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Index of /papers/Health_Fitness Liver Detox Diet


Academic year: 2017

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The liver is an amazing organ. Tasked with removing toxins from the body, the liver acts as a natural filter. However, with today´s poor, overly processed dietary habits and overindulgence, it is easy for your liver to become overwhelmed and ˆclogged˜. The liver filters the toxins from the bloodstream, chemically changing them into harmless substances that can be excreted easily. As one of the largest and most important organs in the body, the liver´s efficiency is vital ...


liver detox, detox diet, liver, detoxification diet, detox, detoxification

Article Body:

The liver is an amazing organ. Tasked with removing toxins from the body, the liver acts as a natural filter. However, with today´s poor, overly processed dietary habits and overindulgence, it is easy for your liver to become overwhelmed and ˆclogged˜. The liver filters the toxins from the bloodstream, chemically changing them into harmless substances that can be excreted easily. As one of the largest and most important organs in the body, the liver´s efficiency is vital to overall health.

If the liver is unable to remove all of the harmful substances from the bloodstream, the toxins build up in our tissues and cause numerous health problems, including elevated cholesterol (and all of the problems related to high cholesterol), digestive problems including constipation, nausea and irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, depression and disruption of sugar levels within the bloodstream. Chronic fatigue and pain are often signs of a liver that is not functioning efficiently. There are many herbal supplement plans on the market to help with liver detoxification. Many of them have great testimonials and are not too uncomfortable to use. Try to avoid the harsh colon cleansers and complete fasts, as these tend to ˆshock˜ your system and release a large volume of harmful substances into the bloodstream at one time.

You should always start with a simple less stressful plan for liver detox. Make a lifestyle change that will allow your liver to function more efficiently. First, have a liver detox diet that eliminate toxins from your diet and flush your system with filtered water. Eat organic foods and wash your fruits and vegetables carefully. Substitute organic, lean meats and fruits and vegetables in their natural form for processed foods. Switch to ˆliver healthy˜ foods that will support liver function: beats, artichokes, broccoli and cabbage, seaweed and radishes. Add a good multi-vitamin and support liver function with milk thistle, shown to regenerate liver cells. Liver detoxification may be the answer if you are feeling achy and tired. Support your body´s natural filter and eat a liver healthy detox diet. You may be surprised at how much better you´ll feel.

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