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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Selanjutnya "


Teks penuh





I 1J DO /INDO! IA 0 IL ROJECT G f 1 83

Yom: .I;,xcellency

I have ' he ho our to infor you tha it s the

in ention o the Gover e t of

Gr a" イゥエ セ@


and ort· e ·n Gover ent of In ones

(he ·einaf "e1· re ·e re ,o

o contr 'bu ,ions tolar the co

c a'n oo s wholly pro uc




' t · gdo Hィ・セ・ゥョ。ヲエ・イ@ re

certain ウ・イセセ」・ウ@ per o · e

e in do ( er

") . T e


c s


he 'ted K' do of

0 e available to

0 a

s II

ant•) co sist'

0 t e ーオイ」ィ。セ・@ of

sup ed ro t e

o as 11

oo s")

p r o s no ally re t


0 e


.., .



4 .

Go r

c v ...

0 . 0






h 」ィセ@ s

hich are _ "' able in acco t..., s t; out · ' his o . r ,

he Co r ct 0 I 0 b

(he ei e r e v


Co any


h v

c a




\ ᄋN セNセィ@ the

ace or

0 '


c d

. ... .. . ... / -

3-ess .

ce \•"th


The xt o the Co ac .h Loan ee セ ョエ@

s p oved by the Gover e t \>T . ll ot b amen e ' i tbout the pri.or · pproval of y Gover nt ' s Overseas Develop en ,

A .inist ·ation .

6 . The i ple enta . .:.on cf t

to for part of a project for th

Con :act セウ@ inte · d

·i anuf ct

eli very and ovel:all con rol o - alls an thei..,..

セウッ」ゥ。エ・、@ equi ent o us at the 0 「ゥャセ@

C,· セ ョ・ L@ an supervis'on o latio and

co ine; operat · ons to lann · an su er

v on of all trainin se セゥ」・ウ@ (he einafte ref rred to

s 11the ーイッェ・」エBI セ@ Your Govei· ill ensu.r·o ,he

rov' sio of such finance ad · t · o a)_ to the r · t as ay

be qui ·ed .o co plete Jhe pro · c , incl1d · he urc· ' S

to be ade under he co セ@ act .

7 .



il- be

to the exte t to

cnt otherl•ise 1

a e in ccor ce

0 5 .. 0



e t

0 i

o ifies your

t ' e ran ,

p ·agra_ s


Subj c 0 t' e to - 1. . ' "' s eci 'ie in

ph 3 of th ' s ote bj ct to paragr phs "" ,.


16 an. 17 of this 0 r in ·ro th· ran-c to a

total not excced.in ...:A- ,4;6 , ill be applied to certain payments as spec ·.ri db 10\ :

i . on the co in · エセ@ operation o the arrange ・ョセウ@ set ou . .his .o , , :r·

ihen the concli tio s ticle '1 of ·he

Contract d Clause 4 o the Loar.

.. ee ent relat · to h ir co in i to

e!fect have be .n fulfi led (apar.. 'I:o . any require ent therei tha this pa,ymen

shail '1ave been ad( , , hicheve -· the

latest • •• ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • . 2 , 876 , 250

Hゥョ セセ@ .rdance ' th Ar icl' c . 1 of the Contract) .

and thereaf ·er

ii . on ship .ent of oo .. in acco""dancc \'Ti "th Article 6 . 2 c• r ct certain other

payments -co a to al valu not exceeding 1 , 558 , 928 •



Th rant .:.1 0 e cost

c 0 0 u . s directlJ

or · ·ectly OS by jour e

'1 • Goo c -lill be sh ·.ppe an s ·e acco:::-dance

oral co ere · · co v e ts .

I • or er th b ro the

. -our Gm.r 00



. 0




r co_y 0

-v ,

0 0







6 .

refer:red to in Appendix A to ote and


ll furnish

a speci e ,.. · ;natu: e ·.n duplica e o r,' such 0 .. ('



C j 'E. extent that Lhe CrO\m aァG セ@ " ' , c セ ゥョァ@ on

bel of y o rnmeJ , "'.Ccept; :

a . a request ,. '"' thE v ( • • セ@ <J ,... · fo:r: a payment in accordance 'ith p· ""SBraphs 8 an ,. "" of this


b . tl " '"(; 3nt is to be a e o · char es

incurred oy your Governme t under paragraph


of this Note

-":he Government oi the Un セ エ・、@ Kingdo \'li 1 , on receipt

oi' the r ャ セ@ •st fron the CrO\'In A en -s actmg on behalf o ....

you1· r n rnmE セ@ I n the ·or ·e , out J..n para.e;raph 3 o.r Appendix A to this E ote , ake pa e セ ウ@ in stei.·ling ... セ ッ@

A. ,. •

UJ.. • •

<' .mt and each such p

on c· ,.. rant .

e t i .l cons itute a

1 ' • Unless my Gover en I no ,ifies your 'r•J., r c .; othe1· :... in writing , N ィセ@ last date or payment into the

Ac t;ow "G opened in accordu (:\... i.th 1 aragraph 11 o.r t h t s

Tote uill be 3'1 July 1984.


1.) . SS zy uOV

othe is in triv · e セ イ@

u e · s -ovide l p of ote only

ace or to the proce ure""' '"'e out · n parag.·a hs 16

· d 17 belm .

"16 . As soon as oss'.b y v t 0 later

14 a:y o · t e e -· e


Vセ@ paynent ue to l>e a e ·un er th Co a< .; ' :-m.u: Gov r en . ill rov e the Cro A e co e o4' the si ne

r ct an ZBNセッ@ '


hose o be

a e unc..e-r:- ... h Co trac . ay be

the rant , h 0 he ccount ' ' 11 be



recei l J.., t;he Cro t o ·

-i . a laynent Ce · N セ@ ·· c ce ro .ho Contractor

in the 0!' se ou pe セ@ B to t is ote

an the doc en ,"' r ·e r ther J as

appro iate;



y oc a 0


s req i ... e · by ' e

cッョエイセ」エ@ in su - or 0 t request ;

iii .


「セ@ rer • セィ・@ or set out in

p end ' y


0 his 0

iv . su<.:h o er relev oc entation. as "


-:t·easonab1y be ・アオ」セ@ c by he Cro\m Aca r•






17 . aymen oi' sterlin char es payablP- in the

セ@ セ イ、@ Kingdo the Cro ·n en , .c; in ·es'9ec t ..) セ@ t hei i.·

servi ces on 「・ィ。ャセ@ of your Gover ent in conneL


th che g.I:aJ "u , ',he Cro\m A e s \'"i l l deb . t tl e Acc ount fo1· these payments and \vil l

the a!Ilounts so debited .

· o · your Gover ent o セ@

1 • Yow: Gover ent ill ensUI.·e that a sum

crlin equivalent to any s out of the Accoun ,

and refunded by the Contr c o or a ar tor , ·het er

to . m · Gover en :J • nc J , o tho Cro

fo creditin to セィ・@ Acco .t .

1 _ • 1y gッカ・イセ・ョエ@ has che r t to ·ecover any s s

re aining in the Account 0 ei· ) of six onths



ore . The Cro\ln A e ts i l l ·e to y Gov ent

any s .r·e ainin in the ceo six onths ··te he

d te in o.ragraph 1 0 0



I the even 0 "" 00 s rv c s to be

rov d un e the Co 0 so roy

zy-Gover e s


0 0 . o

Gove c an in ec of

C'! ch 00 s e ·vic o . 0 ov


/ - - セQ N@ 1y



Your Gover e ·i:.l o.l ... uO




e vic s or c e c 0

F'll be e P oye or o· ·o h..:.c· by

ro 'o!' s lo · s

" ei 30 I the eve

0 uUC ot b to b


so e loy

Gove ·n e t o r cove · for .h i .

セ イッ@ 0 h ount dr

··.r·o h gi' or

23 .

Your Gove 'L _ ·e that y Gover c I ,.

· ut;horised pe ·sonnel s


e per ·_t .e ex inc

on " l' _\Tal ;my 00 s the Erant <md 0

visit :my site on Phich 0 '!'ro the rant ie to


1 .

「セ@ or ' s bein done , an ' · ill furni h such :ne . --onnel

11 • th such infor at ion as re ards th Co tra1 --he

pro ross of · or and i .. s financin a " t ' oy

24 . I 4

' the arrange ents set o · above are acce table

to your Gover c t I have the ho o to s ウセ@ ᄋ ィセエ@

ot , your re_ y o · l a... ff < ill lac o

the un e of our v o Gov e ts this

hich il. セカ@ e into o e a o on he d · te ッセ@ your re ly or the date o hich the Lo A r e ent is e by bo h arties cc .., ned , \·hicheYer "te ·.s th ... ater

an \ · 1 be refer:; t: •. 110 as "the · te dorl/I o esia 0 bi in roject Grant 1 8311

I avail v .lf of ' セ@ o portunit;y to enew to your

Excello -" .,he assurance of ;zy hi hest consideration .


D ar J.Jirs ,


1 . co yo


c c

e cc )



2 .

ayments into .h 」セッ@

to e by the Gove

ceipt of Requests fo1· Dr i 1 be



a c .•. .'ro

kセョァ@ o 'ollO\ in

t e



'hich you are 。オセィッイゥウッ@ to presel n behalf o the

Gover e ·:: , to the Finance D part e 1t o ,he

OversP.ar J C elop ent · "st t"on of the Gover e t

of the · . <1d Kingdo

'Dear Sirs , セャ・。@ e ay

to the nited Kin. o /I

Grant 1983 aセ」ッオョ@ . • h

e s o1· J e . . . .

one ia 0 bilin Project

sh セL@ セ@ ーセ・ョエ@

into the Acco t , co

Grant . The bal - ce i

titute a dra 1n on the

hand i...; i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

(signed) • • • •••••• ••• • • for tho C1:own Ag{ " c

behe, c f the Government of Indones ·.a" .

The amount c · The Grant to b , a-vm on any one occasion

\ill 「セ@ セ@ N セ ヲ⦅イ セ セlエ[@ together |ゥセィ@ any balance ·hich セ@

be available in t• e Accoru , , o cove ' the ーセ@ eni.;s

ーセッー・イャケ@ due fro he · セ@ セ@ ccordance with the

Exchange o · Totes . I セ@ oss "ble th· · , ·sa result

of refunds referred .o in th :Xchan ·e of l otes ,

payment;s into the Acc01.mt uill also be ade fro other

sources .



J.• t" o Pa,ymcnts :fro the Account ·:tre L;o be ade only in

respect of the amounts fallin due undor the

1 N^LLNセ ⦅ ウ[ N ッョBG@ ッセ@ :md in the :mncr and E Iセ@ ct to the

cond.i tions desc::r:-ibed iz ,. • Exchange of Notes .


-;; .

each onth a detailed s ' atem•:.nt shol'Iing all debits

anc dits to the Accow ... .

6 . You are to send セ ッ@ th Gove ent of the Uni ed

Kin do spec; en si atures o the oヲヲセ」・イウ@ he Crown - gents author;_sed ,o sign Requests for DI:awing on behalf of the Gover e t .

Your charges and comr1 s ions for· actin · ... OUI.'

agents in connectioil with the ,. ' :.. c•hall be chargeable

tc. "' 1 Accoun · •

8 . A co y o this etter has been 。、、イ・ セ ウ」、@ to the Gove1· an· . of , ' i+e

Yours • • 1Lfully'



REF. QセP@ •• •.•••••• ••• ••••••• • •••




GRANT 1983.

I hereby certify that

The payment referred to in the ゥョカッゥカセウ@ listed below , N'hich (or copies o" セ M Glゥ」ィI@ acco pany this c-c ᄋZ[ゥNNBセ」。カ・ L@ is due to l)e

made i 1. respect of aイ エ[ ゥ」ャᄋセ@ r . 2 of the cッョエイセ」エ@ dated . • • • • •• •••.•••

between エィゥセ@ Co ::;;a:>·7· and pセセ ᄋ オウ。ィ。。ョ@ Uegara Tambang Hatubara in

res1 ... セ BG@ of UK goods and UK servicas as defined in the aboYe Grant .

A. InYoicc 1 o . B. 'llalue o (.l.) C. Ar. ':> " l v o (B)



des-CI.'ir t · '"' of d1..., ,;, ... the

Grant gooc a • orks

I ?

"' 11

:'V:'-c"! e s .

i i . The following documr

a . Bills of Ladin ·

are ' \'lhere applicab- セ L@ rLlso enclose


. . .

. .


. . .


. . .

b . F:...·eight .Accounts









. .

. . .





. .



c . Insurance Certificates

















. . .



Inspeccion Certificates

Bank Gua:r:antee

f . Price eG{! 1 ation calculation. -



. . .



. .

Purchaser ' s acceptance certi 'icate



. . .

. . . .



. . .





. .


iii . I have tl e author· y to si.... t ·a ce tificate on bel a" of




. .





. .

. .


. . .





. .


. .






. .






. .


. .





. . .




. . .

ed • • •• • ••••••• ••••••• • • • ッウᄋエセッョ@ e

... ... ... ... ..




Draf o · a Bank Guarantee to be provided fo1· the ーュ ᄋ ー ッ ウセウ@

of parae;rapil 16 iii of the Unit ·• K:,.. do / Indones ·_a 0 bi.lin

Project Grant 1983 by a B3Ilk incor orated in the U i .ed

Kin dom .

0 0



.:; , 1 ( 0


rr o

1 co (h ·ein e r

ccor ance 'th the follo

Co tr ct d..ate

us aha

Cl u· e

6 . 1

6 .2

e ara セ@ b ·

oun o





. . . .

. . . .






. .




e (n c of an ) h reby unco 0

guarantee on r·ceipt t e Cro\




o Ov 0


r ·. v


e : I) ·o

s 11th Co r c o I ) s 0 . th conditio s 0

co c_.ude be wee



Coni., ac .or

:-el vant amount

o · o her ayme t









. . .


. . .




. .

. . .



. . .

. .

. . .



· rrevocably

ents of a 」・イエゥセゥ」。エ・@



o cto ' in

or art of the Concract , th. r

1 ure to fulfiL ..

nt to th Oro

e an of suc.; pro or


o the czymen ,

as is · J v • ... butal>le to ,,oods an services to be rovide

unde · the Or , wt \..! ... culated ac.;e o:r-danGe ui .h

aragraph 3 belm) hiGh tlle Cro ents shall c ertii'y

as not h · ving been so prov'd o to a axiw of the to -al amount o · .. he 。セ@ paymen has been receive by the Contractor .

h-i. s guarantee shall bec.;o e e · ctive on the date o ·

receipt; by he Contractor o · he irst i stalment o ·he

s i aid payment 0 セ@ 2 , 876 , 2 0 (two セ@ i ' , セ@ ight hundre

and seventy six thousru ,, o hundred and .fifty :pounds

sterlin Bセ@ md shall re 。セョ@ valid untiJ. three on ,hs beyond

the antieip·tted last date for the del '.very of all goods

R ld the crformance of al-. serv · c s nnder· thE v 1tr· ct

ᄋセN 」 N@ 30Sept be ' 1 セIッイ L@ i lier , i;he actual las .

· te fo · the delivery of :ul oo t th• per ... or ance

of all ウ・イカゥ」セウ@ under the Co ct , provided .hat ゥセ@ ,he

ッッ、セ@ have noG all bee eliv r , o · the services have

not ru.l been ー・イヲッセ・、@ un er the Con .ract by 30 Se9te ber

1 81., guart , t:;c- shall be e e pon the p1:ior

de and o the Crmm A en, , J·or ro· res i"re periods of

three ·o hs uvtil three onths after such ·ci e as all the ...,oodG

under the Contract have been delivered and al l the SLL . · t セ@

un .er the 」ッョセNセイ。」エ@ hav e been e:r· 'ormed .




3 . The value of this 1 。ョエセ・@ at any time shall be

.:.n sum ill pounds sterling eqm.v len , to the difference


the cumulative oun . of aid paymE :, ade up

tc . · t time ;

ii . the produc t of tb c,, ulative amount of aid

payme!!li made up to that ti e anci the ·.otal

value of U'J{ ァッッ」ゥセ@ de:l i v ei:ed and UK services perfor ed under the cont1:act up to ·.hat ti:r

divided by tie total oods and UK serv-i c es

vali.le of the contract ( ... 1;) , Qセ G U@ , 0 " •

For the pu:r:poses of this par· ra h the total value of

UK goods del:Lvered and UK ヲゥH[イカゥ」[・ セ@ per·fontnd under i;he

cッョエセ ᄋ 。」エ@ be evidenced by a certificate fro the

Crmm Agents , any anow1t s in the G セ@ · ' c: ertifi cate in

:ces1 c o escala't.ion セッ@ be 、ゥ ᄋ セイ・ァ。イ、・、 N@

4 . This g1..:..aran ... ee "hall be construed ·_n accordanc;e ··lith


I have the ho our to ac otle

0 ay ' s a .e concer n a

he cost of equip

0 b. in Co

c u c

v e



0 c Gr 1

v y f 0 0

c of

t 0

..I •

. 0• DDO

Yo · cell cy ' s ote

0 y

e e 0 at t e

cc b· e


0 II

' 0


Garis besar

Dokumen terkait

Metode yang kita terapkan disini yang membedakan dengan tempat lain pengulangan hafalan yang terdahulu, mengulang dua lembaran,m mengulang setiap juz, dalam bahasa

Akuntansi manajemen ditujukan untuk menyediakan informasi keuangan bagi keperluan manajemen.Akuntansi manajemen berhubungan dengan informasi mengenai perusahaan untuk

PETMAN systems include real-time chemical agent sensing capability to detect whether chemical agents can penetrate individual protec- tion equipment while the following

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Briales et al., “Contribution of OqxAB elux pumps to quinolone resistance in extended-spectrum- � -lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneu- moniae ,” Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

Keharmonisan hidup itu juga nampak ketika masyarakat atau jemaat sadar dengan aturan-aturan yang diberlakukan, seperti dalam budaya sasi, walaupun memang aksi pencurian

Melaporkan setiap resiko yang berpotensi terjadi atas setiap kegiatan kantor Cabang pembantu kepada pemimpin cabang induk.. Memantau dan memastikan serta melaporkan setiap