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The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website.


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A Semiotic Study

A Research Paper

Submitted to the Department of English Education of Faculty of Language and Arts Education of Indonesia University of Education as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree

Tantra Afianto






The Representation of Motivational

Values in Pictures Containing

The Issue of Motivation




Oleh Tantra Afianto

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Tantra Afianto 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Februari 2014

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.





By Tantra Afianto


Approved by

Supervisor I

Dadang Sudana, M. A., Ph.D. NIP.196009191990031001

Supervisor II

Ripan Hermawan, S. S., M. A. NIP.198010242005011001

Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education


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The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

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1.1 Background of the study 1

1.2 Statement of problems 3

1.3 Aims of the study 3

1.4 Scope of the study 4

1.5 Research design 4

1.6 Organization of the paper 5


2.1 Communication as the basic issue of Semiotics 6

2.2 Models of Semiotics 8

2.2.1 Saussure’s Model 8

2.2.2 Pierce’s Model 10

2.3 Representation 12

2.4 Barthes’ Orders of signification (1972) 14

2.4.1 Denotation 14

2.4.2 Connotation 15

2.4.3 Myth 16


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The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

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2.5.1 Motives 18

2.5.2 Motivation 22

2.5.3 Motivational Values 23

2.6 About Pinterest 24

2.7 Previous studies 26


3.1 Research method 28

3.2 Research procedures 29

3.2.1 Data collection 29

3.2.2 Data analysis 29

3.2.3 Data presentation 30

3.3 Clarification of key terms 31


4.1 The representation of motivational values from pictures containing issue of

motivation in Pinterest 33

4.1.1 Motivational values in general context 34 4.1.2 Motivational values in the context of health 50 4.1.3 Motivational value in the context of sport 55 4.2 The myths underlying the representation of motivational values from pictures

containing issue of motivation on Pinterest website 57

4.3 Discussion 58

4.3.1 Motivational Values 58

4.3.2 The motives as the myths 61


5.1 Conclusions 64


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PICTURE 1: Don’t quit (Do it) 71

PICTURE 2: You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf 72

PICTURE 3: Never discourage anyone who makes continual progress,

no matter how slow. 73

PICTURE 4: Believe in yourself (Be you) 74

PICTURE 5: Ships in harbour are safe, but that’s not what ships are built for. 75

PICTURE 6: The body is meant to be seen, not all covered up. 76 PICTURE 7: When you walk up to opportunities door, don’t knock it..

kick that b*tch in, smile and introduce yourself 77

PICTURE 8: Dreams don’t work unless you do! 78


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Figure 2.1. Jakobson’s model of communication (1960)

adapted from Fiske (2002: 35) 7

Figure 2.2. Saussure’s Model of Sign adapted from Chandler (2007) 9

Figure 2.3. The picture of Marilyn Monroe as a sign taken from Pinterest.com 9

Figure 2.4. Example of analysis using Saussure’s (1983) signified and signifier 10

Figure 2.4. Pierce’s Model of Sign adapted from Chandler (2007) 11

Figure 2.5. The analysis of the sign Marilyn Monroe

using Pierce’s model of semiotics 12

Figure 2.6. Orders of Signification adapted from Barthes (1972: 113) 14 Figure 2.7. Motivational cycle adapted from Walgito (2010: 242) 22

Figure 2.8. Pinterest site 25


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Table 2.1. List of Confederation Cup and World Cup Winners

from 1992 to 2013 17


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The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

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Supervisor I: Dadang Sudana, M. A., Ph.D. Supervisor II: Ripan Hermawan, S. S., M. A.


This study investigates the representation of motivational values in pictures and the myths underlying the representations. The data are ten pictures containing the issue of motivation retrieved from Pinterest website. This study is a qualitative research framed in Barthes’ orders of signification theory (1972). The theory is used to discover the representation of motivational values while the theory of motives by Murray (2009) becomes the foundation in revealing the myths from the representations. The result shows that there are three classifications of the representation of motivational values, namely the motivational values in general context, the motivational values in the context of health, and the motivational values in the context of sport. Moreover, of the three motivational values, there are five values: hard work, independence, total action, focus, and benefit of having opportunities. With regard to the myth, there are two motives, namely the motive of achievement and the motive of counteraction. In addition, there are three elaborations in the motive of achievement: (1) to overcome obstacles, (2) to accomplish something difficult, and (3) to master physical things. Furthermore, there are two elaborations in the motive of counteraction: to overcome weaknesses and to repress fear. This study suggests that besides motivational speech of particular people, any texts including pictures can be served as motivation.


Tantra Afianto, 2014

The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Pembimbing I: Dadang Sudana, M. A., Ph.D. Pembimbing II: Ripan Hermawan, S. S., M. A.


Kajian ini menginvestigasi representasi nilai-nilai motivasi dalam gambar-gambar dan mitos-mitos yang mendasari representasi tersebut. Datanya merupakan sepuluh gambar yang berisikan isu tentang motivasi yang diambil dari situs jaringan Pinterest. Kajian ini merupakan penilitian kualitatif yang terkerangka dalam teori tingkat pemaknaan oleh Barthes (1972). Teori tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui representasi nilai-nilai motivasi sedangkan teori motif Murray (2009) menjadi dasar dalam mengungkap mitos-mitos dari representasi tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa ada tiga klasifikasi representasi nilai-nilai motivasi, yaitu nilai-nilai motivasi dalam konteks umum, nilai-nilai motivasi dalam konteks kesehatan, dan nilai-nilai motivasi dalam konteks olahraga. Lebih jauhnya lagi, dari ketiga nilai-nilai motivasi tersebut, terdapat lima nilai: kerja keras, kemandirian, aksi total, fokus, dan manfaat memiliki kesempatan. Berkaitan dengan mitos, ada dua motif, yaitu motif prestasi dan motif mengatasi kelemahan. Ditambah lagi, ada tiga penjelasan dalam motif prestasi: (1) untuk mengatasi rintangan, (2) untuk menyeleasikan sesuatu yang sulit, dan (3) untuk menguasai hal-hal fisik. Selanjutnya, ada dua penjelasan mengenai motif mengatasi kelemahan: untuk mengatasi kelemahan dan untuk menekan rasa takut. Kajian ini menyarankan bahwa di samping pidato motivasi dari orang-orang tertentu, teks apapun termasuk gambar dapat berperan sebagai motivasi.


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The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter is the beginning point of this paper. It covers the background of study, statements of problem, aims of study, scope of study, research design, and organization of paper.

1.1 Background of the study

The process of delivering meaning of signs can be done by stating the meaning directly and literally or representing the meaning indirectly and figuratively. Stating meaning literally is easy to do because the sign creator does not have to put something metaphorically. On the other hand, representing meaning is quite difficult because the sign creator needs to think of something out of human commonsense. In fact, the study of representation underneath the field of semiotics becomes interesting because researchers do not know beforehand whether a group of sign in a media consists of hidden meaning or not.


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The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

what meaning is represented and how meaning is represented but also the one who represents the meaning.

Most studies are conducted in the field of representation as one of the tools of semiotic analysis. Representation occurs in all media or texts which produce signs. Media communication like advertisements, movies, images/pictures, or songs consists of signs that represent plenty of meaningful things.

Images/pictures and printed advertisements represent the signs through the position or certain shapes of signs in pictures and somehow, the meaning is affected by the culture or context surrounding the signs (Kress, 2006). Furthermore, Kress (2006) gives an illustration that a group of horizontally straight lines defines something. For some cultures, the meaning of „straight‟ is related to men‟s attractiveness. The straight men are those who love women. On the other hand, pictures or non-linguistic signs are not enough to gain interpretation and meaning. Linguistic messages in the form of spoken or written utterances can be involved into the pictures to gain more comprehensive interpretation. In addition, a research in representation involving linguistic and non-linguistic signs has been conducted by Achadiat (2013) which concerned the representation of Americanization myths on the internet meme. The research engaged the theory of orders of signification containing denotation, connotation, and myth by Barthes (1972).

In terms of studies of motivation, there are some studies of song lyrics that emphasize the meaning and interpretation of lyrics on the motivational values. Songs contain lyrics as the linguistic signs which make the listeners understand the meaning of songs. For instance, Lingga (2011) has conducted a research on representation of motivational values. It yields seven motivational messages. In a line with Lingga (2011), a research on representation of moral value from rap song lyrics has been done by Wardhana (2011). Both of them uses the Saussure‟s signified and signifier


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The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The previous studies have shown that the study of representation appears in the texts with their own issues and interpretation. The issues are general but they can be observed by a single tool. None of them, however, have investigated the representation of motivational values in pictures. There are two main factors that convince the writer in conducting this research. First, there has not been research focusing on the motivational values in pictures. Secondly, the topic of representation of motivational values in pictures is interesting because it puts psychological theories on human‟s behavior especially motives and motivation proposed by Murray (2009) which intend to give a clear point of view that reaching goals, however, is pushed by motives and motivation of the dreamers themselves.

By combining two different approaches, semiotics and psychology, this research offers a new insight that motivated behaviors can be observed by understanding the representation of texts. In this research, the texts are pictures involving both non-linguistic and linguistic signs taken from one of social media named Pinterest. It is one of social media that has a concept of picture-sharing. The study of signs or semiotics reveals the way people define texts. The representation as the result of defining texts disentangles motives and motivation in reaching goals.

1.2 Statement of problems

This study aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the representation of motivational values from pictures containing the issue of motivation on Pinterest website?


Tantra Afianto, 2014

The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1.3 Aims of the study

There are two main aims in conducting this research:

1) This study is intended to discover motivational values represented in pictures in the issue of motivation from social media; that is Pinterest.

2) This study aims at investigating the myth underlying the representation of motivational values in pictures in the issue of motivation on Pinterest website.

1.4 Scope of the study

This research is limited to the analysis of representation of motivational values from pictures in social media named Pinterest. This research employs psychological theories proposed by Murray (2009) in motives and motivation to support the understanding about human‟s behavior.

1.5 Research design

This is a qualitative research that employs textual analysis method framed in Barthes‟ orders of signification (1972). A qualitative research attempts to construct reality and obtain the meaning. It concerns processes, events, and authenticity (Somantri, 2005). Textual analysis is used to conduct a research in cultural, communication, and media studies covered in a few or many features of texts. (Fairclough, 2003 & McKee, 2003). Meanwhile, Barthes‟ orders of signification (1972) as the tool for analysis engages denotation as the first order, connotation as the second order, and myth as the third order. This method leads to a research on texts containing the issue of culture, communication, or media.


Tantra Afianto, 2014

The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

From that process, the writer interprets the representation and determines the myth. Finally the writer concludes them into a comprehensive conclusion.

1.6 Organization of the paper

This paper is organized into five chapters.

Chapter I

This chapter introduces the background of study, statements of problem, aims of study, scope of study, research design, and organization of paper.

Chapter II

This chapter explains the theoretical frameworks, consisting of basic theories of the study.

Chapter III

This chapter elaborates the methods of study. It contains research design, data collection, and data analysis.

Chapter IV

This chapter provides the data analysis using theoretical framework and its discussion.

Chapter V


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This chapter provides the research methods used for analyzing the data. This chapter also covers the research procedures consisting of data collection, data analysis, and data presentation.

3.1Research method

This study was a qualitative research framed in the theory of orders of signification by Barthes (1972). A qualitative research is a research that does not deal with

numerical values, yet it concerns on human‟s interpretation to writings, images, or

sounds considered to be qualitative data (Boeije, 2010). The texts included into the previous explanation are linguistic texts, either written or oral texts. According to Thwaites et al. (1994), what is meant by a text is a combination of things that produces meaning. In brief, the data analyzed in a qualitative research are texts that can be in the form of linguistic signs (written or oral caption) or non-linguistic signs (pictures, images, photographs, or films).

There are some particular characteristics of a qualitative research. Neuman

(1997) mentions eight „styles‟ of a qualitative research. They are (1) constructing

reality and cultural meaning, (2) focusing on processes and events interactively, (3) looking for authenticity, (4) existing explicit values, (5) limitation of situation, (6) lacking of cases and subjects, (7) thematic analysis, and (8) the involvement of researcher. Those styles or characteristics existed in this study.

In addition to the explanation of qualitative research, this study also employed textual analysis. It is a research in cultural, communication, and media studies covered in a few or many features of texts (Fairclough, 2003 & McKee, 2003). It

aims at searching for people‟s perspective to the world. It means that textual analysis


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3.2Research procedures

3.2.1 Data collection

The data in this study were taken from a website named Pinterest. It is a website that has a concept of picture-sharing. The data were pictures in the issue of motivation.

They could be found by putting the keyword “motivational quotes” on the search tab

on Pinterest website. The writer randomly selected ten pictures that consisted of linguistic and non-linguistic signs. Both linguistic and non-linguistic signs were related to each other. As proposed by Kress and Leuween (2006), the linguistic messages had to be involved into pictures as the visualization of such captions. Therefore, the linguistic signs were the captions that helped readers understood the non-linguistic signs as the visualization of such captions.

3.2.2 Data analysis

The ten pictures that consisted of linguistic and non-linguistic signs were analyzed

using Barthes‟ orders of signification (1972). The theory aims at investigating the

representation and the myths from signs. It is divided into three orders. The first order of signification deals with denotative meaning of a sign. The denotative meanings of linguistic signs were analyzed in two steps. The first step was the analysis of linguistic signs word by word. The literal meaning of words were taken from

Cambridge Advanced Learners‟ Dictionary (2008). Later on, the linguistic signs were

signified literally as a full caption or sentence. Meanwhile, the non-linguistic signs were identified as they were seen.


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The third order of signification signifies myths from signs. A myth from a sign system is accommodated in a natural and historical assumption that people believe in. Furthermore, a myth becomes a dominant belief (Barthes, 1972; Gaines, 2001; & Heck, 2005). Myths are more abstract and in signifying them, references are needed. In this study, the theory of motive by Murray (2009) stood as the main reference. There are twenty motives which have been listed in the previous chapter. The connotative meaning from the second order of signification became the base in identifying the myths.

3.2.3 Data presentation

This section provides an example of data presentation.


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to take action while the word „Quit‟ means to stop doing something. The word „it‟

refers to the thing, animal, or situation which has been mentioned before. In this

signification, there is no reference to the word „it‟. As a full caption, Don’t quit

means „not to stop‟ while the obvious parts or the caption do it means „keep doing‟.

Both captions are addressed to the same meaning; that is not to stop doing something. In this sign, the second order of signification or the connotation is signified from the meaning of black background and white-font caption. The use of blur also determines the connotation. The combination of black and white represents something contradictory (Color Meaning, 2013). In an art work, the black color is used to oppose the other light and bright colors. Blurring the part n’t and qu sets aside the word do and it. Yet, both captions, don’t quit and do it, deliver the same motivational value; that is tenacity. Moreover, Fiske (2002) states that the signification of connotative meaning also involves cultural context to the sign. In this sign, American culture of success suggests an idea about standing up for rights that elaborates the idea about tenacity of reaching success (Nussbaum, 2005).

As Barthes (1972) proposed, the third order of signification is myth departing from the second order of signification. As the world belief, the representation of tenacity gained from this sign is included into the myth of achievement motive elaborated to a comprehension of overcoming obstacles and attaining a high standard (Murray, 1938 in Schultz & Schultz, 2009). Overcoming the most difficult obstacles will cause the one who does it will be at the highest point of his life. That will happen if only the one who does such thing never gives up and struggles until the end.

3.3Clarification of key terms

The following terms are used in this research. The terms are clarified to avoid misunderstanding of definition in this research.

1. Pinterest


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pinboard or like the „home page‟ in Facebook or „timeline‟ in Twitter. The users

are able to search for any category of what they like. In June 2013, as reported on http://semiocast.com/ (retrieved on 6 February 2014), the users of Pinterest increased up to 70 million users all over the world.

2. Motives

Motives are derived from the Greek word movere that means to move (Branca, 1964 as cited in Walgito, 2010). It refers to stimulation or a force to do something

that lies in human‟s behavior. A motive is also called a driving force (Walgito, 2010: 240) or a desired goal (Feldman, 1992: 220).

3. Motivation

Motivation or motivational cycle is a circular activity that produces a target. Motive is one of the elements involved in a motivational cycle and the rests are instrumental behavior and goal (Walgito, 2010: 242). If a goal is achieved then it will appear another motive for accomplishing another thing.

4. Motivational values

Values come from individual‟s judgment toward something valuable or important according to that individual‟s principles and standards (Robbins, 2007: 1884).

Something is considered as having motivational values if it has importance to stimulation or motives.

5. Myths


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This chapter presents the conclusions derived from the analysis in the previous chapter. The conclusions is also completed with the summary of the result of analysis. The suggestions ends this chapter by providing ideas about further research.

5.1 Conclusions

As informed in Chapter I, this study aims at investigating motivational values in pictures in the issue of motivation on Pinterest website and the myths underlying the representations. The analysis has been done in Chapter IV. The representation of motivational values from pictures containing the issue of motivation are represented by particular positions, colors, and visualizations of the pictures. Moreover, Barthes’ orders of signification (1972) is employed to reveal such motivational values. Meanwhile, theory of motive by Murray (2009) discovers the myth underlying the representation. The result is that motivational values are classified in three classifications: motivational values in general context, motivational values in the context of health, and motivational values in the context of sport. Particular motivational values are derived from the classifications. Motivational values in general context produce four values: hard work, independence, total action, and benefit of having opportunities. In term of motivational values in the context of health, there are two values: hard work and focus. In term of motivational values in the context of sport, there is a value, namely total action.


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general context, (2) to accomplish something difficult as represented in the third and sixth pictures classified on the motivational values in general context and the picture on the motivational values in the context of sport, and (3) to master physical things as represented in both pictures on the motivational values in the context of health. Meanwhile, the elaborations in the motive of counteraction are to overcome weaknesses and to repress fear as represented in the second, forth, and fifth picture as classified in the motivational values in general context.

5.2 Suggestions

After using some variables, such as the study of representation, the use of pictures containing linguistic and non-linguistic signs as the main data, the use of Pinterest as the main data source, and the use of combination theories by Barthes’ orders of signification (1972) and Murray’s theory of motive (2009), there is still gap of research that should be fulfilled.


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The representation of motivational values In pictures containing the issue of motivation On pinterest website

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