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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Nidaan Nungky Chofiyya

NIM: A83212174









Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Nidaan Nungky Chofiyya

NIM: A83212174






Chofiyya, Nidaan Nungky. 2016. Language Function Found in Ani Yudhoyono’s

Instagram Captions. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Diah Royani Meisani, M. Pd.

Keywords: Language Function, Instagram, Caption, Ani Yudhoyono

This study investigates the kind of language function in Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions as well as the language function mostly used by Ani Yudhoyono and the meaning behind language function of Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions. The objectives of this study are to describe kind of language functions which are used by Ani Yudhoyono in her instagram and to reveal the meaning behind language functions of Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions.

The method which is applied by the writer is descriptive qualitative because the data collected are in the form of words. The data were collected from Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions and those were analyzed by using Roman Jakobson theory of language function.


function is persuading the followers to do positive activity, such as persuade the followers to be grateful. Third, the meaning behind referential function captions are informing and describing the activities of her husband, the cities which are visited by Ani Yudhoyono and her works in photography. Fourth, the meaning behind phatic function of Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions is greeting the followers indirectly. Fifth, the meaning behind poetic function is delivering the positive messages. Sixth, the meaning behind metalinguistic function is describing the languages or terms which have not clear.



Chofiyya, Nidaan Nungky. 2016. Language Function Found in Ani Yudhoyono’s

Instagram Captions. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Diah Royani Meisani, M. Pd.

Kata Kunci: Fungsi Bahasa, Instagram, Caption, Ani Yudhoyono

Penelitian ini menginvestigasi macam-macam fungsi bahasa pada caption

instagram bu Ani Yudhoyono serta fungsi bahasa yang sering digunakan oleh bu Ani Yudhoyono dan makna dibalik fungsi bahasa tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan macam-macam fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh bu Ani dan mengungkap makna dibalik fungsi-fungsi bahasa tersebut.

Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah kualitatif deskriptif karena data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata. Data dikumpulkan oleh penulis dari caption-caption akun instagram bu Ani Yudhoyono dan dianalisis mengunakan teori fungsi bahasa dari Roman Jakobson.

Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa semua dari enam elemen komunikasi ditemukan pada caption instagram bu Ani Yudhoyono seperti addresser, context, message form, contact, code and addressee. Hasil dari penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh bu Ani di


fungsi emotif pada caption instagram bu Ani adalah mengekspresikan emosi kebahagiaan dan kekaguman. Kedua, arti dibalik fungsi konatif adalah mengajak pengikutnya untuk melakukan aktifitas yang positif yaitu bersyukur. Ketiga, arti dibalik fungsi referensial adalah menginformasikan dan menggambarkan aktifitas suaminya, kota-kota yang dikunjungi oleh bu Ani dan karya-karya fotografinya. Keempat, arti dibalik fungsi fatik adalah menyapa para pengikut instagram bu Ani secara tidak langsung. Kelima, arti dibalik fungsi puitik adalah menyampaikan pesan-pesan positif. Keenam, arti dibalik fungsi metalinguistik adalah menggambarkan bahasa itu sendiri atau istilah-istilah yang kurang jelas.


4.1.1 The Findings on the Kinds and the Meaning behind Language Function in Ani Yudhoyono’s Instagram Captions ... 25 Language Function as Emotive or Expressive Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 26 Language Function as Conative or Directive Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 32 Language Function as Referential Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 35 Language Function as Phatic Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 58 Language Function as Poetic Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 62




In this chapter, the writer presents background of the study that describes the

reason why she intends to conduct the research. On the basis of the reasons, problems

of the study, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and scope and

limitations of the study are formulated. Definition of key terms is also given so that

the readers are expected to have the same interpretation in understanding the present


1.1 Background of the Study

In this era, people can use social media as the facility of communication to keep

in touch with family as well as new and old friends. By the existence of social media,

someone who cannot meet up and communicate with their family, new and old

friends will be easy to reconnect the relationship. Social media, such as facebook,

twitter, path, line, whatsapp, instagram, etc, can share information, file, photo, audio

and video, as well as what people are thinking about. Most of people share something

on their mind in those social media with the certain purposes, such as to tease

someone, to give information, to share their daily activities, to give an advice or



In this study, among those social media, the writer chose instagram in which

people can share photos and short videos. Instagram is a mobile application that

allows users to upload and share their life through photos and videos. It was created

in October 2010 by Kevin Systrom, a computer programmer and internet

businessman (Rizky, 2013). He and his friend, Mike Krieger, created photo-sharing

application in which people can upload their photos and videos as well as apply

digital filter and share it to the other social media such as facebook and twitter. They

can choose a filter to edit the image perfectly. In uploading, they also can give the

captions based on the photos and videos.

The writer chose instagram as her subject in this research due to some reasons.

First, instagram is considered as the popular social media in this era proven by Rizky

(2013) stated that instagram has 10 million active users and in 2015 its users has

reached 400 million (Widiartanto, 2015). Second, it is the real account of someone

because there is no account with the same user name on instagram, so it will

minimize an opportunity of someone to make the fake account. Further, based on the

preliminary study conducted in State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya on

March 2016, it was found that the students prefer to see the pictures on instagram

than the captions, whereas the picture and the caption are related. They prefer to see

the pictures than read the captions because they are lazy to read the captions and they

believe that pictures are more interesting and entertaining than the captions.



instagram account because they want to share the best moments in their life, to trade,

to see their idol account and to follow the trend.

This present study is important to conduct because many people like to see the

pictures on instagram account of other people. Sometimes, they just see it without

reading the captions. The writer believes that the caption is important to read because

it is related to the pictures. We have to read the captions in order to know someone's

ideas towards the picture. As we know the function of language is to understand the

ideas from other people. So, in this study, the writer chose language function in social

media as the topic of this research because in the instagram there are many languages

or expressions which have function in which the readers have to know someone's


Since language function is introduced by Jakobson (1960), it is interesting to

conduct research about language function and for researchers in the previous

researches. A series of researches have been conducted by some researchers who

focus on language function. Some researchers have conducted the researches in

various subjects, such as in book (Puspita, 2013; Arisandy, 2015), in talk show

(Hidayat, 2014), in movie (Hasits, 2007; Yunita, 2013; Arista, 2014; Syafitri, 2014;

Arum, 2015; Machmudha, 2015), in television commercial (Supriyono, 2015) and in

human (Andayani, 2013). There is no researcher who analyzes language function in

the instagram. Instagram is something new, hence, in this present study, the writer

conducts a research on language function in instagram. Among the users of



as Iriana Jokowidodo, Tri Risma Harini, Khofifah Indar Parawangsa, Rieke Diah

Pitaloka and many others. There are high officials who have instagram, one of them

is Ani Yudhoyono. Iriana Jokowidodo also has an instagram account, yet she is not as

active as Ani Yudhoyono in uploading the photos and short videos. Ani Yudhoyono

has hobby in photography, so that she is more active to upload the photos and videos

than Iriana. Thus, the writer is interested in Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram.

Another factor attracted the writer to conduct a study on Ani Yudhoyono’s

instagram, such as Ani Yudhoyono was the first lady in Indonesia (2004 - 2014). She

is a wife of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the sixth President of Indonesia. The

number of her followers achieved 4.2 millions in March 2016. In her instagram

account, she always gives a caption by using two languages, Indonesia and English. It

means that she writes a caption use Bahasa then she translates it into English. It can

be the writer's deliberation for choosing Ani Yudhoyono as her subject in this

research. From this research, the writer expected that the followers not only see the

pictures on Ani Yudhoyono's instagram but also read the captions so they will

understand the messages of pictures uploaded. In the writer's opinion, it is interesting

to analyze language functions of Ani Yudhoyono's instagram captions.

Ani Yudhoyono is a famous public figure in Indonesia. She is considered as the

active user in publishing photos and videos on social media namely instagram.

According to Yandi (2014), Ani Yudhoyono's instagram account is the most popular



photos more than Michelle Obama’s photos. It can be proven from Yandi’s statement

that Ani Yudhoyono uploaded 724 photos, meanwhile Michelle 91 photos in January

22, 2014. In addition, someone who has instagram account name @aniyudhoyono is not only actives in uploading photos and videos, but also in writing caption.

Along with the pictures uploaded, Ani Yudhoyono always gives the explanation

towards the pictures which is usually called the caption. The caption is the

explanation of the pictures or videos. She wrote the captions in two languages in

order to communicate with her followers who have different background so that all

people not only Indonesian but also abroad will be understood. Therefore, the writer

is curious with the kind of language function and the meaning behind language

functions that is used by Ani Yudhoyono on her captions because a picture means

thousand words. The captions that the writer analyzed are the captions which are

written by Ani Yudhoyono in 2015. Those captions are about her family, her

husband's activities abroad and nature such as describing flowers, animals, etc.

This present study used Jakobson theory of language function because the

theory of Jakobson gave a contribution in answering the problems of this study.

Jakobson's model of the functions of language distinguishes six elements or factors of

communication that are necessary for communication: context, addresser (sender),

addressee (receiver), contact, common code and message. Each factor is the focal

point of a relation or function that operates between the message and the factor. The



conative ("Come here"), phatic ("Hello?"), metalinguistic ("What do you mean by

'krill'?"), and poetic ("Smurf") (Hebert, 2011).

Researches on language function have been conducted by several researchers.

Hasits (2007) has conducted a research about language functions used by Marcus

Burnett – the characters of Bad Boys II film. He uses theories which have relation with language function given by Holmes, Hymes, Pyles and John. Pyles and John

theory is used to explain the criteria to classify language functions and uses Holmes

theory to explain the background social factors and social dimensions in which be a

reason someone chose one certain language, supported by Hymes’ ethnographic that

make someone uses certain language. From the analysis, he found out that the

character uses informal language and tend to use an emotive function to show his

feelings. The language that is used by Marcus is influenced by participants, the place,

topic and function. He does not analyze the Jakobson’s six elements of

communication. Yunita (2013), analyzed language function in utterances produced by

Carl to Russel - the characters of movie Up. Based on the result of her analysis and language function of Halliday's theory, it was found out that there are seven language

functions in the utterances produced by the characters of movie Up, inter alia instrumental, regulatory, representational, interactional, personal, heuristic and

imaginative functions. She does not analyze the Jakobson’s six elements of

communication. Meanwhile Andayani (2013) analyzed language function in English



denying something, offering something, certain or uncertain, permission, expressing

hope, repeating, suggestion, offering assistance, greeting and thanking, and she

implemented it into language teaching because she studied in the teacher education.

She does not analyze the Jakobson’s six elements of communication.

In 2014, a research on language function was also conducted by Syafitri and

Arista. Syafitri (2014) analyzed language function used by the main character in

Twilight movie and used Cook’s theory. From fifty utterances, she only found out five language functions in Twilight movie: 7 emotive, 12 directive, 17 phatic, 21 referential and 8 poetic functions. Yet, she does not analyze the Jakobson’s six

elements of communication. Meanwhile, Arista (2014) analyzed kinds of language

function and the most dominant type of language function used by the main character

in Sherlock Holmes II: A Game of Shadows movie. She uses Jakobson’s theory of language function to analyzed her research and found out 65 metalinguistic, 18

expressive, 22 directive, 57 referential, 6 phatic and 4 poetic functions. Yet, she does

not analyzed the Jakobson’s six elements of communication. Arum (2015) studied the

kind and aspect of language functions in Enchanted movie script, and she revealed that the language function can help the reader in understanding the message. She

analyzed the Jakobson’s six elements of communication, yet she uses Cook theory of

language function. In the findings, she found out the Jakobson’s six elements of

communication namely addresser, context, message form, contact sign, code and

addressee as well as found out 23 emotive, 30 directive, 18 phatic, 20 poetic, 15



analyzed language function that is used by Alicia and dr.Rosen to John Nash who has

schizophrenia in A Beautiful Mind movie. In her research, she found out 45 referential, 24 conative, 18 phatic, 16 emotive, 2 metalingual functions. Yet, here, she

does not analyze the Jakobson’s six elements of communication.

Based on the previous researches, the writer found that seven researchers who

analyzed language function were only analyzed the kinds of language function and

the kind of language function mostly used, as well as she found that the previous

researchers mostly focused on spoken language as their object and they mostly

analyzed in fiction genre such as movie in which fiction is not natural or created

deliberately. Thus, based on the lack of the previous researches, the writer conducted

this present study with the aim at filling the gap namely she conducted a research of

language function in real life so that it is more natural as well as the subject is focused

on written and there is no researchers who analyze language function in instagram as

the subject. In addition, most of the previous researches only analyzed the kind of

language functions, yet they do not analyzed the Jakobson’s six elements of

communication, so the writer analyzed the kind of language function of Jakobson and



1.2 Problems of the Study

Related to the background of the study, the writer formulates some problems in

analyzing language function found in Ani Yudhoyono’s captions on instagram. Those


1. What are language functions found in Ani Yudhoyono's captions in her


2. What are the meaning behind language functions of Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram


1.3 Objectives of the Study

Regarding the problems of the study formulated, the objectives of this current

study are:

1. To describe kind of language functions which are used by Ani Yudhoyono in her


2. To reveal the meaning behind language functions of Ani Yudhoyono

1.4 Significance of the Study

This research was conducted and expected to have several significance. The

result of research gave the readers a better understanding of language function as well

as can be beneficial for the readers who are interested in discourse analysis especially

in language function by using Jakobson's theory. Then, it could be a reference for



them. In understanding language function of Ani Yudhoyono's instagram captions, it

will make her followers easier to get the idea of the captions.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research concerned on language function of Ani Yudhoyono's caption.

This study focused on written, namely the caption of Ani Yudhoyono's photos in

2015. She only chose the photos of Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram account in 2015

because of some reasons. First, Ani Yudhoyono’s husband still becomes the President

of Indonesia in 2004-2014, automatically, Ani Yudhoyono has less spare time, so she

uploaded the photos rarely. Yet, in 2015, she has more time to upload her family’s

activities on instagram as like she wrote on her instagram biography “Alhamdulillah,

now I have more time for my lovely family, photography and gardening”. Second, it is impossible to always follow Ani Yudhoyono’s updates as her posts are increasing

day by day.

1.6 Operational Definition of the Key Terms

Related to the title of this thesis, the writer would like to give some definitions

of the key terms to avoid misunderstanding of the readers when reading this thesis.

Thus, the readers are expected to have the same interpretation and perception in

understanding this present study.

Language Function is a language which is delivered by someone and has a

specific purpose. Those purposes are apologizing, asking permission, expressing



Caption is information, explanation and description towards photos or videos

on instagram. The captions will be taken from Ani Yudhoyono's instagram account

@aniyudhoyono as the explanation or description of the photos or videos which are

uploaded by Bu Ani Yudhoyono.

Instagram is photo-sharing application which allows users to share their

activities through photos and videos and apply filters to edit the photos perfectly.

There are many photos and videos which are uploaded by Ani Yudhoyono so that she

has 2.541 posts and 4.2 million followers in March 2016. Most of her photos and

videos are about her family, husband's activities abroad and nature such as flowers,

animals. Since Ani Yudhoyono’s husband was the former President of Indonesia, she

has many times to continue her hobby as a photographer and she becomes active user

in uploading photos and videos. Through instagram, she can share her works in




This chapter presents the result of reviewing some theories that are related to

the study. The study review consists of five parts: the function of language, types of

language, types of language function, social media, and previous studies.

2.1 The Function of Language

Brown and Yule (1983) approved only two terms to describe and explain the

primary functions of language. They assumed that a natural language utterance is

used to fulfill only one function, to the total exclusion of the other. That function

which language serves in the expression of content, they describe as transactional,

and that function involved in expressing social relations and personal attitudes they

describe as interactional. Linguists established general assumption that the most

important function of language is the communication of information. In Brown and

Yule (1983:2), Lyons observes that the assumption of communication is easily used

feelings, moods and attitudes. Meanwhile, Bennett remarks ‘it seems likely that

communication is primarily a matter of a speaker’s seeking either to inform a hearer

of something or forbid some action upon him’. The language which is used to deliver



primarily transactional language, Brown and Yule (1983) assumed that the speaker or

writer has the efficient transfer of information primarily in their mind.

Whereas linguists, philosophers of language and psycholinguists paid attention

to the use of language for the transmission of factual or proportional information,

sociologists and sociolinguists have been particularly concerned with the use of

language to establish and maintain social relationships. Conversational analysts have

been particularly concerned with the use of language to negotiate role-relationships,

peer-solidarity, the exchange of turns in a conversation, the saving of face of both the

speaker and hearer (Brown and Yule, 1983:3). It is clearly the case that a great deal of

everyday human interaction is characterized by the primarily interactional rather than

the primarily transactional use of language.

2.2 Types of Language

General definition of language is a system of verbal communication. In

communication, language can be classified into two types which are verbal and non

verbal language (Chand, 2015: 1).

2.2.1 Verbal Language

Verbal language is a form of communication which is delivered by the speaker

to hearer in written and spoken to express ideas, feelings, emotions and desires as

stated by Hanes (2015) that verbal communication refers to the use of sounds and

language to relay a message for ex pressing desires, ideas and concepts and as vital to



others. Several of the key components of verbal communication are sound, words,

speaking and language.

2.2.2 Non Verbal Language

Happiness, sadness, fear and anxiety are universal emotion which is similar to

non verbal way of language. Non verbal language is expressing meaning or feeling

without words such as gesture, body language, eye contact, facial expression, space,

picture and painting. It can be said as the process of communication by sending and

receiving message without saying a word at all or wordless. Such wordless message

can be communicated through gestures, body language, facial expressions and

postures (Mikoluk, 2015:5). Other forms of nonverbal communication include dance

and music, as well as more directly representing and imitative arts such as miming,

drawing, painting, sculpture and architecture (Rosengren, 2000).

2.3 Types of Language Function

Jakobson's model of the functions of language distinguishes six elements or

factors of communication, that are necessary for communication; addresser (a sender,

speaker, writer); addressee (a receiver, hearer); contact: a physical channel and

psychological connection between an addresser and addressee; common code

(language); and message (Jakobson, 1985:143). As cited in Waugh (1980), Jakobson

said that the addresser send message to the addressee. The message requires a context

in order to be operative and needs the code which has a related common to the



a physical channel and psychological connection which is enabling to stay in

communication. Each factor is the focal point of a relation or function that operates

between the message and the factor (Hebert, 2011). The functions are the following:

2.3.1 Referential Function

Referential function, in a line with factor of context. It is an information carrier.

It could be describes a situation, object or mental state, such as:

"The Earth is round" "The party is crowded"

2.3.2 Emotive Function

Emotive function is related to addresser. Language is used by the addresser to

her or his feelings. It focused on the addresser, aims a direct expression of the

speaker’s attitude toward what he or she is speaking about. It tends to produce an

impression of a certain emotion whether feigned or true (Jakobson, 1960:354). It is

best exemplified by interjections, such as:

"Oh no!" "Wow!"

2.3.3 Conative Function

Conative function engages the addressee directly. It means that language is used

to ask the addressee (hearer) to act or do something. It is commonly found in

commands or requests. It is best illustrated by imperatives, such as:



2.3.4 Phatic Function

Phatic function is associated with the contact or channel factor such as greeting,

also to open communication. For example:


"Good morning"

2.3.5 Metalingual Function

Metalingual function is the use of language to discuss or describe itself, to

clarify or renegotiate it. Metalinguistic is also commonly used in questions in which

the message needs clarification, such as:

"True love's kiss? It's the most powerful thing in the world" "I cannot hear you, what do you say?"

2.3.6 Poetic Function

Poetic function is the operative function in poetry as well as slogans. It uses

rhyme, alliteration and assonance, such as:

"I like Ike"

In his book, Jakobson stated that its slogan, succinctly structured, consists of

three monosyllables and three dipthongs /ay/ (Jakobson, 1960:357). It is using poetic

features such as rhyming words and alliteration.

2.4 Social Media

The term "social media" refers to the wide range of Internet-based and mobile

services that allow users to participate in online exchanges, contribute user-created



examples of social media, such as facebook, twitter, google+, instagram and

wikipedia. Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows

registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep

in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Twitter is a free micro blogging service

that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets and twitter

members can broadcast tweets and follow other users’ tweets. Google+ is designed to

replicate the way people interact offline more closely than is the case in other social

networking services. Instagram is mobile application that is used to share photos and

short videos. Wikipedia is a free, open content online encyclopedia created through

the collaborative effort of a community of users known as Wikipedians (Rouse,


2.5 Previous Studies

Previous study is given to show the similarities and differences between this

research and another research. The writer adopted seven previous studies from 2007,

2013, 2014 and 2015. Hasits (2007) in his research "An Analysis of Language

Function Used by Marcus Burnett in Bad Boys II film" tries to find out language

function interference in English language which is used by the main character. He

only found emotive function in this film. Yunita (2013) has conducted a research

about language function in utterances produced by Carl to Russel – the characters of



Russell in movie Up. Those are instrumental, regulatory, representational, interactional, personal, heuristic and imaginative functions. While Andayani (2013)

analyzed language function in english used by receptionist in Bali Brasco. She used

the theory of Van ek and she found several functions of language: asking information,

giving situation, denying something, offering something, certain or uncertain,

permission, expressing hope, repeating, suggesting, offering assistance, greeting and

thanking. After she found those, then she implemented it into language teaching.

Other previous studies also come from Syafitri (2014) and Arista (2014).

Syafitri (2014) studied kinds of language function used by the main character in

Twilight movie. Her study focused on spoken utterance. The result of her study is she found five language function: emotive, directive, phatic, referential and poetic

function. A similar research conducted by Arista (2014). She analyzed kinds of

language function and the most dominant type of language function used by the main

character in Sherlock Holmes II: A Game of Shadows movie. The data were the dialogue of the main character in Sherlock Holmes movie. The findings show that there are six types of language functions. Those are expressive, directive, referential,

metalinguistic, poetic and phatic. The most dominant type of language function in

that movie is metalinguistic.

In 2015, Arum (2015) analyzed kind of language functions as well as the



movie. She analyzed the kind of language function used by Alicia and dr. Rosen to

John Nash as well as the language function mostly used by them.

So, the similarities of the previous studies and this present study are all the

studies analyzed the kind of language functions, and the language function mostly

used. Meanwhile the differences between the previous studies and this present study




In this chapter, the writer discussed method of the study. It describes research

design, instruments, data sources, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The writer applied descriptive qualitative design since it deals with the language

data and its component. Hancock, Ockleford, & Windridge (2007:7) stated that

qualitative research is concerned with developing explanation of social phenomena.

In addition, it focuses on description and interpretation and might lead to

development of new concepts or theory. From the definition of qualitative research of

Hancock et al., it can be concluded that qualitative research is focused on reports of

data which cannot be adequately expressed numerically, yet descriptively and

interpretatively also. So, this study is included into descriptive in which the writer

become the main instrument in collecting data, describing data and analyzing the

findings to answer the problems of the study. It also was called as qualitative because

the writer investigated the data which are words, phrases or sentences related to

language function based on Jakobson’s theory which are found in Ani Yudhoyono's

captions taken from instagram. The writer investigated the data by analyzing and



Sandelowski (2000:1) that researchers conducting qualitative descriptive studies stay

close to their data and to the surface of words and events, qualitative descriptive

designs typically are an eclectic but reasonable combination of sampling, data

collection, analysis, and re-presentation techniques. In other word, descriptive

qualitative research is analyzing the data in which the researchers stay close to their

data because the researcher was the main instrument in collecting and analyzing data.

In collecting the data, the writer conducted several steps which are selecting the Ani

Yudhoyono’s photos in 2015, printing the selected photos, underlining the words,

phrases or sentences which contain the Jakobson’s six language functions, classifying

data into the Jakobson’s six language functions and analyzing it.

As stated previously, the writer became the main instrument in this present

study in collecting and analyzing the data. Before collecting the data, the writer

collected the sample. She collected the sample in three steps. First, the writer opened

the instagram by using electronic media, namely computer. The writer chose

computer because she believes that computer gave a contribution in capturing the

photo and caption all at once, so the photo and the caption are clear. Second, she

chose Ani Yudhoyono’s photos randomly so that there is no particular tendency.

Third, the writer captured the photos as well as the captions then she prints it out

because it will be easier to be analyzed. It is better than she opens it by using mobile



3.2 Instruments

The assessor is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis

(Qualitative and Quantitative, 2012). The assessor means the researcher in this study. Therefore, the writer is an instrument in this study. It means that the writer is

involved in collecting, describing and analyzing the findings.

3.3 Data Source

The data of the research are the words, phrases or sentences which contain six

language functions based on the Jakobson’s theory. The data source is Ani

Yudhoyono's captions which are taken from Ani Yudhoyono's instagram account

@aniyudhoyono in 2015. The writer chose the photos which are uploaded in 2015 because she believes that when Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was not being the

President of Indonesia, Ani Yudhoyono has more time in uploading photos, videos

and writing the captions. In 2015, the number of her post is 600s posts. It is

impossible to analyze 600s captions in a month. So, the writer only chose 36 captions

as the sample by choosing the photos randomly. She believes that 36 photos are

sufficient to conduct this present study.

3.4 Data Collection

The data were collected from Ani Yudhoyono's instagram. All of the data are

the words, phrases, even sentences which contain language functions based on the

Jakobson’s theory as found in Ani Yudhoyono's instagram captions. The necessary


Yudhoyono’s photos randomly on April 2016. Second, printing it out directly. Third,

underlining the data namely the words, phrases or sentences of Ani Yudhoyono’s

instagram captions which are containing six language functions based on Jakobson's

theory (referential, emotive, conative, phatic, poetic and metalingual function) by

using different color of pen so that the writer is easy to classify it into kinds of

language function. Fourth, classifying the data which are underlined into kinds of

language function based on Jakobson's theory so that the writer is easy to analyze it.

Fifth, analyzing the data which are underlined and classified into kinds of language

function based on the Jakobson’s theory in order to get the answers of the research



3.5 Data Analysis

The writer analyzed the data through the following process:

Figure 3.2 Steps of Analyzing Data

To find out the kind of language functions which are used by Ani Yudhoyono

on instagram captions, firstly, the writer analyzed it carefully by connecting the data

with the theory of Jakobson that is introduced six functions, such as referential,

emotive or expressive, conative or directive, phatic, metalingual and poetic function.

Secondly, she described or explained the data which are classified into six language

functions based on the Jakobson’s theory. Thirdly, she was looking for the language

function mostly used on Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions. To answer the

question number two, the writer analyzed more detail by seeing and reading the text

and its context of Ani Yudhoyono's instagram captions to get what actually the

meaning behind language function of Bu Ani Yudhoyono. Question 1

Question 2

Analyzing the data and connecting it to the theory

Looking for the language function mostly used

Seeing and reading the photos and texts




In this chapter, the writer presents the result of the study through some steps as

mentioned in data analysis that involves the language functions of Ani Yudhoyono’s

instagram captions and the meaning behind language function of Ani Yudhoyono’s

instagram captions. She divided this chapter into two parts; findings and discussion.


The writer found and analyzed kinds of language function which are found in

Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions and the meaning behind language function of

Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions.

4.1.1The Findings on the Kinds and the Meaning behind Language Function in

Ani Yudhoyono’s Instagram Captions

The writer found six language functions, such as emotive function, conative

function, referential function, phatic function, poetic function and metalinguistic

function. Language function that is mostly used is referential function. It could be

known from the writer’s findings; five expressive functions, two directive functions,

twenty five referential functions, three phatic functions, five poetic functions, and

three metalingual functions. To make a clear cut understanding of the findings, the



Figure 4.1. The Frequency of Language Functions

To be more specific, each of language function found in Ani Yudhoyono’s

instagram captions is elaborated in the following sub headings. Language Function as Emotive or Expressive Function and the Meaning

behind Language Function

Emotive function is focused on the addresser, aim a direct expression of the

speaker’s attitude toward what she or he is speaking about and the purely emotive

stratum in language is presented by interjections (Jakobson, 1960:354). There are five

emotive functions that the writer found in sentences of Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram

captions and the meaning behind it by seeing the context (the photos) and reading the 5





3 0

5 10 15 20 25 30



text (the captions) many times in order to get the best interpretation. The writer found

that language has function as emotive function, such as:

Datum (1)

asyik… habis berenang, makan ice cream”. “so fun… eating ice cream after swimming”.

For the caption, the writer analyzed the six elements of communication based

on Jakobson theory in Hebert (2011), as follows:

Table 4.1 Elements of communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Aira and Airlangga

Context Almira and Airlangga are eating ice cream

Message so fun…

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

In the caption above, Aira and Airlangga express their emotion of happiness.

So, this language “so fun..” could be included into the emotive function. “So fun”

means that Aira and Airlangga feel happy when they are eating ice cream. Based on



Datum (2)

Bersama para penari yang menyambut kedatangan kami ke Museum Adityawarman. Kami gembira, adat budaya masih terus dipertahankan. Padang, Sumatera Barat, 28 Oktober 2015.

Together with the dancers who welcomed our arrival at Adityawarman Museum. We are happy to see that the culture is still preserved. Padang, West Sumatera, 28 October 2015.

Based on the caption, the writer analyzed the six elements of communication,

they are:

Table 4.2 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 28 October 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Ani and her husband take a picture with the dancers who welcomed their arrival at Adityawarman museum

Message We are happy to see that the culture is still preserved

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

From the caption above, it includes as emotive function because Ani

Yudhoyono said that they are happy. Happy is included into kinds of emotion. “We

are happy to see that the culture is still preserved” means that Ani Yudhoyono

expresses her emotion that she is happy. It is not as touring at Museum, yet when she

and her husband arrived at Museum, they are welcomed by the dancers. Looked from

the costume, the dancers were dancing the traditional dance, so it makes Ani



Datum (3)

“Sungguh indah ciptaanMu, Ya Allah”. Matahari terbit dengan sempurna. Diambil

dari kawasan Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta.

“How beautiful Your creation, O Allah”. The sun rises perfectly. It was taken from Seribu Islands, DKI Jakarta.

Furthermore, in the third example, the writer analyzed the six elements of

communication, as follows:

Table 4.3 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

From the caption, it also shows that the message “How beautiful Your creation,

O Allah” is the language that has function to deliver the emotion of admiration from

the addresser (Ani Yudhoyono) to the God because His beautiful creation which

make Ani Yudhoyono feels amazed. So, admiration such as “How beautiful Your

creation, O Allah” is the example of emotive function in language. When she took a

sunrise picture, she realizes that the God’s creation is very beautiful. God creates the

sun which is rising on the sea beautifully as stated in Surah Yunus verse 5:


radiance, that is, emitting light, and the moon light and determined it, with respect to

its movement, in stations: 28 stations in 28 nights every month, becoming concealed

for two nights when a particular month has 30 days, or [concealed] for one night,

when it has 29 days, so that you might know, thereby, the number of the years and the

reckoning. God did not create that, which is mentioned, save in truth, not in vain,

exalted be He above such things. He details (read yufassilu or nufassilu, ‘We detail’)

the signs for a people who know, who reflect (Hamza, 2007:213). So, it is appropriate

if Ani Yudhoyono feels impressed with the beautiful sun which is created by Allah



Datum (4)

Yummyyy….. Gudeg, makanan khas Yogyakarta, … Yummyyy….. Gudeg (shredded

young jackfruits which are boiled with palm sugar and coconut milk), Yogyakarta’s traditional cuisine.

Based on the caption, the writer analyzed that the six elements of

communication that found in Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram:

Table 4.4 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Gudeg (Yogyakarta’s traditional food)

Message Yummyyy….. Gudeg (shredded young jackfruits which are

boiled with palm sugar and coconut milk), Yogyakarta’s

traditional cuisine.

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

The writer also analyzed that “Yummyyy…” is included as emotive function. It

could be known because Ani Yudhoyono expresses her emotion by saying

“yummyyy” when she will eat the gudeg. Based on the context, Ani Yudhoyono said

“yummyyy” to express the delicious food, namely gudeg, the Yogyakarta’s

traditional food. Ani Yudhoyono feels excited to eat this Yogyakarta’s traditional

food, so she expresses her emotion.

Datum (5)

“Wah … sudah ada yang parkir duluan nih…”



For the last example of emotive function, it shows that there are six elements of

communication that is analyzed by the writer, as follows:

Table 4.5 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Bird 1

Context There is a bird that already on the sculpture while another bird still on the way.

Message “Wow … someone parked there already”

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Bird 2

The writer found out that “Wow…” has function to express the emotion. Bird 1

is surprised because the bird 2 already there before it. So, “wow” is included as

emotive function. In this photo, Ani Yudhoyono wants to deliver that there is two

birds which the bird 1 is already on the sculpture while the bird 2 still on the way.

She illustrates as if the bird can speak. Bird 2 is surprised then expresses its emotion

“Wow..” because the bird 1 already there. Language Function as Conative Function and the Meaning behind

Language Function

In conative function, the addresser leads others to act something. It is best

illustrated by imperatives and also oriented toward the addressee directly. There are

two conative functions found in Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions and the

meaning behind it. The researcher found that language has function as conative



Datum (1)

Biarkan anak menyalurkan bakat dan kreatifitasnya masing-masing”.

“Let the children channel their own talents and creativities”.

The writer found out the six elements of communication based on the caption


Table 4.6 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Aira and Airlangga show their own paintings.

Message “Let the children channel their own talents and


Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

Besides that, the writer also found out that “Let the children channel their own

talents and creativities” includes into directive function because Ani Yudhoyono asks

the followers to allow their children to create their own creativities. Ani Yudhoyono

leads the followers to act something by saying “Let”. It means that she wants her

followers to do something. She asks the followers to let their children channel their

own creativities like her grandchildren, Aira and Airlangga that show their own


Datum (2)



“A very beautiful morning makes the heart sings…” good morning my friends, let us

begin this day with gratitude for the blessings from Allah SWT.

From the caption above, the writer found the six elements of communication,

such as:

Table 4.7 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

blessings from Allah SWT” is included as conative or directive function because Ani

Yudhoyono asks or invite the readers to be thank to Allah SWT. Ani Yudhoyono as a

Moslem wants to invite others to begin the day with gratitude for the blessings from

Allah SWT before start the activities. Based on the context, Ani Yudhoyono is

grateful to Allah because Allah gives her to alive and gives her a chance to see the

beautiful sun rises in this morning. She also taught the readers to be thank to Allah

SWT and forbid us to show ingratitude as commanded by Allah SWT in the Q.S. Al


grateful, I will add more (favours) into you; But if you show ingratitude, truly

My punishment is terrible indeed”. (Q.S. Ibrahim:7)

Here, Ani Yudhoyono taught us to be thank to Allah SWT in which if we are

thankful for Allah’s grace by obeying Allah’s regulations, Allah shall give us more,

but if we thankless, we shall get the chastisement (Hamza, 2007:263). Ani

Yudhoyono’s caption is good to be applied in our life. She said that ”Let us begin this

day with gratitude for the blessings from Allah SWT” is clearly the same as the Tafsir

Al-Jalalayn mean on Surah Al Baqarah:152 that, by remembering Allah through

prayer, Allah will remember us. It is said to mean Allah will reward us. It is one of

the Allah’s command namely to be thankful people. Language Function as Referential Function and the Meaning behind

Language Function

Referential function is language can be used in describing situation, object or

mental state. It also is an information carrier. There are many referential functions

found in Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram captions. The writer found twenty five



Datum (1)

Menikmati semilirnya angin sore di Jambi Enjoying the afternoon breeze in Jambi.

From the first data, the writer found out that there are six elements of

communication in the caption, like this below:

Table 4.8 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Bu Ani and others take a walk and there are some trees as its background

Message Enjoying the afternoon breeze in Jambi

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

Based on the caption above, the writer analyzed that the message form is

referential function because Ani Yudhoyono describes the situation in Jambi. Looked

from the context, Ani Yudhoyono, her husband and others take a walk with some

trees as the background. It relates with the caption that they are enjoying the

afternoon breeze because there are trees behind. Ani Yudhoyono shares and tells to

the followers that the situation in the afternoon in Jambi is cool.

Datum (2)

“Belajar di antara kardus”.



From the caption which found in Ani Yudhoyono’s instagram, the writer found

out the six elements of communication, such as:

Table 4.9 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Airlangga reads a book among the boxes.

Message “Studying among the boxes”

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

Along with the caption, the writer also found out that “Studying among the

boxes” is included as referential function. It could be known because Ani Yudhoyono

was describing the object of the photo that Airlangga is studying among the boxes.

Based on the text and context, she tried to deliver that we can study everywhere.

Study is not only in the school or in the class, but also we can study everywhere.

Datum (3)

“Songket Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) memang sangat indah”. Karya para



From the third data, the writer found out the six elements of communication, as


Table 4.10 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 25 November 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Ani and her son with the songket and the artisans

Message “Palembang (South Sumatera) Songket is very beautiful”. This is the work of songket artisans in Indralaya, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera. 25 November 2015.

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

The writer analyzed that Ani Yudhoyono gives the description about songket.

She said that songket is very beautiful and it is the work of songket artisans in

Indralaya, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera. So, it is referential function. Ani Yudhoyono

describes that “Palembang (South Sumatera) Songket is very beautiful”. It means that

she wants her followers know that Indonesia has beautiful works, one of them is

Palembang songket which is original made by South Sumatera people.

Datum (4)

Sidang GGGI (Global Green Growth Institute) dihadiri oleh 24 negara anggota dan para peninjau. Seoul, Korsel, 18 November 2015.

The GGGI (Global Green Growth Institute) Assembly, attended by 24 member countries and observers. Seoul, South Korea, 18 November 2015.

For the forth data of referential function, the writer analyzed six elements of



Table 4.11 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 18 November 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Meeting in the ballroom

Message The GGGI (Global Green Growth Institute) Assembly, attended by 24 member countries and observers

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

Here, the writer analyzed that "The GGGI (Global Green Growth Institute)

Assembly, attended by 24 member countries and observers" is language that has

function as referential function because it describes the object of the photo. In that

photo, there are 24 member countries and observers. The meaning behind the

referential function of Ani Yudhoyono’s caption is Ani Yudhoyono only gives the

information that the photo is The GGGI Assembly. If the followers only see the

photo, they may not know Ani Yudhoyono’s mean by uploading this photo. So, Ani

Yudhoyono helps the reader by giving the description of this picture.

Datum (5)

"Belum selesai berdo'a, kok Airlangga ngantuk ya.." "Have not finished yet, Airlangga seems sleepy.."

For the next data, the six elements of communication that analyzed by the



Table 4.12 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

From the caption above, the writer can do classification that "Heve not finished

yet, Airlangga seems sleepy.." is included as referential function. It could be known,

because the caption describes Airlangga seems sleepy when others are still praying.

Ani Yudhoyono only wants to share the action of her cute grandson.

Datum (6)

"Batik in Dubai". Menyaksikan air mancur menari mengikuti irama lagu dengan taburan sinar lampu di Burj Khalifa, Dubai. 7 November 2015.

"Batik in Dubai". Watching the dancing fountains follows the song's rhythm with a sprinkling of light in Burj Khalifa, Dubai, 7 November 2015.

Based on the sixth example of referential function in Ani Yudhoyono's

instagram caption, the writer found out the six elements of communication:



Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

Here, the writer analyzed "watching the dancing fountains follows the song's

rhythm with a sprinkling of a light" is included as referential function. It could be

known, because it describes the situation in Dubai. Ani Yudhoyono mentions that

there is a song’s rhythm with sprinkling of a light, it means that the situation in Dubai

is peaceful.

Datum (7)

"Bukunya Pepo banyak sekali ya...." "Pepo's books are so many...."

From the seventh example of referential function that found in Ani

Yudhoyono's instagram captions, the writer analyzed six elements of communication,

such as:

Table 4.14 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Airlangga

Context Airlangga takes a picture with the number of books,

Message "Pepo's books are so many.."

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English



Based on the caption, the writer also classified "Pepo's books are so many" as

referential function. It could be seen from Ani Yudhoyono describes the object of the

photo. She describes that there are so many books in the photo and those are Susilo

Bambang Ydhoyono’s collection books.

Datum (8)

"Foto keluarga minus Aliya dan adik Sakti". Belum 40 hari umur adik Sakti, jadi belum bisa diajak main ke Jatake, Tangerang, 25 Oktober 2015.

"Family photo without Aliya and little Sakti". Sakti's age is not 40 days yet, so he could not be brought to play to Jatake, Tangerang, 25 October 2015.

Based on the caption above, the writer analyzed six elements of communication,


Table 4.15 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 25 October 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Yudhoyono's family photo

Message "Family photo without Aliya and little Sakti". Sakti's age is not 40 days yet, so he could not be brought to play to Jatake, Tangerang, 25 October 2015

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

The writer also did classification "Family photo without Aliya and little Sakti"

is included as referential function because the caption describes the object of the

photo. In that family photo, Ani Yudhoyono describes that there is no Aliya and baby



the age is not 40 days yet, they could not be brought everywhere. It is a good

information for the followers who have a baby.

Datum (9)

"Setelah menunggui kelahiran putra kedua Ibas dan Aliya, prosesi berikutnya adalah menanam placenta (ari-ari)".

"After waiting for the birth of Ibas and Aliya's second son, the next procession is planting the placenta".

The writer found out the six elements of communication as follows:

Table 4.16 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Bu Ani Yudhoyono is planting the placenta.

Message "After waiting for the birth of Ibas and Aliya's second son, the next procession is planting the placenta"

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

Based on the caption above, the writer also did classification "the next

procession is planting the placenta" included as referential function because it is a

description in which Ani Yudhoyono is planting the placenta. It could be means that

she also wants to introduce to people who live in out of Indonesia that our culture



Datum (10)

"We are sisters, under 70s".

For the next example, the six elements of communication that analyzed by the

writer in Ani Yudhoyono's instagram caption, are:

Table 4.17 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context The women with the background "Back to 70s"

Message "We are sisters, under 70s"

Contact Written

Code English

Addressee Followers

Besides, the writer also found out that "We are sisters, under 70s" has function

to describe an object. Ani Yudhoyono described that she and they are sisters and their

birth is under 70s. So, it is included as referential function. The caption has meaning

that Ani Yudhoyono and the women are sister which was born under 70s.

Datum (11)

Mengikuti Peringatan Detik-detik Proklamasi RI, di Kecamatan Nawangan, Pacitan (Tanah Kelahiran SBY), 17 Agustus 2015. Bertindak sebagaiInspektur Upacara, bapak Bambang Purnomo, Camat Nawangan.

Participated at the 17 August 1945 National Independence Day celebrations, at Nawangan district, Pacitan (SBY's birth place), 17 August 2015. The head of Nawangan district, Mr. Bambang Purnomo acted as the inspector of the ceremony.

For the next caption, the writer analyzed six elements of communication, they



Table 4.18 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 17August 2015

Elements Explanation

Addresser Ani Yudhoyono

Context Ceremony

Message Participated at the 17 August 1945 National Independence Day celebrations, at Nawangan district, Pacitan (SBY's birth place), 17 August 2015. The head of Nawangan district, Mr. Bambang Purnomo acted as the inspector of the ceremony.

Contact Written

Code Indonesian – English

Addressee Followers

Furthermore, the writer also found out that "Participated at the 17 August 1945

National Independence Day celebrations" has function to describe the object of the

photo. The meaning behind such referential function is Ani Yudhoyono and Susilo

Bambang Yudhoyono were participated at the ceremony in Nawangan district,

Pacitan on August 17, 2015. She told to the followers that as an Indonesian, they have

to celebrate the Independence Day.

Datum (12)

"Berdo'a di makam ayahanda". Purworejo, 14 Agustus 2015. "Praying at my Father's tomb". Purworejo, 14 August 2015.

Based on the caption above, the writer found out the six elements of



Table 4.19 Elements of Communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 14 August 2015

included as referential function. It could be known because Ani Yudhoyono described

that she was at her father's tomb. It also means that Ani Yudhoyono gives the

O my Lord! Forgive me, my parents, all who enter my house in Faith and (all) believing men and believing women: and to the wrong-doers grant You no increase but in perdition! (Q.S. Nuh:28)


Figure 3.1 Steps of Collecting Data
Figure 3.2 Steps of Analyzing Data
Figure 4.1. The Frequency of Language Functions
Table 4.1 Elements of communication in Ani Yudhoyono’s caption on 2015


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