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Academic year: 2019



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Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board o f Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree o f Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (SPd.I) in the English Department of Education Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) Salatiga







Ruwandi, M.A

The Lecture o f Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute o f Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Salatiga, September 18th, 2007 C ase: Hafidz Zaen Ahmad’s Graduating Paper


The Head o f State Islamic Studies Institute o f Salatiga

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Hafidz Zaen Ahmad’s Graduating Paper entitled “THE USE OF AN ECLECTIC READING METHODS TO READING COMPREHENSION OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MTs ASWAJA TENGARAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2007/2008” I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.



Jl. Stadion 03 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721





Has been brought to the board of examiners in October 2nd 2007/20* Ramadhan 1428 H and hereby considered to completely fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Saijana in the English and Educational Faculty.

Salatiga, October. 2nd 2007 M Ramadhan, 20th 1428 H Board o f Examiners




Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp. (0298) 323706, 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 _ ^ e b s i^ ^ ^ w ^ s ta in s a to ig ^ c J d E ^ a U ^ d m m i^ ^ j^ ^ ^ ^ l^ ^ ^ a d



Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah diterbitkan. Demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang lain, kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang lain di luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup mempertanggung jawabkan kembali keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan sidang munaqosyah skripsi.

Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga, September 2007 Peneliti


tu rn s o ver ike n igh t anb ^bay; m ost su rely there is a

lesson in th is j'o r those who have tig h t (







This graduating paper is dedicated to 1. My God the Almighty

2. My dearest mother and father, who teach me to love Allah SWT and who always give me support, guidance, care and everlasting prayer.

3. My dearest sisters Choniek and my brother Endra, Salm an,, Aji, thank you for kindness and love.

4. My families in Magelang and Purbaligga, there is no more word left in this world to express, I signs thanks to you all, cause attention, guidance and encourage materials and spiritual and love in my life.

5. All lecturers of English Department of Education Faculty

6. Nana who always gives me favour, affection, and attention, and Someone who always gives me support, care, affection and happiness.


In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. Thank to Him for His blessing so the writer can finish this graduating paper. Blesses and praises also go to Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This graduating paper entitled “THE USE Of AN ECLETIC READING METHODS TO READING COMPREHENSION OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MTS ASWAJA TENGARAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2007/2008”. This is presented as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for Saijana Degree in English Department of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. In writing this paper, the writer is guided and supported by several people so it can be finished, although this is not absolutely perfect. Hence the writer would like to thank to :

1. Drs. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag., as the head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga.

2. Ruwandi, M.A as the head o f English Department and the counselor in writing this thesis.

3. His dearest mother and father.

4. All lectures and staffs of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. 5. His beloved brothers and sisters Salman, Endra, Aji, Aas, Choniex and

Nur Azizah

6. All relatives in Magelang and Purbaligga.



TITLE... i




MOTTO... v





CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background o f the Study./... 1

B. Statement of the Problem .a.... 2

C. Objective and the Benefit o f the Study... 3

D. Review of Related Research... 3

E. Outline o f Research Paper... 4


B. An Eclectic reading method ... 12

C. Reading comprehension ... 14

D. An Eclectic reading method and reading comprehension 19 E. Hypothesis... 20


Reading is one of the language existing skill. Achievement in learning can be influenced significantly by the meaningful deed of students in reading comprehension. English is one of the lessons included in subjects which must be taken into account in trellis of education including in junior high school. Studying is a deliberate activity. That is actually done under commanding of hard intention and this is arranged in brain because it is mental activity.

Teaching reading successfully needs a good method. The method of teaching reading is always changeable. It is due to teaching itself is a complicated process that never possible gives absolute rule, which will ensure success. At this point, teacher is necessary to best guide. An eclectic reading method represents a multisensory multifaceted approach suitably needed by different readers. Departing from this point, the writer puts proclivity to examine well with the research paper entitled “THE USE OF AN ECLECTIC READING METHODS TO READING COMPREHENSION OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MTS ASWAJA TENGARAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2007/2008. The benefits from this research are: (1). To know the scaffold of an Eclectic Reading Method to reading comprehension achievement of the students. (2). That is to develop and enrich knowledge in method of reading English teaching.(3). This to add discourse of effective studying English for increasing students’ achievements in general and reading achievement in particular.

The object of this research is In this research the population is the all of academic members of MTS Aswaja Tengaran in the academic 2007-2008. the sample of the study is students of the second year students o f MTs Aswaja Tengaran There is called total sample, because it just one class, there are 24 students of this school. To gets the data for writing down this thesis the writer applied several methods and can be divide for three types there are: document study, field research, and statistical methods.

Document study applied with studied about documents which are available in the second year of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2007/2008. Field research applied which consist of questioner, test and observation. The researcher used data from field research to analyze the problems which will be answered in this thesis. The last analysis is used statistical methods The writer uses formula of product moment correlation to measure how significant of the influence eclectic reading method to ward reading comprehension achievement. (1). Based on applied several methods above the researcher discovered the result that: The score of eclectic reading method of the second year students or MTs Aswaja Tengaran according to the writer is significant, proven from the percentage questioner scores. It is 66 % (2). The English reading comprehension achievement of the second year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran is significant, proven from the percentage of English reading comprehension score. It is 71,67%. (3). The next statistical hypothesis that says there is no correlation between eclectic reading method


(X) and students’ English reading comprehension achievement (Y) is refused, because after consulting the critical r in the level o f significant of 5% found that critical r for the number o f samples 24 is 0,404. In other word, it can be said that research hypothesis says there is significant correlation between eclectic reading method and students’ English reading comprehension achievement is proved.



A. Background of Study

Books are part of the way to get knowledge to reach the world, and reading is the most interaction skill that will bring about i t It is frequently captured by ear and encourages us to read. Most people read without giving much tough to how they do it. What is reading? Edmund Huey, a pioneer in research on reading, in the early 1900s, wrote:

.And so to completely analyze what we do when we read would almost be the acme of a psycholinguist’s achievements, for it would be to describe very many o f the most intricate working o f the human mind, as well as to unravel the tangled story of the most remarkable specific performance that civilization has learned in all its history 1

Dechant says that readings are divided into two major types: first those that equate reading with interpretation of experience generally and the second those that equate reading with interpretation o f graphic symbol1 2

Reading is one of the language existing skill beside speaking, writing, and listening. Achievement in learning can be influenced significantly by the meaningful deed of students in reading comprehension. English is one o f the lessons included in subjects which must be taken into account in trellis of education including in junior high school. In statisticians Studying something is a natural and must be on forward for developing. Studying is a deliberate

1 Hilman W Arthur. Blair R. Timothy. Rupley H Wiliam, Principles and Practice o f Teaching Reading 5* edition, A Bell and Howel Company Columbus, Ohio, 1961, pg 4

2 Dechant V emerald, Improving the Teaching o f Reading Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood clift, New Jersey, 1982


activity. That is actually done under commanding of hard intention and this is arranged in brain because it is mental activity.

Teaching reading successfully needs a good method. The method of teaching reading is always changeable. It is due to teaching itself is a complicated process that never possible gives absolute rule, which will ensure success. At this point, teacher is necessary to best guide. By an exact studying method and effective assignment, he /she would give desirable attainment. On other hand, time management plays an important factor. Sometimes, students study with improper way and pile up it when they have exam soon. Studying method for overnights when they have exam is inappropriate way for the students.

An eclectic reading method represents a multisensory multifaceted approach suitably needed by different readers. Departing from this point, the writer puts proclivity to examine well o f “THE USE O f AN ECLECTIC READING METHODS TO READING COMPREHENSION OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MTS ASWAJA TENGARAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2007/2008”

B. Statement of the Problem

The writer proposes the statement o f the problem as follow:

1. How far is the eclectic reading method and reading comprehension o f the second year students o f MTS ASWAJA Tengaran in the academic year of 2007-2008


2. Is there any correlation of the use o f eclectic reading method toward reading comprehension of the second year students of MTS ASWAJA Tengaran in the academic year o f 2007-2008?

C. Objective and the Benefit of the Study 1. Objectives o f the Study:

a. To describe eclectic reading method and reading comprehension achievement o f the second year students o f MTS ASWAJA Tengaran in the academic year o f2007-2008

b. To find out the influence an Eclectic Reading Method toward reading comprehension achievement of the second year students of MTS ASWAJA Tengaran in the academic year o f 2007-2008

2. Benefit of the Study

a. To know the scaffold of an Eclectic Reading Method to reading comprehension achievement of the students.

b. That is to develop and enrich knowledge in method of reading English teaching.

c This to add discourse o f effective studying English for increasing students’ achievements in general and reading achievement in particular.

D. Review of Related Research



research paper entitled:“77ie Influence o f Students Interest Toward Their English Reading Comprehension M astery (A case study of the second year students of MTsN 1 Salatiga in the academic year of 2003/2004). She said there was a positive and significant correlation between students interest and students English reading comprehension mastery.

The second research was conducted by Agus Johar Mudhofar with his research paper entitled “A Correlation between Reading Speed and Their Achievement in Reading Comprehension” (A case study of the second year

students of MAN 1 Kalibawang Yogyakarta in the academic year of 2001/2002). The result of the correlation analysis shows there was a significant correlation between the student reading speed and their achievement in the reading comprehension.

And the third was conducted by Anis Mawati with her research paper entitled: “A Study on The Factors Influencing Failure o f Reading English Text In English Learning” (A case study o f the second year students of MTsN Gondangrejo in the academic year o f 2004/2005). She concluded that there were excessive factors which influenced the failure o f reading text toward achievement in English learning.

G. Outline of Research Paper

This research paper composed systematically into five chapters as follows:


statement of the problem, objective and benefit of the study, review related researcher, and outline of the research.

Chapter II is review related literature. In this chapter the writer will discourse about Reading, an eclectic reading method, some theories of reading comprehension, possible relation between those methods toward reading comprehension and hypothesis

Chapter III is research method. In this chapter consist of: research approach, type of the research, research setting, object o f research, data collection method, data analysis and statistical hypothesis

Chapter IV is discussion. In this chapter the writer will discuss variables, hypothetical conclusion, review on the research result, and the writer will analyze and measure the correlation of an eclectic reading method toward reading comprehension achievement by product moment correlation formula.




1. Definition of Reading

There are two main skills in reading decoding skill and encoding skill. Some linguist gives some other different definition o f reading that may help us to get clearer description.

Reading is the meaningful interpretation o f printed or written verbal symbol that represents language and the reader’s language skills and knowledge o f the world.1 Rivers says that reading is the most important activity in any language does not only as source of information and pleasurable activity, but also as means o f consolidating and extending one’s knowledge o f the language.1 2

A student who stands up in class and enunciates in the conventional way the sounds symbolized by the script may be considered to be “reading”. The reading may be comprehensible to listener, without the reader drawing much in the way o f meaning from what is He or She is enunciating. Such an activity is one o f fact of reading for which the student may usefully be trained, but it is a minor goal. The student must also be taught to derive meaning from the word, combination in the text and to do this in a consecutive fashion at reasonable speed, without

1 Simanjuntak, Edithia Gloria, 1988, Developing S kill fo r EFL Students, Jakarta: Depdikbud

2 Rivers, Wilga. M, 1981, Teaching Foreign Language Skills, Chicago and London: The University o f Chicago Press, page 259

A. Reading


necessarily vocalizing what is being read. This is reading for comprehension.3

From the definition above it can be concluded that reading is language process to get meaning of the text or understanding text and the result of interaction between the perception of graphic symbols and knowledge o f the world. Beside that reading text also provides opportunities to study language vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and text. And then reading text can introduce interesting topics, stimulates discussion, excite imaginative responses and be the spring board for well rounded, fascinating lesson.4 2. Principles o f Teaching Reading

There are the principles behind the teaching of reading namely: a. Reading is not passive skill.

b. Students should be engaged with what they are reading.

c. Students should be encouraged to respond the content o f reading text, not just to the language.

d. Prediction is a major factor in reading. e. Match the task to the topic.

f. Good teacher explore reading text fully.5

3 Ibid., page 261

4 Hanner, Jeremy, 1988, How to Teach English, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd, Malaysia, page 68



Some of the aspects of reading which deserve both specific attentions in isolated learning situation and at other time, more balanced attention in more normal reading situation are word recognition, comprehension and reflection. There are three aspects of reading as follows:

a. Word Recognition

Reading is chiefly skill in recognizing words, continues to enjoy support in respectable and influential quarters. Today the favorite expression of adherents to this view of reading is decoding the printed page -that is, recognizing the oral equivalent of the written symbol.

b. Comprehension

The vast majority of teachers do not endorse the claim that the individual who can recognize words can read. To them, comprehension is an absolute necessity in reading.

c. Reflection

Many educators have pointed out that word recognition and comprehensions do not comprise the total of the reading act, during the process of reading when defined as gaining meaning from the printed page. It is necessary to be able to hold ideas as they occur and conceptualize meaningful interpretation through reflection.6

6 Dallmann, Martha, Roger L Rouch,Lynette Y.C. Char, John J Deboer, 1982,

The Teaching Reading, Canada: CBS College Publishing, page 25


4. Types of Reading

Reading skill can be distinguished at least four type namely:

a. Scanning: is making quickly over view o f passage, looking for specific information.

b. Skimming: is making uses the same approach, expert that instead of concentrating on specific information, we are looking for the main idea or the general gist of passage.

c. Extensive reading: is rapid reading for main ideas of a large amount of text.

d. Intensive reading: is reading for complete understanding of entire text.7

5. Reading Process

Many specialists defined that reading is the process of putting the reader in contact and communication with ideas. As a matter of fact, human’s beings are preprogrammed to perform language acts such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Some students may make better readers than others, but everyone can learn and everyone can improve. Therefore it is the teacher’s job to facilitate what is essentially a natural process and to do this most effectively, she or he must develop some understanding of the reading process.

a. The first to be made about the reading process is reading comprehension. Knowledge is the basic element for comprehension, it



means, it is relating to what we do not know or new information. To what already known comprehension is always controlled by the needs and purposes of individual.

b. Reading is primarily a cognitive process, which means that the brain does most of the work.

c. The process of identification and interpretation of the complex reading process consists of two major sub processes. The first level is identification and the second level is interpretation. The process of identification is the way of determining rapidly and accurately just what the text says.

6. Three Models of the Reading Process

There are three models of the reading process that will be o

discussed here. a. Bottom- up model

The bottom- up model of the reading process is that, reading is a precise process involving exact, detailed, sequential perception and identification of letters, words-spelling pattern and larger language units.

b. The Top Down model deals with the general notion of reading as the reconstruction of meaning based on a skillful sampling of the text. In the top-down model, the process of comprehension deals with the knowledge background to predict the meaning of the text. It means that 8


a reader will need a text by reading sentences, then tries to find the information by guessing the meaning,

c. The interactive models of the reading process

It deals with a particular type of cognitive behavior, which is based on certain kinds o f knowledge which form part of the reader’s cognitive structure.

7. Principles Learning to Reading

Effective teaching procedures are to be well known as principles of learning. The teacher must know how to incorporate principles of learning into daily teaching procedures, and the teacher must guide the students daily in techniques and habits o f efficient learning. Some of the principles of learning as they apply to reading are:

a. Reading requires purposes and motivation (interest need). b. Reading requires the meaning for the learner.

c. The teacher must bring much background information to any reading task. d. Reading is an active process.

e. Reading skill needs the forming of habit.

f. Acknowledge of syntactic structure and vocabulary is important. g. Reading requires practice time on task.

h. Favorable attitudes are important for effective reading. i. Reading capabilities are different for each student.

j. Reason for reading is important to be an effective reader.9



1. Methods

The word method is so famous in teaching learning process. The way of the teacher to teach can be a method. Edward Anthony states that method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based on the selected approach10 11

In the Longman dictionary of applied linguistic, methodology is defined as follow:

(1) . ... the study of the practice and procedure used in teaching, and the principles and beliefs that underlie them.

(a) study of the nature o f LANGUAGE SKILL( e.g. reading, writing, speaking listening) and procedure for teaching them.

(b) study of the preparation of LESON PLANS material, and textbooks for teaching language skill

(c) the evaluation and comparison of language teaching methods (e.g. the AUDIOLINGUAL METHOD

(2) such practice procedures, principles, and beliefs themselves. One can, for example, criticize or praise the methodology of particularly language course.

(Richard 1985)11 From the explanation above methods are all conduct in teaching learning activity and organized in the step of the learner and teacher activity. 2. Eclectic reading method

Eclectic mean choosing from several methods and combine them into teaching learning activity. Eclectic reading methods represent a multisensory multifaceted approach to the needs of different reader. The B. An Eclectic Reading Method

10 Richards Jack C and Rodgers S Theodore, 1992, Approach and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, USA, P g 15


writer will not talk more about these methods, but how to use these methods into classroom activity, because it is more important than discussing the method. Dechant presents the following steps of these methods as follows:

1. Present the spelling pattern in either manuscript or cursive form in a sentence of the chalk board, underlined, framed, or colored word. Later individual pupil transmits the word to a 4-by-6 inch card

2. Pronounce the word for the pupil 3. Have the pupils pronounce the word

4. Present another word exemplifying the same spelling pattern and pronounce it. Align this second word under the first word

ex: run, man The second word should be a contrastive word which is only minimally different (beginning consonant) from the first word

5. Have the pupil pronounce the word 6. Spell the word and again pronounce them

7. Have the pupils spell the word orally, pointing to each letter as they say the name of the letter, and have them say the word 8. Have the pupils trace the words with forefinger or pencil ,



9. Have the pupils write the words from memory ,again making certain that they say the words while writing them

10. Present the words in written sentence contexts: a. Read the sentence to the pupils

b. Have the pupils read the sentence aloud

c. Have the pupils identify the words and then underline ( or frame trace) them in color

11. Have the pupils make sentences using the words learned a. Have the pupils read the sentence aloud

b. Have the pupil identify the specific words learned

c. Have the pupils underline, frame, or trace the words in color

12. Present the words again in isolation12

C. Reading Comprehension

a. Term of reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process. It is an effect, not a single skill, but a collection of skill. This process consists of determining what a source says literally (translation), what the author means by what he or she says (Interpretation) and what the source means to the reader (extrapolation), application, synthesis, or evaluation. In reading, we seek to identify and make relationship by using the type of analysis and synthesis in two ways: In one hand in relating one sentence to another and


on the other hand in relating what we read to what we already know and expect or wish to find. We infer meanings have positive relationships and uncover bids and unstated assumption. We evaluate what we read and seek meanings in terms of our own perceptions and past knowledge. In short, reading comprehension involves a complex processing of information and ideas, this in effect, is thinking.13 Comprehension includes the correct association of meanings with word symbols, the selection o f the right meanings suggested by the context, the organization and retention of meanings, the ability to reason one’s way through smaller idea segments and the ability to grasp the meaning of a larger unitary idea. Comprehension is thinking process, it is through reading. As such, it is dependent upon the learner’s basic cognitive and intellectual skill upon the background of experience (vocabulary, knowledge, concepts and ideas) and upon their language skills (knowledge of morphology, syntax and grammar).14

b.Level of comprehension

Learning to comprehend involves complex skills. Various writers have attempted to categorize these into three or four levels.

1) Literal comprehension requires the identification, recognition and recall of ideas, information, or happenings that are explicitly stated in the selection.

13 Barry K Beyer, 1979, Teaching Thinking in Social Studies, United States o f America: Bell & Howell Company, page 241



2) Reorganization requires the analysis and synthesis or organization of ideas or information explicitly stayed in the material read. It includes classifying, outlining, summarizing, synthesizing.

3) Inferences require an integration of the content of a selection which alone can lead to inferences about the material, it involves a combination of conjecture and explanation based on a synthesis of the literal content, personal knowledge, intuition, and imagination. 4) Evaluation or critical reading requires the reader to make

evaluative judgments about the content, using external or internal criteria as points of reference.

5) Appreciation requires the reader to become aware of the literary techniques, forms and styles employed by the writer to stimulate emotional response. It includes the emotional response to the plot of theme, identification with the characters and incidents and reaction to the author’s use of language and imagery.

Reading comprehension is in all levels, but especially when it involves units larger than a single word, it is obviously a complex of abilities. The good comprehension possesses the ability to:15

1) Associate a meaning with the graphic symbol (have an adequate vocabulary).

2) Understand word in context and select the meaning that fits the



3) Give meanings to units of increasing size: the phrase, clauses, sentences, paragraph and the whole selection.

4) Develop literal and denotative meaning (be able to answer

literal question about a passage).

5) Develop an understanding of the organization (be able to

answer the question called for an analysis, synthesis, or

organization of ideas and information explicitly).

6) Develop inferential interpretative, or connotative of the

material read.

7) Make judgments or critical evaluation about the material.

8) Read for learning. 9) Read for appreciation,

c. Factor affecting comprehension

Teachers must understand the factors that affect comprehension. They must help individual overcome their short comings in comprehending what they read. Moreover knowledge of the causes may help the teachers to prevent the occurrence of serious differences.

1) Difficulty of material 2) Intelligence

3) Environment



Causing problems related to reading rates. The rate at which a person reads is determined by various factors.16

1) Lack of skill in word recognition

The person who has difficulty in recognizing words quickly and accurately is likely to be slow reader.

2) Lack of sufficient practice in reading at different rates

An error of omission in some instructional programs is the lack of emphasis on differential rates of reading.

3) Lack of interest and purpose

The ability to read rapidly is only a part of a matter of habit and skills.

d.Developing comprehension in the classroom

The widely accepted requirements for the development of comprehension in the classroom are (1) establishing a purpose error to reading and (2) asking question before, during and after the reading.

Other technique for developing comprehension includes:

1) Having pupils show by an illustration o f the event, by retelling the story, or by demonstration.

2) Having pupils identify and state the topic sentence, write a title for the paragraph or story on sequence of material read.

3) Having pupils develop a formal outline of what they have read. 4) Having pupils summarize what have they read.


5) Having pupils provide the ending for a story which has not been read to completion.

6) Having pupils match the pictures with sentences.

D. An Eclectic Reading Methods and Reading Comprehension

According to the theory of learning psychology about the factors influencing learning, it shows that that the achievement of someone’s learning is influenced by internal and external factors. External factors are the factors which come from out side of the learner. The methodology of teaching is a few external factor, the pupil (student) will have new environment with new method. Any activity that will open new field of exploration to children can help to expand a pupil’s received the lesson.

The eclectic reading method combines methods into a set of teaching learning activity. With many activity and experience that the pupil does in the teaching learning activity will give many chances into pupil to have reading comprehension. If the teacher uses these methods, those will influence their English reading comprehension mastery. Based on the theory above, the writer purposes the theoretical hypothesis saying that “There is any influence between an eclectic reading methods into comprehension achievement of the Students of MTs ASWAJA Tengaran . The truth of the hypothesis will be tested in the field based on the data which will be collected.



E. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is tentative answers to a research problem. The eclectic method that will be give to students is hoped give useful contribution to the maximal achievement of students, especially in reading comprehension. Based on the upper consideration, the writer gives upcoming hypothesis saying that the use of eclectic reading method influences reading comprehension achievement of the second year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2007 - 2008.


RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Approach

In this research the writer would like present how to carry out research. The way used in the investigation is, o f course, stated in the research methodology. Research is defined as the systematic and objective analyses and recording of controlling observations that may lead to the development of generalization, principle on theories resulting in prediction possibly to the ultimate control of event.1

This belongs to describe quantitative research. The writer is going to describe the correlation between eclectic reading method and reading comprehension o f the second year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2007/2008. To understand the level o f correlation the data obtained use quantified by arithmetical and statistical calculations.

B. Type of Research

This is descriptive correlation research. There are no experimental and control groups such as found in comparative study. Instead, it aids to describe what exists. Research can be defined as the process o f solving the problems. In this case, the writer going to investigate the influence of eclectic reading method to reading comprehension of the second year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2007/2008

1 John W, Best, 1977, Research in Education, New Jersey, p a g e ^



C. Research Setting

1. The Location of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

MTs ASWAJA Tengaran is an educational college with Islamic characters, it has the same level as Junior High School. The exact address is at Dusun Krajan RT 10 RW 02 Tengaran or in Jalan Masjid Besar No 32 CodePost 50775 Phone 0298 610015. School area occupies 294 m2. MTs Aswaja is in the middle of Tengaran village and in the center of Tengaran sub-district of Semarang regency

There are other schools around MTs ASWAJA Tengaran, they are: a. Elementary School:

1) . SDN 1 Tengaran, it’s for about 0.5 km from MTs Aswaja tengaran 2) . SDN 2 Tengaran it’s for about 0.7 km from MTs Aswaja tengaran 3) . SDN 3 Tengaran it’s for about 1 km from MTs Aswaja tengaran

4) . Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tengaran it’s for about 1 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran

b. Junior High School

1) . SMP N 1 Tengaran its for about 0.5 km from MTs Aswaja tengaran 2) . SMP Islam Sudirman I Tengaran its for about 0.5 km from MTs

Aswaja Tengaran c. Senior High School


In its environment, the school has made collateral evidence for safety, silence and peaceful atmosphere for students in undertaking learning - teaching process. The school is near to sub-district office and Tengaran traditional shopping

2. The History of MTs ASWAJA Tengaran

MTs Aswaja was found by Mr Ahmad Nazari who also donated his field to establishment. Before changing into MTs Aswaja, the name of the school was: PGA 4 tahun conducting teaching learning activities in the morning (1967), PGA A, than changed into PGA 6 Tahun consisting of Islamic Junior High School (MTs) and Islamic Senior High School ( MA) then, the MA taken over by government and changed into MAN 1 Tengaran and while the former keep becoming MTs Aswaja Tengaran (1977), under supervision of LP Ma’arif. The headmaster succession is chronological as follows: Mr. Muh Amin, Mr. Dawam Badarudin, Mr. Khamil Yasin, Mr. Muh Ghufron and Mr. Muh amin until now.

3. The Organization Structure of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

The organization structure is a composition of people’s position in a cluster of job. They are arranged based on regularly job patterns, and responsibilities having a goal for retrieving general target from its cluster.



a. Headmaster b. Vice head master

c. Vice Head Master of Student Affair d. Vice Head Master of Curriculum Affair e. Vice Head Master of Mediums Affair

: Mr. Muh Amin : Mrs. Habibah, S.Ag : Mr. Hafidz Zaen Ahmad : Mr. Rahmat, S.Ag : Mrs.Dra. Muniroh : Mr. Dimyati Amin : Mrs.Witriyani, Amd : Mrs. Marifah, S.Pdl f. Vice Head Master of Public Relation Affair

g. Official Head

h. Counseling coordinator

i. Intra School Student Organization (OSIS) Counselor: Mr.Hafidz Zaen A

j. Treasurer : Mrs. Evi Laila F, Amd


The following chart is the organization structure of Madrasah Tsanawiyah ASWAJA Tengaran



_____________: command lines / coordinator / consultation



4. Committee of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

Committee is the independent department that has function to control the headmaster and all officers program. The organization structure committee of Madrasah Tsanawiyah ASWAJA Tengaran, is as follows:

Chief : Nur Hayati

Secretary : Dawam Badarudin Treasurer : Habibah, S.Ag

Members : M. Zaenal

Dra. Yasiroh Rohmat, S.Ag Witriyani, Amd 5. Visions of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

Being the excellence to improve the qualified human resource both in science and religious awareness

(Memposisikan Madrasah sebagai pusat keunggulan yang mampu

menyiapkan dan mengembangkan sumber daya insani yang berkualitas

dibidang IPTEK dan IMTAQ)

6. Missions of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

Conducting education orienting knowledge, social and moral qualities to produce human resource qualified in science and religious awareness.

(Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berorientasi mutu baik secara


mengembangkan sumber daya insani yang mempunyai kualitas dihidang


7. Facilities of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

Teaching and learning process need enough equipment. Equipment is all facilities prepared to ease and accelerate teaching and learning process.

List of equipment is: a. Building

Construction : Permanent

Status : Right the Ownership

Headmaster Office : 1 Room

Structure of Exertion Room : 1 Room

Teacher’s room : 1 Room

Classrooms : 4 Rooms

Library : 1 Unit

Computer and skill rooms : 1 Room

Intra School Students Organization (OSIS and) Scout Room : 1 Room Unit of Healthy School room : IRoom

Mosque : 1 Unit

Bathrooms/WC : 3 Rooms

Storehouse : 1 Room

Parkins lot : 1



b. Office Equipments

Computer - printer : 5 units

Telephone - internet : 1 unit (0298) 610015

TV : 2 units

UHV : 1 unit

Typewriter machines : 2 units

Strongbox : 2 units

Calculator : 4 Units

Tape Recorder : 2 units

Dispenser : 1 unit

8. Teachers of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

Teachers of MTs ASWAJA Tengaran, are growing up in the recent years. MTs ASWAJA Tengaran has 10 teachers consist of religious department permanent teacher: 2 person and 9 non-permanent teachers they as follow.

Teachers of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

No Teacher Subject

1 Dra. Muniroh Science

2 Dra. Yasiroh Inonesian Language

3 Dimyati Amin Alquran Hadisth, SKI


No Teacher Subject

5 Guretno, S.Pd English, Art Education

6 Rahmat, S.Ag Fiqh

7 Tasmiyah, S.Pd Mathematics

8 Nayin Civic Education, Physic

9 Ngadino JAVA Language

10 Mahmud Yudi S.H Sociology

9. Office Staffs of MTs Aswaja Tengaran

The staffs of MTs Aswaja Tengaran can be seen in table as follow:

No Name Possition

1 WITRIYANI, AMd Librarian

2 Evi Laila Fauziani, AMd Treasurer

3 Siti Munasikah Gardener

10. Students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran



a. Distribution of Students


boy ;


2nd 3rd j St 2" r n Boy Girl SUM

2002/2003 12 8 20 14 13 21 40 48 88

2003/2004 14 12 8 15 14 13 34 42 76

2004/2005 14 14 12 20 15 14 40 49 89

2005/2006 12 14 14 12 20 15 40 47 87

2006/2007 10 12 14 13 12 20 36 45 81

2007/2008 15 10 12 19 13 12 37 44 81

b. The graduates of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the last five year;

Year Percentages of Graduaties

2002/2003 95.12%

2003/2004 90%

2004/2005 50%

2005/2006 66%


D. The Object of the Research 1. Population

Population is the whole subjects investigated.2 In the encyclopedia of education evaluation, population is defined as a set of all elements possessing one or more attributes or interest. The population of this research is second year students of MTS Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2007-2008 2. Sample

Sample is part of population researched.3 The sample of the study is students of the second year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran this is called a total sample, because all of members o f the population become the member of the sample there are 24 students in this research paper they are as follows:

No Name No Name

1 Anisa Nurhayati 13 Puji Maryati 2 Benazir Alfian 14 Purwanti 3 Dani Yulfianto 15 Siti Masitoh 4 Eko Widianto 16 Siti Rohmah 5 Fendi Irawan 17 Suprihatin

6 Iskandar 18 Sumirah

7 Jumiyati 19 Tri Suwami

8 Lukman hakim 20 Triyanto

9 Muh Ansori 21 Umi Mahmudah

10 M. Ifanudin 22 Wulandari

11 M. Syaefudin 23 Nur Kholis

12 Nisa’ Azizah 24 Soleh Fatkhurohman



E. Data Collection Method 1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a list of questions or statements concerning the use of eclectic reading method in reading comprehension

2. Test

In this research, the writer also use a test to understand the result of reading comprehension, of the second year students of MTS Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2007/2008.

3. Documentation

Documentation is used to find out the written records of the research object such as books, magazines, documents, rules, meeting notes, daily notes and so on. The writher uses this method to obtain data dealing with the description of MTs Aswaja Tengaran, the history o f the institution, and the like.

F. Data Analysis

There are two data analysis namely arithmetical and statistical calculation. 1. Arithmetical calculation

Arithmetical calculation is used to:

a. Calculate the score of an eclectic reading method by using the following formula:

y y


In which:

P : The score obtained IX : The sums of score X

N : Number of the sample

b. Calculating the score of reading comprehension by using formula: I T

P = — — xlOO% AT x 100

In which:

P : The score obtained IY : The sum of score Y N : Number of the sample

2. Statistical Calculation

The writer uses product moment correlation formula to calculate the correlation between eclectic reading method and reading comprehension formula as follow:


-rxy = N

I Y 2 - y x y

N I T 2

-( Z Y ) : N

In which:



'EY : the sums of scores Y

N : the number of the students 2X2 : the sums of squares of scores X XY2 : the sums of squares of scores Y

XXY : the sum of multiplication of the X and 7 scores for each student.4 G. Statistical Hypothesis

Based on the research methodology explained above, the writer formulates the statistical hypothesis as follows: There is no correlation between eclectic reading method and reading comprehension of the second year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year o f 2007/2008.



This research paper entitled “The Use of an Ecletic Reading Method to Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of Mts Aswaja Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2007/2008. This chapter, the writer is going to to review variable, data analysis, hypnotical conclusion and review of the research result A. Variable

There are two variables that will be analyzed in this graduating paper namely:

1. Independent variable (X) concerning about an eclectic reading method 2. Dependent variable (Y) is students’ reading comprehension

The followings are the result of questioner concerning about an eclectic reading method and reading comprehension

a. The result of questioner is as follows:

No Name Eclectic Reading Method score (X)

1 Anisa Nurhayati 70

2 Benazir Alfian 70

3 Dani Yulfianto 70

4 Eko Widianto 80

5 Fendi Irawan 70

6 Iskandar 60

7 Jumiyati 80

8 Lukman hakim 50

9 Muh Ansori 80

10 M. Ifanudin 70



b. The result of reading comprehension is as follows:


12 Nisa’ Azizah 70

13 Puji Maryati 70

14 Purwanti 70

15 Siti Masitoh 80

16 Siti Rohmah 70

17 Suprihatin 70

18 Sumirah 70

19 Tri Suwami 70

20 Triyanto 70

21 Umi Mahmudah 70

22 Wulandari 70

23 Nur Kholis 70

24 Soleh Fatkhurohman 80

Jumlah 1720

To know the score of eclectic reading method, and students’ English reading comprehension and the influence of eclectic reading method toward students’ reading comprehension, the writer is going to use the arithmetical and statistical calculation

1. Arithmetical calculation

Arithmetical calculation is used:

a. To find the score of eclectic reading method by using formula as follow:

v y

P = ...xl00%




2. Product Moment correlation analysis

This formula is used to find out the correlation between eclectic reading method and reading comprehension as follow

N Y X Y -(L X )(L Y )

* yj{NZX2 - ( E T ) 2}{M:T2 - ( IT )2}





22 70 70

4900 4900 4900

23 60 70

3600 4900 4200

24 80 80

6400 6400 6400

EX= 1650 EY= 1720 EX2 = 114900 EY2 =124000 EXY= 119100

EX = 1.650

EY = 1.720

EX2 = 114.900

EY2 = 124.000

EXY = 119100

________ A ^ Y y -(£ Y )(£ 7 )

* yl{N?JC2 ~(LX )2}{NI.Y2 -(S K )2}

24 • 119.100 -(1650)(1720)________ 7(24 • 114900 - (1650)2} {24 • 124000 - (1720)2}

___________ 2858400-2838000__________ ~ 7(2757600 - 2722500} {2976000 - 2958400}

20.400 ~ 7(35100)(17600)

20.400 Vo,6177610

20400 " 24854,78


B. Hypothetical Conclusion

From the calculations above, the writer formulates the hypothetical conclusions as follows:

1. The score of eclectic reading method of the second year students or MTs Aswaja Tengaran is good enough because the score is above the passing grade, that is 66 % or 60 %

2. The score of reading comprehension of the second year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran is also good because the mean of the score is above the passing grade, that is 71,67% or 71,17 %

3. The next statistical hypothesis that says there is no correlation between eclectic reading method (X) and students’ reading comprehension (Y) is refused, because after consulting the critical r in the level of significant of 5% its found that critical r for the number of samples 24 is 0,404. In other word, it can be said that the research hypothesis saying there is a correlation between eclectic reading method and students’ reading comprehension is proved.

C. Review on the Research Result

Based on the arithmetical calculation of the eclectic reading method , the writer infers, that the use of the method is good enough (66%). The next, score of students’ reading comprehension is 71, 67% so it can be called that students’ reading comprehension is good.





This study involves two variables namely: eclectic reading method and reading comprehension. Three objectives have been stated: To describe eclectic reading method and reading comprehension of the second year students of MTS ASWAJA Tengaran in the academic year of 2007-2008 and to predict the relationship between the method and comprehension of the students in reading. A. Conclusion

Three items of conclusion will be presented releasing to the three problems of the study. The first concerns about the using eclectic reading method, the second is concerns about the reading comprehension and the third concerns about with the relationship between the eclectic reading method and reading comprehension

Based on the result of the research, the writer concludes:

1. The use of eclectic reading method in reading materials of the second year students o f MTs Aswaja Tengaran is good enough. The score of questioner is 66% or 60%

2. The result of this research shows that the score of reading comprehension of the second year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran is 71, 67% or 71,17 % this mean that the score is good.

3. There is a positive correlation between using eclectic reading method and students’ reading comprehension, because ra is higher than rt. It also



shows that there is a close correlation between two variables namely independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y), ra is 0,821 and rt is 0,404, so ra > rt.

B. Suggestion

At the end of this chapter, the writer would like to propose some suggestions which hopefully would be useful for English teachers and students.

1. For teachers

a. Teachers should motivate students to increase their interest in reading materials.

b. The teachers should practice the best method in English teaching learning process, so the students have a higher interest in English class.

c. Teachers should choose a suitable text for reading materials.

d. Give the question to the children in reading lessons, to make the students interest and concentrate on materials.

e. The teacher should be creative to combine several methods.

f. Eclectic reading method can be of alternative methods should be used

2. For students

a. Students should have interest in English reading materials.


c. The students should read the material firstly at home before they learn in classroom.

d. The students should do to read as a habit because language is practice and habit.

e. The student should more practice to pronounce the words and the phrases.



Arikunto, Suharsimi, Prosedur Penelitian, PT Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 1998.

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Hadi,Sutrisno, Statistik II, Yogyakarta, 1981

Harmer, Jeremy, How to Teach English, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd, Malaysia, 1988

Hornby, AS., Oxford Advances Learners Dictionary o f Current English, Great Britain: Hazell Watson & Virey Limited, Aylesbury, Bucks, 1974.

John W, Best, Research in Education, New Jersey, 1977.


Simanjuntak, Edhitia Gloria, Developing Reading Skill fo r EFL Students,

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Stephen D, Khrasen/Trcy D, Tarel, n.y., The Natural Approach (Language Acquisition in the Classroont), Lemany Press Prentice Hall, Gagle Wood

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a ppe n d ix

d. Tidak pernah


c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah

7. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa melafalkan kalimat tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

8. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa melafalkan paragraf tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

9. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa meminta anda mengucapkan bunyi kata-kata tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

10. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa meminta anda mengucapkan bunyi frase tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

11. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa meminta anda mengucapkan bunyi kalimat tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

12. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa mengucapkan bunyi bacaan / paragraf tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah


a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

14. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa menunjukkan bunyi frase tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pemah

15. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa menunjukkan bunyi kalimat tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pemah

16. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa menujukan bunyi paragraf tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pemah

17. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa melacak arti kata- kata tertentu dan mengucapkannya dalam pelajaran membaca?

19. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa melacak arti kalimat tertentu dan mengucapkannya dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pemah

20. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa memberi contoh pengunaan kata tertentu dalam kalimat?


d. Tidak pernah

21. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa memberi contoh pengunaan frase-frase tertentu dalam paragraf?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

22. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa meminta anda membuat kalimat dengan kata tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

23. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa meminta anda membuat kalimat dengan frase- frase tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

24. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa meminta anda menghafalkan kata tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang

d. Tidak pernah

25. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senantiasa meminta anda menghafalkan frase tertentu dalam pelajaran membaca?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang -kadang c. Jarang


N a m a


Waktu :


1. Tulislah terlebih dahulu Nama, No. dan Kelas pada lembar jawab yang tersedia!

2. Bacalah soal dengan baik sebelum anda mengerjakan!

3. Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah !

4. Periksa kembali pekerjaan pada sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas !

1. Hi... my name is, I’m in second class of Aswaja Islamic junior high school. I have many pets at home, they are rabbit, cat and fish.

The underline words have mean... a. Kucing, kelinci dan ikan b. Kucing, burung, dan ikan

c. Kelinci, kucing dan ikan d. Ikan, kucing dan burung


a. 5 - 1 - 3 - 4 - 2 - 6

1. its also has short tail and small eyes 2. it is a tiny hamster

3. her hamster has brown fur 4. Anita has a new pets

Mrs. Julia goes shopping everyday. She usually goes to the market, but sometimes she goes to tl e supermarket. She buys rice and vegetables in the market. She thinks the supermarket is expensive f< r rice and vegetables.

Mrs. Julia sometimes goes to the supermarket. She buys cooking oil and washing powder in the supermarket. She thinks these goods are cheap in the supermarket.


—• wnat does she usually buy in the market ? a. Cooking oil and washing powder b. Rice and vegetables

c. Cooking oil and vegetables d. Rice cooker

13. What does she usually buy in the supermarket ? a. Cooking oil and washing powder

b. Rice and vegetables c. Cooking oil and rice d. Rice cooker

14. Which place is cheap for rice and vegetables ? a. Supermarket

b. Shop c. Market d. Minimarket

Ardi has a pet. It is a parrot. He keeps it in a cage. His name is “Pengki”. “Pengki” cannot keep silent. He often calls “mama-mama”, “wapa-wapa”, and so on. Ardi feeds the parrot a banana or a slice

f papaya and of course, he gives it fresh water every morning and afternoon.

Ardi’s close friend is Bambang. He also has a pet. His pet is a cat. It’s name is “Belang”, mbang usually feeds the cat meat or milk. Ardi and Bambang really love their pets.


b. Banana and manggo c. Banana and papaya d. Water and milk 18. Who is “Belang” ?

a. Ardi’s pet b. A parrot c. Bambang’s pet d. Pet

19. Are Ardi and Bambang love their pets ? a. No, they aren’t

b. They never love their pets c. Yes, they are

d. Yes, He is

20. What is the suitable title for the text above a. Animals



1. Orientasi Mahasiswa STAIN Salatiga (ORMASS) 28-30 Agust. 2000 Peserta 3 2. Diklat X Racana Kusumadilaga Woro Srikandhi 7-10 Sept. 2000 Peserta 2 3. Latihan Kader I (Basic Training) HMI Salatiga 19-22 Sept. 2000 Peserta 2 4. GTPP X Racana Kusumadilaga Woro Srikandhi 1 Oktober 2000 Peserta 2 5. Friendship Camp CEC STAIN Salatiga 8 Oktober 2000 Peserta 2 6. Perkemahan Wirakarya V IAIN Walisongo 12 Nov 2000 Peserta 6 7. Maperba ITTAQO STAIN Salatiga 5-6 Mei 2001 Peserta 2 8. Kursus PPM tingkat dasar Kwarcab. Salatiga 24-27 Mei 2001 Peserta 2 9. Language Discourse Development Commissioner

of Ganesha Salatiga

10 Juni 2001 Peserta 2

10. I3ISMA HMI Salatiga 2001 14-15 Juli 2001 Panitia 2 11. Diklat XI Racana Kusumadilaga Woro Srikandhi 13-16 Sept. 2001 Panitia 3 12. GTPP XI Racana Kusumadilaga Woro Srikandhi 7 Okt. 2001 Panitia 3 i 13. Pendidikan Pers Mahasiswa Tingkat Dasar LPM

Dinamika STAIN Salatiga

22-25 Nov. 2000 Peserta 2

14. Pendidikan Dasar Perkoperasian Kopma Fatawa STAIN Salatiga

5-6 Okt. 2001 Peserta 2

15. Donor Darah Brigsus Naga Sandhi 16Jan. 2002 Peserta 2 16. Dikjut Perkoperasian Kopma Fatawa 12 April 2002 Peserta 2 17. Kursus PPM tingkat dasar Kwarcab. Salatiga 9-15 Mei 2002 Panitia 3 18. Friendship Camp CEC STAIN Salatiga 10 Juni 2002 Panitia 3 19. Language Discourse Development Commissioner

of ( ianesha Salatiga

14 Juli 2002 Panitia 2 20. Orientasi Mahasiswa STAIN Salatiga (ORMASS) 19-22 Agust 2002 Panitia 3 21, Friendship Camp CEC STAIN Salatiga 11-13 Okt. 2002 Peserta 2 22. Latihan Kader 11 (Intermediate Training) Tingkat

Nasional HMI Cab. Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat

17-23 Okt. 2002 Panitia 4 23. Pelatihan Kewirausahaan dan Perkoperasian

Kopma Fatawa STAIN Salatiga

17 Nov 2002 Panitia 3 24. Discussion & Break Fasting CEC STAIN Salatiga 25 Nov 2002 Peserta 2 25. Diskusi Ramadhan HMJ Tarbiyah 27 Nov 2002 Panitia 3 26. Pesantren Jurnalistik Ramadhan PW Salatiga 22-24 Nov 2002 2 27. Pengurus Racana Kusumadilaga Woro Srikandhi 2002 Pengurus

STAIN Salatiga masa bhakti 2001/2002 Panitia 4 28. PORSENI dan Dies Natalis VI STAIN Salatiga 23-30 Maret 2003 Peserta 4 Senior Course HMI Cabang Salatiga 16-19 Juni 2005 2 29. Pelantikan & diskusi panel HMI Kom. Walisongo


Pertama kali penulis aktif di Racana Kusuma Dijaga dan tercatat sebagai penguras dewan, adapun jenjang pertraningan di k&gramukaan terahir adalah KMD dan juga pernah menjadi duta lomba pidato bahasa inggris pada acara Perkemahan WiraKarya Nasional di Semarang tahun 2000. Pada UKM Kopma Fatawa penulis mengikuti jejang pertraningannya dan pernah mengikuti Pertraningan Kewirausahaan di Bogor Jawa Barat tahun 2002, pengabdian t a d i kopma fatawa penulis tercatat sebagai penguras harian koperasi. Penulis a ® f juga sebagai penguras CEC dan LPM Dimamika.

Di luar kampus penulis menambatkan hatinya pada Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI). Proses di HMI diawali dari LK 1 (basic training) di Salatiga tahun 2000, kemudian LK 2 (intermediate training) tahun 2002 di Tasik Malaya, Jawa Barat, dan SC (senior course) tahun 2005 di Salatiga.

Jenjang karir di HMI dimulai dari anggota, departemen PTK periode 2000/2001, kemudian melalui proses reshuffle kepengurusan menjadi Ketua Bidang PTKP. Pada RAK tahun 2002 ditetapkan sebagai Ketua Umum HMI Komisariat Ganesha Salatiga periode 2002/2003. Jabatan terakhir di HMI adalah Ketua Bidang PAO HMI Cabang Salatiga periode 2004/2005.

Pada tahun 2005/ 2007 penulis belajar memperdalam wawasany komputer melalui belajar otodidak

Salatiga, 19 Ramadt Penulis,

:’ W




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