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Academic year: 2021



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(A Pre-Experimental Study at Eight Grade Students of SMP Jaya Negara, Makassar)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fullfillment of requirement for the

degree of SarjanaPendidikan in English Department

AWALIA ZAENAL 10535620615





SURAT PERNYATAAN Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:


NIM : 10535620615

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Board Race Method to Improve Students Vocabulary Mastery (A Pre-Experimental Study at Eight Grade Students of SMP Jaya Negara, Makassar)

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi apabila ini tidak benar.

Makassar, Februari 2020 Yang Membuat Pernyataan

AWALIA ZAENAL 10535 6206 15




SURAT PERJANJIAN Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:


NIM : 10535620615

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Board Race Method to Improve Students Vocabulary Mastery (A Pre-Experimental Study at Eight Grade Students of SMP Jaya Negara, Makassar)

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Makassar, Februari 2020 Yang Membuat Pernyataan

AWALIA ZAENAL 10535 6206 15




la`in syakartum la`azīdannakum

“Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan

menambah (nikmat) kepadamu”






Muhammadiyah University. Supervised by Nur Qalbi and Muh. Asrianto.

This thesis aims to find out whether the Board Race Method is effective in improving students' vocabulary mastery of at VIII A class of SMP Jaya Negara, in term of nouns and verbs.

This research was a pre-experimental design used pre-test and post-test. The population of this research is the VIII grade students of SMP Jaya Negara and to take the sample of researchers used purposive sampling. The research sample was 20 students. The research instrument was a vocabulary test consisting of 10 multiple choice items and 10 fill the blank items and each test consisted of 5 noun and 5 verb items.

The results of the data show that there was a difference between pre-test and post-test of students. The main score of students before the exam is 40 and it improved to 54.25 after applied the Board Race method. While the mean score in term of verb before gave the tretment was 46.75 it improved to 63.5 after applied the Board Race method and the mean score in term of noun was 32 became 51 after applied Board Race method. In addition, from t-test analysis, it was obtained that the t-test value was greater than t-table, students’ vocabulary mastery in totally (5.61>1.729) and in term of verb (5.85>1.729) and in term of noun (4.37>1.729). Therefore, the hypothesis of this research can be conclude that Null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (H1) is accepted. It means that Board Race Method was effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in term of nouns and verbs.



Awalia Zaenal. 2020. Efektivitas dari metode Board Race untuk Meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa (Desain Pra-Eksperimental). Sebuah skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Nur Qalbi dan Muh. Asrianto.

Tujuan skripsi ini untuk mengetahui apakah Metode Board Race efektif dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa di kelas VIII SMP Jaya Negara, dalam hal kata benda dan kata kerja.

Penelitian ini merupakan desain pra-eksperimental yang menggunakan pre-test dan post-test. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Jaya Negara dan peneliti mengambil sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian adalah 20 siswa. Instrumen penelitian adalah tes kosa kata yang terdiri dari 10 item pilihan ganda dan 10 item isian kosong dan masing-masing tes terdiri dari 5 kata benda dan 5 item kata kerja.

Hasil data menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara pre-test dan post-test siswa. Skor rata-rata siswa sebelum ujian adalah 60% dan meningkat menjadi 84,56% setelah menerapkan metode Board Race. Selain itu, dari analisis t-test, diperoleh bahwa nilai t-test lebih besar dari t-tabel, penguasaan kosakata siswa pada kata kerja (5,85> 1,729) dan pada kata benda (4,37> 1,729). Oleh karena itu, hipotesis penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Null Hipotesis (H0) ditolak dan Hipotesis Alternatif (H1) diterima. Ini berarti bahwa Board Race efektif untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa dalam hal kata benda dan kata kerja. Kata kunci: Effektivitas, Metode Board Race, Kosakata, Meningkatkan.




Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Praise the presence of Allah SWT. Because his blessing and guidance that the researcher could finish this thesis as one of the requirement for get graduation Sarjana Pedidikan in English Education Department of University Muhammadiyah Makassar. Salawat and salam always addressed to the prophet Muhammad SAW because with his struggle so people are now in the century full of knowledge.

In this thesis cannot complete without support, guidance and assistance of various parties who have a great contribution and influences on the finish this thesis, it seems is it very difficult for the researcher to finish her thesis. Therefore the researcher will say to thank you so much to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M as the rector of University Muhammadiyah of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd.,M.Pd.,Ph.D as the dean of University Muhammadiyah of Makassar.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd. as head of English Department University Muhammadiyah of Makassar.

4. Dr. Nur Qalby, SS., M.Hum as my first advisor and Mr. Muh. Asrianto, S.Pd., M.Pd as second advisor who have educated, supported and given guidance to researcher from beginning to end.



5. Zaenal Abidin and Sam-Sam as her beloved parents, their endless love, their support prayer, their caring out, moral and financial support to the researcher.

6. Her classmates (Amazing class) who have struggled together from the beginning of the last lecture until now.

7. All of friends and her beloved people, who help and support the researcher to finish the graduating paper. Especially for sister Nurhikma Sari, Renny Wulandari, Nurul Astari, and Lu’lu Shafa Mawaddah, as her another advisor even helping her when she is tight, and her close friends which can not be named one at time.

The preparation of the thesis is prepared as well. But still lacks because no body works perfect. Therefore, the write hope constructive criticism and suggestion from all parties. Hopefully this research can be useful for all readers and can increase the knowledge for the researcher.

Makassar, January 2020 The Researcher

AWALIA ZAENAL 10535 6206 15




Cover ... i

Lembar pengesahan ... ii

Approval Sheet ... iii

Surat Pernyataan ... iv Surat Perjanjian ... v Motto ... vi Abstract ... vii Acknowledgement ... ix Table of Content ... xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ... 1 A. Background ... 1 B. Problem Statement ... 2

C. Objective of the Research ... 2

D. Significance of the Research ... 2

1. Theoretically ... 3

2. Pratically ... 3

E. Scope of the Study ... 3


A. Previous Related Findings ... 4

B. Theoretical Description ... 5

A. Concept of Board Race Method ... 5



2. Board Race Preparation ... 5

b. Concept of Vocabulary ... 7 1. Definition of Vocabulary... 7 2. Kind of Vocabulary ... 9 3. Vocabulary Mastery ... 11 4. Vocabulary Development ... 12 C. Conceptual Framework ... 12 D. Hypothesis ... 13


A. Research Design ... 14

B. Variable of the Research ... 14

C. Population and Sample ... 15

1. Population ... 15

2. Sample ... 15

D. Research Instrument ... 15

E. Procedure of Data Collection ... 15

F. Procedure of Data Analysis ... 16


A. Findings ... 19




A. Conclusion ... 33 B. Suggestion ... 33 BIBLIOGRAPHY ... 35 CURRICULUM VITAE APPENDICE LIST OF TABLE Table 3.1. The classification of students’ score ... 17

Table. 4.1. The students’ mean score all score ... 20

Table. 4.2. The students’ rate percentage and frequency ... 21

Table. 4.3. The students’ mean score all score in term of verb... 23

Table. 4.4. The students’ rate percentage and frequency in term of verb ... 23

Table. 4.5. The students’ mean score of noun... 25

Table 4.6. The students’ rate percentage and frequency in term of noun ... 26

Table 4.7. The t-test of students’ improvement. ... 29




Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ... 12 Figure 4.1. The rate frequency of the students’ all score in pre-test and post-test ... 22 Figure 4.2. The rate frequency of the students’ score in pre-test and post-test in term of verb ... 25 Figure 4.3. The rate frequency of the students’ score in pre-test and post-test in term of noun ... 27 Figure 4.4. The students’ improvement in pre-test and post-test in terms of noun and verb ... 28


Appendix A Table Scoring... Appendix B Lesson Plan & Instrument ... Documentation ... Curriculum Vitae ...




Education is an important thing for everyone. In the education process, people are able to get more knowledge of many subjects. The one of subjects thought by teacher is English language. English language is one of the important things in education. It is including several language lesson in our country. As a global language, it is used to communicate among people in the world.

In English, there are four skills namely speaking, writing, listening, and reading. Vocabulary is one of the problems of improving into these four skills, because Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which should be learnt. Learning it is important because in order to be able to speak, write, and listen learners have to know vocabulary first. A person said to know a word if they can recognize its meaning when they see it (Cameron, 2001: 75). It means that 13 in learning vocabulary learners have to know the meaning of it and also understand and can use it in sentence context.

Based on the researcher experience in Magang 3 Program this school is chosen because the researcher found that most students are difficult to engage in vocabulary, it is caused by some factors such as, lack of vocabulary and practice. No one is doubt, that interaction is the way to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. In English teaching and


learning process, vocabulary is one of the important aspect that can influence the students are lazy to study in English and class to be boring. To improve student vocabulary mastery, the researcher use Board Race method. Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary, whether it words from the lesson you’ve just taught or words from a lesson you taught last week. It can also be used at the start of the class to get students active. It is a great way of testing what your students already know about the subject you’re about to teach. Therefore, it is important to conduct the research under the title “The Effectiveness of Board Race Method to Improve Students Vocabulary Mastery.”

B. Problem Statement

Based on the limitation of the problem mentioned above, the problem that is analyzed by the researcher is stated as follows:

“Is the use of Board Race method effective to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery especially for noun and verb?”

C. Objective of Study

Based on the problem above, the objective of the study is to describe whether the use of Board Race method effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery especially for noun and verb.

D. Significant of Study

The results of this study are expected to give both theoretical and practical benefits as follows:


1. Theoretically

The result of this study is expected to know the effectiveness of using Board Race method to improving students’ vocabulary mastery especially Noun and Verb.

2. Practically a. Teacher

1) Teacher can use the material easier and she/he will have a new method to teach the elements of English by using Board Race. 2) The teacher can make this method to be an interesting method

in other the students easy to understand in learning English. b. Students

It improved the students’ vocabulary mastery and students can enjoy the learning process in the class.

c. Researcher

The researcher wants to help students to find out the treatment to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

E. Scope of the Study

The research focus on students` vocabulary mastery in terms of noun and verb by using Board Race method at SMP Jaya Negara, Makassar.



REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Previous Related Research Findings

The researcher is finishing this graduating paper by take a look on three previous studies to support the research. The first, the research is arranged by Kusumawati (2017) in her thesis entitled “Board Race to Boost Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”, she found that by using the Board Race method can boost students to mastering vocabulary, so that in this method can facilitate students in understanding the meaning of English words.

Other researcher, Sariayati (2013) in her thesis entitled “The effectiveness of TPR (Total Physical Response) Method in English Vocabulary Mastery of Elementary School Children”, she found that this method was effective in vocabulary mastery of Elementary School children because Total Physical Response method had a high effect in improving vocabulary mastery of the students. TPR method is very suitable for children’s characteristics, as they love moving around and get bored easily if just sit on the chair. Moreover, it is supported by their good response.

Third researcher, Sara (2018) in her thesis entitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary through Board Race Language Game”, she found that by adopting Board Race games, teacher can create an enjoyable atmosphere for students so that they could relax their minds and practice the target language effectively. The researcher did the research by quantitative method. The findings of the research revealed that employing “Board Race” language


game in teaching vocabulary to learners not only can play a positive role in the development of their vocabulary knowledge, but also it can pave the way for language development of the EFL learners as well as motivating the learners to motivating the learners to improve their own abilities in various aspects of second language development. The findings could be used to improve the vocabulary knowledge of Algerian University students via using “Board Race” language game. The outcomes of the study could be helpful in designing materials for the EFL learners in the Algerian context. The result also could be employed in teaching meaningful vocabulary to the EFL learners. The findings of the study might be interesting enough to pave the way for the researchers to investigate the application of games in other areas and components of the English language pedagogy.

The findings above have similarities and differences. The differences of the previous research used used quasi-experimental design and another to improve students’ vocabulary mastery, but the technique of collecting data is same with the all previous research. The researcher used the pre-test and post-test to know the vocabulary mastery before and after the treatment by the researcher, and finally, the researcher will be concluded that vocabulary mastery can influence all the four language skills. Therefore, this kind of vocabulary will try to focus on verb and noun only.


B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Concept of Board Race Method a. The Meaning of Board Race

Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary, whether it be words from the lesson you’ve just taught or words from a lesson you taught last week. It can also be used at the start of the class to get students active. It is a great way of testing what your students already know about the subject you’re about to teach (Deubelbeiss: 2009)`

Board race game is one of the developments of board game as a common game which can be played by using board, table, or floor. Board race game is a fun way for students to practice their English while enjoying some competition. (Fitri Palupi : 2017)

"Board race game" is often used in the learning process of English language, especially to improve vocabuary memory that has been taught before to students. The type of game is more to repeat vocab and grammar. (Yudi Marwanto : 2018)

b. Board Race Preparation

Before class begins, or before the activity starts, you should make sure that there is enough room to move around. Clear out any obstructions that could get in the way. You don’t want anyone tripping or hurting themselves.


1) Board Race Guidelines:

a) The goal of a board race game is to have two people “race” from one end of the classroom to the board at the other end of the classroom and write the answer to a question on the board. The first person to finish writing the correct answer scores a point.

b) The game allows you to test the students on a variety of topics while getting them fully engaged in the activity with some friendly “athletic” competition. Surprisingly, you may find adult students like it even more than the kids do.

2) Board Race Procedure

a) First, to start the Board Race, explain to the class about the purpose of the game. You may want to do a diagram on the board to demonstrate it. Pick a couple volunteers from the class to “race” against each other.

b) Have the two students come stand behind you at the front of the class by the board. With two different colored markers, assign one color to each student. Ask a question relating to a topic that you have covered in a recent lesson or something that you have focused on during the day. For example, it could be a simple as how to spell a word or something more complex, such as how to structure particular verb tense using noun and verb that you say to them.

c) After you ask the question, throw the markers to the other end of the classroom. Shout “Go!” or something to start a race. The students run


to get a “bonus” point for being fast. However, the first student who completes writing the correct answer could be awarded two points.

d) After the demonstration, put the class into two teams and begin the board race competition. Every student should have a chance to race a student from the other team. Also, try to make sure to match students according to their abilities.

e) Lastly, award the winning team a prize and o over any difficulties that they had during the activity. Post-race stretching is optional.

2. Concept of Vocabulary a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one important thing in language learning besides grammar and sound. Without vocabulary, a language will not be formed. Someone will not be able to express their feelings and ideas whenever he/she does not have vocabulary in mind. Gestures and body language are not enough to use, especially when someone wants to express what he/she has in mind, in which it is a complex thing or an abstract idea; give response; and even comprehends one’s utterances. Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words. The definition of vocabulary has similarities and


differences to each other. It is good look at some of the definitions that have been described as vocabulary.

Jack Richard (2001:4) defined vocabulary is one of the most obvious components of language and one of the first things applied linguists turned their attention.

Huddleston (1954:1-2) in Rahim (2011:12) defines vocabulary based on its use. He says that there are two definitions of vocabulary. (1) Vocabulary is the content in function words of a language which are learning so thoroughly, that they become a part of the child understands speaking, reading and writing, (2) vocabulary is words having meaning when heard even though the individual produces it when communicating with others.

Carter in Muhbubah,(2005:10) points out that vocabulary is the concept and function word of language which are so thoroughly that became a part of child’s understanding speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary is the word having meaning when heard and seen even though it is not processed by individual to communicate with other sometimes all the words recognize and understood by a particular person, although not necessary used by him.

Grambs in Ali (2017:7) state that, “Vocabulary is a list of words usually defined and alphabetized as a dictionary or specialized glossary complete word stock of language.” It same with Paul


(1996:248) statement that vocabulary as the stock of words used by person, class or profession.

Vocabulary is a noun, singular form. It becomes vocabularies in plural form. Vocabulary can defined as all the words contained in a language, the specialist terms used in a given subject, a list of words in another language with their translation, a range of symbols of technique as used in any of the arts of crafts, the building’s vocabulary of materials, texture, and tones.

Similar to the previous definition, Webster in Basri, (2007:88) states that vocabulary are: (1) a list of words and sometimes phrase, it is usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined in a dictionary, glossary, lexicon; (2) all the words of language; (3) all the words used by a particular person, class, profession etc.

b. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are many kinds of vocabularies:

Lehr, and Osborn (2011) explain the kinds of vocabulary, word knowledge is composed of two forms:

1. Receptive vocabulary includes words that are recognized when we hear or see them. It is the ability to comprehend passive vocabulary which is used in reading and listening context.

2. Productive vocabulary includes words that are recognize when we speak or write. It is an active ability which is used in speaking or writing.


Good in Ikhsan (2004:6) divides vocabulary into four kinds: 1. Oral vocabulary refers to words that a person employs them in

expressing ideas orally and actively.

2. Writing vocabulary refers to words commonly used in writing. 3. Listening vocabulary refers to a person can understand when they

are heard.

4. Reading vocabulary refers to a person can recognize them when he winds them in written form.

Vocabulary is also divided into eight parts, namely Parts of Speech. Brown (1984:5) points out that the eight parts of speech are: 1. Noun is any abstract or concrete entity; a person (Policy, Nadine),

place (Makassar, Indonesia, Home), thing (Book, Table, Smartphone), idea (happiness), or quality (bravery).

2. Pronoun is any substitute for a noun or noun phrase (She, He, You) 3. Verb is any action (walk), occurrence (happen), or taste of being (be) 4. Adjective is any qualifier of a noun (Smart, Long)

5. Adverb is any qualifier of an adjective, verb, clause, sentence, or other verb (yesterday, slowly)

6. Preposition is any establisher of relation and syntactic context (for, after)

7. Conjunction is any syntactic connector (and, or) 8. Interjection is any emotional greeting or exclamation.


1. Function words consist of articles, prepositions, pronouns, conjunction, auxiliaries, etc. They are seen as belonging more to the grammar of the language than to vocabulary itself.

2. Content words consist of noun, full verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. They have meanings to stand alone, to provide links within sentences, or modify the meaning.

c. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is expertise toward a group of words having individual meaning. Vocabulary mastery includes the knowledge about the meaning, the knowledge about the classes of words, and the knowledge about the use. In this research, the researcher only emphasized vocabulary mastery on the meaning of words.

According to John in Ali (2010:7), vocabulary mastery is knowledge involves knowing the meaning. Therefore the purpose of vocabulary test is to find out whether the learners can distinguish the changing of irregular verb and understand the meaning.

According to Keraf (2007) said that vocabulary should be constantly reproduced and expanded, in accordance with the demands of an increasingly mature person who wants to know everything he can. Mastering the rules of English in general can only be developed through learning collocations and the patterns of words and sentences. These patterns are certainly limited, in line with the variety of human activities undertaken in everyday life, while vocabulary should be developed in a


way that is continually expanding, a method that can be adapted to the characteristics of each individual.

d. Vocabulary Development

Harmer in Jumariah, (2005:15) defines that vocabulary development can be defined as the action or act of building up vocabulary or words that the students have, or it can also be said that vocabulary development is the element of English vocabulary that is being developed. Besides that, in teaching vocabulary the students must have some elements of English vocabulary, such us: noun, conjunction, adverb, adjective, pronoun and interjection. He can also develop the students’ vocabulary through many ways.

3. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework Board Race method Vocabulary mastery Noun Verb Students


Diagram above explain about process to find out the effectiveness of Board Race method to improve students’ vocabulary mastery especially on verb and noun. Every students’ have a problem in vocabulary mastery, so in this research will examine the effectiveness of Board Race method to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher will use this method in teaching and learning process because Board Race method is review vocabulary that can support students’ potential in vocabulary mastery. The ability to mastery the vocabularies can improved through Board Race method by following several procedures to easily to organize their memorize.

Verbs and noun are one of the major parts of English. Verbs are the action words in sentence that describe what the subject is doing, and noun is word used to identify any classes of people, places or things. This is the reason why the researcher try to use Board Race method to improve students’ vocabulary mastery especially in verb and noun.

4. Hypothesis of the Research

The hypothesis of this research formulated as follow:

a. (Null hypothesis): There is no the effectiveness of improving vocabulary mastery by using Board Race method.

b. (Alternative Hypothesis): There is the effectiveness of improving vocabulary mastery by using Board Race method.




In this study, the researcher used quantitative method. The researcher conducted the data based on pre-experimental design with pretest-posttest. The researcher used pre-experimental design because there is relationship between dependent variable and independent variable to find out the result of the treatment. The design presented as follow:

O1  X  O2

O1 : pretest

X : treatment O2 : posttest

(Gay, 2006) B. Variables and Indicators

In this study there are two variables, namely the independent variable and dependent variable.

1. Independent Variable (X)

Independent variable in this research was Board Race (X). 2. Dependent Variable (Y)

The dependent variable in this study was students' vocabulary mastery (Y).


C. Population and Sample of the Research 1. Population

The population of this research was the Eight Grade Student of SMP Jaya Negara, Makassar in academic year 2019/2020.

2. Sample

In this research, the researcher took one class VIII A, consisted of 20 students has the sample. It was third grade students of SMP Jaya Negara in the academic year 2019/ 2020.

D. Instruments of the Research

The research instrument in this research was vocabulary tests which consist of 10 items multiple choices and 10 items filling the blank. Every test consists of 5 questions verb and 5 questions noun. The test was given twice that is pre-test and post-test. The first is pre-test. The purpose of pre-test was to know the students’ basic knowledge about vocabulary. In this test given the first meeting before applying Board Race method and the second test is post-test. This test was given after treatment or after applying Board Race. The purpose of post-test was to know the effectiveness of Board Race method to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

E. Procedure of Data Collection

The data collection applies pretest and posttest, where the pretest administers before giving the treatment and posttest administers after giving treatment.


1. Pre-Test

Before doing treatment, the researcher gave a pre-test for students to measure the basic students’ vocabulary mastery. The students work on a multiple choice and filling the blank test by spends 30 minutes. 2. Treatment

After gave the pre-test, the researcher gave treatment by applied Board Race Method. The treatment of the researcher conducted in four meetings. The researcher gave information about the procedure and the purpose of Board Race method.

3. Post-Test

Post-test used to measure the final result students’ vocabulary mastery. Post-test was given after Board Race method had done to applied in the class it is conducted by giving multiple choice and filling the blank test by spends 30 minutes which same with the pretest.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The data was collecting from the test of vocabulary that analyzes by using the following procedure:

1. To calculate the score of the students’ test


Table 3.1. The classifying the score of students as following:

Depdiknas, (2004) 2. To calculate mean score of the student


X : Mean score

: The sum of all the score

: The number of the students

Gay, (1981) SCORE CATEGORY 96-100 Excellent 86-95 Early good 76-85 Good 66-75 Fairly good 56-65 Fair 36-55 Poor 0-35 Very poor


3. To find the students’ improvement the formula as follow:


: The students’ improving

: The mean score of the pre-test : The mean score of the post-test

Gay, (1981) 4. Calculating the value of t-test to indicate the significance of the

difference between the pretest and posttest by using the following formula:

Note: t : test

ƩD2 : the sum of all squares (ƩD)2 : the sum of all sums ΣD : Sum of the differences




In this finding explain the result of the research such as students’ score pre-test and post-test, the students’ scores of indicators. The improvement of students’ vocabulary can be seen in the following table:

1. The improvement of the students’ vocabulary Table 4.1: The students’ mean score.

Indicator Pre-Test Score Post-Test Score Improvement % Students Vocabulary 40 54.25 35.6%

Table above show that there is improvement of the students’ vocabulary totally mean score in pre-test before gave treatments was 40 and after gave treatment students’ vocabulary totally mean score in posttest became 54.25. Therefore it could be summarized that students’ vocabulary was improve became 35.6%.


2. The students’ rate percentage and frequency Table 4.2: The students’ all score category.

No Category Score Pre-Test Post-Test Freq % Freq % 1 Excellent 96-100 - - - - 2 Very good 86-95 - - - 3 Good 76-85 - - - - 4 Fairly good 66-75 - - 1 5 5 Fair 56-65 1 5 6 30 6 Poor 36-55 11 55 12 60 7 Very poor 0-35 8 40 1 5 TOTAL 20 100 20 100

The table shows that the category, frequency and percentage of students’ vocabulary, there are different between pre-test and post-test. The result of pre-test before applied the Board Race method, there was no students in category excellent, very good, good, and fairly good. Only 1 student in category fair and 11 students in category poor and 8 got category very poor.


The result of post-test after applied the Board Race method shows there is no students in category excellent, very good and good. Only 1 student in category fairly good, 6 students in category fair, 12 students in category poor, and only 1 student got category very poor. It was mean that Board Race method effective to improve students’ vocabulary.

Figure 4.1: the rate frequency of the students’ all score in pre-test and post-test.

Figure 4.1 shows that students’ rate frequency in pre-test and post-test. After applied Board Race method the students’ score was improve which is post-test was higher than pre-test. The result shows that students’ score in pre-test were 40% categorized as very poor while in post-test only 5% students in very poor categories. It means that their understanding about vocabulary was improve.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 pre-test post-test fairly good fair poor very poor


3. The improvement of the students’ vocabulary in term of verb. Table 4.3: The students’ mean score of verb.

Indicator Pre-Test Score Post-Test Score Improvement % Students Vocabulary in term of Verb 46.75 63.5 26.3%

Table above explain about students’ mean score in term of verb show that the result of students’ in pre-test 46.75 while students’ vocabulary in post-test become 63.5 after applied the treatment. Therefore it could be summarized that students’ vocabulary in term of verb was improve became 26.3%.

4. The students’ rate percentage and frequency in term of verb Table 4.4: The students’ score category in term of verb

No Category Score Pre-Test Post-Test Freq % Freq % 1 Excellent 96-100 - - - - 2 Very good 86-95 - - - - 3 Good 76-85 - - 4 20 4 Fairly good 66-75 2 10 5 25


5 Fair 56-65 6 30 6 30

6 Poor 36-55 7 35 5 25

7 Very poor 0-35 5 25 - -

TOTAL 20 100 20 100

The table shows that the category, frequency and percentage of students’ vocabulary in term verb, there are different between pre-test and post-test. The result of pre-test before applied the Board Race method, there was no students in category excellent, very good, and good. There only 2 students in category fairly good, 6 in fair categories, 7 students got poor categories and 5 students got category very poor.

The result of post-test after applied the Board Race method shows there was no students in category excellent, and very good. There are 4 students in category good, 5 students in category fairly good, 6 students in category fair, 5 students got category poo and none in very poor categories. It was mean that Board Race method effective to improve students’ vocabulary in the term of verb.


Figure 4.2: the rate frequency of the students’ score in pre-test and post-test in term of verb

Figure 4.2 shows that students’ rate frequency in pre-test and post-test in term of verb. After applied Board Race method the students’ score was improve which is post-test was higher than pre-test. The result shows that students’ score in pre-test were 25% that categorized as very poor and there is no students in good categories, while in post-test there is no students in very poor categories but there were 20% in good categories. It means that their understanding about vocabulary in term of verb was improve.

5. The improvement of the students’ vocabulary in term of Noun Table 4.5: The students’ mean score of Noun

Indicator Pre- Test Score Post-test Score Improvement % Students Vocabulary in term Noun 32 51 59.3% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 pre-test post-test good fairly good fair poor very poor


Table above explain about students’ mean score in term of noun. Based on data above show that the result of students’ pre-test 32 while students’ vocabulary in post-test become 51 after applied Board Race method. Therefore, it could be summarized that students’ vocabulary in term of noun from pre-test to the post-test was improve became 59.3%.

6. The students’ rate percentage and frequency in term of noun Table 4.6: The students’ score category in term of noun.

No Category Score Pre-Test Post-Test Freq % Freq % 1 Excellent 96-100 - - - - 2 Very good 86-95 - - - - 3 Good 76-85 - - - - 4 Fairly good 66-75 - - 6 30 5 Fair 56-65 - - 2 10 6 Poor 36-55 8 40 11 55 7 Very poor 0-35 12 60 1 5 TOTAL 20 100 20 100


The table 4.6 shows that the category, frequency and percentage of students’ vocabulary in term of noun, there are different between pre-test and post-pre-test. The result of pre-pre-test before applied Board Race shows that none category excellent, very good, good, fairly good, and fair. There were 6 students got category poor, and 14 students in very poor categories. Therefore, the result show that after applied Board Race only 1 in category good, none in category excellent, very good and fairly good. There were 7 students in category fair, 8 in category poor and 4 in very poor categories. Therefore, there were improvement students’ vocabulary before and after gave treatments.

Figure 4.3: the rate frequency of the students’ score in pre-test and post-test in term of noun.

Figure 4.3 shows that the rate of students’ rate frequency in pre-test and post-test in term of noun. After applied Board Race method the students’ score had improved where pre-test was higher that post-test. The result shows that students’ score in pre-test were 70% categorized as very poor and none of good categorized while in post-test only 20% as very poor and there were 5% in good categorized.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 pre-test post-test fairly good fair poor very poor


Figure 4.4. The Students’ Improvement in Pre-test and Post-test of noun and verb.

Figure 4.4 shows that from 20 students who followed pre-test in term verb of got 46.75% while in the post-test got 63.5% and got improvement 26%. the result shows in term of noun students in pre-test got 32% and post-test became 51%, the students’ improvement in term of nous were 59.3%. It means the students’ score and percentages in post-test was better and higher than pre-test. That is why there are improvement after gave the treatments.

7. Hypothesis Testing

To know the level of significance of the pre-test and post test, the researcher used t-test analysis on the level of significance (p) = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) = N-1 (20-1= 20), where number of subject (students) the value of table is 1.729. The t-test statistical, analysis for independent sample is applied. The following table shows the result of t-test calculation:

Pre-test Post-test Improvement

Verb 46.75 63.5 26.3 Noun 32 51 59.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Table 4.7.The t.test of students’ improvement

The table above 4.7 shows that t-test value in all (5.61>1.729) and in term of verb were greater than t-table (5.85>1.729), it means that there is difference between the students’ vocabulary in term of verb before and after using Board Race method. The table also show that t-test value in term of noun was greather than t-table (4.37>1.729) it was improved, it means that there is the significance difference between the students’ vocabulary in term of noun before and after applied Board Race. Therefore, it could be said that the use of Board Race method was effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at SMP Jaya Negara, Makassar.

B. Discussion

In this section, the researcher presents a discussion of findings about improving student vocabulary in terms of verbs and nouns in the teaching and learning process using the Board Race method. It is shown by the score of students in pre-test and post-test.

Applying Board Race can improve students' vocabulary. The researchers found that before applied the Board Race method, the mean scores of students

Indicators t-test value t-table value

All Score 5.61


Verb 5.85


in the pre-test were very bad, but after applied the Board Race the students' scores on the post-test were good and sufficient. Using the Board Race method can fulfill what they need to remember vocabulary because students had found repeated vocabulary and searched for unknown words in reading, speaking, writing and listening. Therefore, it could be said that there is an increase in students' vocabulary after applied Board Race method.

This result supported by the totally mean score was improved became 35.6%. while, the mean score in term of verbs is 46.75 was categorized as poor and after being treated it becomes 63.5 and is categorized fairly good. It shows that the vocabulary of students was improved in term of verbs better after applied the Board Race method which is become 26.3%. It means that the competence of vocabulary in terms of verbs was increased before using the Board Race method.

Besides that, by applied Board Race method could improve the students’ vocabulary in term of noun. The researcher found before applied the treatment, students’ mean score in pre-test was classified as poor, while after gave treatments students score in post-test was classified as fairly good. Therefore, it could be conclude that there were improvement in students’ vocabulary in term of noun after applied Board Race method.

In addition, it was supported by the mean score of noun in pre-test was 32 this was category as poor and after post-test were 51 become fairly good. It showed that students’ vocabulary in term of noun better improvement with


59.3% after applied Board Race method. It means that the competence students’ vocabulary in term of noun more improve before used Board Race.

The other researchers supported such as Kusumawati (2017) in her thesis entitled “Board Race to Boost Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”, she found that by using the Board Race method can boost students to mastering vocabulary, so that in this method can facilitate students in understanding the meaning of English words.

Sara (2017) in her thesis entitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary through Board Race Language Game”, she found that by adopting Board Race games, teacher can create an enjoyable atmosphere for students so that they could relax their minds and practice the target language effectively.

Sariayati (2013) in her thesis entitled “The effectiveness of TPR (Total Physical Response) Method in English Vocabulary Mastery of Elementary School Children”, she found that this method was effective in vocabulary mastery of Elementary School children because Total Physical Response method had a high effect in improving vocabulary mastery of the students. TPR method is very suitable for children’s characteristics, as they love moving around and get bored easily if just sit on the chair. Moreover, it is supported by their good response.

After calculating and comparing the t-test value and t-table value, the researcher found that t-test value was greater that t-table (t-test>t-table). And the final result show that the students’ vocabulary mastery in term of verb score was (5.85>1.729) and students’ vocabulary in term of noun was


(4.37>1.729). It means there is significant different between the students’ vocabulary in terms of noun and verb before and after applied Board Race method. It is shows that the Null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (H1) is accepted. It means that Board Race Method was effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in term of nouns and verbs at VIII A class of SMP Jaya Negara, Makassar.




This chapter explained the conclusion and suggestion based on the research finding and discussion.

A. Conclusion

Based on the research finding and discussion, the researcher could be concluded that:

The students’ vocabulary of VIII A grade at SMP Jaya Negara in academic year of 2019/2020. There was improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery in term of verb. It was proved by the mean score of pre-test was 46.75 that categorized as poor and after applied Board Race method, the mean score of post-test become 63.5 that categorized as fairly good. The students’ vocabulary of VIII A grade at SMP Jaya Negara in academic year of 2019/2020. There was improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery in term of noun. It was proved by the mean score of pre-test before applied Board Race method was 32 and after applied Board Race, the mean score of post-test become 51 that categorized fairly good.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher proposes to the following suggestions:

1. For English teacher. The teacher can use board race game in teaching English because the game has interesting process. It also improved the students’ vocabulary. Then the teacher should know the vocabulary mastery


of the student, so the teacher can apply the appropriate strategy to teach English.

2. For the students. The students must realize that English has become an important language. The students must maximize their ability in learning English and improve their vocabulary through Board Race method.

3. The last suggestion for the next researchers is purposed to the next researcher. There are many strategies that can be used to teach vocabulary. The next researcher can search another media to teach English vocabulary and find it whether effective or not.




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(Table Scoring)



Table of students’ vocabulary totally score achievment.

Students All Score D (X- X) Pre (X) Post (X) S-1 30 65 70 4900 S-2 40 50 20 400 S-3 30 45 30 900 S-4 30 45 30 900 S-5 25 50 50 2500 S-6 25 30 10 100 S-7 25 55 60 3600 S-8 50 55 10 100 S-9 20 55 70 4900 S-10 45 50 10 100 S-11 45 50 10 100 S-12 40 45 10 100 S-13 55 70 30 900 S-14 50 50 0 0 S-15 55 65 20 400 S-16 45 50 10 100 S-17 50 65 30 900 S-18 35 65 60 3600 S-19 60 60 0 0 S-20 45 65 40 1600 TOTAL ∑X=800 ∑X=1085 ∑D=570 ∑D2=2610 0 ̅=40 ̅=54.25 (∑D) 2 =32490 0


Table of students’ vocabulary achievement in term of verb. Students Verb D (X- X) Pre (X) Post (X) S-1 30 50 40 1600 S-2 60 70 20 400 S-3 50 70 40 1600 S-4 50 60 20 400 S-5 20 50 60 3600 S-6 30 40 20 400 S-7 15 60 90 8100 S-8 60 80 40 1600 S-9 20 70 100 10000 S-10 60 80 40 1600 S-11 40 60 40 1600 S-12 50 50 0 0 S-13 60 70 20 400 S-14 50 60 20 400 S-15 70 80 20 400 S-16 40 50 20 400 S-17 60 60 0 0 S-18 40 60 40 1600 S-19 70 80 20 400 S-20 60 70 20 400 Total ∑X=935 ∑X=1270 ∑D=670 ∑D 2 =34900 ̅=46.75 ̅=63.5 (∑D)2=448900


Table of students’ vocabulary achievement in term of noun. Students Noun D (X- X) Pre (X) Post (X) S-1 30 70 80 6400 S-2 20 40 40 1600 S-3 10 70 120 14400 S-4 10 60 100 10000 S-5 30 40 20 400 S-6 20 40 40 1600 S-7 20 40 40 1600 S-8 40 70 60 3600 S-9 20 40 40 1600 S-10 30 30 0 0 S-11 50 40 -20 400 S-12 30 40 20 400 S-13 50 70 40 1600 S-14 50 40 -20 400 S-15 40 60 40 1600 S-16 40 40 0 0 S-17 40 70 60 3600 S-18 30 70 80 6400 S-19 50 40 -20 400 S-20 30 50 40 1600 Total ∑X=640 ∑X=1020 ∑D=760 ∑D 2 =57600 ̅=32 ̅=51 (∑D)2=577600



a. Calculating the t-test all scores analysis of students’ vocabulary.

̅ = = = 28.5 t = √ t = t = √ t = √ t = t = 5.6


b. Calculating the t-test analysis of students’ vocabulary in term of verb. ̅ = = = 33.5 t = √ t = t = t = √ t = t = 5.85


c. Calculating the t-test analysis of students’ vocabulary in term of noun. ̅ = = = 38 t = √ t = t = t = √ t = t = 4.37



a. The students’ vocabulary mean score of the pre-test and post-test.

Pre-test: ̅̅̅̅= = =40 Post-test: ̅̅̅̅ = = =54.25

b. The students’ vocabulary mean score of the pre-test and post-test in terms of verb. Pre-test: ̅̅̅̅ = = =46.75 Post-test: ̅̅̅̅ = = =63.5


c. The students’ vocabulary mean score of the pre-test and post-test in terms of noun. Pre-test: ̅̅̅̅ = = =32 Post-test: ̅̅̅̅ = = =51



The percentage of the students’ vocabulary improvement.

a. All Score P = X 100 P = X 100 P = X 100 P = 0.356X100 =35.6 % b. Verb P = X 100 P = X 100 P = X 100 P = 0.263X100 =26.3% c. Noun P = X 100 P = X 100 P = X 100 P = 0.593X100=59.3%



1. Classification of students’ vocabulary all scores.

Student s


classification Post-test Classification

S-1 30 very poor 65 Fair

S-2 40 Poor 50 Poor

S-3 30 very poor 45 Poor

S-4 30 Very poor 45 Poor

S-5 25 Very poor 50 Poor

S-6 25 Very poor 30 Very poor

S-7 25 very poor 55 Poor

S-8 50 poor 55 Poor

S-9 20 Very poor 55 Poor

S-10 45 poor 50 Poor

S-11 45 poor 50 Poor

S-12 40 poor 45 Poor

S-13 55 Poor 70 Fairly good

S-14 50 Poor 50 Poor

S-15 55 Poor 65 Fair

S-16 45 Poor 50 Poor

S-17 50 Poor 65 Fair

S-18 35 Very poor 65 Fair

S-19 60 Fair 60 Fair


2. Classification of students’ vocabulary scores in terms of verb.

Students Pre-test Classification Post-test Classification

S-1 30 very poor 50 Poor

S-2 60 Fair 70 Fairly good

S-3 50 Poor 70 Fairly Good

S-4 50 Poor 60 Fair

S-5 20 Very poor 50 Poor

S-6 30 Very poor 40 Poor

S-7 15 very poor 60 Fair

S-8 60 Fair 80 Good

S-9 20 Very poor 70 Fairly Good

S-10 60 Fair 80 Good

S-11 40 Poor 60 Fair

S-12 50 Poor 50 Poor

S-13 60 Fair 70 Fairly good

S-14 50 Poor 60 Fair

S-15 70 Fairly good 80 Good

S-16 40 Poor 50 Poor

S-17 60 Fair 60 Fair

S-18 40 Poor 60 Fair

S-19 70 Fairly good 80 Good


3. Classification of students’ vocabulary scores in terms of noun.

Students Pre-test classification Post-test Classification

S-1 30 Very Poor 70 Fairly Good

S-2 20 Very Poor 40 Poor

S-3 10 Very Poor 70 Fairly Good

S-4 10 Very poor 60 Fair

S-5 30 Very poor 40 Poor

S-6 20 Very Poor 40 Poor

S-7 20 Very Poor 40 Poor

S-8 40 Poor 70 Fairly Good

S-9 20 Very Poor 40 Poor

S-10 30 Very poor 30 Very poor

S-11 50 Poor 40 Poor

S-12 30 Very Poor 40 Poor

S-13 50 Poor 70 Fairly good

S-14 50 Poor 40 Poor

S-15 40 Poor 60 Fair

S-16 40 Poor 40 Poor

S-17 40 Poor 70 Fairly good

S-18 30 Very Poor 70 Fairly good

S-19 50 Poor 40 Poor



Table Distribution of T-Value

DF A = 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0005 ta = 1.282 1.645 1.96 2.326 2.576 3.091 3.291 1 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.656 318.289 636.578 2 1.886 2.92 4.303 6.965 9.925 22.328 31.6 3 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841 10.214 12.924 4 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 7.173 8.61 5 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 5.894 6.869 6 1.44 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 5.208 5.959 7 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499 4.785 5.408 8 1.397 1.86 2.306 2.896 3.355 4.501 5.041 9 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.25 4.297 4.781 10 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 4.144 4.587 11 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106 4.025 4.437 12 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055 3.93 4.318 13 1.35 1.771 2.16 2.65 3.012 3.852 4.221 14 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977 3.787 4.14 15 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947 3.733 4.073 16 1.337 1.746 2.12 2.583 2.921 3.686 4.015 17 1.333 1.74 2.11 2.567 2.898 3.646 3.965 18 1.33 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 3.61 3.922 19 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 3.579 3.883 20 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 3.552 3.85 21 1.323 1.721 2.08 2.518 2.831 3.527 3.819 22 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819 3.505 3.792


23 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.5 2.807 3.485 3.768 24 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 3.467 3.745 25 1.316 1.708 2.06 2.485 2.787 3.45 3.725 26 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 3.435 3.707 27 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 3.421 3.689 28 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 3.408 3.674 29 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.396 3.66 30 1.31 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.75 3.385 3.646 60 1.296 1.671 2 2.39 2.66 3.232 3.46 120 1.289 1.658 1.98 2.358 2.617 3.16 3.373 1000 1.282 1.646 1.962 2.33 2.581 3.098 3.3




Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Sekolah : SMP Jaya Negara, Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII

Komponen Bahasa : Kosa kata (Vocabulary) Alokasi Waktu : 6x40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 :Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 :Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 :Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4 :Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori. B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

No. Kompetensi Dasar Indikator


5.1Membaca nyaring bermakna teks tulis fungsional dan esei berbentuk descriptive dan recount pendek dan sederhana dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

 Membaca dengan nyaring dan bermakna teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan

 Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan

 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan

 Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan


5.2Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara


akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingungan sekitar

 Makna gagasan

 Makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive dan recount

 Langkah retorika teks descriptive dan recount

 Tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount

 Ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive dan recount


5.3Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount

C. Materi Pembelajaran

- Sebuah cerita tentang kata kerja yang mengungkapkan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung dengan judul "What Are They Doing?".

- Sebuah cerita tentang kata benda dari item pakaian dengan judul "Clothes for my Family?”

D. Metode Pembelajaran Board Race Games E. Bahan/Media

Spidol dua warna, kertas, papan tulis F. Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pembuka :

 Guru menyiapkan siswa secara psikologis dan secara fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran.

 Guru memberikan motivasi secara kontekstual menurut manfaat dan aplikasi dari materi pembelajaran


dikehidupan setiap hari.  Guru mengisi daftar hadir


 Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang ingin dicapai.

 Guru menyampaikan Batasan pembelajaran dan mendeskripsikan kegiatan menurut silabus.

Inti :

Pertemuan Pertama :

 Sebelum memasuki materi dan menerapkan metode Board Race, siswa diberikan pre-test.

 Guru mejelaskan tentang materi yang akan dipelajari.  Guru menceritakan kisah dalam teks bacaan menggunakan gerakan tubuh dan ekspresi wajah.  Guru meminta siswa

mengulang kata-kata pilihan pada cerita.

 Siswa diminta

menerjemahkan kata-kata pilihan menggunakan bahasa asli.

 Siswa diminta membuat kalimat menggunakan kata kerja.

 Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan dirumah.

Pertemuan Kedua :

 Guru memeriksa tugas yang diberikan di pertemuan pertama.

 Guru kembali mereview materi pertemuan pertama.


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework .....................................................................
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework Board Race method Vocabulary mastery Noun Verb  Students
Diagram above explain about process to find out the effectiveness  of Board Race method to improve students’ vocabulary mastery especially  on verb and noun
Table 3.1. The classifying the score of students as following:


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