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Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Item Review


Academic year: 2021

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Prinsip-prinsip Dasar

“Item Review”

Kiki Lukman

Fakultas Kedokteran

Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung


Menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip dasar penyusunan dan

proses review MCQ

Menjelaskan Item Review pada Uji Kompetensi Dokter



Strategi ujian dan evaluasi

The student ( doctor) begins with the patient,

continues with the patient, and ends his

studies with the patient, using books and

lectures as tools, as a means to an end”.

Assessments are patient-based

Sir William Osler – “the natural method of learning”

Kesalahan pada soal pilihan ganda (MCQ)

 Hanya menguji kemampuan mengingat – sering hanya hal

yang trivia

 Tidak menguji aplikasi atau integrasi pengetahuan  Tidak menguji kemampuan daya nalar dan pemecahan


 Tidak konsisten dengan prinsip-prinsip pendidikan masa kini  Lebih meningkatkan kemampuan memorisasi dari pada


Hindari kesalahan dalam menyusun “MCQ”

Hindari pertanyaan “recall” simpel : jawaban yang

dapat diperoleh dari suatu halaman buku ajar.

Hindari pertanyaan yang mendorong memorisasi


Selalu menguji kemampuan aplikasi , integrasi, atau


Gunakan skenario yang relevan sebagai stem

Prinsip-prinsip dasar

Nilai aplikasi dan integrasi pengetahuan

Gunakan skenario klinik untuk menyajikan masalah

Uji kemampuan daya nalar dan pemecahan masalah

Fokuskan pada materi yang penting – hindari “trivia”

Sediakan satu jawaban “

paling benar

Buatlah distraktor homogen


Vignette: Klinik, Masalah kedokteran keluarga (1)

Sebuah vignette antara lain berisi deskripsi kondisi

pasien, dan skenario klinik dengan beberapa informasi,


Umur, Jenis kelamin (e.g. laki-laki 45 tahun)

Tempat pelayanan (IGD)

Keluhan utama


Riwayat Pasien

Diagnostik fisik

• +/- hasil diagnostik

• +/- terapi awal, temuan selanjutnya

NBME, p.38 or p.56


Panduan umum konstruksi MCQ (1)

1. Yakinkan bahwa setiap soal dapat dijawab tanpa harus melihat pilihan jawaban atau yakinkan bahwa pilihan jawaban adalah 100 % benar atau salah. 2. Usahakan agar data atau informasi penting

seoptimal mungkin dicantumkan pada soal (stem), sedangkan pilihan jawaban usahakan sesingkat mungkin.

Panduan umum konstruksi MCQ (2)

Hindari informasi berlebihan pada soal.

Hindari soal-soal yang bersifat menjebak dan

terlalu kompleks serta tidak relevan.

Gunakan pilihan jawaban yang secara gramatikal

konsisten dan secara logis kompatibel dengan



Panduan umum konstruksi MCQ (3)

Hindari kata-kata absolut seperti, selalu, tidak pernah,

dan semua pada pilihan jawaban, dan hindari pula

istilah yang tidak jelas (meragukan) seperti biasanya

atau sering.

Hindari kalimat atau frase negatif seperti KECUALI,


Fokuskan soal pada konsep-konsep penting, dan

hindari hanya menguji kemampuan mengingat fakta.

Panduan umum konstruksi MCQ (4)

Fokuskan soal-soal pada konsep penting dan

kasus-kasus yang sering serta memiliki potensi masalah


Setiap soal diusahakan agar menilai aplikasi

pengetahuan, tidak hanya menguji daya ingat

terhadap fakta terisolasi.

Seluruh distraktor (pengecoh= jawaban salah) dibuat

homogen (dari sisi gramatikal, taksonomi).


Panduan umum konstruksi MCQ (5)

Hindari kesalahan teknis membuat soal, seperti :

Pilihan jawaban terlau panjang, kompleks, atau


Istilah yang rancu pada pilihan jawaban.

Bahasa pada jawaban tidak parallel.

Pilihan jawaban tidak menurut urutan logik.

Bukan salah satu di atas atau semua benar

digunakan sebagai pilihan jawaban

Panduan umum konstruksi MCQ (6)

Pilihan pada jawaban memberikan petunjuk logik

pada jawaban yang benar.

Pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah frase atau

kalimat terpanjang.

Penggunaan kata-kata yang diulang atau memiliki

makna sama baik pada soal maupuin pilihan



Apa saja yang perlu ditelaah ?

Materi : Blue print

Relevansi: Kongruensi


Tingkat kesulitan (tingkat kompetensi)

Klasifikasi : e.g. Dasar atau klinik?

Apa saja yang perlu ditelaah ?

Struktur :


Lead in



Komentar umum dan saran

Diterima/ revisi/ dikembalikan


Struktur Soal : Item Flaws

Grammatical Cues ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak

Logical Cues ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak

 Istilah yang absolut ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak  Jawaban benar yang panjang ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak  Pengulangan kata dari badan

soal ke jawaban ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak

 Konvergensi soal ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak  Pilihan jawaban yang panjang,

kompleks, atau duplikasi ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak

Struktur Soal : Item Flaws

 Pilihan yang berupa angka tidak diurut

sesuai dengan besarnya ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak

 Pilihan yang mengandung unsur frekuensi

suatu kejadian bersifat multi interpretasi ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak

 Pilihan jawaban tidak paralel dan

urutan tidak logis ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak

 Penggunaan BSSD (bukan salah satu

di atas pada pilihan jawaban) ( ) Ya ( ) Tidak

 Badan soal terlalu panjang, sulit,


Komentar Umum Reviewer

ID Soal :

Kesimpulan Hasil Review

( ) Diterima tanpa perbaikan ( ) Diterima dengan perbaikan

( ) Perlu konfirmasi pembuat soal

( ) Tidak perlu konfirmasi dengan pembuat soal ( ) Dikembalikan kepada pembuat soal

( ) memerlukan perbaikan keseluruhan ( ) Berpotensi diterima dengan perbaikan

Saran Perbaikan


(DD) / (MM) / (YY)

Nama Jelas :


A 60-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by the police, who found him lying unconscious on the sidewalk. After ascertaining that the airway is open, the first step in management should be intravenous administration of

A. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid B. Glucose with vitamin B1 (thiamine) C. CT scan of the head

D. Phenytoin E. diazepam

Grammatical cues: one or more distracters don’t

follow grammatically from the stem

A 60-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by the police, who found him lying unconscious on the sidewalk. After ascertaining that the airway is open, the first step in management should be intravenous administration of

A. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid B. Glucose with vitamin B1 (thiamine) C. CT scan of the head

D. Phenytoin E. diazepam


In patients with advanced dementia, Alzheimer’s type, the memory defect

A. can be treated adequately with phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)

B. could be a sequela of early parkinsonism

C. is never seen in patients with neurofibrillary tangles at autopsy

D. is never severe

E. possibly involves the cholinergic system

Absolute terms: terms such as “always” or “never”

are used in options

In patients with advanced dementia, Alzheimer’s type, the memory defect

A. can be treated adequately with phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)

B. could be a sequela of early parkinsonism

C. is never seen in patients with neurofibrillary tangles at autopsy

D. is never severe


Secondary gain is

A. synonymous with malingering

B. a frequent problem in obsessive-compulsive disorder

C. a complication of a variety of illnesses and tends to prolong many of them

D. never seen in organic brain damage

Long correct answer: correct answer is longer, more

specific, or more complete than other options

Secondary gain is

A. synonymous with malingering

B. a frequent problem in obsessive-compulsive disorder

C. a complication of a variety of illnesses and tends to prolong many of them


A 58-year-old man with a history of heavy alcohol use and previous psychiatric hospitalization is confused and

agitated. He speaks of experiencing the world as unreal.

This symptom is called

A. depersonalization B. derailment

C. derealization

D. focal memory deficit E. signal anxiety

Word repeats : a word or phrase is included in the stem

and in the correct answer

A 58-year-old man with a history of heavy alcohol use and previous psychiatric hospitalization is confused and

agitated. He speaks of experiencing the world as unreal.

This symptom is called

A. depersonalization B. derailment

C. derealization

D. focal memory deficit E. signal anxiety


Local anesthetics are most effective in the

A. Anionic form, acting frominside the nerve membrane

B. Cationic form, acting frominside the nerve membrane

C. Cationic form, acting from outside the nerve membrane D. Uncharged form, acting frominside the nerve membrane

E. Uncharged form, acting from outside the nerve membrane

Convergence strategy : the correct answer includes the

most elements in common with the other options Local anesthetics are most effective in the

A. Anionic form, acting frominside the nerve membrane

B. Cationic form, acting frominside the nerve membrane

C. Cationic form, acting from outside the nerve membrane D. Uncharged form, acting frominside the nerve membrane


Peer review committees in HMOs may move to take action against a physician’s credentials to care for participants of the HMO. There is an associated requirement to assure that the physician receives due process in the course of these activities. Due process must include which of the following

A. Notice, an impartial forum, council, a chance to hear and confront evidence against him/her

B. Proper notice, a tribunal empowered to make decision, a chance to confront witnesses against him/her, and a chance to present evidence in defense

C. Reasonable and timely notice, impartial panel empowered to make a decision, a chance to hear evidence against himself/herself and to confront witnesses, and the ability to present evidence in defense

Options are long, complicated, or double

Peer review committees in HMOs may move to take action against a physician’s credentials to care for participants of the HMO. There is an associated requirement to assure that the physician receives due process in the course of these activities. Due process must include which of the following

A. Notice, an impartial forum, council, a chance to hear and confront evidence against him/her

B. Proper notice, a tribunal empowered to make decision, a chance to confront witnesses against him/her, and a chance to present evidence in defense

C. Reasonable and timely notice, impartial panel empowered to make a decision, a chance to hear evidence against himself/herself and to confront witnesses, and the ability to present evidence in defense


Severe obesity in early adolescence

A. Usuallyresponds dramatically to dietary regimens

B. Often is related to endocrine disorders

C. Has a 75% chance of clearing spontaneously D. Shows a poor prognosis

E. Usuallyresponds to pharmacotherapy and intensive psychotherapy

Frequency terms in the options are vague (e.g. rarely, usually)

Severe obesity in early adolescence

A. Usuallyresponds dramatically to dietary regimens

B. Often is related to endocrine disorders

C. Has a 75% chance of clearing spontaneously D. Shows a poor prognosis

E. Usuallyresponds to pharmacotherapy and intensive psychotherapy


In a vaccine trial, 200 2-year-old boys were given a vaccine against a certain disease and the monitored for five years for occurrence of the disease. Of this group, 85% never contacted the disease. Which of the following statements concerning these results is correct?

A. No conclusion can be drawn, since no follow-up was made of nonvaccinated children

B. The number of cases (ie, 30 cases over five years) is too small for statistically meaningful conclusions C. No conclusions can be drawn because the trial

involved only boys

D. Vaccine efficacy (%) is calculated as 85 – 15/100

Language in the options is not parallel; options are in non-logical order

In a vaccine trial, 200 2-year-old boys were given a vaccine against a certain disease and the monitored for five years for occurrence of the disease. Of this group, 85% never contacted the disease. Which of the following statements concerning these results is correct?

A. No conclusion can be drawn, since no follow-up was made of nonvaccinated children

B. The number of cases (ie, 30 cases over five years) is too small for statistically meaningful conclusions C. No conclusions can be drawn because the trial

involved only boys


The diagnosis of a large ovarian cyst is most strongly suggested by

A. an anterior dullness, lateral tympany B. a decreased peristalsis

C. a fluid wave D. a shifting dullness

E. none of the above

None of the above is used as an option

The diagnosis of a large ovarian cyst is most strongly suggested by

A. an anterior dullness, lateral tympany B. a decreased peristalsis

C. a fluid wave D. a shifting dullness


Arrange the parents of the following children with Down’s syndrome in order of highest to lowest risk of occurrence. Assume that the maternal age in all cases is 22 years and that a subsequent pregnancy occurs within 5 years. The karyotypes of the daughters are : I. 46, XX, -14, +T (14q21q) pat

II. 46, XX, -14, +T (14q21q) de novo III. 46, XX, -14, +T (14q21q) mat IV. 46, XX, -21, +T (14q21q) pat

V. 47, XX, -21, +T (21q21q) (parents not karyotyped)

A. III, IV, I, V, II B. IV, III, V, I, II C. III, I, IV, V, II D. IV, III, I, V, II E. III, IV, I, II, V

Stems are tricky or unnecessarily complicated

Arrange the parents of the following children with Down’s syndrome in order of highest to lowest risk of occurrence. Assume that the maternal age in all cases is 22 years and that a subsequent pregnancy occurs within 5 years. The karyotypes of the daughters are : I. 46, XX, -14, +T (14q21q) pat

II. 46, XX, -14, +T (14q21q) de novo III. 46, XX, -14, +T (14q21q) mat IV. 46, XX, -21, +T (14q21q) pat

V. 47, XX, -21, +T (21q21q) (parents not karyotyped)

A. III, IV, I, V, II B. IV, III, V, I, II C. III, I, IV, V, II D. IV, III, I, V, II E. III, IV, I, II, V



“Item review” pada soal-soal pilihan berganda tipe A

meliputi evaluasi terhadap materi dan struktur soal.

Soal-soal yang diterima di dalam proses “Item

review” akan menjadi bagian dari “ Item Bank” UKDI


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