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Phytochrome and post-translational regulation of nitrate reductase

in higher plants

K laus-J. Appenroth


*, R ezarta M ec¸o


, Vincent Jourdan


, Cathrine Lillo


aDepartment of Plant Physiology, Uni6ersity of Jena, Dornburger S traße 159, D -07743Jena, Germany bS ta6anger College, Box 2557Ullandhaug,4091S ta6anger, N orway

R eceived 1 M arch 2000; received in revised form 9 M ay 2000; accepted 14 June 2000


The possible influence of phytochrome on the activity state of nitrate reductase (N R ) was investigated in etiolated plants where the expression of the N R gene is known to be under the control of phytochrome. Activity state is defined as N R activity assayed in the presence of M g2+as percentage of N R activity measured in the absence of M g2+. This measurement is assumed to reflect

non-phosphorylated N R as percentage of total N R . Beside etiolated barley and maize leaves, a photosynthetic mutant of L emna

aequinoctialis was investigated and compared with the wild type. The increase of N R activity following a red light pulse, mediated

via phytochrome, was confirmed in all etiolated plant species investigated as well as in both strains of L . aequinoctialis cultivated in glucose-containing medium. The effect of continuous red light surpassed the effect of a single red light pulse in each case. H owever, the results did not show any stimulating effect of phytochrome on the activity state caused by post-translational modulation. The activity state was strongly increased by continuous red light in the wild type of L . aequinoctialis but not in the photosynthetic mutant. These results show that the phytochrome system is not important for the post-translational regulation of N R . © 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Barley; L emna aequinoctialis; M aize; N itrate reductase; Phytochrome 14-3-3


1. Introduction

N itrate reductase (N R ) (EC is subjected to complex regulation on the transcriptional, translational and post-translational levels [1]. Both photosynthetically active light and light acting through phytochrome are known to influence the N R expression [2 – 5]. Phytochrome-mediated ef-fects of light on N R are evident in etiolated leaves. Pulses of red light are known to induce an increase in N R activity that is caused by higher N R mR N A levels and by an increased concentration of N R protein. This has been interpreted in terms

of phytochrome involvement in the regulation of gene expression of N R in etiolated higher plants [6 – 13]. Stimulating effects of light on N R expres-sion can also be observed in green tissues. In a previous study, the regulation of N R in etiolated turions was compared with that in green vegeta-tive fronds of the duckweed S pirodela polyrhiza [10]. It has been shown that in the green fronds the role of photoreceptor has mainly been overtaken by chlorophyll (acting via photosynthesis), whereas phytochromes play only a marginal role. In etiolated turions, however, N R content and activity are regulated by the ordinary low fluence response of phytochrome [7,8]. In all other plants except S pirodela and barley [6], the regulation of N R by phytochrome has been studied only in etiolated or non-photosynthetic tissue (e.g. roots, [11]). R egulation of N R by light was also investi-gated in the phytochrome-deficient aurea mutant

A bbre6iations: cR , continuous red light; D M O, 5,5-dimethyl-2,4

oxazolidinedione; N R , nitrate reductase; N Ras, activity state of N R ;

N Rtot, total N R activity; R p, red light pulse.

D edicated to the 70th birthday of Prof. H ans M ohr

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-3641-949233; fax: + 49-3641-949232.

E -mail address: klaus.appenroth@uni-jena.de (K .-J. Appenroth).


and wild strain of tomato [13,14]. In etiolated tomato tissue, the regulation of N R by phy-tochrome is quite obvious. The results in green tomato tissue, however, do not sort out the pho-toreceptor involved. The shared action of photore-ceptors in etiolated and green plants of S .

polyrhiza [10] may represent a general rule.

D uring the past decade, the post-translational regulation of N R has been intensively studied. As a result, two steps have been established to take part in the regulation of N R : phosphoryla-tion/dephosphorylation and binding of inhibiting proteins [15 – 18]. Several groups have shown that (the small) changes in N R concentration cannot account for the variations in N R activity observed during approximately 30 min following a light/

dark or dark/light shift [19 – 22]. The involvement of phosphorylation and inhibiting proteins can easily be confirmed by assaying N R activity under selective assay conditions: In the presence of M g2+ and inhibiting proteins, the activity of

the phosphorylated form of N R is low or not detectable, whereas ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (ED TA) leads to a rapid activation of the enzyme. N R assayed in the presence of ED TA (N Rtot) is proportional to the N R steady-state

protein concentration regardless of the effective activity under in vivo conditions. The assay in the presence of M g2+ gives an estimation of the

in-situ N R activity [23]. Comparison of N R activities in assays with and without M g2+ allows one to

estimate the so-called N R activity state (N Ras),

which is defined as the part of N R not affected by inhibiting proteins (i.e. non-phosphorylated N R (N Rnp)) expressed as the percentage of N Rtot

(N Rnp+phosphorylated N R ), i.e. N Ras=100×

N Rnp/N Rtot. It is well documented that the

post-translational regulation of N R activity depends on light, and that the N Rasin green tissue is regulated

by photosynthesis. The N Ras is high under

photo-synthetic conditions and decreases under non-photosynthetic conditions, e.g. in darkness, in the presence of photosynthetic inhibitors or under low CO2 pressure [24]. This suggests that, in a green

tissue, the influence of phytochrome on the N Ras

is either small or not detectable. H owever, a possi-ble role of phytochrome as the photoreceptor con-trolling N Ras in non-photosynthetic tissue (similar

to the regulation of N Rtot) has not been tested.

Therefore, we examined if N Ras, reflecting the

post-translational regulation of N R , is influenced by light absorbed by the phytochrome system in several etiolated higher plant tissues.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. L ight treatments and ex traction of N R

2.1.1. Etiolated lea6es of barley

Barley seeds (H ordeum 6ulgare cv. K innan) were sown in vermiculite at 20°C in darkness and wa-tered with H oagland solution containing 15 mM K N O3 [25]. Six days after sowing, the seedlings

were subjected to different light treatments: pulses of red light (2 mmol m−2s−1) for 5 min at 0, 4, 8,

12, 16 and 20 h, or continuous white light (50

mmol m−2 s−1). Leaves were harvested 24 h after

the start of the treatments. Leaves (1 g) were ground in a mortar with 4 ml of 50 mM H epes – K OH (pH 7.5), 5 mM cysteine, 1 mM ED TA, 7.5

mM leupeptin, 0.1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl

fluoride, 1 mM F AD and 1 mM N a2M oO4. The

extract was used immediately to assay the N R activity in the presence (6 mM ) or absence of M gCl2.

F or acid loading (see Section 3.1), barley leaves were cut into 2 mm pieces and vacuum infiltrated in 50 mM M ops (pH 6.5), 10 mM 5,5-dimethyl-2,4 oxazolidinedione (D M O) for 2×20 s (to get D M O into the tissue), then flushed with air for 15 s to avoid anaerobic conditions, and left in dark-ness for 30 min before the extraction and the assay of N R .

2.1.2. Etiolated lea6es of maize

Seeds of maize (Z ea mays cv. agio, Van der H ave) were soaked in distilled water for 24 h and grown on moist filter paper for 9 days at 18.09 0.1°C in darkness [26]. Etiolated, primary leaves were excised and floated on distilled water. The sample was irradiated with a red light pulse (R p) of 3 min, 500mmol m−2s−1, continuous red (cR )

of 12 mmol m−2 s−1 or white light of 50 mmol

m−2 s−1. The leaves were kept for 2 h on water

and then transferred to K N O3 solution (60 mM )


mM ED TA-N a2 and 3 mM cysteine [27]. The

homogenate was divided into two parts and one part was supplemented with M gCl2 to a final

concentration of 6 mM . F ollowing centrifugation (3 min, 15 800×g), the supernatant was used for

the N R assay.

2.1.3. L emna aequinoctialis

L emna aequinoctialis, strain 6746, a mutant not

performing photosynthesis (see R ef. [28]), was cul-tivated in a carbohydrate containing medium: 50 mM glucose was added to the nutrient medium described elsewhere [29]. The plants, cultivated in white light under axenic conditions, were dark-adapted for 72 h and kept in complete darkness or in cR (12 mmol m−2 s−1) for a further 48 h, or

they were transferred to the darkness after a R p (3 min, 500 mmol m−2 s−1) before enzyme activity

was assayed. Pilot experiments had shown that this time was required to obtain the maximum effect of light on the enzyme activity. The results were compared with those obtained for the wild type of

L . aequinoctialis, strain 1073, which was cultivated

and treated in the same way as the mutant. One hour before the enzyme extraction, N aH CO3 (10

mM ) was added as a source of CO2necessary for

assimilation. N R extraction was carried out as described previously [10], except that protease in-hibitors 0.02 mM leupeptin, 1 mM PM SF , and 0.2 mM pefabloc (M erck, D armstadt, G ermany) were

added. In experiments without glucose, plants were kept for 48 h in inorganic solution before enzyme activity was assayed. 3-(3,4-D ichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (D CM U ) (final concentration, 10

mM ) was dissolved in acetone and applied together

with 0.5% (vol./vol.) solvent immediately before the onset of light treatment.

2.2. A ssay of N R

N R was assayed as described previously in the presence or absence of 6 mM M gCl2, and the rate

of nitrite formation was determined [10]. Total nitrate reductase activity (N Rtot) represents the

N R activity in the absence of M g2+. Activity

states (N Ras) were calculated as N R activity

mea-sured in the presence of M g2+ as percentage of the

N R activity measured in the absence of M g2+

(N Rtot).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Etiolated barley lea6es

Etiolated barley seedlings were treated with R p according to a previously optimized scheme known to enhance the N Rtot activity [25]. In the work

presented in this paper, we additionally tested the N R activity in the presence of M g2+ to determine

the N Ras. The low N Ras in etiolated seedlings

suggested that most of the N R was present in its phosphorylated form and inhibited by 14-3-3 proteins. The experiments confirmed that R p influ-enced the N Rtotactivity (cf. [6,25]). In contrast, the

N Ras was not influenced (Table 1); i.e. following

the red pulse, there was an insignificant increase in the percentage of the active form of the enzyme. It was previously shown for protoplasts of green barley leaves [30] that weak acids that penetrated the tissue activated N R . Acid loading (treatment with D M O) of the leaves in continuous darkness for 30 min induced the high N Ras (Table 1).

Therefore, etiolated barley leaves did have the potential for the activation of N R , i.e. phos-phatases involved in the activation of N R ap-peared to be present. Lack of phytochrome effects on N Ras is thus not caused by absence of these

activating factors, but phytochrome does not influ-ence the balance of activating and inactivating factors like, for instance, pH .

Table 1

N itrate reductase activity (N Rtot) and activity state (N Ras) in

etiolated and greening barley leavesa

N Ras(% of N Rtot)

N Rtot (−M gCl2)

Light treatment

D 0.7090.06 3095 3895 1.3490.11

R p

D , D M O 0.7890.04 7998 cW 2.6990.11 7895

aCaryopses were germinated in darkness (D ) for 6 days,

and then treated either with red light pulses (R p) or continu-ous white light (cW), or kept in darkness. Samples were tested for N R activity in the presence of 6 mM M gCl2 or without

M gCl2in the assay mixture. Etiolated leaves were also treated

with 10 mM D M O to test the capacity of the N R -activating system. The presented enzyme activities are given as nmol s−1

(g fresh weight)−19S.E. The activity states is calculated as

percentage of the N R activity measured in the presence of M g2+of the N R activity measured in the absence of M g2+

(N Rtot). All values are averages of three independent


Table 2

N itrate reductase activity (N Rtot) and activity state (N Ras) in

etiolated and greening leaves of maizea

N Ras(% of N Rtot)

N Rtot (−M gCl2)

Light treatment

D 0.2890.01 5692 4493 R p 0.5490.01

4893 0.4290.02

R p–F R p

8692 cR 1.1390.06

aSeeds were germinated for 9 days in darkness. Primary

leaves were excised and either kept in complete darkness or transferred to continuous red light. Alternatively, light pulses were given and leaves were kept thereafter in darkness. F or further explanations, see Table 1. D ata presented are means of six independent experiments. F R p, far red light pulse.

not increase the N Ras. On the contrary, there

seemed to be a decrease in the percentage of the unblocked, active enzyme. This decrease, however significant, was not very pronounced. It can be concluded that phytochrome does not influence the 14-3-3 inhibition in etiolated maize leaves.

A mechanism of phytochrome-mediated, post-translational modification of N R has been pro-posed previously in etiolated maize leaves [31]. This mechanism, however, is apparently different from the mechanism of the 14-3-3 inhibition and up to now unknown in other plant species.

3.3. Fronds of the duckweed L . aequinoctialis

In the wild type of L . aequinoctialis, strain 1073, N Rtot was increased both by a single light pulse

and, to a larger extent, by cR (Table 3). This effect of cR was completely prevented by the application of the photosynthesis inhibitor, D CM U during the light treatment. The effect of a single R p, however, was not influenced by the same concentration of D CM U (data not shown). This demonstrates the importance of photosynthesis for the regulation of N Rtot in green tissue as shown for the closely

related species S . polyrhiza [10]. The N Rasin

dark-ness was high in the presence of glucose in the nutrient solution. Previous experiments with bar-ley leaves have demonstrated that the N Ras is

increased by short-term (30 min) treatments with glucose or sucrose [24]. This indicates that the N Ras is increased by carbohydrate treatment, as it

is known for the increase of N Rtot in A rabidopsis thaliana [32]. The results presented in this paper

show a stimulating effect of the long-term treat-When continuous, photosynthetically active

light was given for 24 h, the N Rtot activity

in-creased by a factor of 4. Concomitantly, the N Ras

in this de-etiolating tissue increased from 30 to 78%. This confirmed the previous observation that photosynthesis favours both high N Rtot and high

N Ras [30].

3.2. M aize lea6es

The influence of phytochrome on N Rtot in

etio-lated maize leaves is demonstrated in Table 2. These results are in agreement with those pub-lished previously for etiolated maize leaves [9,26,27] and roots [11]. The existence of the 14-3-3 inhibition was confirmed by the data presented in Table 2. The N Ras increased in cR that, most

probably, was caused by the effect of photosynthe-sis in the de-etiolating excised leaves. Application of R p, or R p followed by far red light pulse, did

Table 3

N itrate reductase activity (N Rtot) and activity state (N Ras) in green, vegetative fronds of L . aequinoctialis were investigated a

Photosynthetic mutant Wild type

Light treatment

N Rtot (−M g) N Ras(% of N Rtot) N Rtot (−M g) N Ras(% of N Rtot)

7896 7194

D 0.2090.01 0.1790.02

n.d. n.d.

3993 D−glucose 0.01190.001

0.4490.04 6795 0.2890.03 6399 R p

0.5690.04 9297

cR 0.5190.03 7696

7393 0.4990.02

6793 0.1990.01


aThe influence of light treatment on the wild type (strain 1073) was compared with the photosynthetic mutant (strain 6746).

The fronds were cultivated in the glucose-containing medium (50 mM ) or kept for 48 h in glucose-free medium (−glucose). F ollowing application of light pulses, the plants were kept in darkness, or transferred to continuous red light. Control plants were kept in complete darkness. D CM U (10 mM ) was applied during the light treatment. n.d., not determined. F or further


ment with glucose (50 mM ) on the N Ras in L . aequinoctialis (Table 3). N Ras was unaffected by

the single R p, but was increased to more than 90% in cR . This demonstrates that light may be effec-tive in increasing the N Ras, even in the presence of


L . aequinoctialis, strain 6746, was used for the

present investigation, because this strain represents a photosynthetic mutant. The R ieske protein does not accumulate and, as a consequence, the cyt – b6f

complex is not formed [28]. This photosynthetic mutant offers the opportunity to investigate the regulation of nitrate reductase in green tissue in light without the contribution of photosynthesis. N Rtot was stimulated with a single R p. This

stimu-lation was somewhat smaller than in the wild type for reasons that are not clear. Surprisingly, N Rtot

was more strongly enhanced in cR compared with a single R p. In contrast to the wild type, however, the photosynthesis inhibitor, D CM U had no effect on N Rtot in the mutant. This result confirms that

photosynthesis is not involved in the increase of N Rtot in cR in the photosynthesis mutant of L . aequinoctialis. We suggest that the increase of

N Rtot in the mutant by cR is mediated by the high

irradiance response of phytochrome. This would mean that the action of phytochrome in the green tissue of the wild strain is blocked by an up to now unknown mechanism and this is in agreement with our previous conclusion that N Rtot in green

tissue is largely regulated by photosynthesis [10]. By application of R p, the question was ad-dressed whether the N Ras could be increased by

light treatment of the mutant mediated via phy-tochrome (Table 3). Although N Rtot was increased

65% by a single R p, the N Ras was not influenced

by the same light treatment. The N Ras in the

photosynthetic mutant was also unaffected by cR irradiation, in contrast to the response of the wild type. These results exclude a possible influence of phytochrome on the N Ras.

3.4. Etiolated white mustard, turions and green

fronds of the great duckweed

Other higher plants (S inapis alba, S . polyrhiza) were also tested according to previously estab-lished schemes [2,7,8,10], and effects of phy-tochrome on N Rtot in etiolated plants were

confirmed. H owever, generally, only very small effects on N Ras were observed by light acting

through the phytochrome system (data not presented).

4. General conclusions

In etiolated tissue, N Rtot (reflecting total N R

protein) was increased following single R p and/or cR in all species tested. This is consistent with the concept of phytochrome regulation of N R activity. In contrast, N Ras was not much influenced by the

red light pulse treatment. A very small increase was observed for barley (Table 1) and, in other species, even small decreases were observed (Ta-bles 2 and 3). In conclusion, these experiments do not support the involvement of the phytochrome system in the post-translational regulation of N R by phosphorylation and by the 14-3-3 binding in etiolated plants.


The technical assistance of G . Lenk and the experimental support by C. D ietel, U niversity of Jena, are gratefully acknowledged. We thank D ozent D r H . G abrys, U niversity of K rakow, and Prof. R . Oelmu¨ller, U niversity of Jena, for sup-porting this research.


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Table 1Nitrate reductase activity (NR
Table 3Nitrate reductase activity (NR


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