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Primary School Teachers’ Attitude toward the Use of Technology

in Classroom


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Melia Wijaya Katono







Primary School Teachers’ Attitude toward the Use of Technology

in Classroom


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Melia Wijaya Katono








This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in

any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any

university. To best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material

previously published or written by any other person except wheredue reference is

made in the text.

Copyright@ 2017. Melia Wijaya Katono and Dian Toar Y. G. Sumakul, M.A.

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means

without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English

Language Education Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Satya Wacana

Christian University, Salatiga.












LITERATURE REVIEW Technology in the Classroom... 3

Teachers‟ Attitude ... 4

Teachers‟ Attitude of Technology Use in Classroom ... 5

THE STUDY Context of the Study... 6

Participant ... 7

Data Collection Instrument ... 7

Data Collection and Data Analysis ... 8


Technological Facilities ... 12

Teachers‟ Competency ... 13

Students‟ Learning Improvement ... 14



Discussion ... 17







Primary School T


Attitude toward the Use of Technology

in Classroom

Melia Wijaya Katono



Nowadays, with a rapid development in technology, it becomes an essential thing in every aspect of human life. In education, technology also becomes an essential thing in teaching and learning process. The use of technology in the classroom may help teachers and students to create more effective teaching and learning process. As Teo (2008) explains that nearly all of school in many developed countries are equipped with facilities to conduct ICT mediated teaching and learning. In order for teachers to integrate technology effectively in teaching and learning process, teachers need to have a positive attitude toward technology. Thus, this study aims to find out primary teachers‟ attitude toward the use of technology in the classroom. To find out teachers‟ attitude toward the use of technology, set of questionnaire was distributed to 9 Primary English teachers. An interview was conducted with three teachers to get deeper descriptive data. The

Keywords: teachers’ attitude, technology, EFL.


Nowadays technology becomes very important in our life, especially for

young generation. As Reilly (2012) says “today‟s youth have never known life

without computers and the Internet, and therefore see information technology as

an integral part of their lives” (p. 4). Thus, teachers cannot teach students only

from their textbook anymore. Reilly (2012) also explains that teachers who are



why teachers should be able to adapt to the situation and the needs of today‟s

learners by incorporating technology into their teaching practices. However, when

deciding to integrate technology in the classroom, teachers‟ competencies in using

technology become one of an important key to integrating technology in the


One aspect to consider in integrating technology in the classroom is

teachers‟ attitude to the use of technology. If teachers have a positive attitude,

then it is possible for the teachers to use technology effectively. Cahayni and

Cahyono (2012) in their research found that primary EFL teachers had a positive

attitude toward the use of technology in the classroom. Moreover, the result of the

research shows that teachers not only had a positive attitude but also in favor of

using technology in the classroom.

In relation to the discussion above, during teaching practicum in a Terang

Bangsa Christian Elementary School in Semarang, the teachers and students there

have been observed to be familiar with the use of technology. Thus, this study

aimed to find teachers‟ attitude toward technology use in the classroom. The

research question to be answered in this study was: “What is English Primary

(EP) teachers of Terang Bangsa Christian Elementary School‟s attitude toward the

use of technology in the classroom?” From this study, it was expected that

teachers who want to use technology in the classroom may get a reference on why



B. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Technology in the Classroom

Regarding the use of technology in the classroom, Yelland (2005) explains

that some of educators believe that teachers should not use computers to teach

young children. This was because computers were to abstract, they would also

minimize the role of teachers, computers did not really assist children to work

collaboratively and computers were used with programs that were considered to

be inappropriate.

However, Eady and Lockyer (2013) say that “Learning with technology has

become essential in today‟s school” (p. 74). Students in this era are already

familiar with technology since they are young and they are known as generation

Z. According to Singh (2014) “…born between 1995 – 2012, this generation is

also known as „Digital Natives‟” (p. 59). Moreover, Singh (2014) adds children

from generation Z are globally connected (in the virtual world), flexible and

smarter, and tolerant of diverse culture. Thus, the use of technology in the

classroom become essential since young learners are engaged with technology

since they are young.

Moreover, Lai and Kritsonis (2006) explain that these days, technology

can provide communicative activities and games for students so it can lessen the

stress and anxiety caused by learning. Also, it can promote students‟ motivation to

learn. Especially for young learners in primary school, who are hard to focus on



experienced, when a teacher showed videos related to the lesson, the students

were more excited about following the lesson.

However, Lai and Kritsonis (2006) state that “Due to the limitations of

computer‟s artificial intelligence, computer technology is unable to deal with

learners‟ unexpected learning problems and response to learners‟ question

immediately as teachers do” (p. 4). In contrast, Ranasinghe and Leisher (2009)

believe that the use of technology in the classroom can bring positive effect for

the learning process if teachers are trained how to integrate it in the classroom.

They also add “The belief that technology will hinder students learning has been

proven wrong as long as students are taught to use it as a tool” (p. 1958). Thus,

the role of teachers in the classroom is important.

Regarding the teachers‟ role in the classroom, Grasha (1994) explains that

teacher is seen as a leader and a manager in the classroom. Technology just serves

as a tool to facilitate learning, however, teachers still need to control the learning

process. As Murphy, DePasquale and McNamara (2003) state “After all,

technology is a tool, and as such it should be selected because it is the best tool for

the job” (p. 1). The one who can select the appropriate use of technology is


2. Teacher’s Attitude

Afshari, Abu Bakar, Su Luan, Abu Samah and Say Fooi (2009) state that

there are several factors that influence teachers‟ decision in using technology in

the classroom. One of them is teachers‟ attitude. Omolara and Adebukola (2015)



can influence a person‟s performance positively or negatively” (p. 131).

Furthermore, related to teachers‟ attitude and technology, Tsitouridou and Vryzas

(2003) explain that teachers‟ attitude is formed by several events. Teachers who

own and often use computers in their daily life are more likely have a positive

attitude toward technology. It can be concluded that teachers‟ attitude toward

technology might be influenced by how often teachers used and interacted with

technology in their daily life. Mumtaz (2000) explains when teachers‟ attitude

make them master certain types of technology, it will increasing teachers‟ self

-confidence. Thus, by having self-confidence teachers will be able to integrate

technology in the classroom more comfortable. It will result in the effectiveness

of teaching and learning process.

3. Teachers’ Attitude of Technology Use in the Classroom

Some research shows that teachers‟ attitude toward technology will

influence teachers‟ competency in implementing technology for teaching and

learning process. As Teo (2008) explains that to be able to integrated computers

effectively in the classroom, teachers need to have a positive attitude toward it.

Moreover, Albirini (2006) explains that teachers‟ attitude toward the use of technology in the classroom determines teachers‟ competency in using the

technology. Teo, Leo, and Chai (2008) add that the success of implementing

technology strongly depends on the attitude of the teachers involved. Because the

teachers‟ attitude whether positive or negative will affect how teachers respond to

technology. Teachers‟ attitude plays an important role in teachers‟ willingness to



Say Fooi (2009) explain that positive attitude toward the use of technology can

encourage less technologically capable teachers to learn skills that needed to

integrate technology in the classroom.

In the research done by Cahyani and Cahyono (2012) about teachers‟

attitudes and technology use in Indonesian EFL classroom which involved 37

teachers. Those teachers are teaching English as a foreign language in junior high

school, senior high school, and university lectures. By using questionnaire, they

found that teachers had a positive attitude toward the use of technology in the

classroom. Moreover, they found out that teachers also in favor of using

technology for teaching and learning process. Even though not all of the teachers

in the research have used various types of technology in the classroom. Teachers

were willing to use technology because teachers believed that using technology

may make teaching and learning become more effective.

Cahyani and Cahyono (2012) in their research wanted to answer five research

questions. They investigated what types of technology are used by teachers in the

classroom, how teachers used those technology, why teachers used technology in

their classroom, what is teachers‟ attitude toward the use of technology in the

classroom and how do language teachers see the benefits of using technology in

the classroom. However, this research only focused on the teachers‟ attitude

toward the use of technology in the classroom.



This study was conducted in Terang Bangsa Christian Elementary School.

The school is located in West Semarang. In this school, they have two different

classes. First, is called national class and second is EP or English Primary class. In

this study, researcher focus on the teachers who teach English in the English

Primary program.

2. Participant

The participant of this study was English teachers in the EP classes from

grade one to six. From 12 classroom teachers in EP classes, 9 of them teach

English. Thus there were total 9 participants for this study, 8 female teachers and

1 male teacher. The participants of this study was chosen based on the

convenience sampling. Fridah (2002) explains “A convenience sample results

when the more convenient elementary units are chosen from a population for

observation” (p. 7).

3. Data Collection Instrument

The instruments used for this study were a questionnaire and a

semi-structured interview. The questionnaires were adopted from Cahyani and Cahyono

(2012). There were 3 sections in the questionnaire (see appendix A). The first

section was about types of technology which was familiar for the teachers. The

second section was about how teachers integrated technology into their classroom.

Last was about teachers‟ attitude toward the use of technology in their classroom.

From the section 3, researcher developed four interview questions based on the

questionnaire (see appendix B). The interview questions help to get more



In answering the questions, the participants used both English and Bahasa

Indonesia. The ones in Bahasa Indonesia were translated into English in the


4. Data Collection and Data Analysis

First, the researcher asked permission to the headmaster of the school to

collect the data needed from the teachers there. After the confirmation, all of the

participants of this study were gathered into one class after school. Next, the

questionnaire was distributed to the teachers who teach English in EP classes.

However, there was 1 teacher who was not able to come. Therefore that teacher

was given an online questionnaire via Google form. After got the data from the

questionnaire, researcher continued with interviewing 3 teachers to get more data.


From the questionnaire distributed to 9 primary English teachers about

teachers‟ perception toward the use of technology in the classroom. The result of

the questionnaire is shown below.




Figure 1 is a list of technology already used by teachers to teach English in

the classroom. The data based on the questionnaire (section 1). It is shown that

teachers already used various types of technology for teaching and learning

process. There were eight teachers who used LCD (multimedia projection) to

facilitate teaching and learning process. Among the other types of technology

used by teachers, the most used technology by teachers was LCD. Moreover,

teachers were also using commercially-produced audiotapes (tape recorder, CD,

MP3), commercially-produced videotapes (VCD, DVD, VCR, CD ROM, MP4),

self-made audiotapes (tape recorder, CD, MP3), self-made videotapes (VCD,

DVD, VCR, CD ROM, MP4), Overhead projection (OHP), computers, E-mail,

website, webblog and others. It is shown that teachers already using technology in

their classroom to teach English. This proves that teachers are in favor to use it in

teaching and learning process.

Table 1

Teachers’ Attitude toward the Use of Technology in the Classroom.



11 Reading, and

Writing) will be

effective with the

use of


e. Teaching English




Vocabulary, and


will be effective

with the use of


3 6 - - -

According to Table 1, it can be seen that the teachers had a positive

attitude toward the use of technology in the classroom to teach English. All of the

teachers were aware that by using technology in their classroom can help students

to learn better. From Table 1, it is shown that the teachers agreed with the idea

that various kinds of technology are needed in the language classroom. They also

agreed that teachers should use technology in the classroom. Moreover, teachers

agreed that by using technology their students will learn better than by using only

textbooks. They also agreed that by integrating technology into the classroom to



English language components (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) can be

more effective for the students.

From Table 1, we can derive four themes. Those four themes are

technological facilities (point a), teachers‟ competency (point b), students‟

learning improvement (point c), and effectiveness of English language teaching

(point d and e).

1. Technological Facilities

In today‟s era, technology is seen as one of the important things in our life.

Thus integrating technology in the classroom can be a way to make teaching and

learning process more effective, especially in the context of teaching language for

young learners. The data in Table 1 shows that teachers agreed that it is important

to provide and use various types of technology in the classroom.

From the interview, Teacher 3 said that,

Krn ank2 sekarang lbh familiar dgn teknologi, mrk hafal Youtubers yg terkenal dibandingkan dgn pahlawan Indonesia sendiri. Jd jka pembelajaran English dgn teknologi yg bervariasi pasti mrk mjd lebih mengerti. (Excerpt 1)

(Because students are more familiar with technology. They are more familiar with famous

Youtubers rather than Indonesia‟s heroes. That is why teaching English with various

types of technology will make students understand better.)

From Teacher 3 explanation above, it can be seen that students were

attached to technology. Integrating technology in the classroom can be a strategy

for teachers to gain attention from their students. By integrating technology into

the classroom, students can be more interested in the lesson. When students



for schools and teachers to provide students with access to various types of

technology in the classroom.

Moreover, Teacher 6 explained that,

Karena mereka kan belajar bahasa asing dan teknologi sangat dibutuhkan utk mendukung

belajar mereka… Kadang anak2 masih menemukan kata2 sukar… Dgn teknologi akan

membantu mereka memecahkan kesulitan itu. (Excerpt 2)

(Because they are learning a foreign language and to support their learning process,

technology is needed… Sometimes, students are finding difficult vocabulary… With the

help of technology students will be able to overcome those difficulties.)

It shows that the teacher believed that using technology in the classroom

can help students to overcome their problems in learning English. Especially for

elementary students, learning English may be hard. Thus, teachers are required to

provide help for the students to be able to learn effectively. Using technology can

be a way to help students to learn better.

We can see that teachers were aware that technology is essential in

teaching English, especially for young learners. Because technology will attract

students‟ attention toward the lesson. It will make the students focus on the lesson

and improving their understanding of the materials delivered by teachers.

2. Teachers’ Competency

In Table 1 point b, it can be seen that teachers agreed that as language

teachers, they should integrating technology in their classroom. Teachers were

aware that by using technology in the classroom, it can help them to create a

conducive environment for students. It will also create a more fun atmosphere for

the students to learn. This will lower students‟ anxiety and help them to focus on

the lesson better. In that case, students will be able to process the materials better.



Using technology make my lesson more variation. Students not bored and make students more attention and understand. (Excerpt 3)

It shows that using technology in the classroom can create positive

learning situation for students. It will also make students more focus in the lesson.

Using technology in the classroom will also help students to understand materials

given by teacher easier. Moreover, it will make students learn in a different way

like they usually did. It will make students enjoy the lesson.

Moreover, Teacher 6 said that,

Karena tdk semua anak memiliki cara belajar yg sama. Jadi tdk semua anak bisa mengerti ketika belajar dgn mendengar guru menerangkan.(Excerpt 4)

(Because not all of the students has same learning style. Therefore, not all of the students

can understand by just listening to teacher‟s explanation.)

It means that by using technology in the classroom, teachers can

accommodate students‟ learning styles. As we know that there are students who

are visual and auditory learners.

However, not all of the technology that available can be used in the

classroom. Teachers need to select which technology is appropriate to use in the

classroom. The appropriate technology for students depends on the classroom

situation. Each class has different situation and different students. That is why

teachers need to understand the classroom situation and their students first. Also,

teachers need to decide what aims of the lesson before selecting to use technology

in the classroom.

3. Students’ Learning Improvement

The data of the questionnaire shown in Table 1 point c, shows that

teachers agreed that by using technology in the classroom students are able to



reason(s) for using technology in the classroom, some teachers answered that by

using technology in the classroom students are more interested in following the

lesson. All of the teachers also said that by using technology in the classroom, the

student can understand the materials better.

For example, Teacher 6 explained that,

Ya, misalnya pertemuan pertama saya hanya menerangkan tanpa alat bantu peraga, hanya

membawa buku… Lalu ketika saya evaluasi dgn soal2 hanya anak yg memperhatikan yg

bisa menjawab… Lalu pertemuan selanjutnya dgn alat peraga atau dgn menggunakan LCD… Anak2 yang semula nilainya di bawah KKM akan meningkat. (Excerpt 5)

(For example, in the first meeting, I only explained with books without aids… Then,

when I evaluated them by giving them exercise only students who were listening were

able to answer… In the next meeting, using aids or LCD… Students who got score under

KKM at first, their score will improved.)

By using technology in the classroom can help students to give them a

clearer explanation. Because for students who are in elementary school, they may

have difficulties in understanding some materials especially in foreign language.

Thus, giving students explanation with the help of technology can make students

grasp the idea of the materials explained by teachers.

In addition, Teacher 8 who gave her students a video song related with the topic

of the lesson stated that,

Mereka senang dan bisa 3x di play on mereka langsung bisa hafal dan menyanyi di kelas. (Excerpt 6)

(They were happy and (the song) can be played 3 times. They memorized it right away and sang together in the class.)

We can see that when students were given a video of a song to learn, they

were able to memorize it faster. It shows that using technology in the classroom is

helpful for the students. Besides, it also creates a fun learning situation for the



From the explanation from the teachers, we can see that by using

technology in the classroom, it is possible for teachers to accommodate some

learning styles of students. Therefore, students who are not able to understand by

just listening to their teachers will be helped. It also means that technology makes

the teaching and learning process more effective for both teachers and students.

4. Effectiveness of English Language Teaching

From the Table 1 point d and e, we can see that teachers agreed that

teaching English language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and

English language components (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) can be

effective with the use of technology. The three teachers that had been interviewed

gave their opinion about how can teaching English language skills and component

can be effective by the use of technology.

Teacher 3 explained:

Can strengthen their skill, for example through watching video they can learn listening, how to say the words in correct pronunciation. (Excerpt 7)

The teacher believed that by using technology, teaching English language

skills and components can be more effective. Because through technology,

teachers can provide the students with real examples from native speakers. Since

students are learning a foreign language, exposure to native speakers‟ use of English become important. It will help students‟ competency in using English


In addition, Teacher 6 added:

Writing: dari film melalui LCD bisa membimbing mereka utk menulis kembali cerita yg

mereka lihat… Jadi semuanya dpt berjalan dengan efektif. (Excerpt 8)

(Writing: using film that shown through LCD can guide students to re-write the story…



Rather than asked the students to read a story from their book, showed

them the story through video might be more effective for the students. Because

the students are still in elementary school, some students may not be interested in

reading their book. They also easily get bored when asked to read from their

books. That is why, by showing them the story will help students to pay attention

to the story and understand the story better. With better understanding, when the

teacher asked them to re-write the story they can do it better.

We can see that technology can provide students with a real example and

experience from native speakers. Moreover, exposure to the target language

directly from the native speakers will enrich students‟ experience in learning

English. It will also help students to improve their English competencies.

5. Discussion

As shown in the findings, all of the teachers agreed that technology is

needed for the students to be able to learn better. In addition, the teachers were

also aware that nowadays technology is inseparable with teaching. Harris (2000)

in Keengwe, Onchwari, and Onchwari (2009) believe that technology will be an

important tool to recreate learning in the 21st century. Moreover, Knapp and

Glenn (1996) in Keengwe, Onchwari, and Onchwari (2009) technology can be

used to help students solve the problem and help them to think independently and


The findings indicate that technological facilities are one essential part of

the integration of technology in the classroom. Figure 1 showed that teachers have



teachers‟ positive attitude toward technology use. Moreover, teachers‟

competency in using technology in the classroom is also important. It will affect

the successful of the teaching and learning process. The findings show that by

integrating technology in the classroom can create a fun environment for students

to learn with less anxiety. The findings also show that using technology in the

classroom affected students‟ learning. It is supported by Teacher 6‟s explanation

in excerpt 5 where students‟ score improved after she integrated technology in the

classroom. Lastly, the findings suggest that using technology in the classroom

might make teaching and learning process more effective. By using technology to

facilitate teaching and learning in the classroom can accommodate students‟

various learning styles.


This study aimed to find Primary English teachers in English Program of

Terang Bangsa Christian Elementary School‟s attitude toward the use of

technology in the classroom. There were 9 teachers of the school who were

involved in this study. The data was collected through questionnaires and


From the data, this study found that the teachers had a positive attitude toward

the use of technology in the classroom. In addition, teachers were also in favor in

using the technology in the classroom. It is shown in the questionnaire that all of

the teachers were already using various types to teach their students. Moreover,



teachers‟ competency, students‟ learning improvement and effectiveness of

English language teaching.

The four themes are connected one another. Teachers‟ positive attitude are

supported with the evidence from Figure 1 that shows teachers‟ use of various

types of technology. Teachers‟ positive attitude toward the use of technology will

affect teachers‟ competency in using technology. If teachers are able to use

technology appropriately in the classroom, it will create a fun learning

environment for the students. The fun learning environment will lower students‟

anxiety in learning English. If the students are enjoying the lesson, their output

will improve. Thus, with the use of technology in the classroom, teaching and

learning process will be more effective.

Although the findings were able to answer the research question.

However, there were some limitations in this study. Firstly, this study was

conducted only in small-sized population. Thus, it cannot be generalized to a

bigger population. Secondly, because of the time limitation, the data was not deep

enough. Therefore, some aspects of this study might not have been addressed

deeply. Therefore, it is suggested that further research could look at bigger




First of all, I would like to thank God Almighty for His blessings which

make me able to finish my thesis. I also would like to thank my thesis supervisor

for his guidance throughout my thesis completion, Bapak Dian Toar Y. G.

Sumakul, M.A. Deepest gratitude for my thesis examiner, Prof. Dr. Gusti Astika,

M.A. for his valuable input, time to read and examine my thesis. I would like to

thank all of staffs and teachers in SD Kristen Terang Bangsa, Semarang where I

had my teaching practicum and collected the data for this thesis. Especially for

Miss Tya who always supports me during teaching practicum and during writing

my thesis. I am really grateful for that. I thank my family (Papi, Mami, Irwan, and

Hendra) for their prayers and their support (mentally and financially). Last but not



support me (Tirza, Pavita, Karisma, Kartika, Sara and Debora). I also would like

to thank everyone who has not been mentioned here who helped me during my

study in UKSW. Thank you for your support. God bless you.


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Questionnaire on the Use of Technology in Language Classrooms

Dear participants,

My name is Melia Wijaya Katono. I am conducting my research for my thesis entitled “Primary Teachers‟ Perception toward the Use of Technology in Classroom”. I would like to ask for your help to fill in this questionnaire honestly. All your answers and information in this questionnaire will be kept confidential.

Thank you for your help and God bless you.

Respondent Details:

Name ____________________________________________

Contact Information _________________________________

Gender ____ Male ____ Female


24 1. The Various Types of Technology Used

a. Which of the following non web-based types of technology are used in your

classroom? (Please tick)

_____ Commercially-produced audiotapes (tape recorder, CD, MP3)

_____ Commercially-produced videotapes (VCD, DVD, VCR, CD


_____ Self-made audiotapes (tape recorder, CD, MP3)

_____ Self-made videotapes (VCD, DVD, VCR, CD ROM, MP4)

_____ Overhead projection (OHP)

_____ LCD (multimedia projection)

_____ Computer

_____ Others (please mention): ________________________

b. Which of the following web-based types of technology are used to support the

teaching of English in your classroom? (Please tick)

_____ E-mail

_____ Website

_____ Webquest

_____ Webblog

_____ Webchat

_____ LMS (Learning Management System)

_____ Others (please mention): ________________________

2. How Technologies are Used and for What Reasons a. Name of the types of technology:




b. Procedure in using technology:





c. Reason(s) for using it:


d. How did technology affect achievement of your students?


3. Attitudes toward the Use of Technology

What is your opinion about the following statements? Please give your response

by giving a tick to the options which suit your opinion.

a. Second language classroom should have various types of technology.

_____ Strongly Agree


26 _____ Neither Agree nor Disagree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly Disagree

b. Language teachers should employ technology in their classrooms.

_____ Strongly Agree

_____ Agree

_____ Neither Agree nor Disagree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly Disagree

c. Students will learn better if they use technology in their classrooms.

_____ Strongly Agree

_____ Agree

_____ Neither Agree nor Disagree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly Disagree

d. Teaching English Language Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and

Writing) will be effective with the use of technology.

_____ Strongly Agree

_____ Agree

_____ Neither Agree nor Disagree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly Disagree

e. Teaching English Language Components (Grammar, Vocabulary, and

Pronunciation) will be effective with the use of technology.

_____ Strongly Agree

_____ Agree

_____ Neither Agree nor Disagree _____ Disagree


27 APPENDIX B Interview Questions

1. Why do you think technology is important?

2. In your opinion, how teaching English Language Skills (Listening,

Speaking, Reading and Writing) can be effective with the use of


3. In your opinion, how teaching English Language Components (Grammar,

Vocabulary and Pronunciation) can be effective with the use of


4. From your experience, what are the advantage and disadvantages of using


FIGURE 1 Various Types of Technology used by the Teachers
Figure 1 is a list of technology already used by teachers to teach English in


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