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SMA/MA IPS kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPS CHAPTER 8LATIHAN SOAL BAB 8. Nest of bird. The bird nest


Academic year: 2021

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1. Well, here is the story. One day a countryman was going to (1)__________ found there is an egg of all yellow and

(2)__________. When he took it up it was a heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was (3)__________. Every morning (4)__________ occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thought to get at once (5)_________ the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it but he found, (6)__________.

1. One day a countryman was going to __________ A.

Nest of bird B.

The bird nest C.

The nest of his goose D.

The hive of his goose E.

The goose lodging Kunci Jawaban : C

Pembahasan Teks :

One day a countryman was going to (1)__________ Suatuhariseorangpeternakpergike

a. The bird nest : sarangburung b. Nest of bird : sarangburung

c. The nest of his goose : sarangangsa d. The hive of his goose nest : saranguntuklebah e. The goose lodging loadging adalah kost atau pondok

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.01.smil/manifest.mpd


2. David : Ive lost everything, El.

Elly : Why so ? What do you mean? Tell me.

David : I was robbed just now. There was a man pretending to offer me a free drink, but after I drank it, I did not know what happened anymore. I felt sleepy. When I woke up, my wallet was gone. He took all of my credit cards, money and identity cards. Elly : Oh, David.

David : Yea. First, I am going to report to the bank. I am worried about my credit cards. Elly : I accompany you, ok?

David : Thank you, Elly. Its really an unbelievable experience. I wont trust anyone easily anymore.

Elly : Yes, its hard to believe. Crime is getting worse nowadays. The bold sentence shows .


Ellys disbelief towards what has happened to David B.

that Elly can not believe David C.

that David situation is easily believed by anyone who knows D.

David and Elly are hard to be believed E.

that Elly believes on Davids hard time Kunci Jawaban : B

Pembahasan Teks :

: Dalam percakapan itu, Elly merasa bahwa kriminalitas semakin tinggi. Dia sulit mempercayai bahwa David kerampokan. Pilihan jawaban A berarti Elly tidak mempercayai David. B berarti ketidakpercayaan Elly terhadap apa yang terjadi kepada David, C berarti Situasi David mudah dipercaya, D berarti David dan Elly sulit dipercaya, dan E berarti Elly mempercayai masa-masa sulit David.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.02.smil/manifest.mpd


3. Ronald : Have you weighed yourself this month? Willy : Do I look fatter?

Ronald : A little bit. I just asked though. Anyway, the scale is there. Willy : Ok, Ill do it.

(weighing himself on the scale)

Willy : Oh, my God. .. I have added up two kilograms this month!

Ronald : Well, thats why I asked you to weigh yourself. Come on, we do some sport. Lets go to the gym together this afternoon.

Willy : For sure. Thank you for reminding me, bro! The blank space can be filled with .


I am believe in myself. B.

I trust it. C.

You are disbelief. D.

Its unbelievable E.

I can not believe you. Kunci Jawaban : D

Pembahasan Teks :

Dalam percakapan itu, Willy sulit mempercayai bahwa dia semakin gemuk dengan berkata I have added up two kilograms this month!. Pilihan jawaban A berarti aku percaya itu. B berarti aku percaya kepada diriku sendiri, C berarti kamu tidak percaya, D berarti itu tidak bisa dipercaya, dan E berarti aku tidak mempercayaimu. : Dalam percakapan itu, Willy sulit mempercayai bahwa dia semakin gemuk dengan berkata I have added up two kilograms this month!. Pilihan jawaban A berarti aku percaya itu. B berarti aku percaya kepada diriku sendiri, C berarti kamu tidak percaya, D berarti itu tidak bisa dipercaya, dan E berarti aku tidak mempercayaimu. ti

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.03.smil/manifest.mpd

4. Well, here is the story. One day a countryman was going to (1)__________ found there is an egg of all yellow and

(2)__________. When he took it up it was a heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was (3)__________. Every morning (4)__________ occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thought to get at once (5)_________ the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it but he found, (6)__________.

there is an egg of all yellow and __________ A.


B. glittering C. shiny D. lighting E. sheeny Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks :

there is an egg of all yellow and __________ (adasebuahtelutberwarnakuningdan ..

1. glittering : berkelip -kelip 2. glowing : berpijar

3. shiny : bercahaya 4. lighting : bercahaya 5. sheeny : bercahaya

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.04.smil/manifest.mpd

5. Well, here is the story. One day a countryman was going to (1)__________ found there is an egg of all yellow and

(2)__________. When he took it up it was a heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was (3)__________. Every morning (4)__________ occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thought to get at once (5)_________ the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it but he found, (6)__________.

Soon found to his delight that it was __________ A.

an imitation egg gold B.

an egg like a gold C.

an egg covered by fake gold D.

an egg of pure gold E.

a substitute gold egg Kunci Jawaban : D


Pembahasan Teks :

Soon found to his delight that it was __________ secepatnyamenemukankegembiraanbahwaituadalah .

1. an egg like a gold : sebuahtelursepertiemas 2. an imitation egg gold : sebuahteluremastiruan

3. an egg covered by fake gold : sebuahtelur yang dilapisiemastiruan 4. an egg of pure gold : sebuahteluremassungguhan

5. a substitute gold egg : sebuahteluremaspengganti

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.05.smil/manifest.mpd

6. Well, here is the story. One day a countryman was going to (1)__________ found there is an egg of all yellow and

(2)__________. When he took it up it was a heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was (3)__________. Every morning (4)__________ occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thought to get at once (5)_________ the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it but he found, (6)__________.

Every morning __________ A.

The opposite thing B.

The same thing C.

The copy thing D.

The similar thing E.

The alike thing Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks :

Every morning __________ occurred (setiappagi..terjadi) a. The copy thing :hal yang meniru

b. The opposite thing :hal yang berlawanan c. The similar thing :hal yang serupa/mirip d. The same thing :hal yang sama

e. The alike thing :hal yang serupa

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.06.smil/manifest.mpd


7. Well, here is the story. One day a countryman was going to (1)__________ found there is an egg of all yellow and

(2)__________. When he took it up it was a heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was (3)__________. Every morning (4)__________ occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thought to get at once (5)_________ the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it but he found, (6)__________.

to get at once _________


all the goose B.

all the egg C.

all the nest D.

all the wealth E.

all the gold Kunci Jawaban : E

Pembahasan Teks :

to get at once _________ (untukmendapatkan sekaligus) a. all the egg (seluruhtelur)

b. all the goose (seluruhangsa) c. all the nest (seluruhsarang) d. all the wealth (seluruhharta) e. all the gold (seluruhemas)

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.07.smil/manifest.mpd

8. Well, here is the story. One day a countryman was going to (1)__________ found there is an egg of all yellow and

(2)__________. When he took it up it was a heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was (3)__________. Every morning (4)__________ occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thought to get at once (5)_________ the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it but he found, (6)__________.

but he found, __________ A. everything B. anything C. one thing D. nothing



many things

Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks :

but he found, __________ (tetapidiamenepukan) a. anything (apapun)

b. everything (semuanya) c. one thing (satuhal) d. nothing (tidakadasatupun) e. many things (banyakhal)

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.08.smil/manifest.mpd

9. Well, here is the story. One day a countryman was going to (1)__________ found there is an egg of all yellow and

(2)__________. When he took it up it was a heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was (3)__________. Every morning (4)__________ occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thought to get at once (5)_________ the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it but he found, (6)__________.


Dont kill the goose B.

Greed will hurt yourself C.

Stop collecting gold D.

The goose laid an egg E.

Selling egg makes much money Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks :

didalam narrative text terdapat coda/ moral value, nilai yang terkandungdidalamteks narrative .

darikeseluruhantekstersebutdapat di simpulkanbahwaGreed will hurt yourself (serakahakanmenyakitidirimusendiri)

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.09.smil/manifest.mpd


10. Adi : Good morning Uncle Bob. My parents say that you are getting married. Is that true? Bob : Yeah,,,

Adi : Gee, (8)_______________________. Whos the lucky woman? Bob : Carol, a classmate in senior high.

Adi : Well, (9)_______________________

Bob : thanks! But dont just wish me the best. You have to come to the wedding party. Adi : When is the big day?

Bob : The 13th next month. I will send you an invitation. Please do come! Adi : Sure thing! (10)__________________

Bob : I can see you are! Thanks again. Gee ______________


I am sure you wont marry B.

I know youll marry one day C.

I am sure youll meet your soulmate D.

I know one day youll found one E.

I know you can do it. Kunci Jawaban : C

Pembahasan Teks :

Adi : Good morning Uncle Bob. My parents say that you are getting married. Is that true? Bob : Yeah,,,

Adi : Gee, (8) I am sure youll meet your soulmate. Whos the lucky woman?

Iniadalahsalahsatubalasandariungkapanketidakyakinan (expressing of disbelief) is that true? maka di jawabdengan Im sure

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.10.smil/manifest.mpd


11. Adi : Good morning Uncle Bob. My parents say that you are getting married. Is that true? Bob : Yeah,,,

Adi : Gee, (8)_______________________. Whos the lucky woman? Bob : Carol, a classmate in senior high.

Adi : Well, (9)_______________________

Bob : thanks! But dont just wish me the best. You have to come to the wedding party. Adi : When is the big day?

Bob : The 13th next month. I will send you an invitation. Please do come! Adi : Sure thing! (10)__________________

Bob : I can see you are! Thanks again Well ______________


Wish you a best graduation B.

Happy on it, wish the best of me. C.

Happy graduation and do your best D.

Congratulation, you can do your best. E.

Congratulation. Wish you all the best Kunci Jawaban : E

Pembahasan Teks :

Bob : Carol, a classmate in senior high.

Adi : Well, (9) Congratulation. Wish you all the best

Congratulation adalahsalahsatuucapanselamat./ Expression congratulation.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.11.smil/manifest.mpd


12. Adi : Good morning Uncle Bob. My parents say that you are getting married. Is that true? Bob : Yeah,,,

Adi : Gee, (8)_______________________. Whos the lucky woman? Bob : Carol, a classmate in senior high.

Adi : Well, (9)_______________________

Bob : thanks! But dont just wish me the best. You have to come to the wedding party. Adi : When is the big day?

Bob : The 13th next month. I will send you an invitation. Please do come! Adi : Sure thing! (10)__________________

Bob : I can see you are! Thanks again. Sure thing! _________________ A. I feel terrible on it B. I am so happy about it C.

I cant handle it. D.

I really like it. E.

I feel awful about it. Kunci Jawaban : A

Pembahasan Teks :

Bob : The 13th next month. I will send you an invitation. Please do come! Adi : Sure thing! (10) I am so happy about it .


Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMA/KELAS 10/B INGGRIS/CHAPTER 8/BING10-8.12.smil/manifest.mpd


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