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Gesture of Ustadz Maulana During His Religious Speech on "Islam Itu Indah" at Trans TV Channel.


Academic year: 2017

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Submited as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree

of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities of State Islamic

University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Ivatul Azizah

Reg. Number A93213153






Azizah, Ivatul. A93213153. 2017. Gesture of Ustadz Maulana During His

Religious Speech on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV Channel. A Thesis, English

Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University of Sunan

Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Endratno Pilih Swasono, M.Pd


Gesture, Communication, Semantic, Production Speech

This study aims to determine iconic tracing gestures produced while

speaking which

constitute part of the speaker’s communicative intention. Besides,

the significance of this research is (1) add and share new knowladge about gesture

description. Especially, Ustadz Maulana's gesture on "

Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans

TV channel and make all of people who interest with his religion speech. (2)

Making people in society understand about important gesture in communication

and they can be practiced correctly in certain situation.

The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative in this research. Descriptive

qualitative is one of methods to analysis research set encompassing approaches

such as empirical phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, protocol

analysis and discourse analysis (Khotari, 2004:31). The researcher used a special

strategy for enhancing the credibility of design and analysis.



Azizah, Ivatul. A93213153. 2017. Gesture of Ustadz Maulana During His

Religious Speech on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV Channel. Jurusan Sastra

Ingris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan ampel


Pembimbing: Endratno Pilih Swasono, M.Pd

Kata Kunci:

Gestur, Komunikasi, Semantic, dan Cara berbicara.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan gestur yang tepat dalam

berkomunikasi. Adapun manfaat penelitian ini yaitu: (1) untuk menambah dan

memberikan pengetahuan tentang gestur kepada Masyarakat. Khususnya, gestur

Ustad Maulana ketika beliau berpidato di acara

"Islam Itu Indah"

Trans TV. (2)

Membuat masyarakat memahami pentingnya gestur dalam berkomunikasi,

sehingga mereka bisa menggunakan gestur yang tepat dan sesuai dengan situasi

dan kondisi tertentu.

Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif qualitative di dalam penelitian

ini. Deskriptif qualitatif adalah salah satu metode untuk membedakan kumpulan

yang mencakup lingkungan hidup dan interaksinya. Contohnya, gejala alam, teori

pembelajaran, etnografi, analisa protokol dan analisa wacana. (Khotari, 2004:31).

Peneliti menggunakan strategi ini untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas penelitian.




... i




... iii


... iv


... v


... vi




... viii


... x




... xiv


... xv


... xvi


... 1

1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Research Problems ... 5

1.3 Research objectives ... 5

1.4 Significance of the research ... 6

1.5 Scope and limitations ... 6

1.6 Definition of the key terms ... 6


2.2 Sign languages ... 9

2.3 Verbal communication and non-verbal communication ... 9

2.4 Gestures as Verbal language ... 14

2.5 Previous study ... 16


... 19

3.1 Research Design... 19

3.2 The role of the researcher... 19

3.3 Research Instruments ... 20

3.4 Subject of the research ... 20

3.5 Data and Data source ... 20

3.6 Data collection ... 21

3.7 Data Analysis ... 21


... 24

4.1 Findings and Discussion ... 24

4.1.1 The Gesture of Ustadz Maulana... 24

4.1.2 The Meaning of Ustadz Maulana's gesture ... 39


... 60

5.1 Conclusion ... 60

5.2 Suggestion ... 62


S... 63




This chapter present some subs of chapter include Background of the

study, statement of problems, objectives of study, significance of the study, scope

and limitation of the study and definition of the key terms.


Background of the study

Many people use gestures to communicate variation of messages, for

instance: greetings (Hello and good bye - by moving the hands and arms),

requesting and commanding (come, go, stop - by moving the hands). Most of

these movements are called gestures mainly involve the face and hand

although the posture of the body is important as well.

One way people display their knowledges about space is by pointing,

using a gesture to indicate a place or a thing, perhaps a thing moving from

one place to another. Besides, Bates in (MC Neill, 2000:112) argues that for

ordinary interaction, gesturing is part of talking, and one learns to talk.

Besides, the general gestures used in a culture and also restrict gestures which

are known and use by small groups. There are typically to be found in

specialized fields of work. Those are stock trading, betting, music, sports,

television (news, speech etc).


indexical signs, may thus be placed along continue from relatively

presupposing to relatively creative.

The formal units to communication use to body movement or gesture

as sign languages primes. Pullum and Ladusaw (1986:265) have been said

about the signs of language that correspond to morphemes or words can be

specified by primes of three classes. (1) Hand configuration (2) The motion

of the hands toward or away from the body. (3) The locus of the sign's

movement relative to the body.

This study aims to determine iconic tracing gestures produced while

speaking constitute part

of the speaker’s communicative intention. Besides,

the significance of this research is (1) to add and share knowledge about

gestures description. Especially, in Ustadz Maulana during his religious

speech on

"Islam itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel. (2) to makes people in

society understand about the important gesture in communication and they

can be practice correctly in certain situation.

The researcher has two reasons about why the researcher can choose

Ustadz Maulana as subject in proposal title. Because, (1) Ustadz Maulana is a

unique person, he always shows over gesture when he speaks in

"Islam Itu


at Trans TV channel. (2) Ustadz Maulana often used humour to speak

for the audiences on

“Islam Itu Indah”

at Trans TV channel.


gesture of Ustadz Maulana when he speaks on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV

channel. On the other hand, Kendon (1981:75) argues that a gesture must be

communicatively intended if it expresses necessary information that was

nevertheless omitted from speech.

The production of speech and gesture has three types. That are: (1)

Speech production, it is transformation of ideas into movements or sounds of

speech. Here, there are models of lexical gestures and speech involves two

production systems that operate in concert.

(2) Speaking involves many tasks, that are speaking involvement many

tasks. For example is conceptual an utterance, building syntactic structure,

retrieving the right words in the right order, and controlling the articulators to

say the words target critical. The coordination of one articulator is necessary


‘degrees of freedom’


(3) Huge number of muscles involved in speech, that is a huge number of

muscles involve in speech, that are respiration, tongue, jaw, lips, tension in

the vocal folds, velum. Many ways to achieve a goal, this is difficult to

explain how a trajectory is planning.

On the other hand, the researcher found the similar also uses five previous

studies about gesture. The researcher think about this study is related to my

research. First of thesis is entitled

“The Use gestures in

teaching English to

young learners: A Case Study of Primary School Teacher in EFL



mini thesis, she was explained about used of gestures when English teacher

was teaching to the students.

Besides, the second mini thesis is entitled

"Producing Semantically

Apropriate Gesture in Embodied Language Generation”.

This mini thesis is

created by Obed E. Torres. He takes Program in Media Arts and Sciences in

Massachussetss Institue of Technologi, 1997. In this mini thesis, he explained

about the system that focused on gestural languages independent of speech

content. Besides, the researcher added related between gestures and


After that, the third journal article is entitled

"What We Mean by

Meaning: Conceptual Integration in Gesture Analysis and Transcription".

The writer of journal article is Fey Parril and Eve Sweetser". This journal

explained about determining what a gesture means and the guide analysis

gesture in the conceptual integration. The researchers use qualitative method

in this study.

On the other hand, the fourth journal article is entitled

“Gesture and the

Communicative Intention of the Speaker".

This journal article is created by

Alissa Malinger and Williem J.M. Levelt. This journal article is discuss about

gestures produced while speake

part of the speaker’s communicative intention


and M. Keith Moore. This journal explained about the expressive imitation of

the human to relation with manual gesture.

From some these research before, the researcher thinks about the

important of gesture. Especially, using gesture to communication with

society. The researcher tries to give research statement about this study and

the researcher wants to all of people in society use gesture to communication,

everyone need something to change of mine be better. So that, this research is

very important for doing execute.


Research Problems

This study is conduct to answer the problems formula in the following



What the gesture of Ustadz Maulana often used when he speaks on


Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel?.


What the meaning Ustadz Maulana's gesture when he speaks to

audiences on "

Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel?


Research Objectives

Based on the research problems above, the objectives of the study have

some purposes that are:


To know about how many Ustadz Maulana's gesture which often used

to speaks on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel.



Significance of the research


To add and share of knowledges about gesture description. Especially, in

Ustadz Maulana gesture on "

Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel and

make some people who interest with his religion speech.


To make people in society understand about the important gesture in

communication and make the audiences can be practice correctly in

certain situation.


Scope and limitation



Interaction between people to people is very important. In this part,

there is a scope to this study for communication use gesture or body

language on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel. The researcher

wants to analyze two videos of Ustadz Maulana with different topics and

make percentages in every video.



In this part, the researcher just explain about five categories

gesture as data analysis. The researcher do not mention about facial

expression as the data, because facial expression can not analysis.


Definition of the key terms

In order to avoid the misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the

basic concept in the study, the definition and key terms are started below:


dictionary. Gesture is movement of the body express something

action done to show one's feelings. On the other hand, Pullum

(1986:265) mentioned about the locus of the sign's movement

relative to the body. While in this research, gesture is change the

body movement of the speaker when the speaker communication

with other people.


Communication is transfer of information from one person to

another, whether or not it elicits confidence. But the information

transferred must be understandable to the receiver. (Brown,

2001:01). Besides, in this study. Communication is interaction

between speaker and hearer to explain and share informations.


Semantic is study of meaning. It is focuses on the relation between




This chapter discusses about the theories which related the studies, the

discussion is very important. because, the discussion used as the basis of analysis

the study. In this part, there is general description about body movements of

communication to other people.

2.1 Language is Symbols.


2.2 Sign Languages

Gestures and sign language these involve the use of the hands,

along with other parts of the body. The difference between signing and

making hand gestures are like speech used instead of speaking, whereas

gestures are mostly used while speaking. One of sign languages is

emblems. Emblems are signals, such as "thumbs up" (things are good) and

"shush" (keep quiet).

Based on theory which related this study is sign symbol. Milal

(2014:80) cited in (Blum-Kulka and Morris, 1989:38) about the different

meaning of sign language on syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Syntax is

defined as the study of the formal relation of signs to one another. Besides,

semantics is the relations of signs to the object to which the sign are

applicable. While, pragmatics is the relation of signs to interpreters.

The formal units to communication use to body movement or

gesture as sign languages primes. Pullum (1986:265) said that the signs of

language that correspond to morphemes or words can be spesified by

primes of three clasess. (1) Hand configuration, (2) The motion of the

hands toward or away from the body, (3) The locus of the sign's movement

relative to the body.

2.3 Verbal Communication and Non-Verbal Communication.

2.3.1 Verbal Communication


from time to time. Dumbrava (2009:75) said that, human language has

the property of recursive and creativity which suggests that there are

signals, because a greater amount of human behaviour is emphasis

through non-verbal signals, but each signal has own significance.

Kendon (1981:105) said in any language, with a definite set of

graphic symbols and their corresponding phonological symbols it is

possible to form and communicate infinite number of messages. On the

other hand, there are role of language in verbal communication that are:

(1) Descriptive function (2) Expressive function (3) Social function.

Firstly is descriptive function. This is describe about biography,

autobiography, travel writing (description of places) and writing about

othe r people, diary and personal letters, technical and scientific works.

We can also include the verbal description of people, places and things

under this head. While attempting descriptive writing or speaking, it is

essential that the writer or speaker has obtained all necessary

information about the object of writing or speaking.

Secondly is expressive function. It is talking about interjections,

exclamations, use of special words and phrases for emphasis. Using

interjections, we can express satisfaction, excitement, surprise, pain,

hurt and disgust. We also use question tags, rhetorical questions,

auxiliary ‘do’, fronted negation (Starting a sentence with a negative


Thirdly is Social function. This is explain about greeting people,

bidding farewell to people, giving a command or order, asking a

question, making a request, advising, offering a suggestion and

expressing agreement or disagreement. Besides, the social function

used to accepting or declining an invitation, expressing wishes, thanks,

apologies, regrets, condolences, sending seasonal greetings, offering

help, giving instructions, expressing obligation, expressing the

necessity for doing something, expressing certainty.

2.3.2 Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is more reliable than words spoken

(Dumbrava, 2009:97). On the other hand, Phuttela (2015:77) stated

about physical communication is the most common form of non verbal

communication. It has a tendency to either support or replace verbal



This picture is image of types Non-verbal communication based on

(Porters, 1969:95). This is some explanation about it:



We have our hand, point, beckon, and use our hands when we were

arguing or speaking animatedly expressing ourselves with gestures

often without thinking. We are communicate a great deal through

touch. Such as: weak handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, a warm

bear hug, a reassuring slap on the back, a patronizing pat on the head,

or a controlling grip on your arm.


Facial Expressions

this is related with human face extremely expressive, able to express

countless emotions without saying a word. The facial expressions for

happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same

across cultures.




non-verbal communication includes your posture, bearing, stance, and

subtle movements.


Eye contact.

Since the visual sense is dominant for most people, eye contact is an

especially important type of non-verbal communication. It is also

important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for gauging the

other person’s respon

se. Peter A. Anderson in (Schmitz, 2012:125)

argues the study of eye behaviors as nonverbal communication which

comes from the Latin word


, meaning “eye.” The face and eyes

are the main point of focus during communication, and along with our

ears our eyes take in most of the communicative information around




Michael in (Bolt, 1980:175) said about things pay attention to include

your timing and space, how loud you speak, your tone and inflection,

and sounds that convey understanding and thinking about how

someone's tone of voice.





Gestures as non Verbal language

Ricci Bitti and Poggi in (Mc Neill, 2000:121) said about kinds of

gestures that are: (1) Symbolic Gestures. This is virtually all typologies

distinguish a category of gestural signs-hand is configurations and

movements with widely recognized conventionalized meanings that will

call symbolic gestures.

(2) Deictic gestures. It is usually are used to indicate persons, objects,

directions or locations. Deictic gestures often accompany speech, but the

autonomous also used to substitute for it, especially common when the

gesture constitutes the response to a question about a location or direction.

(3) Motor gestures. Gesture type consists of simple, repetitive,

rhythmic movements that bear no obvious relation to the semantic content

of the accompanying speech. Besides, according to Bull and Connely in

(Amstrong, 1995:197). They was argues that, motor gesture are

coordinated with the speech prosody and tend to fall on stressed syllables.

(4) Lexical gesture, this is the main focus of our model are only one of

the kinds of gestures speakers make. The occasionally, lexical gestures are

similar to representational gestures (Mc Neill, 1994:177).


participants about semantics content of the utterances, although their

clearly is variation about when and how they do so.

Besides, gestures reflect attitudes as well as personality traits and then

Thompson (1985:85) argues about the important of gesture in psychology.

In fact, personality has a mark effect upon the number and variety of

gesture use. Many people use a lot non-verbal gestures tend to be rated as

warm, agreeable and energetic, whereas those who are not seen as being

less approach, more logical and analytic.

In the general, more open positive gestures and body movements is can

be persuasive you. Michael Argyle in (Thompson, 1985:80) argues about

the significance of gestures and body movements have some types. (1)

Illustrations and other speech-linked signals, (2) Conventional signs and

signs languages, (3) Movements that express emotions, (4) Movements

that express personality, (5) Movements that are use in various religious

and other rituals.

Essentially, gestures express attitudes, emotions and non-verbal

reactions. Argyle quotes a number of conventional gestures that have

almost universal meanings. Such as, include shaking the fist to show anger

rubbing the palms together in anticipation, clapping as a sign of approval,

raising one’s hand to gain attention, yawning out of boredom, patting


2.5 Previous Study

The researcher uses five previous studies from two mini thesis and

three journal articles which related to the study below:

The first mini thesis is entitled

“The Use

Gestures in Teaching

English to Young Learners: A Case Study of Primary School Teacher in EFL


This mini thesis is create by Noviani Patroli, she take English

Ministry in UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) 2013. This mini thesis

explained about the used of gestures when a teacher teaching English to the

students. She used to qualitative research in the study. The result of this

research is about all of gestures were used mostly in elicting situation to

initiate the interaction classrom. This means that, gestures were used mostly

foe lexical explanation purpose. Besides, the advantage is we can understand

about how a teacher used gesture on the classroom, when the teacher teach of

the students.


present a point of departure for understanding more the applicability of the

results of this thesis beyond motion events to include other semantic fields.

The advantages is to add knowing about correlation between gesture, speech

and semantic in this study.

The third is journal article. This journal article is entitled

"What We

Mean by Meaning: Conceptual Integration in Gesture Analysis and


The writer of journal is Fey Parril and Eve Sweetser". This

journal article explained about determining what a gesture means and the

guide analysis gesture in the conceptual integration. The researcher used

qualitative method to analysis the data. Then, the result of this study is

introduction of gesture means to other people used to transcription as a

conclution from conceptual integration. Besides, the benefit of the research is

we can more understand about the process of meaning construction, and

particularly in helping the analisys to understand the relationship between

iconicity and metaphor.


information from their descriptions than speakers who did not gesture. and

the advantages of this research is we can add knowledges about using gesture

to communication, especially communication intention of the speaker.




In this part, there are discussions about methodology of research. It is

consists of research design, the role of the researcher, research instrument, subject

of the research, data and data source, data collection, and data analysis.


Research Design

In this study, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method.

Descriptive qualitative is one of methods to research set, encompassing

approaches such as empirical phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography,

protocol analysis and discourse analysis (Khotari, 2004). The researcher uses

a strategis to enhancing the credibility of design and analysis.

These methods come into their own in the 1970s and 1980s, and have

become meanstream in education, nursing, and increasingly in psychology,

particularly in non-traditional or professional training schools. Because there

is now an extensive history with these methods, standards of good research

practice to emerge.


The role of the researcher



Research Instrument

The instruments of this research are the researcher and Ustadz Maulana's

videos on youtube. This is link of Ustadz Maulana videos on

"Islam Itu


at Trans TV channel as bellow:






Subject of the Research

The subject of the research is Ustadz Maulana when he speaks on


Itu Indah”

at Trans TV channel. Ustadz Maulana has strategies to attractive

the audiences. One of strategies is gesture or body language, his body

language is very funny, so his explanation is easy to accept the audiences on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel.


Data and Data Source.

The data of this study is gesture of Ustadz Maulana's video when he

speaks on

“Islam Itu Indah”

at Trans TV channel. Meanwhile, the sources for

this research will be taken from youtube. The researcher takes two videos for

analysis the data and she also use random method to choose the videos.


Data Collection.


(1) Download video, (2) Classification gesture of Ustadz Maulana, (3)

Analysis Gesture use formula, (4) Make precentages, (5) Ready the data.


Data Analysis


Gesture which often used by Ustadz Maulana when he speaks on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel.

After the researcher found about some gestures on Ustadz

Maulana’s vide

o, the researcher tries to make analysis. The researcher

look carefully about gestures which use of Ustadz Maulana. Then, the

researcher want to makes table of analysis the gesture of Ustadz

Maulana as bellow:


Many Gesture of Ustadz Maulana.






1st Segment

2nd Segment

3rd Segment

4th Segment

5th Segment


After that, the researcher makes a formula to precentages about

Ustadz Maulana use over gestures with this formula below:

The result of the Formula is likes the table bellow:

From this data, the researcher can take of hypothesa. That is

Ustadz Maulana often used Low Wafe (LW) gesture in every speech to

audience on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel.


The Meaning of Ustadz Maulana's Gesture When He Speaks to

Audiences on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV Channel.




This study aims to add knowing about the important of gestures when people

speak or communication with other people. This chapter presents the result of the

data collection from ustadz Maulana's video when he speaks on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel. Besides, this chapter also provides the discussion of the




In the part, the researcher wants to present about analysis of the data.

After the researcher watches and analysis Ustadz Maulana's video when he

speaks on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel. The researcher found five

categories gesture, that are: Low Wafe (LW), High Wafe (HW), Point Left

(PL), Point Right (PR), and Play Properties (PP).

From this data, the researcher try to analysis gesture of Ustadz

Maulana when he used on

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel in this



The Gestures of Ustadz Maulana


First Video Analysis

In the first video is entitled

'Cara Cepat Mencari Jodoh'

. The video

duration is 38 minutes. This video have five segments, in each segments

has durations 7 until 8 minutes. Besides, the website video on youtube is:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf0u6i9foi4. On the other hand, the

researcher wants to show the data analysis in this bellow:

In the first Segment, the researcher found 12 Low wafe gestures, 5

High wafe gesture, 7 Point right gesture. Besides, in the second

segment the researcher found 10 low wafe gestures, 13 high wafe

gestures, 14 point left gestures, 20 point right gestures, and 3 play

properties gestures.

On the third segment, that are 7 low wafe gestures, 10 high wafe

gestures, 2 point left gestures, and 11 point right gestures. Meanwhile,

in the fourth segment the researcher found 9 low wafe gestures, 6 high

wafe gestures, 5 point left gestures and 8 point right gestures and 4 play

properties gestures.


For the clearly this explanation, the researcher wants to add the table of

analysis Ustadz Maulana's gesture in this bellow:


Many Gesture of Ustadz Maulana.






1st Segment






2nd Segment






3rd Segment






4th Segment






5th Segment







Total :






Table 01. Table of analysis Ustadz Maulana's gesture.

After the researcher knows about total every gesture in this video, the

researcher wants to show the result of percentages from this formula:

For the clearly this explanation, the researcher makes this table bellow:


Percentages of Ustadz Maulana's Gestures






1st Segment






2nd Segment






3rd Segment






4th Segment






5th Segment







After the researcher shows the result of percentages Ustadz Maulana's

gesture. The researcher wants to add two examples of the picture from

each categories gesture.


Low Wafe (LW) category.

Actually, total LW gesture in this video is 50 gestures, but the

researcher is only give two example pictures, for the clearly this

explanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Pictures 1

In this picture, Ustadz Maulana looks enthusiastic when he explained

about the meaning of couple. He used low wafe gesture to interaction

with all of audiences.

Picture 2



High Wafe (HW) category.

The occasionally, total HW gesture in this video is 40 gestures, but

the researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly this

explanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Picture 3

In the 3


picture, Ustadz Maulana used High Wafe gesture when

he speak to audiences. Ustadz maulana raise two his hand when funny

expression, until all of audiences laugh and felt happy.

Picture 4



Point left (PL) category.

The occasionally, total PL gesture in this video is 52 gestures, but

the researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly this

explanation. The researcher shows the PL picture in this bellow:

Picture 5

In this picture, ustadz Maulana used point left to one of couple to

standing infront of audiences. Ustadz Maulana try to maked humour

with them.

Picture 6



Point Right (PR) category.

Actually, total gesture Point Right in this video is 53 gestures,

but the researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly

thisexplanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Picture 7

In this picture, ustadz Maulana used point right to comunication

with audiences, he tried to accost all of audiences at home to listen

carefully his speech.

Picture 8



PP (Play Properties) category.

The occasionally, total PP gesture in this video is 7 gestures, but

the researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly this

explanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Picture 9

In this picture, ustadz Maulana used PP to atract the audiences.

ustadz Maulana play his turban to maked humour in the discussion.

Picture 10

(41) The Second Video Analysis

Besides, the second video is entitled:

"Ikhlas Koq Diucap".


video's durations are 40 minutes. This video has five segments too, in

each segments has durations 7 until 8 minutes and website of this video is

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N NaaeRhtsA.

In the first segment, the researcher found 12 low wafe gestures, 10

High wafe gestures, 3 Point left gestures, 16 point right gestures, and 7

play properties gestures. After that, in second segment, the researcher

found 4 low wafe gestures, 3 high wafe gestures, 7 point left gestures, 10

point right gestures and 18 play properties gestures.

Meanwhile, in the third segment that are 6 low wafe gestures, 5

high wafe gestures, 8 point left gesture, and 12 point right gestures on the

other hand, in the fourth segment the researcher found 6 low wafe, 5 high

wafe gestures, 6 point left gestures, 12 point right gestures, and 6 play

properties gestures.


Kinds of


Many Gesture of Ustadz Maulana.






Segment 1






Segment 2






Segment 3






Segment 4






Segment 5






Total :






Table 01.b : Table of analysis Ustadz Maulana's gesture.

After the researcher knows about total every gesture in this video, the

researcher wants to show the result of percentages from this formula:

For the clearly this explanation, the researcher makes this table bellow:


Precentages of Ustadz Maulana's Gestures















































Total :







After the researcher presents the result of percentages Ustadz

Maulana's gesture. The researcher want to shows two example pictures in

each categories gesture.


Low Wafe (LW) category


Actually, total Low Wafe gesture in this video is 36 gestures, but

the researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly this

explanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Picture 1

In this picture, the audiences listen carefully ustadz Maulana's

discussion. until Merry Putria ask about sincerity to Ustadz Maulana.

He answered the question used LW gesture to make understand of



In the second pictures, ustadz Maulana used LW gesture to

communication with audiences. he have shared many messages for all

of audiences, and they also listen carefully about ustadz maulana's



High Wafe (HW) category.

The occasionally, total HW gesture in this video is 30 gestures, but

the researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly this

explanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Picture 3

In the picture 3, ustadz Maulana used HW gesture to interaction

with all of audiences. he was hands-up to description about sincerity.


In this picture, ustadz Maulana looks enthusiastic when he give

explanation to audiences. he used HW gesture to interaction with all of

them. The audiences also listen carefully to ustadz Maulana's statement.


Point left (PL) category.

The occasionally, total PL gesture in this video is 28 gestures, but

the researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly this

explanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Picture 5

In this picture, all of audiences looks listen carefully when ustadz

Maulana share the knowledge. Ustadz Maulana used PL gesture when he

communication with all of audiences.


In the 6


picture, Ustadz Maulana looks standing in front of

audiences and bring the microfon in his Right hand. He was called one

of audience to standing besides him. But, the audience rejected him.

Then, ustadz Maulana used PL gesture to show his angry.


Point Right (PR) category.

Actually, total gesture Point Right in this video is 52 gestures, but

the researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly

thisexplanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Picture 7


Picture 8

In the 8


picture, the audiences looks enthusiastic when Ustadz

Maulana discuss about sincerity. Ustadz Maulana used Point Right to

emphasize his explanation.


Play Properties (PP) category.

The occasionally, total gesture PP in this video is 30 gestures, but the

researcher is only give two examples pictures, for the clearly this

explanation. The researcher shows the picture in this bellow:

Picture 9

In this picture, Ustadz Maulana used PP gestur when he interaction

with audiences. he play of his turban to maked humour in the speech.


In this picture, ustadz Maulana used Play Properties gesture when

he speaks to audiences. He touch his head and describe about sincerity. All

of audiences looks enthusiasm with ustadz Maulana said.

From this analysis the data, the researcher tries to make of

hypothesis about categories gesture which often use ustadz Maulana on

"Islam itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel. The researcher can see this total

many gestures and the precentage gestures of ustadz Maulana in

explanation before. The researcher think, Point right (PR) gesture is very

dominant than other gestures. So, this hypothesis is Point Right gestures as

gesture which often use ustadz Maulana in

"Islam Itu Indah"

at Trans TV



The Meaning of Ustadz Maulana's Gesture.

To know the meaning of Ustadz Maulana gestures when he speaks to

audiences on

"Islam itu Indah"

at Trans TV channel. The researcher wants

to present of 15 images in each video and the researcher tries to transcript

what is Ustadz Maulana saying.

This is some gestures of Ustadz Maulana in the first video is entitled

'Cara Cepat Mencari Jodoh'



channel. For the clearly, the researcher shows the pictures and analysis the

video in this bellow:

The First Segment.

Duration: (00.20 until 08.35)

Picture 01.a

In this picture, the situation is very calm down, all of audiences

are listen of Ustadz Maulana. He was mention that

"Laki-laki itu yang

mencari, bukan wanita. Wanita itu hanya menanti laki-laki yang


Picture 02.a

In this picture, the situation is very calm down, all of audiences are

listen of Ustadz Maulana. Ustadz Maulana used

Low Wafe (LW)


He was mention that

"Jangan terlalu banyak aturan-aturan dalam

mencari jodoh".

(Don't many the rules when you choose someone). On the

other hand, the meaning of

Low Wafe

of Ustadz Maulana is he want to

advice all of audiences to choose someone nothing the rules.

Picture 03.a


all of audiences, this is mean ustadz Maulana wants to make a humour in

this part.

The Second Segment.

Duration: (08.50 until 16.45)

Picture 04.a

In picture 04.a, the audiences looks very attract to Ustadz Maulana,

because Nycta Gina Ask about sholat istikhoroh to Ustadz Maulana. Than

ustadz Maulana answer

"ini pertanyaan bagus dari Nicta Gyna, jadi sholat

Istikhoroh itu dilakukan ketika ada dua pilihan. Jika hanya satu pilihan itu

juga bisa, tetapi biasanya hanya untuk memastikan apakah dia adalah


Picture 05.a

The situation of the picture is very funny, because Ustadz Maulana

order to wife and husband to stand up in front of audiences and Ustadz

Maulana said

"Yang namanya jodoh itu pasti ada kemiripan diantara


(Mariage partner is both resemble). Ustadz Maulana used


Point Right gesture

when he explain content of speech, this is mean

Ustadz Maulana wants to give feed back to audiences about the

characteristic mariage partner.

Picture 06.a


(LW) Low Wafe gesture

and this is mean, Ustadz Maulana want to show

the best plan which comes from our God.

The Third Segment.

Duration: (17.00 until 22.00)

Picture 07.a

In this picture, the audiences looks enthusiastic to listen

explanation of Ustadz Maulana, and the researcher tries to transcrip

ustadz Maulana's explanation:

"Jodoh itu Rahasia Alloh"

(Match is

the God secret). Besides, Ustadz Maulana used (PR)

Point Right


when he communication with all of audiences. This is

mean above intention of Ustadz Maulana to certain effort the

audiences about Match is the secret of God.


In picture 08.a, the situation is very funny. The audiences and Fadli

looks laugh. Because, Ustadz Maulana say

"Cinta, kasih, sayang 3x"

(Love, affection, Darling 3x). Ustadz Maulana used

High Wafe (HW)


to communication with audiences. The Intention of Ustadz

Maulana is he wants to give advice about love can be perfect with three

items, that are: love, affection, and darling.

Picture 09.a


The Fourth Segment.

Duration: (22.27 until 29.55)

Picture 10.a

This situation in this picture is very seriously, the all of audiences

was listen carefully when Ustadz Maulana speaks. Ustadz Maulana said


"Jodoh itu seperti Rizki dan hanya Alloh yang tahu tentang itu".

(Match is likes a prosperity and only our God who knows about it).

Besides, Ustadz Maulana used

Low Wafe (LW) gesture

in this situation.

This is mean Ustadz Maulana want to show the all of audiences about a

prosperity is match which comes from our God.

Picture 11.a


low gesture (LW)


when he speaks to audiences. This is mean,

Ustadz Maulana wants to give advice to all of audiences about sins to God

and mother.

Picture 12.a

In this picture, the audiences looks listen of Ustadz Maulana

speech. He was mention that,

"Jodoh itu adalah bagian dari sekenario

kehidupan untuk kita"

(A couple is part of life skenario for ourself).

Besides, Ustadz Maulana used

Low Wafe (LW)

gesture, he have

intention to all of audiences to believe of match have been a given for us.

Fifth Segment.

Duration: (30.10 until 38.00)


In picture 13.a, all of audiences looks enthusiastic when ustadz

Maulana answer of Nicta Gynas's question, he said that

"Malam yang

mustajabah itu ada dua, yaitu malam Nisyfu Sa'ban dan malam lailatul


(Any two night which efficasious that are,

'Nisyfu Sya'ban'


'Lailatul qodar'

). On the other hand, Ustadz Maulana also used


Right (PR)

gesture to communication with the audiences. This is mean,

Ustadz Maulana wants to share knowledges about what we have do when

Nisfu Sya'ban and Lailatul Qodar come.

Picture 14.a


Picture 15.a

In this picture, the audiences looks listen carefully when Ustadz

Maulana said that,

"Berdo'alah, dan yakinlah do'a kita akan dikabulkan".

(Praying to our god, and you must believe that your prayer will be

granted). Besides, Ustadz Maulana used

Point Right (PR)

gesture to

communicate with the audiences. From here, the researcher knows about

the intention of Ustadz Maulana. He wants to advice to audiences for

always prayer in every condition.

This is some gestures of ustadz Maulana in the second video is


'Ikhlas koq diucap'



The First Segment.

Duration: (00.01 until 07.35)

Picture 01.b

In this picture, the audiences looks like enthusiastic to Ustadz

Maulana description. He said that,

"Segala sesuatu harus dilakukan

karena Alloh"

(Everything have to do because our God). On the other hand

Ustadz Maulana used

Point Right (PR)

gesture. This is mean, Ustadz

Maulana have intention to advice all of audiences about without our God,

all of them is nothing, So everything we have to do, we abutment to our


Picture 02.b


yang bisa menghalangi".

(Sincere like the air is until the end, so we can

not stoped a fair of bellows). Besides, Ustadz Maulana used

High Wafe

(HW) gesture

when he speaks to audiences. From here, the researcher

knows about ustadz Maulana intention. He wants to give simple of

example sincere like wind which a fair of bellow.

Picture 03.b


The Second Segments

Duration : (07.50 until 17.00)

Picture 04.b

This images is very funny, because Fadli and the audiences laugh.

In this part, Ustadz Maulana said that "Syirik kecil itu adalah bagian dari

Riya', kerjaannya Pamer kesana-kemari" (A small Syrik is part of Riya',

only show off and exhibition). Besides, Ustadz Maulana used


Properties (PP)

gesture when he interaction with all of audiences. This is

mean, Ustadz Maulana wants to makes a humour in his speech.

Picture 05.b



Low Wafe (LW) gesture

. This is mean, Ustadz Maulana wants to

share knowledges and advice about sincere to all of audiences.

Picture 06.b

In this picture, the audiences are very enthusiastic to Ustadz

Maulana's speaks. He said that

"Anak yatim itu harus dimuliakan"


Orphan have to noble). Besides, Ustadz Maulana used

(HW) High Wafe


. From here, the researcher know about the intention of Ustadz

Maulana is he wants to explain about the important of orphan to many


The Third Segments

Duration: (17.10 until 24.15)

Picture 07.b


(Everything you do is depend on intended). Besides, Ustadz Maulana used

(PP) Play Properties gesture

when he communication eith the audiences.

This is mean, Ustadz Maulana wants to the audiences to do kind in

society. Such as, help people and gift money to beggar etc.

Picture 08.b

The situation of this picture is very calm down, Fadli and the all of

audiences listen carefully to Ustadz Maulana explanation. He said that

"Sedekah itu dianjurkan yang terbaik yang kau punya dan jangan sisa-sisa

makanan yang kau berikan".

(Give the best something which you have,

you don't give food residue). Besides, Ustadz Maulana used

Point Right

(PR) gesture

to communication with all of audiences.

Picture 09.b


of dependent). Besides, he used

High Wafe (HW) gesture


communication with audiences. This is mean Ustadz Maulana wants to

advice the all of audiences to make the God as one of place to their pray

and their hope

The Fourth Segment

Duration: (24.30-32.45)

Picture 10.b


Picture 11.b

In this picture, the audiences listen carefully when Merry Putria tell

of her experience about sincere. Then, Ustadz Maulana said that "


itu tidak boleh diucap, cukup katakan ya dan anggukkan kepala saja

sudah cukup"

(Sincere have not saying, but it is only say yes and nodding

of head). Besides, Ustadz Maulana used

Play Properties (PP) gestures

when he speaks to audiences. This is mean Ustadz Maulana wants to

advice all of audiences to attention and understand sincere mean.

Picture 12.b


when Ustadz Maulana explanation about it, he used

Point Right (PR)


, this is mean Ustadz Maulana wants to emphasize the audiences to

make easy method to become better people.

Fifth Segment

Duration: (33.00 until 38.40)

Picture 13.b

The situation in this pictures is very calm down, because all of

audiences listen carefully to ustadz Maulana Speaks. He said that


pernah engkau mengukur yang namanya keikhlasan. Karena sejatinya


Picture 14.b

In this picture, the audiences looks seriously with ustadz Maulana's

speech. Ustadz Maulana said that

"Alloh akan membalas kebaikan

manusia dengan melipatgandakan pahala yang dia peroleh"

(God will

replay kind of people with something reword for them). When he

explanation, ustadz Maulana used

(HW) High Wafe gesture,

this is mean

Ustadz Maulana wants to advice all of audiences about grace of God."

Picture 15.b


communication to all of audiences. This is mean, Ustadz Maulana give

advice all of audiences to become good people.




This chapter presents the summary of conclusions and suggestion dealing with

the research finding of the research. The conclusions come from the finding have

been discussed this chapter before. Based on these conclusions, there are some

suggestions that are expectation that aims to interactions between gestures in

certain condition.



In this part is describe about the conclution of this research, but before

it the researcher wants to show some the results of other researcher. The

first research is talking about Teacher's gesture in the classroom. The

result of this research is about all gestures were used mostly in certain

situation to initiate the interaction classroom and the meaningful is gesture

were use mostly lexical explanation purpose.

On the other hand, the second research is describe about producing

semantic and gesture in language. The result of this research is about the

link between gesture and action which claim that the representation of

semantic features in iconic gestures.


The next research is about relation between gesture and

communicative of the speaker. The result of the research is speakers who

produced iconic gestures representing spatial relations omitted more

required spatial information from their descriptions than speakers who did

not gesture.

After that, Fifth research is talking about imitation of human's

expression and gesture. The result of this research is about interactions and

the movements tested were not generally produced in uncreate,

unumbigously fashion and not to surprisingly.





For the next researcher

The researcher hope, this thesis can be guide to the next researcher

to do research with same theory or subject. And the researcher

suggest to the next researcher to make analysis more detail about

gesture as non verbal communication.


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Table 01. Table of analysis Ustadz Maulana's gesture.
Table 02.b : Table the result of percentages Ustadz Maulana's gesture.


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