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Puisi-Puisi & Poems Karya Syayid Sandi Sukandi ( )


Academic year: 2021

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Puisi-Puisi &


Karya – Syayid Sandi Sukandi (2007 – 2018)


Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasal 113

Undang-undang No.28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta

1. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp100.000.000 (seratus juta rupiah).

2. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).

3. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah). 4. Setiap Orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukan dalam

ben-tauk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp4.000.000.000,00 (empat miliar rupiah).

Puisi-Puisi & Poems


Hak penerbitan pada Penerbit Amerta Media

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Anggota IKAPI

Cetakan Pertama: April 2020 14,8 cm x 21 cm

ISBN: 978-623-93687-0-8 Penulis : Syayid Sandi Sukandi

Desain Cover : Adji Azizurrachman

Tata Letak : Dendy Taufiqa Candra Diterbitkan Oleh : CV. Amerta Media NIB. 0220002381476 NP. 202003-1708-4520-1345-639 Email : mediaamerta@gmail.com Website: www.penerbitbuku.id Whatsapp : 081-356-3333-24

Perpustakaan Nasional: Katalog dalam Terbitan (KdT)

Puisi-Puisi & Poems

Syayid Sandi Sukandi Cet.1 – Penerbit Amerta Media, M


Poem - “You are the One I Love” 1

Poem - “Walking in A No- Land Place” 2

Poem - “Symphony in Yellow” 3

Poem - “Let Your Heart Speaks” 4

Poem - “We” 5

Poem - “The Flowers in a Park” 6

Poem - “The Bees” 7

Poem - “The Blue Sparkling Star” 8

Poem - “The Beauty of Angels’ Smile” 9

Puisi - “Sebuah Pertemuan” 10

Puisi - “Anak Manusia” 11

Poem - “Always be Alone” 13

Puisi - “Aku, Bumi dan Tuhan” 15

Puisi - “Desember Berkabut” 17

A Poem - Life – I 20

Puisi - “Matahari Pagi Bersinar Lagi” 21

Puisi - “Di Haribaan-Mu” 22

Poem - “Just Wondering” 23

Poem - “Harder than a Stone” 24

Puisi - “Hening” 25

Poem - “A Crying Tree” 26

Poem - “Completely Colorful” 27

Poem - “Life is just a Life” 28

Poem - “When The Morning Touches” 29

Poem - “The Broken Seed” 30

Poem - “The Moon” 31

Puisi - “Laut Kehidupan” 32

Puisi - “Warna Warni Kehidupan” 34


Poem - “The Smile of a Mysterious Lady” 37 Poem - “The Shining Smile on the Brown Face” 39

Poem - “The Singing Yellow Bird” 41

Poem - “The Sigh of the Desert” 42

Poem - “Smiling in the Morning Whisper” 44

Poem- “All I need is Love” 46

Poem - “Never know how that could be” 47

Poem - “Silence of the Night” 48

Poem - “The Beautiful Nature” 50

Poem - “Music of the Winter Season” 52

Prosa Liris: “Dari UU Ke Tuhan Yang Maha Tahu” 54

Poem - “Please Forgive Us” 57

Poem - “The Dream” 58



Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah menganugerahi penulis dengan karunia dari-Nya berupa kesehatan, dan kesabaran dalam menjalani jalan cerita kehidupan yang beraneka warna dan rasa. Alhamdulillah… Puisi adalah salah satu bentuk karya sastra yang mengoptimalkan penggunaan Bahasa di tingkat metafora dan mendayagunakan kekuatan diksi dan konteks. Namun, puisi bisa juga dipahami dari sudut pandang stylistics (ilmu yang mempelajari Style dalam Bahasa, yakni paduan antara bidang ilmu Linguistika dan Kesusastraan). Ketika sebuah karya puisi dibaca oleh pembaca sastra, pemaknaan pesan

yang ter-refleksi di dalam sebuah puisi akan berbeda-beda

pada setiap pembaca. Justru, inilah inti penting dari sebuah karya sastra. Ia tidak mendikte, juga tidak memberikan arti lepas di luar diksi yang tertulis. Kearifan pembaca sering terpantul dari kepiawaiannya di dalam memahami dan memaknai bahasa tertulis yang dibingkai melalui seni, alias the touch of soul in each word of the poem. Sastra tidak selalu memberikan hasil pada saat ini bila ditanya

significance untuk pembangunan, namun sastra menyentuh

jauh ke dalam kalbu manusia, yang justru di sana letak kunci peradaban ketika ia dibaca dan diselami dengan baik pesan dan makna yang disampaikannya. Bukankah Bahasa mencerminkan Bangsa?

Buku yang sedang anda baca ini adalah buku kumpulan puisi yang telah saya tulis sejak tahun 2007 hingga tahun 2018. Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, saya telah menuliskan 42 puisi, yang pada umumnya saya tulis di waktu-waktu


dan situasi yang berbeda, pada saat munculnya inspirasi. Puisi-puisi yang saya tulis lebih dominan berbahasa Inggris, meskipun ada beberapa puisi yang berbahasa Indonesia. Di tahun 2007, saya mempublikasikan puisi ini ke dalam blog pribadi, yaitu Sparkling Silent Silhouette (https:// www.syayidss.com/). Setelah 11 tahun berlalu sejak puisi pertama saya di tahun 2007 tersebut, saya terinspirasi untuk menjadikannya sebuah buku di tahun 2020 ini, sebagai warisan dari saya untuk generasi Indonesia, khusus di bidang Sastra, khususnya dalam bentuk Puisi.

Ucapan terima kasih saya sampaikan kepada Penerbit Amerta Media yang telah membantu dan kemudian menjadikan buku ini bisa hadir ke tangan pembaca sekalian yang budiman.

Akhir kata, besar harapan adanya buku ini bisa memperkaya khasanah literasi kesusastraan untuk generasi Indonesia saat ini hingga ke masa yang akan datang, khusus bidang Puisi berbahasa Inggris yang ditulis oleh penulis berkebangsaan Indonesia. Setiap pembaca, berhak untuk memaknai puisi yang saya tulis ini dari sudut pandang apapun, dan dari dimensi manapun, dengan tujuan untuk mencari kemurnian indahnya bahasa, dan menggali esensi diri sebagai manusia, dan bertanya dengan lembut pada hati: “Aku ini, Siapa? Who am I?”

Terima kasih. Padang, 7 Mei 2020. Penulis,



“You are the One I Love”


Just to show that I love you Even all days are just passing me by

but now, each day has something to cherish

because you are with me by and by

until we satisfy all, our wish Honey,

just be with me every time you are in cold

let me by the love I have to take you out from the cold Listen to the tenderly nights speak to you

and, right over here, in your arms,

I kiss and I say I love you… Padang, June 4, 2007. The one I love is you You,

you and you are alone I am happy to know you Now, all the sorrows I feel are gone

Because of loving you When the sun in the morning rises

every day, I will wake you up

By touching the smooth of your lips

and making your spirit as the shining stars up


every beat of us,

we can touch the silent nights

When we are not free but in tight


Deep down in the calm green ocean

I breathe over the swimming motion

escaping from my in limbo-land

and now

I am walking in a no-land place

Looking through the blue place

Showing me prodigious earth I’ve never walked

Feeling like I am a ghost Touching all the rugged things in a no-host

Much eccentric fish says ‘hi!’

Some are

in the ocean’s flyover

though, sometimes, they forewarn me

to be in a forthcoming gloom and now,

I imbue with no great salvation

Will this ocean let me in?

though I am not

a fish, not even a


I am a human

(Taplau, 2007)



When the blue is not blue anymore

It turns into a gray When you are not a hero anymore

You turn to be someone blue


“Symphony in Yellow”

July 28, 2007, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


To the mirror and the blue lake

Have you ever seen your face there?

How does it look?

To the air of life and the flow

of soul

Have you ever tasted the silence?

How does it feel?

The air and the moon of a graveyard world

Will, they let you die? Even if you are a miserable wretch

Will you be crying? You are alone

Always be alone but your shadow

weep in

Put you to the miserable end The smallest one, glittering out a blast

It speaks to be touched Shall it end with no hope? Right there, yes, right there Let your heart speaks... (Seminar on Literature class at Universitas Andalas, 25 Mei 2007)


“Let Your Heart Speaks”


Seeing the starry night We both in tight, be the knight We, together,

face the long lonely – fight

Reaching the peace of a light We both wish upon the river The stone and the ice of water

We melt them forever As they are bare, ever Wishing you,

my woman, be the candle You hold me, give me a handle You, my woman, be held as mine Forever, we will be fine




Walking in the park an iPod on my ear

A Nasturtium attracts me I touch and smell its’ fragrance

What a beautiful flower I

feel Then, I walk

Many flowers in the park

They are invulnerable although many trees drop their leaves

will I make a bouquet from this park?

Though this earth is spacious

my eye catches a beautiful

in its’ family, it is so beautiful to see

this scenery kills my strong vehement

although it is a hindsight action

Oh, God!

or, it is a delusion flower?

but the daisy attracts me, too

What a conundrum

although nasturtium is no yet a park

but a paradise of elusive


(My Home Garden, a favorite spot when I am sad) – Syayid 2007


“The Flowers in a Park”

July 28, 2007, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


The bees fly in the park they look for flowers

to collect thousands of nectar

one bee recluses itself

the bee has no wings to fly

It qualms in the ground

the bees see the flowers like

a pendulum

moving right and left with beautifully

the recluse bee sees the other bees

they just slipshod

‘carte blanche?’, the bee asks ‘nectar! nectar!’, they said


marring the nasturtium and dandelion

the bee protect the flowers

but an elf comes like a phantom

the frenzy things end

the elf is inquisitive to them only the bee, then, becomes a linchpin…

Syayid, May 29, 2007.


“The Bees”


In the green forest,

I walked in a slow motion Seeing the great tall trees around me,

circled like a round plate At that time,

it was in a night My eye caught a blue

shining star above my head I saw what it was

You know what was it? It was the blue sparkling star

Lonely in its place,

but shining more than a sun Filling the empty and cold night


I felt my hands touched it

I felt flying to the sky above

To feel the warmth of the blue sparkling star (My home garden, ‘imagination’, 2007)



In a good morning day, when the sun rises so clear, I had a walk to my younger brother

and sister’s school.

They are still in elementary school.

You know what I saw there? I never believe that children are the angels of all men.

When I enter the class, they

said, ‘Hi…’

They all smiled cheerfully. Oh my God, I never believe that

The beauty of Angels’ Smile is in children’s face

No matter what, are we still the angel? or we have been being a devil?

God knows…


“The Beauty of Angels’ Smile”

July 31, 2007, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


Dari keheningan malam yang sepi,

seorang rupawan bersuara indah menyapaku

Ia hadir di antara bintang-bintang

dirinya begitu mempesona bagai purnama

cantik di kala malam suara-suaranya menggema di telinga

mengisi malam-malam yang sepi


mungkinkah ia akan ada di sisiku ini

mengisi malam-malam hening dengan ditemani sebuah lilin ungu

ingin sekali aku menatap matanya yang sendu

menyentuh tangannya yang lembut

memeluk tubuhnya seraya berbisik padanya,

‘aku dan kau, kita


biarkan kita tumbuh

bersama angin malam yang bersemilir halus

menghiasi sejuknya kalbu di kala kita dilanda cinta… (Puisi untuk Rina, my little sister, I love you)


“Sebuah Pertemuan”


Di keremangan malam, berlapis-lapis udara bersemilir

membentuk aura kegelapan, pekat dan mengerikan

Manusia-manusia berteriak, bersumpah serapah,

memaki-maki, membunuh tawa bengis dan jiwa kejam

seakan bangkit dari kubur Seketika,

detik-detik berlalu, hening…

Segaris cahaya putih menyembur dari angkasa hitam Menghujam ke rumah-rumah Hening… hening… hening… sesaat manusia-manusia itu terpana, apa itu?

Rengek tangis bayi, memecah kepekakan manusia-manusia lembah itu lembah hitam, pekat, berbau dan jorok

Mereka berkerumun dan bertanya-tanya

apakah itu?

manusia itu gembira,


“Anak Manusia”


bertambah satu anggota mereka,


dengan waktu, bayi itu pun menjadi manusia


terbentuk karena manusia di sekitarnya

akankah anak manusia tumbuh sendiri?


sekali lagi tidak lalu,

cahaya yang ada di dalam dirinya yang redup

ia lupa dari mana ia berasal kesucian berganti


sebuah misteri atau angurah ilahi tercipta

anak manusia mengais-ngais dalam kehidupan tumbuh, membesar, berkembang, bergenerasi terus menerus, bergerombol, bertambah banyak atau menyendiri hingga akhirnya satu per satu, mati,

berkubang tanah, atau terbakar dan,

mereka kembali ke asal cahaya

meninggalkan lumpur atau mutiara

di tempat pertama mereka menjadi manusia


Many nights seemed to be full of stars

In fact, I am here,

sitting in a dusty river, alone

Facing the light of the moon, shines in the water

I feel my leg on the cold touching the untouched sky with the hand

My fantasy

then swims deep through the river

seeing the magnificent world

of underwater Then,

I jump,

flying to the sky above

Feeling like I am a little white dove

But, I am here, sitting

Facing the stars, that is glittering I whisper deep

through the heart of mine To see the eyes

of my own shadow A worse,

a witch,

and a humble creature that is

to have a such great face in mine

No, my dear,


“Always be Alone”

August 22, 2007, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


that is not a problem

The dove is still flying

The mermaid is still swimming

You are the dove You are the mermaid

Never say,

‘You are always alone…’

I’m here with you, your mind and soul…. (My fave spot, my little rosy garden, my home…)


Larut dalam kesunyian Hampa dalam kedukaan Berdiri di atas menara ini melihat kehidupan manusia beraneka ragam dan


sendiri, sendiri dan sendiri Hidup sendiri di atas dunia ini

Ingin terbang di antara bayang-bayang senja ditatap indahnya senyum sang mentari

kuning, gemerlap, emas Langit pun seperti kapas dingin, putih dan beku Lihat masjid di sana akankah ia menjadi hotel?

Melihat gunung, ia acuh dan sombong

misteri dan beku namun, indahnya alam dapat dilihat

dari gunung saja

Kumenyelam di teduhnya samudera

tenang, dalam dunia beriak lain

namun, membunuhku, manusia

Berlari mengejar bintang ingin kupeluk

kini, hanya sepi, sendiri dan sendiri

Dalam temeramnya hati Berjuta rasa bernaung di dada


“Aku, Bumi dan Tuhan”

November 22, 2007, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


Alam ini indah Bumi ini megah

Penciptanya pasti lebih dari ini semua

Tapi, mengapa manusia merusaknya? Salah siapa? Salah siapa? Sapaan gelombang bergemuruh bagai berkata Ia menyampaikan sesuatu Tapi apa?

Kenapa mesti pohon kelapa tumbuh di pantai saja? Dunia manusia

hanya materi semata Dan, dunia ini fana termasuk cinta dan persahabatan Hanya Allah SWT.

yang akan selalu menemani hati ini

Ia Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang Ambillah dan perihalah cintaku untuk-Mu, ya Allah SWT…

(Syayid, November 21st, 2007, Puncak Lawang – Sawahlunto dan Ngalau Indah – Payakumbuh, Sumatera Barat)


Malam begitu dingin dan membeku

Lampu-lampu jalan masih terang benderang


Geliat kota tidak pernah henti

Malam bagai siang Sama saja…

Di sudut ini aku terpaku Tersendu dan mengiba diri Merenung dalam bicara batin

Menatap langit yang seakan tak perduli

manusia sibuk dengan diri sendiri

terlena dengan dunia ini Desember berkabut aku menatap hangatnya sentuh-Mu

kebenaran itu memang berat, ya Allah

bahkan benci pun kurasakan

dari orang yang ingin kupeluk

Aku tidak ingin sendiri, ya Allah

sementara yang lain bergelimang dosa hidup bagai kupu-kupu memakan madu

terbang ke mana suka mati tiada sisa


sungguh berat

Banyak duri di jalan yang berliku, tajam dan terjal Sekuat inikah aku harus berjuang?

Limpahkan hidayah-Mu, ya Allah

Mataku terasa berat huruf ini pun serasa tidak


“Desember Berkabut ”


jelas lagi Aku menangis Aku tidak kuat

Mengapa harus ada dunia, ya Allah

Aku hidup seperti terasing Menyendiri

Selalu sendiri

Walau berjuta keramaian di sisi ini

Kumenangis di sujudku pada-Mu

akan kah aku sanggup bertahan dengan iman ini? Iblis senantiasa

membujukku mesra, dengan gelora

Ya Allah…antarkanlah aku ke husnul khatimah… Aku ingin tersenyum

bahagia bila jauh dari dunia ini

Akankah aku pantas

menyebut-Mu ‘sahabatku?’

Engkau selalu ada ketika aku sedih

Memapahku menuju hangatnya hidayah-Mu Aku merasakan Kau ada, di jiwa ini…

Engkau Maha Agung, Maha Suci…

Ya Allah…

Engkau adalah sebaik-baik tempat

untuk berlindung

untuk membagi rasa suka dan duka

untuk mencurahkan isi hati Tiada kekuatan melainkan Engkau, ya Allah

Aku akan berusaha selalu… untuk tidak mengingkari nikmat-Mu semua ini… Dan kini

aku di dunia ini

Sampai kapankah ajal akan menjelang?

Aku rindu pada Izrail Akankah aku bisa membahagiakan orang tuaku


Rengkuhlah aku dengan sayang-Mu

Jadikanlah dunia di

tanganku, bukan di hati ini Sungguh, aku takut menjadi Qarun

aku takut menjadi Fir’aun Aku hanya manusia yang hina dan dina

Pantaskah aku dengan surga-Mu?


Desember kelabu

Berkabut dingin dan beku, menusuk tulang terdalamku Hangat kurasakan dari hidayah-Mu

hingga kabut itu pun, tiada arti

karena cinta, kasih dan sayang-Mu…

La ilaha ila llahu,

muhammadarrasulullahu.., Shadaqallahul’adzim.. Maha Benar Allah, dengan segala Firman-Nya…

(Padang, 7 Desember 2007, lantai 6 Hotel Pangeran Beach, menatap ke laut)


Life – I

I never strut my stuff even when I am in the soup God is the only way I hand my life in

for all par of the course I want to be the jack of all trades

never shoot my self in the foot

but, enemies can,

even, friends, are able too!

drag me to the mud steal my thunder

However, God always there to help

when in the nick of time comes

Friendship is always the better place of mine

I’ll be happy as a sandboy in living my life

to be gentle as a lamb

Sometimes, I do some white elephant works

They call me crazy as a bedbug

Label me as a deadwood But, I am a lone wolf So, then, I am in the loop even never turn my head Life is like feast or famine God put it behind closed doors

until I come back from the dead

’till death is comin’ as my last friend and neighbor


A Poem

Life – I


Udara pagi terasa begitu sejuk

indah dan damai

burung-burung bernyanyi merdu

begitu indah alam ini tanaman-tanaman bermekaran dengan cantiknya

langit tidak kalah dengan gagahnya awan

melingkupi serangkaian kehidupan di atas bumi sang laut pun menatap dengan tenangnya walau berjuta makhluk bersirip hidup dengan misteri di dalamnya

tanah pun setia menemani manusia,

hingga nantiair mengalir sejuk,

menentramkan hati udara berhempus, menenangkan jiwa hingga nanti,

setiap mentari pagi bersinar lagi

tak kan kubiarkan hilang hangatnya

hingga aku tertidur ditemani para bintang berpelukan dengan sang rembulan

sampai keesokan harinya di saat mentari pagi bersinar kembali

(19 Juli 2007, menuju kampus UNAND tercinta…)


“Matahari Pagi Bersinar Lagi”

January 29, 2008 by Syayid, posted in Posts in Bahasa Indonesia, Syayid’s Poetry


Tubuh ini penuh darah melangkah gontai di terik matahari

Ia menyinari tanpa senyum Pada langkahku yang semakin melemah Aku pasrah

Aku rela

Sejuta bayang angan ingin kuraih

menghapus tangis menjadi bahagia

dalam kelam malam, aku menangis

mengiba di hadapan-Mu yang suci

Hati ini begitu rapuh, oh… Tuhanku…

Betapa ujian ini begitu berat Aku tak sanggup

Teriakan hati terasa bergema di udara

Namun, sepi yang kurasa Andai aku burung yang terbang bebas

melintasi ngarai kesedihan melewati lautan nestapa… Hanya di haribaan-Mu, aku memohon, oh, Tuhan… agar kuat dan sabar dalam hidup ini hingga nanti, aku mati… (Bandung, April 7th, 2008)


“Di Haribaan-Mu”


Nearly to the place I’ve meant

So far…but, I will try In the saddest part of the journey

When all the crowd seems so empty

Yes, it’s full of soil color But, it looks good

Can you imagine, four cars to be here

Wherefore it takes into account

of strange things

Because I am a bird now

That fly perfectly above the


To distinguish what is reached

in the loyal empty everyone is gorgeous


But, I believe, all things are in yours

I believe you give the best things for me

To face the darkest night To end the misery

’till I find a light

in which I feel that you are there

for all…

(MetroTV room for news presenter selection test, Jakarta, April 10th, 2008)


“Just Wondering”

April 11, 2008, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


It took me to wonder when all were over ’till we don’t have power ’till we surrender

He, the one, and only there, Allah, the most mighty helps when the help is nowhere

It is harder than a stone life is like a monotone

what we do is just moving on ’till death is turned on

then we ask, ‘what’s going


We are not alone

But deeply, we are alone Life is, actually, not over But deeply, life is just started

when the soul is taken over from the colorful heartbeat (Tol Jakarta – Bandung, 2008)


“Harder than a Stone”

April 11, 2008, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


Malam ini, lirik lagu itu terdengar kembali begitu menyentuh

Tubuh ini terasa bergetar Serasa kembali ke semula, awal dari perjalananku menjadi manusia.

Lagu itu, begitu menyentuh Aku tak bisa menahan tangis

Lagu itu…

Ah, memang aku pemuda tanggung

Tak ingin menangis, tapi mata ini tak berhenti berair “Iyo santiangnyo aka rangik mak…

maisok darah dalam dagiang…

luka nan indak ka nampak an

alah padiah sajo, mangko tahu…

Nan bapasan mande… usah takuik nak,,,jo ombak gadang…

luko dek sambilu…cegak diubek nak…

nan jo piladang…” Ah, ibu, ayah.

Andai aku bisa memberimu kebahagiaan.

Aku hanya bisa mendo’akanmu

Ayah, aku sayang dirimu… Kapankah aku bisa

membahagiakan kalian? Hhhh…malam ini terasa begitu hening…

Sanggupkan aku menatap kembali mentari esok hari? (Bandung, 13 April 2008, Sukagalih)




Far from the green ocean, a tree is crying

The ground is not fertile The air is not fresh anymore The tree is lonely

All but the water

Wave the green of the tree the mud is lying over there A blue and so peaceful It still, yes, it still Never of one knows why None of ever knows how

A Crying tree It is only a tree

It weeps only to another tree Without going to forever a mind

of a beautiful paradise on earth

(Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan)


“A Crying Tree”

April 27, 2008, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


When you have it You feel that you are grateful

When you read it

You feel that you are so in the knowledge

When you throw it

You feel that you miss a big thing

When you need it

You feel that you are hungry So, what is it?

It is a book

It is all the same everywhere It is only letters on papers But, it is what makes your

life has meaning

Yes, it is completely colorful Books make my life

completely colorful Then, you and I are the same, aren’t we?

Read, read and read They make you more as human being

++++++++++++++++++ (Central Gramedia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2008)



We think because of brain We eat because of stomach We walk because of the legs and torso

We live because of what? Life is just a life

Living does not mean to live Life, yes it is

Struggling till the end But, for what sake? Money? Happiness? We think because of brain We eat because of stomach We walk because we need to walk

We live because of …

We need to live!

We need the life that is living

to live the life living the life By what?

Money? Prosperity? Yes, by what we feel good and comfortable at

that is sincerity

(Karunia Bakti bus, on the way to Garut from Stasiun Cicaheum Bandung, 2008)


“Life is just a Life”

May 18, 2008, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


There was a light

A yellow, soft, and warm in the sky

Touching deep through a soul

Bringing to the other sky

of a high fly away

The ears of everyone are listening

to a beautiful memory of a yellow-light morning sun

Feeling like, we are


Let all fly to the sky Seeing the magnificence

Which is hiding

beyond everyone’s soul of the earth that we live so peacefully

with love forever

(Inspired while listening to Mozart, written in Garut, compressed in Padang, 2008)



The seed of a plant was created

It laid in the ground

Waiting for the rain to grow But, it will not grow

though the rain is there It was the broken seed But, it was good anyway Why cannot it grow? Yes, it is the soil The soil is not fertile The seed feels no more for life

No more plant

And no more plants in the soil

Then, what does the seed need to grow?

(My house, Padang 2008)


“The Broken Seed”

June 13, 2008, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


The moon shines so brightly Peace felt more on the moon Thousands of warm touch lies there

Wishing to fly to reach it


Seeing earth that looks wonderful

(My sweet home, at “Loteng Rumah”, 2008)


“The Moon”

June 13, 2008, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


Jika duduk di tepi pantai berhiaskan karang-karang dan batu air

Gelombang laut tak pernah berhenti

Gelolmbang besar

perlahan dan pasti menjadi gelombang kecil

Begitu seterusnya

di segenap penjuru dunia Begitu juga kehidupan ada permulaan, ada akhir

Kita sering tidak bisa menahan pertengahan Begitu menghanyutkan Apa daya

kita hanya manusia

tidak penuh berkuasa atas diri kita

Ada kelahiran, ada kematian Ada persahabatan, ada permusuhan

Semuanya ada pertengahan Antara pantai dan samudra bebas

Gelombang besar ada di pertengahan

Sanggupkah kita merangkuh dayung perahu kecil kita yang lemah,

hingga ke

terjalnya pantai


“Laut Kehidupan”


perahu yang melajukan kita?

Laut kehidupan… Akankah kita sanggup bertahan

bila perahu pecah oleh gelombang pertengahan…

Sanggupkah kita berenang

Atau tenggelam, dan, Mati di laut kehidupan? (Pantai Padang, 2008)



ada terbersit tanya di dalam hati,

“Hidup ini penuh warna. Namun,

warna itu… tidak ada rupa dan rasa,

warna apakah

yang cocok untuk kehidupan ini?”

Bagai terbang di antara gemerlapnya bintang, lalu redup

di balik misteri senyum sang rembulan

Tangis dan tawa bagai dua sahabat erat berganti rupa

silih berganti, dalam rasa dan citra

Di satu sisi, begitu indah, elok dan mempesona Di sisi lain, begitu pilu dan merebak jiwa Ada elegan ditemani keangkuhan

Ada kebaikan berselaput keinginan

Ada kepintaran tanpa kecerdasan

Ada rasa iba ditutupi secercah harapan

Kadang menoleh di antara karang-karang kehidupan Lobang-lobang menganga berisi gambar beraneka Kehidupan ini memang indah

Dihiasi oleh bingkai harta dan kemewahan


“Warna Warni Kehidupan”

February 1, 2009 by Syayid, posted in Posts in Bahasa Indonesia, Syayid’s Poetry


Suara-suara gemuruh puja dan puji

Canda tawa para raja dan ratu

di malam hari

Bertemani permadani sang adam dan hawa

Luluh melantakkannya caci maki

Namun terkadang,

sesekali menyeruak suara keledai

mengasung gambar-gambar


menebar tarian dan goyangan prasangka, dan mengajak mencicipi brownies kukus toko gunjing Kehidupan pun berubah menjadi kelam,


di sela-sela batu licin, dan berlumut

memantul senoktah bayang keemasan

mentari senja yang indah

bagai senyum polos sang bayi,

tanpa dosa

di sanalah cinta ditemukan Sayang,

seribu sayang,

ia sekejap menghilang, samar-samar tertutupi rona nafsu


karang pun kembali seperti dulu

hitam dan kotor

Dari kejauhan langit, ternyata memang benar, tanpa adanya gelombang, pantai itu tidak akan pernah disebut pantai, tapi hanya semilir gemerisik bunyi air

bercinta dengan pasir lemah Seindah laut biru,


memantulkan warna-warni kehidupan


tanpa rasa malu, tidak ada masa kini masa kini penting, masa depan tidak penting, atau

masa lalu penting, masa kini tidak, masa depan apalagi

masa, ah, masa mereka hanya masa Mereka hilang ditelan pudarnya cinta Ilahi Tapi Ia selalu ada di sana, melihat dengan sayang-Nya hingga masa menjadi

seonggok abu ditiup angin Kehidupan,

bergolak seperti pantai, menarik yang ia dapat, menolak yang telah ia dapatkan.

__________________________ Pantai Bung Hatta, Syayid, January 2009


It was just good to know you, And I know that we could be so close,

as if it was expressed in your eyes,

and, as the moon shines,

reflecting your beauty

I never realized that I’ve met her

The one whom I always looking for

She gave me a splendid-torch bringing a warm-light such a star warming the cold-night

If only you would want to know her

She is more than just a girl But you are more than what I need

I just fancied having a creature beside me

And you, you were always around me

Seeing me crying,

Feeling all my deep pain in sharing,

most of all, listening to the heart of mine, dying

Your smile such a sweet


“The Smile of a

Mysterious Lady”

February 13, 2009, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


melody in the early morning Hers is so tasty

Let me choose the smiling one

The smile is the sweetener in life

It kills me with a thousand arrows and swords

again, it is not the beauty that off me

it is the smile of a mysterious lady recovering all the pain

finishing the incomplete

paths to paradise __________________________

To my former close-friend in Elementary and Junior High School, thank you for giving me a chance to see your smiling again, although the white-bed has kept you in the cold-night for days in the medical room. Hope you are well soon. “If the happy times we used to have were here in my heart, I would want to give it to you, dearest friend. I am so lonely without you”


I know you as like knowing the

other And,

you just the others for me Until one day, I found

your smile was so difficult to

be touched

But, when the day had gone to the north

I could feel that you smiled at me

In that brown face

In the way that I could not understand

So beautiful

We’ve been far away in a great distance

but you were always there for me

wishing all the best for me

and all the good things for


for all people around me for my family

and, to the bottom of my heart,

God, please, listen

I am wishing the same thing goes to that person too

It is such confusing me for what I have now

How could we meet in that short time

Then, you went just like nothing happened Even from afar, you still want to hear me cry like a kid needing a candy even without making any sound but you cared a lot I never know how you see me

but, I am glad to have you as


“The Shining Smile on the

Brown Face”


someone for me

Someone like a fiend,

But, more, I feel I only hope one thing

when the snow has fallen so cold

and the night talks to me for its unique tale

when all rivers are singing as the dancing dolphin in the sea

you are always my friend No matter where you are Hoping that you are always all right

Let the air brings my feeling

to you

For waiting for you to be my friend

For filling my memory with

happiness when we were together


I am happy for you For your love

in giving me a chance to feel the beauty

of a friendship (Syayid, March 1, 2010, at 12:41 am)


The sun was setting in the east of an early morning A goldish light touched the earth

So beautiful

I saw the sky with the orange color

Refreshing my mind from the nightmares

The nights with thousands of tears

As a child without a mother Crying out loud in the darkness of a foolish crowd This morning, things have suddenly changed

Hearing a sound of music of the earth

In a passionate touch of nature

With a sweet tea in my hand I see your smile at me in that silver-blue silk

Remembering me to the angel of love

And, it was you

Feeling like I am the singing yellow bird

Having a beautiful nest in a green tree of heaven

Everything will be different without you

‘Cause you are the angel of

my heart

And I am the singing yellow bird

The singing yellow bird Flying in the golden

morning of the smiling east Syayid Sandi Sukandi. Indonesia, March 2010


“The Singing Yellow Bird”

March 13, 2010, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


For a moment, that happened

No warm smile that touches the sky

so cold and blue

Feeling like I was in the middle of a desert so dry

I turned my sight to that path

trying to understand, but there was a feeling of guilt inside me

or it was only an illusion? I saw that rain, but, my skin touched nothing

all were as if the

frightening hallucination of the time in a darkest silent night

I felt down on a river that was so heavenly

the more I swam into it, the more

the water felt like millions of nails

they broke my skin slowly till bleeding

and I have almost died for that painful struggling I waved my hand to the empty air

there was nothing so empty

is it the feeling of real but does not exist?

I saw that shadow of mine in that surface of cold river it was looking like it was imagining something

reflecting my face with no

precise details as I had in mine whose face that was?


“The Sigh of the Desert”

February 23, 2011, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


At last,

I would then live this desert will there be rain falling for it?

Will the rain turn it into the sweet memories in children’s’ books? or, it would be the saddest story again as it was always?

Will it be a place where all my bones are left unnoticed and perish by the times? Leaving the worse story over that broken window?

All remain unanswerable long I had seen that face the face of the beautiful moon

smiling like peace of love waving its hand to me and said, “please, come here...”


after all these feelings, I sit down into the hot sand of the desert,

and I knew

that shadow would always be as mine

ah, shadow

wish you always be here accompanying the faces in the desert

for the time I would be gone far away no return

(Syayid Sandi Sukandi, February 23, 2011. A 410, looking at my students doing their final examination)


As I opened these eyes to see the darkness

I barely couldn’t sleep well that night

I was trying to look out from the window

to see the silent of the night That moment,

the stars were standing prettily above

smiling and dancing one another


On the left side of the stars there was the moon

standing lonely surrounded by the stars

on the dark night in the sky his face was so pale and blue as the king of all dreams or all nights

And then,

I was searching for the warm side of the night it was barely anywhere, but…

ever since I put these hands on this chest

there was a melody, of every beat of this heart it speaks as the calm and peaceful sound of a lake saying, “I am the moon” It was such a pain to love for never expecting to be loved


“Smiling in the Morning



It shines lonely in the night as the moon that hides in the dark cloud

feeling so shy…

When all the stars and the sky are silent

there was only a smile smiling in the morning whisper

to welcome the sun, restoring all the pain and sorrow

oh, morning whisper and

I am smiling into the sun… (Syayid Sandi Sukandi, March 6, 2011, 19.30 WIB, after having dinner with my family)


Whispering in a blue beach near the window

I see people laughing freely Feeling as if no tears to be kept

Hoping that life runs well as a shining moon

Down in the park,

A lonely boy is sitting in the bench

We feel like we are the same Lonely

As I come near him He cries

“All I need is a Love”, he said

I cry

“Where are your mom and dad?” I ask

“They are busy with their own. I am left alone”

When I look at into his eyes I feel an angle there, waiting

Days and days pass We are getting closer

Now I know, love can turn to everyone

Even to someone, we think only as a friend

I have love now Love of a young boy

And I am his biggest brother

Till he finds his parents


To go far away left me alone And the moon is shining so blue

While I am here, waiting for someone new to come

To touch me a love To warm with a love Love

(My bedroom, before going to work in the morning, 2009)


“All I need is Love”

April 6, 2011, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


It was such a nice warmest day I had in the yard

she was there, looking at the

blue little sweet smell flower

In a second, she stares at me as if she is so close in the eye But, again, I was just as silent as a dodo

Could I know that she feels my heart

Yeah, nobody knows that she kills me with the knife in her heart

So pain So dark

So yellow in the mud I am dying and it’s all gone

But, someone came and smiled

Then, the dark disappear as such a rainbow in the bird nest

So beautiful

But, again, I should have not known that person Cause it broke my heart all apart

When I know that I was just a doll for the person

Lovely blue beach, Padang, Indonesia


“Never know how that

could be”


The time I feel now is the one that is the most silent one

I can’t sleep, even though, I felt sleepy in my sight I woke up and saw the watch laying lazily on my desk

Its click makes a sound, tik tik tik… as if it speaks to me saying,

“It is three and a half in the morning. You should sleep…”

I whisper in my solitude… Do you know what I hear at this time?

Silence, a really, really moment of silence, The sounds of the night speak to my ear

Singing as if I am listening to the voices of thousands of fairies and angels in this

And the stars that hide shyly in their wisdom

Far away over there, asking me to come to their place and dance with them I look at the deer outside, eating the grass, in its peaceful smile,

But, I know I wake up for no reason

I do feel the crowd coming to my mind at this kind of time Listening to the silence Wiping all miserable words people say

Erasing all valueless of crowd, hypocrisies, money, and prestige

A friendship that is only


The friendship that is only made through the heart and pure care?

Silence has spoken all the


“Silence of the Night ”

December 5, 2011, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


to me, in the way that I feel as if I am a holy man, but, no, am I not?

Silence speaks in the way, telling me

of all lies hiding in the trees of all sounds of having-fun young men out there, spending the night with someone new every day And,

In this silence,

I whisper in the deepest wish

Beyond what I feel, I pray… Please help, and make

people I love, happy

for they are the place where my happiness is in

Please let the soul of everyone as in spring

For they are the lights when all-stars are in deem way The world is chaotic, but only love and sincere submission to Allah SWT, make the silence as the songs of the fairies. ——- Syayid Sandi Sukandi

Edwardsville, the United States, 3:45 am, Sunday, Dec 4, 2011


Dignity, such a word Compassion… Lovely…

in that shining day

of a love that is meant only to feel

between two pure souls in their beautiful ornaments,

in their mutual differences, of everlasting similarities… In this balcony,

seeing those lovely birds, and trees hiding their blossoms,

Those birds are really beautiful

in their nature…

Jumping and eating the seeds,

their sounds, the winds…

Seeing all how this nature works,

and the sun that is elegantly showing his light,

beautiful… These things,

remind me of how nature works in me,

of how me, works with and in nature,

Nature presents such beautiful delights, but men, those men, seem to destroy everything… with no mercy, greediness, arrogance, irresponsibility, money… Although…


“The Beautiful Nature”

Silence of the Night


the days are still passing by there would be many more choices in life,

providing many beautiful delights…

with, of course, many consequences, to take but those…

if only men can see them, approach them,

through such beautiful eyes, in the name of love and mercy,

that the Creator has given us to lead on this earth. Be the one,

that leads all creatures on

earth. And,

He, is indeed, watching You, for

everything that you do… You are indeed, not alone… To Him, you will be back. Every living thing shall taste, dying,

at one moment in time… But, when?

Are you ready? – Syayid Sandi Sukandi,

Cougar Village, Edwardsville, SIUE, Spring 2013, heading to Spring break 2013,

be a Magnificent Cat! – The friend of a loyal dog. In human nature –



Tiny little white things Falling from the sky

covering the brown soil and the sleeping trees

like rain, feels like a blessing for the earth in crowdedness, many… Leaving the feelings,

entangled by the flying snow

here and there…

The blue sky is covered, as if, by a mist

Presenting the scenes of mystery

The eyes couldn’t bare enough to see, how the sun is shining

covered by the thick cloud

though he might be shy this time…

I look upon the paths in front of me,

and the ground,

Everyone is in the house A warm house, with warm people, with warm heart, Sipping a coffee or a hot chocolate milk

Enjoying every minute of conversation


Reading books, or writing a meaningful poem,

Making cookies,

Telling stories to children or, sleeping, killing times… Far from afar, that sounds begin to appear


“Music of the Winter Season”

February 22, 2013, by Syayid, posted in Syayid’s Poetry


distance, Na na na… La la la…

With melody and tones that I couldn’t recognize,

Feeling like every bit of snow is singing,

Reminding me of something Unknown, but real…

The sounds of every snow, sparkling in its own, touching the ground, Animals, Winds, Trees, Soils,

Everything… Dancing together, performing the Music of the White Winter And Cold, with Severe Mode,


Lovely to See…

For a person who never sees any snow

Soon, the music will change In every beat

With the same sounds of

nature, Na na na… La la la…

to Welcome the beauty of the spring season

all year round… again, and again Until you

will leave all these seasons for someone new

Praying for you, in your Solitude

of the Never Ending Days, in the Afterlife

(Cougar Village, Edwardsville, Apt. 2A, Illinois, USA)


Undang-Undang... Hukum. Buatan, Rekaan, dan Hasil Perbuatan Manusia, di alam pikiran.

Mereka jadikan rujukan, lalu berevolusi menjadi Tuhan.

Entah itukah kini, jadi kebenaran?

Mereka sembah,

bagai tak boleh disanggah. Nun jauh di sana,

di negeri Tuhan dianggap tiada,

Uang adalah tujuan semata, Berlomba-lomba dalam harta,

Ketika jenuh melanda, pada harta yang tak buat bahagia,

mereka merajalela, pada bangsa-bangsa, yang dulunya sejahtera, mereka hisap bagai tak jera, melalui pemimpin tak berhati lara,

tenggelam dalam indahnya, Fatamorgana,


Betul kata bijak bestari, ilmu itu pelita hati, walau secercah sanubari, menghiasi diri,

Prosa Liris:

“Dari UU Ke


daripada berjati diri, namun hanyut dalam kealpaan diri,

tumpuan harapan segenap negeri,

disisihkan bagai tak ada arti.

Betul kata Ulama, Iman terletak di dada, terpatri dalam langkah dan tingkah yang nyata,

namun Tuhan, Allah SWT namanya,

sengaja tak menunjukkan rupa,

Ia tahu dan tak pernah lupa,

Semua akan kembali pada-Nya,

Agar ada pembeda Jawara dan Juara,

di dunia yang Fana. Meski berjuta berkata,

Evolusi ada di dunia, tapi gunung tiada berubah sejak dulu kala,

dalam wujud-Nya tak berupa,

... Nanti,

Di saat Ia menunjukkan diri-Nya,

Ia akan bertanya dan berkata,

“Mana Raja-Raja dan Penguasa yang dahulunya jadi Tumpuan kalian? Mana?

Adakah mereka membela?” Ah, Dua tempat itu... Surga, Neraka itu... Bila ada manusia kembali dari situ,

Tentu tak akan diturunkan-Nya Al-Qur’an itu,


bagai Lentera Terang yang tak bisu,

bagai Selimut Hangat di kala malam yang membeku...


Karya: Syayid S. Sukandi Padang, 28 Juni 2019 / 24 Syawal 1440 H

“Maka Allah menimbulkan kemunafikan pada hati mereka sampai kepada waktu mereka menemui Allah, karena mereka telah memungkiri terhadap Allah apa yang telah mereka ikrarkan kepada-Nya dan juga karena mereka selalu berdusta (77). Tidaklah mereka tahu bahwasanya Allah mengetahui rahasia dan bisikan mereka, dan bahwasanya Allah amat mengetahui segala yang ghaib (78)” - Al-Qur’an, At-Taubah.


Lampung and Banten. Tsunami.

All of sudden. No warning at all.

In what way I could be in denial to Your Power, Oh Almighty Allah? This earth and this

universe, including this body I have are Yours.

Please forgive us.

We, humans, sometimes do things that provoke Your anger.

You created us, and You can take us, anytime You want.

Please forgive us.

Please protect us from the

flaws that we do.

Please open those hearts of people who still do actions that damage the essence of life in togetherness.

You created us in different conditions and in such different looks, and different ways and hows to get to know Who Created All This? Earth?

This Nature? Please forgive us. (I wrote this poem to invite solidarity of all Indonesian brothers and sisters to have more care for each other, starting from your own family, then to your nation)

Padang, September 25, 2018.



To those

who chase a dream of an empty hollow

It’s a long long way to go if you want to work as a government employee, here, in this country.

The question is, “Who are you?


“Why should you be selected?”

I would rather work for common people

instead, the civilians.

The wound is still there. I will still do my best for nation and country, but I would think twice if it is for government, where greedy and images

I am sorry. One day, maybe,

I am getting nowhere, for social status

that seems to be a fantasy, but I still have honor. Dignity.

Only the Brave knows it, while the kings,

could defy it

for selfish reasons.

In the world

where truth and lies play a game,

I would stand in the corner where hearts meet kindness and smile

Only God, the Creator, knows it



Pagi ini, 1440 Hijriyah, bergantinya waktu, ukuran tahun

Tahun Hijriyah, tahun umat Islam di dunia

Setahun masa pun berlalu sudah,

Amal-amal, di antara pahala dan dosa pun, telah tercatat,

Akan terbaca kelak di akhir masa

Bumi yang terbentang luas, bukti karya-Mu Sang Maha Pencipta,

Engkau cipta manusia, berikut segala rupa kebutuhan mereka,

Pun rezeki telah Engkau susun,

bahkan ketika mereka masih di alam-Mu Detik demi detik begitu cepat berlalu,

Terkadang diri lupa, Memahami betapa lemahnya diri ini,

ingin berpahala, namun hati berselimut riya’,

betapa diri ini lemah tanpa-Mu,

jauh di lubuk hati, terasa begitu banyaknya dosa-dosa, hanya Engkau yang tahu, Ampunan-Mu pun adalah segala-galanya

Ia yang penuh kasih, selalu memberi cinta



Pada manusia, siapa saja Cinta-Nya tak terbatas waktu,

Tinggi serta agung sealam semesta

“Ya Allah, diri ini penuh alpa,

sering lupa,

tiada daya dan upaya tanpa-Mu,

ku mungkin tak pantas masuk surga-Mu,

namun ku takut masuk ke neraka-Mu,

mendengar saja aku takut, apalagi melihat azab-Mu yang pedih,

Rasa terima kasihku, mungkin tak cukup untuk-Mu,

Kasih-Mu, Sayang-Mu, tak terhingga,

Hanya Engkau yang bisa mengampuni dosa-dosaku, Wahai Sang Maha


Mohon ampuni aku dan keluargaku, ya Allah. Aamiin”


Syayid Sandi Sukandi menikmati Puisi sebagai bentuk karya yang indah, yang terpantul dari susunan kata yang bersenandung. Ia senang menulis puisi semenjak

kuliah di jurusan Sastra Inggris, Universitas Andalas (2003 – 2007). Ia menyelesaikan

studinya dengan prediket Sangat Memuaskan, dan berprestasi sebagai peraih Juara ke-2 Best Student Award di universitas tersebut. Ia kemudian peraih beasiswa Fulbright untuk studi Master of Arts di bidang English, di Southern Illinois University Edwardsville – Amerika Serikat (2011-2013), dengan prediket Magna Cum Laude. Petualangannya di dalam hidup, sering ia tuangkan ke dalam Puisi.

“We may live forever as the eternal love, but we will die with too much love. Only with love expressed in writing, we may live forever, living beauty to all of our generations” (Syayid Sandi Sukandi).



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Jika mahasiswa mempunyai kesamaan jawaban dalam representasi yang berbeda dan dalam satu konsep permasalahan fisika, dapat dikatakan mempunyai konsistensi representasi, baik

Bahwa sehubungan dengan dengan ditetapkannya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 38 Tahun 2007 tentang Pembagian Urusan Pemerintahan Antara Pemerintah, Pemerintahan Daerah Provinsi

2. memiliki < dari tahun pengalaman kerja profesional yang dipersyaratkan dalam KAK, pemberian nilai mengikuti kaidah interpolasi. nilai jangka waktu pengalaman

(1) Kepala Dinas mempunyai tugas memimpin, merumuskan kebijakan teknis operasional, mengkoordinasikan, melaksanakan kerja sama dan mengendalikan pelaksanaan urusan

Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Amrullah (2016), dengan hasil bahwa kualitas produk, citra merek, harga dan promosi berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan

Dari tabel di atas bahwa penerapan media kartu hitung dalam pembelajaran matematika materi operasi hitung campuran pada siklus I, diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas siswa 65,5