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T1__Full text Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Teachers’ Perception Towards the Use of Technology to Support Language Learning in the Classroom T1 Full text


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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of


MeythaVidyawatyVazri 112013088







This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.

Copyright@ 2017. MeythaVidyawatyVazri and Anita Kurniawati,M.Hum

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of a least one of the copyright owners or the English Language Education Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Kristen SatyaWacana, Salatiga.




TITLE ...i





The Characteristic of young learners in Elementary school…...………….5

Advantages and Disadvantages of technology…………..………..6 Teachers perceive technology as a tool that can attract students‟ attention in the classroom………...12

Teachers view technology as a hardware in teaching ……...…………16

Technology make the teachers‟ life easierin teaching………..18









Meytha Vidyawaty Vazri


At present of time, the technology in teaching shows their development, especially in English learning. Currently, the teacher integrated the technology in the classroom and them certain where the technology can support the language

process in the classroom. The aim of this study was to investigate teachers‟

perception of the using of technology in teaching to support the language process in the classroom at SD Kristen SatyaWacana. The participants were the five English teachers. A semi-structured interview was used to collect the data

information from the participants‟ perceptions through the using of technology in

the classroom. The findings show three main perceptions of the using of technology in the classroom based on the interviewees. Those were teachers

perceive technology as a tool that can attract students‟ attention in the classroom,

teachers view technology as a hardware in teaching, and technology makes the

teachers‟ life easier.

Keywords: technology, young learners, English




teacher brings it into the classroom. By using technology, the teachers can make the learning process more interesting and interactive. Besides, by using technology the teacher have already prepared by themselves to their future because every day the technology show their existence. The last by using technology make students easier to remember what they have learned.

It related to my experience when I taught 3rd grade in an Elementary school, I taught them twice. At the first time, I just used a whiteboard to illustrate or draw some toys and at the second time, I used power point slide to show some picture of toys again, which the pictures were the same with what I drew on the whiteboard before. I saw that they were more enthusiastic when I used the picture in powerpoint slide showed on the LCD and the results of their exercise were better than before I did not give them the picture. So, after seeing my experience the using of technology can be helpful for the learning process for the young learners.

I take the perceptions‟ from the other teachers because I want to know

where they have same perceptions or different perceptions by using technology in the classroom. ChanLin, Hong, Horng, Chang & Chu (2006) as stated in Pepe

(2016 p.40) said that “Teachers‟ personal beliefs about teaching, their

experiences with technology and perceptions about using innovations, such as new and creative ideas and practices for integrating technology into the

classroom, affected their willingness for technology integration”. ChanLin et al.



integration technology in the classroom are teachers‟ personal belief, teachers‟ personal experiences, teachers‟ personal lifestyle, and teachers‟ interests in using the technology (p. 63). Those are impacted to the Teachers‟ perception in using the technology in the classrooms, the teacher will feel excited and being helped by the integrating the technology. Because it will help the teachers contain and motivate the students in the classroom more actively.

This study aims to answer the following question: How the teachers‟ perceptions of regarding integrating technology into the classroom?. Therefore, I am interested in learning further from the teachers' perception towards using the technology to be meant in this discussion is the what kind of technology that the teacher bring into their the classroom. From this study, the researcher hopes that from the results of this study the Elementary teachers can integrate the technology in their classroom to support the learning process. Furthermore, this study can give some perceptions for the Elementary English teachers to bring or use one kind of technology in their classroom.


Technology in the classroom



classroom. Technology is a tool, tool that helps the teacher in a way of instruction. Flanagan (2008) believes that technology is not only a tool or device that would make the classroom more alive but can be call Assistive Technology. Assistive technology Device it is like the item, part of the tool, or invention system that can upgrade, maintain, or increase capabilities of the learners through disabilities. (Riley, Beard, and Strain, 2001, 47) as stated in Flanagan (2008).

Besides, according to Dunn, Wilson, Freeman, and Stowell (2011) as stated in Cruz (2013) they classify the technology into several types, there are



software. However, technology in teaching now recognize the kinds of technology, which is usually use in the classroom. The examples are a computer, OHP, projectors, and the speaker is the common technologies that we can found in the classroom or in language Lab. Nowadays, to improving teaching and learning the teachers can use that technology such as OHP and projectors to show power point slide, combine it with interesting pictures video or song. By this way,

the learning process in the classroom will be more interactive.

The Characteristic of young learner in Elementary school

Commonly, a grouping of elementary students is difficult if divided based on the age ranges but in Indonesia, the age range elementary students are around six until twelve years old. Then, through see the ages of the young learners in Elementary school, the characteristic of the Elementary-Learners are very active when they find things that interact them, talkative, sometimes ask many questions and at that age, they have been trying to make a decision for themselves. Elementary-aged learners are the type of learners who will show they interest only for 30-35 minutes as their span attention time in the classroom, after that they will easy disturbed by others (Neville, 2007).



to help them represent their thoughts the young learners need an enormous of visual information. Thus, young learners also need concepts taught in concrete ways and they are interested in play with their playmates or work in a group. Young learners are love playing and fun things in the classroom. Besides, they usually become self-centered in their social interaction, whether with their groups or teacher.

In addition, Harmer (2007) in his book “The Practice of English Language

Teaching” he separated the characteristic of young learner into eight different points. The young learners are able to respond meaning although they do not understand the individual words. The young learners also commonly learn indirectly rather than directly. It comes up by Harmer when he also says that “they take in information from all sides, learning from everything around them rather

than only focusing on the precise topic they are being taught”. Their


7 Advantages and Disadvantages of technology

Advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the classroom depend on how the teachers use it, their creativity and initiative. Now we can see there are several advantages of the use of technology in the classroom. According to Madaviah (2013) by using technology in the classroom is to develop students‟ interest in their learning process. The technology itself will be able to encourage

students‟ communication. The technology also can improve their interaction

between teacher and students. Another expert Marwan (2008) also agree that by using technology will help the teacher to visualize and explaining the abstract concept to make students understand the topic better. As we can see that, the role of technology in the classroom has changed the ways of students‟ way in language learning. The technology also helps the teacher to change the method of learning and make strategies in their teaching. By having a look back to the characteristic of the young learners that they easily get bored, technology will be helpful. The teacher can bring the real object in the classroom or add some videos, song or flash card.

However, according to Cruz (2013), “the use of technology in the classroom requires time, money and training”. Although, technology has changed



schools are dealing with that. When the computer or OHP suddenly is not responding it will affect the teaching and learning process in the classroom or Language Lab. All technologies whether software or hardware are good and have multiple functions in the classroom. Nevertheless, not all of those technologies are easy and appropriate to use for teaching and learning in the classroom.

Problem and challenge using technology

According to Ranangsinghe and Leisher, (2009) “Technology cannot replace the human mind, but it can help expand it. Thus, teachers have a critical role – teaching students how to use technology as a tool to help, rather than hinder, their learning”. Moreover, the teachers who bring the technology in the classroom will find some obstacles and the challenges itself never be apart by the problems. The challenges are about the school have to provide internet connection in their school to the teachers find some sources, also have to provide appropriate multimedia room to maximize the use of technology itself. If it in the classroom, the schools also have to provide at least OHP, projectors, and speaker portable to use in the classroom. The teachers also have to familiar with the use it and can deal with it when the technology having the technical problem.



Context of the study

The study was conducted in SD Kristen SatyaWacanaSalatiga, which was located on YosSudarso street number 1, Salatiga, Central Java. In this place, English subject has two hours one a week in each grade. There is no Native speaker in this school but the English teachers in this place maximizing how their English learning process interesting by using the technology to supports them.



10 Instruments

The researcher used a qualitative method that called for conducting semi-structure interviews with English teachers in SD Kristen SatyaWacanaSalatiga. One of the reasons why the researcher choose semi-structured interview because it is really effective when used in analytical a communicative research in order to investigation not only what individuals say, but also what they perceive too. The interview sections were done by using Bahasa Indonesia.

The instrument consists of four sections. In the first section, the researcher

asked the interviewees‟ life history or demographic information. Second section


11 Data Collection Procedure

The researcher used piloting first for the Interview questions before start to interview the real participants. The participant of this piloting was the English Elementary teachers from different school who have been teaching more than 5 years too. The researcher used piloting first to know the interview questions enough to answer the research questions or not. After piloting, the researcher evaluated the results and then started to meet the real participants to interview them. Therefore, the researcher started to interview the English teacher in SD Kristen SatyaWacana one by one. Each interviewee will conduct around

twenty-five minutes‟ interview sections. By doing this interview section, the researcher

also used taking note and a mobile phone to a recorder that applied to make sure that there was no information would be lost. The researcher will do the same way to others participants.

Data Analysis Procedure

After the researcher interviewed all of the participants and got the data. I started to transcribe the data recorded one by one. Then, the researcher classifies the data into every aspect or components that the researcher have got from the

result of interviewees‟ transcribe were code. After that, the researchers made three

emerging themes or sub-theme that were analyzed to see the results of the



In this section, reported the information that gets from the interview sections was analyzed quantitatively. The data and findings based on the result of the transcript of the interview sections. The major findings perceptions are teachers perceive technology as a tool that can attract students‟ attention in the classroom, teachers view technology as a hardware in teaching, and technology

makes the teachers‟ life easier in teaching.

A. Teachers perceive technology as a tool that can attract students’ attention

in the classroom.

Since the technology exists in the education world, the teacher interviewed

saw that the roles of technology in the classroom now as a tool to attract students‟

attention in the classroom. Besides, we can say also a tool to make the students

engaged with the activities and teachers‟ explanations. Indeed, teachers have their limitation so they need a tool which can help them to attract students‟ attention,

make the students always focus in the classroom and can be a tool that can help the teacher to explain and visualize the abstract thing that the students difficult to understand. Some interesting thing that we found from the interview sections were almost all the participants separated the categories of the classroom into two categories, there are „kelasatas‟ and „kelasbawah‟, they called „kelasbawah‟ for

grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3. Then, for „kelasbawah‟ for grade 5 and grade 6.

Below were some quotations that were taken from the interview sections:

If from the students, automatically it would help them to attract their

attention. If we‟re talking about fifth grade if we just explain maybe they



minutes it would not like that. The students will easily get bored. We start to give some pictures to make them interested in the classroom, but sometimes the pictures are not enough, just played power point also not enough, sometimes the students already get bored in the classroom.

(Participant 1, my translation) The technology I think is a tool. Especially, I am a teacher for grade 1 and 2 make students easier to learn there are many media, pictures, and video. That is why for grade 1 and 2 they really needed. The Facilitate makes student easier to learn.

(Participant 4, my translation) As long as we as a teacher can find the appropriate film or interesting pictures for the students, they will more interest in the classroom because there are sound, there are something moving pictures, I‟m sure they will not get bored.

(Participant 5, my translation) From those quotations, we can assume that they believe by using technology in the classroom can help their students to be more interest, not getting bored and feel motivated in the classroom because of the attractiveness of some pictures or videos are given. It might give positive results for the students when their teachers using a tool that can help them understand better in the classroom. The technology itself will be able to encourage students‟ interaction. Here probably some advantages that we can find by seeing the perceptions of some participants who use the technology in the classroom. Based on the result of interviewed sections most of them believes that integrating the technology in the

classroom will attract the students‟ interest more.

Then, the teacher‟s involvement of several interesting pictures on power



students will get bored in the classroom. By nature, Elementary-Aged or the young learners has a difficulty in preserving attention for a long time. According to Neville (2007), Elementary-Aged learners show they interest and attention for as much as 30-35 minutes, after they pass their span time they will easy to get disturbing by anything else. The reason why the teachers put interesting pictures on their slideis to attract students‟ attention and make them still focus in the classroom.

As we can see, the type of the learner in grade 1 until 4 is the visual learner. For example, participant 4 also said that:

Only bring something, for example, a real thing, bring AVA but real things for children. The example of modern technology such as real thing is too difficult so usually, I use technology as power point or video or everything that the students can visualize some abstract things, the students can see.

(Participant 4) Therefore, by seeing from her statement she also perceives that the learner in Elementary- Age students is the type of visual learner. Especially, for the beginner (first grade, second grade, and third grade) they need this one to understand some abstract things into the concrete things as she said. According to Piaget and Inhelder (1969) state that the knowledge of young learners are little in developing of some concepts and to help them represent their thoughts the young learners need an enormous of visual information. Therefore, by the use of technology, it would help the students to get their visual information that provides by the teacher.



students and make students easier to learn, it also help the students understand will understand the topic better because students‟ attention already attract by the teacher using the pictures or video was given. Marwan (2008) believes that to make students understand the topic better in their classroom, the technology itself can be a tool that helps teacher to visualize and explain the abstract concept. The technology that the participant 4 used will help the participant also to explain and visualize the abstract things for the students in the first and second grade.

However, each teacher has the criteria in choosing the technology that they

used. The technology that they use should be something that can attract students‟

attention or something, which not only the students can see or like visual thing but also there is some picture with sound and it can move such as animation pictures.

By seeing, the criteria of the technology that participant 5 uses to attract students‟

attention, participant 5 believes it would not make the students get bored in the

classroom because the young learners‟ understanding is achieved not only by the explanation, but also, from what they see, what they hear, touch and they interact with (Harmers, 2007).

In conclusion, we can see some advantages above of using technology in the classroom. Those advantages that help students to engaged the activities or

teachers‟ explanations. Although, we cannot make the technology as the main



B. Teachers view technology as hardwarein teaching.

The participants realized when they usually using hardware more than another thing of technology in the classroom. Based on the transcript in-depth-interview sections, mostly the participants said that by using hardware and bring it into the classroom will be helped them in teaching. The hardware itself is a kind of technology such as LCD, Computer, OHP, Laptop, etc. Below were some quotations that were taken from the interview sections.

Technology usually related with using LCD, Video. Then, whiteboard is also kind of technology but compare with the newest. It is from the student side, the use LCD, Video learning, then for the teacher laptop also kind of technology.

(Participant 1, my translation) For me a technology in teaching as a tool, I think many such as AVA, there are many kinds of technology such as the computer, LCD projector then puppets, I think puppets are kind of technology and then realia also.

(Participant 3, my translation) Technology that we use there are audio such as the speaker, then we use

LCD, then we use TV, Laptop also to support it. Therefore, it‟s boundary

like that. Although, there is the technology that we use maybe a flashlight, and then tools of science in a solar system that is something which already patent and we do not make it by ourselves.



audio/video players, digital books, smartphones, and personal response systems as portable handled and as web connections, there are the online course, course-management systems, social networks, RSS feeds, wikis, blogs, post casts. It means many types of technology that the teacher can use in the classroom such as LCD, Laptop, Speaker, and Computer go as a hardware. While in software, there are power point slides and for Video, Song, and film as a portable handled.

As we know the type of the learners around age 6-12 years old or called Elementary-Aged learners the type of visual learner. The used variant of technology for grade 1 until grade 4 is good. The teachers can put animation pictures audio, video, or song. It depends on how the teacher can treat the students in the classroom. Here kind of technologies that the participants mostly used, there is Laptop, LCD projectors, computers also video. Although, all kinds of technology that the teacher brings into the classroom are related to each other but

according to the participants‟ perceptions they mostly said are nearly same with

kind of technologies that they actually used are LCD projectors, Laptop, Speaker, Video, and Computers. Nevertheless, one of the participants who participant 3 he has his own perception in using the LCD projectors in his classroom. In his

independent student. So, „Learn how to learn‟ that I want to stimulate to

them. I do not want to expect too much but, to be honest, I stimulate them to learn and how to learn.



From his perception above, we can see that he differentiate the use of LCD

projectors for his class. Participant 3 said that for „kelasatas‟ which means fifth and sixth grade, he used LCD just a tool to stimulate students‟ mind but not only

in a whole class. He wanted his students could have and analyze some abstract

things using the students‟ mind but stimulating from LCD. It looks like different

perception with other participants who the teacher for first grade, second grade, third grade and fourth grade. Participant 3 thought that he wanted to minimize of visualizing in his explanation to his students in fifth grade and sixth grade.

According to Flanagan (2008) believes that technology is not only a tool or device that would make the classroom more alive but can be call Assistive Technology. Assistive technology Device it is like the item, part of the tool, or invention system that can upgrade, maintain, or increase capabilities of the learners through disabilities. (Riley, Beard, and Strain, 2001, 47) as stated in Flanagan (2008). Moreover, the use LCD in the classroom it would help the learners to give more their attention in the classroom because the material on the

LCD projectors that provide from the teacher to increase students‟ ability through

motivating material.

C. Technology makes the teachers’ life easier in teaching.



them to explain and visualize something difficult when they were in the classroom. All the participants are not only a teacher for English subject; they are

also as a „Walikelas’ for first grade, second grade, fourth grade, fifth grade and sixth grade. Therefore, they are able to teach all the subject not only English subject, their time also limits, they should make some material for others subject not only for English subject. Moreover, they need something that makes it their make something for the presentation, we can only download and there are available.

(Participant 3, my translation)

If from the teachers‟ side, we feel more help, more efficient also. It can

be more efficient in explanation to the students in the classroom. Then, from the preparation side is not really complicated because luckily in here there is Internet Connection. Then, we can more play with more pictures and we can add another interesting picture or introduce something new for the students, many kinds of colors there are blue, green, purple, etc.

(Participant 5, my translation)



not only for students but also for the teacher, technology allows a new chance in learning, it also gives a new way to collaborate and create something new, saves more money and time too. As I said before, the entire participant is „Walikelas’,

the participants‟ time also limited for prepare everything. Therefore, the

participants use technology to help as resources to find or create material for the students.

Here, the advantages that the participants found to make their life easier to teach in the classroom. The efficiency is the participants thought by using the technology shows implicitly where they can save their time to preparation and not too complicated.

Participants 4 and 5 nearly have same perceptions that the technology cannot be separated with internet connections. Below is quotation from the interview section:

The students easy to understand with the teachers‟ explanations. Then, if

students curious with something that they do not know, we can directly searching in the classroom because there is available an Internet Connection. We can find it together and the students easily get everything what they want. The teacher also, feel satisfied and happy because we can give and facilitate what the students want, it is from the technology.



or make material that they wants to use for teaching. The participants can use it in the classroom also to search directly that the students do not know and want to know at the same time.

In this time, we as modern people cannot avoid of the technology in our lives, technology can help us easier to find or create something but we cannot force some people who still do not want depend on the technology. Everyone has their own decision, for the participants above who perceive that the existence of technology they agree that the use of technology in teaching would help them easier to explain, visualization, find and create their material for their students


The study was proposed to identify teachers‟ perceptions towards the use

of technology to support language learning in the classroom. The Findings were

collected from the kinds of technology, the participants‟ experiences in used the

technology in the classroom, some advantages, and disadvantages from the teachers and students sides, the problem that the participants‟ found in the classroom while they used it that mentioned by the participants on the interview sections. The result reported and analyzed are three findings perceptions why the teachers perceive the technology could be support in the classroom. Those findings perceptions were teachers perceive technology as a tool that can attract



findings show that technologies have the advantages both teachers and students in the classroom but it depends on the other's perceptions.

Based on the three major findings above there are described the role of

technology in teaching through the teachers‟ perceptions. They perceive by using the technology will increase the attention and good response from the students in

the classroom. Nevertheless, this study will not go further from the students‟

perceptions. This is the limitation of this study when focuses on teachers‟ perceptions towards the use of technology in the classroom. If this study goes

further from students‟ perceptions, this study might be not relevant in giving the

data information to the readers.

This study is important for the others teachers to improve their teaching technique and try to integrate the technology in the classroom. Then, for the similar study, I hope it could be made with different participants, it can be taken




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First, I would like to express my gratitude to ALLAH Y.M.E who always blesses me and gives me guidance in my life during finish my study. My deepest gratitude goes to my parents SaifulFajri&Evarista, Emanuel

Budianto&TutiBudianto, my brothers Akmal and Al, Poernomos‟ and Hj. Maemunahs‟ family who always support and loving me during the beginning of

my study until the end.

Second, for my thesis supervisor, Anita Kurniawati, M.Hum, with her guidance and patience during this semester so that I could finish my thesis. My wholehearted appreciation goes to my examiner and my adviser also, Anne I. Timotius, M. Ed who was willing to make time for reading and giving very helpful comments on my thesis, also guidance me during the advising until the end.



Interview questions

Demographic questions: Full name, Age, Gender, their position in school, academic degree achieved, experience in teaching, level that they are teach.

Section 1:

1. What do you think about technology in teaching?

2. Do you agree that technology can support more in the classroom?

Section 2:

3. Can you share your experiences using technology in teaching or in your classroom?

4. What kind technologies do you usually use in your classroom? Section 3:

5. Based on your experience, do you feel more comfortable when using technology in the classroom? Why or why not?

6. In your opinion, does the technology can improve in language learning process?

7. Does it have positive or negative effect in learning process?

Section 4:


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