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THE USE OF PICTURE SERIES TO WRITING SKILLS MASTERY OF PROCEDURE TEXT (Experimental Research of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg, Pucakwangi, Pati in the Academic Year of 20172018) A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examine


Academic year: 2019

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(Experimental Research of the Ninth Grade Students of

MTs Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg, Pucakwangi, Pati

in the

Academic Year of 2017/2018)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)


Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



NIM. 113-13-053







َّ دَجْنَم

َّ دَجَو

“Barang Siapa yang Bersungguh-sungguh, Pasti akan Berhasil”



The writer dedicates this graduating paper to:

1. For the writer’s father (Mr. Shohib) and the writer’s mother (Mrs. Rustini)

who always supports me, always pray for me, and thank you very much for all

materials. My parents are my everything.

2. For the writer’s brother (Moh. Ma’sum) and the writer’s sister (Aini

Rohmatin), thanks for your support, motivation and moral encouragement to

finish the writer’s study.

3. Thanks for honorable counselor (Mr. Ruwandi M.A) who always guides and




AlhamdulillahiRabbil ‘alamin, praise to Allah due to his protection, power,

mercy and blessing which are given to the writer, she could complete this graduating

paper entitled The Use of Picture Series to Writing Skills Mastery of Procedure

Text(Experimental Research of the Ninth Grade of MTs Matholi’ulUlumTerteg,

Pucakwangi, Pati in Academic Year of 2017/2018). Secondly, thanks a lot to Prophet

Muhammad, you are my way of life.

However, this research would not success without others. The writer would to

express special thanks for:

1. Drs. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, the Rector of State Islamic Studies Institute

(IAIN) Salatiga

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd as the Dean Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, M.Hum.,Ph.D.,as the Head of English Education

Department, thanks for your guidance.

4. Mr. Ruwandi M.A., Thanks for your advice, suggestion and correcting my

graduating paper.

5. All lecturers of IAIN (Salatiga), the writer deeply thanks to you all for your


6. Mr. Warno, as the headmaster of MTs Matholi’ulUlumTerteg, Pucakwangi,

Pati thanks for your permission to do this research.

7. Mr. ShodiqulNaim, S.Pd as English Teacher of MtsMatholi’ulUlumTerteg,

Pucakwangi, Pati thanks for your guidance.

8. The writer’s friends in Mrs. Chomsun’s boarding house (Suci Pitaloka,

Mutiara Hikmah and Lia Anggreani) who always give support, motivation for

the writer, and the writer closes friends are Isti Wulan and Sawitri, who

always accompany in process graduating paper.

9. The writer’s friends all members of TBI 2013, especially for class TBI B 2013

thanks for your support.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers.

Salatiga, September18th 2017

The writer




TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v




LIST OF TABLE ... xiii

ABSTRACT ... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Statement ... 4

C. Objective of theStudy ... 4

D. Benefit of the Study ... 5


F. Definition of Key Terms ... 6

G. Paper Outline ... 7

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of the Relevant Researches ... 8

B. Writing Skills ... 9

1. Definition of Writing... 10

2. Strategies of Writing ... 11

3. Writing Process ... 14

4. Notion of Good Writing ... 15

5. Evaluation of Writing ... 17

C. Procedure Text ... 20

1. Definition of Procedure Text ... 20

2. Generic Structure in Procedure Text ... 21

3. Language Features of Procedure Text... 21

D. Picture Series ... 22

1. Definition of Picture Series ... 22

2. Source of Picture Series ... 22

3. Some Roles for Writing ... 27



A. General Situation of MtsMatholi’ulUlumTerteg ... 30

B. Research Approach ... 38

C. Research Method ... 38

D. Research Instrument ... 39

E. Research Design ... 40

F. Benefit of Experimental Research ... 41

G. Population and Sample ... 41

H. Technique of Sampling ... 42

I. Method of Collecting Data ... 43

J. Data Analysis ... 44

K. Statistical Hypothesis ... 45

CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION A. Data Presentation ... 46

1. Pre-test... 46

2. Post-test ... 48

B. Data Analysis ... 53

1. Standard Deviation ... 53

2. T-Test Calculation ... 54



A. Conclusion ... 56

B. Suggestion ... 56




TABLE 2.1 Writing Components ... 17

TABLE 2.2 Criteria of Scoring ... 20

TABLE 3.1 The List of Facilities ... 32

TABLE 3.2 The Organization Structure ... 33

TABLE 3.3 The List of Teacher ... 34

TABLE 3.4 The Profile Students ... 36

TABLE 3.5 Name of Students ... 36

TABLE 3.6 Research Design ... 40

TABLE 4.1 The Score of Pre-test ... 46

TABLE 4.2 The Score of Post-test ... 49



Muzaiyanah, Siti. 2017. The Use of Picture Series to Writing Skills Mastery of Procedure Text (Experimental Research of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg, Pucakwangi, Pati in the Academic Year of 2017/2018). Graduating Paper. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. English Education Department. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga. Counselor : Ruwandi, M.A

Keywords : Writing Skills, Procedure text, and Picture Series




A. Background of the Study

Language is a tool which is used to convey ideas, opinions, and feeling

among people by oral or written ways. Language is very important to express

something or to communicate with other people. In addition to Indonesian,

there is one other language that is often used to communicate with others is

English. It becomes dominant language around the world, and some of the

people use English to communicate with other people.

English is one of the important lessons to be learned by students that

are given any educational level, such as elementary school and upper

intermediate level. In the new era English is popular, ranging from

kindergarten up to university level. In the new era English is used by all

circles, such as students, businessman, and civil servants. English as a foreign

language has important role in Indonesia compared by language countries

others. However, all people especially students must be mastered four

language skill if someone wants to be successfully in studying English:

listening, reading, writing and speaking.

However, the Indonesian students have many problems in learn


high school maybe until in university, but they still have difficulties to

understanding English lessons. They have different ways in learning English.

Some of them there are learn with listening music, with reminder the material,

and there is just read the material. Actually, if students like English lesson, of

course they will get the matters easier. Learning English is so fun.

Based on the writer observation at ninth grade students of Mts

Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg, in their writing skills is law.The main problem at

ninth grade students of MTs Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg is their vocabulary. It is

makes the students can’t arrange the sentences well. As the writer know that

the mastery of the writing skill of the junior and senior high school graduates

is commonly not good. Although they have learned English from elementary

school until senior high school they still face some difficulties in learn

English. When they continue their study to the higher level they must write

well. The writing habit is good for students to expressing their ideas, make

them creative in writing paragraph. The best way to improve their writing is

exercise to write the diary every day. They use their own word, so it makes

them easily to write anything and arrange the sentences.

According to Richard (1997:100), writing is used either as evidence of

successful learning or as a means of learning. Writing is process of thinking; it

means that writing is an activity to express ideas, issues, events, feeling or


Based on Heaton’s statement (1975:146), In learn writing the students

should also master some important of English aspects: grammar, vocabulary,

organization, content, and mechanics. In this case, teachers are supposed to be

creative in developing their teaching learning process to create good

atmosphere, improve the students’ writing ability. The target in writing skill is

the students can write well. So, it is a challenge for the teacher to find a good

ways in teaching learning for students.

Based on the above explanation, the writer tries to implement the

technique in teaching learning process, it is picture series technique.Aschawir

(2014:90), said that picture series are one of alternative technique that can

give some contributions to dig up students’ potential in writing. By

implementing this technique the writer wishes to give new experience in

teaching learning process and have a fun situation in the classroom. Picture

series is one of technique that appropriate to use in teaching writing. The

teacher can help the students to make good writing by some picture with fun

and easy. Picture series is very interesting for students.

Based on all of the above explanation, then the writer interested to

make an experimental research, because the writer wants to know how far the

using picture series to writing skills mastery of procedure text. Therefore, the

writer makes an experimental research with the entitled “The Use of Picture


Researchof the Ninth Grade Students of MTs Matholi’ul UlumTerteg, Pucakwangi, Pati in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)”

B. Problem Statement

Based on the research background of the study above, the researcher has

some problems that can be identified as follows;

1. Is there any difference of writing skills mastery of procedure text of the

ninth grade students of MTs Matholi’ulUlumTerteg, Pucakwangi, Pati in

the academic year of 2017/2018 after they are taught using picture series?

2. Is there any significant difference of writing skills mastery of procedure

text of the ninth grade students of MTs Matholi’ulUlumTerteg,

Pucakwangi, Pati in the academic year of 2017/2018 after they are

taughtusing picture series?

C. Objective of the Study

Objectives of the study are:

1. To find out that there is difference of writing skills mastery of procedure

text of the ninth grade students of MTs Matholi’ulUlumTerteg,

Pucakwangi, Pati in the academic year of 2017/2018 after they are taught

using pictures series.

2. To find out that there issignificant difference of writing skills mastery of


Pucakwangi, Pati in the academic year of 2017/2018 after they are taught

using picture series.

D. Benefitof the Study

The researcher hopes that the result of this research can give

information about the level of students writing skill. The researcher hopes that

the using picture series to improve students’ writing ability will be use full for

all, for the teachers, the students, and the researcher.

1. Theoretically

Giving more information about authentic materials for further

researcher to conduct further researcher with the similar problem of

writing skills improvement.

2. Practically

a) For the teacher

This research can support the teacher especially English teacher

to use this method in teaching learning. They also can apply this new

method for make student feel enjoy without bored in teaching and

learning process.

b) For the Students

The researcher hopes that this research can support the learner to

increase their writing skill. Teaching writing through picture series

will make students fun and enjoy in their teaching learning process,


c) For the researcher

The researcher will understand more about using picture series in

improving students’ writing ability deeply.

E. Limitation of the Study

In this research, the researcher limits the research on writing skill

mastery of procedure text using by picture seriesof the ninth grade students of

MtsMatholi’ulUlumTerteg, Pucakwangi, Pati in the academic year of


F. Definition of the Key Terms

There are some key terms of this research:

1. Picture Series

According to Fauris (2013),picture series are some picture

representing continuous events of a story with important information.

2. Writing Skills Mastery

Writing is one of the best ways to improve the students’ ability

in mastery English as a communication tool. Ruswinarsih (2015:12)

3. Procedure Text

Procedure text has asocial function to describe how something

is accomplished through a sequence of stepsor action (Anderson and


G. Paper Outline

In this section the writer will discuss some part of graduating paper’s


Chapter I presents are background of study, problem of statements,

objective of study, benefit of study, definition of key terms, the previous of

study, and paper outline.Chapter II describes about literature framework

which discuss definition of writing, definition of picture series, and definition

of procedure text. Chapter IIIresearch methodology. It consists of research

setting, research approach, research method, population and sample, sample

technique, research instrument, data analysis and statistical

hypothesis.Chapter IV discuss about data analysis. It consists of data

description and result of the research.Chapter V consists of conclusions and





H. Review of the Relevant Researches

In this study, the writer took review of related literature from the other


Susilo (2014) he conducted a research in line with the current research.

He conducted a research about the effectiveness of using realia media to

improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text (an experimental study

of SMK Saraswati Salatiga in twelfth grade in academic year of 2014/2015).

He concludes that realia media can improve the students of SMK Saraswati

Salatiga in writing descriptive text.

Rahmawati (2015) she conducted a research in line with the current

research. She conducted a research about the effectiveness using authentic

materials in teaching procedure text to improve writing ability (a classroom

action research of nine grade students of smp n 2 banyubiru in the academic

year 2015/2016). She explained that using authentic materials to improve

students’ writing ability at nine grade students of smp n 2 banyubiru in the

academic year 2015/2016 can help the students to remember the information

and the details of the text. In implementation of authentic material method the


Azizah (2015) also conducted a research about the use of students’ recap

strategy to improve writing skill (a classroom Action research of 7 class of

MtsYasinta Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015). In her research, the

research concludes that the use of recap strategy can improve the students’

writing skill of 7 class of Mts Yasinta Salatiga in the academic year


Based on the previews research above, the researcher believes that this

research is defferent from those researches, dealing with the methodologies,

objects, respondents and theme. This research focuses on influence of picture

series to writing skills mastery of procedure text. It is different from those

preview researches because it is experimental research which tries using

picture series.

I. Writing Skills

The term of skill is certain as ability or power. In the other name,

writing skill is ability to express ideas, thought or feelings to other people in

writing symbols to make readers understand the ideas delivered. Writing skill

is specific abilities which help many people to put their ideas into word in a

meaningful form and used to communicate with other people with the


1. Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the four language skills besides listening,

speaking, and reading. It is an activity in arranging words, phrase, and

sentences that is grammatically correct and appropriate with is purposes.

Writing can be defined as the activity to make letters or number on a

surface, especially using pen or pencil.(Oxford University Press,


Byrne (2002:1), explain that writing can be said the act of forming

symbols that have to be arranged, need agreement to use a words form

sentences. It means that writing is a capability of producing a sequence of

sentences arranged in a particular order of linking them in certain ways.

According to Harmer (2004: 31), writing is a way to produce language

and express idea, feeling, and opinion. Furthermore he states that writing

is a process that what people write is often heavily influenced by the

constraint of genres, and then these elements have to be presented in

learning activities.

Students’ mastery in writing required use a grammar and

vocabulary correctly it ways to show their ability in writing. The use

language and process is very important for students which to learn

writing. Students will be interested in writing if the kind of writing is


in writing about the topics that are familiar with them. The example, they

write about touring, their trip in holiday and others.

Patel and Jain (2008:125) said that writing is a skill which must be

taught and practiced. Writing is essential features of learning a language

because it provides a very good means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling,

and sentence pattern. It becomes an important aspect of students’

expression at higher stage. In writing must use a grammar correctly and

must have many vocabularies.

2. Strategies of Writing

Writing as one of productive skills needs a process. Harmer

(2004:4) said that the writing is the stage write goes through in order to

produce something (a written text) before to be a final draft.

According to Linse, (2006:98), there are five steps of writing

process. They are pre-writing, writing, revising, editing, and publishing.

a. Pre-writing

Christine, (2003:41) said that pre-writing is a way of warming

up your brain before you write, just as you warm up your body before

you exercise. It is one of the ways to make relax in our brain before

we write.

Pre-writing is thinking, talking, reading and writing you do


serious; just to remaining a vocabulary how much do you have, and

try to write quickly don’t forget to organized the thoughts.

Pre-writing consists of two, are:

1) Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a quick way to generate a more ideas on a

subject. We simply write down our ideas in phrases or in single

words, not in complete sentences. We do this partly to ‘save

time’, or rather to be quick. The phrases or word can be verbs,

nouns, adjectives, adverbs, or other parts of speech. Barli


Barbara, (1994:54) said that Brainstorming is the way to

generate and collect the idea for writing, this way to produce

many ideas from a group for the purpose of simple enjoyment or

problem solving.

The aim of brainstorming is to make a list as many ideas as

possible without worrying about how writers will use them.

Writers’ list can include words, phrases, sentences, or even


2) Clustering

Karen and Christine (2003:42), said that clustering is the


how writes’ ideas are connected using circles and lines. In other

words, clustering is an activity of describing the ideas.

b. Writing

After finished in pre-writing, the next step in the writing

process is writing paragraph. When write the first draft of the

paragraph, the ideas generated from prewriting used as a guide.

When writing a paragraph, remember to:

1) Begin with the topic sentence that states the main idea.

2) Include several sentences that support the main idea.

3) Stick to the topic-do not include information that does not

directly support the main idea.

4) Arrange the sentences so that the order of ideas makes


5) Use signal words to help the reader understand how the

ideas in paragraph are connected.

c. Revising

Writing for the first time is almost impossible get a perfect

paragraph. After finishing the first draft, a writer must look for ways

to improve it. This way is called revising.

There are some ways to revising a paragraph.

1) Add new ideas to support the topic.


3) Change the order of the sentences.

d. Editing

Richard and Willy (2000:318), stated that in editing, writers

check grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction, sentence structure and

accuracy of supportive textual material such as quotations, example

and the like. When we write for the first time is impossible to get a

perfect paragraph. The first try is called the first draft. The ways to

revise and improve the first draft is called editing.

e. Publishing

Linse (2006:109) stated that publishing is make public. Refers

to putting the writing in a final finished format where it can be shared

with others. Publishing can be a great motivator for young learners.

3. Writing Process

According to Harmer (2003:258) in producing a writing matter,

there is involved and the process can be affected by the content of the

writing, the type of writing, and the medium it is written in.

According to Harmer (2004:5), there are four elements of the

writing process, are:

a. Planning

It is important thing to make a plan before starting to write.

When planning, the writer has to think about three main issues. In the


this will influence not only the type of the text he/she wishes to

produce, but also the language that used, and the information that is

chosen as the aim of the writing for.

b. Drafting

Drafting is the process of putting all ideas and thought in a

piece of paper which will be in the very rough form. This stage needs

an editing for checking the text. It is assumed as the first version of a

piece as a draft.

c. Editing

In this step revising looks at the organization, structure, and

content of the writing while editing looks at the grammar and

mechanic of the writing. This may look very different from both the

original plan and the draft, because the things have changed in

revision in the revision process.

d. Final Draft

Final draft is the end of result from a paper. To produce a

good final and draft result, one of the authors had to changes and edit

his paper.

4. Notion of Good Writing

Barli, (1994:13) stated that paragraph is a group of sentences which

contain relevant information one main or central idea. A paragraph is a


an essay, it generally contains an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Meyers (2005:13).

There are three characteristics of a good writing are follows:

a. Coherence

The Latin cohere means, “hold together”. It also plays an

important role in writing. It plays crucial role in making a paragraph

read well. Sanggam (2008:20-21), said that “To achieve coherence,

the researcher needs to use some transitions, such as however,

although, finally, and nevertheless”

b. Cohesion

The unity is synonymous with oneness. It’s mean that the

unity is expressing the ideas in one paragraph. all sentences in a

paragraph should state on the one thing in the topic sentence.

c. Unity

According to Alice (1981:29), Unity is an important element

of a good paragraph. Every good paragraph has unity, it means that in

each paragraph, only one idea main idea is discussed. The unity is

synonymous with oneness. It means oneness to express the ideas in


5. Evaluation of Writing

According Heaton (1975:146), the evaluation using analytic method

or the impression method elaborate five writing components. They are:

content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.

Table 2.1 Writing Components

Component Score Criteria


Language Use

Good to Average simple



From the previous explanation the research concludes that the criteria of

1. Definition of procedure text

Knapp and Watkins (2005), explained that procedural instructions

such as recipes and directions are concerned with telling someone how to

do something and stages of procedural instructions are goal, material and

sequence material.

Procedure text is one of text types and includes factual text as stated

by Mark and Kathy (1997:3). The purpose of procedure text is to explain

how something can be done. Procedure text is found in the written text in

science field, art and skill, food preparation, manual book of electronic,

sports and training. Basically, this text consist of tips or sequence of steps

in making something or in doing such activity (Djuharie, 2007:38) in


2. Generic structure in procedure text

There are some generic structures in procedure text (Djuharie,

2007;Emilia, 2011) in Ruswinarsih (2015:15)

a. Goal: telling about the aim of activity and predict the conclusion might


b. Materials: materials that needed to make something or to do the


c. Steps consisting steps in sequential order to complete the procedure of

making or doing something.

3. Language features of procedure text

There are some language features of procedure text

Ruswinarsih(2015:15), they are:

a. Using action verb inform of imperative and command, such as; “pour

some water into the glass”.

b. Using simple present

c. Using sequence connector, for example: first, second, then, while,


d. Using number, such as three eggs, four kgs of flour.

e. Using words, phrase or clause which indicate when certain step will be


f. Sometimes using adverb of manner, or words, phrase, and clause

which indicate of how to do something. For example: with the

measuring jug, fill the bottle...carefully....quickly.

K. Picture Series

1. Definition of Picture Series

Picture series is one of the good ways to use in teaching speaking,

writing and reading. Picture series is a series of images that many in the

interest by students to help in the learning process. Many students

interesting with a picture series, they enjoy and easy to understanding the

lesson. Picture series can make the students will be interested in answering

all questions about the picture when the teacher gave an assignment.

Aschawir (2014:90), said that series pictures are one of alternative

media that can give some contributions to dig up students’ potential in

writing. According to Will Eisner in Ali Aschawir (2014:99), explain that

series pictures are as pictures order or pictures sequence. Picture series is

an alternative media to help student in learning process, it can help

improve their skill in writing, reading and speaking skill.

2. Source of Picture Series

There are some ways to find sources of picture which is can use in

teaching learning. From Wright (1989:182-187) that are:


Pictures in newspaper are not produced well, there are some

pictures is bad. However, many people can find an old newspaper

everywhere, and in the newspaper you can find different pictures

depending on the news at the time.

b. Magazine

In many countries these are the major source of useful picture

material of high quality, though they are rarely free.

c. Advertisement and publicity

These include direct mail leaflets, poster, and advertisements in

magazines and newspaper.

d. Holiday brochures

A brochure is a description of an object. Many brochures gave

informationto reader about your residence or other places.


Business brochures

Companies create flayers to let customers know about the items

being offered. Banks and post office can be a good source of general


f. Catalogues

In various countries the catalog is known as a source of


of images every object can be encountered in large stores, such as beds

and other transportation.



There are many pictures in the calendar, usually a fairly large

picture and can be used for the learning process in the class.


Greeting Cards

Most greeting cards use interesting drawing images. The range

of subject is very wide, and in especially event chooses to “say”

something to the receiver. There is greeting card for various

celebrations, and wishing to well if there are other people was sick,

saying congratulation to them which was success.



In the post card of each subject can be a picture. Postcards are

often related with writing so postcards are not just for picture, but

there are some written.


Reproduction of art

Painting, drawing, and art photographs are reproduced on

postcards, greeting cards, calendars, in books, and as separate

available in shops and galleries.


Posters are made with a large size to be viewed from a distance

and can be used in the class.


Wall charts

Wall charts are produced by some institution to explain what is

done in or by institution: how steel is made, how a firm exports around

the world, how to grow rice, how to deal with a road accident, the

journey of a letter.



Instruction for doing something like when cooking or using a

jacket a life usually include an image of how to use it.


Old books

It is same to throw away a book if it contains illustrations. Old

children’s books are a particularly good source of illustrations which

can often charm older student. Old books are often too decrepit or

dated to keep, but they may contain unique illustrations.


Comics and cartoon strips

Comics and cartoon strips created with full picture. Comics and

cartoon strips is a sequential image and written with narrative stories.

Comics and cartoon strips that have been published in drawing with

many various photos.


There are also family photos that are used in the learning

process is usually made in the presentation at the show. However,

there are photos and slides which are not want to save and don’t to

look at.

q. Stamps

Most stamps have pictures of them. The clear way to used

stamps is to say as stamps: where come from, why must choose a

design, how the score, and others. The stamps can put in others cards

and used as “play” cards for group work.

r. Playing cards

There are images in playing cards. The card is made as an early

goal in the learning process and in the learning process teacher uses

images as a medium to achieve the aim of the language understanding.

s. Wrapping papers

Wrapping paper is usually designed with pictures. Repetition of

the design means that pairs of pictures are available.

t. Course book

Usually in the course book have pictures. These pictures can be

used in ways which the author does not suggest.


Of course, it is useful if the teacher has drawing skill and if

there is talented students in the class. However, it is not be artistically

talented in order to produce good picture.

v. Photocopying

Picture can be photocopied, but if they are in copyright, only by

permission. Some countries have schemes whereby schools can

acquire a blanket license for photocopying. In others countries

permission should be obtained from the copyright holder. However,

the photocopying machine may be used by the teacher to make picture,

for example, by photocopying objects such as keys, ticket.

3. Some Roles for Writing

There are some roles for picture series in writing, by Wright

(1989:17) they are:

a. Pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to

pay attention and want to take part.

b. Pictures contribute to the context in which the language is being

used. They bring the world into the classroom (a street scene or a

particular object, for example, a train)

c. The pictures can be described in a objective way (‘this is train’)

or interpreted (‘it’s probably a local a train’) or responded to


d. Picture can use responses to questions or cue substitutions

through controlled practice.

e. Picture can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in

conversation, discussion and storytelling.

L. Minimum Passing Grade (KKM)

1. Definition of Minimum Passing Grade

According to Depdiknas Minimum passing grade is the passing grade

study which is decided by education unit.

2. The Function of Minimum Passing Grade

There are some functions of minimum passing grade, they are:

a. As a reference for teachers to assess competency of learners in

accordance with the basic competence (KD) of a lesson or standard of

competence (SK).

b. As a reference for a learners to prepare themselves in following

learning process.

c. As a target of the achievement material based on SK/SD.

d. As one of the instruments in conducting evaluation learning process.

(Jaya, 2013).

3. The minimum passing grade (KKM) decided by the school at the beginning

of the first year by taking into account:


b. Complexity (identifying indicators as markers of achieving basic competencies)




A. General Situation of Mts Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg 1. Geographical Location

MTs “Matholi’ulUlum” Terteg, Pucakwangi, Pati is an educational

organization under YayasanMatholi’ulUlum. The location is at Jl. Terteg

-Jaken km.7 Ds. TertegKec. Pucakwangi, Kab. Pati. This location was

strategies because this is easy to reach from any direction. It is also

conducive for teaching learning process.

2. The History of MTs Matholi’ul Ulum

MtsMatholi’ulUlum Terteg is one of the madrasah equivalent to Junior

High School (SMP)in the District of Pucakwangi precisely in the village

of Terteg.MTs Matholi'ulUlum was established in 1988 under the auspices

of YayasanMatholi'ulUlum (YMU) which was established in 1988.

YayasanMatholi'ulUlum (YMU) in carrying out its activities based on

Pancasila law and based on AhlusSunnahWalJama'ah.

YayasanMatholi'ulUlum (YMU) in conducting its activities is engaged in

religious, educational, and social fields. In addition, YMU has the

objective of building and promoting the society in the field of education in

order to become a competent, skilled citizen and have responsibility for


To strengthen the management of all types of existing educational

units, on January 6, 2008 based on the decision of the Minister of Justice

and Human Rights of Indonesia YayasanMatoli'ulUlumTerteg Obtained

the latest certificate number as the foundation of education provider

Number: AHU-431.AH.01.02 . Year 2008 on behalf of

YayasanMatholi'ulUlum with Address: Ds. TertegKec.

PucakwangiKab.Pati, zip code : 59183.

YayasanMatholi'ulUlum (YMU) oversees the following education units:

a. Pre-schoolerkinderganten

b. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Matholi'ulUlum was accredited B.

c. Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Matholi'ulUlum was accredited C.

d. Madrasah Diniyah (Madin).

3. Vision and Mission a. Vision

To foster the students which areIslamic, Smart, Diligent, Skills,

Independent and Responsible

“Membina insan yang islami, cerdas, berprestasi, terampil dan mandiri serta bertanggung jawab”

b. Mission

1) Improving the quality for students


3) Fostering the responsible and responsible democratic leadership


4) Developing the spirit of achievement that is creative and sportive

5) Developing a spirit of achievement based on ukhuwahislamiyah


a) Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan bagi warga madrasah b) Membina warga madrasah yang berkepribadian akhlakul


c) Membina kedisiplinan dan sikap kepemimpinan yang demokaratis yang bertanggung jawab

d) Mengembangkan semangat berprestasi yang kreatif dan sportif e) Mengembangkan semangat bermasyarakat yang di landasi

ukhuwah islamiyah

4. The list of facilities of MTs Matholi’ulUlumTerteg Table 3.1

The list of Facilities

No Facilities Number

1 Classroom 4 rooms

2 Teacher office 1 room

3 Headmaster office 1 room

4 Administration office 1 room

5 Mosque 1 room

6 Library 1 room

7 Health room 1 room


9 Television 1 unit

10 Computers 5 unit

11 Sounds system 2 unit

12 Guest room 1 room

13 Cupboards 2 unit

14 Teacher’s table 4 unit

15 Student’s table 53 unit

16 Student’s chair 106 unit

17 White board 4 unit

18 Announcement’s board 2 unit

5. The organization of MtsMatholi’ulUlumTerteg

The Organization Structure of MtsMatholi’ulUlumTerteg is:

Table 3.2


No Name Status

1 Wasito Head of Yayasan

2 Parmin, S.Pd Staff

3 Warno, S.Pd.I Headmaster


5 Sutaman, S.Pd Staff

6 Sutaman, S.Pd Staff

7 Supeno, S.Pd Staff

8 Rumiadi Staff

9 Subari Staff

10 Parmin, S.Pd BP/BK

11 A. Budi S. U, S.Pd.I Staff

12 Satib, S.Pd Staff

13 Rumiadi Staff

14 SitiJumiatun, S.Pd.I Staff

15 Sukahar, S.Pd.I Staff

16 NurulKhoiriyah, S.Pd.I Staff

17 Sukahar, S.Pd.I Staff

6. The List of Teacher

Table 3.3 List of Teacher

No Name Jabatan

1. Warno, S.Pd.I Headmaster

2 Rumiadi Teacher


4 Parmin, S.Pd Teacher/BK

5 Satib, S.Pd.I Teacher

6 Sutaman, S.Pd Teacher/

7 Mustopa, S.Pd Teacher

8 Suyono, S.Pd Teacher

9 Subari, S.Pd.I Teacher

10 Supeno, S.Pd Teacher

11 Suwodo, S.Pd Teacher

12 A. S. Budi U., S.Pd.I Teacher 13 Sukahar, S.Pd Teacher

14 Warso, S.Pd.I Teacher

15 Syaifur, S.Pd.I Teacher

16 Dra. Pariyati Teacher

17 NurulKhoiriyah, S.Pd.I Teacher

18 SodiqulNaim, S.Pd Teacher

19 SitiJumiatun, S.Pd.I Teacher


Table 3.4

The profile of Students

No Class Male Female Total Rombel

1 VII 20 10 30 1

2 VIII 12 15 27 1

3 XI 17 18 35 1

8. The List of Students

Table 3.5 The Name of Students

No Name of Students NIS

1 AG 1124

2 AH 1125

3 AN 1126

4 AK 1127

5 AB 1128

6 ASA 1129

7 AW 1130

8 AFI 1131


10 AS 1133

11 ANL 1134

12 AR 1135

13 DYS 1136

14 DA 1137

15 FA 1138

16 FS 1139

17 HS 1140

18 IM 1141

19 IAN 1142

20 K 1143

21 LKM 1144

22 LPS 1145

23 LM 1146

24 LHAR 1147

25 MF 1148

26 MN 1149

27 NAF 1150

28 RUS 1151

29 RS 1152


31 SI 1154

32 SR 1155

33 S 1156

34 TU 1157

35 YA 1158

B. Research Approach

In this research, the writer uses a quantitative approach. The quantitative

research isolates and defines variables and variable categories. These variables

are linked together to frame hypothesis, often, before, the data are tested upon.

The secondary approach is descriptive. Descriptive is describing how a technique

of learning is applied and how the result wanted can be research. (Muklis,


According to Leedy and Omroad (2001) in Williams (2007:2) said that

quantitative research is “specific in its surveying and experimentation, as it

builds upon excisiting theories.

C. Research Method

The method that will be used in this research is experimental research

with comparative approach. Comparative research is research that comparing one


(Sugiyono, 2008:57). The comparative analysis is done by comparing between

theory one with other theories.

According to Syamsudin and Damaianti (2007:150) in Waluyo

(2014:43), explain that experiment research is a systematic and logic method to

analyze condition which is controlled accurately, by manipulating a treatment,

stimulus, or certain conditions, then analyzing the effect or transformation caused

by manipulation.

The writer used comparative experimental research. As the writer know

that the experimental study used pre-test and post-test procedure that is used to

improve teaching learning process in classroom. The writer just used one sample

for this research. However, she comparing the result of the research. In pre-test,

the writer not used a technique, but in post-test the writer used a technique it is

picture series.

D. Research Instrument

There are two kinds of research instrument are test and non test:

1. Test

Test is some question that have right and false answer. Test is

use to know how far the students’ competence in writing skill before

and after taugh by picture series. The forms of the test is short

question. The qustion is about procedure text. The researcher use

pre-test and post-pre-test as kind of pre-test.


Non-test is a technique to getting assesment mainly on the

characteristic, attitude or personality. The kind of non-test is

documentation. The researcher use a photos as a documentation of this


E. Research Design

To make the data in this research complete and clear, the writer was

describe the experiment resarch as follows:

Table3.6 Research Design No Experiment Research

1. Teacher gave the students pre-test

2. Teacher gave the students treatment (picture series)

3. Teacher gave post-test to evaluate them.

Based on table above, in this research the researcher will apply

this technique into one sample. The methods are teaching writing by

using picture series. There are some steps, the first is pre-test. The

researcher gives pre-test of writing about procedure text. The function

of pre-test is to know the students ability of writing. The second is, the

researcher give the students treatment by picture series. Third, the


collecting and analyze the data from the result of one methods to know

the significant of using picture series.

F. Benefit of Experimental Research

Jannah and Prasetyo (2011:158) said that the benefit of the experimental

research is to measure causes and effect. While, in experimental research the

researcher can manipulate the situation or created the condition of the research

subject. The researcher also can give treatment/ stimulate to the subject of the


This research has benefit to measure the difference between two

variables. While, the researcher compare between two techniques in teaching

learning. So, the result of the study gave the benefit to the English teacher in

using technique of teaching, whereas it is good or not when it would be

implemented to the students.

G. Population and Sample 1. Population

Population is a group of individuals who have the same characteristic

(Creswell, 2008:151). It means the group of human that same characteristic.

Gay (1987:124) explained that “the population is the group of interest to the

writer, the group of which she or he would like the result of the study to be

generalization.” It’s mean that the group of human that interesting the writer


2. Sample

According to Arikunto (2008:116) “Determination of the sample

collection as follow: If less than 100 better taken all until the research is the

study population. If a large number of subjects can be taken between

10%-15% and 20%-55% or more depending somewhat on:

a. The ability of the researcher views of time, energy and funds.

b. Narrow the vast area of observations from each subject, because it

involves a lot of a lack of funds.

c. The size of the risk borne by researchers is risky, of course if sample of

the result will be better.

In this research the researcher take all of the students because the

population less than 100. In this research, the population is the ninth grade of

Mts Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg in the academic year 2017/2018, consists of 35


H. Technique of Sampling

The researcherused a quota sampling as a technique to take sample in this

research. Arikunto (2010:184) said that take quota sample based on total sample

which is decided. In this research, the researcher takes one sample and takes all

the population, because the population is less than 100. So, the researcher takes

all the population of ninth grade of MtsMatholi’ulUlumTerteg in academic year


I. Method of Collecting Data

The method of collecting data can be questionnaire, observation,

interview, documentation, test, etc. In this research, the researcher experimental

research, the researcher used two kinds of instruments in collect data. There are

test and documentation:

a. Test

1) Pre-test

Pre-test is used to find out how far is the students’ ability to write

before using picture series. The pre-test is aimed is to know the students

mastery in writing materials before the treatments carried out. The

function of pre-test is to know how far the students’ ability in writing

before using picture series media applied.

2) Post-test

Post-test is done after the students do the pre-test. The result of the

scoring then is compared with pre-test. The function of post-test is to

measuring the students improve n writing descriptive text after treatment

by picture series.

b. Documentation

According to Hopkins (1993:140) explained that document surrounding

curriculum or other educationalcan illumine rationale and purpose in

interesting ways. The use of such material can provide background


available. The kinds of data documentary that consists of notes, book

transcript, newspaper, magazine, meeting, summary, agenda and so on. In this

research the writer take the documentation by photos.

J. Data Analysis

a. To find out the rate of average of pre-test (x) and the rate of post-test (y) the

researcher use formula:

M: Mean of the students’ score

X: total score of pre-test

Y: total score of post-test

N: the total number of students

b. SD (standard deviation)

The formula used calculating standard deviation is as follow:

SD = √∑𝐷2

SD: Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D: different between pre-test and post-test


c. T-test calculation

After calculating the SD, the researcher will calculate t-test to know is

there any significance or no between pre-test and post-test by the following



0 =







T0: T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

SD: Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D: Different between pre-test and post-tets

N: Number of observation in sample

(Hartono, 2004:167)

K. Statistical Hypothesis

The researcher states the hypothesis as follow:

Ha (Alternative hypothesis): there is significance difference teaching

taught by using picture series

The hypothesis criteria that: if if t0>tt = Ha is accepted. Ha is the alternative




A. Data Presentation 1. Pre-test

Pre-test is used to find out how far is the students’ ability to

write before using picture series. Pre-test was given to know the

students’ ability before given treatment. The score of the pre-test is

as follow:

Table 4.1

The Score of Pre-test Ninth grade

No Name


C O V G M Total criteria

1 AG 15 13 15 11 2 56 Poor

2 AH 17 13 12 11 2 55 Poor

3 AN 18 14 11 12 3 58 Poor

4 AK 19 13 15 12 3 62 Poor

5 AB 18 12 13 13 3 59 Poor

6 ASA 19 15 13 13 3 63 Poor

7 AW 19 12 12 11 2 60 Poor


9 AW 16 15 16 16 2 65 Poor

10 AS 20 19 19 14 3 75 Fair

11 ANL 18 15 17 18 3 71 Fair

12 AR 21 19 17 15 3 75 fair

13 DYS 20 18 16 15 3 72 Fair

14 DA 20 15 17 15 2 69 Fair

15 FA 19 13 12 15 2 61 Poor

16 FS 19 12 12 11 2 56 Poor

17 HS 22 17 16 17 3 75 Fair

18 IM 19 12 14 13 2 60 Poor

19 IAN 17 13 17 17 3 67 Fair

20 K 23 17 15 15 3 73 Fair

21 LKM 20 18 16 14 3 71 Fair

22 LPS 22 18 17 15 4 76 Fair

23 LM 21 15 18 14 3 71 Fair

24 LHAR 22 14 15 13 4 68 Fair

25 MF 16 12 13 12 2 55 Poor

26 MN 20 13 13 12 2 60 Poor

27 NAF 22 17 18 17 3 77 Fair

28 RUS 24 18 16 15 4 77 Good


30 SR 20 16 17 16 3 72 Fair

31 SI 15 12 12 11 2 52 Poor

32 SR 23 17 15 14 3 72 Fair

33 S 18 14 13 12 3 60 Poor

34 TU 21 19 15 14 3 72 Fair

35 YA 22 18 17 15 3 72 Fair

Nx=35 ∑X=232


The calculation of the pre-test:






2. Post-test

Post-test is done after the students do the pre-test. The result of the

scoring then is compared with pre-test. The function of post-test is to

measuring the students improve in writing procedure text after treatment by


Table 4.2 The Score of Post-test

No Name

C O V G M Total Criteria

1 AG 20 18 17 15 3 73 Fair

2 AH 19 17 16 15 3 70 Fair

3 AN 20 15 15 15 3 68 Fair

4 AK 25 19 19 18 5 86 Good

5 AB 19 17 17 15 3 71 Fair

6 ASA 22 18 17 16 3 76 Fair

7 AW 19 17 15 15 3 69 Fair

8 AFI 11 11 10 11 1 44 Very


9 AW 19 17 16 15 3 70 Fair

10 AS 25 17 17 17 3 79 Good

11 ANL 25 17 19 21 3 85 Good

12 AR 24 18 19 18 3 82 Good

13 DYS 23 19 17 18 3 80 Good

14 DA 23 17 18 20 4 82 Good


16 FS 20 16 15 14 3 68 Fair

17 HS 24 18 19 19 3 83 Good

18 IM 22 19 18 17 5 81 Good

19 IAN 19 14 18 16 3 70 Fair

20 K 23 18 16 15 3 72 Fair

21 LKM 23 17 17 22 4 83 Good

22 LPS 26 19 19 22 5 91 Excellen


23 LM 22 17 17 20 5 81 Good

24 L H A R 23 17 16 15 3 74 Fair

25 MF 12 13 10 10 2 47 Very


26 MN 22 16 17 20 2 77 Fair

27 NAF 25 18 18 22 5 88 Good

28 RUS 25 19 19 16 3 82 Good

29 RS 25 18 19 20 4 86 Good

30 SR 24 19 17 23 5 88 Good

31 SI 19 16 15 17 2 69 Fair

32 SR 25 18 17 17 3 80 Good

33 S 18 19 15 15 3 70 Fair


35 YA 23 19 17 22 3 84 Good

Result of Pre-test and Post-test


7 AW 60 69 9 81

8 AFI 57 44 13 169

9 AW 65 70 5 25

10 AS 75 79 4 16

11 ANL 71 85 14 196

12 AR 75 82 7 49

13 DYS 72 80 8 64

14 DA 69 82 13 169

15 FA 61 71 10 100

16 FS 56 68 12 144

17 HS 75 83 8 64

18 IM 60 81 21 441

19 IAN 67 70 3 9

20 K 73 72 1 1

21 LKM 71 83 12 144

22 LPS 76 91 15 225

23 LM 71 81 10 100

24 LHAR 68 74 6 36

25 MF 55 47 8 64

26 MN 60 77 17 289


28 RUS 77 82 5 25

1. Mean of Pre-Test= 66.28

2. Mean of Post-Test =76

3. Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test

B. Data Analysis

1. SD (Standard Deviation)

Based on the data from the table, the writer calculates standard

deviation of pre-test and post-test.


=√144.6 − (9.8)2 =√144.6 − 96.04 =√48.56


2. T-Test calculation

After the writer calculates standard deviation, T-Test

calculations are:

Based on the calculation above, the result of pre-test and

post-test can showed that the average score the students is increased before

and after used the picture series. Students’ score before they are use a


is 76. It means that to master writing skill the use of picture series of

procedure text was significant.

The result of t-test is 8,3. Then it was compared with the score of

the t-table. The table with 5% of significant and the degree of freedom

34 shows 2.03. Thus t-test is higher than t-table, so the test is valid.

C. Discussion

This research was entitled; The Use of Picture Series to Writing

Skills Mastery of Procedure Text (Experimental Research of the Ninth

Grade Students of MTs Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg in the Academic Year of

2017/2018). This was prove that picture series can be used to master

writing skills of procedure text of the ninth grade students of MTs

Matholi’ul Ulum Terteg.

Based upon the finding of the research it could be know that the

mean of pre-test before the research conduct was 66.28. After they are

taught by picture series, the mean of post-test increase and better by 76.

This mean that there is difference of writing skills after the students were

taught by picture series.

In addition, there is significant difference of writing skills of

procedure test because the t-calculation (to)is higher than the t-table. The to




In this chapter the writer present the conclusion and suggestion related to research

finding and discussion.

A. Conclusions

Based on the previous theoretical review and data analysis, the inferences

of this graduating paper are drawn as follows:

1. There is a difference of writing skills mastery of procedure text of the

ninth grade students after they are taught by using picture series. It can be

proven by their pre-test and post-test results. The result of pre-test is 66.28

and post-test is 76. The difference of pre- test and post-test is better, it is

prove by the result of pre-test and post-test.

2. There is significant difference of writing skill mastery of procedure text of

ninth grade students after they taught by using picture series. T-test is 8.3

and t-table is 2.03. T-test is higher than t-table, so Ho is rejected.

B. Suggestions

At the end of this chapter, the researcher would like to propose some

suggestions which hopefully would be useful for the English teachers and



a. It is essential that the teacher knows that one of the factors the

students’ ability in writing is the the method in teaching learning

process. They should be facilitator, controller, and guide all students

who need help when they face the problem of learning in writing. By

using appropriate method the students’ ability in writing will improve

effectively. The result of this research can support the English teachers

to apply this method in teaching writing.

b. The suggest for the English teacher is able to use the picture series as

an alternative technique in teaching writing ability. Writing is such

kinds of activity that is often boring for the students, but it is a crucial

thing for students to gain knowledge.

c. The English teacher is suggested to apply picture series technique in

teaching learning process. They have to be more creative and avoid the

traditional method.

d. The English teacher should choose the materials that the appropriate

and not too difficult for the students.

e. The English teacher should present the language in enjoyable, relaxed

and understandable way.

2. For the Students

a. The students should improve their ability in writing and must pay


b. The students are hoped to be active and creative in enriching their


c. The students should study hard and give attention during the English

teaching and learning process.

3. For the Other Researcher

The suggest for the researcher, based on the finding of research, the

writer would like to suggest the other researcher. The result of the study is

able to be used as additional refference to further research with different



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Materi pembelajaran

a. Procedure text is a piece of text that give us introduction for doing something.

b. Generic structure of procedure text

Goal : telling about the aim of activity and predict the conclusion might


Materials : materials that needed to make something or to do the activity

Steps consisting steps in sequential order to complete the procedure of making

or doing something.

c. There are some language feature of procedure text

 Using action verb inform of imperative and command, such as; “pour some water into the glass”.

 Using simple present

 Using sequence connector, for example: first, second, then, while,


 Using number, such as three eggs, four kgs of flour.

 Using words, phrase or clause which indicate when certain step will be done. For example: when the spot is dry,record the time it has taken.

 Sometimes using adverb of manner, or words, phrase, and clause

which indicate of how to do something. For example: with the

measuring jug, fill the bottle...carefully....quickly

Example of procedure text:

How to Make Lemon Tea


 1 tablespoon Tea Powder·


Table 2.1
Table 2.2
Table 3.1 The list of Facilities


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