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PROS Sri Subanti The effect of environmental fulltext


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Proceedings of the IConSSE FSM SWCU (2015), pp. MA.86–89 ISBN: 978-602-1047-21-7



The effect of enviromental attributes, facilities, and

demographic profile on travelled option

Sri Subanti

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia


The objective of this study was to know the influence of environmental attributes, facilities, and the demographic profile of the traveled option. There were three area tourist destinations in the Semarang District as follows Gedong Songo Temple, Pemandian Muncul, and Bukit Cinta. By using primary data obtained from survey to the tourists who were visiting. Method of analysis with econometric approach through logistic regression. The determinants of option traveled were environmental attributes, facilities, income, and education.

Keywords demographic profile, environment, facility, option traveled



The potential of tourism site development in Semarang District corresponds with Government policy, it will be developed in the natural tourism. Furthermore, it will be developed to the scale of the provincial and regional services to attract tourists and to improve the region's image both nationally and internationally. As interesting as, the Rawapening is located in the middle of the triangle location, Semarang-Yogya-Solo, this region has a strategic strengths and potential for development through tourism activities.

The tourism development in Semarang District needs to notice the visitors’ preferences so that changes in the condition or quality of tourism can provide multiple benefits for both visitors and tourism operators (local government). Moreover, taking into account the environmental costs, as well as the value or price of natural resource use over time or between generations, expected future generations can also enjoy the beauty of nature and the benefits perceived by the present generation. The cost or price of the sacrifice of the future will reflect the values of the loss of benefits due to the degradation of the natural resources that exist now.

Therefore, environmental preservation and social responsibility is indispensable as a form of care that can provide economic benefits not only local people but the visitors in tourism site in Semarang District. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of environmental attributes, facilities and demographic profile on travelled option.


Materials and methods


S. Subanti



1, 7 − (; S + ≥ 0, 7; S + ¼,

otherwise the individual or in this case the visitor in tourism site will reject the offer price of admission if it is not able to maximize its utility, this condition can be described as follows:

1, 7 − (; S + ≤ 0, 7; S + ¼.

From the above equations, is the indirect utility function, 7 is income (household monthly income), ( is a bid or offer price of admission, æ is the socio-economic characteristics of individuals or known by demographic characteristics, ¼ and are the stochastic component, random variable that independently distributed with zero mean or known independently distributed random variables with zero mean.

Then, the utilities difference between the response that agree and do not agree with the offer price of admission, defined in the following equation:

∆^= 1,7−(;S − 0,7;S + − ¼ .

Based on the above equation which the format of dichotomous choice contingent valuation methods is the binary choice dependent variable, thus requiring a qualitative choice models, that there are two options namely logit model or probit model. This study choses to use logit models compared probit model. According to the explanation of the Hill et al. (2001) in Adjaye & Tapsuwan (2008), that the logit model formed based on the cumulative distribution while probit model is formed based on the normal distribution and numerically more complicated to estimate. This question is also confirmed by Bishop and Heberlein (1979) and sheller, Stoll, and Chavas (1985) in Lee (1997) which states that the logit model is relatively more chosen than probit models, as well as in many other similar studies, including recreation, because this model is relatively easy to count.

Furthermore, individual who is faced with the choice of whether accept or reject the bid level market hypothesis, would have a probability (Pi), where the individual who receives the offer price of admission can be shown in the form of logarithm or log-logit models as follows:

x .þ , = ô^Δ^= -1 +,o∆$

.o = "œ5o–—o–˜o–™š, (1)

which ô^ is a cumulative distribution function, m is the intercept, and represents the coefficients of variables the offer price of admission, income, and demographic conditions. Because , , and are the estimated coefficients so expected ≤ 0, , > 0 vice versa > 0. Logit model in Eq. (1) is then estimated using the method of maximum likelihood (ML), which is a technique commonly used to estimate logit model. The description of the variables is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Variables and description.

Dependent Variable

Travel 1 if the respondent traveled three tourists destination (Pemandian Muncul, Bukit Cinta, dan Pemandian Muncul), and 0 if the respondent did not traveled

Independent Variable

Income Income respondent per month Gend Sex. 1 if male, and 0 if female Educ Time attained for formal education

Age Age


The effect of enviromental attributes, facilities, and demographic profile on travelled option




Results and discussion

From Table 2, it can be known that the significant factors influence the respondents visited are monthly respondents income (income), educational level of respondents (educ), facilities (fac), and enviromental (envir).

Another variable is not significant, such as age and sex suggest that visitors who come into a tourist destination not segmented in the range of age groups and specific gender, as shown in demographic profile (see table 3). Instead, visitors will also not provide a good assessment for tourism in Pemandian Muncul, Bukit Cinta, and Gedong Songo Temple.

Table 3. Demographic profile.


S. Subanti



the interest of those who have moved into tourism activities with interest in diversity and special interests.


Adjaye, Asafu, J., & Tapsuwan, S. (2008). A contingent valuation study of scuba diving benefits: Case study in Mu Ko Similan Marine National Park, Thailand. Tourism Management, 29, 1122–1130. Bowker, J.M., & Stoll, J.R. (1988). Use dichotomous choice non market methods to value the whooping

crane resource. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70, 372–381.

Hakim, A.R., Subanti, S., & Tambunan, M. (2011). Economic valuation of nature based tourism object in Rawapening Indonesia: An application of travel cost and contingent valuation method. Journal of Sustainable Development, 4(2).

Lee, C.-K., & Mjelde, J.W. (2007). Valuation of ecotourism resources using a contingent valuation method: The case of the Korean DMZ. Ecological Economics, 63, 511–520.


Table 1. Variables and description.
Table 2. Output estimation.


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