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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh



h t t p : / / m a u t i d a k m a u h a r u s m a u . b l o g s p o t . c o . i d /


English Book

Elementary School

Grade 5



Table of Content

Table of Content ………

Chapter 1 ………

Chapter 2 ………

Chapter 3 ………


4 ………

Chapter 5 ………

Chapter 6 ………

Final Test ………













Reading Comprehension

A. Text 1: Read the text below carefully!

William Jones

My family name is Jones and I live in America. My first name is William. I am 30 years old. I take courses in foreign university. I speak French pretty well and a little Japanese. Actually my

native language is English. I have a sister and a brother. My sister’s name is Mary and my brother’s

name is Charles. Mary is a nurse. She works in a hospital. My brother is a university student. He is 20 years old. He likes reading novels and he usually goes to the bookstore every weekend.

B. Memorize the words below!

Family name => nama keluarga First name => Nama depan Take => mengambil Course => Kursus Foreign => asing Speak => berbicara French => Bahasa Perancis Pretty well => sangat baik Japanese => Bahasa Jepang Actually => sebenarnya

Native => asli Language => bahasa

English => Bahasa Inggris Nurse => perawat Hospital => rumah sakit University student => mahasiswa Work => bekerja Bookstore => toko buku Weekend => akhir minggu Usually => biasanya

C. Text 2: Read the text below!

Seasons in Indonesia

Indonesia has two seasons. They are wet season and dry season. In wet season, rain comes almost every day. The weather is cool. While in dry season, the sun shines brightly and the weather is hot.

D. Memorize the words below!



Easy Vocabulary

A. Put cross on the right answer!

1. 'Sad' and 'happy' are__________.

a. Antonym b. Synonym

2. ‘Smart’ and ‘clever’ are__________.

a. Antonym b. Synonym 3. When is the Indonesian Independence Day?

a. It’s on August 17th b. It’s Indonesia Raya

4. What is Indonesian national anthem?

a. It’s on August 17th b. It’s Indonesia Raya

5. _________ to bring no 2 pencil to the test.

a. Don’t remember b. Don’t forget

6. If you want to save your money, you have to go to ________. a. the bank b. the harbor

7. If you want to go to Kalimantan by ship, you must go to _________ a. an airport b. a harbor

8. Mr. Arman is a farmer. He works in the _________ a. mosque b. rice field 9. My mother wears a _________ on her finger.

a. ring b. necklace

10. He is teaching in the classroom. He is a……

a. Teacher b. Nurse c. Policeman d. Farmer

Do you know the muffin man?

Do you know the muffin man?

The muffin man, the muffin man,

Do you know the muffin man,

Who lives in Drury Lane?

Yes, we know the muffin man,

The muffin man, the muffin man,



Modals: Must & Must Not


True or false!

1. __________ You must wash your hands before eating. 2. __________ You must not listen to your parents. 3. __________ You must break the windows at school. 4. __________ You must take a shower every day.

5. __________ You must not eat fruit and vegetables every day. 6. __________ You must feed your pets every day.


Complete the sentences with



must not


1. You ____________ brush your teeth three times a day. 2. You ____________ forget to do your homework.

3. You ____________ be nice to your classmates. 4. You ____________ chew gum in class.

5. You ____________ study hard.

6. You ____________ fight with your classmates. 7. You ____________ play football in the classroom. 8. You ____________ listen to your teacher.

9. You ____________ go to the dentist twice a year. 10. You ____________ hate your friends.

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full;

One for the master, And one for the dame,

And one for the little boy



Don’t & Don’t Be


Memorize the sentences below!

1. Don’t hit your little sister!

2. Don’t slam the door!

3. Don’t play in the street!

4. Don’t be late!

5. Don’t litter!

6. Don’t fight with your brother!

7. Don’t give up!

8. Don’t talk to strangers!

9. Don’t play with fire! Jangan bermain di jalan! Jangan terlambat!

Jangan buang sampah sembarangan! Jangan berkelahi dengan adikmu! Jangan menyerah!

Jangan berbicara kepada orang asing! Jangan bermain dengan api!

Jangan membuka pintu!


Translate into Indonesian!


My house is bigger than your house. _________________________________ 2. My car is more expensive than your car. _________________________________ 3. My mother is older than your mother. _________________________________ 4. My father is taller than your father. _________________________________ 5. I am smarter than you. _________________________________



A. Listen to the tape and write the word!


B. Listen to the tape and fill the blanks!

Questions: Answers:

1. What’s _______________________? My __________________is Jenny.

2. Where _______________________? I come __________________China. 3. Where _______________________? I ____________________in Parramatta.

4. What’s _______________________? My ____________is 54 Pine Street, Annandale.

5. What’s _______________________? My telephone _______________is 9723 4444.

6. How _____________________? I'm _______________________years old.

7. What’s _______________________? I'm _______________________.

8. Are you married? No, I'm not. I'm _______________________. 9. Have you got any children? Yes, I _______________________.



C. Listen to the tape and fill the blanks!

Hue Le

Hue Le is ________________. She is ___________________ years old. Hue studies ______________ every day and her ______________ is Bill Johnson. He is a good ______________. Hue's classroom is _____________. It is on the second ______________ She sits at the front of the ______________. She likes learning __________________.

D. Listen to the tape and fill the blanks!

Life Is Good

I am ___________. I have many _____________. I have a large _____________. I have ____________ brothers and ____________ sisters. I am in the middle. Four ______________ are older than me. Four sisters are ______________ than me. I go to ________________ . I am in the sixth grade. I like my ______________. My teachers like me. I have friends in every ________________. My favorite ________________ is History . I like to read about ________________. History is a ______________ about our past. Soon, we will all be ____________. Then kids in ________________will read about us. I hope they ________________our stories. My best ________________ is Bobby. Bobby and I do ______________ things together. We ____________together. We ______________ basketball together. We ride our ____________ together. I have _____________ other friends. We all go to the mall on weekends. We _____________ to restaurant. We ______________ to movies. We tell jokes. We laugh. We ______________ fun. Life is great.

Imagine a place…

Imagine a place you want to be

Imagine a place for you and me



Reading Comprehension


Read the text below!


My friend, Hendry, is a diligent and smart student in his school. He gets up at 4.00 a.m. every morning. He always goes to school earlier than his friends. He goes to school by public transport and he sometimes goes home by motorcycle with his uncle. He is never absent. After school he usually helps his parents. They have a cloth store beside their house.


Answer the questions below!

1. What time does Hendry get up every morning? ___________________________ 2. How does Hendry go to school?___________________________

3. What does Hendry do after school?___________________________


Read the text below!

The Jackson Family

Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works in Denpasar. He teaches English at SMP 8. He is a very good teacher. His students like him. His wife is an Indonesian. She comes from Medan. They have one son and one daughter. Mr. Jackson’s house is made of wood. It has five rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and two bedrooms. The Jacksons has a house maid to help Mrs. Jackson to do the house work. The maid comes from Bantul.


Answer the questions below!

1. Where does Mr. Jackson come from? _____________________________ 2. Where does Mrs. Jackson come from?_____________________________ 3. What does Mr. Jackson do?_____________________________

4. Where does the Jackson family live?_____________________________



Easy Vocabulary

A. Put cross on the right answer!

1. A : I like your house. It’s beautiful.

B : ____________.

a. I am sorry. b. Thank you. 2. A : How long have you lived here?

B : I’ve lived here ___________.

a. for eleven months. b. with my family. 3. 'Sad' and 'happy' are__________.

a. Antonym b. Synonym

4. ‘Smart’ and ‘clever’ are__________.

a. Antonym b. Synonym 5. When is the Indonesian Independence Day?

a. It’s on August 17th b. It’s Indonesia Raya

6. What is Indonesian national anthem?

a. It’s on August 17th b. It’s Indonesia Raya

7. _________ to bring no 2 pencil to the test.

a. Don’t remember b. Don’t forget

8. If you want to save your money, you have to go to ________.

a. the bank to draw some money b. the bank to make an account 9. __________ is used to bring sick people to the hospital.

a. a nurse b. an ambulance 10. If you want to go to Kalimantan by ship, you must go to _________

a. an airport b. a harbor 11. Mr. Arman is a farmer. He works in the _________

a. mosque b. rice field 12. My mother wears a _________ on her finger.

a. ring b. necklace 13. My uncle has two children. They are my _________

a. niece b. cousins 14. We need ______to protect us from rain and sunlight.

a. roof b. stairs

15. He is teaching in the classroom. He is a……




A. Read the story below!


Isabel is a cashier. She works 8 hours a day, from 2.00 to 10:30 p.m. She has a 30 minute break at 7 p.m. She works 5 days a week, from Tuesday to Saturday. Isabel works 40 hours a week. She has two days off every week.

B. Please circle Yes or No!

C. Please correct the mistakes!

1. Isabel is a cleaner. _____________________________________________ 2. She works 8 hours a week. ______________________________________ 3. She starts work in the morning. __________________________________ 4. She works four days a week. _____________________________________ 5. She has two 15 minute breaks. ___________________________________ 6. She has Saturdays and Sundays off. _______________________________ 7. She doesn’t work on Tuesdays. ___________________________________ 8. Isabel works 42 hours a week. _______________________________

D. Write the correct word on the line.

1. Isabel works 8 ____________ a day. 2. She works 5 ____________ a week. 3. She works 40 ____________ a week.

4. Isabel has two days off every ______________.



E. Choose the words below to fill the blanks!

bus driver






football player


A __________teacher students at school A __________ Cooks in a restaurant

A __________ Drives a bus A __________ Serves in a restaurant

A __________ Examines a patients at the hospital

A __________ Helps a doctor at the hospital

A _________ Plays football in the field

A __________ Paints a picture

Rain… rain go away!

Rain… rain go away!

Come again another day

Cause I want to play





A. Translate into English!

1. Nama lengkapku adalah William Jones dan aku tinggal di Amerika. ___________________________________________

2. Aku berusia tiga puluh tahun. ______________________________________ 3. Aku bisa berbicara bahasa Perancis dan bahasa Jepang.


4. Bahasa asliku adalah Bahasa Inggris. ______________________________________ 5. Aku mempunyai seorang saudara perempuan dan seorang saudara laki-laki.


6. Nama saudara perempuanku adalah Mary dan nama saudara laki-lakiku adalah Charles. ___________________________________________

7. Mary adalah seorang perawat. ______________________________________ 8. Dia (pr) bekerja di rumah sakit. ______________________________________ 9. Charles adalah seorang mahasiswa. ______________________________________ 10. Dia (lk) berusia dua puluh tahun. _________________________________

B. Fill the blanks!

1. 'Sad' and 'happy' are___________________

2. ‘Smart’ and ‘clever’ are___________________


When is the Indonesian Independence Day? __________________ 4. What is Indonesian national anthem? __________________


If you want to save your money, you have to go to _________________

6. If you want to go to Kalimantan by ship, you must go to __________________


Mr. Arman is a farmer. He works in the __________________


My mother wears a __________________ on her finger. 9. He is teaching in the classroom. He is a__________________


My uncle has two children. They are my __________________

C. Translate into English!

1. Kamu harus mencuci tanganmu sebelum makan.




3. Kamu tidak boleh memecahkan jendela di sekolah. __________________________________________

4. Kamu harus mandi setiap hari. __________________________________________ 5. Kamu tidak boleh lupa mengerjakan PRmu.

__________________________________________ 6. Kamu tidak boleh mengunyah permen karet di kelas.

_________________________________________ 7. Kamu tidak boleh berkelahi dengan teman sekelasmu.

________________________________________ 8. Kamu tidak boleh bermain sepak bola di kelas.



Kamu tidak boleh membenci temanmu. ____________________________________


Kamu harus pergi ke dokter gigi dua kali setahun. ________________________________________

D. Translate into English!

1. Jangan memukul adikmu! ______________________________________ 2. Jangan membanting pintu! ______________________________________ 3. Jangan bermain di jalan! ______________________________________ 4. Jangan terlambat! ______________________________________

5. Jangan buang sampah sembarangan! ______________________________________ 6. Jangan berkelahi dengan adikmu! ______________________________________ 7. Jangan menyerah! ______________________________________

8. Jangan berbicara kepada orang asing! ______________________________________ 9. Jangan bermain dengan api! ______________________________________

10. Jangan membuka pintu! ______________________________________ 11. Jangan berisik! ______________________________________

12. Jangan mencontek! ______________________________________ 13. Jangan berbohong! ______________________________________ 14. Jangan malas! ______________________________________ 15. Jangan marah! ______________________________________

E. Translate into English!



3. Mobilku lebih mahal daripada mobilmu. _______________________________________ 4. Ibuku lebih tua dari pada ibumu. __________________________________________ 5. Aku lebih muda dari pada kamu. __________________________________________ 6. Dia (lk) lebih baik dari pada kamu. __________________________________________ 7. Dia (pr) lebih pintar daripada aku. __________________________________________ 8. Adikku lebih tampan daripada aku. __________________________________________


Dia (pr) lebih pendek daripada aku. __________________________________________


Kakekku lebih tampan daripada kakekmu. ______________________________________

A. Listen to the tape and fill the blanks!

Questions: Answers:

1. What’s _______________________? My __________________is Jenny.

2. Where _______________________? I come __________________China. 3. Where _______________________? I ____________________in Parramatta.

4. What’s _______________________? My ____________is 54 Pine Street, Annandale.

5. What’s _______________________? My telephone _______________is 9723 4444.

6. How _____________________? I'm _______________________years old.

7. What’s _______________________? I'm _______________________.

8. Are you married? No, I'm not. I'm _______________________.


Have you got any children? Yes, I _______________________.


What’s your occupation? I'm a _______________________.

B. Listen to the tape and fill the blanks!

Hue Le



C. Listen to the tape and fill the blanks!

Life Is Good

I am ___________. I have many _____________. I have a large _____________. I have ____________ brothers and ____________ sisters. I am in the middle. Four ______________ are older than me. Four sisters are ______________ than me. I go to ________________ . I am in the sixth grade. I like my ______________. My teachers like me. I have friends in every ________________. My favorite ________________ is History . I like to read about ________________. History is a ______________ about our past. Soon, we will all be ____________. Then kids in ________________will read about us. I hope they ________________our stories. My best ________________ is Bobby. Bobby and I do ______________ things together. We ____________together. We ______________ basketball together. We ride our ____________ together. I have _____________ other friends. We all go to the mall on weekends. We _____________ to restaurant. We ______________ to movies. We tell jokes. We laugh. We ______________ fun. Life is great.

F. Translate into English!

1. Temanku, Hendry, adalah seorang murid yang rajin dan pintar di sekolahnya. __________________________________________________________

2. Dia bangun jam 4.00 setiap pagi. ___________________________________________ 3. Dia selalu pergi ke sekolah lebih cepat daripada teman-temannya.

__________________________________________________________ 4. Dia pergi ke sekolah naik angkutan umum.

___________________________________________ 5. Dia kadang-kadang pulang naik motor dengan pamannya.

__________________________________________________________ 6. Dia tidak pernah bolos. ___________________________________________ 7. Setelah sekolah, dia biasanya membantu orang tuanya.

__________________________________________________________ 8. Mereka mempunyai sebuah toko baju di samping rumah mereka.



G. Translate into English!

1. Pak Jackson adalah seorang guru Amerika.


2. Dia tinggal dan bekerja di Denpasar. ___________________________________________ 3. Dia mengajar Bahasa Inggris. ___________________________________________ 4. Dia adalah seorang guru yang sangat baik.


5. Murid-muridnya menyukai dia. ___________________________________________ 6. Istrinya adalah orang Indonesia. ___________________________________________ 7. Dia berasal dari Medan. ___________________________________________


Mereka mempunyai satu anak laki-laki dan satu anak perempuan.


H. Translate into English!

1. Isabel adalah seorang kasir. _____________________________________ 2. Dia bekerja delapan jam sehari. _____________________________________ 3. Dia mulai bekerja pada siang hari. _____________________________________ 4. Dia bekerja lima hari seminggu. _____________________________________

5. Dia istirahat selama 30 menit pada jam 7.00. _____________________________________ 6. Dia mempunyai dua hari libur, Senin dan Minggu.

_____________________________________ 7. Dia tidak bekerja pada hari Senin dan Minggu.


8. Dia bekerja 40 jam seminggu. _____________________________________

I. Fill the blanks!


A __________________drives a bus


A __________________serves in a restaurant


A __________________examines a patients at the hospital


A __________________helps a doctor at the hospital


A __________________flies an airplane.


A __________________paints a picture


A __________________delivers letters.





English for Elementary School Level ,


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