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Academic year: 2019



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Definitely, to boost your life top quality, every e-book Cars And Trucks And Things That Go By Richard Scarry will certainly have their certain driving lesson. However, having specific recognition will certainly make you really feel much more confident. When you feel something take place to your life, occasionally, reading e-book Cars And Trucks And Things That Go By Richard Scarry can assist you to make tranquility. Is that your actual hobby? Occasionally indeed, but in some cases will certainly be uncertain. Your choice to check out Cars And Trucks And Things That Go By Richard Scarry as one of your reading e-books, can be your correct e-book to check out now.

Amazon.com Review

Although this book was around when many of today's parents were youngsters, it has remained a steadfast must-have in every toddler's library. For starters, it's a great vocabulary guide that names the many things that go (and some that haven't a prayer of going, but are great fun to imagine anyway). It's also teeming with detail-rich scenes and characters on every page, teaching children the rewards of looking long and closely (such as finding the hidden "Goldbug" in each spread). Along the way it entertains with the silly and slapstick--everything from toothpaste and toothbrush cars to six fire department vehicles that show up to extinguish a ladybug-size fire in a miniature pink convertible. What's most amazing about this book, however, is its longevity. When you purchase it for your fledgling talker, you should consider it an investment. Even 11-, 12-, and 13-year-olds are known to pore over the book nostalgically, cooing at Lowly Worm and eagerly tracking Officer Flossie's book-long chase after that irresponsible, speedster driver in a cowboy hat. (Ages 2 and older) --Gail Hudson

From the Back Cover

This book is about objects with wheels that can roll.

About the Author



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It's time to start your engines in this Richard Scarry classic all about vehicles!

Buckle-up for a fun-filled day of planes, trains, automobiles . . . and even a pickle truck! Featuring hundreds of clearly labeled vehicles, this is the perfect book for little vehicle fans from the one and only Richard Scarry.

Dimensions: 10.87" h x .20" w x 8.74" l,

Binding: Paperback

Amazon.com Review

Although this book was around when many of today's parents were youngsters, it has remained a steadfast must-have in every toddler's library. For starters, it's a great vocabulary guide that names the many things that go (and some that haven't a prayer of going, but are great fun to imagine anyway). It's also teeming with detail-rich scenes and characters on every page, teaching children the rewards of looking long and closely (such as finding the hidden "Goldbug" in each spread). Along the way it entertains with the silly and slapstick--everything from toothpaste and toothbrush cars to six fire department vehicles that show up to extinguish a ladybug-size fire in a miniature pink convertible. What's most amazing about this book, however, is its longevity. When you purchase it for your fledgling talker, you should consider it an investment. Even 11-, 12-, and 13-year-olds are known to pore over the book nostalgically, cooing at Lowly Worm and eagerly tracking Officer Flossie's book-long chase after that irresponsible, speedster driver in a cowboy hat. (Ages 2 and older) --Gail Hudson

From the Back Cover

This book is about objects with wheels that can roll.

About the Author

RICHARD SCARRY is one of the world's best-loved children's authors EVER! In his extraordinary career, Scarry illustrated over 150 books, many of which have never been out of print. His books have sold over 100 million copies around the world, and are currently published in over twenty languages. No other illustrator has shown such a lively interest in the words and concepts of early childhood. Richard Scarry was posthumously awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Illustrators in 2012.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.


every nook and cranny with action and life; his works certainly served as template for Waldo long before anyone wondered where he was. Words put meaning to pictures and vice versa. Children will get lost in these pages. And so will their parents.

How much more classic can a book be? None. None more classic.

Get it for your burgeoning reader. For your hyperactive intellectual. For your munchkin mechanic. For any little one you love.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.

He is learning to read and it makes a good excersise even if still not his level By khadija

I do remember my brother dragging this book around when we were kids. When my son started pre-school, my brother gave him the new edition of the book. And now he is the favour it uncle of all times. We take this book every where: the mall, visiting, the park, you name it. He is learning to read and it makes a good excersise even if still not his level. The illustrations are captivating and he loves to make up his own stories about the characters and the many cars. Because he loved it so much, I bought the other books which he also loves. This book is my to go gift for every little boy I know.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A true classic

By Kid Kyoto

Simple summary, as the pig family goes out for a picnic they share the road with all sorts of improbable vehicles. While many of the cars and trucks are based on real vehicles there's also cars based on pencils, rolling cheese wedges, hot dogs or eggs. If only real road trips were this entertaining!

I remember this book from when I was a kid, I even remember drawing my own wacky cars.

It's been a big hit with our twin girls (age 3) and should have a place on any toddler's book shelf.




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Amazon.com Review

Although this book was around when many of today's parents were youngsters, it has remained a steadfast must-have in every toddler's library. For starters, it's a great vocabulary guide that names the many things that go (and some that haven't a prayer of going, but are great fun to imagine anyway). It's also teeming with detail-rich scenes and characters on every page, teaching children the rewards of looking long and closely (such as finding the hidden "Goldbug" in each spread). Along the way it entertains with the silly and slapstick--everything from toothpaste and toothbrush cars to six fire department vehicles that show up to extinguish a ladybug-size fire in a miniature pink convertible. What's most amazing about this book, however, is its longevity. When you purchase it for your fledgling talker, you should consider it an investment. Even 11-, 12-, and 13-year-olds are known to pore over the book nostalgically, cooing at Lowly Worm and eagerly tracking Officer Flossie's book-long chase after that irresponsible, speedster driver in a cowboy hat. (Ages 2 and older) --Gail Hudson

From the Back Cover

This book is about objects with wheels that can roll.

About the Author

RICHARD SCARRY is one of the world's best-loved children's authors EVER! In his extraordinary career, Scarry illustrated over 150 books, many of which have never been out of print. His books have sold over 100 million copies around the world, and are currently published in over twenty languages. No other illustrator has shown such a lively interest in the words and concepts of early childhood. Richard Scarry was posthumously awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Illustrators in 2012.


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