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Arum CahayaUtami TE. 161701









Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements to obtain Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in English Education Study Program

Arum CahayaUtami TE. 161701






Jambi, October 30th 2020

To, Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi In Jambi


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading, giving, guidance and fixing necessary, we agree that the this thesis by:

Name : Arum CahayaUtami NIM : TE.161701

Title : The First Language Interference In Students’ Writing Recount Text at Senior High School Jambi City

Has been progressed to be the examined as a partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtains undergraduate degree (S.1) at English Education Study Program. Faculty Tarbiyah and Teacher Training State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifudddin Jambi, we assert the thesis can be accepted well.

Thus, we hope this thesis will be useful foe education, religion and nation.

Wassalamuaalaikum Wr. Wb.

Jambi, November 2020

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr,Siti Raudhatul Jannah, M.Pd.I Hilma Suryani, M.Pd NIP. 197508012003122003 NIP. 198612262015032005




I say thanks to my great manager of my life Allah SWT for giving me blessings, for guiding me in every step in the way of my life.

Sholawat and Salam to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. His coming really changes the world.

Special thanks to:

My parents (Mr. Imam Suudi and Mrs. Sri KhomsatiKhonstantina) For always being with and guiding me

Your prayers are really powerful.

My Sister (Hana MahiraFikriyah) My Brother (ZulmiIkhwanMa‘rufiRamadhan)

For always supported my every time.

For my great friend and I supposed them as my second family they are my friends in English study program 6D, I thank a lot for your care and dear, loving me through happy and sad, low and high. I am so happy and grateful because living

around you all.

For everyone who steps in this way, struggle for the best future world, let us open the truth and justice, keeping each other and support each other.

At last, for all people who helped me although I have mention or not here, I would like to say thank you so much and I do hope for you all best luck.




―For indeed, with hardship will be ease. Indeed, with hardship will be ease‖

The meaning:

―Maka, sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan terdapat kemudahan. Sesungguhnya, bersama kesulitan terdapat kemudahan‖

(Q.S. Al-Insyirah: 5-6)



Alhamdulillahirobbil‘alamin, all the pries to Allah SWT the Lord of all creatures, for His blessing during my study and opportunity to accomplish this thesis. Sholawat and salam re delivered to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Hopefully we will get his syafa‘at at the last day.

This thesis is submitted as a partial fulfilmet of the requirements to obtain Undergraduate Degree (S. 1) In English State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The researcher would like to express the deepest thanks to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su‘aidi Asy‘ari, MA, Ph.D. as the Rector of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadlilah, M.Pd as the Dean of the faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

3. Dr. Risnita, M.Pd as the Vice of academic Affair Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Dr. Najmul Hayat, M.Pd.I as the Vice Dean of General Administration Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training and Dr.

Yusria, S.Ag,.M.Ag as the Vice of students‘ affair Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

4. Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Study Program and Edi Rozal, M.Pd. as the Secretary of English Education Study Program.

5. Miss. Dr. Siti Raudhatul Jannah, M.Pd.I as the first Advisor and Miss.Hilma Suryani, M.Pd. as the second Advisor who has make me time and guide the researcher in accomplish this thesis.

6. Drs. Anwar Musaddad, M. Pd as the Headmaster of SMAN 1 Kota Jambi who has facilitated the researcher to get the data.

7. All the lecturers and staffs Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, the contribution and assistamce during studying in UIN of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

8. Mr Subadi, M.Pd. As an English Teacher who has help the researcher in the process of getting the data and all the students of XII MIPA II as the subject of this research

9. My greatest family of English Education Program 2016


10. The last but not last, to my beloved parents, sisters and brothers who gave supporting and love to the researcher sincerely.

This thesis is far from perfection, the researcher needs some critics and suggestion, so that the researcher can be better in the future. Finally, the researcher hopes this thesis will give positive contributions for the readers.



Name : Arum Cahaya Utami

StudyProgram : EnglishEducation

Title : First Language Interference In Students Writing Recount Text at Senior High 1 JambiCity

The objective of research is to find the aspects interference on recount text by students of Senior High School at Senior High School 1 Jambi City. This research is qualitative descriptive research while, the data were collected by observation and documentation.This research revealed that there are four aspects of interference language made by students in writing text. Interference language wich consist of four categories of interference are grammatical interference, morphological interference, syntatical interference, and lexical interference. The researcher got fivety five interference made by student writing recount text. The researcher got the factors language made by students language interference are : Not use pase tense, Knowlede, Mother tongue, Skill, and Time. The goals and benefits from this research are to be the reference of teaching for teacher, to know the weakness of students and dominant interference language in writing recount text, to be an evaluation for students and the improvement for further researcher.

Keywords ; grammatical interference, morphological interference, syntatical interference, and lexicalinterference



Nama : Arum Cahaya Utami Program Studi: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Gangguan Bahasa Pertama Pada Siswa Menulis Teks Recount di SMA Negeri 1 JambiCity

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis gangguan pada teks recount oleh siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat empat jenis interferensi bahasa yang dilakukan siswa dalam menulis teks. Bahasa interferensi yang terdiri dari empat kategori interferensi yaitu interferensi gramatikal, interferensi morfologi, interferensi sintatis, dan interferensi leksikal.

Peneliti mendapat lima puluh lima gangguan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menulis teks recount. Peneliti mendapatkan faktor-faktor gangguan bahasa yang dibuat oleh siswa adalah: Not use pase tense, Knowlede, Mother tongue, Skill, dan Time


Tujuan dan manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai acuan pengajaran bagi guru, untuk mengetahui kelemahan siswa dan gangguan bahasa yang dominan dalam menulis teks recount, menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi siswa dan penyempurnaan bagi peneliti selanjutnya.

Kata kunci; gangguan tata bahasa, gangguan morfologi, gangguan sintatis, dan gangguan leksika.


Table of Contents



A. Background ... 1

B. Focus of Problem ... 5

C. Problem Statements ... 5

D. Objective of the Research ... 5

E. Significance of the Research ... 5




1. Definition of Writing ... 6

2. Importance of writing ... 7

3. The process of writing ... 8

4. Components of Writing ... 10

5. Purpose of writing ... 10

6. Recount Text ... 11

B.Previous Studies ... 19



A. Research Design ... 21

B. Setting and the Subject of The Reseach ... 21

a. Setting of the research ... 21

b. Subjectof Research ... 22

C. Kind and Source of The Data ... 22

1. Kinds of The Data ... 22

2. Source of The Data... 23

D. Technique of Collection The Data ... 23

E. Technique of Analysing the Data ... 23

F. Trustworthiness ... 25

G. Research Schedule……….26



A. Research Finding……….27

B. Discussion………46


A. Conclussion………48

B. Suggesstion………..48 REFERENCES




1. Instrumen Of Research 2. Result Of Research

3. Documentation Of Research




A. Background

It goes without saying that english has become a worldwide language and a lot of nations of the world language and many countries in the world struggle to learn it as foreign language (EFL). English widely used in oral or written form, has become a significant communication instrument in multi-ethnic humanity and can be used for various interests in various fields, such as in education, business,employment. The language interference like Indonesia cannot be avoided.

Individuals experience problems when they make a lot of mistakes in writing or speaking as a result of their interference of mother tongue.The interference in the second language is greatly influenced by the first language such as in Indonesia which is Indonesia language influences in accent or vocabulary in the second language ―so that students, learners, researchers, and teachers of the second language could further develop the exploration about the impact of mother tongue influence‖ (Olutekunbi, 2011).

The ability of mastering two languages is often unbalanceddeviations. In mastering a foreign language or second language, studentscannot be separated from the influence of the first language or mother tongue. ‗‘Besides Indonesian language which is used by Indonesian people as national language and official language, there are also hundreds of vernaculars which are used regionally (Abdulhayi et. al., 1985)‘‘. Inthis study, Indonesian influences English because students use Indonesian incommunication. Learning process students can have the ability to speak good in English, but in reality though learning English takes a long time, it is generally observed that students cannot speak yet full sentence without making mistakes. That error causes intervention from the first language when speaking English, but there are some mistakes that are not caused by interference.


Englishforeign languagein Indonesia is taught in schools, so students are familiar with first language most of the time.This situation causes interference from the current mother tongue to learn English. This situation makes the students difficult to write appropriatevocabulary from English into Indonesian. Harmer (2001) claims ‗‘that there are two potential causes of native language interference:

learners‘ limited knowledge of vocabulary and code switching as the natural development of language acquisition‘‘. The first language interference in learning a second language is not a new aspect in the second language mastery field.

However, it is an important influence that needs to be consistently considered in learningand teaching English foreign language writing process.

In activities in learning and teaching in the classroom the student often use two languages. According toBidin (2016) English foreign language students often use two language learning strategies that cause their native language disturbances, namely word-by-word translation and use of bilingual dictionaries. Manan and Raslee (2016) stated that‗‘it was found that the highest number of errors committed by the students come from ‗redundancy reduction‘ category followed by ‗transfer of rules‘ and ‗overgeneralization‘‘from the findings above that the problem is found the student follows the rules of the native language into the second language which causes interference with the second language.Students often make mistakes when writing, Vocabulary or spelling according toBudiharto (2019)on his study grammatical errors (words or sentences are relative to tense, subject-verb-agreement, singular/plural markers, articles and preposition), the lexico-semantic error (errors associated with wrong choice of vocabulary meaning), the mechanical error (spelling error), and word order errors.

The component of language includes phonological, grammatical, andlexical/vocabulary that is presented through the learning the four language skills includes the ability to hear (Listening), Speaking Reading and Writing.In this case, students get used to their first language causing errors when speaking or writing a second language so that the first language is very difficult to avoid a foreign language.Lott in Bhela (1999: 22) says ‗‘interference as error/mistake of students who use a foreign language that can be followed by the native


language‘‘. Based on the pre observation that researcher had done in Senior High School 1 Jambi City,The interference problem on students is proven when using productive skills, especially indelivering a written message. As a result, Indonesian students use Indonesian written structures word by word vocabulary they are when writingEnglish foreign language. It is also common for students to write from Indonesian into English. Looking at writing errors caused by Indonesian language disorder shows that native language interference cause language errors such as verbs, word choices, sentence structures, singular / plural forms, verb tenses, preposition and each of vocabulary.

There have been many studies conducted related to language interference including: the first research conducted by Lao (2017) claimed as a new finding in terms of L1 interference into English writing skill. Based on the data gained in research process, students‘ first language acquisition does not fundamentally influence English writing skill because of students‘ awareness of situations using the first language, from the explanation above even though students are learning English but in their full awareness of the first language.Second, a study from Samingan(2016) as follows: ‗‘First, some EFL students seem to still have supercial linguistic knowledge since they are still at the beginning of their study.

Second, students seem to still have limited vocabulary, so they cannot distinguish between verb and noun such. Third, some students may have different modes of thinking. Many of EFL students seem to think in Indonesian style when they make English sentences, so many of them made English sentences with Indonesian structure, they used prepositions by translating literally from first language into target language, they made adverb of manner and comparative degree just by translating literally word by word, and they made English sentences by translating literally from first language into target language word by word. Fourth, students are disloyal to the rules of target language‘‘. The third research from Manan and Zamari (2017) it was found that‘‘ the highest number of errors committed by the students come from ‗redundancy reduction‘ category followed by ‗transfer of rules‘ and ‗overgeneralization‘‘.Third, a study from Radhika ‗‘ he learners find it difficult to articulate them. Hence proper ear- training should be given to the


learners in the language laboratory to pronounce the sounds properly and correctly‘‘.

Interference is the change of language system used in other element of language which is regarded as a mistake because it deviates from the rules of language used (Chaer and Agustina, 1995), language differences that result in language disorders in terms of vocabulary or even in terms of language structure. Weinreich (in Napitupulu, 1994), asserts interference is the deviation of language norm in usage as the effect of bilingual toward another language. The term of interference is firstly used by Weinreich to name the existence of different language system spoken by bilingual speaker in using a language. Interference happens when the speaker uses second language and ones which is interfered into second language is the first language or mother tongue.

Writing is one of the language skills which is important in our life.

Through writing, we can inform others, carry out transaction, persuade, infuriate, and tell what we feel. However, we know that writing or learning to write especially in a second language is not simply a matter of ―writing things done‖. It is one of the four basic skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) that are very complex and difficult to learn. experience of a series of related event,Harmer (2004:12) states that ―the writing process is a way of looking at what people do when they compose a written text‘‘. One of the texts to write is recount text,A recount is written out to inform an event or to entertain people. Recount Text is text function as for telling an incident in the past.

Recount is to tell ―what happened‖. A recount text has a social function. The purpose of a social function is to retell an event with a purpose to inform or entertain the readers (Siahaan and Shinoda, 2008: 9).

Thoughthere have been a lot of studies discussing the interference of first language in second or foreign language acquisition, the discussion on interference on productive skill especially writing on recount text is still limited.So, the researcher is interested in conducting entitled:


―First Language Interferencesin Students Writing Recount Text at Senior High School 1Jambi City”.

B. Focus of Problem

Theresearcher only focused on the weaknesses experienced by students is language interference in the context of writing especially the recount text for XI MIPA Students‘ at Senior High School 1 Jambi City.

C. Problem Statements

Based on the background above, the statement of this researcher wasformulated into research question as follows :

1. What linguistics aspects do interference the students‘ English foreign language writing?

2. What factors causing the interference on English foreign language writing?

D. Objective of the Research

The objectives of the researche are:

1. To analyze linguistic aspectsinterference in students writing recount text at Senior HighSchool1 Jambi City

2. Todetermine students' factors language interferenceat Senior High School1 Jambi City

E. Significance of the Research

This study provides several contributions to make writers better understand about errors in good and correct writing from the first language to L2 so that it continues to be an encouragement to become a teacher in the Senior High School 1 Jambi City to find out students' difficulties in writing using past tense. maybe this is a little to help students better understand specifically about the recount text.




1. Definition of Writing

A language is used for many kinds of purposes. Thus, it has many functionsas well. Furthermore, writing is one of the skills of the four skills in English. Writing skill is one of the productive skills that should be mastered in using a language. It is because writing skill has significances in improving a communicative competence of learning the language.

When the students understand the knowledge of the language, it means that they have a language competence. In line with this, Brown (2000) states the definition of a language competence as ―one‘s underlying knowledge of system of a language – 12 its rules of grammar, its vocabullary, and all the pieces of language and how those pieces fit together‖. Furthermore, Bachman (1990) divides the language competence into two parts: organization competence and pragmatic competence. Organization competence is ability to comprehend and form correct sentences, understand meaning of sentences and pour theses sentences into a text. Based on this statement, it can be concluded that writing is one part of the competencies.

The definitions of writing are variously stated by some experts.

According to Rivers (1981), writing is conveying information or expression of original ideas in a consecutive way in the new language. Brown, (2001) also claimed that writing is a thinking process. Furthermore, he states that writing can be planned and given with an unlimited number of revisions before its release. In addition, Elbow (1973) in Brown (2001) also says that writing is a two-step process. The first process is finding out its meaning and the second process is putting its meaning into the language. Writing represents what we think. That's because the writing process reflects the things that remain in the mind. Students who are reluctant to write something often suffer for this


activity. The students find difficulties when they start looking for some reasons to write and producing written sentences.

Based on the above definition, the definition of writing skills can be was obtained. Writing is a productive process that is carried out through several stages. First, explore ideas and thoughts and feelings in written form.

Second,carry out a number of processes to carry out grammar and order.Text Production of writing is in the form of legible text that should bemeaningful for all who read thewriting.Furthermore, based on these definitions, it can be stated that writing skillsis a complexactivity in producing quality writing.

Complex activitiesconsists of stages as steps in writing. To improve students' writing skills,teaching and learning process of writing needs to be done well with developed. As a result, teachers need to consider teachingwriting skills are based on the needs, abilities, and capacities of their students.

2. Importance of writing

Writing is one of importance skill which have to mastered by the students can help them to think critically and deep build a good writing. Writing is intended to convey thoughts, ideas, and facts in easy and clear language.

Students must learn the art of good writing which is very important to excel at the academic and professional levels. Good writing skills are needed for all students to achieve their educational and employment requirements. Harmer (2004 ) states that there are some the importance of writing . those can be following points:

a) Writing is not bound in the way conversation is. It means that in writing activities the students have longer time to think rather than speaking activities. Thus, the students can choose the appropriate word that will be used express idea.

b) Writing encouraged students to focus on accurate language use becausethey think they write. It may provoke well development as they resolve problems which writing skill puts in their mind.


c) Writing can also be used integral part of a larger activity where the focus is on the something else such as language practice, acting out speaking. The teacher asked students write short dialogues which they will act out.

d) Writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other activities. In particular when students write sentence. The students are given time to think ideas and asked to write sentence.

e) Writing is also used to help students perform a different kind of activity (speaking and listening). Students need to able to write to do these activities.

f) Writing is also used in questionnaire-type activities. Students may be asked to design by asking questions to their friends.

g) Writing has always been used as a means of reinforcing language thathas been taught. Teacher uses writing skill to make a not about recently learn grammar in learning process.

3. The process of writing

Harmer (2004) states that ―the writing process is a way of looking at what people do when they compose a written text. Then, writing process may lead to the good outcome of written text. Sundem (2007) there are five-step processes writing approach that will be described as follows:

Step 1: Prewriting. The students are expected to generate ideas by listing, brainstorming, outlining, silent thinking, conversation with friends and put their thought in order. In the prewriting step, there are 3 formats that can help the students to generate ideas:

a) Bubbling (mind web) In this format, the students write their topic in the center of the page. Then they will circle it and connect related ideas like cartoon quote bubble.

b) Outlining In this format, the students organize their ideas into topic sentences and supporting details.


c) Drawing/ writing a captioned cartoon strip In this format, the students generate ideas through picture by picture comic strip.

Step 2: Drafting. The students try to capture ideas on paper. The quantity of the draft is necessary rather than the quality. The problem is that sometime on writing for junior high school only involve these first two steps and likely to take most students a similar amount of time. So, in this step the teacher must convince the students about these 3 things related to what the students do in drafting.

1. Drafting need not be perfect writing The students do not need to be perfectionists while drafting a text. The students‘ just need their draft and then share their draft in front of the class to increase their confidence.

2. Drafting is cyclical The students should write their draft based on the information of the prewriting step. The students should revise as little as possible, if they have additional ideas they can add.

3. The teacher‘s role while drafting The teacher‘s role is necessary to deal with distracting students. Moreover, the teacher can encourage the students to share their draft in front of the class to motivate them.

Step 3: Revising. This is the importance step of process writing and often neglected in writing process. The students can revise and reshape their draft by adding parts, taking parts away, and vice versa.

Step 4: Peer/parent revising. In this step, peer/parent revision option allows the parents to involve more closely in the students‘ education.

Step 5: Editing. Editing is the stage that the students correct their punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors. The students can check their errors with the teacher and friends.

Step 6: Publishing and Sharing. This stage the students share their writing product to the audience. Writing becomes real at this point.


4. Components of Writing

In previous research on the factors of writing, a variety of variables has been used to measure quality of writing, including measures of writing productivity (e.g. number of words or sentences), spelling and grammar, organization, vocabulary, ideas and content, and overall quality. A1961 study was one of the first to attempt to classify the important features of writing. In this study, 11,000 reader comments on 3,557 essays were analyzed and five main factors were identified that explained 43% of the variance in scores (Diederich, 1974). The first and the biggest Factors are ideas expressed, with comments that focus on clarity, development, and relevance to topic and purpose. The next factor identified is mechanics, which consists of internal errors usage, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling. The third factor is organization and analysis. Writing and phrases are the fourth factor and include choice and wording. Diederich notes that this might be considered a vocabulary factor. End The factor is called "taste" or style and consists of personal qualities expressed in writing, like individuality, originality, and interests.

5. Purpose of writing

Starting with the most obvious, the goals of technical writing may include any or all of the following purposes:

a) We may write to inform others of new ideas, so they may benefit from our insight and understanding. Such writing may be used to summarize findings, to posit hypotheses or /theories, to confirm speculations, to reject previous approaches, to describe important information, to explain findings, to warn of dangers or inaccuracies, or a variety of other tasks.

b) One goal of writing may be to preserve a place in the precedence of ideas. That is, the goal is to document and confirm achievements so they will be recognized by others.


c) Another important goal of writing for a scientific journal may be to benefit from the review process itself. Our submission of a paper enables other researchers (e.g., reviewers and editors of journals) to formulate a critical opinion of our work and to suggest improvements or corrections. This procedure can produce a good discourse within the research community and be a particular benefit for young researchers at the start of their careers.

d) Finally, the challenge of producing clear writing can also be of great personal benefit—that is, the writer herself can benefit from the task of presenting her ideas in a coherent form (Zinsser 1988).

In particular, the task may result in a refined ability to think clearly and critically about certain problems, or about the work of others. It may create a chance to gain a deeper understanding of a problem or an opportunity to formulate new ideas from old ones.

In fact, it has been said that you do not know whether you understand something until you try to write about it

6. Recount Text

As stated by Anderson (1997) recount is defined as a piece of text that retells events aimed to give the audience a description of what occurred and when it occurred. In line with that, Watkins (2005) states recounts are sequential texts that do little more than sequence a series of events. On Indonesia curriculum the students should learn this text type because recounts are the simplest text type rather than the other genre. So, the students also have to master this subject. Based on the definition of recount above, it can be concluding that recount as a piece of text that reconstruct past events which they happened in order and related in a particular relation. Based on Anderson (1997) the students have to know how to construct and what language features in a recount.

The components of a recount text are:


a) A first paragraph: Orientation which explains about background of information about who, what, where and when.

b) A series of paragraph that retell the events in the order in what they happened

c) A concluding paragraph The students have to know about it.

It is because the students will be easier to write a recount text if they know the construction.

Language features in a recount text are:

1. Proper nouns 2. Descriptive words 3. The use of the past tense 4. Words In line with that,

According to Ngabut (2003), in order to be able to construct a recount text effectively, the students should know well the steps that should be followed.

There are six steps of how to write a recount text effectively. The steps are:

(1) prepare what information required based on the theme or the topic,

(2) provide the setting and introduce participants in orientation, (3) determine the events that occur based on its sequences, (4) summarize the events in reorientation,

(5) arrange all information to make first draft, and

(6) analyze the first draft especially in structure of text, vocabulary and grammar conjunction, spelling and punctuation.

7. Language Interference a.Definition of interference

According in dictionary state interference is the process in which two or more light, sound, or electromagnetic waves of the same frequency combine to reinforce or cancel each other, the amplitude of the resulting wave being equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the combining waves.


Interference or language transfer is closely associated with behaviourist theories of L2 (second language) learning. Commonly it is widely accepted that it occurs because of the influence of the learners' native language (L1). The use of first language has influenced the speakers conduct interactions using L2 or L3 in classroom. As consequently, it brings an impediment to L3 learning. As multilinguals, Indonesian people could not avoid language transfer or interference.

They speak Javanese as L1 or mother tongue, Indonesian as L2 or standard.

language (Nurhayati, 2014), English as foreign language or L3 (Nurhayati, 2016).

Javanese as one dialect is used from generation to generation in a society in Indonesia (2016). Using dialect is a part of speaking and it is defined as a process of using verbal and non verbal symbols in any contexts (Nurhayati, 2016).

According to Dulay et al (1982) interference is the automatic transfer, due to habit, of the surface structure of the first language onto the surface of the target language. Interference is the deviation of target language as a result of their familiarity with more than one language. They differentiate interference into two parts, the psychological and sociolinguistic. The psychological refers to the influence of old habits when new ones are being learned, whereas sociolinguistic refers to interactions of language when two language communities are in contact.

Therefore students will find it difficult in mastering the second language due to the interference, which is influenced by old habit, familiar with mother tongue and interaction of two languages in the communities.

When an individual‘s understanding of one language has an impact on his or her understanding of another language, that individual is experiencing language transfer. There can be negative transfers, otherwise known as interference, when the understanding of one language complicates the understanding of another language. Alternatively, there can be positive 12 transfers such that knowing one language can aid in developing skills for a second language. Language interference is the effect of language learners‟ first language on their production of the language they are learning. It means that the speaker‟ s first language influences his/her second or and his/her foreign language.


According to Nurhayati, (2017) stated that interference as influence of one grammar language could arise in teaching learning process. It is well known that in large number settings, including Indonesia, teaching English are associated with using grammar correctly. This is because it is the core element of language teaching and must be attained by foreign language learners. However, the notion of grammar itself is complicated and abstract to conceptualize. Once, it was regarded asthe science of language‟ in its broadest understanding. In contrast, it can also, in its narrowest sense, be defined as the combination of words to form phrases and sentences.

1. Types of interference

Interference just can occur in all languages speech and it can be divided into several types. Interference has many aspects of language, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon. According to Weinreich (1953) divides interference into three kinds; they are phonological, grammatical and lexical interference.Grammatical interference covers morphological interference and syntactical interference.

a) Phonological Aspect

A mother tongue may assist learners in learning the target language when both languages have similar patterns, which make them easily transferrable and hence able to apply the patterns into the target language.

Justice (2004) asserts ―there is not a perfect correspondence between spelling and sounds in English‖. This logic or illogic of English is truly distinctive from Indonesian, which always has a similar way to pronounce phonemes which are usually pronounced as they are written. In reality, Indonesian students often imitate this practice when they pronounce or read English words.

One of the most important elements is the segmental sounds of English, which for many Indonesian students are complicated to pronounce well. Although the segmental sounds or so called consonants and vowels exist in all languages in the world, they have distinctive and variations when comparing one to another. These fundamental sounds need to be pronounced


accurately to accomplish the correct sounds of the English language to achieve exact meanings and comprehension. Justice in Chaira (2015) strongly recommends that to be like a native speaker, every student should learn to hear and pronounce English well.

Phonological interference happens when bilingual speaker perceives and reproduce a phoneme of one language in terms of another language (Chaer and Agustina, 2004). In phonological level, the problem of interference concerns 15 the manner in which a speaker perceives and reproduces the sounds of one language in terms of another. This interference occurs in the speech of bilingual as a result of the fact that there are different elements in sound system between one language and another, or between native and foreign language. In some cases, the native and foreign languages have the similarity in sound system and in grammatical system. However, in most cases, both languages have difference either in sound system or in grammatical system. Different elements in sound system between both languages may be of several kinds.

First, it is the existence of a given sound in the latter, which is not found in the former. Second, both languages have the same phonetic features but they are different in their distribution, namely: when and where they may occur in an utterance. Third, both have similar sounds that have different variants or allophones. Interference arises when a bilingual speaker identifies a phoneme of one language with that in another. For instance, an Indonesian speaking English may pronounce bag as [bæk] instead of [bæg]. This interference occurs because of the fact that /g/ never 15 arises in the final position of Indonesian language words; so, /g/ is identified as /k/ in that position. In addition, he may replace /v/ with /p/, /f/ with /p/; he may not use a /p/ with aspiration.

b) Grammatical Aspect

Nowadays, the study of grammar plays a significant role to form good sentences. Without grammar, the spoken and the written language will be useless and difficult to comprehend. In other words, grammar facilitates the


learners to 16 understand what people said or written both in native and in target language communication. Every language has its own distinct grammar. Either Indonesia or English has its own unique grammar. Both languages have different patterns, for instance word order phrase, which word defines and which word is defined. This pattern is ―to show which of two collected substantives in secondary and which in primary‖ (Jespersen). In Bahasa Indonesia, the defined word (primary) of a nominal sentence is put in the first position, but it is placed in the second on English.

In Bahasa Indonesia: rumahbaru In English: new house

However, both languages also have a common pattern in sentence structure, for example, Subject-Predicate-Object in:

Human needs water

Manusia butuh air


According to the structuralism point of view, grammar is the study of the rules governing the use of a language. ―For British linguist, such study is called syntax, but for American linguist, it is named as a grammar‖ (Farkhan, 2006: 71). The word grammar is used in many different senses. Most people are familiar with grammar both as a subject they studied in school and as a kind of language etiquette. The smallest unit in syntax is sentence. According to Frank, ―a sentence consists of a subject and a predicate‖ (Frank, 1972: 1). This definition is more 18 satisfactory, because it is possible to identify the structural functions of subject and predicate in a sentence.

As stated before, grammar is not only about syntax but also morphology. Morphology is how people form words. Carstair-McCarty states, ―The area of grammar concerned with the structure of words and with relationship between words, involving the morphemes that compose them is technically called morphology‖ (Carstair-McCarty, 2002). Two


basic divisions in morphology are lexical morphology (word formation) and inflectional morphology (conjugation and declination).

People ability to arrange words in different ways allow them to produce on infinity of grammatical sentences, but since not all arrangements are grammatical, their grammar must consist of rules to arrange them. Violations of the rules result in ungrammatical sentences.

From the statement above, grammar plays a significant role to make someone clearly understand what people said or wrote. Grammar helps a person to speak and to write well because it enables people to comprehend and produce language.

When using target language, learners sometimes gets influence from their native language, for instance, when Indonesians speak in English, they tend to transfer the structure of Bahasa into English. It is shown that Bahasa interference their English. If these two language structures were same, it would not be an important problem, because it is helpful based on alignment and similarity. This transfer is called as positive transfer. However, the opposite case would happen if 19 the two systems were different then the chaos begins, and this confused transfer is known as negative transfer (Tarigan, 1988). Negative transfer occurs when a speaker adopts the system of his/her native language on the target language that was not the same language, for example, Indonesian language has defined-define (DM) pattern, but in contrast English has define–defined (MD) pattern. Therefore, when they translated a phrase new house into English, their translation would be house new that should be new house. Bilingual speakers, aware or not often do this kind of transfer that more recognized as language interference.

Language interference commonly occurs in an open society, either in bilingual or multilingual countries, such as Indonesia. At a glance, language interference is similar to code mixing or code switching, but actually these two language problems have their own different perspective.


Grammatical interference occurs when the language learners identify the grammatical pattern from their first language and applied in the target language. Interference on morphology and syntax is called grammatical interference. The grammatical interference happens when a bilingual speaker transfers his/her source language system gradually into his/her target language at many linguistics parts, such as word order, subject-verb agreement, and so on. Yusuf (1994) decided grammatical interference in morphological and syntactical interference.

c) Morphological interference

Morphology is study about word formation as Thornbury (1999) says morphology is the system of rules that cover the formation of words.

Interference can occur in this level. For instance, when an Indonesian language speaker uses word go, its not a mistake he use one word go but when use it in a simple sentence in Indonesian language diapergiinstead of he goes or she goes. A student learning English may be say he go. This is caused of no system of agreement or concord between noun and verb (subject and predicate) in Indonesian language; all the subjects are followed by the same predicate (verb) such as I go, She go, They go (Mu‘in, 2008).

d) Syntactical interference

Chaer (1994) states that syntax talks about word in relation with the other words; or the other functions as an utterance. He added that syntax discusses the arrangement of words into the larger units, which is called syntax unit (Chaer, 2009). Syntactical interference happens if one sentences structure is absorbed by another sentences structure (Suwito, 1983). Can be seen from the using of word, phrase and clause in sentence (Chaer and Agustina, 2004).

Interference can be seen in the use of syntactic fragments of words, phrases and clauses in sentences (Chaer and Agustina, 2004). For example, in making a plural noun, Indonesian language shows a different way from English language, when he wants to say ―many color‖ instead of ―many


colors‖. This can be explained that he is influenced by the Indonesian language word-order banyakwarna. Although, a word banyakis a marker of plurality, it is not followed by a plural noun warna-warna. The other example can be seen in the sentences, Dina reads the poetry with beautiful. In English this sentence is not exist, because the right form is Dina reads the poetry beautifully. From this case, the interference can be proved, cause the sentence “Dina reads the poetry with beautiful” is the translation from the sentence “Dina membacapuisidenganindah”

e) Lexical Aspect

Weinreich (1968) says that lexical interference can occur when one vocabulary interferes with another. Interference occurs as the transfer of occur as the expansion of first languages simple word, that is expanding the existing meaning so get new word, or it can occur as combination of both (Yusuf, 1994).

„‟When I came to Bali island I found the people came to the ceremony and menaburbar`aapi on the stage. It has the lexical interference from Indonesian to English language.‟‟

B.Previous Studies

There are some previous researcher that have discussed about language interference,they are :

the first research conducted by Lao (2017) the title ‗‘First LanguageInterference IntoEnglish Writing Skill Of The XIIthGrade Students Of SMAN 1 Kupang In Academic Year 2017/2018‘‘claimed as a new finding in terms of L1 interference into English writing skill. Based on the data gained in research process, students‘

first language acquisition does not fundamentally influence English writing skill because of students‘ awareness of situations using the first language, from the explanation above even though students are learning English but in their full awareness of the first language. Second, a study from Samingan (2016) Entitled‗‘First Language Interference In EFL Students‘ Composition Of IAIN Salatiga‘‘as follows: ‗‘First, some EFL students seem to still have supercial


linguistic knowledge since they are still at the beginning of their study. Second, students seem to still have limited vocabulary, so they cannot distinguish between verb and noun such. Third, some students may have different modes of thinking.

Many of EFL students seem to think in Indonesian style when they make English sentences, so many of them made English sentences with Indonesian structure, they used prepositions by translating literally from first language into target language, they made adverb of manner and comparative degree just by translating literally word by word, and they made English sentences by translating literally from first language into target language word by word. Fourth, students are disloyal to the rules of target language‘‘. The third research from Manan and Zamari (2017) Entitled ‗‘Mother Tongue Interference in the Writing of English as a Second Language (ESL) Malay Learners‘‘it was found that‘‘ the highest number of errors committed by the students come from ‗redundancy reduction‘ category followed by ‗transfer of rules‘ and ‗overgeneralization‘‘. Third, a study from Radhika ‗‘ he learners find it difficult to articulate them. Hence proper ear- training should be given to the learners in the language laboratory to pronounce the sounds properly and correctly‘‘.




The method used in this reseach is qualitative method. According to Denzin and Lincoln (2000) claim that qualitative research involves an interpretive and naturalistic approach: ―This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. According to sugiyono (2016), defined qualitative research is a research to observe in a natural condition also the object. According to David willims (1995), qualitative research is the collection of data in a natural setting, using natural methods, and carried out by naturally interested researchers.

Based on the description above, the writer used this research because the writer described the language interference in student writing, especially found language interference in writing recount text and what is the influence from the first language to the second language. In this research based on the students interferenceiswriting recount text. In addition, case study is one of qualitative research which use small group as its sample and the form of result is descriptive.

B. Setting and the Subject of The Reseach a. Setting of the research

The research will be conducted in the interference language used by students‘ XI Senior High School1 Jambi City. Which is located in Jl.

JenderalUripSumoharjoLorongPustuSei.Putri No.15 Kel, Sungai Putri, Kec. TelanaiPura, Kota Jambi. ThereforeThe population of the study would be all in twelve grade. There are three classes which is classes in XI MIPA major.Researchers see advantages in languages such as debate or public speaking but there are language interference in writing recount text.


b. Subjectof Research

The researcher meant to look for the data languageinterferencein students writing. Therefore, the participant will select based on purposive sampling. Students made language interferenceswhen writing recount text.

Based on theInterview with teacher, it‘s acknowledged that XI MIPA were weak writing. In addition, the researcher took XI MIPA as the participant, there are 34 students as the participants. The researcher only take25 students in class, because if all students to be participants it will make the researcher need longer time to know what is influence language interference .

C. Kind and Source of The Data 1. Kinds of The Data

In this study the researcher group the data as primary and secondary data with the aim to facilitate the data collection processing process, as follow :

a. Primary Data

Sugiyono (2008) stated that primary source is source which can give valuable information directly. In other word, the primary source is to give prominent data relate to problems of the research. For the primary source, theresearcher uses the result of interview. In qualitative research, the result of interview can be used as the strongest source to get the information

In this research, the researcher use primary in the main data to get information about language interference in students writing recount text of Senior High School Jambi City. The data will be collected by pre observation, interview and documentation.

b. Secondary Data

Secondary data is the data which supporting of this research.

Secondary source is additional source to get the data. Given (2008) argued


―Secondary data source is preexisting source that have been collected for a purpose or by someone other than the researcher. The secondary data will be collected by studens‘ writingrecount text by giving the test.

2. Source of The Data

The data will be taken from the students‘ grade of writing the students‘recount text at IX MIPA Senior High School1 Jambi City.

D. Technique of Collection The Data

Collecting the data mostly is done in participant observationand documentation. Sugiyono (2008) stated that the fundamental method relied on by qualitative researchers for gathering information is participation in the setting, direct observation, in-depth interviewing, and documentation review. Technique of collecting data consists of some steps asfollow:

1. Observation

According tosugiyono (2016), State that observation is a complex process, a process that is composed of various biological and physical processes.

The writer observes to the location to know how the condition on students writing recount text. The purpose of this observation is to know how the students learning in the classroom, problems and possible clues on how to solve them.

3. Documentation

According to Moelong (2013) document is already used for long a time in research a source utilized to test, interpret even to assess the validity of the data.document is already used for long a time in research a source utilized to test, interpret even to assess the validity of the data.document is already used for long a time in research a source utilized to test, interpret even to assess the validity of the data. In the study the researcher gets the document from the grade the students‘

receives and viewed from class writing activities in the class.

E. Technique of Analysing the Data

In this study the researcher used three steps in analyzing data. According to miles and Huberman (1994) stated ―the data of qualitative analysis consist of


three types of activities such as; data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion.

1. Data reduction.

Data reduction refers to summarizing, choosing, focusing, simplifying and selecting the important of the data. It is intended to find the pattern of the finding based on social phenomena that happened in the field. In this analyzing data, the researcher reduces the data from entire taken from the observation. It can be from the interview and document from the teacher and students. The reduction is to get based on the problem statement. The following of the process are:

a) Selecting

The selecting where the researcher selected the entire datafrom the observation, interview, and documentation.

b) Abstracting

The researcher try to make the data as simple as possible to be more focus with the problem statement.

c) Transforming

Where the researcher transform the document which is represent into the implementation the simple data.

2. Data display

The data display is organizing and describing data from the reduction. This step is an attempt to collect again all data obtained from the field during the activities in progress. After the researcher presents the data, the researcher analyzes the data. In this step the researcher describe all results of observation, interview and documentation with detail.

3. Drawing conclusion


The conclusion of study is a research finding. Here, the researcher makes the conclusion from the study to direct answer the problem statement of this study. The researcher draws the conclusion in the last research. The answer it self is taken from the analysis of the data.

F. Trustworthiness

In this research, the researcher uses triangulation technique. Cohen (2000) stated ―Triangulation may be defined as the use of two or more methods of data collection in the study of some aspect of human behavior‖. Thus, triangulation technique means the researcher uses two or more techniques in collecting the data to get validity.

The purpose of triangulation is to increase the credibility and validity of the findings. Further, Denzin (in Patton, 2009) stated that there are four techniques in triangulation. Those are: (1) source triangulation,(2) investigator triangulation, (3) methodological triangulation, (4) theoretical triangulationFrom those types of triangulation, the researcher uses Investigator triangulation means technique that uses more than one researcher in collecting and analyzing data. The teacher and her self are as investigators. From some researcher‘s view in interpreting information and collecting the data, the validity of data can be increased.


G. Research Schedule

This research be held from January 2020 until November 2020, where the researcher arrangement proposal until the researcher is taking a thesis examination. The Schedule of the research can be seen below

Schedule of the research Picture 3.1

No Activities Month

January February March April May June July August Septem


October November 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 Arranging


2 Consultation


3 Preparing


3 Proposal


4 Collecting data

5 Arranging


6 Thesis


7 Thesis







After analyzing the data, from the five aspects of theory interference such as phonological aspect, grammatical aspect, morphological aspect, syntactical aspect and lexical aspect the researcher just got four aspects except phonological aspect because it just using in the speaking not writing.

The researcher took nineteen written as the sample that research. From them, the researcher finally got seventy five interferences. The interferences disappeared to be four types of important that the researcher analyze, they are like grammatical interference, morphological interference, syntactical interference and lexical interference.

The Researcher anylize the factor that causing students made interferences in writing recount text and the researcher got from grade of students causes of interferences as follows as, below:

a. Not Use Past Tense

This is the dominant mistakes because the students often forget to change the verb I to verb II, not all but sure. The researcher got the fact why the students got the mistakes because 2 interferences, there are:

(1) They were really forget into past tense in their written, this caused they make a fast in writing, not focus, not concentration or not familiar to write the recount text, so they didn‘t use the past tense in their written.

(2) They don‘t know what is the verb II from the verb I, so they just wrote the verb I in their written and made the mistakes, this caused by many ways like, the student didn‘t open the dictionary, they have no the dictionary, they can not read the dictionary, etc.

b. Knowledge

The student has little knowledge about how the way in writing recount text, they didn‘t know what is the aspect, the rules, etc. this caused they are lazy to read book, they didn‘t want to search the knowledge about recount text, they have no knowledge about recount text.

c. Mother Tongue Language


It means, the students was just to translated the sentences that they change in to English is not right. For example:

(a) Yesterday, when my friends came to my house I was eating

The students wrote: yesterday, when my friends came to my house, I am eating That is a mistake, because the students still bring the mother tongue in I am eating (saya sedang makan) that should be I was eating (saya sedang makan).

d. Skill

Many students still have no good skill in writing such as, grammar, vocabulary.

They have no skill when they know and want to apply their knowledge in to written. They seldom practice their skill so they didn‘t perfect when they write any text. Skill must often practice, it make they familiar and always uing, can using the skill that they know to their written, no just theory.

e. Time

Seldom, the time can be an interference for students. There are the students that fast to make a written, there are also the students that slow to make a written, if the students finished the other students feel disturbed, insecure and want to finished fast too, it caused they got the mistakes.

These are the explanation;


(Picture 1: Student Writing)

1) On the first paragraph, I will share my experience while studying from home during the covid-19 pandemic should be I will share my experience while I am studying from home during the covid-19 pandemic.


2) Still on the first paragraph second line, the life I live is so different from before the covid-19 pandemic should be my life is so different than before covid-19 pandemic (grammaticalinterference).

3) At fourth line on the first paragraph, however, I was not surprised at the new lifestyle should be however, I was not surprised with the new lifestyle.(syntactical interference).

4) Next, in the second paragraph third line I was able to get usually this new thing should be , I could usually get this new thing .(grammatical interference).


(Picture 2: Student Writing)

There are 4 interferences based on the text above:

1) On the first paragraph, I will share my experience while studying from home during the covid-19 pandemic it should be I will share my experience while I am studying from home during the covid-19 pandemic (grammatical interference).

2) Still on the first paragraph second line, the life I live is so different from before the covid-19 pandemic should be my life is so different than before covid-19 pandemic (grammatical interference).

3) At fourth line on the first paragraph, However, I was not surprised at the new life style I was about to live. It should be However, I was not surprised with the new life style in my life (syntactical interference).

(Picture 3: Student Writing)

There is just 1 interference on the text:

1) In the first paragraph second line, we went on holiday by car to enjoy the trip and could see the view from the window should be we went on holiday by car to enjoy the trip and we could see the view from the window(syntacticalinterference).


(Picture 4: Student Writing)

There are 7 interferences that the researcher found:

1) In the first paragraph, About a one year ago, me and my friends were planning to watch movie.it should be , About a year ago, I and my friends were planning to watch movie (syntactical interference).

2) Next, About a one year ago, me and my friends were planning to watch movie. should be About a one year ago, I and my friends were planning to watch movie(morphological interference).

3) On the third line,I was remembered how difficult it for us to match our schedule. It should be I remembered how difficult it for us to match our schedule (grammatical linterference).

4) On the eight line, until we find should be until we found (grammatical interference).

5) On the ninth line, I would mee t should be I would met (grammatical interference


6) On the eleventh line, we are back to discuss should be we were back to discuss (grammatical interference).

7) At the third paragraph in the last line, I can meet should be I couldmeet (grammatical interference).

(Picture 5: Student Writing)

There are 3 interferences:

1) In the first paragraph, the most lazy day when i am told to should be the most lazy day when I told.(grammatical interference)

2) Next, So I always follow your orders reluctantly should be so I always followed your orders reluctantly (syntacticalinterference).

3) On the fourth line, I lay in my bedroom with my casual clothes should be I lied on my bedroom with my casual clothes



(Picture 6: Student Writing)

There are 2 interferences based on the text:

1) At the second paragraph In the night before eid, my father, my brother and I went out to see how the city celebrating takbiran , should be In the night before eid, my father, my brother and me went out to see how the city celebrated takbiran (morphological interference).

2) Next, at the second paragraph in next line We were just drive around the city should be we were just driving around the city(morphological interference).


(Picture 7 : Student Writing)

1) In the first paragraph, since there is pandemic happening should be since there is pandemic happened (morphological interference).

picture 8 : (Students Writing)


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