sample come from the population that did not have normal distribution

The normality of test formula as follows:

 

   


2 2

i observed

i i i

Notes: i

 : Perception frequency i

 : Expected frequency11

With the criterion test:

Ho is accepted if ²observed ² 1

With  for significant level of 5% (0.05) and 1% ( 0.01)

If the sample has normal distribution, it means Hohypothesis is accepted.

Before knowing the normality data by using Chi-Square ratio 

2 

observed formula, the reseacher tried to count some points from data pre-test and post-test:


 The span from the calculation the biggest data minus the smallest Span =Biggest data – Smallest data

 Total number of Interval class (K) = 1 + 3.3 log n With, n= sample

 Length of interval class (p) = K<


Snake Figure 1. – Track of Picture Identity Cards Game
Table. 2 Population of the Research
Table 3
Table 4


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