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Let s Get The NASCAR Party Started The Engines Are Ready To Rev It Up


Academic year: 2017

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Let’s Get The NASCAR Party Started: The Engines Are Ready To Rev It Up! Word Count:

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Let´s get this party started; the Engines are ready to rev it up! NASCAR is in full swing now, which means it´s time to get the grills out and the campers ready. Why is this year going to offer more than last season? What´s in store for NASCAR fans? This year should be a memorable one for enthusiasts across the nation as drivers compete for the Nextel Cup. This is the second year NASCAR is using a new point system, which allows drivers to position themselves for a final pu...



Article Body:

Let´s get this party started; the Engines are ready to rev it up! NASCAR is in full swing now, which means it´s time to get the grills out and the campers ready. Why is this year going to offer more than last season? What´s in store for NASCAR fans? This year should be a memorable one for enthusiasts across the nation as drivers compete for the Nextel Cup.

This is the second year NASCAR is using a new point system, which allows drivers to position themselves for a final push down the stretch. Last year, due to the new point system many of NASCAR´s top drivers were left out of the point chase, but with a year under their belts, more drivers will know what it takes to win the Cup. Considering that only the top-ten drivers have a chance at the Nextel Cup, there´s not much room for error. Drivers have to make sure each race counts in order to ensure they are not left in the infield at the end of the season. Most of the drivers and fans are unsure if they like the new point system; year two will give them a better idea of its strengths and weaknesses. If the drivers and the fans continue to complain about the new format, NASCAR may be forced to make some changes in the way it awards the Cup. The new format was supposed to make things more interesting, and although some thought it did there are still those that like the old system better.

NASCAR fans should enjoy an excellent year in 2006 as most tracks aim to become friendlier for attendees. Many of the tracks around the country are adding extra events to get people more involved. One thing the racing organization is attempting to do is make drivers and their crews more accessible to the general public.

NASCAR has also accelerated a more family oriented atmosphere and has more events that everyone can enjoy. In the early years, stockcar racing was seen as a redneck sport and a place to drink beer. But with the continuing growth in popularity, NASCAR executives have identified a more diverse demographic to capture. NASCAR fans include your average working people, business executives, doctors, lawyers, and just about any other profession of which you can think.

As NASCAR continues to grow, the demand for tracks will also increase. Smaller venues are what NASCAR was found on, but it is hard to ignore the calling of big markets and the money they bring to the table. If the smaller markets are not able to capitalize on what they have, they run the risk of losing one or all of their races to bigger cities. Hopefully NASCAR will not forget its roots and continue to be loyal to the communities that helped build the sport and its popularity. There have already been instances where a smaller market has lost one of its races to a bigger one. If the sport continues to grow, it will be hard to tell the larger markets "no," because they offer the chance to make more money and gain even greater exposure. NASCAR may have to look at expanding the season to satisfy the increasing demand for races. This is a good problem to have and it is doubtful that you will hear one NASCAR executive complaining about it.

If all goes well, NASCAR will continue to grow into a bigger sport and bigger business. The road is wide open for this sport, because NASCAR is constantly tapping into new markets. As long as NASCAR is able to keep the fans happy, it will continue to grow. Thus far, NASCAR seems to have run the popularity race with aplomb; let´s see if they can keep it up without any unnecessary pit stops.

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