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Positive Self-Presentation and Negative Other-Presentation in Pastor Thomas Robb's Text.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, saya menganalisis

representasi “


dan “


” dalam sebuah teks yang ditulis oleh

seorang pemimpin grup

rasis Ku Klux Klan di Amerika yang bernama Thomas Robb. Saya

menggunakan metode analisis teks dalam proses analisis data.

Thomas Robb adalah seorang pendeta yang juga merupakan

pemimpin pusat dari kelompok Ku Klux Klan, sebuah grup aliran keras dari

Amerika yang memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan praktek rasisme yang

terutama ditujukan bagi kulit hitam. Tercatat dalam sejarah bahwa Ku Klux

Klan sudah melakukan banyak praktek kekerasan seperti pembunuhan,

penganiayaan, pembakaran, dan lain lain.

Dalam skripsi ini, saya mengaplikasikan fitur-fitur



analisis teks, seperti referensi, substitusi, konjungsi, dan kohesi leksikal.

Selain itu, saya juga menggunakan fitur-fitur


, yaitu




, dan


. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan dengan jelas

bahwa Thomas Robb mempresentasikan


secara negatif, dan


secara positif.

Saya berharap skripsi ini dapat memberikan banyak kontribusi dalam

studi tentang rasisme dan juga membuat para pembelajar linguistik tertarik


Maranatha Christian University





1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4 Method of Research ... 5

1.5 Organization of the Thesis ... 5


2.1 Coherence ...,,,,,,,,,,,,... 7

2.1.1 Reference ... 7

2.1.2 Substitution ... 8

2.1.3 Ellipsis ... 8

2.1.4 Conjunction ... 8

2.1.5 Lexical Cohesion ... 9

2.2 Transitivity ... 9

2.2.1 Processes ... 10

2.2.2 Mood ... 11

2.2.3 Theme-Rheme ... 11








"There is a race war against whites. But our people - my white brothers and

sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. That resolution must

consist of solidarity in white communities around the world. The hatred for our

children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day. Stay firm

in your convictions. Keep loving your heritage and keep witnessing to others that

there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order.

That way is the Christian way - law and order - love of family - love of nation.

These are the principles of western Christian civilization. There is a war to

destroy these things. Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain

a sense of loyalty. Repent America! Be faithful my fellow believers."



Table 1. The Use of Personal Pronoun as Reference

Presuming Reference Referring to

But our people – my white brothers and

sisters –will stay…

Pastor Thomas Robb and the white


41 ...my white brothers and sisters – will


Pastor Thomas Robb

The hatred for our children and their


Pastor Thomas Robb and the white


The hatred for our children and their


our children  Pastor Thomas Robb &

the white people’s children

Stay firm in your convictions the white people (including Pastor

Thomas Robb)

Keep loving your heritage… the white people (including Pastor

Thomas Robb)

Pray that our people see the error… Pastor Thomas Robb and the white


…our people see the error of their ways

and regain…

our people  Pastor Thomas Robb

and the white people

Be faithful my fellow believers Pastor Thomas Robb

Table 2. The Use of Substitution

Substitution Substituting for

That resolution must consist of… non-violent

That way is the Christian way… better

These are the principles of… law and order – love of family – love of nation



– love of nation

Table 3. The Use of Positive Words and Their Further Descriptions

Positive Words Further Description

non-violent solidarity in white communities around

the world

Table 4. The Use of Antonymy


Negative Meaning Positive Meaning

(1) There is a race war against… But our people… committed to a

non-violent resolution

(4) The hatred for our children and their

future is growing…

Keep loving your heritage and keep

witnessing to others that there is a

better way

(8) (And) keep witnessing to others…

wicked, socialist, new world order

That way is… law and order – love of


(8) (And) keep witnessing to others…

violent, wicked, socialist…

That way is… love of family – love of



43 violent, wicked, socialist (

Communists other as atheists), new

world order

as Christians) –law and order…

Table 5. The Use of Processes

No. Clause Process


There is a race war against whites existential

2 But our people - my white brothers and

sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent



3 That resolution must consist of solidarity in

white communities around the world


4 The hatred for our children and their future

is growing


5 And is being fueled every single day material

6 Stay firm in your convictions material

7 Keep loving your heritage material

8 (And) keep witnessing to others that there

is a better way than a war torn, violent,

wicked, socialist, new world order.


9 That way is the Christian way - law and

order - love of family - love of nation


44 10 These are the principles of western

Christian civilization


11 There is a war to destroy these things existential

12 Pray that our people seethe errorof their

ways andregain a sense of loyalty


13 Repent America! material

14 Be faithful my fellow believers relational

Table 6. The Use of Mood

No. Clause Mood

1 There is a race war against whites declarative

2 But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will

stay committed to a non-violent resolution


3 That resolution must consist of solidarity in white

communities around the world


4 The hatred for our children and their future is



5 And is being fueled every single day declarative

6 Stay firm in your convictions imperative

7 Keep loving your heritage imperative

8 (And) keep witnessing to others that there is a better

way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new


45 world order

9 That way is the Christian way - law and order - love

of family - love of nation


10 These are the principles of western Christian



11 There is a war to destroy these things declarative

12 Pray that our people seethe errorof their ways and

regain a sense of loyalty


13 Repent America! imperative

14 Be faithful my fellow believers imperative

Table 7. The Presentation of Self and Other in Clauses (1), (2), (3), (4), and


No. Clause Self Other

1 There is a race war against whites. - Negative

2 But our people - my white brothers and

sisters - will stay committed to a

non-violent resolution.

Positive -

3 That resolution must consist of solidarity

in white communities around the world.

Positive -


46 future is growing.

5 And is being fueled every single day. - Negative

Table 8. The Imperative Mood in Clauses (5), (6), and (7)

Clause Command

6 (his people to) stay firm in your convictions

7 (his people to) keep loving your heritage

8 (his people to) keep witnessing to others that there is a

better way than a war torn, wicked, socialist, new world


Table 9. The Use of Theme-Rheme

No Theme Rheme

1 There is a race war against whites

2 But our people – my white brothers and


will stay committed to a non-violent resolution

3 That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities

around the world

4 The hatred for our

children and their



47 5 (The hatred for our

children and their


(and) is being fueled every single day

6 Stay firm in your convictions

7 Keep loving your heritage

8 (and) Keep witnessing to others that there is a better way than

a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world


9 That way is the Christian way – law and order – love of

family – love of nation

10 These are the principles of western Christian civilization

11 There is a war to destroy these things

12 Pray that our people (=theme A) see the error of their

ways (=rheme A) and regain a sense of loyalty

(=rheme B)

13 Repent America

14 Be faithful my fellow believers


Figure 1. The Use of Conjunction



Figure 2. Lexical Strings displaying Repetition & Synonymy


whites Synonymy

non-violent resolution Repetition faithful

Repetition my white brothers Synonymy

that resolution Repetition stay committed

in white communities Synonymy

stay firm

Figure 3. Lexical String displaying Theme and Rheme Patterns

There is a race war against the whites

theme (1) rheme (1)

theme (4) rheme (4)

theme (5) rheme (5)

theme (11) rheme (11)

theme (12) rheme (12) = theme A rheme A



But our … and sisters will stay committed to … resolution

theme 2 rheme 2

theme 3 rheme 3

theme 6 rheme 6

theme 7 rheme 7

theme 8 rheme 8

theme 9 rheme 9

theme 10 rheme 10

theme 12 rheme 12 = theme A rheme B


1 Maranatha Christian University




The United States of America is a multiethnic country. The people who

live there come from various countries with various cultures. Thus, a lot of

differences can be found among them. These differences can lead to the

subordination of members of various groups based on their race. Paula S.

Rothenberg states in her book Race, Class, and Gender in the United States


One of the first things we notice about people when we meet them

(along with their sex) is their race. We utilize race to provide clues about

who a person is. This fact is made painfully obvious when we encounter

someone whom we cannot conveniently racially categorize, someone who

is, for example, racially “mixed” or of an ethnic or racial group with which

we are not familiar. Such an encounter becomes a source of discomfort

and momentarily a crisis of racial meaning (14).

This tendency of people categorizing others based on racial differences is the


2 Maranatha Christian University Racism is defined by Martin N. Marger in his book, Race and Ethnic

Relations, as “the belief that humans are subdivided into distinct heredity groups

that are innately different in their social behavior and mental capacities and that

can therefore be ranked as superior and inferior…” (27).

In America, racism has been a major problem since the day America was

founded. One of the undeniable proofs of racism in America was the practice of

slavery in the early days. Besides, racism has often played a central role in

conflicts between groups of people. And yet, it has been particularly used against

minorities such as Native Americans, African-Americans, and many other races.

Among the groups which are promoting and continuing the terrible problem, there

is a group named Ku Klux Klan.

The history of Ku Klux Klan began in the middle of the 19th century. The

group was founded by the veterans of Confederate Army, and the purpose is

solely to react against Radical Republican by attempting to restore white

supremacy in the wake of Civil War. With a lot of records of intimidation and

violence aimed at the colored people and the Jews, the group was prosecuted

under the Civil Rights Act in 1871. However it rose again, reaching a membership

peak of five million in the 1920s. In the times of the Great Depression in 1929,

the group was slowly diminished. During World War II, the group began to revive

because the idea of white supremacy was again popularized by the Nazi. At the

same time, the American society seemed to consciously turn against the group

during this period as never before. As a result, law enforcement agencies were

successful in bringing down the group in the 1970s. The present Ku Klux Klan is

composed of small independent groups that spread all over America. However,

since Pastor Thomas Robb became the head of the group, the group has been


3 Maranatha Christian University

themselves as superior and all too often racism is used “to legitimate the unequal

distribution of the society’s resources, specifically, various forms of wealth,

prestige and power” (Marger 27). White-skinned people of European origin like

them view themselves as innately superior in “intelligence, temperament and

other primary attitudes, beliefs and behavioral traits” (Marger 28). This tendency

is strengthened by the fact that they outnumber the native American and other

races that inhabit America. This fact leads Pastor Thomas Robb, together with

his Ku Klux Klan people, to think that they are innately superior to others and it

creates a thought in their mind of legitimizing the use of power to oppress the


In terms of transparency, it seems quite interesting to study the practice of

Ku Klux Klan nowadays. In the early days, they obviously were very transparent

in practicing racial discrimination, but it was not the same as it is in the present

day. The acting director of the group, Pastor Thomas Robb, and his Ku Klux Klan

people tend to go “soft” in an attempt to be accepted publicly. They try to spread

issues that they have logical reasons why they do so and why they should not be

claimed entirely wrong. For that reason, I analyze the practice of racial

discrimination by Pastor Thomas Robb that is especially targeted at the


4 Maranatha Christian University In making the analysis, I will apply text analysis as the major linguistic

theory in my thesis. The reason why I choose text analysis is that this study

device seems to be very helpful in revealing how the speaker represents himself

and others. The study of text analysis covers structure, diction, and coherence.

The three linguistic areas help me a lot to elaborate my data in order to have

more detailed analyses. Therefore, the significance of my study is to show that

Pastor Thomas Robb is undoubtedly a racist, and why he is the kind of person.

This is my reason for choosing the topic of this thesis. Basically, I am challenged

to know more about Pastor Thomas Robb and the Ku Klux Klan because in my

opinion he, as well as the group, is very interesting to study.

For the data, I choose a speech of Pastor Thomas Robb’s that I have

searched from the Internet. The data I have chosen present a discourse that is

linguistically analyzable. I will first analyze the data in the text by scanning and

detecting anything that is categorized as text analysis. In the process, I use the

subfields of text analysis such as structure, diction, and coherence to elaborate

my analysis. In the end, hopefully, my analysis can be of great help in

contributing more on the study about racism to Indonesian linguists who are

interested in discussing a similar topic.


In this thesis, I would like to analyze the following problems:

1. How is the self represented in the text?

2. How is the other represented in the text?

3. What are the linguistic instruments used to represent the self and the


5 Maranatha Christian University


The purpose of my study is:

1. to know how the self is represented in the text.

2. to know how the other is represented in the text.

3. to know what linguistic instruments are used to represent the self and the



The method used is library research. I begin the research for this thesis

by finding and reading some books that are relevant to the topic discussed. I also

search for some further explanation about the concept of text analysis on the

Internet. After that, I browse and collect the data from the Internet. I mainly focus

on finding the data in Ku Klux Klan’s official website in order to avoid irrelevant

and misleading information. Finally, I draw a conclusion of what has been



I divide the thesis into four chapters. The first chapter is Introduction,

which consists of Background of the Study, Statement of the Problems, Purpose

of the Study, Method of Research, and Organization of the Thesis. Chapter two

contains the theoretical framework, in which I present some approaches that I

use to analyze the data. Chapter Three is the analysis of the text. The last

chapter, Chapter Four, is the conclusion of the analysis. At the end of the thesis, I


35 Maranatha Christian University



In this chapter I would like to give my personal opinions of the findings

that I have got from my analysis in the previous chapter, which discusses the

positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation in Pastor Thomas

Robb’s text through the structure and diction.

I find that in the text, the presentation of the self, which refers to Pastor

Thomas Robb and his Ku Klux Klan, is implicitly positive. In the implicit way,

Pastor Thomas Robb argues that white people are far better than any other

people. According to him white people are in fact the righteous one. It is for the

reason that white people, which specifically refer to himself and his Ku Klux Klan,

are the ones who are righteous in the religious way because they are thought to

hold dearly the principles of Christianity, which are law and order, love of family,

and love of nation.

Besides, he wants to put the stress on the fact that it is the white people

who are on the right track since they are the ones who are in favor of non-violent

resolution. Besides, Pastor Thomas Robb also implies that he and his Ku Klux

Klan are positive people as he tells his people to keep being faithful.

In my opinion, the whole idea of how Pastor Thomas Robb presents


36 Maranatha Christian University imposing perception in the reader’s mind that he and his Ku Klux Klan are

righteous. They, as white people, the chosen race, should be superior to all the

other races. Thus, when related to the background of the text, the fact that the

position of the most powerful man in the United States of America falls to an

African-American, a non-white man, such as Barack Obama, really bothers him.

That is why Pastor Thomas Robb writes this text. He wants to confirm his worries

toward what is going on in the country, which, according to him, is at the edge of


In the text, I also find that Pastor Thomas Robb implicitly presents the

other, which refers to non-white people, in negative ways. I find that Pastor

Thomas Robb describes non-white people as a group of people who are wicked

and hateful as they are thought to have the terrible hidden agenda to change the

whole system of the entire world by first destroying the written laws of the United

States of America, and then creating a new tyrannical world government.

Moreover, non-white people are also thought to have an intention to destroy the

elements of Christianity, which again leads them to the suggestion that they are

atheists. I also find that it is the non-white people who are bad people because

they are warlike and sinful. I also find that non-white people are also thought to

be all atheists and that is just an obvious indication that confirms that they are

bad people because in the eyes of the writer, Pastor Thomas Robb, who is a

religious man, people without God are undoubtedly negative. In my opinion, this

whole idea of how Pastor Thomas Robb presents the non-white people in

negative ways is for the purpose of creating the perception in the reader’s mind

that people other than white people are cruel and bad people. It seems that there

is no goodness in them because everything about them is negative, and thus


37 Maranatha Christian University In the process of analyzing the text, I apply the linguistic tools of text

analysis such as coherence and transitivity. In terms of coherence, I use

reference, substitution, conjunction, and lexical cohesion. Specifically, in lexical

cohesion, I use repetition, synonymy, and antonymy to analyze the text. In terms

of transitivity, I use all the three sub-fields: processes, mood, and theme-rheme.

In processes, I find the material processes, relational processes, and existential

processes in the text. In mood, I find the text is filled with declarative clauses and

imperative clauses. In theme-rheme, I manage to link the theme and the rheme

of every clause, which leads me to two most important messages of the text,

English grammar, both the structures and the functions, holds a key role to digest

what the text is all about. It is because the mastery of English grammar helps me

to figure out the meaning and the function of the text. Figuring out the meaning

and the function of the text can lead to the representation. Then, the

representation of the self and the other, which is the main topic of my thesis, can

be revealed.

Besides, I also find that the general knowledge about politics, history, and

faith is important in order to analyze the text. In the knowledge of politics, I can

figure out what the term new world order is. Through the knowledge of history

and faith combined with politics, I can figure out how socialists link to

communism, and eventually to atheism.

In my opinion, the topic of my thesis, which is about the issue of racism,


38 Maranatha Christian University groups such as Aryan Nations, the National Alliance, National Socialist

Movement, and so on. Those groups have the same view as held by Pastor

Thomas Robb and his Ku Klux Klan because they are also racist groups that

project their hatred toward the non-white people. Thus, I do hope that my thesis

can be of benefit to further study of text analysis, particularly to representation in


39 Maranatha Christian University



Alvarado, Manuel, Robin Gutch & Tana Wollen. Learning the Media. London:

Macmillan, 1987

Halliday, M. A. K. and Ruqaiya Hasan. Cohesion in English. London: Longman

Group Limited London, 1976

Gerot, L. and Peter Wignell. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney:

Antipodean Educational Enterprises, 1994

Marger, M. N. Race and Ethnic Relations: American and Global Perspectives.

Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1991.

Martin, J. R. and David Rose. Working with Discourse. London: Antenaeum

Press, 2007

McCarthy, M. Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2009

Rothenberg, P. S. Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. New York:

Worth, 2007.

Electronic Publications:

Welcome to the Ku Klux Klan! Ed. Thomas Robb. 2009. 9 July 2009.


Table 2. The Use of Substitution
Table 3. The Use of Positive Words and Their Further Descriptions
Table 5. The Use of Processes
Table 6. The Use of Mood


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