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Idiom Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Academic year: 2021

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Idiom dalam Bahasa Inggris (Bagian 1)

"When pigs fly?" Ini sungguh tidak masuk akal. Kapan babi bisa tumbuh sayap untuk terbang?

Namun, untuk penutur asli, ini sungguh masuk akal. Kalimat when pigs fly adalah contoh yang

bagus untuk sebuah idiom, atau ungkapan yang artinya sama sekali berbeda dengan kata-kata

yang membentuknya. Mari kita lihat idiom-idiom berikut ini!

When pigs fly

Babi tidak bisa terbang! Sungguh tidak mungkin, yang mana itu merupakan maksud dari

ungkapan tersebut. Contohnya jika Anda mendengar seseorang berkata "Do you think Mary will

quit her job now that she's pregnant?" Yang lainnya merespon, "Yeah, when pigs fly! There is no

way she is giving up her career!" Waktu dia menggunakan ungkapan when pigs fly, artinya

sungguh tidak mungkin Mary akan berhenti dari pekerjaannya.

Get in someone's hair

Jika Anda get in someone's hair, bukan berarti Anda menaiki kepala seseorang! Melainkan,

Anda mengganggu mereka atau mungkin Anda memasuki wilayah pribadi mereka. Contohnya,

"Susan was trying to prepare dinner, but her children were getting in her hair!" Ini berarti

anaknya mengganggunya saat dia sendang memasak. Jika seseorang mengganggu Anda, Anda

bisa katakan kepada mereka, "Get out of my hair!"

Hit the ceiling

Langit-langit ruangan sangat tinggi di atas kepala Anda, jadi tidak mungkin dengan mudah Anda

akan mengenainya - kecuali Anda sangat marah! Jika seseorang hits the ceiling itu berarti

mereka bereaksi sangat marah. Contohnya, "When Carol's son got an F on his report card, she

hit the ceiling!" Ini berarti Carol sangat marah saat Anaknya gagal dalam satu mata pelajaran.

Knock someone's socks off

Sekarang, cukup mungkin untuk pull someone's socks off (menarik kaus kaki seseorang sampai

lepas)- namun bagaimana Anda knock them off? Dengan cara membuat mereka terkesan

tentunya! Sebagai contoh, "You should see Tom's new car! It'll knock your socks off, it's so

amazing!" Ini berarti mobil Tom sangat mengagumkan!

Bite the bullet

Bagaimana Anda tahu rasa sebuah peluru jika Anda belum pernah merasakannya? Tidak begitu

enak. Jadi mengapa seseorang bite the bullet? Mereka melakukannya saat mereka dengan berani

bertahan pada situasi yang sangat sulit. Contohnya, "She had to bite the bullet and give in to her


boss's unreasonable demands." Ini berarti dia bersikap sangat berani saat menghadapi tuntutan

atasannya yang tidak adil.

Drive someone up a wall

Mobil tidak bisa menembus tembok, jadi siapa yang bisa drive you up a wall? Seseorang yang

menyebalkan! Sebagai contoh "My mom is driving me up a wall! She won't ever let me stay out

late." Ini artinya saya sangat kesal karena Ibu saya tidak memperbolehkan saya berada di luar

pada malam hari

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Home » Idiom » Vocabulary » 100 Idiom Bahasa Inggris Amerika 100 Idiom Bahasa Inggris Amerika

Howard (1951: v), penulis Idioms in American Life—buku yang akan saya ringkas isinya ini, mengungkapkan bahwa: “An idiom is a group of two or more words that has a special meaning different from the meanings of its component parts.” Menurut Howard, idiom itu adalah sekumpulan dua kata atau lebih yang memiliki makna khusus yang berbeda dari makna yang ada pada komponen-komponen katanya. Sebenarnya dalam buku tersebut ada contoh dalam percakapan sehari-hari sebagai ilustrasi yang bisa dipahami dengan jelas. Namun karena ini hanya sekedar ringkasan dari semua isi idiom Bahasa Inggris Amerika dalam buku tersebut, maka saya hanya menampilkan maknanya beserta satu contoh sebagai penjelas. Berikut adalah 100 idiom Bahasa Inggris yang bisa dipelajari

After all All of sudden As well At all At this point Be about to Be better off Be broke Be in charge of Be out of Be out of shape Be to blame Be touch and go Be up and about Be up to someone Pada akhirnya

Tanpa diduga-duga, tiba-tiba Juga


Pada saat ini, sekarang ini Akan, mau

Dalam keadaan baik Bokek, tidak punya duit Bertanggung jawab atas Kehabisan

Dalam keadaan buruk

Bertanggung jawab atas (keburukan) Tidak menentu

Aktif kembali setelah sakit Terserah pada (seseorang)


Be used to Break into Brush up on By heart By the way Call off Catch up Come up with Count on someone Cut down on Do one’s best Do something over Do without Dress up Drop off Even so Every other Fall behind Fall in love Find fault with Find out Foot the bill From now on Get along with Get away with Get in touch with

Terbiasa, biasa

Masuk dengan mendobrak

Mempelajari (sesuatu) kembali, mereview Dalam hati, dengan menghafalkan

Ngomong-ngomong Membatalkan

Jadi tidak ketinggalan

Menemukan cara, idea tau rencana Tergantung pada (seseorang) Mengurangi

Melakukan yang terbaik Melakukannya kembali Hidup tanpa

Memakai, mengenakan Menitipkan, mengirimkan Akan tetapi, meskipun begitu Setiap jengkal

Ketinggalan, telat akan Jatuh cinta


Mempelajari, mendalami Membayar

Untuk saat ini dan seterusnya Mempunyai hubungan baik dengan Bersalah dan tidak ditahan akan Berkomunikasi, menelepon


Get lost Get over Get rid of Get together

Give someone a hand Give up Go Dutch Go out Go to pieces Had better Have got Have on Hold up How about In advance In the long run In time

Keep an eye on

Keep someone company Keep + (v-ing)

Let go of

Let someone down Let someone know Look forward to Lose one’s temper Make ends meet

Tersesat Sembuh dari Menyelesaikan

Bersama-sama, bertemu Membantu seseorang

Berhenti melakukan (sesuatu)

Situasi dimana setiap orang membayar makanannya sendiri Pergi ke pesta, bioskop, restoran atau aktifitas lainnya. Kehilangan kendali


Mempunyai, memiliki Mengenakan, memakai

Merampok menggunakan senjata Bagaimana dengan Sebelumnya Pada akhirnya Tepat waktu Mengawasi Menemani Tetap, terus Melepaskan, Mengecewakan seseorang Menginformasikan Berencana Sangat marah


Make friends Make fun of Make sense Make up

Make up one’s mind Mix up

No wonder Not to mention On purpose

On second thought Out of one’s way Pick up Put off Quite a bit of Quite a few Right away Run into See eye to eye Show up Sleep on Stand out Take advantage of Take after Take it easy Take one’s time Take place

Menjadi teman

Bercanda, menertawakan Masuk akal

Menjadi teman kembali setelah bertengkar, balikan Memutuskan

Membuat bingung

Tidak mengherankan bahwa Juga

Dengan sengaja

Setelah dipikir-pikir kembali Jauh dari

Membawa, mengevakuasi

Menunda, mengganti di lain waktu Banyak Banyak Seketika Kebetulan ketemu Setuju Sampai, muncul

Menunda, menunggu hari berikutnya Terkenal dengan

Memanfaatkan Mirip


Melakukan dengan pelan Terjadi


Take turns Tell apart Think over Try on

Used to (verb) What’s the matter Would rather

Ganti giliran

Mengetahui perbedaan

Mempertimbangkan dengan matang Mencoba, menguji

Terbiasa (pada masa lalu) Ada masalah apa? Ada apa? Lebih suka

Contoh-contoh Idiom Bahasa Inggris Amerika diatas, lihat di bawah ini:

1. Let’s go to a movie. After all, it’s Saturday night

2. All of sudden, a little girl ran in front of the truck

3. David speak English, Arabic, and French as well

4. The doctor told him not to eat any sugar at all

5. At this point, I’ve saved five hundred dollar for may vacation

6. The baby was about to fall down the stairs when I caught her

7. I will be better of when I move into my new apartment

8. I paid all my bills and now I’m broke

9. Mrs. Baker is in charge of the family’s finances

10. I can’t make sandwiches because we’re out of bread

11. He is out of shape because he doesn’t exercise

12. George is to blame for his poor grades. He never studies

13. It was touch and go, but the plane landed safely

14. Carol has been very sick. It will be a long time before she’s up and about

15. We can meet tomorrow or Wednesday. It is up to you

16. Juan is from Colombia, so he’s used to hot weather

17. Burglars broke into the warehouse and stole $20,000 worth of appliances

18. I need to brush up on the rules before we play bridge

19. An actor must learn his lines by heart

20. The meeting will be next Tuesday. By the way, Mr. Hughes will be there

21. We called of our party because of the storm

22. I missed two weeks of class. I’ll have to work hard to catch up

23. The president asked his advisors to come up with a plan for improving relations

with the unions

24. Sandra counts on her neighbor to drive to work

25. Joan cut down on eating in restaurants to save money


27. The doctor couldn’t believe the results of the blood test, so he did it over to be


28. We did without electricity and running water on our camping trip

29. We usually dress up for weddings and funerals

30. I’ll drop of your shoes at the repair shop tomorrow

31. Jane is overweight. Even so, she’s very attractive

32. I call my sister every other week

33. The child fell behind in learning to read, so the teacher gave him extra help

34. Joe fell in love with Karen soon after he met her

35. Whenever he goes to a restaurant, Mr. Higgins finds fault with the food and


36. He was very happy when he found out he got an A on the exam

37. Our supervisor footed the bill for the office picnic

38. I promise to write you a letter every week from now on

39. Mrs. Cooper asked her children to stop fighting and try to get along with each


40. They never found the bank robber. He got away with his crime

41. You get in touch with me by telephone. My number is 549-2985

42. It’s easy to get lost in a strange city

43. Patty was bitten once and has never gotten over her fear of dogs

44. I finally get rid of my son’s baby clothes last week. He’s fourteen now

45. I got together with my friends on my birthday

46. Let me give you a hand with those packages

47. Frank had to give up swimming because of an ear infection

48. I often eat lunch in a restaurant with my friends and we always go Dutch

49. Mel likes to go out and have a good time

50. Mr. Wilson went to pieces when the fire destroyed his house

51. You had better drive more carefully

52. We have got a lot of bills to pay

53. Al felt strange because he had on a suit and the others had on jeans

54. Several men held up the passengers on the train

55. How about fish for dinner?

56. I made my appointment with the doctor two weeks in advance

57. In the long run, it’s a good idea to save a little money every week

58. I like to get up in time to take a shower before I leave for school

59. Kathy asked her roommate to keep an eye on the cake in the oven while she took

a bath

60. Please come in the kitchen and keep me company while I cook dinner

61. I keep forgetting to buy shampoo. I must do it today

62. Mark let go of the books and they fell to the floor

63. My cousin let me down when he didn’t come to my wedding

64. If you let me know what time your train will arrive, I’ll meet you at the station

65. She’s looking forward to having her baby next month

66. The director lost his temper and shouted at the actors

67. Louise has to work at two jobs to make ends meet

68. Margaret makes friends everywhere she goes

69. The boys make fun of the dog’s long ears

70. It makes sense to buy a small car. You will save money on gas

71. Children usually make up with their friends quickly after fights


73. The mailman sometimes mixed up my neighbor’s mail and mine

74. You were at the beach all day. No wonder you are sunburned

75. I like to read biographies and mysteries, not to mention science fiction

76. The Crawfords were very angry when they learned that the neighbors’ son had hit

their cat on purpose

77. On second thought, the Franklins decided not to join the club

78. I drove twenty miles out of my way to take Helen home

79. The rescue helicopter picked up seven of the passenger after the plane crash

80. I’ll have to put of buying a new coat until I have more money

81. We’ve prepared quite a bit of flood for our guests

82. There were quite a few people at the reception

83. I couldn’t see the doctor right away. I had to wait

84. I ran into an old friend on the train this morning

85. Mr. and Mrs. O’Connor see eye to eye on everything except politics

86. The reporters were disappointed when the movie star didn’t show up for the


87. The major asked the city council to sleep on the plane and to vote on it the next


88. Leonardo da Vinci stood out as an artistic and scientific genius

89. We should take advantage of the sale and buy furniture now

90. Linda takes after her mother. They are both tall and thin

91. We like to take it easy on Sundays

92. I like to take my time when I prepare dinner for guests

93. American presidential elections always take place in November

94. Young children have to learn to take turns with each other when playing


95. Dan and his brother sound so much alike that I can’t tell their voice apart

96. It’s a good idea to spend some time thinking it over before you get married

97. You should try on shoes before you buy them

98. He used to work in a department store, but now he’s a bank teller

99. What’s the matter with the baby? She’s crying all day

100. I would rather go to the ballet than to the opera

Bahasa Gaul dalam Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Gaul dalam Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa gaul tidak hanya ada pada bahasa Indonesia saja. Bahasa Indonesia seperti yang kita

ketahui memiliki ungkapan slang atau gaul. Pada Bahasa Indonesia, Anda kenal dengan kata

‘gue/ gua’, ‘elu’, ‘sob’, dll, yang merupakan kata-kata gaul. Begitu halnya dengan bahasa

Inggris, bahasa Inggris memiliki bahasa slang atau bahasa gaul. Bahasa slang itu sendiri

merupakan bahasa yang tidak baku yang memiliki sifat berkala atau musiman dan biasanya

banyak digunakan oleh kaum remaja atau kelompok sosial tertentu. Slang hampir mirip dengan


idiom, karena masing-masing kalimat tidak dapat diterjemahkan perkata. Idiom sendiri adalah

rangkaian kata yang maknanya tidak sama dengan gabungan makna kata penyusunnya.

Bahasa slang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, oleh sebab itu apabila Anda ingin

lancar menguasai bahasa Inggris, ada baiknya Anda menguasai bahasa slang ini. Namun, perlu

diperhatikan jika penggunaan bahasa slang ini harus dilihat dengan siapakah Anda berbicara,

karena sebagian ungkapan slang ini terkesan kasar. perhatikanlah contoh ungkapan/bahasa slang

di bawah ini:

Bullshit: Omong kosong.

C’mon guys, don’t be mad. I’m just kidding: Ayolah teman, jangan marah. Aku cuma bercanda.

Don’t have kittens: Jangan gugup.

Don’t screw up on this stupid issue: Jangan meributkan soal kecil seperti ini.

Drop it: Sudahlah, lupakan saja.

Eat shit and die, man:Tutup mulut.

Get the drift?: Mengerti?

Get out of it: Sudahlah, lupakan saja.

Get off my ass (sangat kasar), Get off my back, Get off my case: Sudahlah, jangan


He is crazy about her, He is stuck on her: Dia tergila-gila padanya.

He’s such a fuckhead: Dia memuakkan.

I’m screwed, I’m sucked: Saya benar-benar kacau.

I catch up to you: Nanti aku menyusul.

I’m in deep shit, I’m in hot water, I’m in trouble: Aku sedang kesulitan.

I’m scared shitless: Aku takut sekali.

I’m sticking my neck out for nothing: Aku berharap terlalu muluk.

It has really pissed me out, get on my case: Benar-benar menjengkelkan.


Life is a bitch, Life sucks and then you die: Hidup memang tidak mudah.

Make your own sandwich: Masa bodoh.

Must have got up on the wrong side of bed: Mimpi apa semalam.

No hassle: Tidak apa-apa.

She drives me crazy: Dia membuat ku gila.

Spit it out: Cepat katakan.

The shit is going to hit the fan: Bakal jadi rame nih.

Toasted: Sangat mabuk

VIP: Very Important Person.

Wasted: Drunk

Pissed: Mabuk (karena minuman).

Wuss: Pengecut / penakut.

You’ve got your just dessert: Kamu sudah menerima balasanmu.

You look like shit: Kamu kusut sekali.


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