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Will A Pool Alarm Stop Someone From Drowning


Academic year: 2017

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Will A Pool Alarm Stop Someone From Drowning? Word Count:

577 Summary:

The concept behind a pool alarm is pretty simple; it is an electronic device that will monitor pool water for movement. When movement is detected, it will sound an alarm to notify you something is in the water. A child can drown in the time it takes to go answer a phone call, so a pool alarm almost should be mandatory for every pool.


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Article Body:

In the USA, over 4,000 people drown every year, making it the fourth leading cause of accidental death (American Institute for Preventive Medicine). 1/3 of the people who drown each year are children under the age of 14. Could something as simple as a Pool Alarm save thousands of lives each year?

The concept behind a pool alarm is pretty simple; it is an electronic device that will monitor pool water for movement. When movement is detected, it will sound an alarm to notify you something is in the water. A child can drown in the time it takes to go answer a phone call, so a pool alarm almost should be mandatory for every pool.

When you are considering which pool alarm is the best for you, you want to consider a smart pool alarm like the Pool Protector Pool Alarm, one that will analyze the surface of the water and alert you to minute movements, like when a child or dog falls into the water. A good pool alarm will usually have some type of motion or movement detection that uses internal electronics to control the activation of the alarm. Choosing one that operates on batteries is important, because you don’t want to run an electrical cord out to the water & have it fall in during a story. A good pool alarm should have a low battery warning alarm, so you know when it’s time to change the batteries. The Pool Protector operates on one 9 volt battery; choose a lithium-ion b************atter for long life.

No pool alarm will do you any good if it goes off every time you go swimming. You want to look for an alarm that has some type of bypass key or switch like the Pool Protector that will allow the pool alarm to turn off while you swim. When you are finished, use the bypass key to reset the alarm back to guard mode.

The Pool Protector covers a pool of about 100 square feet (32 meters), which should be good for most home pools. If your pool is larger, it is suggested you add another alarm on the other side for proper coverage. The alarm rests on a metal pin on the side of the pool, so it can’t accidentally fall in. It has a throat, similar to an elephant’s trunk, that sticks into the water and will detect the motion, and it will work with pools that have in-wall skimmers. Because the pool alarm depends on making contact with the water, you need to check your water levels regularly so the alarm does not extend less than 4 inches into the water. Also make sure you don’t set up the alarm near the return line from the filter, as the turbulence will trigger the alarm. Also make sure the return lines point down, instead of up.

The pool alarm has a remote that has a 100db alarm that sounds when movement is detected. ½ the block will hear this alarm, so you will know when someone falls in. It needs to be kept less than 300 feet from the alarm, inside or outside the house. Remember that a pool alarm is not supposed to be a substitute for a lifeguard or adult supervision. Never leave a child alone near a pool, even to go get a glass of water or answer the phone. The Pool Protector Pool Alarm will not prevent a drowning, however, it will alert to you when someone falls into the pool.

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