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Aulia Dona

Academic year: 2022

Membagikan "JURNAL SHINTA1"


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Vol. 9, No. 06 August 022 , pp. xx~xx

ISSN: 2252-8822, v9i1. 2022  101






Economic Education Study Program, PGRI University, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This study aims to analyze: 1) the influence of brand image on purchasing decisions. 2) the effect of product variations on purchasing decisions. 3) the influence of lifestyle on purchasing decisions. 4) the influence of experiential marketing on purchasing decisions. 5) the influence of celebrity endorsement on purchasing decisions. 6) the influence of brand image, product variety, lifestyle, experiential marketing, and celebrity endorsements together on purchasing decisions.

The type of research used is descriptive and associative. The population in the study was Pgri University Students, West Sumatra. The sample amounted to 120 respondents with a sampling technique in the form of purposive sampling with descriptive and inductive analysis techniques with multiple linear regression analysis.

The results of research on brand image regression coefficient value of 0.492.

This coefficient value is significant because the tcount value of 8.694 is greater than the ttable of 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 <α = 0.05, meaning the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The product variation of the regression coefficient value is 0.279.

This coefficient value is significant because the tcount value of 7.942 is greater than the ttable of 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 <α = 0.05, meaning the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Thus it can be said that there is a partially significant influence between brand image on purchasing decisions. Lifestyle regression coefficient value on purchasing decisions is 0.400. This coefficient value is significant because the tcount is 4.654 > ttable is 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 < = 0.05, which means that Ho is rejected. Ha is accepted. The value of the experiential marketing regression coefficient on purchasing decisions is 0.492. This coefficient value is significant because the tcount is 8.694 > ttable is 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 < = 0.05, meaning Ho is rejected. Ha is accepted. Celebrity endorsement regression coefficient value is 0.331. This coefficient value is significant because the tcount value of 6.004 is greater than the ttable of 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 <=

0.05, meaning the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Thus, it can be said that there is a partially significant influence between celebrity endorsements on purchasing decisions.



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Beauty becomes very important for women, therefore women will always take care and take care of their bodies. Various efforts have been made by women in making a more beautiful and attractive appearance compared to others. Modern life offers practicality and convenience for consumers to look beautiful and look attractive, not only by dressing to support the beauty of women, one of which is using beauty products or cosmetics. This is evidenced by the many types of cosmetics circulating, both domestically produced and produced abroad. Currently, cosmetic products have become a primary need for women who are the main target of the cosmetic industry. In addition, along with the times, the cosmetic industry has also begun to innovate in cosmetic products for men and children, this indicates that there is an increasing number of consumers using cosmetics. This increase makes competition in the cosmetic industry one of the opportunities that can influence consumer decisions. With the increasing number of types of cosmetics available, cosmetic companies must be able to compete on how to create a new innovation that can provide satisfaction for cosmetic users themselves both in terms of quality and completeness of various cosmetic tools so that consumers can make their choices. In Indonesia, there are many cosmetic brands that are in great demand by women such as Maybelline, Wardah, Revlon, LOreal, Make Over, Mirabella, Inez and many other cosmetic brands with various advantages offered. Maybelline combines elements such as size, style , color and success that give a charming feel to the face.

College students are a promising target market for young people in purchasing cosmetics. As mentioned above, in the selection of a product the main thing is the consumer's purchase decision. Purchase decision is the decision of prospective users to buy or use the brand on a product offered by the manufacturer. Purchase decision is a concept in buying behavior where consumers decide to act or do something and in this case make a purchase or take advantage of certain products or services (Balawera, 2013). Most consumers, both individual consumers and organizational buyers, go through almost the same mental process in deciding what products and brands to buy (Yulindo 2013). Purchase decisions can be made if the product is in accordance with what consumers want and need. According to Kotler and Keller (2009:178) there are several factors that influence purchasing decisions, namely marketing stimuli consisting of products and services, prices, distribution and communication, then other stimuli in the form of economics, technology, politics and culture. Meanwhile (Brigays, 2013) found the factors that influence consumers in purchasing decisions are Pricing, Number of Product Variations, Overall the services provided are quite good consisting of problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decisions, and post-purchase behavior. The first factor that influences purchasing decisions is brand image. Brand image plays an important role in the development of a company because brand image concerns the good name of a company's products or services. (Buchari, 2008) in (Agus Supandi Soegoto and Rizky Y Emor 2015) states that a brand image is a sign or symbol that gives the identity of a particular good or service which can be in the form of words, pictures or a combination of both.

The second factor is Product Variations that affect purchasing decisions. Product variation according to (Kotler, 2009) in (Faroh and Junaidi 2019) product variation as a separate unit within a brand or product line that can be distinguished based on size, price, appearance or other characteristics. According to (Kotler and Keller, 2007) in (Finthariasari, Ekowati, and Krisna 2020) a product is anything that can be offered to the market to satisfy wants and needs. Products marketed include physical goods, services, experiences, events, people, places, properties, organizations, and ideas. The more variety of quantities and types of products sold somewhere then consumers will feel satisfied and make a purchase on the product and he does not need make purchases of other products. Lifestyle influences a person's behavior which ultimately determines a person's consumption pattern. Every human being has different needs, especially women.

The fourth factor that influences purchasing decisions is Experiential Marketing. Experiential marketing is a marketing concept that not only provides information and opportunities for customers to gain experience with the benefits gained but also evokes emotions and feelings that have an impact on marketing, especially sales. (Andreani 2007) . The essence of Experiential marketing is to build lasting relationships with customers through 5 aspects, namely the five senses , feelings , ways of thinking ( think ) , habits ( act ) and relationships ( relate ) . All products or services must now be able to touch the five elements. Consumers must be able to feel, think and act according to expectations. Even if it is possible to create a sense of belonging to a product or service so that in the end this becomes a differentiation for the product or service.

Celebrity endorsers who are public figures to promote goods, this method is also considered to save

more on promotional costs. By definition, a celebrity endorser is a character (actor, entertainer, or athlete)


who is known to the public for his achievements in areas different from the product class being supported (Shimp, 2003). Celebrities are a source of advertising or information about brands and product attributes that are fun, convincing, and attract the attention of the general public. Using celebrities as endorsers is considered easier to influence the psychological consumption of consumers.



Purchasing decisions are individual activities that are directly involved in making decisions to make purchases of products offered by sellers. According to (Kotler, 2001) The purchase decision is the stage in the buyer's decision-making process where the consumer actually buys. Decision making is an individual activity that is directly involved in obtaining and using the goods offered. Consumer behavior is strongly influenced by factors that exist outside of humans (external) and factors that exist within humans (internal) the main factors are cultural and social while the main internal factors are personal and physiological ( Private 2000) .

is a product image in the eyes of consumers based on knowledge, responses and consumer experience of a product . A brand that has a positive image is considered to be able to reduce purchase risk, this is what causes consumers to often use brand image as a reference in making purchasing decisions (Kurniawan &

Arifin, 2018).

According to Kotler (2009: 15) product variation is a product mix which is also called product selection is a collection of all products and goods offered and sold by a particular seller. Product variation is nothing but one of the strategies implemented by the company by diversifying its products based on type, brand, color and so on with the aim of meeting the needs and desires of consumers so that they are interested in making purchases. According to Setiadi (2010:10) Consumer buying decisions must have factors that influence it, namely lifestyle is a lifestyle of a consumer which is seen through his activities that are formed through a social class and work. But the same social class and occupation does not guarantee the emergence of a common lifestyle among some or many consumers. Experiential Marketing can be defined as a marketing concept that aims to form loyal customers by touching their emotions (consumers), and giving a positive feeling towards products and services (Kertajaya, 2005). A celebrity endorser is someone who brings or represents a brand, product, or service to the community. Therefore

, usually the endorser is someone who is known by the public or also called a celebrity (Takaya, 2019). Bramantya & Jatra (2016) celebrity endorsers aim as advertising stars who convey messages and support advertised products and are expected to influence consumers' buying interest in a product so as to generate and increase sales at a company.


The type

of research conducted in this study is associative. According to Arikunto (2010: 239) associative research is research that examines whether there is a relationship or influence between one variable and another. By using this method. Researchers want to review and find out the extent of the influence. Effect of Brand Image, Product Variation, Lifestyle, Experiential Marketing Celebrity Endorsment on Purchase Decision. Occurrence on the variables and also find whether there is a relationship or influence between the independent variables on the dependent variable.

The sample in this study are consumers or customers who buy Maybelline products at PGRI Sumatera University students . There are 6 (five) variables in this study, namely 5 (five) independent variables consisting of the influence of Brand Image, Product Variations, Lifestyle , Experiential Marketing, Celebrity Endorsment and (one) the dependent variable, namely purchasing decisions. Therefore the number of samples is 20x6=120

Variabel Jumlah Item Pernyataan


’s alpha

Nilai Kritis


Citra Merek (X1) 9 0,933 0,70 Reliabel

Variasi Produk (X2) 14 0,910 0,70 Reliabel

Gaya Hidup (X3) 9 0,861 0,70 Reliabel

Experiental Marketing

(X4) 13 0,908 0,70 Reliabel

Celebrity Endorsment

(X5) 13 0,898 0,70 Reliabel

Keputusan Pembelian (Y) 16 0,932 0,70 Reliabel

3.2. Discussion





Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -18.782 3.873 -4.849 .000

CITRA MEREK .492 .057 .468 8.694 .000

VARIASI PRODUK .279 .035 .334 7.942 .000

GAYA HIDUP .331 .055 .283 6.004 .000


MARKETING .169 .063 .173 2.666 .009


ENDORSMENT .400 .086 .271 4.654 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Pembelian

Based on

the first hypothesis testing, the results of the t-test analysis showed that brand image had a significant effect on purchasing decisions for UNPGRI students . Based on the data analysis, it is known that the regression coefficient value is 0.492 . The value of this coefficient is significant because the t arithmetic value of 8,694 is greater than the

t table of 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 < = 0.05, meaning the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative

hypothesis is accepted . Thus it can be said that there is a partial significant effect between brand image on Purchase Decisions for UNPGRI Students . This means that the higher the brand image of the product will lead to an increase in purchasing decisions .

Based on

the results of the study, it can be seen that brand image will affect purchasing decisions. To improve the brand image, companies need to take steps such as creating a more attractive logo design, then promoting conventionally effectively, using influencer services and utilizing social media and most importantly improving the quality of products and services. Brand image is a perception of a brand that consumers will remember easily when they hear about the brand.

This is obtained from the statement of product variation variables, including Maybelline varies, so that consumers buy Maybelline products, because of the variations given. The higher the level of product variation, the level of purchasing decisions on maybelline has a significant influence. These results support previous research conducted by Wahyu Nurul Faroh (2018). The results show that product variations have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Therefore, varying the products we market can affect consumers in making purchasing decisions, so companies need to vary products from processed materials, sizes and other variables that have been discussed.


Based on the third hypothesis testing, the results of the t-test analysis are known to be lifestyle significant effect on the Purchase Decision of UNPGRI Students. Based on data analysis, it is known that the regression coefficient value is 0.331 . The value of this coefficient is significant because the t - count value of 6.004 is greater than the t- table of 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 < = 0.05, meaning the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted . Thus it can be said that there is a partial significant effect between lifestyle on purchasing decisions for UNPGRI students . Means this shows that the higher the lifestyle will cause the Purchase Decision to increase as well .

The results of this study are in accordance with the theory presented by Kotler and Keller (2014: 158) lifestyle is a person's lifestyle in the world which is reflected in activities, interests and opinions. According to Sustina (2002) in Sunyoto (2015: 33) lifestyle is a way of life that is identified by how a person spends their time, what they consider important in their environment, and what they think about themselves and the world around them. According to Surmawan (2014:45) lifestyle is often described by the activities, interests and opinions of a person. According to Prasetijo and Ihalauw (2005) lifestyle is how a person lives ( how one lives ), including how a person uses his money, how he allocates his time .

Based on the fourth hypothesis testing, the results of the t-test analysis are known to be experiential marketing significant effect on the Purchase Decision of UNPGRI Students . Based on data analysis, it is known that the regression coefficient value is 0.169 . The value of this coefficient is significant because the t - count value of 2.666 is greater than the t- table of 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 < = 0.05, meaning the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted . Thus it can be said that there is a partial significant effect between experiential marketing on purchasing decisions for UNPGRI students . This means that it shows that the better the experiential marketing will cause Purchase Decisions to increase as well .

The results of this study are in accordance with the theory presented by Andreani (2007: 20) experiential marketing is an approach in marketing that has actually been done since ancient times by marketers. This approach is considered very effective because in line with the times and technology, marketers place more emphasis on product differentiation to differentiate their products from competitors ' products . With experiential marketing , customers will


be able to distinguish one product and service from another because they can feel and gain direct experience through five approaches (sense, feel, think, act, and relate), both before and when they consume a service product. .

The results of the t-test analysis are known to be celebrity endorsements significant effect on the Purchase Decision of UNPGRI Students . Based on data analysis, it is known that the regression coefficient value is 0, 400 . This coefficient value is significant because the t arithmetic value is 4 , 654 which is greater than the t table of 1.98 with a significant value of 0.000 < = 0.05, meaning the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted . Thus it can be said that there is a partially significant influence between celebrity endorsement on Purchase Decisions for UNPGRI Students . Means this shows that the more famous celebrity endorsements will cause the Purchase Decision to increase as well. In accordance with the results of the study, there are several things that companies must do in choosing celebrity endorsers . The use of celebrity endorsers must go through several considerations, the most important thing for celebrity endorsers is trust.



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