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Caskets General Information on Funeral Caskets


Academic year: 2017

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Caskets - General Information on Funeral Caskets Word Count:

272 Summary:

Metal caskets are generally made of stainless steel, copper or bronze. The composition and quality of a casket determines its price. The prices can vary greatly depending upon the material used to construct it. For example, a fiberboard one will be low-priced as opposed to a Mahogany Wood one. Among solid wood caskets, Pine Caskets are the least expensive. Most of the wooden caskets are hand-made, polished and varnished to appear glossy and appealing to the buyers and accordingly a high price can be charged. Pine being less expensive are hardly visible on display.


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Article Body:

Casket, according to the Chambers Dictionary, means chest, case, box, coffer or jewel-box. It is a noun or a name that can be used to call each of these things. But more than often, in today’s world, a casket means a box that is used for the burial of a deceased human.

Caskets are generally of different types, namely cloth-cushioned, pure and solid wood, metal, keepsake boxes or urns and Jewish caskets devoid of any metal parts.

Pure wood caskets can be Ash Wood, Oak Wood, Mahogany Wood, Cherry Wood Caskets, Maple Wood, Pine, Walnut Wood, Elm, Cottonwood or Poplar Wood Caskets. Generally hard woods are preferred in this regard. Metal caskets are generally made of stainless steel, copper or bronze.

The composition and quality of a casket determines its price. Casket prices can vary greatly depending upon the material used to construct it. For example, a fiberboard one will be low-priced as opposed to a Mahogany Wood one. Among solid wood caskets, Pine Caskets are the least expensive. Most of the wooden caskets are hand-made, polished and varnished to appear glossy and appealing to the buyers and accordingly a high price can be charged. Pine Caskets being cheap are hardly visible on display.

The weight per square foot determines the prices of the Copper and Bronze caskets. Stainless still ones are priced according to their gauge or thickness. What are sealed caskets?

Caskets come in various sizes, namely standard-size, large-size, infant-size

Picking the right casket comes down to the personal taste and like of the family. It is important to pick the casket that you think best honors your loved one.

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