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Maurice`s self realization of being a homosexual after his conflicts seen in E.M. Forster`s Maurice - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 034214014












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 034214014







What if I could speak

all languages of humans and of angels?

If I did not love others,

I would be nothing more than a noisy going

or a clanging cymbal.

What if I could prophesy

And understand all secrets and all knowledges ?

And what if I had faith that moved mountains?

I would be nothing, unless I loved others.

What if I gave away all that I owned

and let myself be burnt alive ?

I would gain nothing, unless I loved others.

Love is kind and patient,

never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.

Love is not selfish or quick-tempered.

It doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do.

Love rejoices in truth, but not in evil.

Love is always supporting, loyal,

hopeful, and trusting.

Love never fails



Dedicated with gratitude and love to:

My beloved father, Y.R.Sudarso and my amazing mother Maria. A.S

My wonderful sisters, Siska and Angela, and brothers, Titus and Nuel




I honestly declare this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the works or

parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the

references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, September 11, 2011




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Immanuela Langgeng Santini Nomor Mahasiswa : 034214014

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Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya ke internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa meminta izin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 11 September 2011

Yang menyatakan




First of all, I would like to express my greatest attitude to my great savior

and merciful Lord, Jesus Christ for his great blessing and greatest love so I can accomplish writing this thesis during my hardest time. His gracious love has been

my greatest power to live my life particularly in the hard times of my life. His

amazing blessing has encouraged me to complete my study. Last but not least, I

would really grateful to him for grants me wonderful and amazing family, lots of

sincere friends around me and wonderful man in my life.

I would like to express my deep attitude to Miss Modesta Luluk A.W., S.S. as my advisor who gives her sincere heart to provide me precious time, patience, guidance and gave me great assistance, valuable advise, correction and

support my thesis. I really appreciate and am grateful for her wonderful assistance

and encouragement that I could completely finish my thesis. I also would like to

thank Mr. Tatang Iskana, S.S., M.Hum. for his willingness and patience to give suggestions and inputs as the co-advisor of my undergraduate thesis. I also want

to express my gratitude for all lecturers who have passionately taught me and

share the knowledge, for all library officers and all the staffs of Department of

English Letters for helping me during my study.

My great attitude goes also to my wonderful family. Thanks my Lord that

I have amazing father, Y. Rillo Sudarso, to give me sincere and patient heart to love and understand me in every situation that I have especially during my thesis



support thanks for being my great power to live my life. To my adorable brother

in law who has sincere heart to give for us thanks for being angel in our family. I

really grateful and love you all so much.

Thank you for my best of best friends in my life Septi, Nora, Woro, Marfie, Monica, mbak Poet, Ratri, Bu Poppy, Fili for the great loves, for tears and lots of things between us has been shared each others. All of you are the only

reason for having best friendship in my life. To my wonderful friends, Lina,

Widhi, Tyas, Prita, Ika,Yayak, Mbendol, Jhony, Jo and Icad thanks for

coloring my life with beautiful smiles. To my inspiring friend Vallone, thanks for your incredible thought that awakes me from my previous life.

Thank you so much to Hansamu for our almost ten years of togetherness. You have taught me about the meaning of betrayal, forgive, hate, angry, suffer,

survive, and the greatest of all is how to love and being loved. Your humble and

sincere heart makes my life precious.

Last but not least Thanks again to my Lord Jesus for miracles in my life.





A. Review of Related Studies ... 10

B. Review of Related Theories ... 13

1. Theory on Character and Characterization ... 13

2. Theory on Personality .. ... 18

3. Theory on homosexuality ... 20

4.Theory on conflict………. 24

C. Theoretical Framework ... 26


A. Object of the Study ... 27

B. Approach of the Study ... 28

C. Method of the Study ... 29


A. The Characterization of Maurice... 30



B. Maurice’s conflicts of being a homosexual ... 47

1. External Conflicts ... 48

a. Maurice and social value ... 48

b. Maurice and Mr. Ducie ... 50

c. Maurice and Clive………..51

d. Maurice and his mother………. 54

e. Maurice and Dr. Barry………55

2. Internal Conflicts ... 56

C. Maurice’s Self-Realization of being a Homosexual after his conflict…….... 60





IMMANUELA LANGGENG SANTINI. Maurice’s Self-Realization of Being a Homosexual after his Conflicts Seen in E.M Forster’s Maurice. Yogyakarta:

Departement of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

Maurice is a novel that tells about a young boy who has potential tendency for being homosexual since his childhood. His meeting with Clive Durham awakes his potential homosexuality in his consciousness. They continue their queer relationship into more intimacy. Thus, the problem appears due to Clive’s decision to follow their society’s point of view about homosexuality. A portrayal of self-realization of being a homosexual after experiences lots of conflicts is revealed through the main character in the novel.

The characterization of the major characters in the novel is the first point discussed in this study. Second, the description of the conflicts of being a homosexual experienced by the major character becomes the main supporter to convey the third problem that is how the major character comes into self-realization of being a homosexual after his conflicts.

Through the portrayal of the major’s character conflicts of being a homosexual, the novel reveals a profound idea upon that condition into self-realization to the readers. Therefore, psychological approach, which supports to identify character’s personality to find out the conflicts experienced by the major character, is applied in this study. The method used library research, including collecting data, reading data, analyzing data, and drawing conclusion.



IMMANUELA LANGGENG SANTINI. Maurice’s Self-Realization of Being a Homosexual after his Conflicts Seen in E.M Forster’s Maurice.Yogyakarta:

Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

Morris adalah sebuah novel tentang seorang anak muda yang memiliki potensi menjadi seorang homo sejak masih kecil. Pertemuannya dengan Clive menyadarkan hasrat homo nya ke dalam aktualisasi dirinya untuk menjadi seorang homo. Mereka kemudian melanjutkan hubungan terlarangnya secara lebih jauh. Akan tetapi konflik mulai muncul ketika Clive memutuskan untuk menjadi orang normal. Melalui novel ini penulis menunjukkan sebuah gambaran pencapaian akualisasi diri menjadi seorang homo setelah berbagai konflik yang dihadapi.

Hal pertama yang akan dibahas dalam studi ini adalah penggambaran tokoh utama. Kedua adalah penggambaran konflik-konflik yang dihadapi tokoh utama untuk menjadi seorang homo. Melalui konflik-konflik tersebut, hal ketiga yang akan dibahas adalah bagaimana pencapaian tokoh utama dalam aktualisasi dirinya menjadi seorang homo.

Melalui gambaran konflik yand dihadapi tokoh utama untuk menjadi seorang homo, novel ini menyampaikan gagasan-gagasan yang dalam terhadap pencapaian aktualisasi diri bagi para pembaca. Oleh karena itu, pendekatan secara psikologis diterapkan untuk menganalisa kepribadian tokoh utama untuk mengidentifikasi konflik yang dihadapinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, meliputi tahap pengumpulan data, membaca data, menganalisis data, dan menyusun kesimpulan.




A. Background of the Study

Literature simply does not fill readers with pleasure but it offers more than

merely filling a pleasure since in some aspects they are similar to the real world.

Literature is a kind of an imitation of human life, which is a form of human

reflection. Novel is one of the most interesting and popular forms of literature. It

entertains and enriches our experiences of life and draws the reality of human

being’s life, which enables the readers to develop and to deepen the reader’s

realization toward the meaning of life. In addition, it sharpens a greater awareness

and understanding of life as well. As a result, a novel as kind of a literary work,

which sometimes covers the human experiences, may influence readers’ broader

knowledge about life.

Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in their book Theory of Literature define

the psychology of literature as “the psychological study of the writer as a type of

individual, or the study of the psychological types and laws presented within

works of literature, or finally, the effects of literature upon its reader (audience

psychology)” (1956: 81). Furthermore, they state that psychology can illuminate

the creative process of a work of literature. The creative process covers the entire

sequences from the subconscious origins of a literary work to those last revisions,

which with some writers are the most genuinely creative part of the whole (1956:


Literature and psychology have the same object that is human being. It is

appropriate to use psychology as a mean that can be used to understand human

being from his psychic condition. It can be concluded that literature has a very

close relationship with psychology. The close relationship can be seen from the

characters in the literary work. The characters must have the psychological side.

The psychological side of a character is one of important element that is used by

the writer that leads the readers enhancing their understanding and appreciation of


The specialty of the novel is that the author can talk about his characters as

well as through them, or can arrange for us to listen when they talk to themselves,

or want to reveal his understanding of something through his work so that the

readers have spaces to see in his perspectives.

The novel that will be discussed here is Maurice by E.M Forster. What

makes me interested in analyzing the novel is its theme. It concerns young

people’s relationship in finding their identity. In their relationship, the writer

found an unusual relationship that is homosexuality. Homosexuality refers to

sexual behavior or attraction between people of the same sex, or to a sexual

orientation. The latter refers to a person's enduring identity as disposed to

romantic and sexual attractions and relationships with those of the same sex, and

not narrowly to their sexual behavior. Homosexuality is contrasted with

heterosexuality (opposite-sex attraction), bisexuality (opposite and same-sex

attraction) and asexuality (lack of sexual attraction).Homosexuality is absolutely


relationship can be accepted. Homosexuality is considered as a negative thing that

against the main stream. In other words, homosexuality has no place to exist in


According to David Siloughby in his essay of Self-Oppression in the Gay

and Lesbian Community, we were all born and raised in the society that thinks

being gay is bad (or at least that being straight is better). Gays and lesbians, as

well as heterosexuals internalize these beliefs. They become part of how we view

the world and ourselves. The pressure in the society of what to be good or bad

gains the self-oppression. Beliefs and common sense in the society make the

homosexuality repress their sexual desire and sexual orientation. Furthermore in

our society, homosexuality is often said as an abnormal behavior. Due to their

different way of seeing the world, they would have great tendency to alienate

themselves from the ordinary world. And that alienation would strengthen

homosexuality development to be stiffer.

We know that most of the society sees this phenomenon as bad and sinful.

Many opinions about homosexuality have been emerged and have caused pros and

cons. Many people think that being homosexual is a normal behavior; however,

some people think that it is considered to be a sin or a crime as seen from religious

perspective. The perspective of being good or bad imposed by society becomes

the moral values that has great role to shape individual’s personalities. People

consider these moral values as standard model to be accepted in society. However,

sometimes these moral values become a kind of oppression for people when they


In the novel, Maurice, the main character who is homosexual, is depicted

as an ordinary man. That makes it easier for him to disguise as “normal” (i.e.

heterosexual) person. Successively, he experiences a profound emotional and

sexual awakening. His first homosexual relation to Clive Durham at Cambridge

breaks up when Clive decides to marry. Later, Maurice thinks about overcoming

his sexual desires but fails and falls in love with Alec Scudder, the gamekeeper on

Clive's country estate. The novel ends happily. Forster wrote that although the

happy ending was not plausible, he had not wanted to let the novel end disastrous.

By reading the novel, the writer sees that Maurice experiences lots of

conflicts as a homosexual. He has great effort to search his self-realization related

to his potential homosexual. Maurice just does not realize his homosexual desire

since he does not know the idea of homosexuality till he meets Clive (his first

boyfriend). He started to separate himself from his outside world when for the

first time his teacher, Mr. Ducie, told him about the mystery of sex before he went

to public school. Maurice separated himself from the society’s view that man

should marry with woman. Beside that his homosexual desire is influenced by his

family, environment and his childhood experiences. It can be seen that in his early

life, he lacks of close intimacy with figure of male characters. Through this novel,

the writer sees how Maurice deals with his homosexual desire. These conflicts of

being homosexual experienced by Maurice are the focus of this study.

From psychological point of view, we can see that someone’s personality

of homosexuality has to do with certain pattern in a person’s family background.


three major factors in determining the development of the personality pattern:

first, the individual's heredity endowment; second, early experience within the

family; third, important events in later life out side the home environment.

The heredity endowment provides some potential heritage from parents. Whether

it will develop as good or bad potentials depends on the family and environment.

The second and the third are the parts of social aspect, the individual

personality development is never apart from the social condition around him

because family and environment where the individual lives will always have roles

in determining one's personality development.

Another fact about Maurice is his experience of weird dreams that disturb

his mind. In his first dream, he felt very cross. He was playing football with

nondescript figure. And after he made effort, he found the nondescript turned into

George, the garden boy. His second dream is more difficult to convey. Maurice

just saw a face and heard a voice. From those two dreams, the writer sees that his

homosexual desire is begun from his childhood unconsciously. It proves that the

latent desire of homosexuality actually exist in his personality and reveal through

his dreams.

All dreams are wish fulfillment. Some wishes are obvious and are

expressed through the manifest content. Most of wish fulfillment, however, are

expressed in the latent content and only dream interpretation can uncover that

wish (Freud, 1964: 608).

In other word Freud believed that dreams are formed in the unconscious


past both the primary and the final censor. Even during sleep these guardians

maintain their vigil, forcing unconscious psychic material to adopt a disguised

form. Thus, dream can be a representation of human being’s desire that lives in

his unconscious world. The dream itself is the manifestation of the existence of

unconscious world in human being.

The other reason in choosing that topic is that sexual abnormality is an

interesting topic to discuss. Many people have this kind of abnormality but

sometimes they do not recognize it because its symptoms are very soft to be

detected and from this novel, the reader can learn how Maurice concern with it,

with his conscious and unconscious feeling. Through this novel, the writer finds

lots of conflicts that experienced by the main character Maurice. Maurice as the

main character in Maurice should deal with his external and internal conflicts.

Every one must through the hard times in their lives to find their self-realization;

through Maurice’s personal conflicts in finding his self- realization as homosexual

we will know how to be wise to accept our self-identity as part of our real


By understanding the character personality development of homosexuality

in order to find his self- realization, we can get some description about human in

their psychological maturity and indirectly it will bring us into deep understanding

of our own psychological development as a human being. Hopefully, this thesis

will contribute a new understanding about homosexuals and it can change the


A. Problem Formulation

1. How does the author present Maurice in the novel?

2. How are Maurice’s conflicts of being a homosexual presented in the novel?

3. How is Maurice’s self-realization of being a homosexual after his conflicts at

the end of the story?

B. Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to answer the questions stated in the problem

formulation. The first objective is to examine how Maurice is presented by the

author in the novel. Second objective is to examine the conflicts of being a

homosexual faced by the main character Maurice. The third objective is to

examine how. Maurice’s self-realization of being a homosexual after his conflicts

at the end of the story

C. Definition of Terms

For a clear understanding of the content of this thesis and avoiding

confusion that might be arouse, there is a definitions that need to be clarified:

1. Homosexuality

A homosexual person is an individual “whose primary erotic,

psychological, emotional and social interest is in a member of the same sex, even

though that interest may not be overtly expressed.” A homosexual person’s gender

identity agrees with his or her biological sex. That is, a homosexual person

perceives him- or herself as male or female, respectively, and feels attraction



Webster Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (1986: 383) states that the term

of conflict has more than one meaning, they are:

a. Fight, battle

– A competitive or opposing action of incompatible antagonist state or action (as

of divergent ideas interest or persons)

– Mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives,

wishes, or external or internal demands

b. The opposition or persons of forces that give rise to the dramatic action in a

drama or fiction.

Conflict is a contradiction as a result of incompatibility within the

individual (Worchel and Cooper, 1976:460). There are two kinds of conflict stated

by Stanton namely, internal conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict is a

conflict between two desires within a character.

External conflict is a conflict between characters or between a character

and his environment (Stanton, 1965:16). The conflict happens because the

opposing desires or values in a character’s own mind and he has to choose the best

one for him.

3. Self-Realization

According Collins Concise Dictionary and Thesaurus (2003: 874) states


APA Dictionary of psychology, self-realization, also called as self-actualization,

is the realization of that of which one is capable.

According to Abraham Maslow, it is the “full use and exploitation of

talent, capacities, and potentialities” such that the individual develops to

maximum self-realization, ideally integrating physical, social, intellectual, and

emotional needs. The process of striving toward full potential is fundamental

according to Maslow; however, he posited that self-actualization can only be fully

realized if the basic needs of physical survival, safety, love and belongingness and





A. Review of Related Studies.

The novel is remarkable for its time in describing same-sex love in a

fulfilling romantic but also funny way. Forster resisted publication because of

public and legal attitudes to homosexuality - a note found on the manuscript read:

"Publishable, but worth it?” However, by the time he died both British attitudes

and law had changed. One thing that sets Maurice apart from modern gay fiction

is the archetypal storyline and three principal characters, which represent different

classes and forms of


This novel published in 1971 after his death. The novel is remarkable since

it tells about forbidden love in England at that time. What makes Maurice

different from others modern gay fiction is how Forster presents three social

classes in triangle love. Maurice represents middle class, Clive represents upper

class, and Alec represents lower class.

Stephen Da Silva, in Transvaluing Immaturity: Reverse Discourses of

Male Homosexuality in E.M. Forster's Posthumously Published Fiction, stated

that dominant ideology often represents the male homosexual as psychically or

mentally arrested, and some of the critical accounts of E. M. Forster's authorial

career demonstrate that this stereotype powerfully inflects literary criticism as


homosexuality as "immature" distractions from a professional developmental

trajectory that reaches its aesthetic telos with A Passage to India. Forster's

posthumous texts are both complicit with and resistant to the fiction of the

immature homosexual, which so conspicuously informs critical reactions to them.

At various points, Leavis declares that Forster's works are "unmistakably minor,"

"disconcertingly inexperienced," and



Maurice is a plea for emotional and sexual honesty, and it criticizes the

repressive attitudes of British society. Aware that the publication of that novel

would cause a furor, Forster prepared it for posthumous publication adding the

line 'Publishable - but worth it?' to the cover of the manuscript. This fact then

leads the novel to be performed in a film adaptation. Maurice (1987) was directed

by James Ivory, adaptation for film by Kit Hesketh-Harvey et al. By the

publication of the novel both by printing media and by its visualization through

the film, many critical responses were directed to this Forster’s work. Most of the

critics commented on this novel to take Forster as an example of a public figure

that did not come out because he claimed a large reputation as a moralist and

social commentator. In both the journal entry and in his posthumous stories,

Forster draws on the terms of a developmental narrative to conceptualize

homosexuality. In contrast to the journal entry, though, which faithfully repeats a

denigratory heterosexist developmental narrative, in most of the posthumously


youthfulness but attempts to transvalue the implications of youthfulness in order

to celebrate male homosexual



Thus, Barbara Rosecrance writes of Maurice: "Maurice is a painful book.

We must respect the suffering it reveals, but the novel is otherwise largely

distinguished by an absence of eloquence and depth that makes Forster a novelist

of distinction. ... [Forster] did write another novel--his greatest [A Passage to

India]--after Maurice."(25) In Rosecrance's account, Maurice is a flawed,

immature, superficial symptom of Forster's "suffering," his homosexuality, but it

gives way to Forster's "greatest" novel, A Passage to India. Maurice in this critical

story is an unfortunate stage through which Forster passes on his way to the

artistic maturity of A Passage to India. Neil Bartlett has described how, as a

closeted gay schoolboy, he both internalized and resisted a version of

Rosecrance's critical story: while he tried to convince his teacher at school that

Maurice was better than the novel assigned by the educational authorities, A

Passage to India, he was simultaneously embarrassed about whether in doing so

he was betraying an excessively "adolescent enthusiasm."(26) In other words, not

only does this developmental critical account impose a heterosexist grid on

Forster's career, it also works to discipline the taste of Forster's readers



Forster posthumously published texts draw on many of the same terms that

are used to pathologies them: if normative culture equates homosexuality with

childishness, these writings too associate realizing homosexual desire with

moving back in time or returning to childhood. For instance, Maurice represents

the realization of homosexual fulfillment as the recovery of a lost childhood

object of desire. At the beginning of the novel, Maurice loses the garden boy

George, significantly because George has become "too old" (M 17). Maurice tries

to convince himself that this loss is insignificant and to adapt himself to the

demands of the heterosexual marriage plot


In this thesis, the writer tries to give a more specific study about the

conflicts of being homosexual experienced by the main character. The writer aims

to show how the latent desire of homosexual in the main character finally reveals

into manifest personality through lots of conflict he has faced as his struggle of his

self identity search. The main character is explored since they become the means

to deliver the idea of homosexuality. The focus of this study is to reveal Maurice’s

self-realization of being a homosexual after his conflict at the end of the story.

B. Review on Related Theories

1. Theory on Characterand Characterization

Character is one of the most important elements in the novel since it makes

the story interesting and more alive. The characters often show the human values

described in the real world. Thus the creation of characters in a novel helps us to


Abrams (1981: 20) states, “Characters are the person presented in a

dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed

with moral disposition qualities, that are expressed in what they say- the dialogue

and by what they do- the action.” It implies that there is a relation between the

presentation of a character as well as his personality traits and what the reader gets

from his presentation. Therefore the character must be credible, or in the other

words, the reader must accept them as a real person.

De Laar (1969: 195) states, “This naturally leads us to the significance of a

novelist’s experience of life and his powers of observation.” He further states a

novelist must create human beings, put them in human situation and make them

behave like actual humans. A novelist should make his characters interesting and

make them do interesting things or at least do ordinary things in an interesting

way. One of the ways is developing the characters. There must be development.

The character should move forward in line with the development of the story and

plot. Action and incident spring out of the characters and they will make some

changes so that there are some differences from what it was at the beginning of

the novel.

E.M Forster, in Aspects of the Novel (1972), introduces popular new terms

for an old distinction by discriminating between flat and round characters. A flat

character (also called a type, or “two-dimensional”), Forster says, is built around

“a single idea or quality” and is presented without much individualizing detail,

and therefore can be fairly adequately describe in a single phrase or sentence. A


subtle particularity; such a character therefore is as difficult to describe with any

adequacy as a person in real life, and like real persons, is capable of surprising us.

Standing on the same idea, according to Abrams, there are two types of

character (1981: 20); flat character and round character. A flat character is a

‘single idea or quality’ and is presented in outline and without much

individualizing detail. It means a flat character has few dominant traits and even

has no desires, motivations, or conflicts. Therefore a flat character is easy to

remember since the character is a simple or static character. It is presented without

much in individualizing detail and can be described in a single phrase or sentence.

By seeing a part of a person’s character, the reader can get the description of the

whole character. Since the character does not experience the changes from the

beginning until the end, the readers will easily memorize it as well.

On the other hand, a round character has many dominant traits and

complex desires, motivations and conflicts. Because of these traits, he tends to be

complex and to change his character from the beginning to the end of work.

Therefore a round character is difficult to be described and to be remembered and

in many cases acts differently from what the reader has come to expect.

Personality is very important in a novel. A character or an emotion at

times may be sufficient to give a work its essential unity. As Blair and Gerber

(1948: 52) state, “Knowing of people’s interest in human nature and fascinated

themselves by it, authors as a rule make personalities- characters-their qualities


M.J Murphy (1972: 161-173) states that there are nine ways in which the author

presents his character. Those ways are:

a. Personal Description

The person’s appearance can be the description of the build, face, skin,

eyes, and so on (1972: 161). The author describes his characters through their

appearance and clothing. The author uses some adjectives to tell the readers the

details of the character’s appearance in describing the characters.

b. Character as Seen by Others

“Instead of describing a character directly, the author can describe him or

her through the eyes and opinions of another (1972: 162). The author describes a

character’s personality by letting the other characters in the story tell what they

see of the characters they encounter.

c. Speech

“The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons

in the book through what the person say whenever a person speaks, whenever he

or she is in conversation with another, whenever he or she puts forward an

opinion, he or she giving us some clues as to his or her character (1974: 164).”The

reader will gain some clues to a person’s character through the character’s own

words and their opinion.

d. Past life

“By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life, the author

can give us a clue to events that helped to scope a person’s character (1972:


events or experiences about the characters past life where some relates with his

present life. It can be done through some direct comment from the author himself

through the character’s mind, through his conversation with other characters or

through the means of another character.

e. The Conversation of Others

“The author can give us clues to a person’s character through the

conversations of other people and the things they say about him (1972: 167).” The

author gives the readers clues to a character’s personality from the other

character’s conversation about the character.

f. Reactions

“The author can give us a clue to a person’s character by letting us know

how that person reacts to various events (1972: 168).” The character’s personality

is described through his reaction to different situations and moments thus the

reader may know the quality of the character in dealing with situations and

moments encountered by the character.

g. Direct Comment

“The author can describe or comment on a person’s character direction

(1972: 170).” The character’s personality is described explicitly by giving his

opinion and commentating about the character.

h. Thought

“The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking

about (1972: 171).”The author lets the readers know the character’s personality


i. Mannerism

“The author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies

that may also tell us something about his character (1972: 172).” The character’s

personality can be described through the character’s behavior and also their habit

either positive or negative ones.

2. Theory on Personality

According to Cole, in Theories of Personality, one’s personality is not

fixed by heredity. It grows, shed some traits, acquires others, sometimes supported

by environmental pressures and sometimes wrapped by them, and is quickly

affected by illness, decease, or unusual emotional strain (1956: 156). Furthermore,

the emotional strain is explained further by Ruch in his book Psychology and Life.

According to him, through a process called repression, a person can eliminate

conscious awareness of both the stimuli and the responses in emotion if they cause

him psychological pain. In addition, he states that people’s external behavior, and

even their internal physiological responses, are often influenced by emotion of

which they themselves are entirely unaware (1948: 163).

In his book Pattern and Growth in Personality, Allport states that from all

determinants that are possible to determine one’s personality, environments seem

to take the biggest contribution. Environments give more complex contribution to

one’s personality. Therefore, Allport acquired the situation and the role as the

determinant factors to determinate one’s personality. Each factor has its own


Hurlock in her book entitled Personality Development stated that

an individual’s personality pattern is the product of learning during the course of

social relationships with people both within and outside his home.

Furthermore, she describes that there are three major factors, which determine

the development of one personality pattern. The first is the individual's hereditary

endowment, the second is the early experiences within one's family, and the

third is important events outside one's home environment. Thus one’s

personality pattern is not product of learning exclusively or hereditary exclusively.

However it comes from an interaction of the two, in other word, behavior

learned in childhood may later be changed by direct training or by altering

one's environment (1974:19).

Byrne and Kelley (1981:87) consider one's Personality as a dynamic

process for it can change throughout one's life. Further, they state that

personality change can occur when there is a condition that leads the new

emotional, informational or responses (1981:533).

The earliest years of life are important to form the basis for

an adult personality. However, there is no final personality. It is because in turn

experiences can modify the effects of the early experiences. An individual

frequently will encounter new stimulus conditions. Therefore, he then may

behave in a totally new way, it means that new emotions may be formed and

new attitudes develop moreover, Bryne and Kelley An Introduction to

Personality, point out that when an individual is faced to new facts, there


perhaps new emotional responses and attitudes as well (1981:523).

Based on Cole, Allport, Hurlock, and Bryne and Kellen, that personality is

not fixed by heredity but it grows through the life time. The elaboration of all of

theories, which convey about the significance of external factors that influences

one’s personality, will be suitable to examine the main characters personality

during his life presented in the story.

3. Theory on Homosexuality

In his book R Murray Thomas (1990:373-374) said that the cause of

homosexual behavior can divide into three kinds of theories and those three

theories are biological, socio-psychological and also interactionist. The biological

theory is theories where a person’s homosexual traits are the result of some

characteristic of the physical organism, such as a person’s ratio of male hormone

(androgen) to female hormone (estrogen). It means that the imbalance of

hormones has been caused by gene patterns inherited from the parents. The

second is social-psychological theory which refers to the quality of an individual’s

relationship with other people during that person’s childhood and adolescence that

find out whether the person becomes homosexual or heterosexual or maybe that

person will change into asexual who is a person that not interested all in physical

love making. Comparing with the two theories above, the last theory draws upon

both biological and also socio-psychology factors in the belief that some

combination of chemistry’s body and environmental factors account for the


According Freud in Theories of Personality (2009: 42) states that both

male and female children are bisexual. Both male and female children begin with

strong sexual attraction to their mother. This attraction typically persist in males

and results in heterosexual development. However, because of his strong

attraction toward his mother, the male child also imagines his father as a love

object and has erotic fantasies about him. Likewise, although penis envy causes

the female child to turn from the mother to the father, the strong positives feelings

she has toward her mother are not completely abandoned. Because male and

female children identify with both their mothers and fathers, they possess both

masculine and feminine characteristics; that is, they are bisexual. Freud

considered bisexuality to be universal and normal. It is when life’s circumstances

causes these natural impulses to become exaggerated that homosexuality results.

According to Freud, all humans have the potential to become homosexual.

Freud theories that all humans have the potential to become homosexual will

emphazise on the positive side of a homosexuality that fits with the definition of

self-realization experienced by Maurice.

Our sexuality (1980: 483) wrote by Coleman, Carson and Butcher

classifies the type of homosexual into 6 types, those are:

a. The blatant homosexual

This type for homosexual is a kind of type that deals with the individuals

who are fit by the popular stereotype of the homosexual-the lisping, limp- wisted,

and hissing caricature of feminism and these most happened in case of male. On


masculinity, even sometimes they try to look like a man or dressed and behaved

like a man. In some cases, there were some types of people who fit this type, the

“leather boys” who brought their sadomasochistic homosexuality with their

appearances by wearing jackets, chains and boots. Some people who enjoy

dressing in women’s clothes, they use women’s make up and also act like women

are also included in this type.

b. The secret homosexual

The types of secret homosexual range across all class and ethnic lines, but

they have a tendency to appear from the middle class and they hold the positions

that they try to complain by hiding their homosexuality. Some of the people who

are included in this type, some of them are married and they have wives.

Nevertheless, lived in continuing fear of pressure of uncovering and also social

scandal usually adds to their adjustment problems.

c. The desperate and bisexual homosexual

The so-called desperate homosexual tends to haunt public toilets (tearoom)

or steam baths and it is apparently drives to homosexual behavior but unable to

face tensions of beginning and sustaining a serious homosexual relationship.

d. The adjust homosexual

According to Coleman, Carson and Butcher, this type accepts their

homosexuality, they have normal job and most of them are also settle down or live

in a homosexual community and usually this types are belonging to a group of

homosexual friends. Some of them are trying to build a steady and real


e. The situational homosexual

There are various situations in which individual keep in homosexual

behavior without any deep homosexual commitment both male and female may

hold in homosexuality prisons and other institutions. These cased mostly

happened in prison, some of the prisoners usually act as homosexual prostitute

outside the prison world, they may not be homosexuals but many only keep in

homosexual practice for the economic advantages.

f. The homosexual prostitute

Coleman, Carson and Butcher in his book describe the homosexual

prostitute as a situation in which a younger individual is provided with the money

and materials resources by and older homosexual, who has been placed at a

disadvantages in completing for the attention of others homosexual by this

physical appearance or age-is referenced to as “being kept” (1980: 482: 483).

Based on the theories above, the writer thinks that there are two types of

homosexual which describes the main character, Maurice in Maurice. Maurice

homosexual character can refers to secret homosexual and adjust homosexual. The

secret homosexual is suitable with Maurice since he conceals his intimacy

relationship with Clive Durham as the member of family lawyer. He lives in great

anxiety of his homosexuality to get known by people since England’s law is very

strict toward homosexuality issue. However through his conflicts, Maurice finally

accepts his self-realization as a homosexual very well. He becomes adjust


homosexual person. The definitions above really help the writer to define his

conflicts of being a homosexual and his self-realization of being a homosexual.

4. Theory on Conflict

Conflicts are common things that happen in people’s life. Conflicts are not

only emerging in reality of people’s life but it also can emerge in literary works.

The writer tries to identify the theory of conflict in literature and in psychology in

order to understand more about the theory of internal conflict.

Redman in his book A Second Book of Play said that “Conflict may appear

when there is a struggle or sharp disagreement between two opposing forces,

ideas, and interest “(1962:363). Conflict always has important part in literary

work because conflict can show the central character in dealing with his/her

problems. The character that experiences conflict has a responsibility to finish the

conflict to the end because conflict might show the central character’s success or

the failure in the way dealing with the problems.

According to Stanton, there are two kinds of conflicts, namely internal

conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict is a conflict between two desires

within a character. While external is a conflict between characters or between a

character and his environment (1965: 16). Stanton adds that central conflict is

applied properly for “a pair of forces” in which of them is “attempting to conquer

the other or resisting being conquered by it (1965: 16).

A conflict might be considered as the tool for the author to reveal his idea

and his point of view. Somehow it is also possible that the conflict presented in


the conflict begins, reaches its climax, and then resolves in such a unified pattern

is a strong point to attract the readers (Pooley, 1964: 9). However, the sequences

of the actions or plot that arranges the conflict is might also built in particular way

using fragmentation without considering the common pattern using the idea of

climax, resolution, etc.

Laar and Schooenderwoerd state a definition of plot (Dutch:

verhalegegeven) in Approach to English Literature that refers to the idea of what

happens; the events, actions and things that happen, are done or suffered (1957:

163). In details, a plot is defined as an organized story, and through this

definitions, a further explanation to distinguish the difference between stories and

plot is needed then.

The term story is understood more by its relation to time sequence

arranged in the novel, that one thing happens after another thing (Laar, 1975:

164). Plot is different from the story in which it is more about the order causality.

A story is said as the answer that satisfies the reader’s curiosity. Plot plays a

broader role for it requires reader’s intelligence and memory in order that he or

she may see the connection between it and when happen later and thus the

comprehension and cause-effect that relate both (Laar, 1957 : 164).

Through the elaboration of theory on conflict, the writer will identify the

main character’s conflicts of being a homosexual. This theory will help the writer

to identify conflicts revealed in the novel. Meanwhile, the elaboration of plot will

help the writer to define the conflicts to get deeper analysis based on the focus of


B. Theoretical Framework

Supported by Abrams, De Laar, E.M Forster, and MJ Murphy’s theory on

character and characterization, this analysis on the first problem formulation that

is aimed to gain the deeper analysis on the main character presented in the novel

will be able to be done. The main points described on the main character can be

read not merely from the author’s point of view but also from the speeches and

actions performed by character.

Cole, Hurlock, and Allport, Bryne and Kelley’s theory on personality will

be also used to analyze the main character since them states about the significance

of external factors to build one’s personality that may change throughout one’s

life. They will be suitable to examine the main character’s personality since the

development of the main character’s personality is presented in the novel.

R Murray, Freud, and Coleman’s theory on homosexuality are used to

examine what kind of homosexual character experienced by Maurice. Throughout

the theories, the writer will have deeper comprehension about what kind of

homosexuality experienced by the main character.

Thus, Redman, Holman and Harmon, and De Laar’s theory on conflict are

used to examine the conflicts are revealed in the novel. Here, the theory on

conflict will be applicable to identify the conflicts in order to define the conflicts

of the main character based on the plot of the story. So, the writer can get the




A. Object of Study

Maurice is a novel by E. M. Forster. A tale of homosexual love in early

20th century England, it follows Maurice Hall from his schooldays, through

university and beyond. It was written from 1913 onwards. Maurice is consisting

of 242 pages and divided into 45 chapters. This version was officially published

by The New American Library, Inc. on first printing, January, 1973 and selected

for A Nation Wide Best Seller, one of the greatest writers of the 20th century


Maurice is not the intellectual aesthete; he is an average young man who

looks for his inner light, his deep self with the same conviction that he rejects and

confronts middle-class England. His search plunges him into a confusion that

prevails throughout the novel. Maurice is depicted as an ordinary man. That

makes it easier for him to disguise as 'normal' (i.e. heterosexual) person.

Successively he experiences a profound emotional and sexual awakening. His first

homosexual relation to Clive Durham at Cambridge breaks up when Clive decides

to marry. Later Maurice thinks about overcoming his sexual desires but fails

falling in love with Alec Scudder, the gamekeeper on Clive's country estate. The

novel ends happily. The brief and solid story about the ordinary men, the powerful


challenged the writer to get a deeper understanding on the psychological terms

that undergo by the main character.

B. Approach of the Study

In relation to the topic of this study, the writer uses the psychological

approach. Psychological approach uses various theories of psychology in order to

understand and explain the character’s personality in the novel. The analysis of

the character will help the writer to find out the psychological conflict of being a

homosexual person experienced by the main character. Based on Samuel H

Woods and Mary Rohberger the psychological approach is an approach to

literature “The Psychological approach involves the effort to locate and

demonstrate certain recurrent patterns” (1971: 13). Psychological approach refers

to a different body of knowledge that is psychology. The approach is applied

when the attention is focused on the psychological interpretation for enhancing the

understanding and appreciation of literature. Using this approach, then

psychological theories are used as the interpretive tools.

Particularly, using theory of psychology, the writer will reveal how the

main character faces his own life and find the point of view of the main character

in seeing his life as an individual creation and human being in society. There are

many complexities about human being’s personality; it will be different for one

person to other. Many possibilities about the complexity of human being

personality development can arouse with lots of speculation for the causes.

However, through the psychological approach the writer has a great expectation to


C. Method of the Study

Since the study is focused on literary work, the writer used library research

to answer the problems that were formulated in the previous chapter. It was used

to find as much as possible information about the novel and the theories needed to

analyze. The writer tried to collect books and other references from the library and

internet about Maurice as a primary data to analyze. In this study, some steps

were conducted to answer the question stated in the problem formulations. Having

been interested with the story in the novel which is concern about the term of

unordinary relationship among people, the writer tried to gain a good

understanding about the novel.

First, the writer observed the main character presented in the novel that

might help to analyze the topic of this study in order to get a deeper understanding

about his characteristic. Second, the writer gave a full attention in the

identification of the conflicts of being a homosexual faced by the character. Third,

the writers tried to see how Maurice’s self-realization of being a homosexual after

his conflicts. At last, the writer tried to summarize the answer of problem




Based on the study upon the novel, the writer divides this chapter into

three parts. In the analysis, the writer examines the characterization of the main

character as means to show how the conflicts of being a homosexual experienced

by Maurice lead him to his self-realization of being a homosexual at the end of

the story. Here, the writer employs the definition of conflicts as a “pair of forces”

in which of them is “attempting to conquer the other or resisting being conquer

by it” (Stanton, 1965: 16). Stanton explains that there are two kinds of conflicts

namely internal and external conflict. Here, the writer will analyze the two

conflicts experienced by the main character in the novel. The discussion of the

conflicts will be the focus on this study. In the third part of the analysis, the

writer will see how finally the main character’s self-realization of being a

homosexual after his conflicts in the end of the story.

A. The Characterization of Maurice

In chapter II, it is already stated that character is very important element in

the novel to make the story interesting and more alive. It would be the best

important elements to lead the readers to understand the story. Through the

characters’ speeches, action or the author’s narration, the reader can get into the

plot and understand it well. It would be the best way for the reader to get the


Based on Abrams’s theory, Maurice is considered as a “round character”,

which has many dominant traits and complex desires, motivations and conflicts

(1982: 20). This theory is suitable to be applied in the main character that has

complex desire of his ambivalence between homosexuality and heterosexuality.

Furthermore, his complex conflicts of being a homosexual also signify his round

character presented in the novel. Meanwhile, important aspects in presenting the

character proposed by Murphy i.e. personal description, character as seen by

other, speech, past life, the conversation of others, reactions, direct comment,

thought, and mannerism are the main tools employed in the analysis.

1. Not gentlemen

Forster through personal description presents Maurice as a young

Englishman who is growing up to be a gentleman. His environment expects him

to take his deceased father’s figure presence in society. The conversation below

represents the expectation of people around him. It can be seen through his

conversation with Mr.Ducie in his last day before he goes to a public school and

with Dr. Barry, as well his father’s bestfriend, in his first arrival in home.

“Well, what did Mr.Abrahams say?” repeated Mr.Ducie, when they reached the sands. A long talk threatened, and the boy wished he was up on the cliff with his friends, but he knew that wishing is useless when boy meets man.

“Mr. Abrahams told me to copy my father sir.” “Anything else?”

“I am never to do anything I should be ashamed to have mother see me do. No one can go wrong then, and the public school will be very different from this (1973:12)”.

“And after Cambridge, what? Stock Exchange?”


It can be seen that Maurice in the situation to inherit his father’s figure as

it is represented through The Principle. The principle, Mr.Abrahams, even asks

him to copy his father. He is expected to take his degree in Cambridge, to work in

Stock Exchange as his father did and to marry a woman. Through the

conversation, it implies also that Maurice has shallow brain to depict his own idea

about his future. Furthermore, his shallow brain can be seen also through the

conversation with Mr.Ducie that shows the starting time of his growing life is

when Mr. Ducie acts like a man that should be a role model and an elder man for


“Did Mr. Abrahams say how?”

“All kinds of difficulties-more like the world.” “Did he tell you what the world is like?” “No.”

“Did you ask him?” “No sir.”

“That wasn’t very sensible of you, Hall. Clear things up. Mr. Abrahams and I are here to answer your questions. What do you suppose the world-the world of grown-up people is like?”

“I can’t tell. I’ m a boy,” he said, very sincerely. (1973:12).

It shows that Maurice is a young boy who has shallow knowledge about

the world. He is closed-minded to have critical thinking about his next adult life.

He is a very young boy who will start his journey in the wide world. Later, his last

conversation with Mr.Ducie would be a great thing to remember in his journey to

find his sexual identity.

However, Maurice in his adult life ignores his environment’s expectation


Alec Scudder as it is shown in his reaction toward Clive’s interfere toward his

homosexuality problem.

“I have share with Alec,” he said after deep thought. “Share what?”

“All I have. Which included my body (1973: 239).”

“He’s scarified his career for my sake...Without a guarantee I’ll give up anything for him…and I shouldn’t have earlier…I’m always slow as seeing. I don’t know whether that’s platonic of him or not, but it’s what he did (1973: 240).”

His last decision to be a homosexual makes him to exclude from the idea

of gentlemen that is expected by his environment. Furthermore, his previous

hidden relationship with Clive as his first homosexual lover signifies him as not a

gentleman with average intelligence in his middle journey of life. His

self-realization as a homosexual at the end of the story strongly signifies him to

exclude from the idea of a gentleman at that time.

2. Polite

In some ways, Forster presents Maurice’s characteristic as a person with

polite manner through his respect toward older people. It happens on his last day

of school with his teacher; Mr. Ducie takes Maurice for a walk on the beach and,

with the help of drawings in the sand, reveals mystery of sex to Maurice.

“All this is rather a bother,” he said, “but one must get it over, one mustn’t make a mystery of it. Then come the great things—Love, Life.” He was fluent talked to boys in this way before, and he knew the kind of question they would ask. Maurice would not ask: he only said, “I see, I see, I see,” and at first Mr Ducie feared he did not see (1973: 14).

Through his mannerism above, it can be seen that Maurice is a polite boy

who has great respect to older people. Though in fact, he does not really


always has his own idea about a thing to be kept in his mind to avoid debating

with older people. He keeps many things for himself instead of telling people how

he feels. It can be seen also through his manner toward his father’s bestfriend Dr.

Barry as shown below.

“And what’s the next stage in your triumphal carrer?Cambridge? “So they say.”

“So they say, do they? And what do you say?” “I dont know,” said the hero good-temperedly. “and after Cambridge, what? Stock Exchange?”

“I suppose so-my father’s old partner talks of letting me in if all goes well.”

“And after you’re let in by your father’s old partner, what? A pretty wife?” Maurice laughed again (1973: 25).

It can be seen through his mannerism toward Dr. Barry, Maurice tries to

keep his good-tempered in responding Dr.Barry’s intervention toward his next

life. In fact, he has great anxiety toward his own life considering his memory of

Mr.Ducie’s diagram of sex that hits much his soul. On the contrary, he actually

does not agree with Mr. Ducie’s notion about the mystery of man and woman .It

can be seen clearly through his statement: “I think I shall not marry,” remarked

Maurice (1973: 15).

3. Uninterested in marrying a woman

Maurice has queer idea about the relation between man and woman. He

refuses the main stream by living in his own thought and never allows the world

outside to see his own creating world inside himself. Maurice does not believe

everything that Mr. Ducie said to him about the mystery of sex. Inside his heart,


love. He realizes that he is different from others about the ideal life to marry a

woman would never fit for his life.

”It all hangs together-all-and God’s in his heaven, All’s right with the world. Male and female!Ah wonderful!”

“I think I shall not marry,” remarked. Maurice.

“This day ten years hence-I invite you and your dinner with my wife and me. Will you accept?”

“Oh, sir!” He smiled with pleasure.

“It’s a bargain, then!” It was all events a good joke to end with (1973:15).

Through Maurice’s thought, it can signify his queer idea as it can be seen

through his very different way of thinking about the relationship between man and

woman. He really lives in his own mind and refuses the common believes existing

in the society that man should marry when they are adult.

“I am going to talk to you for a few moments as if I were your father, Maurice! I shall call you by your real name.” Then, very simply and kindly, he approached the mystery of sex. He spoke of male and female, created by God in the beginning in order that the earth might be peopled, and of the period when the male and female receive their powers. “You are just becoming a man now, Maurice; that is why I am telling you about this. It is not a thing that your mother can tell you, and you should not mention it to her nor to any lady, and if at your next school boys mention it to you, just shut them up; tell them you know. “ (1973:13)

Mr. Ducie tries to show Maurice about the introduction of sex mystery in

order to tell about the relation between a man and a woman, but Maurice is not

interested in the subject at all. Maurice will rather refuse social stereotype about

ideal life to pick his own life. It can be seen from his reaction of surprising

remark to Mr.Ducie’s advice, he said: “I think I shall not marry”, remarked

Maurice. (1973:15).

This previous description of his queer idea of not interesting in marrying a


of thinking from others. It can be seen from his way of thinking in seeing the

society view about ideal life that a man should marry to a woman. Beside it, his

queer characteristic is supported also by his exaggerate interest toward one of the

senior member in College named Risley as the shown in his statement: “He was

indifferent to beauty as a rule, but “what a show of stars (1973: 34)!”

Later, his queer idea can be seen vividly in his College time when he is

meeting with Clive Durham. He is the only friend he has in College. They

suddenly get close to each other and make intimate relationship. They like being

together to spend their time and enjoy the moment. Even in their vacation time,

they send letters to each other to keep their weird relationship. It can be seen

through the quotations below.

“Hall, I nearly wrote a letter to you in the vac,” said Durham plunging into a conversation. (1973:41)

…He wrote often to Durham…His replies were equally long. Maurice never let them out of his pocket. Changing them from suit to suit and even pinning them in his pyjamas when he went to bed. He would wake and touch them and, watching the reflections from the street lamp, remember how he used to feel afraid as a little boy (1973: 51).

4. Strong desire to be close to man

His father died when he was ten years old. He lives only with his mother

and two sisters. This situation leads him to have strong memories with George,

one of his servants. It can be seen through his past life when he went to bed and

suddenly remembered George.

He whispered, “George, George.” Who was George?


figure in his life. They build more intimacy to each other. The writer concludes


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