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The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, UNS Solo 2014


Monika Widyastuti Surtikanti English Education

Graduate School Sebelas Maret University monikawidy72@gmail.com

Abstract: In the recent curriculum, curriculum 2013, the government assigned to use the course book “When English Rings A Bell”. However the course book doesn’t accomadate the materials especially for the instructional models to teach speaking skill. Regardless of these urgency, the researcher found out that it is necessary to have video-based supplementary materials to teach speaking skill. This paper describes the development of video-based supplementary materials to teach speaking based on the need analysis conducted in some Junior High Schools in Surakarta. It is R&D study which employed two stages i.e exploration and model development. The final product of this study was a video-based supplementary material entitled “When I Speak English”. The result of the final product try out indicates that the video-based supplementary materials is suitable for teaching speaking for the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 12 Surakarta. The video helps the teacher to give models to the students since it provides some vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation which can support their speaking fluency.

Keywords: video based, supplementary materials, speaking, 2013 Curriculum

Speaking is crucial in a second or foreign language. It is a process which enables people to share information, ideas, and feeling. It is also supported by body language or gestures. In other words speaking is a communication practice that exchanges of ideas or information, between two or more persons, usually at least one speaker (sender), a message which is transmitted, and a person or persons for whom this message is intended (the receiver).

Speaking is an ability to say something which involves the ability in using the words in the correct order, correct pronunciation, right grammatical form, and meaningful context, fluency, and choosing the choice of words (vocabulary) in the process of interpreting and negotiating meaning in conveying messages to establish and maintain social relationship.

The role of speaking skill in the recent curriculum is important. In the curriculum 2013, the students are expected to be more active in raising questions toward the knowledge being learned. The students’ curiousity has to be explored in the process of teaching and learning. It is in line with the principle of scientific approach whereas the knowledge is acquired from the process of observing the phenomena, raising some questions, exploring the theory, constructing the concept, and communicating it. In short the students have to actively use the language in the form of spoken language in order to present the knowledge in a real communication.

In order to achieve the goals in speaking class the teacher should formulates the materials as interesting as possible. One of them is video. In second language education, video materials have proved especially useful for a number of reasons. Video materials provide students with the opportunity to experience the target language in a more natural context (Williams and Lutes 2009 : 2). Video in language learning may mean the use of popular films on video to provide content, and the use of smaller pieces of broadcast documentaries. Video can be used as listening and speaking tool to enhance the students’ language ability (Intajuck 2001: 2).

In line with the above explanation, it can be concluded that good speaking materials should give more chances to the learners in using the language by giving challanging and pleasurable tasks. The materials should also accomodate the aspects of speaking skills namely vocabulary, pronunciation, word order, proper grammar, and fluency. Finally the materials can be applied in their real life as a means of communication.


This is a research and development study or it is known as R&D study. Borg and Gall (1983) states that, in terms of educational research and development, it deals with a process of developing and validating educational instruction. It is aimed to produce any kind of product for educational purposes. The product is developed based on the need analysis and document study in the preliminary stage. The product being developed was evaluated through feasibility test to see whether it is applicable or not.

Borg and Gall (1983) developed some main stages in developing a product in Research and Development study. According to Borg and Gall, there are 10 main procedures in R&D study, namely:



The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, UNS Solo 2014

However, for some limitation and consideration, in this study, the procedures will be simplified into two main stages. Those can be seen in the following table.

Table 2 The Procedure of Study

Stages Activities Purposes Data

Resources Techniques of Data Collection Data Technique of Data Analysis

1. Exploration - Library

Research - Field


To study the related theories and the existing materials to speaking for grade VII Journals, textbooks, English teachers, students, and documents. Library research, classroom observation, interview, questionnaire, document analysis. The available materials and the implementation of teaching English in grade VII Descriptive qualitative analysis Prototype development Expert judgement

To produce a prototype of the video based supplementary materials

To validate the prototype Product spesification Product spesification Need analysis data Expert judgement sheet The prototype form of the supplementary materials to teach speaking

The result of expert judgment sheet Descriptive qualitative analysis 2. Model Development

Field try out To get the

feasibility of the video-based supplementary materials English teachers, students Classroom observation, interview. The implementation of the classroom activities provided in the supplementary materials Descriptive qualitative analysis Findings

This is a research and development study or called as R&D. There are two stages used by the researcher in developing video-based supplementary materials. They are: exploration and model development. In exploration stage, the researcher saw the quality of the materials to see whether they have met the competence standards. Also, she conducted need analysis in order to know what kind of materials should be added. After knowing the quality and the students’ need the researcher made the prototype draft before it is consulted to the expert in TEFL field.

Model development stage is the stage whereas the video-based supplementary materials was tried out to the teacher and students. The feedback toward the supplementary came from the teacher and students as the user. The data were collected using questionnaire and interview.

1. Exploration

Based on the Minister of Education Regulation number 71/2013 (Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia nomor 71 tahun 2013), it is assigned that the book entitled “When English Rings A Bell” (WERB) is used as the course book in English subject. The government has provided the course book that should be used by the teachers. There are two versions of WERB provided by the government in which student’s book and teacher’s book. The content of WERB is quite interesting. It contains many colorful pictures and some exercises.

However, the materials provided in WERB are limited. According to the interview involving three English teachers of SMP Negeri 1, 4, and 12 Surakarta, they said that WERB has limited materials. They had to find another teaching resources in order to add the materials in teaching English. WERB does not accomodate the four skills of language, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In teaching speaking skill, especially, the English teachers said that they need models in teaching speaking in terms of models of conversation in transactional and interpresonal dialogue and also spoken descriptive text which are not provided in the book. Therefore, the materials are needed to be developed in order to reach the basic competence. It leads the researcher to develop the materials to teach speaking skill.

Moreover, the result of questionnaire given to the students of SMP 1, 4, and 12 Surakarta, they said that the speaking materials provided in the book are too simple. They needed more materials to support their learning



The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, UNS Solo 2014

in speaking. The students also said that they wanted to have interesting speaking materials in order to raise their motivation.

Based on the above result, the researcher formulated the prototype of the product named “When I Speak English” course book. It was video-based materials. The video contains some daily conversation based on the basic competence stated in the syllabus.

2. Model Development Field Try Out

After getting feedback from the expert, the prototype was tried out in the classroom to get the feasibility. It was conducted with the participation of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 12 Surakarta. The supplementary materials was studied by the English teacher before it was implemented in the classroom. Before conducting the teaching and learning activity, the researcher and the English teacher were involved in an informal discussion to syhncronize the perception about the materials.

The result of data findings were gathered from 1) Teacher’s interview, 2) Teacher’s questionnaire, 3) Students’ questionnaire, and 4) Observation. The details of data findings are described as follows:

1) Teacher’s Interview

The teacher was asked to give opinion about video-based supplementary materials. The teacher said that the video-based supplementary materials are suitable to enhance the student’s speaking skill. It provides some language mechanic such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. The teacher said that the videos are good tools to give models for the students.

2) Teacher’s questionnaire

Based on the teacher’s questionnaire the video-based supplementary materials were good materials for junior high school students grade seventh. However, there were still some considerations that should be met. They were the duration of the video and the variation of the speaking activity.

3) Students’ questionnaire


The number of students who joint the try out were 30 students. The result questionnaire was figured in the below table.

Table 3

The result of the students’ questionnaire

No Description YES % NO %

1 The video-based supplementary materials are interesting

28 93 2 7

2 The video-based supplementary materials improves the students’ motivation to speak English

25 83 5 17

3 The video-based supplementary materials can improves the students’ speaking skill

(vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency)

24 80 6 20

4 The duration of the video is sufficient 27 90 3 10

The above table shows that 28 students argued that the video-based supplementary materials are interesting for them. 25 students said that the materials can motivate them to speak. While 5 students said that they did not motivate to speak after learning using the materials. 24 students said that their mechanic system of language improved significantly. While 6 students said that their speaking skill did not improve. The duration of the video was sufficient as said by 27 students while 3 students said that the duration was a bit too long.

4) Observation

The try out was held in the 7-D grade in SMP Negeri 12 Surakarta. Based on the observation, the researcher found that the students were enjoy the teaching and learning process using the video-based supplementary materials. They really paid attention while the video was displayed by the teacher. The students also join some speaking activity enthusiastically.

Evaluation and Revision

During the field try out, the researcher took her role as the observer to see whether the supplementary materials worked well in the classroom or not. The researcher observed the English teacher and the students. To know the feed back from the English teacher, after each field try out, the evaluation section was carried out



The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, UNS Solo 2014

involving the students, English teacher, expert, and the researcher. The information collected from the evaluation was used to revise the prototype.

Through the product evaluation, the researcher was able to formulate the strenght and weaknesses of the prototype. In the revision section, the researcher did some changes to the prototype based on the need of the English teacher.


As it has been mentioned earlier that the purpose of the study was to develop video-based supplementary materials to teach speaking skill. This development was based on the weaknesses of the 2013 curriculum course book entitled “When English Rings A Bell”. As mentioned in the basic competence, the students are asked to produce spoken and written text based on the theme on each chapter. The final product of this research entitled “When I Speak English” provides speaking materials for seventh grade students.

Based on the need analysis, some teachers coming from SMP Negeri 1, 4, and 12 Surakarta said that they needed models to teach speaking in which give the students example on how to pronounce the vocabulary and structure of sentences. It is in line with Williams and Lutes (2009) who states that there are some benefits in using video as a teaching tool.

a. Video materials can focus on information that cannot be readily presented in atraditional calssroom because of constraints such as size, location, costs, etc.

b. Video materials present the same target structures and vocabulary in anew medium that allows for core repetition of the target language before learner attention is diverted or lost.

c. Video materials are excellent method of exposing language learners to language used in a wide variety of contexts because of the variety of selections available.

d. The students have the opportunity to observe more authentic materials

However, “When I Speak English” video-based supplementary materials still had some weaknesses. This material could not be used in every schools because it depended on the equipment such as computer, laptop, LCD projector, and loud speaker. The teacher should also modify the speaking activity in order to make the atmosphere of the class alive so the goals of the teaching and learning can be achieved.


To summarize, the video-based supplementary materials tries to provide both the teacher and students the materials to improve the students’ speaking skill based on the 2013 curriculum. It was developed from the weaknesess of “When English Rings a Bell” course book and also the students’ need.


It is hoped that “When I Speak English” video-based supplementary materials can be used by the English teacher of the seventh grade students in Junior High School as the supplementary materials in order to achieve the basic competence in speaking skill. The researcher also hopes that this research can be the references to others researcher in conducting the same study with the different point of view.


Borg, Walter R., Gall, Meredith D. (1983). Educational Research: An Introduction. New York: Longman

Intajuck, Yonguth. (2001). Maximazing the Utilization of Video in the EFL/ESL Classroom. Retrieved from http://www.researchgate.net/publication/239582060_Maximizing_the_Utilization_of_Video_in_the_EF LESL_Classroom

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). Modul Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 71 tahun 2013 Tentang Buku Teks Pelajaran dan Buku Panduan Guru untuk Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.

William, R.T., & Lutes, Peter. (2009). Using Video in ESL Classroom. Retrieved from www.takamatsu-u.ac.jp/library/06.../kiyo/no48/001-013_williams.pdf


Table 3The result of the students’ questionnaire


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