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TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. Title Media Source Page


Academic year: 2021

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Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Coal Prices Shine, PTBA and Arutmin Will Increase Production Harga Batu Bara Moncer, PTBA dan Arutmin Bakal

Tingkatkan Produksi

Blessing Efficiency, Darma Henwa's Profit Increases 27.9% Berkah Efisiensi, Laba Darma Henwa Naik 27,9%

BUMA and ADRO Cooperate to Produce Coal at the Tutupan Mine

BUMA dan ADRO Kerjasama Produksi Batubara di Tambang Tutupan

These are RI's 5 Largest Nickel Producers, Who's the Winner? Ini 5 Produsen Nikel Terbesar RI, Siapa Jawaranya?

Transparency of Data and Information in the ESDM Sector Continues to be Improved

Tranparansi Data dan Informasi di Sektor ESDM Terus Ditingkatkan

Five of the World's Largest Copper Mines Capable of Shifting Copper Prices

Lima Tambang Tembaga Terbesar Dunia Mampu Geser Harga Tembaga

Affected by Profit Taking (Again), Coal Prices Drop Over 1%! Kena Profit Taking (Lagi), Harga Batu Bara Anjlok 1% Lebih! Copper price jumps after China’s auction fetches $10,500 per tonne

Novo reports record monthly gold production in Australia Vital Metals becomes Canada’s first rare earth producer Five countries ‘plan 80% of world’s new coal power’

US 2021 coal production estimates to rise 14.5% on year: EIA

Katadata Neraca Dunia Tambang CNBC Indonesia Bisnis Dunia Tambang CNBC Indonesia Mining.com Kitco News

Mining Metal News Energy Lives News S&P Global Platts

2 4 6 8 10 12 15 16 17 18 18 19


Daily News Update Page 2

Coal Prices Shine, PTBA and

Arutmin Will Increase


Indonesia's reference coal price (HBA)

reached its highest level in the last ten

years in July 2021, prompting mining

companies to increase their production.

By: Verda Nano Setiawan


EVERAL coal producers intend to revise their production targets this year. This is in line with the increase in the price of black gold commodities.

PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) is one of the companies that intends to increase production targets this year. Bukit Asam Corporate Secretary Apollonius Andwie said his party plans to boost production to 30.7 million tons this year.

According to him, the increase in coal prices during the first semester of 2020 will boost the company's financial performance by increasing production. Moreover, the company's contribution in achieving the national production target is also quite large.

"As mentioned by the Ministry of ESDM, PTBA is included in the top 10 coal producers positively affected by the increase in coal prices," he said to Katadata.co.id, Wednesday (7/7).

Meanwhile, General Manager Legal & External Affairs of PT Arutmin Indonesia Ezra Sibarani said that his party also plans to increase production this year. Arutmin is currently in the stage of operational and economic studies. "We will adjust with reserves, equipment and buyer requests as well," he said.

Harga Batu Bara Moncer, PTBA

dan Arutmin Bakal Tingkatkan


Harga batu bara acuan (HBA) Indonesia

mencapai level tertingginya dalam

sepuluh tahun terakhir pada Juli 2021

mendorong perusahaan tambang

mendongkrak produksinya.

Oleh: Verda Nano Setiawan


EBERAPA produsen batu bara berniat untuk merevisi target produksi di tahun ini. Hal ini seiring dengan adanya kenaikan harga dari komoditas emas hitam.

PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) menjadi salah satu perusahaan yang berniat untuk menambah target produksi di tahun ini. Sekretaris Perusahaan Bukit Asam Apollonius Andwie mengatakan pihaknya berencana untuk menggenjot produksi hingga 30,7 juta ton tahun ini.

Menurut dia kenaikan harga batu bara selama semester I-2020, maka kinerja keuangan perusahaan akan terdorong dengan peningkatan produksi. Apalagi kontribusi perusahaan dalam pencapaian target produksi nasional juga cukup besar. "Sebagaimana disebutkan oleh Kemen-terian ESDM, PTBA termasuk dalam 10 besar produsen batu bara yang terdampak positif dari kenaikan harga batu bara," kata dia kepada Katadata.co.id, Rabu (7/7). Sementara, General Manager Legal & External Affairs PT Arutmin Indonesia Ezra Sibarani mengatakan pihaknya juga berencana untuk meningkatkan produksi di tahun ini. Arutmin saat ini tengah tahap kajian operasional dan ekonomi. "Kami akan sesuaikan dengan cadangan, peralatan dan permintaan pembeli juga," ujarnya.


Daily News Update Page 3

Meanwhile, Arutmin plans to increase additional production by around 5-6 million tons from this year's production target of 21-22 million tons.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has set Indonesia's reference coal price (HBA) in July 2021 at US$ 115.35 per ton. This figure increased by US$ 15.02 per ton compared to May's US$ 100.33 per ton.

This increase was mainly triggered by high levels of consumption in East Asian countries and became the highest HBA in the last 10 years, since November 2011. The Head of the Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation (KLIK) of the Ministry of ESDM, Agung Pribadi, said that China's coal consumption continued to increase.

"China's domestic coal supply capacity continues to run low as power generation activities resume," Agung said last Monday. China itself is quite overwhelmed to meet domestic coal needs due to operational constraints such as mining accidents and weather changes in the form of extreme rain.

In addition to China, Japan and South Korea also showed a similar graphic increase. "This has an impact on the increase in global coal prices," he said. The stipulation for the increase in HBA is contained in the Decree of the Minister of ESDM No. 121.K/HK.02/MEM.B/2021 concerning Reference Metal Mineral Prices and Reference Coal Prices for July 2021 and stipulated by the Minister of ESDM Arifin Tasrif on 2 July 2021.

This increase is a new record high, after previously in June it also penetrated US$ 100.33 per ton, and recorded as the highest HBA since November 2011 which at that time reached US$ 116.65 per ton.

Adapun Arutmin berencana untuk mening-katkan tambahan produksi sekitar 5-6 juta ton dari target produksi tahun ini sebesar 21-22 juta ton.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menetapkan harga batu bara acuan (HBA) Indonesia pada Juli 2021 sebesar US$ 115,35 per ton. Angka ini naik US$ 15,02 per ton dibandingkan Mei yang sebesar US$ 100,33 per ton.

Kenaikan ini utamanya dipicu oleh tingginya tingkat konsumsi di negara-negara Asia Timur dan menjadi HBA tertinggi dalam 10 tahun terakhir, sejak November 2011. Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama (KLIK) Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi mengungkapkan, konsumsi batu bara Tiongkok terus mengalami lonjakan. "Kapasitas pasokan batu bara domestik Tiongkok terus menipis seiring kembalinya geliat aktivitas pem-bangkit listrik," ujar Agung Senin lalu.

Tiongkok sendiri cukup kewalahan me-menuhi kebutuhan batu bara dalam negeri akibat terjadinya kendala operasional seperti adanya kecelakaan tambang dan perubahan cuaca berupa hujan yang ekstrim. Selain Tiongkok, Jepang dan Korea Selatan juga menunjukkan grafis kenaikan serupa. "Ini berimbas pada kenaikan harga batubara global," katanya.

Ketetapan kenaikan HBA ini tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri ESDM No.121.K/ HK.02/MEM.B/2021 tentang Harga Mineral Logam Acuan dan Harga Batu bara Acuan untuk Bulan Juli Tahun 2021 dan ditetapkan oleh Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif pada 2 Juli 2021.

Kenaikan ini merupakan rekor tertinggi baru, setelah sebelumnya pada Juni lalu juga menembus US$ 100,33 per ton, dan mencatatkan sebagai HBA tertinggi sejak November 2011 yang saat itu mencapai US$ 116,65 per ton.


Daily News Update Page 4

"This increase is the highest in a decade," said Agung.

For information, HBA is the price obtained from the average index of the Indonesia Coal Index (ICI), Newcastle Export Index (NEX), Globalcoal Newcastle Index (GCNC), and Platt's 5900 in the previous month, with quality equivalent to 6322 kcal/ calories. kg GAR, Total Moisture 8%, Total Sulfur 0.8%, and Ash 15%.

There are two derivative factors that affect the movement of HBA, namely, supply and demand. In terms of supply derivatives, it is influenced by season (weather), mining techniques, supplier country policies, to supply chain techniques such as trains, barges, and loading terminals.

Meanwhile, the demand derivative factor is influenced by declining electricity demand, which correlates with industrial condi-tions, import policies, and competition with other energy commodities, such as LNG, nuclear, and hydro.

Later, this July HBA will be used to determine the price of coal at the point of sale delivery on a Free on Board basis on a transport vessel (FOB Vessel). Editor: Happy Fajrian

"Kenaikan ini menjadi yang paling tinggi dalam satu dekade," kata Agung.

Sebagai informasi, HBA adalah harga yang diperoleh dari rata-rata indeks Indonesia Coal Index (ICI), Newcastle Export Index (NEX), Globalcoal Newcastle Index (GCNC), dan Platt's 5900 pada bulan sebelumnya, dengan kualitas yang disetarakan pada kalori 6322 kcal/kg GAR, Total Moisture 8%, Total Sulphur 0,8%, dan Ash 15%.

Terdapat dua faktor turunan yang mem-pengaruhi pergerakan HBA yaitu, supply dan demand. Pada faktor turunan supply dipengaruhi oleh season (cuaca), teknis tambang, kebijakan negara supplier, hingga teknis di supply chain seperti kereta, tongkang, maupun loading terminal.

Sementara untuk faktor turunan demand dipengaruhi oleh kebutuhan listrik yang turun berkorelasi dengan kondisi industri, kebijakan impor, dan kompetisi dengan komoditas energi lain, seperti LNG, nuklir, dan hidro.

Nantinya, HBA bulan Juli ini akan diper-gunakan pada penentuan harga batubara pada titik serah penjualan secara Free on Board di atas kapal pengangkut (FOB Vessel). Editor: Happy Fajrian

Blessing Efficiency, Darma

Henwa's Profit Increases 27.9%

By: Ahmad Nabhani


N THE FIRST quarter of 2021, PT Darma Henwa Tbk (DEWA) posted a profit of US$ 0.88 million or grew 27.9% compared to the same period last year of US$ 0.69 million. The company in its press release in Jakarta yesterday revealed that…

Berkah Efisiensi, Laba Darma

Henwa Naik 27,9%

Oleh: Ahmad Nabhani


I KUARTAL pertama 2021, PT Darma Henwa Tbk (DEWA) membukukan laba US$ 0,88 juta atau tumbuh 27.9% dibandingkan priode yang sama tahun lalu US$ 0,69 juta. Perseroan dalam siaran persnya di Jakarta, kemarin mengungkapkan,…


Daily News Update Page 5

The company in its press release in Jakarta yesterday revealed that the positive performance was achieved after the company reduced operating costs through efficiency of maintenance programs, global sourcing, and increasing production fleet capacity.

According to Vice President Director Darma Henwa, Prabhakaran Balasubramanian, the total volume of material moving using fleets increased by 26.4 percent to 16.3 million bcm, from 12.9 million bcm in the first quarter of 2020. Meanwhile, production volume from subcontractors decreased significantly to 11.0 million bcm from the original 22.7 million bcm in the first quarter of 2020. As a result, the total volume of material removal decreased by 23.3% to 27.3 million bcm from 35.6 million bcm. This is because Darma Henwa terminated the subcontractor in the Bengalon Project in mid-2020 because the contract was not economical. However, from a financial perspective, the company was able to increase margins even though production volume and revenue decreased.

DEWA will continue this strategy by targeting 100% production volume using the company's production fleet within the next 2 years. To that end, DEWA plans an improvement program by placing more equipment through internal funding and external loans.

Meanwhile, from a financial perspective, revenue in the first quarter of 2021 decreased by 10.0% to US$ 73.8 million compared to the first quarter of 2020 of US$ 82.0 million. On the other hand, operating EBITDA jumped 2.5 times to US$ 16.6 million from US$ 6.6 million. Operating EBITDA margin increased to 22.5% compared to first quarter 2020 of 8.0% or an increase of 14.5%. Meanwhile, gross profit jumped 102.5 times to US$ 8.1 million from US$ 0.08 million.

Perseroan dalam siaran persnya di Jakarta, kemarin mengungkapkan, kinerja positif itu berhasil diraih setelah perseroan mengu-rangi biaya operasi melalui efisiensi program pemeliharaan, global sourcing, dan meningkatkan kapasitas fleet produksi. Kata Wakil Presiden Direktur Darma Henwa, Prabhakaran Balasubramanian, total volume pemindahan material meng-gunakan fleet meningkat 26,4% menjadi 16,3 juta bcm, dari 12,9 juta bcm pada kuartal pertama 2020. Sedangkan volume produksi dari subkontraktor turun signi-fikan menjadi 11,0 juta bcm dari semula 22,7 juta bcm pada kuartal pertama 2020. Akibatnya, total volume pemindahan material menurun 23,3% menjadi 27,3 juta bcm dari 35,6 juta bcm.

Hal itu disebabkan karena Darma Henwa menghentikan subkontraktor di Proyek Bengalon pada pertengahan 2020 karena kontrak tidak ekonomis. Namun dari sisi keuangan, perseroan mampu meningkatkan margin walaupun volume produksi dan pendapatan turun.

DEWA akan terus melanjutkan strategi tersebut dengan menargetkan 100% volume produksi menggunakan fleet produksi perseroan dalam waktu 2 tahun ke depan. Untuk itu, DEWA merencanakan program perbaikan dengan menempatkan lebih banyak peralatan melalui pendanaan internal dan pinjaman eksternal.

Sementara, dilihat dari sisi keuangan, pendapatan pada kurtal pertama 2021 menurun sebesar 10,0% menjadi US$ 73,8 Juta bila dibanding dengan kuartal pertama 2020 sebesar US$ 82,0 juta. Sebaliknya, EBITDA operasi justru melonjak 2,5 kali lipat menjadi US$ 16,6 juta dari US$ 6,6 juta. Margin EBITDA operasi meningkat menjadi 22,5% dibandingkan kuartal pertama 2020 sebesar 8,0% atau meningkat 14,5%. Sedangkan laba kotor melonjak 102,5x kali menjadi US$ 8,1 Juta dari US$ 0,08 juta.


Daily News Update Page 6

The company recorded a foreign exchange loss of US$ 1.5 million in the first quarter of 2021 due to the appreciation of the rupiah exchange rate, compared to a foreign exchange gain of US$ 9.4 million in the first quarter of 2020. This mining contractor issuer said that it focuses on operational efficiency and improvement Production for 2021 is the company's target. “In 2021, DEWA will continue its strategy of rebuilding more equipment which will help expand volume for the benefit of clients and also increase its profitability in the future,” B. Prabhakaran.

Perseroan mencatatkan kerugian selisih kurs sebesar US$ 1,5 juta pada kuartal pertama 2021 karena apresiasi nilai tukar rupiah, dibandingkan laba selisih kurs sebesar US$ 9,4 juta pada kuartal pertama 2020. Emiten kontraktor pertambangan ini menyebutkan, fokus pada efisiensi operasi-onal dan peningkatan produksi untuk 2021 menjadi target perseroan. “Di tahun 2021, DEWA akan melanjutkan strateginya dengan membangun kembali lebih banyak peralatan yang akan membantu memperluas volume untuk kepentingan klien dan juga mening-katkan profitabilitasnya di masa men-datang,” B. Prabhakaran.

BUMA and ADRO Cooperate to

Produce Coal at the Tutupan


Author: Edo Fernando, Editor: Ocky PR.


T BUKIT Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA), a subsidiary of PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID) is reported to have signed a mining service cooperation contract with PT Adaro Indonesia, which is a subsidiary of PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO). The cooperation contract was agreed for operational activities at the Tutupan Mine. The contracts include mining services in overburden stripping and coal.

The company's management explained that the Tutupan mine is a project located in Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan and South Barito Regency in Central Kalimantan. Delta Dunia Makmur added that…

BUMA dan ADRO Kerjasama

Produksi Batubara di Tambang


Penulis: Edo Fernando, Editor: Ocky PR.


T BUKIT Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA), anak usaha dari PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk

(DOID) diberitakan telah melakukan penanda -tanganan kontrak kerja sama jasa tambang dengan PT Adaro Indonesia, yang merupa-kan anak usaha dari PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO). Kontrak kerja sama tersebut disepakati untuk kegiatan operasional di Tambang Tutupan. Adapun kontraknya meliputi jasa penambangan dalam pengu-pasan lapisan tanah penutup dan batu bara. Pihak manajemen perusahaan menjelaskan bahwa tambang Tutupan itu adalah proyek yang lokasinya berada di Kabupaten Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan dan Kabupaten Barito Selatan di Kalimantan Tengah. Delta Dunia Makmur menambahkan bahwa…


Daily News Update Page 7

Delta Dunia Makmur added that the cooperation period will last until December 2025. The total volume is more than 234 million bcm in overburden stripping activities. As for coal, it reached 44 million tons.

It is estimated that the average production of overburden stripping per year is in the range of 30 to 70 million bcm. Then for coal between 5 to 12 million tons.

For information, Adaro Energy itself has long used the services of Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama in the mining sector. It is hoped that the contract that has just been agreed can reflect the high trust between the two companies, and can also strengthen the working relationship of both parties in the future.

On the other hand, Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama itself is trying to explore a number of collaborations and opportunities, in order to add new contracts, both for old customers and new customers.

In every strategy carried out, Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama continues to be committed to being able to maximize its assets and resources, by managing working capital and investment wisely. Then also ensure the debt structure in a sustainable manner to achieve good performance.

Delta Dunia Makmur menambahkan bahwa masa kerja sama tersebut dilakukan sampai dengan bulan Desember tahun 2025 men-datang. Besaran total volumenya mencapai lebih dari 234 juta bcm dalam kegiatan pengupasan lapisan tanah penutup. Sedangkan untuk batu bara mencapai 44 juta ton.

Diperkirakan untuk besaran rata-rata produksi pengupasan lapisan tanah penutup per tahun-nya mencapai kisaran 30 sampai dengan 70 juta bcm. Lalu untuk batu bara antara 5 sampai dengan 12 juta ton.

Sebagai informasi, pihak Adaro Energy sendiri telah lama menggunakan jasa dari Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama dalam bidang pertam-bangan. Diharapkan, kontrak yang baru saja disepakati ini bisa merefleksikan kepercayaan yang tinggi antar dua perusahaan, dan juga bisa memperkuat hubungan kerja di kedua belah pihak di masa mendatang.

Di sisi lain, Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama sendiri sedang berupaya melakukan penjajakan sejumlah kerja sama dan kesempatan, guna menambah kontrak baru, baik untuk pelanggan lama dan pelanggan baru.

Dalam setiap strategi yang dilakukan, Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama terus berkomitmen untuk bisa memaksimalkan aset-aset serta sumber daya yang dimiliki, dengan mengelola modal kerja serta investasi secara bijak. Kemudian memastikan juga perihal struktur utang secara berkelanjutan untuk tercapainya kinerja yang baik.

These are RI's 5 Largest Nickel

Producers, Who's the Winner?


NDONESIA is blessed with a 'treasure' of nickel which is very abundant, in fact its reserves are up to billions of tons and is a country with the world's largest nickel reserves.

Ini 5 Produsen Nikel Terbesar

RI, Siapa Jawaranya?


I dikaruniai 'harta karun' nikel yang sangat melimpah, bahkan cadangannya sampai miliaran ton dan merupakan negara dengan cadangan nikel terbesar dunia.


Daily News Update Page 8

The size of the 'treasure' of RI's mines, no doubt if RI aspires to become a world-class battery player. The government also started by stopping nickel ore exports, and encouraging investment in nickel down-stream.

In fact, a number of battery raw material factory projects (smelters) with an investment value of US$ 6.25 billion or around Rp 91 trillion (assuming an exchange rate of Rp 14,500 per US$) are being developed in the country.

To work on the battery raw material factory project, at least 32 million tons of nickel ore per year is needed. This is certainly a place for nickel ore miners to compete to increase their ore production. So, who will benefit from this nickel downstream project? Who are the biggest nickel ore miners in the country?

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the following is a list of five companies with the largest nickel ore production in Indonesia today:

1. PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO)

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk has a number of nickel mining areas in Indonesia, including: - Soroako Block, East Luwu Regency

(South Sulawesi) and Morowali Regency (Central Sulawesi) with production operation status.

- Suasua Block, North Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, with production operation status.

- Pomalaa Block, Kolaka Regency and East Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, with production operation status.

- Bahodopi Block, Morowali Regency (Central Sulawesi) and East Luwu Regency (South Sulawesi), with production operation status.

Besarnya 'harta karun' tambang RI ini, tak ayal bila RI bercita-cita menjadi pemain baterai kelas dunia. Pemerintah pun memulainya dengan menghentikan ekspor bijih nikel, dan mendorong investasi hilirisasi nikel.

Bahkan, sejumlah proyek pabrik (smelter) bahan baku baterai dengan nilai investasi mencapai US$ 6,25 miliar atau sekitar Rp 91 triliun (asumsi kurs Rp 14.500 per US$) pun tengah dikembangkan di Tanah Air. Untuk menggarap proyek pabrik bahan baku baterai tersebut, setidaknya 32 juta ton bijih nikel per tahun dibutuhkan. Ini tentunya menjadi ajang penambang bijih nikel untuk berlomba-lomba meningkat-kan produksi bijihnya.

Lantas, siapa saja yang akan diuntungkan

dari proyek hilirisasi nikel ini? Siapa saja penambang bijih nikel terbesar di negara ini?

Berdasarkan data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), berikut daftar lima perusahaan dengan produksi bijih nikel terbesar di Indonesia saat ini: 1. PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO)

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk memiliki sejumlah wilayah tambang nikel di Indonesia, antara lain:

- Blok Soroako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur (Sulawesi Selatan) dan Kabupaten Morowali (Sulawesi Tengah) dengan status operasi produksi.

- Blok Suasua, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara, dengan status operasi produksi.

- Blok Pomalaa, Kabupaten Kolaka dan Kolaka Timur, Sulawesi Tenggara, dengan status operasi produksi.

- Blok Bahodopi, Kabupaten Morowali (Sulawesi Tengah) dan Kabupaten Luwu Timur (Sulawesi Selatan), dengan status operasi produksi.


Daily News Update Page 9

2. PT Bintang Delapan Mineral

Has a Mining Business Permit (IUP) in the Villages of Bahomoahi, Bahomotefe, Lalampu, Lele, Dampala, Siumbatu, Bahodopi, Keurea, and Fatufia, Bungku Tengah and Bahodopi Districts, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi, with production operating status and an area of 21,695 Ha. 3. PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) Has a number of mining areas, including: - Maniang Island, Wundulako District,

Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. - Pomalaa District, Kolaka Regency,

Southeast Sulawesi.

- Lasolo District, North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

- Asera and Molawe Subdistricts, Konawe Regency, North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

- Maba and Maba Subdistricts , East Halmahera Regency, North Maluku. 4. PT Makmur Lestari Primatama

Has a mining area in Langgikima District, North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, with a mining area of 407 Ha. 5. PT Citra Silika Mallawa

Has a mining area in Lasusua District, North Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi with an area of 475 Ha.

Based on data from Minerba One Data Indonesia (MODI) of the Ministry of ESDM quoted by CNBC Indonesia, today, Wednesday (07/07/2021), the production of Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) per day reached 389,245.40 tons or 43.20% of this year's production target is 901.080.00 tons.

In detail, January production was 68,928.02

tons, then increased in February to 74,801.70 tons, rose again in March to

77,923.55 tons. Then for the month of April…

2. PT Bintang Delapan Mineral

Memiliki Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) di Desa Bahomoahi, Bahomotefe, Lalampu, Lele, Dampala, Siumbatu, Bahodopi, Keurea, dan Fatufia, Kecamatan Bungku Tengah dan Bahodopi, Kabupaten Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah, dengan status operasi produksi dan luas wilayah 21.695 Ha.

3. PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) Memiliki sejumlah wilayah tambang, a.l.: - Pulau Maniang, Kecamatan Wundulako,

Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara. - Kecamatan Pomalaa, Kabupaten Kolaka,

Sulawesi Tenggara.

- Kecamatan Lasolo, Kabupaten Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara.

- Kecamatan Asera dan Molawe, Kabupaten Konawe, Kabupaten Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara.

- Kecamatan Maba dan Maba, Kabupaten Halmahera Timur, Maluku Utara.

4. PT Makmur Lestari Primatama

Memiliki wilayah tambang di Kecamatan Langgikima, Kab. Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara, dgn luas wilayah tambang 407 Ha. 5. PT Citra Silika Mallawa

Memiliki wilayah tambang di Kecamatan Lasusua, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara dengan luas wilayah 475 Ha.

Berdasarkan data dari Minerba One Data Indonesia (MODI) Kementerian ESDM yang dikutip CNBC Indonesia, hari ini, Rabu (07/07/2021), produksi Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) per hari ini mencapai 389.245,40 ton atau 43,20% dari target produksi tahun ini 901.080,00 ton.

Secara rinci, produksi Januari sebesar 68.928,02 ton, lalu naik di bulan Februari

menjadi 74.801,70 ton, kembali naik di bulan Maret menjadi 77.923,55 ton. Lalu untuk bulan April…


Daily News Update Page 10

Then for the month of April it fell to 73,371.16 tons, May rose to 80,958.03 tons, and the last data for June was 12,790.99 tons.

Then, ferronickel production was 760,819.92 tons or 36.11% of this year's production target of 2,107,071.00 tons. In detail, production in January was 138,167.76 tons, then increased in February to 124,247.79 tons, and rose again in March to 141,260.31 tons. Furthermore, in April it fell to 135,595.81 tons, in May it fell again to 128,967.75 tons, and in June the last data was 91,187.25 tons.

Meanwhile, nickel matte production so far has reached 38,008.86 tons or 48.73 percent of the target of 78,000 tons. In detail, production in January was 6,088.82 tons, then decreased in February to 5,304.95 tons. In March it rose to 7,703.24 tons, fell in April to 6,826.61 tons, in May rose again to 7,657.30 tons, and in June the latest data reached 4,427.95 tons. (Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia/wia)

Lalu untuk bulan April turun menjari 73.371,16 ton, Mei naik jadi 80.958,03 ton, dan Juni data terakhir 12.790,99 ton.

Kemudian, produksi feronikel sebesar 760.819,92 ton atau 36,11% dari target produksi tahun ini 2.107.071,00 ton. Secara rinci, produksi bulan Januari sebesar 138.167,76 ton, kemudian naik di Februari menjadi 124.247,79 ton, dan kembali naik di Maret menjadi 141.260,31 ton. Selanjutnya di bulan April turun menjadi sebesar 135.595,81 ton, bulan Mei kembali turun menjadi 128.967,75 ton, dan bulan Juni data terakhir 91.187,25 ton. Sementara itu, produksi nickel matte sampai saat ini mencapai 38.008,86 ton atau 48,73% dari target 78.000 ton. Secara rinci, produksi pada bulan Januari 6.088,82 ton, kemudian turun di bulan Februari menjadi 5.304,95 ton. Pada bulan Maret naik menjadi 7.703,24 ton, turun di bulan April menjadi 6.826,61 ton, Mei naik lagi jadi 7.657,30 ton, dan Juni data terakhir mencapai 4.427,95 ton. (Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia/wia)

Transparency of Data and

Information in the ESDM Sector

Continues to be Improved

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


HE MINISTRY of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continues to improve the transparency of data management in the energy and mineral resources sector to make it easier to invest.

In addition, the active role for more than a decade through participation in the

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives

(EITI) which has the principle of…

Tranparansi Data dan Informasi

di Sektor ESDM Terus


Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


EMENTERIAN Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terus berupaya mening-katkan transparansi pengelolaan data sektor energi dan sumber daya mineral untuk menciptakan kemudahan berinvestasi. Di samping itu, peran aktif selama lebih dari satu dekade melalui keikutsertaan dalam

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives


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which has the principle of openness and transparency of state revenues in the extractive industry sector is the next step that will be taken to realize transparency in the management of data in the ESDM sector.

"Indonesia as part of the international community has also implemented infor-mation disclosure to support increased investment, especially in the extractive industry sector which includes oil and gas, as well as minerals and coal," said Secretary General of the Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial in a press release, Wednesday (7/7/2021).

Ego hopes that the effort to implement information disclosure in the ESDM sector will be part of the creation of ease of investment in Indonesia, which is managed by the prosperity of the Indonesian people. Currently, online reporting of the oil and gas subsector is carried out through the Online Migas Data, where cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) can access data online, the ESDM online licensing application, and the SKK Migas integrated operating system (SOT).

"In the mineral and coal sub-sector, reporting is carried out through an online mineral and coal application information technology system which consists of two main parts, namely, the Minerba One Map Indonesia (MOMI) service aspect, Minerba One Date Indonesia (MODI), and online licensing," said the Head of the Data Center and Information Technology Agus Cahyono Adi.

Meanwhile, for the aspects of coaching and supervision, said Agus, reporting is done through the Minerba Online Monitoring System (MOMS) and Sales Verification Module (MVP), E-PNBP, and the Infor-mation System for Recording Receivables (SIPP).

yang memiliki prinsip keterbukaan dan transparansi penerimaan negara di sektor industri ekstraktif merupakan langkah selanjutnya yang akan dilakukan untuk mewujudkan transparansi pengelolaan data sektor ESDM.

“Indonesia sebagai bagian dari masyarakat internasional juga telah mengimpletasikan keterbukaan informasi untuk men-dukung peningkatan investasi, terutama di sektor industri ekstraktif yang meliputi minyak dan gas bumi, serta mineral dan batubara,” ujar Sekretaris Jenderal Kemen-terian ESDM Ego Syahrial melalui siaran pers, Rabu (7/7/2021).

Ego berharap, upaya pelaksanaan keter-bukaan informasi di sektor ESDM menjadi bagian dari terciptanya kemudahan ber-investasi di Indonesia yang pengelolaannya kemakmuran rakyat Indonesia.

Saat ini, pelaporan online subsektor migas dilakukan melalui Data Migas Online, di mana kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) dapat mengakses data secara online, aplikasi perizinan online ESDM, dan sistem operasi terpadu (SOT) SKK Migas. “Pada subsektor minerba, pelaporan dilakukan melalui sistem teknologi infor-masi aplikasi minerba online yang terdiri atas dua bagian utama, yaitu, aspek pelayanan Minerba One Map Indonesia (MOMI), Minerba One Date Indonesia (MODI), dan perizinan online,” kata Kepala Pusat Data Dan Teknologi Informasi Agus Cahyono Adi.

Sementara itu, untuk aspek pembinaan dan pengawasan, kata Agus, pelaporan dilakukan melalui Minerba Online Monitoring System (MOMS) dan Modul Verifikasi Penjualan (MVP), E-PNBP, dan Sistem Informasi Pencatatan Piutang (SIPP).


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Technically, the Director of Mineral and Coal Development Program Sunindyo Surya Herdadi explained, the MOMI application contains the limits of permits that have been published and compiled along with other thematic data related to mining.

“MOMI is still well managed by us. We are also still using MOMI to analyze the territory, and in the future if there are potential areas and indeed in empty areas, and spatially it is possible, of course we will conduct an auction of the area," he said.

Meanwhile, the MODI application was developed in order to increase trans-parency in the quality of data and information access services quickly in the mineral and coal sector regarding what permits were granted, the commodities, and the validity period of the contract. “This MODI application is actually inline with the MOMI application. This appli-cation has very good benefits for investors because it can function as a search engine for existing companies that have been verified according to their issuance, governance, and applicable laws and regulations," he said. Editor : Lili Sunardi

Secara teknis, Direktur Pembinaan Program Mineral Dan Batubara Sunindyo Surya Herdadi menjelaskan, aplikasi MOMI berisi batas-batas perijinan yang telah terbit dan dikompilasikan bersama data-data tematik lainnya yang berkaitan dengan pertam-bangan.

“MOMI sampai sekarang masih kami kelola dengan baik. Kami juga masih menggunakan MOMI untuk menganalisis kewilayahan, dan ke depan juga apabila ada wilayah-wilayah berpotensi dan memang di wilayah kosong, serta secara tata ruang dimungkinkan, tentunya kami akan melakukan pelelangan wilayahnya,” ujarnya.

Adapun, aplikasi MODI dikembangkan dalam rangka peningkatan transparansi kualitas layanan akses data dan informasi dengan cepat di bidang mineral dan batu bara terkait izin apa yang diberikan, komoditasnya, dan masa berlaku kontraknya.

“Aplikasi MODI ini sebenarnya inline dengan

aplikasi MOMI. Aplikasi ini manfaatnya sangat baik bagi para investor karena bisa berfungsi

sebagai search engine bagi perusahan-perusahaan yang existing dan sudah

diverifikasi sesuai penerbitannya, tata kelola, maupun peraturan perundang undangan yang berlaku,” ucapnya.Editor : Lili Sunardi

Five of the World's Largest

Copper Mines Capable of

Shifting Copper Prices

Author: Edo Fernando, Editor: Ocky PR.


OPPER, a highly conductive red metal, is needed in the manufacture of products in electrification systems which is also often used…

Lima Tambang Tembaga

Terbesar Dunia Mampu Geser

Harga Tembaga

Penulis: Edo Fernando, Editor: Ocky PR.


EMBAGA, logam merah yang sangat konduktif ini dibutuhkan dalam pem-buatan produk pada sistem elektrifikasi yang juga kerap digunakan…


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which is also often used as a raw material for heating, cooling, power generation, transmission, automotive applications and other products because it is also known to have antimicrobial properties.

Demand for copper commodities as a result of the green energy transition has fueled the rally. The world's five largest copper mines in terms of production in 2020 will play a major role in setting prices for the next decade. Who are these companies?

Escondida, Chile - 1,173 Kt

The Escondida copper mine in Chile remains the world's top copper producer, producing more than one million tonnes in the past two years. This is conventional open pit mining processing sulfide and oxide ores.

Located in the arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3,050 m above sea level, the mine commenced operations in late 1990, and its capacity has been increased by gradual expansion over the years.

This mining complex is a joint venture between BHP (57.5 percent), Rio Tinto (30 percent), the Japanese consortium (10 percent) and the International Finance Corporation (2.5 percent).

Collahuasi, Chile - 629 Kt

In second place is the Collahuasi mine also in northern Chile, about 180km southeast of the port of Iquique at an altitude of 4,400m.

Located in a historic copper mining area, the mine's existing copper reserves began to be decomposed in 1991 following exploration by Shell, Chevron and Falconbridge.

yang juga kerap digunakan sebagai bahan dasar produk pemanas, pendingin, pem-bangkit listrik, transmisi, aplikasi otomotif dan produk-produk lainnya karena juga diketahui memiliki kemampuan anti-mikroba.

Permintaan komoditas tembaga sebagai dampak dari transisi energi hijau telah memicu reli. Lima Tambang tembaga ter-besar di dunia dalam hal produksi di tahun 2020 akan memainkan peran utama dalam menetapkan harga untuk dekade berikut-nya. Siapa saja perusahaan tersebut? Escondida, Chili - 1,173 Kt

Tambang tembaga Escondida di Chili tetap menjadi produsen tembaga teratas di dunia, jumlah produksinya melampaui angka satu juta ton dalam dua tahun terakhir. Ini merupakan penambangan terbuka konvensional yang memproses bijih sulfida dan oksida.

Lokasinya berada di Gurun Atacama utara yang gersang di ketinggian 3.050 m di atas permukaan laut, tambang ini mulai beroperasi pada akhir tahun 1990, dan kapasitasnya telah ditingkatkan dengan ekspansi bertahap selama bertahun-tahun. Kompleks pertambangan ini merupakan perusahaan patungan antara BHP (57,5 persen), Rio Tinto (30 persen), konsorsium Jepang (10 persen) dan International Finance Corporation (2,5 persen).

Collahuasi, Chili - 629 Kt

Di tempat kedua ada tambang Collahuasi yang juga berada di sebelah utara Chili, sekitar 180km tenggara pelabuhan Iquique di ketinggian 4.400m.

Terletak di area penambangan tembaga bersejarah, cadangan tembaga yang ada di tambang tersebut mulai diuraikan pada tahun 1991 setelah eksplorasi yang dilaku-kan oleh Shell, Chevron dan Falconbridge.


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Recent research has reported that the Collahuasi mine will have a lifespan of up to 51 years from 2020, or until 2070. The mine is jointly owned by Anglo American (44 percent), Glencore (44 percent) and Japan Collahuasi Resources (12 percent).

Morenci - 450 Kt

In third place was Morenci, North America's largest copper producer located in Greenlee Country, Arizona. Morenci is an open pit mining complex that has been operating since 1939, and was previously mined through underground mining.

The mine is majority owned by Freeport-McMoran (72 percent), Sumitomo Corp. Japan (15 percent) and Sumitomo Metal Mining (13 percent) hold the remaining holdings.

El Teniente - 443 Kt

Then there is the world's largest under-ground copper mine, El Teniente, located 80 km south of Santiago in the Andes mountains of Chile. The copper reserves there were discovered in the early 19th century and have been in operation since 1905. It is owned and operated by Chile's national copper company Coldeco. The company is currently undertaking an extensive $3.4 billion expansion project that will extend its production life by up to 50 years.

Buenavista - 432 Kt

In fifth place is the Buenavista open pit copper mine in Sonora, Mexico, which is wholly owned by Grupo Mexico subsidiary Southern Copper Corp. The mine has been in production since 1899, and is the oldest operating copper mine in North America, and also one of the largest porphyry copper deposits in the world.

Buenavista was mined exclusively under-ground until the Anaconda Company started open pit operations in the early 1940s.

Dari penelitian terbaru dilaporkan bahwa tambang Collahuasi itu akan memiliki umur hingga 51 tahun dari tahun 2020, atau sampai dengan tahun 2070. Tambang tersebut dimiliki bersama oleh Anglo American (44 persen), Glencore (44 persen) dan Japan Collahuasi Resources (12 persen).

Morenci - 450 Kt

Di tempat ketiga ada Morenci, produsen tembaga terbesar di Amerika Utara yang lokasinya berada di Greenlee Country, Arizona. Morenci merupakan komplek penambangan terbuka yang telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1939, dan sebelumnya ditambang melalui penambangan bawah tanah.

Tambang ini dimiliki mayoritas oleh Freeport-McMoran (72 persen), Sumitomo Corp. Jepang (15 persen) dan Sumitomo Metal Mining (13 persen) memegang kepemilikan sisanya.

El Teniente - 443 Kt

Kemudian ada tambang tembaga bawah tanah terbesar di dunia, yakni El Teniente, yang terletak 80 km di selatan Santiago di pegunungan Andes, Chili. Cadangan tembaga di sana ditemukan pada awal abad ke-19 dan telah beroperasi sejak 1905. Dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh perusahaan tembaga nasional Cile Coldeco. Saat ini perusahaan sedang melakukan proyek ekspansi ekstensif senilai USD3,4 miliar yang akan memper-panjang umur produksinya hingga 50 tahun.

Buenavista - 432 Kt

Di peringkat kelima adalah tambang tembaga terbuka Buenavista yang ada di Sonora, Meksiko, yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh anak perusahaan Grupo Mexico, Southern Copper Corp. Tambang ini telah berproduksi sejak 1899, dan ini adalah tambang tembaga tertua yang beroperasi di Amerika Utara, dan juga menjadi salah satu tambang dengan deposit tembaga porfiri terbesar di dunia.

Buenavista ditambang secara eksklusif melalui metode bawah tanah sampai akhirnya Anaconda Company memulai operasi tambang terbuka pada awal 1940-an.


Daily News Update Page 15

Affected by Profit Taking (Again),

Coal Prices Drop Over 1%!

Hidayat Setiaji, CNBC Indonesia


OAL prices corrected in yesterday's trading. It seems that investors are still taking profit because the price of this commodity has soared.

Yesterday, the price of coal on the ICE Newcastle (Australia) market was at US$ 130.25/ton. A fall of 1.14% from the previous day.

Despite experiencing a fairly deep correction, weekly coal prices still rose 5.17% point-to-point. In the last month, the price still posted an increase of 17.88%.

So it is very natural for investors to 'itch' to cash out. The profit earned is very high... Currently, the biggest risk for coal prices is the corona virus pandemic (Coronavirus Disease-2019/Covid-19). In a number of countries, the surge in positive cases of corona has been responded to by tightening community activities and mobility.

For example in India. Although the daily number of positive cases has decreased, the regional quarantine (lockdown) in a number of areas has not been lifted. Limited activities, especially in the business world, make electricity demand decline.

In the first two months of the 2021-2022 fiscal year (April-May), Indian power companies imported 8 million tonnes of thermal coal. Down 3% compared to the same period last year.

Kena Profit Taking (Lagi), Harga

Batu Bara Anjlok 1% Lebih!

Hidayat Setiaji, CNBC Indonesia


ARGA batu bara terkoreksi pada per-dagangan kemarin. Sepertinya investor masih melakukan aksi ambil untung (profit taking) karena harga komoditas ini memang sudah melambung tinggi.

Kemarin, harga batu bara di pasar ICE Newcastle (Australia) berada di US$ 130,25/ton. Ambles 1,14% dari hari sebelumnya.

Walau mengalami koreksi yang lumayan dalam, tetapi secara mingguan harga batu bara masih naik 5,17% secara point-to-point. Dalam sebulan terakhir, harga masih membukukan kenaikan 17,88%.

Jadi sangat wajar investor 'gatal' untuk mencairkan cuan. Wong keuntungan yang didapat memang tinggi sekali...

Saat ini, risiko terbesar bagi harga batu bara adalah pandemi virus corona (Coronavirus Disease-2019/Covid-19). Di sejumlah negara, lonjakan kasus positif corona direspons dengan mengetatkan aktivitas dan mobilitas masyarakat.

Misalnya di India. Meski angka kasus positif harian sudah menurun, tetapi karantina wilayah (lockdown) di sejumlah wilayah belum dicabut. Kegiatan yang terbatas, terutama di dunia usaha, mem-buat permintaan listrik menurun.

Pada dua bulan pertama tahun fiskal 2021-2022 (April-Mei), perusahaan listrik India mengimpor 8 juta ton batu bara termal. Turun 3% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahu lalu.


Daily News Update Page 16

India is one of the world's largest importers of thermal coal. The Inter-national Energy Agency noted that India contributed 17% of the world's total thermal coal imports in 2019. It was only behind China (21%). CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH TEAM (aji/aji)

India adalah salah satu importir batu bara termal terbesar dunia. International Energy Agency mencatat, India ber-kontribusi 17% terhadap total impor batu bara termal dunia pada 2019. Hanya kalah dari China (21%). TIM RISET CNBC INDONESIA (aji/aji)

Copper price jumps after China’s auction fetches $10,500 per tonne

MINING.COM Staff Writer


OPPER prices rose on Wednesday despite China’s announcement that it will release more base metals from its state reserves after completing the first batch of sales in its latest effort to rein in surging raw material costs.

More sales will be arranged in the near term to ensure market stability, the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration said in a statement on its website Wednesday.

Copper for delivery in September rose 2.6% from Tuesday’s settlement price, touching $4.362 per pound ($9,596 per tonne) midday Wednesday on the Comex market in New York.

The release of state metal reserves is one of a number of attempts by Beijing to cool a stellar rally in commodity prices that has squeezed manufacturers’ margins.


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The first release of metals in over a decade included 20,000 tonnes of copper, 30,000 tonnes of zinc and 50,000 tonnes of aluminum and was concluded via a public auction on Monday. The reserves agency didn’t reveal the prices at which the metals were sold.

The Shanghai Metal Exchange Market reported on Monday some of the highest bids accepted, citing information from buyers. They included 67,718 yuan ($10,474) a tonne for copper, 18,074 yuan a tonne for aluminum and 21,200 yuan a tonne for zinc, all of which were below spot market prices.

For copper, bidding began at 8 a.m. Beijing time and the last lot of 146 tonnes was auctioned just 75 minutes later, according to the China Minmetals Corp platform hosting the sales. “It was grabbed within seconds,” a source told Reuters. (With files from Bloomberg and Reuters)

Novo reports record monthly gold production in Australia

By Vladimir Basov


OVO Resources (TSX: NVO) today reported a quarterly operational update from the first full quarter at the company's Nullagine gold project, located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

The company said that gold production at Nullagine continued to increase month-on-month with a record month of 5,898 ounces produced during June 2021, with Q2 2021 gold production totalled 14,890 ounces.

Mining and processing rates continued to increase, the company noted, with 232 kt gold-bearing conglomerate material mined in June (Q2 2021 – 477 kt gold-gold-bearing conglomerate material mined) and 134 kt gold-bearing conglomerate material processed in June (Q2 – 366 kt gold-bearing conglomerate material processed).

Recovery rates reaching optimal levels, with June recovery of 96.4%, up from 94.4% in May. Novo said that its June revenue of C$11.9 million (A$12.8 million) was 11.4% higher compared to May (Q2 2021 – C$31.7 million (A$33.1 million)), and that its cash position and working capital remains robust, with cash reserves of C$46.3 million as at June 30, 2021. "We are very pleased with the operational trajectory of the Nullagine gold project," commented CEO and director Rob Humphryson. "All key project metrics are trending positively and the Novo team are working diligently on operational improvements that will further benefit the operation. Given the abundance of gold-bearing conglomerate mineralization across the Pilbara region, we are pleased to demonstrate that the Nullagine gold project is generating positive cash flow."

Novo is commissioning its flagship Beatons Creek gold project while exploring and developing its prospective land package covering approximately 14,000 square kilometres in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.


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Vital Metals becomes Canada’s first rare earth producer

Published by Jaroslaw Adamowski


ITAL Metals Limited has launched rare earth pro-duction at its Nechalacho project in Canada, becoming the country’s first rare earth producer, and North America’s second.

The project, located in the Canadian Northwest Territories, com-menced through ore crushing. The installation of an ore sorter was recently completed, with its commissioning underway, the company said in a statement.

“Vital will stockpile beneficiated material for transport to Saskatoon rare earth extraction plant later this year,” the statement said.

“Mining activities are over 30% complete with waste material re-moved from the pit to enable the first blast of ore on 28 June and we are now stockpiling ore for the crusher,” said Geoff Atkins, the man-aging director of Vital Metals.

“We will continue to ramp up crushing and ore sorting with full pro-duction rates expected to be achieved in July. Beneficiated material will be stockpiled for transport to our extraction plant in Saskatoon,” he said.

Five countries ‘plan 80% of world’s new coal power’

More than 600 new coal-fired plants are currently underway, a new report suggests

Dimitris Mavrokefalidis


LTHOUGH every day we hear about new countries pledging new carbon goals to reach net zero, five countries, all located in Asia, are responsible for a staggering 80% of the world’s planned coal power.

That’s according to a new report by the financial think tank Carbon Tracker, which suggests China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam plan to build more than 600 new units with a combined capacity of more than 300GW.

The authors of the report predict that almost 92% of these planned projects will be ‘uneconomic’ with up to $150 billion (£108bn) being wasted.

The analysis also stresses that the same five Asian countries operate almost three-quarters of the current global coal fleet. Of this capacity, almost 55% is located in China while 12% in India.


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Catharina Hillenbrand Von Der Neyen, Carbon Tracker’s Head of Power & Utilities, said: “These last bastions of coal power are swimming against the tide when renewables offer a cheaper solution that supports global climate targets.

“Investors should steer clear of new coal projects, many of which are likely to generate negative returns from the outset.”

US 2021 coal production estimates to rise 14.5% on year: EIA

Author: Tyler Godwin, Editor: Valarie Jackson


HE US is estimated to produce 617.3 million st of coal in 2021, the US Energy Information Administration said in a July 7 report, raising its monthly estimate by roughly 17 million st, or 2.9%, from June to its highest projection for the year.

The 2021 production would also be 14.5% higher than the 55-year low 539.1 million st produced in 2020, while the 2022 production estimate rose 0.9% on the month to 610.4 million st, EIA said in its July Short-Term Energy Outlook.

Power-sector coal consumption is projected to be 522.2 million st in 2021 and 487 million st in 2022, up from 436.5 million st in 2020. Average stockpiles in the electric sector are expected to fall to 107.7 million st at the end of 2021, from 132.7 million st in 2020. Inventories are expected to fall again to 84.5 million st at the end of 2022.

The EIA said "the increase in production reflects greater electric power sector demand for coal. Higher natural gas prices make coal more economically competitive relative to natural gas for electricity generation dispatch."

Total consumption, including by petcoke plants and retail, is estimated at 569 million st in 2021 and 536.8 million st in 2022, up from 477.3 million st in 2020.

Coal is expected to have the second-largest generation share in 2021 by making up 23.6% of US power generation and 21.8% in 2022, compared with 19.9% generated from coal in 2020. Renewables are projected to make up 20.6% of the stack in 2021 and 22.5% in 2022, up from 19.7% in 2020.

Power generation from natural gas is estimated at 35.6% in 2021 and 36% in 2022, compared with 39.2% in 2020.

The estimated decrease in natural gas generation is largely from a rise in spot Henry Hub gas prices, which is forecast to average $3.34/MMBtu this year and $3.12/MMBtu in 2022, up from $2.11/MMBtu in 2020.

But due to the increase in prices, dry gas production is also expected to rise to an average of 92.51 Bcf/d in 2021 and 94.68 Bcf/d in 2022, compared with 91.37 Bcf/d averaged in 2020.


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Exports expected to rise from a four-year low

Coal exports are projected to climb to 83.8 million st in 2021, up from the four-year low of 69.1 million st in 2020. Exports are expected to increase again in 2022 to 99.1 million st. Thermal coal export volumes are estimated at 36.9 million st in 2021 and 41.7 million st in 2022, up from 27 million st in 2020. The EIA said it assumes the "seaborne steam coal market in 2021 will be more robust with higher demand for US coal."

The remaining 46.9 million st in 2021 are expected to be metallurgical coal exports, while 2022 exports are projected at 57.4 million st. In 2020, the US exported roughly 42.1 million st of met coal.

Exports are expected to make up 13.6% of the total US coal production in 2021 and 16.2% in 2022, up from 12.8% in 2020, according to EIA data.


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